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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 15The eighteenth of Nouember in the morning was séene a star northward verie bright and cléere,A strange star appeared; the bignesse ther|of, and of what continuance. in the constellation of Cassiopeia, at the backe of hir chaire, which with thrée chéefe fixed stars of the said constel|lation made a geometricall figure losengwise, of the learned men called Rhombus. This starre in bignes at the first appeering séemed bigger than Iupiter, & not much lesse than Uenus when she seemeth great|est. Also the said starre neuer changing his place, was caried about with the dailie motion of heauen, as all fixed starres commonlie are, and so continu|ed (by little and little to the eie appearing lesse) for the space of almost sixtéene moneths: at what time it was so small, that rather thought by exercises of off vewing might imagine the place, than anie eie could iudge the presence of the same. And one thing is herein cheefelie to be noted, that (by the skill and con|sent of the best and most expert mathematicians, which obserued the state, propertie, and other circum|stances belonging to the same starre) it was found to haue beene in place celestiall far aboue the moone, otherwise than euer anie comet hath béene séene, or naturallie can appéere. Therefore it is supposed that the signification therof is directed purposelie and spe|ciallie to some matter, not naturall, but celestiall, or rather supercelestiall, so strange, as from the begin|ning of the world neuer was the like.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The foure and twentith of Nouember Edward earle of Darbie,Earle of Dar|bie deceased. lord Stanleie, & Strange, of Knoc|king, lord and gouernor of the Iles of Man, knight of the noble order of the garter, and one of the quéens maiesties priuie councell deceased at his house cal|led Latham in Lanca [...]hire. His life and death de|seruing commendation, and crauing memorie to be imitated,The life and death of the foresaid earle of Darbie. was such as followeth. His fidelitie vnto two kings and two queenes in dangerous times and great rebellions, in which time, and alwaies as cause serued, he was lieutenant of Lancashire and Ches|shire, and latelie offered ten thousand men vnto the quéenes maiestie of his owne charge for the suppres|sion of the last rebellion. His godlie disposition to his tenants, neuer forcing anie seruice at their hands, but due paiment of their rent. His libera|litie to strangers, and such as shewed themselues gratefull to him. His famous housekéeping, and ele|uen score in checkroll, neuer discontinuing the space of twelue yeares. His féeding especiallie of aged persons twise a daie thrée score and od; besides all commers thrise a wéeke appointed for his dealing daies; and euerie good fridaie these fiue and thirtie yeares one with another two thousand seauen hun|dred, with meat, drinke, monie, and monie worth. There was neuer gentleman or other that waited in his seruice, but had allowance from him, to haue as well wages as otherwise for horsse and man. His yeerlie portion for the expenses of his house foure thousand pounds. His cunning in setting bones dis|iointed or broken,Rare quali|ties in a noble man. his surgerie and desire to helpe the poore, his deliuerie of the George and seale to the lord Strange, with exhortation that he might kéepe it so vnspotted in fidelitie to his prince as he had, and his ioie that he died in the quéenes fauour. His ioifull parting this world, his taking leaue of all his seruants by shaking of hands, & his remem|brance to the last daie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The eight and twentith of Nouember Iohn Hall late of Battell in Sussex gentleman,Hall and Wil|kinson execu|ted. and Oswold Wilkinson late of Yorke and gailor of Yorke cas|tell (being before arreigned and condemned of trea|son) were drawne from the tower of London to Ti|borne, and there hanged, bowelled, and quartered. This yéere a great and sharpe frost almost continual|lie lasted, from before the feast of All saints,Great frost and a sharpe winter. till after the feast of the Epiphanie of our Lord, with somtime great and déepe snowes, and sometime raines, which fréesed as fast as the same fell to the ground: where|through at Wrotham in Kent, and manie other pla|ces, the armes and boughs of trées being ouerchar|ged with ise, brake off, and fell from the stockes of the same trées. Also the wind continued north and east, till after the Ascension daie, with sharpe frosts and snowes, whereby followed a late spring.

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