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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same night after the recule of the French|men, whose number so increased in the castell, that the towne was not able to resist their force, the lord Wentwoorth being deputie of the towne,The lord wentwoorth. appointed Nicholas Fellow, aliàs Guisnes, and Richard Tur|pine, aliàs Hammes, to go to the French within the castell, to demand parlée: wherevnto they assented,A parlée de|manded of the French. put foorth of the posterne two French gentlemen, and in pledge for them receiued into the castell Iohn Hiefield master of the ordinance, and Edmund Hall one of the conestables of the staple. Herevpon they falling in talke about a composition: at length after some long debating of the matter, they concluded in this sort. First that the towne, with all the great artillerie, vittels, and munitions, should be fréelie yeelded to the French king, the liues of the inhabi|tants onelie saued, to whome safe conduct should be granted to passe where they listed: sauing the lord deputie, with fiftie such other as the duke should ap|point, to remaine prisoners, and be put to their ran|some. The next morning,Calis deliue+red to the French. the Frenchmen entered and possessed the towne: and foorthwith all the men, women, and children, were commanded to leaue their houses, and to go to certeine places appointed for them to remaine in, till order might be taken for their sending awaie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 1136The places thus appointed for them to remaine in, were chéeflie foure, the two churches of our ladie, and saint Nicholas, the deputies house, and the staple, where they rested a great part of that daie, and one whole night, and the next daie till thrée of the clocke at afternoone, without either meat or drinke. And while they were thus in the churches, and those other places,The duke of Guises pro|clamation to b [...]ing in mo|nie and plate, &c. the duke of Guise in the name of the French king, in their hearings made a proclamation, strict|lie charging all and euerie person that were inhabi|tants of the towne of Calis, hauing about them a|nie monie, plate, or iewels, to the value of one groat to bring the same foorthwith, and laie it downe vpon the high altars of the said churches vpon paine of death; bearing them in hand also, that they should be searched. By reason of which proclamation, there was made a great & sorowfull offertorie. And while they were at this offering within the churches,The French [...]a [...]l to spoiling and rifling. the Frenchmen entered into their houses, and rifled the same, where was found inestimable riches and trea|sure: but speciallie of ordinance, armor, and other munitions.

¶ Thus dealt the French with the English in lieu and recompense of the like vsage to the French when the forces of king Philip preuailed at S. Quintins: where not content with the honour of victorie, the English in sacking the towne sought nothing more than the satisfieng of their greedie veine of couetous|nesse, with an extreame neglect of all moderation. So likewise did the Spanish soldiors, and the rest that could come to finger anie thing of value: inso|much that neither monie nor plate, either of siluer or gold, rich hangings, bedding nor houshold stuffe was spared: but what they could not carie awaie for cumbersomnesse, they sold dogcheape; were the same necessarie furniture seruiceable for the chamber, the kitchin, or anie other roome in a mans house. Pearls and pretious stones, iewels and owches, the rich or|naments of the French dames were then bought and sold at a low price, which a long time had béene kept shut vp vnder locke and keie: all laie open now to the gréedie eie of the soldiors, who like landlords kept possession of houses, as C. O. noteth, of whom I haue borrowed the report of this reuell rowt, saieng:

Armatis muros firmissimáque occupat vrbis
Militibus victor, dominantur in aedibus altis
Iam vacuis veterum dominorum Marce phalanges

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