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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The common talke was,The malice of cardinall Poole against king Henrie the eight. that if he had not so sud|denlie died, he would haue disclosed the purpose of the chiefe of the clergie, meaning the cardinall, which was to haue taken vp K. Henries bodie at Wind|sor, and to haue burned it, as manie thought. The thir|tith of Nouember, being saint Andrews daie,Sir Thomas Tresham made lord of saint Iohns of Ierusalem. in the forenoone, the quéene came from saint Iames to hir palace at Westminster, where she heard masse: at the which, sir Thomas Tresham knight receiued EEBO page image 1135 the order of the crosse,Calis not fur|nished with a sufficient number of men. & was instituted lord of saint Iohns of Ierusalem in England. At this time, al|though there was open hostilitie and warre betwéen England & France: yet contrarie to the common cu|stome before vsed, the towne of Calis and the forts thereabouts were not supplied with anie new ac|crewes of soldiors, but rather withdrawne from thense, and discharged. Which negligence was not vnknowne to the enimie, who long before had prac|tised the winning of the said towne and countrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The losse of saint Quin|tins netleth the French king.The French king therefore being sharplie nettled with the late losse of saint Quintins, and a great péece of his countrie adioining, and desirous of re|uenge, thought it not meet to let slip this occasion, but rather to aduance the same with all expedition, ac|cording vnto the plot laied by the conestable before hand. The king yet neuerthelesse hauing an armie in a readinesse (although the conestable were now pri|soner, and therefore could not be present himselfe) to imploie where most aduantage should appeare, de|termined with all spéed to put in proofe the enterprise of Calis,The duke of Guise with a great armie commeth to|ward Calis. which long and manie times before was purposed vpon, as it was well knowne. This prac|tise was not secret, but that the deputies of Calis and Guisnes had some intelligence thereof, and in|formed the queene and hir councell accordinglie, as well by letters, as by sufficient messengers: for not onelie Iohn Hiefield master of the ordinance was sent from thense to giue due aduertisement of the French kings purpose, & to haue a supplie of things necessarie for mounting of the great artillerie wher|of he had charge; but also sir Rafe Chamberleine, capteine of the castell, was likewise sent to giue the like aduertisement, who returned not past two or three daies before the duke of Guise came thither with the armie. And so either by wilfull negligence, or lacke of credit by the quéenes councell here, this great case was so slenderlie regarded, that no proui|sion of defense was made, vntill it was somewhat too late.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Guise being generall of the French armie,Guise entreth the English frontier. procéeded in this enterprise with maruellous speed and no lesse policie. For approching the Eng|lish frontier vnder colour to vittell Bullongne and Ard, he entered the same vpon a sudden on New|yeares daie, a sorie little plot of ground, intrenched at Sandgate,1558. Anno Reg. 5. and then diuided his armie into two parts, sending one part with certeine peeces of great artillerie along the downes by the sea side to|wards Ricebanke: and the other part furnished also with batterie péeces, marched streightfoorth to New|nambridge,

Newnam|bridge taken by the French.

The master gunners head smitten cleane off with a gun.

meaning to batter these two forts both at one time. Which thing he did with such readie di|spatch, that comming thither verie late in the eue|ning, he was master of both by the next morning: where at the first shot discharged at Newnambridge, the head of the master gunner of that peece, whose name was Horslie was striken off.

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