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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The lord admerall hauing continuallie béene a|brode on the seas for the space of thrée moneths or more, with a nauie of eight and twentie ships and o|ther vessels, accompanied also with the viceadme|rall of the low countries, that had vnder his gouern|ance fourteene ships of the emperours, met with the said prince the ninetéenth of Iulie, about the Néedles, and from thence accompanied him vnto Southampton,The arriuall of the prince of Spaine in S [...]uthamptõ. where he arriued the morrow after the twentith of Iulie, the earle of Arundell lord ste|ward of the quéens house being sent from hir to pre|sent to him the George and the garter of the order (of the which fellowship he was at the last chapiter hol|den by the confréers chosen one of the companie) met him vpon the water, and at his comming to land, presented the said George and garter vnto him. At his landing he was receiued by the lord treasuror, [...] is receiued [...] the nobilitie [...] lords. the bishop of Lincolne, the lord Saint-Iohn, and o|thers, by whom he was first conueied to the church, and from thence to his lodging.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 After his landing, the lord chancellor accompa|nied with diuerse gentlemen, was sent from the queene to bid him welcome on hir behalfe; & so was he visited by [...] noble personages whilest he re|mained at Southampton, sent thither for that pur|pose. And he on the other part sent diuerse on his noble men to visit hir maiestie on his behalfe. Mon|daie the thrée & twentith of Iulie, he departed from Southampton towards Winchester, whither shée was the saturdaie before remooued from Bishops Waltham. On the waie he was accompanied, be|side the noblemen & gentlemen of his owne traine, [...] commeth [...] Winchester [...] the [...] was [...] of [...] to [...] him. with the marques of Winchester, the earles of A|rundell, Darbie, Worceter, Bedford, Rutland, Pen|broke, Surrie: the lords Clinton, Cobham, Wil|loughbie, Darcie, Matrauers, Talbot, Strange, Fitzwaren, and North, with manie other noblemen and gentlemen, and their traines, to the number of two thousand horsses. At his comming to the church in Winchester, the lord chancellor accompanied with the bishops of Durham, Elie, London, Lin|colne, Chichester, and diuerse other prelats, were rea|die to receiue him. After he had made his praiers, he was conueied to his lodging prepared for him in the deans house.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The quéene hir selfe was lodged in the bishops pa|lace, whither his highnesse the next daie came,The quéens lodging in the bishops pa|lace. and was receiued by hir in the hall, in most courteous & louing maner. And after such salutations & talke ended, as was thought conuenient for the time, he returned to his lodging,The mariage solemnized and what states of Ita|lie & Spaine were present at it. where he continued all that night: and the next daie being the fiue and twentith of Iulie, the mariage was openlie solemnized. At the which were present, the ambassadors of the em|peror, the king of Romans, the king of Bohem, of Uenice, Florence, Ferrare, and Sauoie, with cer|teine agents of other states in Italie. As for the shot of ordinance, the diuerse kinds of musicke, the sumptuous and costlie apparell, trappers, and other furniture, readie prouided against the receiuing of him, with other ceremonies vsed aswell about the mariage, as in other places where he was to be receiued, were suerlie such, and euerie thing doone in such good order, as better for such a purpose might not lightlie be deuised. Nobles of Spaine were, the duke of Alua, the duke of Medina celi,The names of the noble men that came ouer from Spaine with the prince. the admerall of Castilla, the marques of Bergues, the marques of Piscara, the marques of Saria, the mar|ques of Ualli, the marques of Aguillar, the earle of Egmund, the earle of Horne, the earle of Feria, the earle of Chinchon, the earle of Oliuares, the earle of Saldana, the earle of Modica, the earle of Fuentesalida, the earle of Landriano, the earle of Castellar, Don Ruigomes, the bishop of Cuenca, Don Iohn de Benauides; and diuerse others.

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