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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to returne where we left. By example of the charitable act of this vertuous yoong king, sir Willi|am Chester knight and alderman of London,Sir William Chester. Iohn Cal|throp draper. and Iohn Calthrop citizen and draper of the said citie, at their owne proper costs and charges made the bricke walles and way on the backeside that leadeth from the said new hospitall, vnto the hospitall of saint Bartholomewes, and also couered and vau|ted the towne dich from Aldersgate to Newgate, which before was verie noisome and contagious to the said hospitall.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This hospitall being thus erected and put in good order,Richard Ca|stel shoomaker. there was one Richard Castell aliàs Casteller, shoomaker, dwelling in Westminster, a man of great trauell and labor in his facultie with his owne hands, and such a one as was named the cocke of Westminster, for that both winter and summer he was at his worke before foure of the clocke in the morning. This man thus trulie and painfullie labou|ring for his liuing, God blessed and increased his labours so abundantlie, that he purchased lands and tenements in Westminster, to the yearelie value of fortie and foure pounds. And hauing no child, with the consent of his wife (who suruiued him, & was a ver|tuous & good woman) gaue the same lands wholie to Christs hospitall aforesaid, to the reliefe of the inno|cent and fatherlesse children, and for the succor of the miserable, sore and sicke, harbored in the other hospi|tals about London, whose example God grant ma|nie to follow.

¶The third of August, at Midlenton eleuen miles from Oxford, I. Stow. 1053. A monster. a woman brought foorth a child which had two perfect bodies from the nauill vpward, and were so ioined togither at the nauill, that when they were laid in length, the one head & bodie was east|ward, and the other west: the legs for both the bo|dies grew out at the midst where the bodies ioined, and had but one issue for the excrements of both bo|dies: they liued eightéene daies, and were women children. The eight of August were taken at Quin|borow thrée great fishes called dolphins:Great fishes, & the weeke following at Blackewall were six more taken, and brought to London, the least of them was more than anie horsse.]

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