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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 There were gentlemen present that knowing as they tooke it for certeine, how Newton was the offendor (although fortune had fauoured him in the combat) would gladlie haue ventured their liues a|gainst him man for man, if it might haue béene granted: but he chalenging the law of armes, had it granted by my lord Greie,Newton re|warded by my lord Greie. who gaue him also his owne gowne beside his owne backe, and a chaine of gold which he then ware. Thus was he well rewar|ded how so euer he deserued:Newton [...] by his aduersaries. but he escaped not so, for afterwards as he was riding betwixt the borders of both the realms, he was slaine and cut in péeces. On the fourth of Iune, the towne of Dawketh was burnt, and the castell woone by force, where fourteene Scots were slaine, and three hundred taken priso|ners, amongst whome were these men of name; the maister of Morton, son in law to sir George Dow|glasse, the lard of Blengaruie, the lard of Wedder|burne, and one Alexander Hume, a man of good re|putation among them. The same daie the English horssemen burnt all the mils round about Eden|burgh, within the compasse of six miles on each side the towne. The seuenth of Iune they burnt Muskel|burgh.Muskel|burgh burnt. Now after that my lord Greie had fortified Hadington, and furnished it with vittels, and mu|nitions sufficient, the twelfe of Iune he departed from thence homewards, leauing there in garrison about two thousand footmen, and fiue hundred horsse|men.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time, Henrie the French king succeeding his father Francis the first (who departed this life the last of March in the yere last past, to wit, 1547) made prouision of an armie,The French king prepa|reth an armie in aid of the Scots. with a nauie of ships and gallies, to passe into Scotland to the aid of the quéene and other of his faction. And first he had sent thither monsieur de la Chapelle de Biron, a gen|tleman of good account, to assist the gouernour with his aduise and counsell, which gouernour desirous to recouer the castell of Broughticrag, and loth to sée it possessed by the Englishmen raised a power of eight thousand men,Broughti|crag besieged. and with eight péeces of artilleris came before that fortresse, meaning to win it by siege; but by the valiant prowes of sir Andrew Dud|leie, and the hardie manhood of such English souldi|ors as serued there vnder him, the Scots were re|pelled, and driuen to leuie their siege with dishonor.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Yet not thus contented, the earle of Argile with an armie of his Irish Scots, or Hieland men (if I maie so call them) after this likewise came and besie|ged the place, but glad to take truce for a time with sir Andrew. Before the tearme of the same truce was expired, there came new succours to him, and therevpon the earle in the end was constrained to leuie his siege, and suffer the Englishmen to become maisters of a little hill not farre off from the castell, where afterwards they builded a fortresse. But to re|turne to the French armie which was prepared to passe into Scotland, ye shall vnderstand that when their ships and prouisions were once readie, and the capteins with their bands come downe to Brest in Britaine, where the nauie was rigged to receiue them, monsieur de Desse generall of all the armie,Monsieur de Desse general of the French armie. reckoned to conteine seuen or eight thousand men, imbarked himselfe with all his people, and sailed foorth on his iournie, till they arriued in the Forth, and there tooke land at Lieth the sixteenth of Iune.He landeth at Lieth.

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