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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now that Rockesburgh was sufficientlie made defensible (the which to sée it séemed the duke of Summerset had vowed before he would thence de|part) his grace and the councell did first determine that my lord Greie should remaine vpon the bor|ders there as the kings lieutenant, and then tooke or|der for the forts:Order taken for defense of the fort gai|ned and built in this voiage. that sir Andrew Dudleie capteine of Broughticrag had left with two hundred soldi|ers of harquebutters & others, and a sufficient num|ber of pioners for his works: sir Edward Dudleie capteine of Hume castell threescore harquebutters, EEBO page image 992 fortie horssemen, and a hundred pioners: sir Rafe Bulmer capteine of Rockesburgh thrée hundred soldiers of harquebutters and others, and two hun|dred pioners. As things were thus concluded, and warning giuen ouer night on this wednesdaie be|ing Michaelmasse euen,The armie re|turneth home|wards. on the next morrow being Michaelmasse daie euerie man fell to packing apase and got them homewards, passing ouer the Twéed there with some trouble and danger also,The danger of the soldiers in passing the riuer of Twéed. by reason of raine that latelie fell before, & had raised the streame, which being swift of it selfe, and the chanell vneuen in the bottome with great stones made the passage cumbersome, so that manie as well horssemen as footmen were in no small perill as they passed tho|rough, and one or two drowned, and manie cariages ouerthrowne, and in great hazzard of losing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The duke of Summerset rode streight to New|castell, and thence homewards. The earle of War|wike, my lord Greie, and sir Rafe Sadler, with di|uerse other rode to Berwike, to abide the comming of the Scotish commissioners. In the meane time of their tarieng there, the earle of Warwike made sir knights;Knights made. sir Thomas Neuill the lord Neuils brother, sir Andrew Corbet, sir Anthonie Strelleie, sir Arthur Manering, sir Richard Uerneie, sir Iohn Berteuille. After that the earle of Warwike had ta|ried for the comming of the Scots the full terme of the appointment, which was vntill the fourth of Octo|ber, and perceiued they came not, the next daie he departed homewards.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here ye haue to vnderstand also, that in part of the meane time whilest the duke of Summerset was in dooing of these exploits in Scotland (as ye haue heard rehearsed) the earle of Lenox, and the lord Wharton warden of the west marches,An inuasion made into Scotland. with an ar|mie of fiue thousand men, entred Scotland on that side, and first passing two miles after a daie and a nights defense,Annan church woone. they wan the church of Annan, tooke seuentie & two prisoners kéepers of the same, burnt the spoile for cumber of cariage, and caused the church to be blowen vp with powder, passing thence a six|téene miles within the land, they wan the castell of Milke,The castell of Milke woone. the which they left furnished with munition and men, and so returned. But of this ye shall find more in the historie of Scotland, by the sufferance of God, where we intreat of the dooings there in this yeare.

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