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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The French king after this, bicause as yet hée would not séeme to breake the peace, commanded the trenches and new fortifications made about this fortresse, called Chatillons garden thus cast downe, to be filled by his owne people, and so it rested during the life of king Henrie: but afterwards it was be|gun againe, and finished, as after ye shall heare. A|bout Michaelmas in this present yeare,The duke of Norffolke cõ [...]mitted to the tower. Thomas duke of Norffolke, and Henrie earle of Surrie that was his sonne and heire, vpon certeine surmises of treason, were committed to the tower of London,154 [...] and immediatlie after Christmas, the thirtéenth of Ianuarie, the king then lieng in the extremities of death, the said earle was arreigned in the Guildhall of London, before the lord maior, the lord chancellor, and diuerse other lords and iudges being there in commission. Where if he had tempered his answers with such modestie as he shewed token of a right perfect and readie wit, his praise had béene the grea|ter. Some things he flatlie denied, seeking to wea|ken the credit of his accusers by certeine circum|stances: other he excused with interpretations of his meaning, to proue the same to be far otherwise than was alleged against him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And one speciall matter amongest other where|with he was charged, was, for bearing certeine arms that were said to belong to the king, and to the prince. The bearing where of he iustified and mainte|ned, that (as he tooke it) he might beare them as be|longing to diuerse of his ancestors, and withall af|firmed, that he had the opinion of heralds therein. But yet to his indictment he pleaded not giltie: and for that he was no lord of the parlement, he was in|forced to stand to the triall of a common inquest of his countrie, which found him giltie, and therevpon he had iudgement of death: and shortlie after, to wit, the 19 of Ianuarie,The earle of Surrie be|headed. he was beheaded on the tower hill. ¶In this moneth of Ianuarie, the church of the late graie friers in London was opened, and masse [...]oong there: I. S. pag. 1034 king Henrie his gift to the citie of Lon|don. and that daie preached at Paules crosse the bishop of Rochester, who declared the kings gift to the citie of London, for the relieuing of the poore people, which was by patent vnder his great seale. Saint Bartholomews spittle, the church of the graie friers, and two parish churches, the one of saint Nicholas in the shambles, the other saint Ewine in Newgate market, all to be m [...]de on pa|rish church of the graie friers church; and in lands he gaue for the maintenance of the same 500 markes by yeare for euer, & this church to be named Christs church, founded by king Henrie the eight.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke was atteinted by parlement, and the atteindor after reuersed in the first yeare of quéene Marie. The euill hap as well of the father,The duke atteinted. as of the sonne, was greatlie lamented of manie, not onelie for the good seruice which the duke had doone in his daies in defense of this realme, but also for that the earle was a gentleman well learned, and knowne to haue an excellent wit, if he had béene thankefull to God for the same, and other such good gifts as he had indued him withall. The king now lieng at the point of death, made his last will and testament,The king ma [...]keth his te|stament. wherein he not onelie yéelded himselfe to almightie God; but also tooke order, that during the minoritie of his sonne prince Edward, his executors should be councellors and aiders to him in all things, as well concerning priuate as publike affaires. They were sixtéene in number, whose names were as hereafter followeth.

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