Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the same moneth of August monsieur Dane|balt high admerall of France,An ambassage [...] of France. accompanied with the bishop of Eureux, the earle of Nauteuill knight of the order, the earle of Uilliers, the chiefe president of Roan, secretarie Bouchetell, monsieur de Cana|ples knight of the order, monsieur de Taies knight of the order, monsieur de Masilerie viceadmerall of France, monsieur de Desse, the baron de la Gard, with diuerse other lords and capteines of honor, be|side two hundred gentlemen well appointed, leused from Déepe with twelue gallies and a right faire ship called the Sacre of Déepe, and so making saile he staied not anie where to take land, till he came in|to the Thames, where at Blackewall he was recei|ued into the kings barge by the earles of Darbie and Essex, who brought him to Gréenewich, where he landed, and lodged there that night.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The kings [...]ips that laie the riuer betwixt Gra| [...]send & Det| [...]d, shot off [...]stilie, & like|wise the French gal|l [...]s [...]alsed them againe.The next daie he came vp with all his gallies, and landed at the Tower wharfe. Upon all the banks by the water side were laid péeces of artillerie, which shot off freelie, and so likewise did all the artillerie in the ships, but speciallie from the Tower was shot a maruellous great peale of ordinance. From whence being landed, they rode thorough London in great triumph (the maior and the crafts standing in the streets in verie good order) vnto the bishops palace by Paules, where the French admerall lodged till Bartholomew euen, on which daie he was conueied toward Hampton court, where in the waie the prince hauing with him the archbishop of Yorke,The French admerall receiued by [...] Edward. the earles of Hertford and Huntington, and aboue two thousand horsse, met him and imbrased him in such courteous and honorable wise, that all the behol|ders greatlie reioised, and much maruelled at the said princes high wit and great audacitie, and so the French admerall came to the court, giuing the prince the vpper hand as they rode. And at the vtter gate of the court, the lord chancellor, and all the kings councell receiued him, and brought him to his lodging.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 On Bartholomew daie the king admitting him to his presence, welcomed him, and in great triumph went to the chappell, where the king receiued his oth to performe the articles of the league,The admerall of France re|ceiueth an oth. as it was co|uenanted. To speake of the bankettings, huntings and such like honorable sorts of interteinements, it were much to vtter, and hard to beléeue. But on fri|daie following,His gifts that he had of the king & others. being the seuen and twentith of Au|gust, he being rewarded with a cupboord of plate, to the value of twelue hundred pounds, returned to London, and on the sundaie next insuing tooke his gallies and departed. Beside the kings gifts, he had giuen to him by the citie of London two flaggons guilt, and two other that were parcell guilt, valued at one hundred thirtie six pounds, beside wine, wax, and torches. There were diuerse of his companie also that went not awaie vnrewarded, hauing both plate, and also manie horsses, and greihounds giuen them.