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20.1. A true copie of the kings letters patents to sir Thomas Cheinie.

A true copie of the kings letters patents to sir Thomas Cheinie.

_HEnricus octauus Dei gratia Angliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae rex, fidei defen|sor, & in terra ecclesiae Anglicanae & Hibernicae supremum caput. Praedile|cto & fideli consiliario nostro Thomae Cheinie sa|cri ordinis nostri garterij militi, domino gardiano EEBO page image 974 quinque portuum, & hospitij nostri thesaurario sa|lutem. Cùm illustrissima princeps ac consanguinea nostra charissima domina Katharina illustrissimi principis consanguinei & filij nostri charissimi Henrici Franciae Delphini christianissimi princi|pis Francisci Francorum regis fratris, amici & confoederati nostri perpetui, filij primogeniti con|iunx praeclarissima, nuper (diuina cooperante cle|mentia) prolem foeminam enixa sit: nos summo|perè cupientes pacis, amicitiae, & vnionis vin|culum inter praefatum christianissimum Franco|rum regem & nos iam nuper redintegratum, fir|mioribus quibus possumus nexibus astringi, adma|iorem ipsius corroborationem & firmitatem, ac vt dicto illustrissimo filio nostro in hac parte gratifi|cemur, etiam compaternitatisfoedus duximus adij|ciendum. Quocirca ad leuandum de sacro fonte vice & nomine nostro dictam prolem ex praefata illustrissima domina Katharina dicti illustrissimi principis coniuge, & consanguinca nostra a charis|simanatam, illique nomen Elisabethae imponen|dum, & ipsam nomine Elisabethae in illius baptis|mo nominandã, caeterá omnia & singula in prae|missis, & circa ea necessaria seu quouismodo opor|tuna nomine nostro faciendum & exercendum, e|tiamsi maiora existant superiùs expressis, & man|datum de se exigant magis speciale quàm superiùs est insertum: te commissarium ac ambassiatorem & procuratorem nostrum specialem ordinamus, facimus, & constituimus per praesentes: promit|tentes nos ratum, gratum, & firmum habituros quicquid per te gestum & procuratum siue actum fuerit in praemissis. In cuius reitestimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Greenewich sextodecimo die Iunij anno regni nostri tricesimo octauo.

Henrie Rex.

The king hauing passed ouer the foresaid letters patents to sir Thomas, and he in forwardnesse to execute his charge, to the intent that his retinue and attendants should no waies offensiuelie behaue themselues against the French, with whom the king was verie carefull to continue and mainteine the peace interchangeablie agreed vpon and concluded, his maiestie to preuent and cut off all occasions that might anie waie impeach, interrupt, or violate this peace, commanded the lords of his councell to di|rect letters with all expedition to the said sir Thomas, then vpon his voiage into France, conteining a prescript forme of demeanor, which the gentlemen & yeomen attendant vpon him in France should vse, during the time of their abode in those forren parts: a copie of which letter, being a testimoniall of the king of Englands inclinable mind to peace hereaf|ter followeth out of the verie originall, as the same was subscribed by the lords.

20.1. A copie of the said letters sent in post to sir Thomas Cheinie being vpon his voiage into France.

A copie of the said letters sent in post to sir Thomas Cheinie being vpon his voiage into France.

_AFter our right hartie commendations to your good lordship. The kings maiestie hath willed vs to signifie vnto you, that his highnesse expresse pleasure and comman|dement is, ye should in his maiesties name declare to such gentlemen as accompanie you into France, that they haue in remembrance so to vse & behaue them selues among the Frenchmen as well on the waie as at the court, in such sort as they by communication vpon feats of the warre passed giue no occasion of priuat displeasure. Wherein therefore it shall be ex|pedient, that either they saie nothing, vnlesse they be prouoked; or in that case call the things happened fortune de la guerre, without comparison of things chanced on our part or on theirs, but turne the com|munication to reioise in peace. In the conditions whereof they shall pretend ignorance, without spea|king of the keeping still of Bullogne, or deliuerance of it againe, but as shall please the princes for the continuance of peace, wherein by Gods grace the crueltie of warre shall be conuerted into extreamitie of friendship, to the weale and commoditie of both realmes.

And forsomuch as there want not in the world naughtie men of the state of moonks and friers, who for malice of the alteration of their estate here, would gladlie defame our religion towards God, as though we had with them cast out all; his highnesse expresse pleasure and commandement is, that considering at this first entrie of you, the behauiour of your compa|nie shall be much marked and noted in matters of religion and circumstances: of the same they should therfore haue so much the more regard both to their communications and also behauiors, and not onelie in speech to forbeare to dispute or intermedle with the state of their policy there, but also in their diet on the fish daie and deuout hearing of masse, follow the order of the kings maiesties relme, so as their conuer|sation & behauior maie be cõfusion to such as would defame this realme in the contrarie. Thus fare your good lordship right hartilie well. From Greenewich the ninteenth of Iune 1546. Your lordships assured louing friends, Thomas Wriothesleie canc. W: Saint-Iohn. I: Russell. Cut [...]: Duresme. Steph: Winton. Anthonie Brenne. William Petres. This letter was thus indorsed. ¶To our assured louing friend sir Thomas Cheinie knight of the order, treasuror of the kings maiesties houshold, and lord warden of the cinque ports, presentlie in speciall commission from the kings maiestie into France. Hast, post hast for thy life, to Douer, Calis, or where he shall chance to be: hast, hast.

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