Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here you must vnderstand, that now in this meane while by the motion of diuerse princes, a mée|ting was had of sundrie commissioners, appointed to treat of some peace, to be concluded betwixt the two kings of England and France. Herevpon there came to Guisnes for the king of England the earle of Hertford, the bishop of Winchester, sir Iohn Dudleie vicount Lisle baron of Maupas, and high admerall of England, sir William Paget the kings secretarie, and doctor Nicholas Wootton deane of Canturburie. For the French king there came to Ard monsieur Claude Danebault admerall of France, being also one of the foure marshals of that realme, the bishop of Eureux, monsieur Reimund chiefe president of Rone, the secretarie Bouchetell. Diuerse times they met betwixt Ard and Guisnes, and after long debating of matters, and diuerse breakings off: yet at length the seauenth of Iune a peace was concluded, and proclamed as well in the court as in the citie of London on Whitsundaie the thirtéenth of Iune, with sound of trumpet,A peace con|cluded and proclamed. accord|ing to the manner: and in like sort the same daie it was proclamed at Paris and at Rone. The chiefest article of which peace was this, that the French king paieng to the king of England 800000 crownes within the terme of eight yeares, should haue Bul|longne againe to him restored, which in the meane time should remaine in the hands and possession of the king of England, as a pledge and gage for assu|rance of the said moneie.
On the seuen & twentith of Iune doctor Crome recanted at Paules crosse: I. Stow, pag. 1033. which recantation was vrged vpon this occasion. When the chanteries & col|leges were giuen by act of parlement into the kings hands (as is aboue remembred) which was about the moneth of December 1545, Iohn Fox in Acts & Mo|numents. the next lent following doctor Crome preaching in the mercers chappell, a|mong other reasons and persuasions, to rouse the peo|ple from the vaine opinion of purgatorie,D. Crome r [...]canteth at Paules crosse. inferred this, grounding vpon the said act of parlement: that if trentals and chanterie masses could auaile the soules in purgatorie, then did the parlement not well in giuing awaie monasteries, colleges, & chan|teries, which serued principallie to that purpose. But if the parlement did well (as no man could denie) in dissoluing them & bestowing the same vpon the king, then is it a plaine case, that such chanteries and pri|uat masses doo nothing conferre so reléeue them in purgatorie. This Dilemma of doctor Crome, no doubt, was insoluble: but notwithstanding the charitable prelats (for all the kings late exhortation vnto chari|tie) were so charitable to him that they brought him Coram nobis, and so handled him that they made him recant his words. ¶ On the sixtéenth of Iune were letters patents deliuered to sir Thomas Cheinie treasuror of the kings houshold, Abr. Fle. [...] manuscrip [...]oa [...] Henr. Tenant tradito. and lord warden of the cinque ports, wherby he was authorised to be the kings agent in christening the Dolphins daughter of France named Elizabeth. A true copie of which let|ters patents is here recorded, bicause the said action hath béene ignorantlie transferred from the said sir Thomas Chemie to sir Henrie Kneuet: as appeareth in Holinsheds chronicle published 1577, pag. 1608.
20.1. A true copie of the kings letters patents to sir Thomas Cheinie.
A true copie of the kings letters patents to sir Thomas Cheinie.
_HEnricus octauus Dei gratia Angliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae rex, fidei defen|sor, & in terra ecclesiae Anglicanae & Hibernicae supremum caput. Praedile|cto & fideli consiliario nostro Thomae Cheinie sa|cri ordinis nostri garterij militi, domino gardiano EEBO page image 974 quinque portuum, & hospitij nostri thesaurario sa|lutem. Cùm illustrissima princeps ac consanguinea nostra charissima domina Katharina illustrissimi principis consanguinei & filij nostri charissimi Henrici Franciae Delphini christianissimi princi|pis Francisci Francorum regis fratris, amici & confoederati nostri perpetui, filij primogeniti con|iunx praeclarissima, nuper (diuina cooperante cle|mentia) prolem foeminam enixa sit: nos summo|perè cupientes pacis, amicitiae, & vnionis vin|culum inter praefatum christianissimum Franco|rum regem & nos iam nuper redintegratum, fir|mioribus quibus possumus nexibus astringi, adma|iorem ipsius corroborationem & firmitatem, ac vt dicto illustrissimo filio nostro in hac parte gratifi|cemur, etiam compaternitatisfoedus duximus adij|ciendum. Quocirca ad leuandum de sacro fonte vice & nomine nostro dictam prolem ex praefata illustrissima domina Katharina dicti illustrissimi principis coniuge, & consanguinca nostra a charis|simanatam, illique nomen Elisabethae imponen|dum, & ipsam nomine Elisabethae in illius baptis|mo nominandã, caeterá omnia & singula in prae|missis, & circa ea necessaria seu quouismodo opor|tuna nomine nostro faciendum & exercendum, e|tiamsi maiora existant superiùs expressis, & man|datum de se exigant magis speciale quàm superiùs est insertum: te commissarium ac ambassiatorem & procuratorem nostrum specialem ordinamus, facimus, & constituimus per praesentes: promit|tentes nos ratum, gratum, & firmum habituros quicquid per te gestum & procuratum siue actum fuerit in praemissis. In cuius reitestimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Greenewich sextodecimo die Iunij anno regni nostri tricesimo octauo.
Henrie Rex.