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¶On the seuen and twentith of Aprill being tues|daie in Easter wéeke William Foxleie pot-maker for the mint of the Tower of London fell asléepe, Ab. Fl. ex I.S.. William Fox|leie slept more than foure|téene daies, and as manie nights with|out waking. and so continued sléeping, and could not be wakened with pricking, cramping, or otherwise burning what|soeuer, till the first daie of the next terme, which was full fouretéene daies, and as manie nights or more, for that Easter terme beginneth not before seauen|téene daies after Easter. The cause of his thus sléep|ing could not be knowen, though it were diligentlie searched for by the kings physicians and other lear|ned men, yea the king himselfe examining the said William Foxleie, who was in all points found at his waking to be but as if he had slept but one night: he was liuing in the Tower of London in the yéere of our Lord God 1579.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This yéere by meanes made by the emperor, com|missioners were appointed to méet & treat of some accord betweene the realmes of England & France, Anno Reg. 38. so that the king of England sent ouer to Guisnes, Cutbert Tunstall bishop of Duresme, sir William Paget his secretarie, and doctor Tregonell: and the French king sent to Ard a bishop, the chiefe president of Rouen, and a notarie, but no conclusion followed of their trauell. Wherevpon the king of England hauing perfect knowledge how the Frenchmen in|tended to build a fortresse at saint Iohns rode be|twéene Bullongne and Calis, to the great annoi|ance of both those places, if they might haue compas|sed their purpose; he meant to preuent that deuise of his aduersaries, sending ouer the earle of Hertford and the lord Lisle high admerall of England, with manie valiant capteins, which got the rode but two daies before the Frenchmen had appointed to be there. But when they vnderstood that the English|men had so preuented them, they staied about Hardi|low, where monsieur de Biez their generall gaue order to incampe, and durst not once come forward to assaie the English forces: so that without anie impeachment by land, the Englishmen built certeine fortresses, to wit, two at the same place of saint Iohns rode, otherwise called Hamble Thew, and an other about a two miles from thence at a place called Blacke Nesse.Hamble Thew [...] by the En|glishmen. There was in the earle of Hertfords campe beside Englishmen diuerse stran|gers, Almains, Spaniards and Italians. And be|cause it is not much impertinent to the matter, we haue thought good here to set downe the whole num|ber of all the kings forces at that present in his paie that were there vnder the said earle of Hertford the kings generall lieutenant. First the earle had two hundred, the lord William Sturton thrée hundred, the lord Iohn Greie brother to the marques Dorset two hundred, the lord Braie one hundred, sir Tho|mas Seimer knight marshall of the host one hun|dred, sir Henrie Kneuet capteine of the horssemen one hundred, sir Iohn Harrington treasuror, of the armie one hundred, sir Thomas Wiat master of the EEBO page image 973 ordinance one hundred, sir Mauris Barkleie thrée hundred, sir Thomas Holcroft two hundred, sir Walter Dennis two hundred, sir George Blewet two hundred, sir Richard Greenefield two hundred, sir George Cornewall two hundred, sir Iohn Lut|terell one hundred, sir Edmund Hussie one hundred, Gorge Throkmorton two hundred, capteine Brough|ton two hundred, capteine Palmer two hundred, capteine Chancie two hundred, capteine Windam two hundred, capteine Stukeleie one hundred, cap|teine Blewet one hundred, capteine Sidnam one hundred, capteine Bret one hundred, capteine Dier one hundred, capteine Euans one hundred, Spani|ards fiftéene hundred, Italians two hundred, Eleue|ners thrée hundred; lancequenets vnder the gouern|ment of their coronell Conrade Phenning, common|lie called Courtpennie, thrée thousand. The summe of all the soldiors in Bullongne & Bullongnois were 93000. Here you must note, that whilest the Eng|lish armie laie thus in the field till the forts of Ham|ble Thew and Blacke Nesse were in building, the French gallies were on the seas, and now and then came and approched néere to the shore, where the En|glish armie laie in campe, at the which they shot off their ordinance: and the Englishmen answered them againe with the like. They came also before Calis, and shot off at the towne. But the lord ad|merall being there, made out to encounter them, notwithstanding they did first much hurt, and tooke awaie diuerse of the English vessels laden with vittels.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The eighteenth daie of Maie there were foure of the kings ships, and foure pinases abroad on the seas afore the hauen of Hamble Thew, and there came eightéene of the French gallies to set vpon them, and so there was great shooting betweene them: [...] French [...] taken, and at length one of their gallies was taken, in the which were aboord fourtéene score soldiors and seauen score rowers: [...] mutinie in [...] English [...]. the rest of their gallies packed awaie. Moreouer, whilest the campe laie thus at Hamble Thew, it chanced that on a daie a mutinie rose a|mong that they got themselues into order of battell, seized vpon the great artillerie, and shewed countenance as if they would haue set vpon the residue of the whole campe. Herevpon euerie soldior was com|manded to repaire to his ensigne, and the Spaniards came and ioined with the Englishmen, readie to take such part as they did. At length by the diligence of the chiefteines, and good countenance of the Eng|lish soldiors and Spaniards the tumult was staied, and six of the principall beginners were hanged.

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