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Compare 1577 edition: 1 There were with monsieur de Biez within the towne,The number of the men of war in Mut|trell. an hundred men at armes of the retinue of the constable of France, vnder the leading of the lord de la Guich an expert man of war. There were also with the lord of Genlie, foure ensignes of French footmen. Count Berenger a Neapolitane with a thousand footmen Italians. Capteine Fran|cisco de Chiaramont, a Neapolitane also, with the like number of Italian footmen. So that the towne might séeme sufficientlie furnished with men, and they wanted neither shot nor powder requisit, so that there was no spare thereof when occasion serued on either part.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The duke of Norffolke and the lord priuie seale caused amount to be raised,A mount raised. and aloft thereon were certeine peeces of artillerie planted to shoot into the towne. Moreouer they compassed the walles so on ech hand with their seuerall camps and trenches, that hardlie might anie escape either in or out vnespied. Sir Francis Brian was appointed with certeine bands,Sir Francis Brian. conteining about the number of a thousand men, to lodge in a campe fortified by himselfe, ouer against one part of the towne, to stop certeine passa|ges on that side, that no succors should enter by the same to the reléefe of them within. There were skir|mishes dailie betwixt them that sallied forth of the gates, and the Englishmen that watched and war|ded in the trenches, and other places, insomuch that diuerse lost their liues, and some were irrecouerablie wounded, as Anglorum praelia witnesseth, saieng:

Confossi saeuo moriuntur vulnere multi
Disperso cerebro; faciei nulla figura.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On a daie as sir Thomas Poinings soldiours were warding in one of the trenches,Tiberio, that alter serued the king of England. an Italian se|cretlie comming forth of the towne, fetched awaie the said sir Thomas Poinings his ensigne; and not|withstanding the pursute that was made after him, he escaped and got into the towne with it, to the great displeasure of the whole campe. But as the enimies sometimes went awaie with the aduantage of their attempted enterprises, so ofttimes againe they paid for their aduenturing ouer rashlie aboue the com|mon price of the market.

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