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And that day, sir Iohn Dudleie was ouerthrowne in the field,Sir Iohn Dudleie o|uerthrowne. by mischance of his horsse, by one master Breme defendant, neuerthelesse he brake diuerse speares valiantlie after that. And after the said iusts were doone, the said challengers rode to Durham place, where they kept open houshold, and feasted the king and quéene, with hir ladies, and all the court. The second of Maie, Anthonie Kingston & Richard Cromwell were made knights at the said place. The third of Maie, [...]rnieng. the said challengers did tournie on horssebacke with swords, & against them came nine and twentie defendants; sir Iohn Dudleie, and the earle of Surrie running first, who in the first course lost both their gantlets: and that daie, sir Richard Cromwell ouerthrew master Palmer in the field off his horsse, to the great honor of the challengers. On the fift of Maie,B [...]rri [...]rs. the said challengers fought on foot at the barriers, and against them came thirtie de|fendants, which fought valiantlie: but sir Richard Cromwell ouerthrew that daie at the barriers ma|ster Culpeper in the field.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The said challengers brake vp their houshold, af|ter they had kept open hospitalitie, and feasted the king, quéene, and all the lords, beside all the knights and burgesses of the common house in time of the parlement, and the maior, aldermen, and all their wiues to their no small honor, though great expense. In the parlement which began the eightéenth of A|prill last past, the religion of saint Iohns in Eng|land, commonlie called the order of knights of the Rhodes,The order of the Rhodes dissolued. was dissolued; & on the ascension day, being the fift of Maie, sir William Weston knight, prior of saint Iohns departed this life for thought (as was reported) which he tooke to the heart, after he heard of that dissolution of his order. I S. pag 1019. Saint Iohns in Smithfield suppressed. ¶For the king tooke all the lands that belonged to that order into his hands, to the augmentation of his crowne, and gaue vnto euerie of the challengers aboue written for a re|ward of their valiantnesse, a hundred marks, and a house to dwell in of yearelie reuenues out of the said lands for euer.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same moneth were sent to the Tower doctor Samson,The bishop of Chichester, & doctor Wilson committed to the Tower. bishop of Chichester, and doctor Wilson, for reléeuing certeine traitorous persons: and for the same offense was one Richard Farmer, a grocer of London, a rich and welthie man, and of good estimati|on in the citie, committed to the Marshalseie, & after at Westminster hall arreigned, and atteinted in the premunire; so that he lost all his goods. ¶The ninth daie of Iulie, Abr. Fle. ex. Ed. Hal. Ccxlij. The lord Cromwell committed to the Tower. Thomas lord Cromwell, late made earle of Essex (as before you haue heard) being in the councell chamber, was suddenlie apprehended & com|mitted to the Tower of London: the which manie la|mented, but more reioised, and speciallie such as ei|ther had béene religious men, or fauoured religious persons, for they banketed & triumphed togither that night, manie wishing that that daie had béene seuen yeares before; & some fearing that he should escape, although he were imprisoned, could not be merie.

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