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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On the ninetéenth of Iune were three moonkes of the Charterhouse hanged,Moonks of ye Charterhouse executed. drawne, and quartered at Tiburne, and their heads and quarters set vp about London, for denieng the king to be supreme head of the church: their names were, Exmew, Middlemoore, and Nudigate. Also the one and twen|tith of the same monethThe bishop of Rochester beheaded. and for the same cause, doc|tor Iohn Fisher bishop of Rochester was beheaded for denieng of the supremacie, and his head set vpon London bridge, but his bodie buried within Bar|king churchyard. This bishop was of manie sore la|mented, for he was reported to be a man of great learning, and of a verie good life. The pope had elec|ted him a cardinall, and sent his hat as far as Calis, but his head was off before his hat was on so that they met not.Sir [...] M [...]re be|headed. On the sixt of Iulie was sir Thomas Moore beheaded for the like crime, that is to wit, for denieng the king to be supreme head. And then the bodie of doctor Fisher was taken vp, and buried with sir Thomas Moores in the Tower. This man was both learned and wise, and giuen much to a cer|teine pleasure in merie taunts and [...]easting in most of his communication, which maner he forgat not at the verie houre of his death.

¶I cannot tell (saith master Hall) whether I should call him a foolish wise man, or a wise foolish man, Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Hall. fol. CCxxvj. for vndoutedlie he beside his learning, had a great wit, but it was so mingled with taunting and mocking, that it seemed to them that best knew him, that hée thought nothing to be well spoken except he had mi|nistred some mocke in the communication. Inso|much as at his comming to the Tower, one of the officers demanded his vpper garment for his fee, meaning his gowne: and he answered, he should haue it, and tooke him his cap, saieng it was the vp|permost garment that he had. Likewise euen going to his death at the Tower gate, a poore woman cal|led vnto him, and be sought him to declare what he had doone with euidences of hirs in the time that he was in office (which after he was apprehended shée could not come by) and that he would intreat shée might haue them againe, or else she was vndoone.Sir Thomas Moore a scof|fer & mocker at the verie houre of his death. He answered, good woman, haue patience a little while, for the king is so good vnto me, that euen with|in this halfe houre he will discharge me of all busi|nesse, and helpe thée himselfe.

Also when he went vp the staiers on the scaffold, he desired one of the shirifes officers to giue him his hand to helpe him vp, and said; When I come downe againe, let me shift for my selfe as well as I can. Also the hangman knéeled downe to him, asking him forgiuenesse of his death (as the maner is) to whome he said, I forgiue thée, but I promise thee thou shalt neuer haue honestie by striking off my head, my necke is so short. Also euen when he should laie downe his head on the blocke, he hauing a great graie beard, stroked out his beard, and said to the hangman, I praie you let me laie my beard ouer the blocke, least you should cut it. Thus with a mocke he ended his life.

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