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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This league was concluded the two and twentith of Maie in this yeare. What followed thereof, ye may read more at large in the histories of Italie and France,Read Guic. [...].18. where the warres are more at large tou|ched, which chanced in that season betwixt the empe|rour, and the confederats, and how the imperiall ar|mie tooke the citie of Rome, and besieging the pope in castell saint Angelo, constreined him to yéeld, and agree to certeine propositions put vnto him. Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 1067 ¶Who being by his aduersitie made naked of all helpe pre|sent, and lesse expectation to be rescued where was so great want of valour and order, was driuen to run the race of his fortune, compounding the sixt daie of Iune with the imperials almost vnder the same conditions with the which he might haue accor|ded before.The pope be|ing abando|ned of all [...]opes, com|p [...]ndeth with the im|perials. That the pope should paie to the armie foure hundred thousand duckets in this order: one hundred thousand presentlie to be defraied of the gold, monie, and treasure reserued in the castell: fif|tie thousand within twentie daies, and two hundred and fiftie thousand within two moneths: assigning to him for these defraiments, an impost of monie to be charged vpon the whole church state. That he should deliuer into the power of the emperour, to re|teine them so long as he thought good, the castell S. Angelo, the rockes of Ostia, of Ciuita Uecchia, of Ciuita Castelano, togither with the cities of Par|ma, Plaisanca, and Modena.

A hard article [...]nd to be me [...]| [...]lled how the pope and his [...] brooke.Furthermore, that the pope togither with all those cardinals that were with him, which were thirtéene in number, should remaine prisoners within the ca|stell, vntill the first paiment of an hundred and fiftie thousand duckets were satisfied. That afterwards they should go to Naples or to Caietta, to expect what the emperour would determine of them. That for assurance of the paiments, whereo [...] the third part apperteined to the Spaniards, he should deliuer in for ostages, the archbishops of Siponto and Pisa, the bishops of Pistoia & Uerona, togither with Iames Saluiatio, Simon de Ricasola, and Laurence bro|ther to cardinall Rodolffo. That Ranso de Cero, Al|bert Pio, Oratio Baillon, the knight Casalo, the am|bassadour of England, with all others that were sa|ued within the castell, except the pope and the cardi|nals, should depart in suertie. That the pope should giue absolution to the Colonnois of the censures they had incurred. And that when he should be led out of Rome, a legat should remaine there for him with authoritie to dispose and administer iustice.

During the popes captiuitie, Guic. pag. 1072 Rome was sore af|flicted with the plague, in somuch that the rage there|of so greatlie increased,The castell where the pope was pri|soner infected with the pla|gue. that the castell of saint An|gelo was visited, to the great danger of the life of the pope; about whome died certeine speciall men that did seruice to his person: who amid so manie afflicti|ons and aduersities, and no other hope remaining to him than in the clemencie of the emperour, appointed for legat with the consent of the capteins, cardinall Alexander of Farneso, who notwithstanding being issued out of the castell, and Rome, refused vnder that occasion to go in the, said legation. The capteins de|sired to carie the person of the pope with the thirtéene cardinals that were with him, to Caietto: but he la|boured against that resolution with great diligence, petitions, and art.]

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