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The king kept alwaies the middle of the battell, being inuironed with a great gard of men at armes. And albeit he did what he could to conteine and con|firme his people:The ma [...] how the French king was vanqui|shed and ta|ken prisoner [...]. yet after he had fought long with his owne hands, his horsse being slaine vnder him, him selfe lightlie hurt in the face and in the hand, he was stricken downe to the earth, and taken priso|ner by fiue souldiers that knew not what he was. In which misfortune the viceroy pressing into the throng his maiestie disclosed him selfe to him, who with great reuerence kissed his hand, and receiued him prisoner in the emperours name. At the same time the marquesse of Guast with the first squadron had defeated the horssemen that were at Mirabell. And Anthonie de Leua, who (as was said) had to that end cast downe to the earth so great a quantitie and space of wall, as an hundred and fiftie horssemen might sallie foorth in front, issued out of Pauia, & so charged the French behind, that he put them wholie to flight. And in that feare they were almost all strip|ped EEBO page image 885 and trussed, except the reregard of the horsse|men, which being led by monsieur de Alanson from the beginning of the battell, retired almost whole.

It is holden for certeine, that in this battell were slaine more than eight thousand men of the French campe,The number [...] the French [...] were [...] in this battell. part by sword, and part of bodies drowned in the riuer of Thesin, séeking their safetie by swim|ming. Of this generall number were about twen|tie of the most noble and apparant lords of France, as the admerall, the lord Iames Chebanes, the lord Palissa, and Trimouille, the master of the horsse, monsieur de Aubignie, monsieur de Boissie, and monsieur de la Escud, who being taken gréeuouslie wounded by his enimies, gaue to them his life in stéed of a ransome. The prisoners that were taken were the king of Nauarre, the bastard of Sauoie, the lord Montmerancie, Saint Paule, Brion, A|nall, monsieur de Chandion, monsieur de Imber|court, Galeas Uisconte, Frederike Bossolo, Barna|bie Uisconte, Guidanes, with manie gentlemen, and almost all the capteins that escaped the slaugh|ter of the sword. There was also taken prisoner Ie|rome Leandro bishop of Brunduso the popes nun|tio; but by commandement of the viceroy, he was eftsoones set at libertie: as also monsieur Saint Paule and Frederike Bossolo committed to the ca|stell of Pauia, brake prison a little after, by the cor|ruption of the Spaniards that had them in charge. Of the imperialles side the vniuersall slaughter excéeded not seauen hundred bodies;The number of the slaine in the impe|rialles side. and not one capteine of name except Ferrand Castriot mar|quesse of Angeo, the marquesse of Pisquairo was wounded in two places, & Anthonie de Leua light|lie hurt in the leg. The preie and spoile of this battell was so great, as there had not beene seene in Italie more rich souldiors.

Of so great an armie there was preserned but the reregard of foure hundred lances, commanded by monsieur de Alanson, they neuer came to the fight, neuer suffered charge, nor neuer were followed, but leauing behind them their baggage, they retired whole to Piemont, their feare making them more hastie to flie, than carefull of their honor. And as one calamitie followeth another, so the losse of the battell was no sooner reapported at Millaine, than Theodor Triuulce, who laie there in garrison with foure hundred lances, departed and tooke his waie to Musocquo, all the souldiors folowing him by troops: insomuch as the same daie that the king lost the battell, all the dutchie of Millaine was made frée from the iurisdiction of the French. The daie after the victorie,The French king led pri|soner to the rocke of Pis|queton. the king was led prisoner to the rocke of Pisqueton, for that the duke of Millaine, in regard of his proper suretie, consented hardlie that the per|son of the king should be kept within the castell of Millaine: he was garded with great gelousie and watch; but in all other things (except his libertie) he was vsed and honored as apperteined to the state and maiestie of a king.

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