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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2

The title of Def [...]ndor of the [...]aith gi|uen [...] the [...] Eng|land and his successors for e [...]er.

I. S. pag. 930. King Henrie wrote against Luther.

Abr. Fl. ex adm. A.G. ad Ang. & Scot. ex [...]us. Gen. 1558. in fol. 69.

On the second daie of Februarie, the king as then being at Gréenewich, receiued a bull from the pope, whereby he was declared Defendor of the Christian faith & likewise his successors for euer. The cardinall of Yorke sang the high masse that daie with all the pompous solemnitie that might be, and gaue cleane r [...]mission of sinnes to all that heard it. This title was ascribed vnto the king, bicause he had written a booke against Luther in Germanie; wherevnto the said Luther answered verie sharpelie, nothing spa|ring his authoritie nor maiestie. ¶ Of which booke published by the king, I will not (for reuerence of his roiallic) though I durst, report what I haue read: bicause we are to iudge honourablie of our ru|lers, and to speake nothing but good of the princes of the people. Onelie this bréefe clause or fragment I will adde (least I might seeme to tell a tale of the man in the moone) that king Henrie in his said booke is reported to rage against the diuell and antichrist, to cast out his some against Luther, to rase out the name of the pope, and yet to allow his law, &c. I sup|presse the rest for shame, and returne to our historie.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time, grudges and displeasures still grew and increased betwixt the king of Eng|land and the French king,The king of England and the [...]ing of France at va| [...]iance. so that their gréefs rank|led dailie more and more, till at length the duke of Albanie returned into Scotland, contrarie to that which was couenanted by the league. The French king in déed alleaged, that he was not priuie to his going thither; and wrote to the king, that the said duke was entered Scotland without his assent: but it was otherwise iudged & knowne, that he had com|mission of the French king to go thither. Herevpon, the king was sore offended, and prepared for wars. Musters were made of able men, and a note taken of what substance men were. The king also sent six ships to the sea, well trimmed, manned, and vit|telled.Christopher Coo admerall. The admerall was one Christopher Coo, an ex|pert sea man. His commission was, to safe gard the merchants, and other the kings subiects, that were greeuouslie spoiled and robbed on the sea, by French|men, Scots, and other rouers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The eight of Februarie, the lord Dacres, warden of the marches fore aneinst Scotland, entered into Scotland with fiue hundred men, by the kings com|mandement, & there proclamed, that the Scots should come in to the kings peace, by the first of March fol|lowing, or else to stand at their perils; the duke of Al|banie being then within fiue miles with a mightie power of Scots. The eleuenth of Februarie, the lord of Aburgauennie was brought from the Tower to Westminster,The [...] of Aburg [...]ue [...]nie arreign [...]d at Westmin|ster. and there in the kings bench confessed his indictment of mispris [...]on. The lord Montacute was about the same time restored vnto the kings fa|uour. ¶ On the second of March, certeine noble men of the empire, arriued in England, to passe into Spaine, who were honourablie receiued; and in ho|nour of them, great iusts and triumphs were made, which being finished and doone, they tooke their leaue and departed on their iournie.

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