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Assoone as the emperour was dead, the French king and the king of Spaine began manifestlie to aspire to the empire,The French [...] and the Spanish [...] aspire to the empire. the purchase whereof albeit was a matter of right great importance, and no lesse the emulation running betwéene two so mightie prin|ces, yet they ordered their ambition with great mo|destie, neither vsing words of iniurie, nor threats of armes; but either one labouring by his authoritie, & by his meanes, to draw on his side the electors. The French king sundrie times reasoned touching the election with great comelinesse with the Spanish ambassadours, to whom he said it was a matter both agréeable and conuenient, that either of them seue|rallie should séeke by honest meanes to increase the honour of his house by so great a dignitie: which for that in times before had bene transferred into the fa|milies of their predecessours, there was now the lesse occasion to bréed betwéene them two matter of iniu|rie, nor diminution of their amitie and good will.

But rather he wished, that in the action of the empire, they might follow the example and order of two yoong louers, who albeit they follow the quest of one ladie, and either one laboureth by his industrie to carie hir; yet they forbere to come to contention. The king of Spaine alluded with good right, that the em|pire apperteined to him,The king of Spains claim to the empire. as hauing continued by a long succession of time in the house of Austrich, and that it had not béene the custome of the electors to depriue the issue of the emperour, without mani|fest cause of their disabilitie, neither was there anie in Germanie of that puissance and authoritie to make him equall to stand competitor with him in that election. And least of all did he hold it iust or like|lie, that the electors would transport to a forreine or strange prince, so great a dignitie continued by so manie ages in the nation of Germanie.

And albeit some particular amongst them, ei|ther through the insinuation of monie, or other pro|pertie of corruption, might be allured to another intention, yet he hoped to stop him with force prepa|red in time conuenient, not doubting also but the o|ther electors also would oppose against him, and the princes and frée townes of Germanie would not in|dure so vniuersall an infamie, speciallie to suffer it to be laid vpon the person of the French king, which would be no other thing than to make great the puis|sance of a king enimie vnto their nation, and from whome there was no suertie that the imperiall dig|nitie would euer returne into Germanie: he thought it would be an action easie to obteine and reduce to perfection, that which had bin solicited by his grand|father, who had alreadie compounded for recompen|ses and donations, and other diuidents for euerie of the electors.

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