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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The lord Darcie and his compa|nie readie at Plimmouth.In this meane time, the lord Darcie and other ap|pointed to the viage against the Moores, made such diligence, that they and all their people were readie at Plimmouth by the middes of Maie, and there mu|stered their souldiers before the lord Brooke, and other the kings commissioners. The lord Darcie as cap|teine generall, ordeined for his prouost marshall Henrie Guilford esquier, a lustie yoong man, & wel-beloued of the king, for his manifold good seruice. On the mondaie in the Rogation wéeke, they de|parted out of Plimmouth hauen with foure ships roiall, and the wind was so fauourable to them, that the first daie of Iune, being the euen of the feast of Pentecost, he arriued at the port of Calis in south Spaine; and immediatlie by the aduise of his coun|cell, he dispatched messengers to the king, whom they found beside the citie of Ciuill where he then laie, and declared to him, how the lord Darcie by the king their maisters appointment, was come thither with six|téene hundred archers, and laie still at Calis to know his pleasure. The king of Castile answered them gentlie, that the lord Darcie and all other that were come from his louing sonne were welcome, and har|tilie thanked them of their paines, requiring the mes|sengers to returne to their capteine, and tell him that in all hast he would send certeine of his councell to him.

¶ Herevpon they departed from the king, Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Hall in Hen. 8. fol. xij. and made report to the lord Darcie, which kept his ship in great estate, and would not land, but onelie suffered such as were sicke and feeble, and few other to go a|land. The Englishmen which went aland, fell to drin|king of hot wines,The vnruli [...] behauiour of the English|men. & were scarse maisters of them|selues, some ran to the stewes, some brake hedges and spoiled orchards and vineyards, and orenges be|fore they were ripe, and did manie outragious déeds: wherefore the chiefe of the towne of Calis came to complaine to the lord Darcie in his ship, which sent foorth his prouost marshall, who scarselie with paine refrained the yeoman archers, they were so hot and wilfull, yet by commandement & policie they were all brought on bord to their ships.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then vpon saturdaie, the eight of Iune, a bishop and other of the kings councell came to Calis,The lord Darcie hono|rablie recei|ued of the K. of Aragons councell. and there abode till wednesdaie, being the euen of Cor|pus Christi; at which daie, the lord capteine tooke land, and was honorablie receiued of the king of Ara|gons councell, and on the morrow was highlie fea|sted at dinner and supper. And at after supper, the bi|shop declared the king his maisters pleasure, giuing to the lord capteine as heartie thankes for his pains and trauell, as if he had gone forward with his enter|prise against the Moores. But whereas by the aduise of his councell, circumspectlie considering the suer|tie of his owne realme, vpon perfect knowledge had that the Frenchmen meant to inuade his domini|ons in his absence, he had altered his former deter|mination, and taken an abstinence of war with the Moores, till an other time.

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