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Afterwards, the king commanded cardinall Woolseie to go to this bishop, and to bring the booke awaie with him to deliuer to his maiestie. But see the mishap! that a man in all other things so proui|dent, should now be so negligent: and at that time most forget himselfe, when (as it after fell out) he had most need to haue remembred himselfe. For this bi|shop hauing written two bookes (the one to answer the kings command, and the other intreating of his owne priuate affaires) did bind them both after one sort in vellame, iust of one length, bredth, and thick|nesse, and in all points in such like proportion an|swering one an other, as the one could not by anie e|speciall note be discerned from the other: both which he also laid vp togither in one place of his studie.

Now when the cardinall came to demand the booke due to the king:The bishops booke of his priuat [...] vnaduisedlie deliuered in+stead of the kings. the bishop vnaduisedlie com|manded his seruant to bring him the booke bound in white vellame lieng in his studie in such a place. The seruant dooing accordinglie, brought foorth one of those bookes so bound, being the booke intreating of the state of the bishop, and deliuered the same vnto his maister, who receiuing it (without further consi|deration or looking on) gaue it to the cardinall to beare vnto the king. The cardinall hauing the booke, went from the bishop, and after (in his studie by him|selfe) vnderstanding the contents thereof, he greatlie reioised, hauing now occasion (which he long sought for) offered vnto him to bring the bishop into the kings disgrace.

Wherefore he went foorthwith to the king,The bishops owne booke disaduantag [...] able to him|selfe. deliue|red the booke into his hands, and bréefelie informed the king of the contents thereof; putting further into the kings head, that if at anie time he were desti|tute of a masse of monie, he should not need to séeke further therefore than to the cofers of the bishop, who by the tenor of his owne booke had accompted his proper riches and substance to the value of a hundred EEBO page image 797 thousand pounds. Of all which when the bishop had intelligence (what he had doon, how the cardinall vsed him, what the king said, and what the world reported of him) he was striken with such gréefe of the same, that he shortlie through extreame sorrow ended his life at London,The bishop [...] of a [...] and [...]. in the yeare of Christ 1523. After whose death the cardinall, which had long before ga|ped after the said bishoprike, in singular hope to at|teine therevnto, had now his wish in effect: which he the more easilie compassed, for that he had his nets alwaies readie cast, as assuring himselfe to take a trout: following therein a prophane mans cautelous counsell, and putting the same in practise; who saith:

Casus vbi valet, semper tibi pendeat hamus,
[...] Quo minimè credis gurgite piscis erit.]

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