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Compare 1577 edition: 1 For although that the right might seeme to re|maine in the person of Richard duke of Yorke, slaine at Wakefield,Sée pag. 659. yet maie there be a fault worthilie, re|puted in him, so to séeke to preuent the time appoin|ted him by authoritie of parlement to atteine to the crowne infailed to him and his issue; in whome also, and not onelie in himselfe, that offense (as maie bée thought) was dulie punished. For although his eldest sonne Edward the fourth, beeing a prince right pro|uident and circumspect for the suertie of his owne estate and his children, insomuch that not content to cut off all his armed and apparant enimies, he also of a gealous feare, made awaie his brother the duke of Clarence, and so thought to make all sure: yet Gods vengeance might not be disappointed,Sée pag. 703. for (as ye haue partlie heard) he did but further thereby the destruction of his issue, in taking awaie him that on|lie might haue staied the crueltie of his brother of Glocester, who inraged for desire of the kingdome, be rest his innocent nephues of their liues & estates.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And as it thus well appeared, that the house of Yorke shewed it selfe more bloudie in séeking to ob|teine the kingdome, than that of Lancaster in vsur|ping it: so it came to passe, that the Lords vengeance appeared more heauie towards the same than to|wards the other, not ceassing till the whole issue ma [...]e of the said Richard duke of Yorke was extinguished. For such is Gods iustice, to leaue no vnrepentant wickednesse vnpunished, as especiallie in this caitife Richard the third, not deseruing so much as the name of a man, much lesse of a king, most manifestlie ap|peareth. [At whom we will end, with a comparison of the like practise in Lodowike Storce, Abr. Flem. ex Gui [...] pag. 49. Lodowike Sforce duke [...]. Millan by vsurpation. aspiring to the dukedome of Millane, the name, armes and title wherof he tooke vpon him, hauing secretlie protested before, that he receiued them as apperteining to him by the inuestiture of the king of Romans.

It was published that the death of Galeas (his late predecessor) happened by immoderate cohabita|tion, but the vniuersall iudgment of Italie was, that he died not of infirmities naturall, nor by inconti|nencie, but by poison and violent compulsion. Wher|of Theodor de Pauia, one of the physicians, assis|ting when the king visited him, assured the king to sée most apparant and manifest signes: and if hee were dispatched by poison, there was none that doub|ted that his vncle was innocent, either directlie or indirectlie; as he, who not content with an absolute power to be gouernor of the state, but aspiring accor|ding to the common desires of great men, to make themselues glorious with titles and honors; and spe|ciallie he iudged, that both for his proper suertie and the succession of his children, the death of the lawfull prince was necessarie, and therefore thought to esta|blish in himselfe the power and name of duke. Wher|in ambition and couetousnesse preuailed aboue con|science and law of nature, and the gealous desire of dominion inforced his disposition (otherwise abhor|ring bloud) to that vile action.

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