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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But being admonished by secret friends, what was intended against them, they by flight auoided that danger, where otherwise their liues had béene lost without all remedie. And so without bidding a|nie farewell, they departed from the court; the duke vnto Wigmoore in the marches of Wales, the earle of Salisburie to his castell of Middleham in the north, and the earle of Warwike sailed to Calis. The bodies of which thrée noble personages though thus separated, yet their hearts knit in one, and still went messengers & letters betwixt them, to commu|nicat their deuises, and giue signification of their minds and purposes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In this yéere Reginald Peacoke bishop of Chiche|ster, abiured at Paules crosse, all his bookes burnt, and he himselfe commanded to keepe his owne house during his naturall life: Anno Reg 36. 1458 The bishop abiured for moouing a|gainst the popes extor|tion. because that he (verie well learned, and better stomached) began to mooue que|stions, not priuilie but op [...]nlie, in the vniuersities, concerning the annates, Peter pence, and other iu|risdictions & authorities, which the pope vsurped; and not onelie put foorth such questions, but declared his mind and opinion in the same. Some saie he held that spirituall persons by Gods law ought to haue no temporall possessions, nor that personall tithes by Gods law were due [nor that christian men were to beléeue in the catholike church, W. P. nor in the communi|on of saints, but to beleeue that a catholike church and a communion of saints there is] and that he held how the vniuersall church might erre in matters of faith; and that it is not of necessitie to beléeue all that which is ordeined by generall councels, nor all that which they call the vniuersall church ought to be allowed and holden of all christian people.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, that it was méet to euerie man to vn|derstand the scriptures in the true and plaine sense, & none bound to glosses of anie other sense, vpon anie necessitie of saluation. Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 682, 68 [...], 684, 685, 686. in Quart. ¶ But because I find a larger report héereof elsewhere, and as more methodicall, so also (as it seemeth) in such forme as it was Res gesta, a déed doone, it shall not be amisse to insert the same. This bishop was a secular doctor of diuinitie, that had labored manie yéeres to translate the holie scrip|ture into English, & was accused to haue passed the bounds of diuinitie and christian beléefe in certeine articles, of the which he was conuict before the archbi|shop of Canturburie, and other bishops and clearks, and after vtterlie abiured, reuoked, and renounced those articles openlie at Paules crosse in his mother toong on the fourth day of December, as followeth.

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