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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Humfreie duke of Buckingham, being woun|ded, and Iames Butler earle of Ormond and Wil|shire, and Thomas Thorp lord chéefe baron of the es|cheker, séeing fortune thus against them, left the king alone, and with a number fled awaie. Those that thus fled, made the best shift they could to get awaie through gardens and backesides, through shrubs, hed|ges and woods, séeking places where to hide them|selues, vntill that dangerous tempest of the battell were ouerblowne.The kings part vanqui|shed. Diuerse of the kings house also that could better skill to plaie the courtiers than war|riors, fled with the first; and those of the east parts of the realme were likewise noted of too much lacke of courage, for their spéedie withdrawing themselues, and leauing the king in danger of his aduersaries: who perceiuing his men thus fled from him, with|drew into a poore mans house to saue himselfe from the shot of arrowes, that fiue about him as thicke as snow.

¶This doone, saith one historien, the duke of Yorke, Abr. Fl. ex I. S pag. 678, 679. in Quart. the earles of Warwike, and Salisburie, came vnto the king where he was, and be sought him on their knées of grace and forgiuenesse for that they had doone in his presence, and besought him of his high|nesse to take them to grace, and as his true liege men. The king desiring them to cease their people, that there should be no more hurt doone, and to obeie his commandement, did cause to be proclamed in the kings name, that all manner of people should cease off their malice, and not to smite one stroke more, and so ceased the battell. And vpon the day next after, the king and the duke of Yorke, the earles of Warwike & Salisburie, came all to London; and were lodged in the bishops palace of London, where they kept their Whitsuntide with great ioy and so|lemnitie, concluding there to hold a parlement, the same to begin on the ninth daie of Iulie next follow|ing.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Another historien saith, that the duke of Yorke, ad|uertised of the place into the which the king was withdrawne for the safetie of himselfe, and taking him into his power, comforted him in the best wise he could; assuring him, that now that the common enimie of the realme was dispatched, to wit, the duke EEBO page image 644 of Summerset, he had cause rather to reioise, than to be sorie, sith his destruction was the kings preser|uation. And for himselfe and all his adherents he vn|dertooke, that they were and would remaine, during life, his most faithfull liege people, readie in all points to serue him, as his trustie and obedient sub|iects. After he had vsed such words, as wherewith best to comfort him, he brought the king foorth of that sim|ple house with all due reuerence shewed toward him first to the shrine, and after to his chamber.

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