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¶On Candlemasse éeue this yeere by lightning in a tempest that fell with claps of thunder at afternoone, Abr. Fl. ex Fabian. 441. & Polychr. Paules steeple was set on fier in the middest of the speare or shaft in the verie timber worke; which was quenched by the painfulnesse of diuerse persons,Paules stée|ple burnt. and specialie by the diligent labour of a préest of Bow in Cheape. Howbeit the same was thought vnpossi|ble to be quenched, but that the grace of God was chéefe worker in the same. This stéeple hath diuerse times beene ouerthrowne and defaced, partlie by winds, and partlie by lightning, as may be obserued in the reading of this volume: yea when the same hath béene repared by the choisest workemen, and of the substantiallest stuffe, and all meanes (that stood with the déepe deuise of man) vsed to make it so sure that it might continue, as a monument of perpetui|tie for posteritie to woonder at and admire. But to re|turne to the historie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 22.Whilest England was vnquieted (as you haue heard) and France by spoile, slaughter, and burning sore defaced (a mischeefe in all places much lamen|ted) therefore to agrée the two puissant kings, all the princes of christendome trauelled so effectuouslie by their oratours and ambassadours,The diet at Tours for a peace to be had betwéene England and France. that a diet was appointed to be kept at the citie of Tours in Tou|raine; where for the king of England appeared Wil|liam de la Poole earle of Suffolke, doctor Adam Mo|lins kéeper of the kings priuie seale, also sir Robert Ros, and diuers other. And for the French king were appointed Charles duke of Orleance, Lewes de Bourbon earle of Uandosme, great maister of the French kings houshold, Piers de Bresse steward of Poictou, and Bertram Beautian lord of Pr [...]|signie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 There were also sent thither ambassadours from the empire, from Spaine, from Denmarke, & from Hungarie to be mediatour [...] betwixt the two prin|ces. The assemblie was great, but the cost was much greater, insomuch that euerie part for the honour of their prince and praise of their countrie, set foorth themselues, as well in fa [...]e as apparell, to the vtter|most. Manie meetings were had, and manie things mooued for a fi [...]all pe [...]ce but in conclusion, by reason of manie doubts which rose on both parties, no full concord could be agreed vpon; but in hope to come to a peace, a certeine truce, as well by sea as by land, was concluded by the commissioners for eighteene moneths,A truce [...] [...] moneths. which afterward againe was prolonged to the yeare of our Lord 1449.

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