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But he wiselie fearing to fall into the dangerous statute of Premumre, durst not receiue or execute the tenor of the popes commandement. By reason whereof, least the see might otherwise remaine void, (if speedie remedie were not prouided) the king did in commendam bestow the bishoprike of Elie vpon this Lodowike Lischburne archbishop of Rone, by office, Card. 4. Coronat. Cancellar. Franciae & Norman|niae, and kinsman to the said king. Which doone, Eu|genius (when he saw no other remedie) did reuoke his buls made before to Thomas Bourchier, in the yeare of Christ 1437. This Lodowike remaining bi|shop six yeares and so manie moneths, died in the yeare as before, the eighteenth of September, at his manor of Hatfield, whose bowels were buried in the said church: his hart was caried to Rone, and there honourablie intoomed, and his bodie was committed to the earth, in the church of Elie, betweene two marble pillors next to the altar of the relikes.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this yeare died in Guien the countesse of Co|mings, to whome the French king and also the earle of Arminacke pretended to be heire, in so much that the earle entred into all the lands of the said ladie. And bicause he knew the French king would not take the matte [...] well, to haue a Rouland for an O [...]|uer; he sent solemne ambassadours to the king of England, offering him his daughter in mariage, with promise to be bound (beside great summes of monie, which he would giue with hir) to deliuer into the king of Englands hands, all such castels and townes, as he or his ancestors deteined from him within anie part of the duchie of Aquitaine, either by conquest of his progenitors, or by gift and deliue|rie of anie French king; and further to aid the same king with monie for the recouerie of other cities within the same duchie, from the French king; or from anie other person that against king Henrie EEBO page image 624 vniustlie kept, and wrongfullie withholden them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This offer séemed so profitable and also honora|ble to king Henrie and the realme, that the ambas|sadours were well heard, honourable receiued, and with rewards sent home into their countrie.The earle of Arminacks daughter affi|ed vnto king Henrie. After whome were sent for the conclusion of the marriage into Guien, sir Edward Hull, sir Robert Ros, and Iohn Gralton deane of S. Seuerines, the which (as all the chronographers agrée) both concluded the ma|riage, and by proxie affied the yoong ladie. The French king not a little offended herewith, sent his [...]ldest sonne Lewes the Dolphin of Uienne into Rouergue with a puissant armie,The erle with his ladie, his sonne and two daughters taken. which tooke the earle and his yoongest sonne, with both his daughters, and by force obteined the countries of Arminacke, Louuergne, Rouergue, and Moulessonois, beside the cities Se|uerac & Cad [...]ac, chasing the bastard of Arminacke out of his countries, and so by reason hereof, the con|cluded mariage was deferred, and that so long that it neuer tooke effect; as hereafter it may appeare.

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