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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The French king sent the archbishop of Reimes, and the earle of Dunois: and the duke of Burgog|nie sent the lord de Creuecueur, and diuerse other. All these met at Calis, where the duke of Orleance cour|teouslie receiued the earle of Dunois (his bastard brother) thanking him greatlie for his paines taken in gouerning his lands & countrie, during the time of his captiuitie and absence. Diuerse communicati|ons were had, as well for the deliuerance of the duke as for a finall peace; but nothing was concluded, sa|uing that an other méeting was appointed, so that in the meane season the demands of either partie might be declared to their souereigne lords and maisters: and herevpon the commissioners brake vp their as|semblie, and returned into their countries. The Eng|lishmen (as the French writers record) required not onelie to possesse peaceablie the two duches of Aqui|taine and Normandie, discharged of all resort, superi|oritie, & souereigntie against the realme of France, the kings and gouernours of the same; but also to be restored to all the townes, cities, and places, which they within thirtie yéeres next before gone and past, had conquered in the realme of France. Which re|quest the Frenchmen thought verie vnreasonable, and so both parties, minding rather to gaine or saue than to loose, departed for that time, as yée haue heard.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this méeting thus proroged, Philip duke of Burgognie, partlie mooued in conscience to make amends to Charles duke of Orleance (as yet priso|ner in England) for the death of duke Lewes his fa|ther, whome duke Iohn, father to this duke Philip, cruellie murthered in the citie of Paris; and partlie intending the aduancement of his neece, the ladie Marie, daughter to Adolfe duke of Cleue (by the which aliance, he trusted, that all old rancor should ceasse) contriued waies to haue the said duke of Or|leance set at libertie, vpon promise by him made to take the said ladie Marie vnto wife. This duke had beene prisoner in England euer since the battell was fought at Agincourt, vpon the daie of Crispine and Crispinian, in the yeare 1415, and was set now at libertie in the moneth of Nouember, in the yeare 1440, paieng for his ransome foure hundred thou|sand crownes, though other saie but thrée hundred thousand.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cause whie he was deteined so long in captiui|tie, was to pleasure thereby the duke of Burgognie: for so long as the duke of Burgognie continued faithfull to the king of England, it was not thought necessarie to suffer the duke of Orleance to be ranso|med, least vpon his deliuerance he would not ceasse to séeke meanes to be reuenged vpon the duke of Burgognie, for the old grudge and displeasure be|twixt their two families, and therefore such ransome was demanded for him as he was neuer able to pay. But after the duke of Burgognie had broken his promise, and was turned to the French part, the councell of the king of England deuised how to de|liuer the duke of Orleance, that thereby they might displeasure the duke of Burgognie. Which thing the duke of Burgognie perceiuing, doubted what might follow if he were deliuered without his knowledge, and therefore to his great cost practised his deliue|rance, paid his ransome, and ioined with him amitie and aliance by mariage of his néece.

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