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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Henrie, after the death of his mother, bi|cause, they were his brethren of one wombe, created Edmund earle of Richmund, and Iasper earle of Penbroke: which Edmund of Margaret daughter and sole heire to Iohn duke of Summerset begat Henrie, who after was king of this realme, called Henrie the seuenth, of whome ye shall heare more in place conuenient. This Owen, after the death of the quéene his wife, was apprehended and committed to+ward, bicause that (contrarie to the statute made in the sixt yeare of this king) he presumptuouslie had maried the quéene, without the kings especiall assent, out of which prison he escaped, and let out other with him, but was againe apprehended, and after escaped againe. Abr. Fl. Polychronicon saith that he was a squier of low birth and like degrée, the same author also re|porteth that he was commanded to Newgate by the duke of Glocester then lord protector of the realme: out of which prison he brake by the helpe of a preest that was his chapline. Neuerthelesse he was appre|hended afterwards by the lord Beaumont, & brought againe to Newgate, whence (when he had remained there a while) he was deliuered and set at libertie.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The duchesse of Bedford also, sister to Lewes erle of S. Paule, more for affection than increase of ho|nour, without counsell of hir freends, maried a lustie yoong knight, called sir Richard Wooduile, to the great displeasure of hir vncle the bishop of Terwine, and the earle hir brother. This sir Richard was made baron of Riuers, and after earle, and had by this ladie manie noble sonnes, and faire daughters, of the which one was the ladie Elizabeth,Quéene Eli|zabeth. after queene of Eng|land, by reason she was married vnto Edward the fourth. ¶ Whilest this marriage was a celebrating, Iane late quéene of England, and before duchesse of Britaine, daughter to the king of Nauarre, and wife to king Henrie the fourth, died at the manor of Ha|uering, and was buried by hir husband at Canturbu|rie. ¶ About the same time, deceassed also the coun|tesse of Warwike, and Henrie archbishop of Yorke.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this yeare also, the duke of Summerset, ac|companied with the lords of Fauconbridge, Talbot, sir Francis Surien, the Arrogonnois, Matthew Or rather Goche. Gough, Thomas Paulet, Thomas Harington, Walter Limbrike, Iohn Gedding, William Wat|ton esquiers, and Thomas Hilton bailiffe of Rone, with a great companie of the English partie, besie|ged the towne of Harflue (latelie before gotten by the Frenchmen) both by water and land:Harflue besie|ged and woon by the Eng|lishmen. the capteine within the towne was one sir Iohn d'Estouteuille, hauing his brother Robert with him, and a six hun|dred good fighting men. The assailants cast tren|ches, and so fortified themselues in their campe and lodgings, that when the earles of Ew and Dunois, the valiant bastard of Bourbon, the lord Gawcourt, and other famous capteins, with a foure thousand men, sent to the rescue of them within, came b [...]fore the towne, they could not succour their fréends, nor annoie their enimies by anie meanes they could de|uise; & so for feare to lose honour, they returned backe againe, with much trauell and little profit.

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