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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke on a daie riding about to view the situa|tion of the towne, to the intent to take his most ad|uantage (either by assault or otherwise) was quicke|lie espied, and with the shot of a canon, a trumpetter, which rode next before him, and thrée horsses in his companie were slaine out of hand. The lord of Croie, and a conuenient number with him, was appointed to besiege the castell of Guisnes, where he got little profit, and did lesse harme. Moreouer, for the better aduancing of his enterprise, the duke minded to stop vp the hauen; so that no succours should enter there.The dukes enterprise to bar y^ [...] hauen. Herevpon, he caused foure great hulkes to be fraught with great square stones, cemented and ioi|ned togither with lead, to the intent they should lie still like a mount, and not seuer in sunder.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These ships, with the residue of the dukes nauie, were conueied into the mouth of Calis hauen, and at a full sea, by craft and policie, were soonke downe to the ground. But whether God would not that the ha|uen should be destroied, either the conueiers of the hulkes knew not the verie chanell; these foure great ships, at the low water, laie openlie vpon the sands, without hurting the rode or chanell. Which when the souldiers perceiued, they issued out of the towne, brake the ships, and caried both the stones and tim|ber into the towne. An other deuise the duke had, which was the building of a strong bastile vpon a lit|tle mountaine, which he furnished with foure hun|dred men, and much artillerie, that did impeach the Englishmen from issuing foorth of the towne, to their great displeasure.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whilest these things were adooing, there came to the duke an herald called Penbroke, belonging to the duke of Glocester, who declared to the duke of Burgognie, that the protector of England his mai|ster (if God would send him wind & weather) would giue him battell, either there, or in anie other place within his owne countrie, where he would appoint, and that with spéed, if God vouchsafed him wind and weather. The duke answered the herald;

Sir, saie to your maister, that his chalenge is both honorable and reasonable: howbeit, he shall not néed to take the paines to séeke me in mine owne countrie, for (God willing) he shall find me heere, till I haue my will of the towne, readie to abide him and all the power he can bring.
After the herald had receiued this answer, he was highlie chéered, and had a cup and an hundred guildens to him giuen in reward, and so he returned to Calis.

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