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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Suffolke, which was gouernour of the towne, hauing perfect knowledge by such as sca|ped from the wals, how the matter went, withdrew without any tarriance into the castell, which standeth at the gate of saint Uincent, whereof was constable Thomas Gower esquier, whither also fled manie Englishmen; so as for vrging of the enimie, prease of the number, and lacke of vittels, they could not haue indured long: wherfore they priuilie sent a mes|senger to the lord Talbot, which then laie at Alanson, certifieng him in how hard a case they were. The lord Talbot hearing these newes, like a carefull capteine in all hast assembled togither about seuen hundred men, & in the euening departed from Alanson, so as in the morning he came to a castell called Guierch, two miles from Mans, and there staied a while till he had sent out Matthew Or rather Goche. Gough, as an espiall, to vn|derstand how the Frenchmen demeaned themselues.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Matthew Goche. Gough so well sped his businesse, that priuilie in the night he came into the castell, where he learned that the Frenchmen verie negligentlie v|sed themselues, without taking heed to their watch, as though they had béene out of all danger: which well vnderstood, he returned againe, and within a mile of the citie met the lord Talbot, and the lord Scales, and opened vnto them all things, according to his credence. The lords then, to make hast in the matter, bicause the daie approched, with all spéed possi|ble came to the posterne gate, and alighting from their horsses, about six of the clocke in the morning, they issued out of the castell, crieng saint George, Talbot.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen being thus suddenlie taken, were sore amazed, in so much that some of them, being not out of their beds, got vp in their shirts, and lept o|uer the walles.Mans reco|uered. Other ran naked out of the gates to saue their liues, leauing all their apparell, horsses, ar|mour, and riches behind them, none was hurt but such as resisted. Abr. Fl. ¶ Hard shift was made on all hands for safetie of life, & happie was he that could find a place of refuge where to lurke vnspide and vnhurt of the enimie; who in the execution of their vengeance were so peremptorie, that it was a matter of great difficultie or rather impossibilitie to escape their force. To be short, there were slaine and taken, to the num|ber of foure hundred gentlemen, the priuat souldiers were frankelie let go. After this, inquisition was made of the authors of the treason,Traitors ex|ecuted. and there were found & condemned thirtie citizens, twentie priests, and fifteene friers, who according to their demerits were all hanged.

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