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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Herewith intending to build vpon this fraile foundation, he sent letters and ambassadors to the king of England,Ambassadors sent on either side. aduertising him, that if he would personallie come to a communication to be had be|tweene him and Charles the French king, he doubted not but by his onlie meanes, peace should be brought in place, and bloudie battell cléerelie exiled. King Henrie giuing courteous eare to these ambassadors, sent with them the earle of Warwike as his ambas|sador, Titus Liuius. accompanied with two hundred gentlemen to talke with the duke, as then remaining in the French court at the towne of Prouince. The earle was assailed by the waie as he iournied, by a great number of rebellious persons, gotten into armour of purpose to haue spoiled him of such monie and things as he and his companie had about them. But by the high valiancie of the English people, with the aid of their bowes, the Frenchmen were discomfi|ted and chased.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle at his comming to Prouince was ho|norablie receiued, and hauing doone the effect of his message, returned; and with him the earle of saint Paule, and the sonne and heire of the duke of Bur|bon were also sent as ambassadors from the French king, to conclude vpon the time and place of the mée|ting, with all the circumstances. Whervpon the king of England agréed to come to the towne of Mante, with condition that the duke of Burgognie, and o|ther for the French king should come to Pontoise, that either part might méet other in a conuenient place betwixt those two townes néere to Meulan. According to this appointment, K. Henrie came to Mante, where in the feast of Pentecost he kept a libe|rall house to all commers, and sate himselfe in great estate. Upon the which daie, either for good seruice al|readie by them doone, or for the good expectation of things to come,Creation of earles. he created Gascoigne de Fois, o|therwise called the captau or captall de Buef a vali|ant Gascoigne, earle of Longueuile; and sir Iohn Greie earle of Tankeruile, and the lord Bourchier earle of Ew.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this solemne feast ended, the place of enter|uiew and méeting was appointed to be beside Meu|lan on the riuer of Seine, where in a faire place eue|rie part was by commissioners appointed to their ground.Either part was appoin|ted to bring with them not past two thou|sand and fiue hundred men of warre as T [...]t. Liu. saith. When the daie of appointment approched, which was the last daie of Maie, the king of England accompanied with the dukes of Clarence, and Glo|cester, his brethren, the duke of Excester his vncle, and Henrie Beauford clerke his other vncle, which after was bishop of Winchester and cardinall, with the earles of March, Salisburie, and others, to the number of a thousand men of warre, entered into his ground, which was barred about and ported, wher|in his tents were pight in a princelie maner.

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