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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 545Whilest in the Lent season the king laie at Kil|lingworth, there came to him from Charles Dolphin of France certeine ambassadors, Eiton. A disdainefull [...]mbassage. that brought with them a barrell of Paris balles, which from their maister they presented to him for a token that was taken in verie ill part, as sent in scorne, to signifie, that it was more méet for the king to passe the time with such childish exercise, than to attempt any wor|thie exploit. Wherfore the K. wrote to him, that yer ought long, he would tosse him some London balles that perchance should shake the walles of the best court in France. ¶This yeare, Thom. Arundell arch|bishop of Canturburie departed this life, a stout prelat, and an earnest mainteiner of the Romish re|ligion: Tho. Walsi. Henrie Chichelie bishop of saint Dauid suc|ceeded the same Arundell in the sée of Canturburie, and the kings confessor Stephan Patrington a Car|melite frier was made bishop of S. Dauid. Henrie Persie then but a child, sonne to the lord Henrie Per|sie surnamed Hotspur, after his fathers deceasse, that was slaine at Shrewesburie field, was conueied into Scotland, and there left by his grandfather, where euer since he had remained: the king there|fore pitied his case,Persie resto|red to the erle|dome of Nor|thumberland. and so procured for him, that he came home, and was restored to all his lands and earledome of Northumberland, which lands before had béene giuen to the lord Iohn, the kings brother.

A case verie strange, and for manie causes alwaies right worthie of remembrance, W. P. in this yeare 1414, the second of this kings reigne did befall, Le Rosier la second partie. which con|teining in it so manie matters for knowledge of Gods great power and iustice, of wilfull breaking his diuine lawes, of the easie slip into ruine where his mercie dooth not s [...]aie vs, the busie bogging of the di|uell alwaies, our weakenesse in combat with him, into what outrage and confusion he haleth where he is not withstood, with what tyrannie he tormenteth where he vanquisheth, what the will and power of a souereigne ouer a subiect may force in cases of ini|quitie, where by vertue and grace he be not restrai|ned: the zeale of a parent, the pangs of a child, but chéeflie the verie plague of Gods wrath and in|dignation vpon wilfull and obstinate offendors, all which at those daies though touched in Naples, yet at all times and euerie where so well seruing for exam|ple and warning, it hath beene thought verie conue|nient the same in our stories also héere to be noted, which was thus. At this time newes were brought into France, how king Lancelot (the aduersarie to Lewes king of Sicill) was departed, and in man|ner thus. It hapned that he fell in loue with a yoong damosell his owne physicians daughter (a puzell ve|rie beautifull) and he in hope to inioy hir the easilier, caused hir father for his consent to be talked withall in the matter, which he vtterlie refused to grant, and shewed foorth manie reasons for him; but at last all causes & excuses reiected, sith (though constreined) he must néeds assent, feined himselfe willing and content. And forceing talke with his daughter vp|on his mind in the matter, cheeflie how méet it were she vsed his counsell how best with the king to keepe hir still in grace, he gaue hir a little box of ointment, and instruction withall, that when the king should come to haue his will, she should afore with that balme annoint all hir wombe; the damosell on good obseruation did after (at oportunitie) as hir father taught hir. Héerevpon so pittifullie came it to passe, that the verie same night the king laie with hir, his bellie and hirs were by and by set as it were all on a sindging fier, with torments of such vnquench|able scorching and burning euen into the verie en|trailes, that he of his kingdome, his life, his loue; and she of hir princelie promotion, thus soone both togi|ther made a sorrowfull end. After the plaie of this la|mentable tragedie, the physician fled for his safetie, and straight vpon the newes king Lewes gathered a great assemblie, wherewith to passe towards Na|ples, and sent before a good companie vnder the lord Longnie marshall of France.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the second yeare of his reigne, king Henrie called his high court of parlement, Anno Reg. 2. 1414 the last daie of A|prill in the towne of Leicester, in which parlement manie profitable lawes were concluded, and manie petitions mooued, were for that time deferred. A|mongst which, one was, that a bill exhibited in the parlement holden at Westminster in the eleuenth yeare of king Henrie the fourth (which by reason the king was then troubled with ciuill discord, came to none effect) might now with good deliberation be pondered, and brought to some good conclusion. The effect of which supplication was,A bill exhibi|ted to the par|lemẽt against the clergie. that the temporall lands deuoutlie giuen, and disordinatlie spent by re|ligious, and other spirituall persons, should be seized into the kings hands, sith the same might suffice to mainteine, to the honor of the king, and defense of the realme, fiftéene earles, fiftéene hundred knights, six thousand and two hundred esquiers, and a hundred almesse-houses, for reliefe onelie of the poore, impo|tent, and needie persons, and the king to haue cleere|lie to his coffers twentie thousand pounds, with ma|nie other prouisions and values of religious houses, which I passe ouer.

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