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Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, the king kéeping his Christmasse at his manor of Eltham, Titus Liuius. was aduertised, that sir Roger Ac [...]on knight, a man of great wit and possessions, Iohn Browne esquier, Iohn Beuerlie priest, and a great number of other were assembled in armour a|gainst the king, Hall. A commotion raised by sir Roger Acton and others. Titus Liuius. his brethren, the clergie and realme. These newes came to the king, on the twelfth daie in Christmasse, wherevpon vnderstanding that they were in a place called Fi [...]ket field beside London, on the backe side of saint Giles, he streight got him to his palace at Westminster, in as secret wise as he might, and there calling to him certeine bands of ar|med men, he repaired into saint Giles fields, néere to the said place (where he vnderstood they should fullie méet about midnight) and so handled the matter,The rebels surprised. that he tooke some, and siue some, euen as stood with his pleasure. The capteins of them afore mentioned, be|ing apprehended, were brought to the kings presence, and to him declared the causes of their commotion & rising, Thom. Walsin. accusing a great number of their complices.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king vsed one policie, which much serued to the discomfiting of the aduersaries (as Thom. Wal|singham saith) which was this: he gaue order, that all the gates of London should be streictlie kept and garded, so as none should come in or out, but such as were knowen to go to the king. Hereby came it to passe, that the chiefest succour appointed to come to the capteins of the rebels, was by that meanes cut off, where otherwise suerlie (had it not beene thus preuented and staied) there had issued foorth of Lon|don to haue ioined with them,By this ex|cessiue num|ber it may a [...]peare, that Walsingham reporteth th [...] matter accor|ding to the [...]|mon [...]ame, [...] not as one that search [...] out an exq [...]|site truth. to the number (as it was thought) of fiftie thousand persons, one and o|ther, seruants, prentises, and citizens, confederate with them that were thus assembled in Ficket field. Diuerse also that came from sundrie parts of the realme, hasting towards the place, to be there at their appointed time, chanced to light among the kings men, who being taken and demanded whither they went with such spéed, answered, they came to meet with their capteine the lord Cobham.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But whether he came thither at all, or made shift for himselfe to get awaie, it dooth not appeare; for he could not be heard of at that time (as Thomas Wal|singham confesseth) although the king by proclamati|on promised a thousand marks to him that could bring him foorth; with great liberties to the cities or townes that would discouer where he was. By this it maie appeare, how greatlie he was beloued, that there could not one be found, that for so great a re|ward would bring him to light. Among other that were taken was one William Murlie,William Murlie. who dwelt in Dunstable, a man of great wealth, and by his occu|pation a brewer, an earnest mainteiner of the lord Cobhams opinions, and (as the brute ran) in hope to be highlie aduanced by him if their purposed deuise had taken place, apparant by this; that he had two horsses trapped with guilt harnesse led after him, and in his bosome a paire of gilt spurs (as it was déemed) prepared for himselfe to weare, looking to be made knight by the lord Cobhams hands at that present time. But when he saw how their purpose quailed, he withdrew into the citie with great feare to hide him|selfe; howbeit he was perceiued, taken, and finallie executed among others.

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