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¶Thus were the father and the sonne reconciled, be|twixt whom the said pickthanks had sowne diuision, Abr. Fl. out of Angl. praelijs. insomuch that the sonne vpon a vehement conceit of vnkindnesse sproong in the father, was in the waie to be worne out of fauour. Which was the more like|lie to come to passe, by their informations that priui|lie charged him with riot and other vnciuill demea|nor vnséemelie for a prince. Indeed he was youthful|lie giuen, growne to audacitie, and had chosen him companions agréeable to his age; with whome he spent the time in such recreations, exercises, and de|lights as he fansied. But yet (it should séeme by the report of some writers) that his behauiour was not offensiue or at least tending to the damage of anie bodie; sith he had a care to auoid dooing of wrong, and to tedder his affections within the tract of ver|tue, whereby he opened vnto himselfe a redie passage of good liking among the prudent sort, and was be|loued of such as could discerne his disposition, which was in no degrée so excessiue, as that he deserued in such vehement maner to be suspected. In whose dis|praise I find little, but to his praise verie much, par|cell whereof I will deliuer by the waie as a metyard whereby the residue may be measured. The late poet that versified the warres of the valorous English|men, speaking of the issue of Henrie the fourth, saith of this prince (among other things) as followeth:

—procero qui natu maximus haeresIn Angl. praelijs. sub Hen. 4.
Corpore, progressus cùm pubertatis ad annos
Esset, res gessit multas iuueniliter audax,
Asciscens comites quos par sibi iunxerat aetas,
Nil tamen iniustè commisit, nil tamen vnquam
Extra virtutis normam, sapientibus aequè
Ac alijs charus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 About the same time, Iohn Prendergest knight,Sir Iohn Prendergest restored to the kings fauour is sent to sea. being restored to the kings fauour, with thirtie ships scowred the seas, tooke good prises of wine and vitels, which reléeued the commons greatlie. Amongst o|ther enterprises, he landed vpon the sudden at Craal on the faire day, tooke the towne, and robbed the faire, so as they that were come thither to sell their wares, had quicke vtterance and slow paiment. King Hen|rie vnderstanding that the French king by setting on of the duke of Burgognie in pursuing the contra|rie faction,The duke of Clarence sent to aid ye duke of Orleance had besieged the citie of Burges (as before yée haue heard) determined with all spéed to aid the duke of Orleance, & so about the feast of the Assump|tion EEBO page image 540 of our ladie, he sent ouer an armie of eight hun|dred men of armes, and nine thousand archers, vnder the leading of his second sonne the duke of Clarence accompanied with Edward duke of Yorke, Tho|mas earle of Dorset, and diuerse other noble men and worthie capteins. They landed in the Baie de la Hogue saint Wast, in the countrie of Constantine. The Englishmen swarmed like bées round about the countrie, robbing and spoiling the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after their departure from the place where they landed, Enguerant. there came to them six hundred armed men of Gascoignes that were inrolled at Burdeaux. When newes thereof came to the French court, be|ing then at Auxerre, incontinentlie the earles of A|lanson and Richmond were dispatched to go vnto the English campe,The earle of Alanson and Richmond sent to ye duke of Clarence. bicause they had euer béene par|takers with the duke of Orleance, to giue them thanks for their paines, and to aduertise them of the peace that had beene latelie concluded betwixt the parties, and therefore to take order with them, that they might be satisfied, so as they should not spoile & waste the countrie, as they had begun. But where|as the Englishmen were gréedie to haue, and the duke of Orleance was not rich to paie, they marched on towards Guien in good order,The duke of Clarence mar+cheth toward Guien. and what by sac|king of townes, and ransoming of rich prisoners, they got great treasure, and manie good preies and booties.

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