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¶ In this yeare Roger of Walden departed this life; Abr. Fl. out o [...] Thom. Walsi Hypod. pag. 161. who hauing béene tossed vp and downe with sun|drie changes of fortune, tried in a short time how in|constant, vncerteine, variable, wandering, vnstable, and flitting she is; which when she is thought firmelie to stand, she slipperinglie falleth; and with a dissem|bling looke counterfaiteth false ioies. For by the meanes of hir changeablenesse, the said Roger of a poore fellow,Roger of Waldens va|riable fortune. grew vp to be high lord treasuror of the realme, and shortlie after archbishop of Canturbu|rie; but by what right, the world knoweth; conside|ring that the lord Thomas Arundell was then li|uing. Anon after he was deposed from his dignitie, and lead the life of an ordinarie priuat man a long time; within a while after againe he was promoted and made bishop of London, which sée he had not pos|sessed a full yeare, but was depriued, and Nicholas Hobwith succeeded in his roome. So that hereby men are taught not to be proud of their preferment, nor to reck [...] of them as of perpetuities, sithens they may be as soone dispossessed as possessed of them; and for that all estates & degrées depend vpon Gods power and prouidence, whereof the poet diuinelie saieth,

Ludit in humanis diuina potentia rebus,
Et certam praesens vix habet hora fidem.Ouid. lib. [...] Pont. 4.

In this yeare the seuenth of Maie was Thomas Langlie consecrated bishop of Durham after the de|cease of Walter Skirlow.An additi [...] of Fran [...] Thin In which place he conti|nued one and thirtie yeares. He among other his be|neficiall déeds beautified the church of Durham for e|uer with a chanterie of two chapleines. Besides which for the increase of learning (wherwith himselfe was greatlie furnished) be built two schooles, the one for grammar to instruct youth, whereby in following time they might be made more able to benefit them|selues and serue their countrie: and the other of mu|sicke, wherein children might be made apt to serue God and the church, both which schooles he erected in a parcell of ground cõmonlie called The plaie gréene. To which buildings (for he was one that delighted much therein, and like vnto the philosopher Anaxago|ras supposed that there was not any more earthlie felicitie, than to erect sumptuous palaces, wherby af|ter their death the memorie of the founders might haue continuance) he added manie sumptuous parts of the palace of Durham. In the towne whereof he did also from the ground (of most statelie stone) erect a new gaole with the gate-house to the same, in that place where of old it remained, and then by iniurie of time fallen downe and consumed. This man inioied the sée of Durham almost the whole time of thrée kings, that is; about six yeares and six moneths in the time of Henrie the fourth, nine yeares and fiue moneths in the time of Henrie the fift, and fifteene yeares in the time of Henrie the sixt; during the go|uernment of all which princes, he was all his life time highlie estéemed and reuerenced for his singu|lar wisedome, and for the great authoritie he bare in publike, betwéene whome and the maior of New|castell arose great contention, about a bridge called Tinebridge in the towne of Gateshed or Goteshed, in Latine called Caput caprae. But in the yeare of our redemption 1416, and of Henrie the fift, the fourth, and of his bishoprike the eleuenth, this bishop had the recouerie thereof, as appeareth by the letter of at|turnie of the said bishop, made to diuerse to take pos|session of the same.

13.1. The letter of atturnie wherby the bishop authorised diuerse to take possession of Tinebridge.

The letter of atturnie wherby the bishop authorised diuerse to take possession of Tinebridge.

_THomas Dei gratia episcopus Dunel|mensis omnibus ad quos praesentes litte|rae peruenerint salutem. Sciatis quòd assignauimus & deputauimus dilectos & fideles nostros Radulphum de Ewrie cheualier senescallum nostrũ Dunelmiae, Williamum Chan|celer cancellarium, infra comitatum & libertatem Dunelmiae, ac Williamum Claxton vicecomitem nostrum Dunelmiae coniunctim & diuisim, ad ple|nam & pacificam seisinam, de duabus partibus medie [...]atis cuiusdam pontis vocati Tinebridge, in villa nostra de Gatesheued, infra comitatum & libertatem Dunelmiae existentis. Quae quidem duae partes medietatis praedictae, continent & faciunt tertiam partem eiusdem pontis vsque austrum, in praedicta villa de Gatesheued. Super quas duas par|tes nuper maior & communitas villae Noui castri super Tinam, quandam turrim de nouo aedificare caeperũt, & quas quidem duas partes cum franche|sijs, iurisdictionibus, & iuribus regalibus super easdem duas partes medietatis praedictae, nuper in curia domini regis versus maiorem & communi|tatem dictae villae Noui castrire cuperauimus nobis EEBO page image 533 & successoribus nostris episcopis Dunelmiae, & in iure ecclesiae nostrae sancti Cuthberti Dunelmiae possidendas de vicecomite Westmerlandiae, prae|textu eiusdẽ breuis dicti domini regis sibi directi nomine nostro recipiendas; & turrim praedictã ad opus nostrum saluò & securè custodiẽdam. Ratum & gratum habiturus quicquid idẽ Radulphus, Wil|liamus & Willielmus nomine nostro fecerint in praemissis. In cuius rei testimonium has litteras nostras fierifecimus patentes. Datum Dunelmiae per manus Williami Cancellarij nostri 26 Octo|bris, anno pontificatus nostri vndecimo.

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