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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The Britaines vnder the conduct of the lord of Cassils, spoiled and burnt the towne of Plimmouth, and returned without receiuing anie damage, but immediatlie therevpon, the westerne men man|ning foorth a fléet, vnder the gouernement of one William Wilford esquier,

William Wil|ford.

Ships taken.

made saile ouer to the coasts of Britaine, where they tooke aboue fortie ships laden with oile, sope, and Rochell wine, to the quantitie of a thousand tunne, or much thereabouts. In returning homewards, they burnt fortie other vessels, and landing at Pennarch, they burnt townes and villages six leagues within the countrie, togi|ther with the towne of saint Matthew, and all the buildings there, thrée leagues round about the same towne. About the feast of All saints, a parlement be|gan at Couentrie, Anno Reg. 5. A parlement at Couentrie. and continued there till saint An|drewes tide: but at length, bicause vittels waxed déere, and lodging was streict, it was adiorned from thence vnto London,Adiorned to London. A pardon. there to begin againe in the octaues of the Epiphanie. The same time, a pardon was granted and proclamed, for all such as had ta|ken part with the Persies against the king, and like|wise for other offendors, those excepted that had con|sented to betraie Calis, whom the king sent thither to suffer for their offenses. A little before Christmas the Frenchmen meant to haue robbed and spoiled the Ile of Wight,Frenchmen inuade the Ile of Wight. but when a thousand of them were set on land, and had got togither a great bootie of cat|tell, suddenlie there came vpon them such number of people that they were constreined to withdraw to their ships, leauing their preie behind them, and no small number of their men to paie for their shot, so that they wan little by that iournie,They are re|pelled. returning home with shame and dishonor.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This yeare in the parlement holden at London (beginning the morow after the feast of saint Hila|rie, and continuing twelue wéeks) the earle of Nor|thumberland was restored vnto his former digni|ties, lands and goods,The parle|ment begin|neth againe. The earle of Northumber|land restored The Ile of Man. the Ile of Man onlie excepted, which by reason of the forfeiture made by the earle of Salisburie, the king had first giuen vnto him, and now depriued him thereof, where all his other lands, possessions, and liuings were wholie to him and his heires restored. By authoritie of the same parlement a subsidie was also granted to the king,A subsidie. of euerie knights fée twentie shillings, whether the same were holden of him by menaltie, or otherwise. Moreouer, euerie man and woman that might dispend in lands the value of twentie shillings & so vpward, aboue the reprises, whether the same lands belonged to the laie fee, or to the church, paied for euerie pound twelue pence: and those that were valued to be woorth in goods twentie pounds and vpwards, paid also after the rate of lands, that is, twelue pence for euerie pound. Abr. Fl. out of Tho. Walsin. Hypod. pag. 164. ¶ This séemeth to be that subsidie which Tho|mas Walsingham calleth a sore surcharging subsidie, or an vnaccustomed tax: the forme and maner wher|of (saith he) I had here interlaced, but that the verie granters and authors thereof had rather that the po|steritie should be vtterlie ignorant thereof, and ne|uer heare of it; sithens it was granted vpon this condition, that hereafter it should not be drawne in|to example; neither might the euidences thereof be kept in the kings treasurie, nor in the excheker; but the records thereof presentlie (after the iust ac|counts giuen vp) burned; neither should writs or commissions be sent abroad against the collectors or inquirers hereof for their better inquest.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen about the same time came before the Ile of Wight with a great nauie,The French|mens demand of the Ile of Wight. and sent cer|teine of their men to the shore, to demand in name of king Richard, and of his wife quéene Isabell, a tribute or speciall subsidie in monie, of the inhabi|tants of that Ile; who answered,The answer of the Iland|men. that king Richard was dead, and queene Isabell sometime his wife had béene sent home to hir parents and countrie, without condition of anie dowrie or tribute: wherefore, they answered reasonablie, that none they would giue: but if the Frenchmen had desire to fight, they willed them to come on land, and there should be none to re|sist them; and after they were on land, they promised to giue them respit for six houres space to refresh themselues, and that time being once expired, they should not faile to haue battell. When the French|men heard of this stout answer made by the Iland|men, they had no lust to approch néere to the land, but returned without further attempt.

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1.13. King Henrie the fourth.

King Henrie the fourth.

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[figure appears here on page 1119]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 H. the fourth._WHen king Richarde had reſigned (as be|fore is ſpecified) the ſcepter & crown Hẽ|rie Plãtagenet borne at Bullingbroke in ye countie of Lincolne, duke of Lancaſter & Heref. erle of Derby, Leyceſter, & Lincolne, ſon to Iohn of Gant duke of Lancaſter, with generall conſent both of the lords & commons, was publiſhed, proclamed and declared king of England and of France, & lorde of Ireland the laſt day of September, in the yeare of the world .5366. of our Lord .1399. of the raigne of the Emperor Wenceſlaus the .22. of Charles the ſixt, king of Fraunce the .xx. and the tenth of Robert the third king of Scottes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] officers [...] Forthwith he made certaine new officers. And firſt in right of his Erledome of Leiceſter he gaue the office of high ſteward of England belonging to the ſame Erledome, vnto his ſecond ſonne the Lord Thomas, who by his fathers cõmaunde|mẽterexerciſed that office, being aſſited (by reaſon of his tender age) by Thomas Percy Earle of Worceſter. The Erle of Northumberland was made Coneſtable of England: ſir Iohn Scyrley Lord Chauncellor: Iohn Norburie Eſquier L. Treaſorer: ſir Richard Clifford lord priuie ſeale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Foraſmuch as by king Richards reſignation & the admitting of a newe king, all pleas in euery Court and place were ceaſſed, and without daye diſcontinued now writtes were made for ſum|moning of the Parliament vnder the name of king Henrie the fourth, [...]e parliamẽt [...]mmoned. the ſame to be holden, as before was appointed, on Monday next enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]d TurrisVpon the fourth day of October, the Lorde Thomas ſeconde Sonne to the King ſatte as Lorde high ſtewarde of Englande by the kings commaundement in the Whitehall of the kings Palace at Weſtminſter, and as belonged to his office, he cauſe inquitie to be made what offices were to be exerciſed by any maner of perſons the day of the kings coronation, and what fees were belonging to the ſame, cauſing proclamation to be made, that what noble man or other that could claime any office that day of the ſolemniſing the kings coronation, they ſhould come and put in their bylles comprehending their demaundes. Where vpon diuerſe offices and fees were clay|med,Clayming of offices at the coronation. as well by billes as otherwiſe by ſpeeche of mouth, in fourme as here enſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt, the Lord Henrie the kings eldeſt ſonne, to whom he as in right of his Duchie of Lanca|ſter had appointed that office, claimed to beare be|fore the king the principall ſword called Curtana, Curtana. and had his ſuyt graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Erle of Somerſet,The Earle of Sommerſet. to whom the king as in right of his Erledome of Lincoln had granted to be Caruer the day of his coronation, claymed that office, and had it confirmed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henrie Percie Erle of Northumberland,The Earle of Northũberlãd and high Coneſtable of England, by the kings grant claymed that office, and obteyned it to enioy at pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Earle in right of the Ile of Man,The Iſle of Manne, which at that preſent was graunted to him; and to his heyres by the king claimed to beare on the kings left ſide a naked ſworde, with whiche the King was gyrded, when before his coronation hee entred as Duke of Lancaſter into the parties of Holderneſſe,Lancaſter ſword. which ſworde was called Lanca|ſters ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Rauf Erle of Weſtmerland,The Earle of Weſtmerland. & Erle Marſhal of England, by the kings grant claymed ye ſame office, and obteyned it, notwithſtanding that the attorneys of the duke of Norffolke,The Duke of Norfolke. preſented to the Lord ſteward their petition on the dukes be|halfe, as Erle Marſhal, to exerciſe the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Thomas Erpinghã knight,Sir Thomas Erpingham. exerciſed the office of Lord great Chamberleyn, and gaue wa|ter to the king when he waſhed, both before & af|ter dinner, hauing for his fees, the Bafon, Ewer, and Towels, with other things whatſoeuer be|longing to his office, notwithſtanding Aubrey de Veer Erle of Oxford put in his petitions to haue that office as due to him from his aunceſters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke by right of inheritance,The Earle of Warwicke. bare the thirde ſworde be|fore the king, and by lyke right was Panter at the coronation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir William Argentine knight,Sir William Argentyne. by reaſon of the tenure of his Mano [...] of Wilmundale in the Countie of Hertford, ſerued the king of the firſte cup of drinke which he taſted of at his dinner the day of his coronation: the cap was of ſiluer vn|gylt, which the ſame knight had for his fees, not|withſtanding the petition which Iuon Fitzwar|ren preſented to the Lord ſteward,Ivon Fitzwarẽ requiring that office in right of his wife ye Lady Mawd, daugh|ter and heyre to ſir Iohn Argentine knight.The L. Fur|niual.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Thomas Neuill Lord Furniual, by rea|ſon of his Manour of Ferneham, with the ham|let of Cere whiche hee helde by the courteſie of EEBO page image 1120 England after the deceaſſe of his wife, the Lady Ioan deceaſſed gaue to the king a gloue for hys right hand, and ſuſteyned the kings right arme ſo long as he bare the ſcepter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The L. Grey.The Lorde Reginald Grey of Ruthen, by reaſon of his manor of Aſhley in Norffolke coue|red the tables, and had for his fees all the Table|clothes, as well thoſe in the Hall, as elſe where, when they were taken vp, notwithſtanding a pe|tition exhibited, by ſir Iohn Draiton to haue had that office.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Great ſpurres.The ſame Lorde Gray of Ruthen, bare the kinges great ſpurres before him in the time of his coronation by right of inheritance, as heyre to Iohn Haſtings Erle of Pembroke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſecond worde.Iohn Erle of Somerſet, by the kings aſſign|ment bare the ſeconde ſworde before him at his coronation, notwithſtanding that the ſayd Lorde Grey of Ruthen by petition exhibited before the Lorde Stewarde demaunded the ſame office, by reaſon of his Caſtell and Tower of Pembroke, and of his towne of Denbigh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Arundel.Thomas Earle of Arundel chiefe Butler of Englande, obteyned to exerciſe that office the day of the coronation, and had the fees thereto belon|ging graunted to him, to wit, the Goblet wyth which the king was ſerued, and other things, to that his office apperteyning (the veſſels of Wine excepted) that lay vnder the bar, which were ad|iudged vnto the ſayd Lorde ſteward, the ſayd erle of Arundels clayme notwithſtanding.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The citizens of London.The Citizens of London choſen forth by the Citie, ſerued in the hall, as aſſiſtants to the Lord chiefe Butler, whileſt the king ſat at dinner, the day of his coronation: and when the king entred into his Chamber after dinner, & called for wine the Lorde Maior of London brought to hym a cuppe of golde with wine, and had the ſame cup giuen to him, togither with the cuppe that con|teyned water to allay the wine. After the king had drunke, the ſayd Lorde Maior and the Al|dermen of London had their table to dine at, on the left hand of the king in the hall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas Dim+mocke.Thomas Dymocke, in right of his mother Margaret Dymocke, by reaſon of the tenure of his manor of Scriuelbie, claymed to be the kings Champion at his coronation, and had hys ſuyte granted, notwithſtanding a clayme exhibited by Baldwin Freuill,Baldwin freuil demaunding that office by reaſon of hys Caſtell of Tamworth in War|wikſhire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayde Democke had for his fees one of the beſt courſers in the kings ſtable, with ye kings ſaddle and all the trappers and harneys apper|teyning to the ſame horſe or Courſer: he hadde likewiſe one of the beſt armors that was in the kings armorie for his owne bodie, with all that belonged wholy therevnto.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Lorde Latimer,The Lorde Latimer. although he was vnder age, for himſelfe and ye Duke of Norffolke, not|withſtanding that his poſſeſſions were in the kings hands, by his attourney ſir Thomas Grey knight, claimed and had the office of Almouer for that day, by reaſon of certaine landes which ſom|tyme belonged to the Lorde William Beau|champe of Bedford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They had a Towel of fine lynnen cloth pre|pared, to put in the ſiluer that was appoynted to be giuen in almes, and likewiſe they had the de|ſtribution of the cloth that couered the Pauement & floores from the kings Chamber doore, vnto the place in the Churche of Weſtminſter where the Pulpet ſtoode. The reſidue that was ſpred in the Church, the Sexten had.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 William le Venour,W. le Ven [...] by reaſon he was tenant of the Manour of Liſton, claymed and obteyned to exerciſe the office of making Wafers for the king the day of his coronation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Barons of the fiue Portes claymed,The bar [...] of the fiue portes. and it was granted them, to beare a Canapie of cloth of golde ouer the king, with four ſtaues, and foure belles at the foure corners, euerie ſtaffe hauing foure of thoſe barons to beare it. Alſo to dine and ſit at the table next to the king on his right hand in the hall the day of his coronation, and for their fees to haue the foreſayde Canapie of golde, with the belles and ſtaues, notwithſtanding the Ab|bot of Weſtminſter claymed the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edmond Chambers claymed and obteyned the office of principall Larderer for him and his Deputies, by reaſon of his manour of Skulton;Edmond Chambers. otherwiſe called Burdellebin Skultõ, in the coũ|tie of Norffolke. Thus was euery man appoyn|ted to exerciſe ſuch office as to him of right apper|teyned, or at the leaſt was thought requiſite for the time preſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Monday then next enſuing, when the ſtates were aſſembled in Parliament, order was taken, that by reaſon of ſuch preparation as was to be made for the coronation, they ſhoulde ſit no more till the morow after Saint Edwards day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Sunday following being the euen of Saint Edwarde, the newe King lodged in the Tower, and there made .xivj. knightes of the Bathe, to witte:

  • Three of his ſonnes,Knightes of the Bath.
  • The Earle of Arundell,
  • The Earle of Warwickes ſonne,
  • The Earle of Stafforde,
  • Two of the Earle of Deuonſhires ſonne,
  • The Lorde Beaumont,
  • The Lorde Willoughbies brother,
  • The Earle of Staffordes brother,
  • The Lorde Camois his ſonne.
  • The Lorde of Maule,
  • Thomas Beauchampe,
  • EEBO page image 1121Thomas Pelham,
  • Iohn Luttrell,
  • Iohn Liſtey,
  • William Hankeford Iuſtice,
  • William Brinchley Iuſtice,
  • Bartholmew Racheforde,
  • Giles Danbeney,
  • William Butler,
  • Iohn Aſhton,
  • Richarde Sanape,
  • Iohn Tiptoſt,
  • Richard Frances,
  • Henrie Percy,
  • Iohn Arundell,
  • William Stralle,
  • Iohn Turpington,
  • Aylmere Saint,
  • Edwarde Haſtings,
  • Iohn Greiſſley,
  • Gerard Satill,
  • Iohn Arden,
  • Robert Chalons.
  • Thomas Dymocke,
  • Hungerforde,
  • Gibethorpe,
  • Newporte, and dyuerſe other to the num|ber of .xlvj.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The L. Maior of London.On the Morrowe beeing Saint Edwardes day, and .xiij. of October, the Lord Maior of Lõ|don road towards the Tower to attẽd the king, with diuerſe worſhipfull Citizens clothed all in red, and from the Tower the king ridde through the Citie vnto Weſtminſter, where he was ſa|cred, annoynted, and crowned king by the Arch|biſhop of Canterburie with all ceremonies and royall ſolemnitie as was due and requiſite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of [...] carried [...]ngs pre| [...] Though all other reioyſed at his aduaunce|ment, yet ſurely Edmonde Mortimer Earle of March, which was couſin and heyre to Lionell duke of Clarence, the thirde begotten ſonne of king Edwarde the thirde, and Richard Earle of Cambridge, ſonne to Edmonde duke of Yorke, whiche had maried Anne ſiſter to the ſame Ed|mond, were with theſe doings neither pleaſed nor contented: Inſomuch that now the deuiſion once begon, the one linage ceaſſed not to perſecute the other, till the heyres males of both the lynes were clearly deſtroyed and extinct.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the day of the coronation, to the intent hee ſhoulde not ſeeme to take vpon him the crowne & ſcepter royall by plaine extort power, and iniuri|ous intruſion,Edward erle [...] [...]er vn [...]ly fa [...]d [...] [...]amed [...]ack. he was aduiſed to make his tytle as heyre to Edmond, (ſurnamed or vntruly fey|ned) Crouchbacke, ſonne to king Henry the third, and to ſay that the ſaid Edmond was elder bro|ther to king Edward the firſt, and for his defor|mitie put by from the crowne, to whõ by his mo|ther Blanch, daughter & ſole heyre to Henry duke of Lancaſter, he was next of bloud, and vndoub|ted heyre. But bycauſe not only his friends, but alſo his priuie enimies, knew that this was but a forged title, conſidering they were ſurely enfor|med, not onely that the ſayde Edmonde was yonger, ſon to king Henrie the thirde, but alſo had true knowledge, that Edmõd was neither crooke backed, nor a deformed perſõ, but a goodly gentle|man, & a valiant captain, & ſo much fauored of his louing father, that he to preferre him in mariage to the Queene Dowager of Nauarre, hauing a great liuelode, gaue to him the countie Palatine of Lancaſter, with many notable honours, high ſeigniories, and large priuiledges: Therefore they aduiſed him to publiſh it, that hee chalenged the realme not onely by conqueſt, but alſo bycauſe he was by king Richarde adopted as beyre, and de|clared by reſignation as his lawfull ſucceſſor, be|ing next heyremale to him of the bloud royall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to proceede to other doings, the ſolemni|tie of the coronation being ended, the morrow af|ter being Tueſday, the Parliamẽt began again,Sir Iohn Che|ny ſpeaker of the parliamẽt diſmiſsed and Wil. Durward admitted. and ye next day ſir Iohn Cheyny that was ſpea|ker, excuſing himſelfe by reaſon of his infirmitie & ſickneſſe, not to be able to exerciſe that roumth, was diſmiſſed, and one William Durward eſ|quire was admitted: herewith were the acts eſta|bliſhed in the Parliament of the .xxj. yere of king Richardes raigne repealed and made voyde,Acts repealed. and the ordinances deuiſed in the Parliament, holden the .xj. yeare of the ſame king, confirmed,Acts cõfirmed & againe eſtabliſhed for good and profitable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day the kings eldeſt ſonne the Lord Henrie, by aſſent of all the ſtates in the Parlia|ment, was created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Erle of Cheſter, then being of the age of .xij. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the Thurſday, the commons came and reherſed all the errors of the laſt Parliament hol|den in the .xxj. yeare of king Richard, and name|ly in cetaine fiue of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt, that where the king that nowe is, was readie to arraigne an appeale agaynſt the Duke of Norffolke, he doing what apperteyned to hys dutie in that behalf, was yet baniſhed afterwards without any reaſonable cauſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Secondly, the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, Metropolitane of the Realme, was foreiudged without anſwere.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thirdly, the duke of Glouceſter was murthe|red, and after foreiudged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fourthly, where the Earle of Arundell alled|ged his Charter of pardon, the ſame might not be allowed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fifthly, that all the power of that euill Par|liament, was graunted and aſſigned ouer to cer|taine perſons, and ſithe that ſuch heynous errors coulde not be cõmitted (as was thought) without EEBO page image 1120 the aſſent and aduice of them that were of the late kings counſaile, they made ſure that they might be put vnder arreſt, and committed to ſafe keping till order might be further taken for them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus much adoe there was in this Parlia|ment, ſpecially about them that were thought to be guiltie of the duke of Glouceſters death, and of the condemning of the other Lords that were ad|iudged traytors in the foreſayde late Parliament holden in the ſayde .xxj. yeare of king Richardes raigne: Fabian. Sir Iohn bagot diſcloſeth ſe|cretes. Sir Iohn Bagot knight then priſoner in the tower, diſcloſed many ſecrets, vnto the which he was priuie, and being brought one day to the barre, a bill was read in Engliſhe whiche hee had made, conteyning certaine euill practiſes of king Richard, and further what great affection ye ſame king bare to the duke of Aumarle, inſomuch that he heard him ſay, that if he ſhuld renounce the go|uernment of the kingdom, he wiſhed to leaue it to the ſaid duke, as to the moſt able mã, for wiſdome and manhood of all other: for though he could like better of the duke of Hereford,Henry the fourth ſuſpec|ted not to be wel affected towards the church before his comming to the crowne yet he ſayde that he knew if he were once king, he would proue an ex|treme enimie, and cruell tyrant to the Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was further conteyned in that Byll, that as the ſame Bagot rode one daye behinde the Duke of Norffolke in the Sauoy ſtreete toward Weſtminſter, the duke aſked him what he knew of the maner of the duke of Glouceſter his death, and he anſwered that hee knewe nothing at all: But the people (quoth he) doe ſay that you haue murthered him. Wherevnto the Duke ſware great othes that it was vntrue, and that hee had ſaued his life contrarie to the will of the king, and certain other Lords, by the ſpace of three weekes, and more, affyrming with all, that he was neuer in all his life time more affrayde of death, than he was at his comming home againe from Calais at that time, to the kings preſence, by reaſon hee had not put the duke to death. And then (ſayd he) the king appoynted one of his owne ſeruants, and certaine other that were ſeruauntes to other Lords to goe with him to ſee the ſayde duke of Gloceſter put to death, ſwearing that as he ſhuld anſwere afore God, it was neuer his mind that he ſhould haue died in yt ſort, but only for feare of the king, and ſauing of his owne life. Neuertheleſſe there was no man in the realme to whom King Richard was ſo much beholden,The D. of Au|marle accuſed. as to the duke of Aumarle, for he was the man that to fulfill hys minde, had ſet hym in hande wyth all that was done againſt the ſayd duke, and the other Lords.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo conteyned in that Byll, what ſecrete malice king Richarde had conceyued a|gaynſte the Duke of Hereforde beeing in exile, whereof the ſame Bagot had ſent intelligence vnto the Duke into Fraunce, by one Roger Smart, who certified it to him by Peeree Buck|ton, and others, to the intent he ſhould the better haue regard to himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo conteyned in the ſayde Bill, that Bagot had heard the Duke of Aumarle ſay, that he had leauer than twentie thouſand pounds that the Duke of Hereforde were dead not for a|ny feare hee had of him, but for the trouble and myſchiefe that hee was like to procure within the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Byll had beene read and heard,The Duke of Aumerles [...] an [...]ſwere to [...]gou byl. the Duke of Aumarle roſe vp and ſayde, that as touching the poynts conteyned in the bill concer|ning him, they were vtterly falſe & vntrue, which he would proue with his body, in what maner ſo|euer it ſhould be thought requiſit. Therewith alſo the duke of Exceter roſe vp, & willed Bagot that if he could ſay any thing againſt him to ſpeake it opẽly. Bagot anſwered, that for his part he could ſay nothing agaynſt him:Iohn Hal a yeman. but there is (ſaide he) a yeoman in Newgate one Iohn Hall that can ſaye ſomewhat.

Well then (ſayde the Duke of Exceter,) this that I do and ſhall ſay is true, that the late king, the duke of Norffolk, and thou being at Woodſtocke, made me to goe with you into the Chapell, and there the doore being ſhutte, ye made mee to ſweare vpon the aulter, to keepe counſayle in that ye had to ſay to mee, and then yee rehearſed that we ſhould neuer haue our pur|poſe, ſo long as the Duke of Lancaſter liued, and therefore ye purpoſed to haue a Councell at Lichfield, and there you woulde arreſt the duke of Lancaſter, in ſuch ſort as by colour of his diſ|obeying the arreſt, hee ſhoulde be diſpatched out of life. And in this maner ye imagined his death, to the which I anſwered, that it were co [...]|ent that the King ſhoulde ſende for his counſaile, and if they agreed herevnto, I would not bee a|gaynſt it, & ſo I departed:
to this Bagot made no anſwere.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the King commaunded that the Lordes, Berkley, and Louell, and ſixe knights of the lower houſe, ſhoulde goe after dinner to exa|mine the ſayd Hall. This was on a Thurſday being the .xv. of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Saterday next enſuing.Bagot and [...] brought to the barre. Sir Wil|liam Bagot, and the ſayde Iohn Hall, were brought both to the barre, and Bagot was exa|mined of certaine poynts, & ſent againe to priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Fitz Water herewith roſe vp, and ſayd to the king, that where the duke of Aumarle excuſeth himſelf of the duke of Glouceſters death, I ſay (quoth he) that he was the very cauſe of his death and ſo hee appealed him of treaſon,The Lord [...] Water appe [...]+le [...] the Du [...] of Aumarle [...] treaſon. offring by throwing downe his hoode as a gage to proue it with his bodie. There were .xx. other Lordes alſo that threw downe the [...]e hoodes, as pledges to proue ye like matter againſt the duke of Aumarle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Aumarle threwe downe hys EEBO page image 1121 hoode to trie it agaynſt the Lorde Fitz Water, as agaynſt him that lyed falſly, in that hee charged him with, by that his appeale. Theſe gages were deliuered to the Coneſtable & Marſhal of Eng|land, and the parties put vnder arreſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The duke of Surrey ſtood vp alſo agaynſt the L. Fitzwater, auouching that where he had ſayd that the appellants were cauſe of ye duke of Glou|ceſters death, it was falſe for they were conſtrey|ned to ſue the ſame appeale, in like maner as the ſayd Lorde Fitz Water was compelled to gyue iudgement againſt the duke of Gloceſter, and the Earle of Arundell, ſo that the ſuing of the ap|peale was done by cohe [...]tion, and if he ſayd con|trary he lied: & therwith he threw down his hood.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Fitz Water anſwered here vnto, that he was not preſent in the Parliament houſe when iudgement was giuen againſt them, and al the Lordes bare witneſſe thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, where it was alledged that the duke of Aumarle ſhould ſend two of his ſeruants vnto Calais to murther the duke of Glouceſter, ye ſayd duke of Aumarle ſaid, that if the duke of Norffolk affyrme it, he lyed falſly, and that he would proue with his bodie, throwing downe an other hoode which he had borowed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame was likewiſe deliuered to the Co|neſtable and Marſhall of England, and the king licenced the Duke of Norffolke to returne, that hee might arraigne his appeale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fabian.After this was Iohn Hal cõdemned of treaſon by authoritie of the Parliament, for that hee had confeſſed himſelfe to be one of them that put the duke of Glouceſter to death at Calais,Iohn Hal exe|cuted. and ſo on the Monday following, he was drawne from the Tower to Tiburne, and there hanged, bowelled, headed, & quartered: his head being ſent to Calais there to be ſe [...] vp, where the duke was murthered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Stew.On Wedneſday folowing, requeſt was made by the commons, that ſith king Richard had re|ſigned,The requeſt of the cõmons. and was lawfully depoſed from his royall dignitie, he might haue iudgemẽt decreed againſt him, ſo as the realme were not troubled by him, and that the cauſes of his depoſing might be pub|liſhed through the realm for ſatiſfying of the peo|ple, which demaund was graunted. Wherevpon the Biſhop of Carleil, E [...]. And biſhop [...] faithful. a man both learned, wiſe, & ſtoute of ſtomacke, boldly ſhewed forth his opini|on concerning that demaunde, affyrming that there was none amongſt them worthie or meete to giue iudgement vpõ ſo noble a prince as king Richard was, whom they had taken for their ſo|ueraigne and liege Lorde, by the ſpace of .xxij. yeares and more, and I aſſure you (ſayd he) there is not ſo ranke a traytor, nor ſo errant a theef, nor yet ſo cruell a murtherer apprehended or deteyned in priſon for his offence, but hee ſhall be brought before the Juſtice to heare his iudgement, and ye will proceede to the iudgement of an annoynted K. hearing neither his anſwere nor excuſe: and I ſay, that the duke of Lancaſter whom ye cal king, hath more treſpaſſed to king Ric. and his realme, than king Richard hath done either to him, or to vs: for it is manifeſt and well knowne, that the Duke was baniſhed the realme by king Richard and his counſayle, and by the iudgement of hys owne father, for the ſpace of tenne yeres, for where cauſe ye know, and yet without licence of King Richard, he is returned againe into the Realme, and that is worſe, hath taken vpõ him, the name, tytle, and preheminence of a King. And therefore I ſay, that yee haue done manifeſt wrong, to proceede in anye thing agaynſt king Richarde, without calling him openly to his aunſwere and defence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As ſoone as the Biſhop had ended this tale, he was attached by the Earle Marſhal, & cõmit|ted to warde in the Abbey of S. Albons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, where the king had graunted to the Erle of Weſtmerland the Countie of Riche|mond,The Duke of Britaine. the Duke of Brytaine pretending a right thereto by an olde tytle, had ſent his letters ouer vnto the eſtates aſſembled in this Parliament, offring to abide ſuch order as the law would ap|poynt in the like caſe to anye of the Kings ſub|iects. Wherepon the Commons for the more ſuretie of the entercouſe of Marchants, beſought the king, that the matter myght bee committed to the ordering of the Counſaile of eyther of the parties, and of his Counſaile, ſo as an end might be had therein, whiche requeſt was lykewyſe graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the recordes of the laſt Parliament were ſhewed, with the appeales, and the commiſ|ſion made to .xij. perſons to determin things that were motioned in the ſame laſt Parliamẽt. Here|vpon the commons prayed that they might haue Iuſtice Markham, and maiſter Gaſcoigne a ſer|geant at the lawe ioyned with them for counſaile touching the peruſing of the recordes, which was graunted them, and day giuen dare till the next morow in the White hall, where they far aboute theſe matters three dayes togither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Monday following, being the [...] of Simon and Iude the Apoſtles, the commons re|quired to heare the iudgement of king Richarde. Wherevpon the Archbiſhop of Ganterburye ap|poynted to ſpeake,King Richard appointed to be kept in per|petual priſon, Hall. declared how that the K. that now is, had graunted King Richard his lyfe, [...]is in ſuche wyſe as hee, ſhoulde remayne in perpe|tuall priſon, ſo ſafely kept, that neyther the King nor realme ſhould be troubled with hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was alſo concluded, that if any man went about to deliuer him, that then he ſhoulde bee the firſt that ſhould die for it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Commons prayed that the EEBO page image 1124 Lordes and other that were of king Richardes counſaile, might be put to their anſwers for their ſundrie miſdemeanors, which was graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 On Wedneſday following, being the mor|row after the feaſt of Simon and Iude, all the proceſſe of the Parliament holden the .xxj. yeare of king Richards raign was red openly, in which it was founde howe the Earle of Warwike had confeſſed himſelfe guiltie of treaſon,The Earlẽ of Warwicke. and aſked pardon and mercie for his offence: but the Earle denied, that euer he acknowledged any ſuch thing by worde of mouth, and that he would proue in what manerſoeuer ſhould bee to him appoynted. Therin was alſo the appeale founde of the dukes of Aumarle, Surrey, and Exceter, the Marques Dorſet, the Earles of Saliſburie, and Gloceſter, to the whiche eche of them anſwered by himſelfe, that they neuer aſſented to that appeale of theyr owne free willes, but were compelled thereto by the king: and this they affyrmed by their othes & offred to proue it by what maner they ſhould bee appoynted.Sir Walter Clopton. Sir Walter Cloptõ ſaid then to the commons, if ye will take aduauntage of the pro|ceſſe of the laſt Parliament, take it, and ye ſhall be receyued thervnto. Then roſe vp the Lord Mor|ley, and ſayde to the Erle of Saliſburie, that he was chiefe of counſail with the duke of Gloceſter, and likewiſe with king Richarde, & ſo diſcouered the dukes counſail to the king as a traytor to his maſter, & that he ſaid he wold with his body proue againſt him, throwing down his hood as a pledge

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The L. Murley appelleth the E. of SaliſburyThe Erle of Saliſburie ſore amooued herewith, told the Lorde Morley, that he falſly belied him, for he was neuer traytor, nor falſe to his maiſter all his life time, and therewith threw downe hys Gloue to wage battaile agaynſt the Lord Mor|ley. Their gages were taken vp, and deliuered to the Coneſtable and Marſhall of Englande, & the parties were arreſted, and day to them giuen till another time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Monday following, being the morow af|ter al Soules day, the cõmons made requeſt, that they might not be entred in the Parliamẽt rolles, as parties to the iudgement giuen in this Parli|ament, but there as in verie truth they were pri|uie to the ſame: for the iudgement otherwiſe be|longed to the king, except where any iudgement is giuen by ſtatute enacted for the profite of the common wealth, which requeſt was graunted: diuerſe other petitions were preſented on the be|halfe of the Commons, part whereof were gran|ted, and to ſome there was none anſwere made at that time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, to auoyde further inconuenience, and to qualifie the minds of the enuious, it was final|ly enacted, that ſuch as were appellants in ye laſt Parliament againſt the duke of Glouceſter and other, following ſhould in this wiſe be ordred:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The dukes of Aumarle, Surrey, and Ex [...]ter,Dukes and o|ther depriued of their titles. there preſent, were iudged to loſe their names of dukes, togither with the honors, titles and digni|ties therevnto belonging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Marques Dorſet beeyng likewy [...] there preſent, was adiudged to loſe his tytle and dignitie of Marques, and the Erle of Glou|ceſter being alſo preſent, was in ſemblable ma [...]ter iudged to loſe his name, title & dignitie of Earle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, it was further decreed agaynſt the,Tho. VV [...]. that they and euery of them ſhoulde loſe and for|feyt all thoſe Caſtels, Lordſhips, manors, lands, poſſeſſions, rents, ſeruices, liberties and reuenues, whatſoeuer had bin giuen to them, at or ſince the laſt Parliament, belonging aforetime to anye of thoſe perſons whome they had appealed, and all other theyr Caſtels, Manours, Lordſhips, lands, poſſeſſions, rentes, ſeruices, liberties, and reue|nues whatſoeuer, whiche they helde of the late kings gyft, the day of the arreſt of the ſayd Duke of Glouceſter, or at any tyme after, ſhoulde alſo remaine in the kings diſpoſition from thence|forth, and al letters patents and Charters, which they or any of them had of the ſame names, Ca|ſtels, Manours, Lordſhips, landes, poſſeſſions, and liberties, ſhould bee ſurrendred vp into the Chauncerie, there to be cancelled. Diuerſe other things were enacted in this Parliament, to the preiudice of thoſe high eſtates, to ſatiſfie mennes myndes that were ſore diſpleaſed with their doings in the late kings dayes, as nowe it mani|feſtly appeared:The hatred which the co|ment had com|mitted againſt the appell [...]. for after it was vnderſtoode that they ſhould be no further puniſhed than as before is mentioned, great murmuring roſe among the people agaynſt the king, the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie, the Earle of Northumberlande, and o|ther of the Counſaile, for ſauing the liues of men whome the commons reputed moſt wicked, and not worthie in any wiſe to liue. But the King thought it beſt, rather with curteſie to reconcile them, than by cutting them off by death, to pro|cure the hatred of theyr friendes and allyes, which were many, and of no ſmall power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the foreſayde iudgement was de|clared with proteſtation by Sir William Thir|ning Iuſtice,The Earle of Saliſbury has requeſt. the Earle of Saliſburie came and made requeſt, that he myght haue his proteſtati|on entred agaynſte the Lorde Morley, whiche Lorde Morley ryſing vp from his ſeate, ſayde, that ſo hee myght not haue, bycauſe in hys firſte aunſwere he made no proteſtation, and therefore he was paſt it nowe.Sir Mathew Gourney. The Earle prayed daye of aduiſement, but the Lorde Morley prayed that hee might loſe his aduauntage, ſith he had not en|tred ſufficient plea agaynſt him. Then ſir Ma|thew Gourney ſitting vnderneath the king ſaid, to the Earle of Saliſburie, that forſomuch as at the fyrſt daye in your aunſweres, yee made no EEBO page image 1125 proteſtation at all, none is entred of recorde, and ſo you are paſt that aduauntage, and therfore aſ|ked him if he would ſay any other thing. Then the Earle deſired that he might put in mainpriſe, which was graunted:The erle of Sa+lisbury main|priſed. and ſo the Erle of Kent, ſir Rauf Ferrers, ſir Iohn Roche, & ſir Iohn Dray|ton knightes, mainpriſed the ſayd Erle, bodie for bodie. For the Lord Morley, all the Lorde [...] and Barons offred to vndertake, and to be ſureties for him, but yet four of them had their names entred, that is to wit,The L. Morlei mainpriſed. the Lordes Willoughbie, Beau|champe, Scales and Berkley: they had day till the Friday after to make theyr libell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Fitz Walter.After this came the Lorde Fitzwater, and prayed to haue day and place to arraigne his ap|peale agaynſte the Erle of Rutland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king ſayde he woulde ſend for the Duke of Norffolke, to returne home, and then vpon his returne he ſayde he woulde proceede in that mat|ter. Many ſtatutes were eſtabliſhed in this Par|liament, as well concerning the whole bodie of the common wealth, (as by the booke thereof im|printed maye appeare) as alſo concerning diuerſe priuate perſons then preſently liuing, which part|ly we haue touched, and partly for doubt to be o|uer tedious,The Archb. of Canterbury re+ſtored to his ſee we doe omit: but this among other is not to be forgottẽ, that the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie, was not onely reſtored to his former dignitie, being remoued from it by king Richard, who had procured one Roger Walden to be pla|ced therein (as before ye haue hearde) but alſo the ſayde Walden was eſtabliſhed Byſhop of Lon|don, wherewith he ſeemed very well contented.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. VValſ. Hall.Moreouer, the kings eldeſt ſonne Henry alre|die created (as heyre to his father, & to the crown) Prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, and Erle of Cheſter, was alſo intituled Duke of Aquitaine: & to auoyde all tytles, claymes, and ambiguities, there was an act made for the vniting of ye crown vnto king Henrie the fourth,The crowne i [...]iled. and to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten, his foure ſonnes, Henrie, Thomas, Iohn, and Humfrey, being na|med, as to whom the right ſhould diſcend ſucceſ|ſiuely by way of intaile, in caſe where heyres fay|led to any of them. By force of this act king Hẽ|rie thought himſelfe firmely ſet on a ſure foun|dation, not needing to feare any ſtorme of aduerſe fortune. But yet ſhortly after he was put in dan|ger to haue bene ſet beſides the ſeate, by a conſpi|racie begon in the Abbot of Weſtminſters houſe, as after ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to make an ende with this Parlia|ment, after that things were cõcluded and gran|ted, ſo as was thought to ſtande with the ſuretie of the king, and good quiet of the realme, the king graunted a free pardon to all his ſubiects, thoſe excepted that were at the murther of the Duke of Glouceſter, and ſuche as had committed wilfull murther, or rape, or were knowne to be notori|ous the ones. And thoſe that were to take benefite by this pardon, were appoynted to ſue forth the Charters thereof, betwixt that preſent and the feaſt of all S [...]ts next inſuing: and ſo was this Parliamẽt diſſowed. Immediately after the king (according to an order take [...]in the ſame Par|liament, to giue (to vnderſtand vnto all Princes and Countreys about him,Tho. VValſ. by what title and oc|caſion bee hadde taken to him (the kingdome) ſent Ambaſſadours vnto them to ſignifie the ſam [...] [figure appears here on page 1125] Vnto Rome were ſent, Iohn Treneuant,Ambaſſadours ſent to forrain princes. By|ſhop of Hereforde, ſir Iohn Cheyney knight, and Iohn Cheyney Eſquier. Into France, M. Wal|ter Skyrlow Biſhop of Durham, and Thomas Percey Erle of Worceſter. Into Spaine, Iohn Trenour Biſhop of Saint Aſaph, and ſir Wil|liam Parre knight. Into Almaine the Biſhop of Bangor, and two others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottes in time of the late Parliament, taking occaſion of the abſence of the Northern Lords, and alſo by reaſon of great mortalitie that afflicted the northren people that yeare,The caſtel of wark taken by the Scots. Sir Tho. Gray. inuaded the borders, tooke the Caſtel of Warke, that was aſſigned to the ſafe keeping of ſir Thomas Grey knight, who then was at the Parliament, as one of the knights of the ſhire, by incanes of whoſe ab|ſence, the enimies the ſooner (as is to be thought) obteyned theyr deſire, and ſo kept that Caſtell a certaine time, and finally ſpoyled it, & ouerthrew it to the ground.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſides this, they did many other miſchiefes in the Countrey,The death of the Duke of Norfolke to the vndoing of many of the kings ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norffolke dyed in exile at Venice, whoſe death might haue beene worthily bewayled of all the realme, if he had not bene conſenting to the death of the Duke of Glouceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare deceaſſed the duches of Glo|ceſter, through ſorrow as was thought,The duches of Gloceſter deceaſeth. which ſhe EEBO page image 1126 conceyued for the loſſe of hir ſonne and heyre the Lorde Humfrey, who being ſent for forth of Ire|land (as before ye haue heard) was taken with the peſtilence, and died by the way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to ſpeake of the conſpiracie whiche was contriued by the Abbot of Weſtminſter as chiefe Inſtrument thereof. Ye ſhall vnderſtande, that this Abbot (as it is reported) vppon a tyme hearde king Henrie ſay when hee was but Earle of Darbie,Nall. and yong of yeares, that Princes had too little, and religious men too muche. He there|fore doubting nowe,What moued the Abbot of Weſtminſter to conſpire a|gainſt the K. leaſt if the king continued long in the eſtate, hee woulde remoue the greate beame that then grieued his eyes, and pricked his conſcience, became an Inſtrument to ſearch oute the mindes of the Nobilitie, and to bring them to an aſſemble and counſaile, where they myght cõ|ſult and cõmen togither, how to bring that to ef|fect which they earneſlly wiſhed and deſired, that was the deſtruction of king Henry, and the reſto|ring of king Richard. For ther were diuers lords that ſhewed themſelues outwardly to fauor king Henry, where they ſecretly wiſhed and ſought his confuſion. The Abbot after he had felt the minds of ſundrie of them, called to his houſe on a day in the terme time, all ſuch Lords and other perſons which he eyther knew or thought to be as affecti|onate to king Richard, as enuious of the proſpe|ritie of king Henrie,The lords that conſpired a|gainſt the king whoſe names were, Iohn Holland Erle of Huntingdon late duke of Exe|ter, Thomas Holland Erle of Kent late duke of Surrey, Edward Erle of Rutland late Duke of Aumalle, ſonne to the duke of York, Iohn Mon|tagew Erle of Saliſburie, Hugh Lord Spencer late Erle of Glouceſter, Iohn the Biſhop of Car|leill, Sir Thomas Blount, and Magdalen a Prieſt one of King Richardes Chapell, a man as lyke to hym in ſtature and proportion in all lyniaments of bodie, as vnlyke in byrth, dignitie, and conditions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Abbot highly feaſted theſe Lords, hys ſpeciall friendes, and when they had well dyned, they withdrewe into a ſecrete Chamber, where they ſate downe in counſaile, and after much talk and conference had aboute the bringing of theyr purpoſe to paſſe cõcerning the deſtruction of king Henrie, at length by the aduice of the Earle of Huntingdon,A iuſtes de|uiſed to be holden at Ox|ford. it was deuiſed that they ſhould take vpon them a ſolemne iuſtes to be enterpryſed be|tweene him and twentie on his part, and the erle of Saliſburie, and twentie with him at Oxford, to the which triumph king Henrie ſhoulde be de|ſired, and when hee ſhould hee moſt buſily regar|ding the Martiall paſtime, hee ſodainly ſhoulde bee ſlaine and deſtroyed, and ſo by that meanes king Richard, which as yet liued, might be reſto|red to libertie, and to his former eſtate & dignitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was further appointed, who ſhould aſſẽble the people, the number and perſons which ſhould accompliſh & put in execution their deuiſes enter|price.And In [...] fe [...]. Herevpon was an Indenture fe [...] made, ſealed with their ſeales, and ſignes wyth theyr handes, in the whiche eche ſtoode [...] to other, to do their whoſe endeuor for the accom|pliſhing of their purpoſed exployts.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer they ſware on thẽ holye Euange|liſtes to be true and ſecrete eche to other, euen ſo the houre and poynt of death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all things were thus appoynted,He is deſired no t [...] [...] ſee the king the Erle of Huntingtõ came to the king vnto Wind|ſore, earneſtly requiring him, yt he would vauch|ſafe to be at Oxford at the day appoynted of their iuſtes, both to behold the ſame, and to be the diſco|uerer and indifferent iudge (if anye antiquitie ſhould riſe of theyr couragious actes and doing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king being thus inſtantly required of hys brother in law, and nothing leſſe imagining [...]hẽ that which was pretended, gently graunted to fulfill his requeſt. Which thing obteyned, all the Lords of the conſpiracie departed home to theyr houſes, as they noyſed it, to ſet armorers on work about the trimming of their armour againſt the iuſtes and to prepare all other furniture & things redy, as to ſuch an high & ſolemne triumph apper|teyned. The Erle of Hũtingdõ came to his houſe and rayſed men on euery ſide, & prepared horſe & har [...]s for his compaſſed purpoſe, and when he had all things redy, he departed towards Oxford, and at his cõming thither, he found all his mens and confederates there, well appointed for theyr purpoſe, except the Earle of Rutlande, by whoſe folly their practiſed conſpiracie was brought to light & diſcloſed to king Henry. For this Earle of Rutland departing before frõ Weſtm. to ſee hys father the duke of Yorke, as he ſate at dinner, had his counterpane of the Indenture of the confede|racie in his boſome. The father eſpying it,The Duke of Yorke ta [...] thẽ Inde [...] from his [...] would needes ſee what it was: and though the ſonne hũ|bly denied to ſhow it, the father beeing more ear|neſt to ſee it, by force tooke it out of his boſome, & perceyuing the contents thereof, in a great rage cauſed his horſes to be ſadled out of hande, and ſpitefullye reprouing his ſonne of treaſon, for whom he was become ſuretie and mainpernour for his good abraring in open Parliament, he in|continently moũted on horſback to ride towards Winſore to the king, to declare vnto him the ma|licious intent of his ſonne and his compliers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Rutlande ſeeing in what daun|ger he ſtood, tooke his horſe, and rode another way to Windſore in poſt, ſo that he got thither before his father, and when he was alighted at the Ca|ſtell Gate, hee cauſed the Gates to be ſhat [...], ſay|ing that hee muſt needes delyuer the keyes to the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he came before the kings preſence, hee EEBO page image 1127 he kneeled downe on his knees, beſeeching him of mercie and forgiueneſſe,The earle of Rutland vt| [...]th the whole conſpi|racy to the K. and declaring the whole matter vnto him in order as euery thing had paſ|ſed, obteyned pardon, and therewith came his fa|ther, and being let in, deliuered the indẽture which he had taken from his ſonne, vnto the king, who thereby perceyuing his ſonnes wordes to bee true, chaunged his purpoſe for his goyng to Ox|forde, and diſpatched Meſſengers forth to ſigni|fie vnto the Earle of Northumberlande his highe Coneſtable, and to the Erle of Weſtmerland hys high Marſhall, & to other his aſſured friends, of al the doubtfull daunger and perillous ieopardie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The conſpirators being at Oxford, at length perceyued by the lacke of the Earle of Rutlande that their enterpriſe was reuealed to the king, and therevpon determined now openly with ſpeare & ſhield, to bring that to paſſe which before they co|uertly attempted, and ſo they adorned Magda|lene,Magdalen con [...]erfeited to be king Richarde. a man moſt reſembling king Richarde, in royall and princely veſture, and named him to be king Richard, affirming that by fauor of his kee|pers he was eſcaped out of priſon, & ſo they came forwards in order of warre, to the intent to de|ſtroy king Henrie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Whileſt the confederators with their newe publiſhed Idoll, accõpanied with a ſtrong armie of men, tooke the direct way towards Windſore, K. Henry admoniſhed thereof,The K. cõmeth to the Tower of London. with a few horſmẽ in the night came to the tower of London about xij. of the clocke, where in the morning he cauſed the Maior of the Citie to apparell in armor, the beſt and moſt couragious perſons of the Citie, which brought to him three thouſande archers, & three. M. vil men, beſides them that wer appoin|ted to defende the Citie. The conſpirators com|ming to Windſore, entred the Caſtell,The Lords come to Win|ſore. and vn|derſtanding that the king was gone from thence to London, determined with all ſpeede to make towards the Citie: but chaunging that determi|nation as they were on their way, they turned to Colbroke, and there ſtayed.The K. goeth forth againſt them. King Henrie iſſuing out of Londõ with .xx.M. men came ſtreight to Hunſlo heath, and there pitched his campe, to a|bide [figure appears here on page 1127] the cõming of his enimies: But when they were aduertiſed of the kings puiſſaunce, amazed with feare,They [...]tire. & forthinking their begon enterpriſe, as men miſtruſting their owne companie, depar|ted from thence to Barkamſteed, and ſo to Cir|ceſter,They come to [...]ter. and there the Lords tooke their lodging. The Erle of Kent, and the Erle of Saliſburie in one Inne, and the Erle of Huntingdon, and lord Spencer in an other, and all the hoſt lay in the fieldes,The [...]life of [...]er ſet [...] vpon thẽ [...] their lod|gings. wherevpon in the night ſeaſon, the baylife of the towne with foureſcore Archers ſet on the houſe, where the Erle of Kent, and the other lay, which houſe was mãfully aſſaulted and ſtrong|ly defended a great ſpace, the Earle of Hunting|don,The lords ſet [...] in their [...]gings. being in an other Inne with the lord Spen|cer, ſet fire on diuerſe houſes in the towne, thin|king that the aſſaylants woulde leaue the aſſault and reſcue their goods, which thing they nothing regarded. The hoſt lying without, hearing noyſe,Hall. Froiſſart. and ſeeing fire in the towne, thought verily that king Henry had bin come thither with his puiſ|ſance, and thervpon fled without meaſure, euery man making ſhift to ſaue himſelfe, and ſo that which the lords deuiſed for their helpe, wrought their deſtructiõ: for if the army that lay wtout the town had not miſtakẽ ye matter, whẽ they ſaw ye houſes on fire, they might eaſily haue ſuccoured their chieftaines in the towne that were aſſailed, but with a few of the townes mẽ, in compariſon of the great multitude ye lay abrode in the fields. But ſuch was the ordinance of the mightie Lord of Hoſtes, who diſpoſeth things at his pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Huntingdon and his cõpany ſee|ing the force of the towneſmen to encreaſe, fledde EEBO page image 1128 out on the backeſide, entending to repayre to the armie which they found diſperſed & gone. Then the erle ſeeing no hope of comfort fled into Eſſex.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other [...]ues which were left fighting in the towne of Circeſter, were wounded to death and taken, and their heads ſtricken off and ſent to London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus wryteth Hal of this conſpiracie, in fol|lowing what authour I know not:Tho. VVal. But Tho|mas Walſingham and diuerſe other ſeeme ſom|what to diſſent from him in relation of this mat|ter: for they write that the conſpiratours mente vpon the ſodaine to haue ſet vpon the king in the Caſtell of Windſore,A maske. vnder colour of a Maſke or Mummerie, and ſo to haue diſpatched him, and reſtoring king Richarde vnto the kingdome, to haue recouered their former titles of honor, wt the poſſeſſions whiche they had loſt by iudgement of the laſt Parliamẽt. But the king getting know|ledge of theyr pretenſed treaſon, got him with all ſpeede vnto London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3



The conſpirators, to wit, the Earles of Kent and Saliſburie, ſir Raufe Lumley, and others, ſuppoſing that the king had not vnderſtoode their malicious purpoſe, the firſt Sunday of the newe yeare, which fell in the octaues of the Innocents, came in the twilight of the euening vnto Wind|ſore with 400. armed men, where vnderſtanding that the King was withdrawne vpon warnyng had of their purpoſed intention, they forthwith re|turned back, and came fyrſt vnto Sunnynges a Manor place not farre from Reading where the Queene wife to R. Richard then lay. Here ſet|ting a good countenance of the matter,The wordes of the earle of kent. the Erle of Kent declared in preſence of the Queenes ſeruãts that the Lord Henrie of Lancaſter was fled from his preſence with his children and friendes, and had ſhut vp himſelfe and them in the Tower of London, as one afrayed to come abroade for all the bragges made heretofore of his manhood: and therefore (ſayth he) my intention is my Lords to go vnto Richard that was, is, & ſhal be our king, who being alreadie eſcaped forth of priſon, lyeth nowe at Pomfret, with an hundred thouſande men: and to cauſe his ſpeech the better to be belie|ued, he tooke away the kings cogniſaunces from them that ware the ſame, as the Collers from their neckes, and the badges of Creſſants frõ the ſleeues of the ſeruants of houſhold, and throwing them away, ſayde that ſuch cogniſances were no longer to be borne. Thus hauing put the Quene in a vain hope of that which was nothing ſo, they departed from thence vnto Wallingford, and af|ter to Abingdon, entiſing the people by all mea|nes poſſible vnto rebellion, all the waye as they went and ſending their agentes abroade, for the ſame purpoſe, at length they came to Circiter in the darke of the night, and tooke vppe their lod|gings. The inhabitants of that towne ſuſpecting the matter, and iudging as the truth was, theſe rumors which the Lords ſpred abroade were but dreames, they tooke therevpon counſell togither, got them to armor, and ſtopped al the entries and outgates of the Innes where theſe new gueſtes were lodged, inſomuch that whẽ they about mid|night ſecretly attempted to haue come forth and gone their wayes, the towneſmen with bow and arrowes were readie to ſtay them, & kepe them in. The Lords perceyuing the daunger, gotte them to their armor & weapons, and did their beſt by force to breake through and repulſe the towneſ|men. But after they had fought from midnight till three of the clocke in the afternoone of the next day, and perceyued they could not preuaile,The lordes yeld thẽſelues they yeelded themſelues to the towneſmen, beſieching thẽ to haue their liues ſaued, till they might come to the kings preſence. This requeſt they had ob|teyned, if a prieſt that was chaplain to one of thẽ,A prieſt ſet fire in the houſes of Citcit [...]. had not in the meane time ſet fire vpon certaine houſes in the towne, to the ende that whiles the towneſmen ſhuld buſie themſelues to quench the fire, the Lords might find means to eſcape: but it came nothing to paſſe as hee imagined, for the towneſmen leauing all care to ſaue their houſes from the rage of the fire, were kindled more in furie towards the Lords, and ſo to reuenge them|ſelues of them, they brought them forth of the Abbey where they hadde them in theyr handes, and in the twie light of the euening, ſtroke off their heades.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Holland Erle of Huntington,The Lordes be headed. (as Tho. Walſ. writeth) was not with the Lordes at the Caſtell of Windſore, but ſtayed about London to beholde the end of this buſineſſe: and hearing how the matter went, farre contrarie to that hee wiſhed, hee ſought to flie by ſea, but not able to gette away, by reaſon the winde being contrarie would not permit him, he tooke his horſe, and ha|uing a knight with him called ſir Iohn Shelley, he roade into Eſſex,Chron. S. [...] attempting to haue fled from thence by Sea, but ſtill the winde was ſo a|gaynſt him, that he was continually driuen back when hee was about to make ſaile, and ſo com|ming againe to lande, he was taken one euening at Pitwell in Eſſex,The erle of Hunting [...] taken. in a Mill (that belonged to one of his truſtie friendes) as he ſate there at ſup|per, togither with the ſayde ſir Iohn Shelley. The Commons of the Countrey that toke him, brought him firſt to Chelmeſforde, and after to Plaſhie, where on the day of S. Maure, that is ye xv. of Ianuarie, about Sunne ſetting he was be|headed in the verie place in whiche the Duke of Glouceſter was arreſted by king Richarde.He is be head [...] Hee confeſſed wyth lamentable repentaunce (as wry|ters do record) that many wayes forth, he had of|fended god & his prince, bycauſe yt vnderſtanding EEBO page image 1129 the purpoſe of the other Lordes, hee had not re|uealed the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Hugh Spencer, otherwiſe called Earle of Glouceſter, as he would haue fledde in|to Wales, was taken and carried to Briſtowe, where according to the earneſt deſires of ye com|mons,H [...]ll. he was beheaded. Magdaleine fleeing in|to [figure appears here on page 1129] Scotland, was taken by the way, [...] brought to the Tower. Many other that were priuie to this conſpiracie, were taken, and put to deathe, ſome at Oxforde, as Sir Thomas Blunt, Sir Benet Cilie Knight, [...]tion. and Thomas Wintercell Eſquier, but ſir Leonard Brokas, and ſir Iohn Shelley Knights,Th [...] VValſ. Hal. Iohn Magdalene, and Wil|liam Ferby Chapleynes, were drawen, hanged, and beheaded at London. There were nineteene in all executed in one place and other, and the heads of the chiefe cõſpirators were ſet on polles ouer London bridge, to the terror of others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, the Abbot of Weſtminſter, in whoſe houſe the conſpiracie was begonne (as is ſayde) goyng betweene his monaſterie and manſion, for thought fell into a ſuddayne, pa [...]|ſey,The Abbot of Weſtminſter dieth ſodeinly Th [...] VValſ. and ſhortly after, without ſpeech, ended thys life. The Biſhop of Careleill was impeached, and condenmed of the ſame conſpiracie, but the King of his mercifull clemencie, pardoned hym of that offence,The biſhop of Carleile dieth through feare, [...] rather tho| [...]gh grief of [...]ede, to ſee [...]e wicked [...]per, as he [...] it, Hal. although hee dyed ſhortly after, more through feare than force of ſickneſſe, as ſome haue written. Thus all the aſſociates of this vnhappie conſpiracie taſted the paynefull penaunce of theyr pleaſant paſtime.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue ye hearde, what writers haue re|corded of this matter, with ſome difference be|twixt them that write, howe the King ſhoulde haue bin made away at a Iuſtes, and other that teſtifie, howe it ſhoulde haue beene at a maſke or mummerie, but whether they meante to haue diſpatched him at a mumming, or at a I [...]ſtes, their purpoſe beeyng reuealed by the Earle of Rutlande, they were broughte to confuſion (as before yee haue heard.) And immediately after, King Henry, to ridde himſelfe of any ſuch lyke daunger to be attempted againſt him thereafter, cauſed King Richard to dye of a violent death, that no man ſhoulde afterwarde fayne hymſelfe to repreſent his perſon, though ſome haue ſayde, he was not priuie to that wicked offence.The ſundrye reports of K. Richards deth The common fame is, that he was euery day ſerued at the table with coſtly meate, like a Kyng, to the intente that no creature ſhould ſuſpecte anye thing done, contrarie to the order taken in the Parliament, and when the meate was ſet before him, he was forbidden once to touche it, yea, hee was not permitted ſo muche as to ſmell to it, and ſo he dyed of famine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 One writer,Some write, that hee pined himſelfe to death, & wold receyue no foode after he knewe howe his frends had ſpedde, and ſo ended his lyfe on S. Valen|tines day. Tho. VValſ. Sir Piers de Extõ, the mur|derer of kyng Richard. whiche ſeemeth to haue greate knowledge of Kyng Richardes doings, ſayeth, that King Henry, ſitting one daye at his table, ſore ſighing, ſayde, haue I no faithfull friende which will deliuer me of him, whoſe life will bee my death, and whoſe death will be the preſerua|tion of my life. This ſaying was muche noted of them whiche were preſent, and eſpecially, of one, called ſir Piers of Exton. This Knighte incontinently departed from the Courte, with eight ſtrong perſons in his company, and came to Poumfret, commaunding the Eſquier that was accuſtomed, to ſew and take the aſſay be|fore Kyng Richarde, to doe ſo no more, ſaying, let him eate nowe, for hee ſhall not long eate. K. Richarde ſate downe to dinner, and was ſerued without courteſie or aſſay, wherevppon, muche maruelling at the ſuddaine chaunge, he deman|ded of the Eſquier, why he did not his duetie, ſir (ſayd he) I am otherwiſe commaunded by Sir Piers of Exton, which is newly come from K. Henry: when King Richard heard that worde, he tooke the keruing knife in his hand, and ſtrake the Eſquier on the head ſaying, the Deuil take Henry of Lancaſter, and thee togither, and with that worde, ſir Piers entered the chamber, well armed, with eight tall men likewiſe armed, euery of them hauing a bill in his hand. King Richard perceiuing this, put the table from him, and ſtep|ping to the formoſt man, wrong the bill out of his handes, and ſo valiantly defended himſelfe, that hee ſlewe foure of thoſe that thus came to aſſayle hym:The deſperate manhoode of King Richard Sir Piers beeing halfe diſmayed herewith [...]pt into the chayre, where King Ri|charde was wone to ſitte, while the other foure perſons fought with him, and chaſed him about the chamber: and in cõcluſion, as King Richard trauerſed his ground, from one ſide of the cham|ber to an other, and comming by the chayrs, where ſir Piers ſtoode, hee was felled with a ſtroke of a pollax, which ſir Piers gaue hym vp|pon the head, and therewith ridde him out of life,King Richard murthered. without giuing him reſpite, once to call to God for mercie, of his paſſed offences.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1130It is ſayd, that ſir Piers of Exton, after hee had thus ſlayne him, wept right bitterly, as one ſtriken with the pricke of a giltie conſcience, for murthering him, whome he had ſo long a tyme obeyed, as King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After hee was thus dead, his body was em|baulmed, and ſeared, and couered with leade, all ſaue the face, to the intente that all men myghte ſee him, and perceyue, that he was departed this life: for as the corps was conueyed from Pont|fret to London, in all the Townes and places where thoſe that had the conueyance of it dyd ſtay with it all nighte, they cauſed Dirige to bee ſong in the euening, and Maſſe of requiem in the morning, and as well after the one ſeruice as the other, his face diſcouered, was ſhewed to all that coueted to behold it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The dead bo|dy of K. Ri|chard brought to the Tower.Thus was the corps firſte broughte to the Tower, and after through the Citie, to the Ca|thedrall Churche of Sainte Paule bare faced, where it laye three dayes togither, that all men might behold it. There was a ſolemne obſequie done for him, both at Poules, & after at Weſt|minſter, at the which, both at dirige ouernighte, and in the morning at the Maſſe of Requiem, the King and the Citizens of London were pre|ſent. When the ſame was ended, the corps was commaunded to be had vnto Langley,He is buryed at Langley. there to be buried in the Church of the Friers Preachers. The Byſhop of Cheſter, the Abbots of Sainte Albons, and Waltham, celebrated the exequies for the buriall, none of the nobles, nor any of the commons to accompt of being preſent: neyther was there anye to bid them to dinner after they had leyde him in the grounde, and fyniſhed the funerall ſeruice. Hee was after by King Henry the fifth remoued to Weſtminſter, and there ho|norably entombed with O. Iune his wife, al|though the Scottes vntruely write, that he eſca|ped out of priſon, and ledde a vertuous and a ſo|litarie life in Scotlande, and there dyed, and is buried as they hold, in the blacke Friers at Ster|ling.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Forayne prin|ces not with|out cauſe, ab|ho [...]re to heare of the ſhame|full murther of King Rich.When the newes of King Richardes depo|ſing, was reported in Fraunce, King Charles and all his Court wondered, deteſted, and ab|borred ſuche an iniurie done to an annoynted Kyng, to a Crowned Prince, and to the head of a Realme: but in eſpeciall, Waleran, Earle of Saint Paule, which hadde married King Ri|chardes halfe ſiſter, moued of high diſdayne to|wards King Henry, ceaſſed not to ſtirre Kyng Charles and his counſaile, to make warres a|gainſt the Engliſhmen, and he himſelfe ſent let|ters of defiance into Englande. The Erles ſute was eaſily agreed vnto, and an army royall ap|poynted with all ſpeede, to muade Englande. This army was come down into Picardie, rea|die to be tranſported into England: but when it was certainely knowen, that K. Richarde was dead, and that the enterpriſe of his deliueraunce, (whiche was chiefly meante) was fruſtrate and voyde, the army was diſſolued: but when ye cer|taintie of King Richards death was intimate to the Gaſcoignes,How the Gaſ|coignes [...] the death of K. Richard. ye moſt part of the wiſeſt mẽ of ye countrey were right penſife: for they iudged verily, that heereby the engliſh nation ſhoulde be brought to diſhonor, and loſſe of their auntiente fame & glory, for committing ſo heinous an of|fence againſt their K. and Soueraigne Lord, ye memorie wherof, they thought would neuer die: and chiefly, the Citizens of Burdeaux tooke the matter very ſore at the ſtomacke: for they bare exceding fauour to K. Richard, bycauſe he was borne and brought vp in their Citie, & therefore more than al the reſidue, they ſhewed themſelues to abhorre ſo hainous a deede. The Frenchmen hauing vnderſtanding hereof, thought with thẽ|ſelues, that nowe was ye time for thẽ to practiſe with the Gaſcoignes, to reduce them from the engliſh obeyſance, vnder their ſubiection. Heere|vpon,The Duke of Burbon. came Lewes Duke of Burbon vnto A|gen, & wrote to diuers Cities and townes, on ye confines of Guienne, exhorting them with large promiſes, & faire ſugred words, to reuolt from ye Engliſhmen, & to become ſubiects to the crowne of Fraunce, but his trauaile preuayled not: for the people vnderſtanding that the engliſhe yoke was but eaſie in compariſon to the French bon|dage, determined to abide rather in their old ſub|iection, than for a diſpleaſure irrecouerable, to aduenture themſelues on a new doubtfull perill,Froiſſart. yet it was doubted, leaſt the Cities of Burde|aux, Dax, and Bayonne, would haue reuolted, if the Lordes of the marches about thoſe places, had leaned to them in that purpoſe, for they ſent their commiſſioners vnto Agen, to treate with the Duke of Burbon: but for ſo muche as the Lordes, Pomiers, Mucident, Duras, Landu|ras, Copane, Roſem, and Langurante, were mynded to continue ſtill Engliſhe, thoſe Ci|ties durſt not well without them turne to the Frenche obeyſance, for they could not haue ſtir|red out of theyr gates, but thoſe Lordes woulde haue beene readye at theyr elbowes, to haue caught them by the ſleeues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Henrye beyng aduertiſed of the Frẽch|mennes couerte meanyngs, and alſo of the wauering myndes of the Gaſcoignes, ſente Thomas Percie Earle of Worceſter with two hundred menne of armes, and foure hun|dred archers into Guyenne, to ayde and aſ|ſiſt Sir Roberte Knolles, hys Lieutenaunte there. The chiefeſt Captaynes that accompa|nyed the Earle in this iourney, were theſe,Polidor. fyrſte, hys Nephewe Sir Hugh Haſtings,Froiſſart. Sir EEBO page image 1131 Thomas Colleuille, Sir William Liſle, Iohn de Grailly, baſe ſonne to the Captall de Boeuf, Sir William Drayton, Sir Iohn Daubreti|court: alſo there went with him the Byſhoppe of London; and maſter Richarde D [...]alle, or Dolley.The Earle of Worceſt. ſent into Gaſcoyn. The Earle at his arriuall, ſo wiſely en|treated the noble men, ſo grauely perſwaded the magiſtrates of the Cities and Townes, and ſo gently and familiarly vſed and treated ye com|mons, that he not onely appeaſed their f [...]t and malice, but broughte them to louing and vni|forme obeyſance, receyuing of them othes of o|bedience, and loyall fealtie, whiche done, hee re|turned agayne into Englãd with great thãkes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche King perceyuing he coulde not bring his purpoſe aboute, neyther by inuading England,Ambaſſadours frõ the French king. nor by practiſing with ye Gaſcoignes, ſent a ſolemne Ambaſſade into England, requi|ring to haue his daughter ye Lady Iſabel, ſome|time eſpouſed to King Richard, reſtored to him agayne. King Henry gently receyued thoſe that were ſente to him aboute this meſſage, and for aunſwere, promiſed to ſende his commiſſioners vnto Calais, whiche ſhoulde further commune and conclude with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was not ynough that King Henry was thus troubled now in the firſt yere of his raigne, with ciuill ſedition, and the couert practiſes of the Frenchmen, but that the Scottes alſo tooke vpon them to make open warre againſt him: it chaunced,George Earle of Marche fle|eth into En|glande. (as in the Scottiſh Chronicles more at large appeareth) that George of Dunbarre, Earle of the marches of Scotland, being in diſ|pleaſure with Robert King of Scottes, fledde into Englande, to Henry Earle of Northum|berland, wherevppon, the Scottiſhe King de|priued him of all his dignities and poſſeſſions, and cauſed his goodes to bee confiſcate, and after wrote to the King of England, requiring hym if he would haue the twice any longer to conti|nue, either to deliuer into his poſſeſſion the Erle of Marche, and other T [...]tors to his perſon, or elſe to baniſhe them out of his Realme and do|minions:The [...]ſwere of K. Henry to the Scottiſhe ambaſſadours. King Henry diſcretely aunſwered the Herrault of Scotland, that ye words of a Prince oughte to bee kepte, and his writing and Seale ought to bee [...] plate, and conſidering that hee had graunted a ſafeconduct to the Earle and his company, he would neyther without cauſe rea|ſonable breake his promiſe, nor yet deface hys honor, which aunſwere declared to the King of Scottes, hee incontin [...]lye proclaymed open warre againſt the King of Englande,Open war pro+claymed by the kyng of Scots agaynſte Englande. Tho. VValſ. with fyre and ſword: Heerevpon, one ſir Robert Logon, a Scottiſhe Knight, with certayne Shippes well appoynted for the warre, meant to haue deſtroy|ed the Engliſhe fleete, that was come on the coaſtes of Scotlãd, aboue Abirdent, to fiſh there: but as it chaunced, he mette with certaine ſhips of Lynne, that fought with him, and tooke hym priſoner, with the reſidue of hys companye,Robert Logon takẽ priſoner. ſo that hee quite fayled of his purpoſe, and came to the loſſe himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time,The Iles of Okeney ſpoy|led by Engliſh men. Mortalitie of, people. the Engliſhmen ſpoyled alſo certaine of the Iles of Orkeney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ſommer, great deathe chaunced in thys lande, manye dying of the peſtilence, wherewith ſundry places were infected.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Henry perceyuing that policie often|times preuenteth perill, and vnderſtanding the naughtie purpoſes of the Scottes, gathered a great army, and entred into Scotland,K. Henry in|uadeth Scot|lande. burning Townes, Villages, and Caſtels, with a greate parte of the Townes of Edenburgh and Lith, & [figure appears here on page 1131] beſieged the Caſtell of Edenburgh, in the ende of September, whereof was Captaine, Dauid Duke of Rothſay, and Prince of the Realme,The duke of Rotheſay. with Archebalde Earle of Dowglas, hauyng EEBO page image 1132 with them many hardy men of warre: Roberte Duke of Albany,The duke of Albanie. that was appoynted gouer|noure of the Realme, bycauſe the King was ſicke, and not meete to rule, ſent an Herrault vn|to K. Henry, promiſing him battayle, within 6. dayes at the furtheſt, if he would ſo long tarrie, which K. Henry promiſed to doe right gladly, & gaue to the Herrault for bringing him ſo accep|table newes, a gowne of ſilke, & a cheine of gold. But K. Henry ſtayed 6. dayes,An. reg. 2. and 16. to, with|out hearing any word of the gouernours com|ming. Thẽ the winter beginning to waxe cold, and foule weather ſtil encreaſing, cauſed the K. to breake vp his ſiege, and ſo returned withoute battaile, or ſkirmiſh offered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie returneth home. The Scottes [...]enne in Northumber|lande. Iuſts at York.In the meane time that the K. was thus in Scotland, the Scottes made a roade into Nor|thumberlande, and brenned diuers Townes in Bambourrough ſhire. At the Kings comming backe to Yorke, there were two ſtraungers, the one a Frenchman, & the other an Italian, requi|ring to accompliſh certayne feates of armes, a|gainſt ſir Iohn Cornewall, & Ianico de Artois, their requeſt was graunted, & the ſtrangers were put to the worſt, whereby ſir Iohn Cornewall obteined the kings fauor ſo farforth, that he mar|ried the kings ſiſter,Sir Io. Corne|wall marrieth the kinges ſiſter. the widdowe of Iohn Hol|land, Earle of Huntington. Some ſaid yet, that the Knighte and the Counteſſe were agreed a|forehand, without the kings conſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the kings abſence, whileſt he was forth of the realme in Scotland againſt his enimies,The Welche|men rebell by the ſetting on of Owen Glen+douer. the Welchmen tooke occaſion to rebell, vnder ye con|duct of their Captaine, Owen Glendouer, doing what miſchiefe they could deuiſe, vnto their eng|liſh neighbours. Stowe. Owen Glen|douer what he was. This Owen Glendouer was ſon to an eſquier of Wales, named Griffith Vi|chan: he dwelled in the pariſh of Conway, with|in the Countie of Merioneth in Northwales, in a place ye hight Glindourwy, which is as muche to ſay in Engliſh, as the valley, by the ſide of the water of Dee, by occaſion whereof, he was ſur|named Glindour Dewe, he was firſte ſet to ſtu|die the lawes of the Realme, & became an vtter barreſter, or an apprentice of the lawe (as they terme him) and ſerued K. Richard at Flint Ca|ſtel, when he was taken by Henry Duke of Lã|caſter, though other haue written, that hee ſerued this K. Henry the fourth,Tho. VValſ. before he came to at|teine the Crowne, in roome of an Eſquier, and after, by reaſon of variãce that roſe betwixt him, and the L. Reginold Grey of Ruthin, aboute landes which he claymed to be his by righte of inheritance: when he ſaw that he might not pre|uaile, finding no ſuche fauour in his ſute, as hee looked for, he firſte made warre againſt the ſayde L. Grey,The occaſion that moued him to rebell. waſting his lands and poſſeſſiõs with fire and ſword, cruelly killing his ſeruauntes and tenauntes. The K. aduertiſed of ſuche reb [...] exploites, enterpriſed by the ſaid Owen,The K [...] into Wales, meaning to chaſtiſe the rebelles, and his vnruly complices, determined to chaſtice them, as diſturbers of his peace, and ſo with an armye entred into Wales, but the Wel [...] menne with their Captaine, withdrew into the mountaines of Snowdone, ſo to eſcape the reuenge, whyche the K. meant towardes them. The K. therefore did muche hurte in the Countreys with fire aid ſword ſleaing diuers, that with weapon in hand came for the to reſiſt him, and ſo with a greate bootie of beaſts and cattaile he returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperor of Conſtantinople comming into England to ſue for aide againſt ye Turkes,The Emperor of Conſtanti|nople c [...] into England. was met by the K. on blacke heath, vpon ye feaſt day of S. Thomas the Apoſtle, & broughte vnto London with great honor. The K. bare all hys charges, preſenting him with giftes at his de|parture, meete for ſuch an eſtate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After ye feaſt of the Epiphanie,1401 a Parliamente was holdẽ, in which an Acte was made,A parliament agaynſt thoſe yt held opinions in religion, contrary to the receiued doctrine of the Church of Rome, ordey|ning, yt whereſoeuer any of thẽ were found and proued to ſet forth ſuch doctrine, they ſhoulde bee apprehẽded, & deliuered to ye B. their dyocefane, & if they ſtood ſtiffely in their opiniõs, and would not be reformed, they ſhould be deliuered to ye ſe|cular power, to be brent to aſhes. The firſt yt ta|ſted the ſmart of this Statute, was one Wil [...] Hawtree, or Sawtree a prieſt,One brench Smithfield. ye being apprehẽ|ded, was brẽt in Smithfield, in time of this Par|liament.

[figure appears here on page 1132]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, K. Henry according to promiſe made, as ye haue heard,Addition [...] the ch [...] of Fla [...] vnto the French Ambaſſadors, ſente ouer into the Countrey of Guiſnes, Edward Earle of Rutland, otherwiſe in king Richards dayes entituled Duke of Au|marle, ſonne to Edmond Duke of Yorke,There wa [...] al|ſo the E [...] Deu [...] Froi [...] Elie [...]ck Fro [...] Hẽry Earle of Northumberlande, and his ſonne the Lord Henry Percy, the Lord Yuan Fitzwaren, the Biſhops of Wincheſter and Lincolne, where the Duke of Burbon, the Lordes Charles d Al|bert, EEBO page image 1133 Charles de Hangeſt,Cõmiſſioners [...] treate [...] peace. Iohn de Chaſtelmo|rant, the Patriarke of Ieruſalem, and the By|ſhops of Paris, and Beauuois, were ready there to commune with them, and ſo they aſſemblyng togither at ſundry tymes and places, the French men required to haue Queene Iſabell to them reſtored, but the Engliſhmen ſeemed loth to de|parte with hir, requiring to haue hir married to Henry Prince of Wales, one in bloud and age in all things to hir equall, but the French [...]e woulde in no wiſe condiſcende thereto, wi [...]te their Kings conſente,The frenche [...]ng [...]abled [...] [...]enſ [...] who at that preſente was not in caſe to vtter his mind, being troubled with his wonted diſeaſe. The commiſſioners then be|gan to treate of peace, and at length, renewed the truce to endure for ſixe and twentie yeares yet to come, [...]or. 25. [...]res. wherevnto, the foure yeares paſſed beeyng added, made vp the number of thirtie yeares, ac|cording to the concluſion agreed vpon, in the life time of King Richard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 E [...] Some Authors affirme, that ther was a new league concluded, to continue, during the lyues of both the Princes.The frenche|men demaũde [...] for Queene Iſabel. The Frenchmenne dyuers times required to haue ſome dower aſſigned forth for Queene Iſabell, but that was at all times vtterly denyed, for that the marriage betwixte hir and King Richard was neuer conſummate, by reaſon whereof, ſhe was not dowable. Neuer|theleſſe, ſhee was ſhortly after ſente home, vnder the conduct of the Earle of Worceſter, aſſociate with dyuers other noble and honorable perſona|ges, both men and women, hauing with hir all the iewels, ornamẽts, and plate which ſhe brou|ght into England, with a great ſurphiſage be|ſides,Additions of the Chro. of [...]rs. [...]he is deliue [...] [...]me giuen to hir by the King. She was delyue|red betwixte Bulloigne and Calais, vnto Vale|ran Earle of S. Pol, the French Kings Lieute|nant in Picardie, who being accompanyed with the Byſhop of Chartres the Lord de Hugueuile, the Lady of Monpenſier, ſiſter to the Earle of Marche, the Lady of Lucenburgh, ſiſter to the ſaide Earle of S. Pol and diuers other Ladyes and Gentlewomenne, whiche receyued hir with greate ioy and gladneſſe, and taking leaue of the Engliſhe Lordes and Ladies, they conueyed hir vnto the Dukes of Burgoigne and Burhunne, that attended for hir, not far off, vpon a hill, with a great number of people. They firſt conueyed hir to Bulleigne, and after to Abuile, frõ whence the Duke of Orleyaunce conueyed hir to Paris,She is conuei|ed to Paris. vn|to the preſence of the K. hir father,Hir ſeconde marriage. and the Q. hir mother: She was after giuen in marriage vnto Charles, ſon to Lewis Duke of Orleaunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, An. reg. 3. Owen Glen|dower. The daunger of the king to haue bene de|ſtroyed. Owen Gleindouer and his Welchmen did much hurt to the Kings ſub|iects. One night as the King was going to bed, he was in danger to haue bin deſtroyed, for ſome naughtie traiterous perſons hadde conueyed into his bed a certaine iron, made with ſmithes crafte, like a Caltroppe, with three long prickes, ſharpe, and ſmall, ſtanding vpright, in ſort, that when he had laid him downe, and that the weighte of hys body ſhould come vpon the bed, he ſhuld haue bin thruſt in with thoſe prickes, and peraduenture ſlayne: but as God would, the K. not thinking of any ſuch thing, chanced yet to feele and perceyue the inſtrument, before he layde him downe, and ſo eſcaped the daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere, the eight day of Aprill,1402 deceaſſed ye Lord Thomas Beauchamp, Earle of War|wike. In the moneth of Marche,The Erle of Warwike de|parteth this life. A blaſing Starre. appeared a bla|ſing ſtarre, firſt betwene the Eaſt part of the fir|mament, and the North, flaſſhing forth fier and flames round about it, and laſtly, ſhooting foorth fierie beames towardes the North, foreſhewing as was thought, the great effuſion of bloud that followed, about the parties of Wales and Nor|thumberland: for much what about ye ſame time, Owen Glendouer with his Welchmen, fought with the Lord Grey of Ruthin, cõming forth to [figure appears here on page 1133] EEBO page image 1134 defende his poſſeſſions, whiche the ſame Owen waſted and deſtroyed: and as the fortune of that dayes worke fell out,The L. Grey of Ruthin taken in fight by Owen Glen|dower. the Lorde Grey was taken priſoner, and many of his mẽ were ſlayne. This happe lifted the Welchmen into high pride, and encreaſed maruellouſty their wicked & preſump|tuous attemptes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Wh [...]tfontide, a conſpiracie was deui|ſed by certayne perſons, that wiſhed the Kings deathe,A brute was ſpred abrode that K. Rich. was liuing. mainteyning and bruting abroade, that King Richarde was aliue, and therefore exhor|ted men to ſtand with him, for ſhortly he would come to light, and reward ſuch as tooke hys part with iuſt recopence: herewith, there was a prieſt takẽ at Ware,A prieſt taken. or as ſome bookes haue, at War|wike, who had a Kalender or rolle, in whyche a great number of names were written, moe than were in any wiſe giltie to the fact, as afterwards appeared by the ſame prieſts confeſſion, for being examined, whether he knew ſuch perſons as hee had ſo enrolled, & were there preſent before him, he ſayd, he neuer knewe them at all, and beeyng demaunded wherefore hee had then ſo recorded their names, he aunſwered, bycauſe hee thoughte they would gladly doe what miſchief they could againſt King Henry, vpon any occaſion offe|red, in reuenge of the iniuries done to King Ri|charde, by whome they had bin aduaunced, and princely preferred. When therefore there appea|red no more credite in the man, he was condem|ned,He is executed drawen, hanged, and quartered, and dyuers that had bin apprehẽded about that matter, were releaſſed,The Priour of Launde appre|hended. and ſet at libertie. Shortly after, ye Pri|or of Launde (who for his euill gouernemement had bin depriued of his ſtate and dignitie) was likewiſe executed, not for attempting any thing of himſelfe, but only for that he confeſſed, that he knew euill counſaile, and concealed it. His name was Walter Baldocke, a Chanon ſometyme in Dunſtable, and by King Richarde promoted to the Priorſhip of Laund.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Grey Friers apprehended.Alſo the ſame time, certayne grey Friers were apprehended for treaſon which they had deuiſed to bring to paſſe, and one of them, whoſe name was Richarde Friſeby, beeing aſked what hee would do if King Richarde had bin aliue, & pre|ſent with them, anſwered ſtoutly, that he would fighte againſte any man in his quarrell, euen to death, heerevpon, he was condemned, drawen, & hanged in his Friers weede,A gray Fryer hanged in his habite. to the great confu|ſion of his breethren, but they made earneſt in|ſtance to haue his body taken downe, and buried with Diriges, and exequies, and had theyr ſute graunted.Sir Roger Cla+ringdon. Sir Roger of Claringdon Knighte was alſo put to deathe aboute this conſpiracie, with two of his ſeruants, the one an eſquier, the other a yeman. Hee was baſe ſonne as was re|ported, vnto Edward, eldeſt ſonne to King Ed|ward the thirde, ſurnamed the blacke prince. On Corpus Chriſti daye, at euenſong time,The deui [...] prepare [...] [...]lykeneſſe of a Grey Frier. the De|uill as was thought appeared in a towne of Eſ|ſex called Danburie, entring into the Church vn|likeneſſe of a grey Frier, behauing himſelfe very outragiouſly, playing his partes like a Deuil in|deede, ſo that ye pariſhioners were put in a mar|uellous great fright. At the ſame inſtante, there chan [...]ed ſuche a tempeſt of wind, thunder, and lig [...] [...]g, that the higheſt part of ye roofe of that Church was blowen bowne, and the Chancell was all to ſhaken, rent,Eight [...] executed. & torne in peece [...] With|in a ſmall while after, righte of thoſe grey Friers that had practiſed treaſon againſt the king, were brought to open iudgement, and conuicted were drawen, and headed at London, and two other ſuffered at Leiceſter, all whiche perſons had pu|bliſhed K. Richarde to be aliue. Owen Glendo|fier, according to his accuſtomed manner, rob|bing and ſpoyling within the Engliſh bordures, cauſed all the forces of the ſhire of Hereforde, to aſſemble togither againſte them, vnder the con|duct of Edmond Mortimer Earle of Marche, but comming to trie the matter by battayle, whether by treaſon or otherwiſe, ſo it fortuned, that the Engliſhe power was diſcomfited,The Earle of Marche taken priſoner in [...]|taile by Owen Glendow [...]. the Earle taken priſoner, and aboue a thouſande of his people ſlayne in the place. The ſhameful vil|lanie vſed by the Welchwomen towardes the dead carcaſes, was ſuche, as honeſt eares woulde be aſhamed to heare, and therefore we omitte to ſpeake thereof. The dead bodies might not be bu|ried, without great ſummes of money giuen for libertie to conuey them away.The ſuſpi [...] of king He [...] groũded vpon a guiltie con|ſcience. The K. was not haſtie to purchaſe the deliuerance of the Earle of Marche, bycauſe his title to the Crowne was well inough knowen, and therefore ſuffered him to remaine in miſerable priſon, wiſhing both the ſaide Earle, and all other of his lignage out of this life, with God and his Sainctes in Heauen, ſo they had bin out of the way, for then all hadde bin well inough as he thought.The kings daughter [...]|ried into G [...]+manie. But to lette theſe things paſſe, ye K. this yere ſent his eldeſt daugh|ter Blaunche, accompanyed with the Earle of Somerſet, the Byſhop of Worceſter, the Lorde Clifford, and other, into Almaigne, which brou|ght hir to Colein, and there with great triumph, ſhe was married to Wil. Duke of Baui [...] ſon and heire to Lewes the Emperor. About midde Auguſt, the King, to chaſtice the preſumptuous attemptes of the Welchmen, went with a great power of men into Wales, to purſue the Cap|taine of the Welch Rebels, Owen Glendower, but in effect he loſt his labor, for Owen conuey|ed himſelfe out of the way, into his knowen lur|king places, and as was thoughte, through arte magike, he cauſed ſuch foule weather of windes,Intempera [...] weather. tempeſt, raine, ſnowe, and haile to be rayſed, for EEBO page image 1135 the annoyance of the Kings army, that the lyke had not bin heard of, in ſuch ſort, that the Kyng was con [...]ned to returne home, hauing cau|ſed his people yet to ſpoyle, and brenne firſte a great part of the Countrey. The ſame time, the Lord Edmonde of Langley Duke of Yorke de|parted this life,The deceſſe of the Duke of Yorke. and was buried at Langley with his breethren. The Scottes vnder the leading of Patricke Hepborne, of the Hales the yonger, en| [...]ing into England,Scottes ouer|throwens. were ouerthrowen a [...] Neſ|bet, in the marches as in the Scottiſh Chroni ye may finde more at large.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This battell was fought the two and twen|tith of Iune, in this yeare of our Lord .140 [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Archebald Earle Dowglas ſore diſpleaſed in his mind for this ouerthrowe, procured a com|miſſion to inuade Englãd, and that to his coſt, as ye may likewiſe reade in the Scottiſhe hiſto|ries,Scottes van| [...]ſhed at [...]on. for at a place called Homildon, they were ſo fiercely aſſayled by the Engliſhmen, vnder the leading of the Lorde Percye, ſurnamed Henrie Hoteſp [...]e, and George Earle of Marche, that with violence of the Engliſhe ſhotte, they were quite vanquiſhed, and put to flight, on the Rood day in harueſt, with a greate ſlaughter mad [...] by the Engliſhmen. We know that the Scottiſhe writers note this battell to haue chaunced in the yeare .140 [...]. but wee following Thomas Wal|ſingham in this place, and other Engliſhe wri|ters, for the accompt of times, haue thought good to place it in this yeare .1402. as in the ſame wri|ters we find it.The number [...]ayne. There were ſlaine of men of eſti|mation, ſir Iohn Swinton, ſir Adam Gordon, Sir Iohn Leuiſton, Sir Alexander Ramſey of Dalehouſy, and three and twentie Knights, be|ſides ten M. of the commons: and of priſoner [...]|mongſt other were theſe, [...]ſoners [...]ke [...]. Mordack Erle of Fife, ſon to the gouernour Archembalde Erle D [...]|glas, which in the fight loſt one of his eyes, Tho|mas Earle of Murrey, Robert Erle of Angus, and as ſome writers haue, the Earles of Atholl, and Menteith, with fiue hundred other of mea|ner degrees. After this, the Lord Percy, hauing beſtowed the priſoners in ſure keeping, entered Tiuidale, waſting and deſtroying the whole Countrey, and then beſieged the Caſtell of Coc|klawes,The Caſtell of Cocklawes [...]ed by [...] L. Percy. wherof was Captaine one Sir Iohn Grenlow, who compounded with the Engliſh|men, that if the Caſtel were not ſuccoured with|in three monethes, then he woulde deliuer it into their hands. The firſt two monethes paſſed, and no likelihood of reſcue appeared, but crothes thi [...]d moneth was expired, the Engliſhmen being ſent for to go with the K. into Wales, reyfed theyr ſiege, and departed, leauing the noble men priſo|ners, with the Earle of Northumberlande, and with his ſon the L. Percye, to keepe them to the kings vſe. In this meane while, ſuch as miſliked with the doctrine and Ceremonies then vſed in the Church, ceaſſed not to vtter their conſciẽces,The proſeſ|ſors of Wick|clafes doctrine though in ſecret, to thoſe in whome they had af|fiance, but as in the like caſes it commonly hap|peneth, they were bewrayed by ſome that were thought chiefly to fauour their cauſe, as by Sir Lewes Clifford knight, who hauing leane [...] to ye doctrine a long time,Sir Lewes Clifford be|wrayeth his fellowes. did nowe as Tho. Walſ. writeth, diſcloſe al that he knew vnto ye Archchb. of Caunterburie, to ſhewe himſelfe as it were to haue erred, rather of ſimpleneſſe and ignorance, than of frowardneſſe or ſtubborne malice. The names of ſuche as taughte the articles and con|cluſions maynteyned by thoſe whiche then they called Lollards or Heretikes, the ſaid ſir Lewes Clifforde gaue in writing vnto the ſaid Archb.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Edmond Mortimer Earle of Marche, priſo|ner with Owen Glendouer, whether for irke|ſomneſſe of cruell captiuitie, or feare of death, or for what other cauſe, it is vncertaine,The Earle of March marri|eth the daugh|ter of Owen Glendouer. agreed to take parte with Owen, againſte the King of Englande, and tooke to wife the daughter of the ſaid Owen. Straunge wonders happened as men reported at the natiuitie of this man, for the ſame night hee was borne, all his fathers horſes in the ſtable were founde to ſtand in bloud vp to the belyes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morow after the feaſt of Saint Micha|ell, a Parliament began at Weſtminſter, An. reg. 4. A Parliament. which continued the ſpace of ſeauen wekes, in the [...]ame was [...]tently and a halfe graunted by the Clear|gie, and a fiftenth by the comunaltie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the commons in this Parliament beſought the King to haue the perſon of George Earle of Marche a Scottiſhman,George Earle of March re|commended to the King by Parliament. 1403 recommended to his [...], for that the ſame Earle ſhewed himſelfe faithfull to the King and his Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo a ſtatute made, that the Fri|ers beggers ſhould not receiue any into their or|der, vnder the age of fourteene yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In th [...] fourth yere of King Henries raigne,Ambaſſadors. Ambaſſadors were ſent ouer into Britaine; to bring from thence: the Duches of Britaine, the Lady Iane de Nauarre, the widdowe of Iohn de Montford, late Duke of Britaine, ſurna|med [...] Conqueror, with whome by procu [...]|tors the king had contracted matrimonie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of Februarie, thoſe that were frute, returned with [...] in fa [...]etie, but not without [...] the [...] ſtormes of the winde and weather that toſſed them ſore too and fed, before they could get to lande. The Kyng meete hir at Wincheſter, where the ſeuenth of Febru|arye; the marriage was ſolemnized betwixte them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe thyngs were thus a doing in Englande, Val [...]an Earle of Sainct Paule, bearing, ſtill a deadelye and malitious hatred EEBO page image 1136 toward King Henry, hauing aſſembled ſixteene, or ſeuentene hundred men of warre, embarqued them at Harflew, and taking the Sea,The Earle of [...] in the Iſle of Wight. landed in the Iſle of Wight, in the whiche he burned two [figure appears here on page 1136] villages, and foure ſimple cottages, and for a tri|umph of ſo noble an acte, made foure knightes, but when hee hearde that the people of the Iſle wer aſſembled, and approched to fight with him, he haſted to his ſhips, and returned home, where|with the noble menne of his company were diſ|pleaſed, cõſidering his prouiſion to be great, and his gaine ſo ſmall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Cleremont in Gaſcoigne.In the ſame very ſeaſon. Iohn Earle of Cle|remont, ſonne to the Duke of Bourbon, wanne in Gaſcoigne out of the Engliſhmens poſſeſſion, the Caſtels of Saint Peter, Sainte Marie, and the newe Caſtell, and the Lord de la Bret wanne the Caſtell of Carla [...]fin, whyche was no ſmall loſſe to the Engliſh nation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Henry Earle of Northumberland, with hys brother Thomas Earle of Worceſter, and hys ſonne the Lorde Henry Percy, ſurnamed hote|ſpurre, which were to King Henry in the begin|ning of his raigne, both faithfull friendes, and earneſt aydors, began now to enuie his wealthe and felicitie, and ſpecially, they were greeued, by|cauſe the King demaunded of the Earle and hys ſonne, ſuch Scottiſhe priſoners as were taken at Homeldon, and Neſhit, for of all the Captiues whiche were taken in the conflictes foughten in thoſe two places, there was deliuered to ye kings poſſeſſion only Mordake Erle of Fife, the Duke of Albanies ſonne, though the King did dyuers and ſundry times require deliuerance of the re|ſidue, and that with greate threatnings: where|with the Percies beeing ſore offended, for that they claymed them as their owne proper priſo|ners, and their peculiar prayes, by the counſell of the Lord Thomas Percie Earle of Worceſter, whoſe ſtudy was euer (as ſome write) to pro|cure malice, and ſet things in a broyle, came to the King vnto Windeſor (vppon a purpoſe to proue him) and there required of him,The requeſt of the P [...]. that either by raunſome or otherwiſe, he would cauſe to be deliuered out of priſon, Edmõd Mortimer Erle of Marche, their Couſin Germaynt, whome as they reported, Owen Glendor kepte in fylthie priſon, ſhakeled with irons, only for that he tooke his part, and was to him faithfull and true. The King began not a little to muſe on this requeſt, and not withoute a cauſe, for in deede, it touched him ſomewhat neere, for this Edmond was for to Roger Earle of Marche, ſonne to the Lady Phillip, daughter of Lyonell Duke of Cla [...]net, the third ſonne of King Edward the thirde, whi|che Edmond at king Richards going into Ire|lande, was proclaymed heire apparant to the Crowne and Realme, whoſe Aunt called Ele|anor, the Lord Henrie Percie had married, and therefore King Henry could not well heare that any man ſhoulde be earneſt, about the aduance|ment of that lignage. The King when hee had ſtudied on the matter, made aunſwere, that the Earle of Marche was not taken priſoner for his cauſe, nor in his ſeruice, but willingly ſuffered himſelfe to be taken, bicauſe he would not with|ſtand the attemptes of Owen Glendor, and hys complices, and therfore he would neither raun|ſome him, nor relieue him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Percies with this aunſwere and frau|dulent excuſe, were not alitrie fumed in ſo much that Henrie Hoteſpurre ſaid openly: Behold,The ſaying of the L. Percy. the heire of the Realme is robbed of his righte, and yet the robber with his owne, will not rede [...] him. So in this furie the Percies departed, no|thing more minding, than to depoſe King Hen|ry, from the high tipe of his regality, and to p [...]t in his feate, their couſin Edmõd, Erle of March, EEBO page image 1137 whome they did not onely deliuer out of Capti|uitie,The conſpira|cie of the Per|cies with Owẽ Glendower. An indenture tripartite. but alſo to the high diſpleaſure of Kyng Henry, entred in league with the foreſayde O|wen Glendouer. Heerewith, they by their depu|ties in the houſe of the Archedeacon of Bangor, deuided the Realme amongſt them, cauſing a tripartite Indenture to be made and ſealed with their ſeales, by the couenauntes wherof, al Eng|land from Seuerne and Trent,A deuiſion of that whiche they had not. South, & Eaſt|ward, was aſſigned to the Earle of Marche. All Wales, and the landes beyond Seuerne Weſt|ward, were appoynted to Owen Glendor: and all the remnaunt from Trent Northewarde, to the Lorde Percy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A vayne pro|phecie.This was done (as ſome haue ſayd) through a fooliſhe credite giuen to a vayne prophecie, as though King Henry was the Moldewarp, cur|ſed of Gods owne mouth, and they three were the Dragon, the Lion, and the Wolfe, whyche ſhould deuide this Realme betwene them. Such is the deuiation (ſayth Hall) and not diuination of thoſe blinde and fantaſticall dreames of the Welch propheſiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry not knowing of this newe con|federacie, and nothing leſſe minding, than that which after happened, gathered a great army to goe againe into Wales, whereof the Earle of Northumberlande, and his ſonne were aduerti|ſed by the Earle of Worceſter,The Percies [...]ayſe their po| [...]ers. and with all di|ligence reyſed all the power they coulde make, and ſent to the Scottes, whiche before were ta|ken priſoners at Homeldon, for ayde of menne, promiſing to the Earle Dowglas the Towne of Berwike,The craue aid of the Scots. and a parte of Northumberlande, and to other Scottiſh Lordes, greate Lordſhips and ſeigniories, if they obteined the vpper hand. The Scottes in hope of gaine, and deſirous to be reuenged of their olde greefes, came to ye Erle with a great company.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſh. of Yorke of [...] ſell with [...] Percies in [...] conſpi| [...]cie.The Percies to make theyr part ſeeme good, deuiſed certayne articles, by the aduice of Ri|chard Scrope, Archebyſhoppe of Yorke, brother to the Lorde Scrope, whome King Henry had cauſed to be beheaded at Briſtowe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Th [...]. VValſ.Theſe articles being ſhewed to dyuers noble men, and other ſtates of the Realme, moued thẽ to fauoure theyr purpoſe, in ſo muche that ma|nie of them did not onely promiſe to the Percies ayde and ſuccoure by woordes, but alſo by theyr writings and ſeales confirmed the ſame. How|beit when the matter came to tryall, the moſte parte of the confederates abandoned them, and at the day of the conflict left them alone.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus after that the conſpirators had diſ|couered themſelues, the Lorde Henry Percy de|ſirous to proceede in the enterprice, vpon truſte to be aſſiſted by Owen Glendor, the Earle of Marche and other, aſſembled an armye of men of armes and archers forthe of Cheſhire and Wales,The earle of Worceſter go|uernour to the prince ſlippeth from him. Hall. and incontinently hys Vncle Tho|mas Percie Earle of Worceſter, that hadde the gouernement of the Prince of Wales, who as then laye at London in ſecrete manner, con|ueyed hymſelfe out of the Princes houſe, and commyng to Stafforde (where hee mette hys nephewe) they encreaſed theyr power by all wayes and meanes they coulde deuiſe. The Earle of Northumberlande hymſelfe was not with them, but being ſicke, hadde promiſed vpon hys amendmente to repayre vnto them (as ſome write) with all conueniente ſpeede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Theſe noble men to make theyr conſpiracie to ſeeme excuſable, beſides the Articles aboue mentioned, ſente letters abroade,The pretence of the Percies, as they publi|ſhed it abrode wherein was conteyned, that theyr gathering of an armye tended to none other ende, but onely for the ſafegarde of theyr owne perſons, and to putte ſome better gouernemente in the common wealthe. For whereas taxes and tallages were daylye leuyed, vnder pretence to bee em|ployed in defence of the Realme, the ſame were vaynely waſted, and vnprofitably conſumed: and where through the ſlaunderous reportes of their enimies, the King hadde taken a greeuous diſpleaſure with them, they durſt not appeare perſonally in the Kings preſence, vntill the Pre|lates and Barons of the Realme hadde obteined of the King licence for them to come and purge themſelues before him, by lawfull tryall of theyr peeres, whoſe iudgemẽt (as they pretended) they would in no wiſe refuſe. Many that ſaw & heard theſe letters, did commend theyr diligence, and highly praiſed theyr aſſured fidelitie and truſti|neſſe towardes the common wealthe. But the King vnderſtanding theyr cloked drift, deuiſed (by what meanes he might) to quiet and appeaſe the commons, and deface theyr contriued forge|ries,The kings an|ſwere to the Percies libell. and therefore he wrote an aunſwere to their Libelles, that he maruelled muche ſith the Earle of Northumberland, and the Lord Henry Per|cie his ſonne, had receyued the moſt parte of the ſummes of money graunted to him by ye Clear|gie and cõmunaltie, for defence of the marches, as he could euidently proue, what ſhoulde moue them to compleyne and reiſe ſuch manifeſt ſlan|ders. And where as he vnderſtood, that the Erles of Northumberlande and Worceſter, and the Lorde Percy hadde by their letters ſignified to their friends abroade, that by reaſon of the ſlan|derous reportes of their enimies, they durſt not appeare in his preſence, without the mediation of the Prelates and nobles of the Realme, ſo as they required pledges, whereby they might ſafe|ly come afore him, to declare and alledge what they had to ſay in proofe of their innocencie, hee proteſted by letters ſente forthe vnder his ſeale, EEBO page image 1138 that they mighte ſafely come and goe, without all daunger, or any manner of indempnitie to be offered to their perſons: but this coulde not ſatiſ|fie thoſe men, but that reſolued to goe forwardes wyth their enterpriſe, they marched towardes Shreweſburie, vppon hope to be ayded (as men thought,) by Owen Glendour, and his Welch|men, publiſhing abroade through out the Coun|treys on eache ſide,Poore K. Ri|charde is ſtill alyue with thẽ that wiſh king Henries ouer|throwe. that King Richarde was a|liue, whome if they wiſhed to ſee, they willed thẽ to repaire in armour vnto the Caſtel of Cheſter, where without all doubt, he was at that preſent, and ready to come forwarde. This tale beeyng reyſed, though it were moſt vntrue, yet it bredde variable motions in mens minds, cauſing them to wauer, ſo as they knewe not to whiche parte they ſhoulde ſticke, and verily, diuers were well affected towardes King Richard, ſpecially ſuche as had taſted of his princely bountifulneſſe (of which ther was no ſmall number) and to ſpeake a troth, no maruell it was, if many enuyed the proſperous ſtate of King Henry, ſith it was e|uident inough to the world, that hee hadde with wrong vſurped the Crowne, and not only vio|lently depoſed King Richarde, but alſo cruelly procured his death, for the whiche vndoubtedly both he, and his poſteritie taſted ſuch troubles, as put them ſtill in daunger of their ſtates, till their direct ſucceeding line was quite rooted out, by the contrarie faction, as in Henry the ſixth, and Ed|ward [...]e fourth it may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But now to returne where we lefte, Kyng Henry aduertiſed of the proceedings of the Per|cies, forthwith gathered about him ſuche power as hee mighte make, and beeing earneſtly called vppon by the Scotte, the Earle of Marche, to make haſt and giue battell to his enimies, before their power by delaying of time ſhould ſtill too muche encreaſe, hee paſſed forwarde with ſuche ſpeede,The kinges ſpeedy dili|gence. that he was in ſight of his enimies, lying in camp neere to Shreweſburie, before they were in doubt of any ſuch thing, for the Percies thou|ght, that he would haue ſtayed at Burton vppon Trent, till his Counſell had come thither to him to giue their aduice what he were beſt to do.The P [...]reyes troubled with the kinges ſo|dayn cõming. By reaſon of the Kings ſuddaine comming in thys ſort, they ſtayed from aſſaulting the Towne of Shreweſburie, which enterpriſe they were rea|dy at that inſtante to haue taken in hande, and forthwith,The L. P [...]rcye exhorteth his complices to ſticke to their tackle. the Lorde Percie, as a Captaine of high courage. began to exhorte the Captaynes and Souldiers to prepare themſelues to battell, ſith the matter was growen to that poynt, that by no meanes it could be auoyded, ſo that (ſayde hee) thys daye ſhall eyther bring vs all to ad|uauncement and honor, or elſe if it ſhall chaunce vs to bee ouercome, ſhall deliuer vs from the Kings ſpitefull malice and cruell diſdeyne, for playing the menne as we ought to doe, [...] is to dye in battell for the common [...] cauſe, than through cowardlike feare to pro|long life, whiche after ſhall be taken from vs, by ſentence of the enimie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevpon,The [...] of the Pe [...] armye. the whole armie being in num|ber about a fourteene thouſande choſen menne, promiſed to ſtande with him ſo long as life li|ſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were with the Percies as Chief [...] of this armie, the Earle of Dowglas, a Scot|tiſhe man, the Baron of Kinderton, ſir Hugh Brone, and Sir Richarde Vernon Knightes, with dyuers other ſtout and right valiãt Cap|taines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe when the two armies were en|camped, the one againſte the other,The Percie [...] ſente their ar+ticles to the [...] the Earle of Worceſter and the Lord Percy with their com|plices ſente the Articles, (whereof I ſpake before) by Thomas Cayton, and Thomas Sal [...] Eſquiers to King Henry, vnder their hands and ſeales, which Articles in effect charged him with manifeſt periurie, in that contrary to his oth [...]+ned vpon the Euangeliſts at Doncaſter,King Henrie charged wyth per [...]ie. When he firſte entred the Realme after his exile, he had taken vpon him the Crowne and royall digni|tie, empriſoned King Richard, cauſed him to re|ſigne his title, and finally to be murthered. Dy|uers other matters they layde to his charge, as leuying of taxes and tallages, contrary to hys promiſe, infringing lawes and cuſtomes of the Realme, and ſuffring the Erle of Marche to re|main in priſon, without trauelling to haue him deliuered, al which things they as Proctors,Procu [...] Protecto [...] the common wealth. and protectors of the common wealthe, tooke vppon them to proue againſt him, as they proteſted to the whole world.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry after he had redde their articles, with the defiãce which they annexed to ye ſame, anſwered the Eſquiers, that he was ready with dint of ſword and fierce battell, to proue theyr quarrell falſe,The king [...] [...]+ſwer to the meſſenge [...] that b [...] the article [...] and nothing elſe than forged mat|ter, not doubting, but that God woulde ayd and aſſiſt him in his righteous cauſe, againſt the di|ſloyall and falſe forſworne traytors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next day in the morning earely, beeyng the euen of Mary Magdalene, they ſet their bat|tels in order on both ſides, and nowe whileſt the warriers looked when the token of battell ſhould bee giuen, the Abbot of Shreweſburie,The [...] treth to [...] his [...]+ſaries. and one of the Clearkes of the priuie ſeale, were ſent from the King vnto the Percies, to offer them par|don, if they woulde come to anye reaſonable a|greemente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By theyr perſwaſions, the Lord Henry Per|cie began to giue care vnto the kings offers, and ſo ſent with them his vncle the Earle of Wor|ceſter, to declare vnto the K. the cauſes of thoſe EEBO page image 1139 troubles, and to require ſome effectuall reforma|tion in the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was reported for a troth, that now when the King hadde condiſcended vnto all that was reaſonable at his hands to bee required, and ſee|med to humble himſelfe more than was meete for his eſtate, the Earle of Worceſter vppon hys returne to his nephewe, made relation cleane cõ|trarie to that the King had ſayde,The Earle of Worceſters double dea| [...]ing in wrong [...]porting the kings wordes. in ſuche ſorte, that he ſet his nephewes hearte more in diſplea|ſure towardes the King, than euer it was be|fore, driuing him by that meanes to fighte why|ther he would or not: then ſuddaynely blewe the trumpettes, the Kings part cried Saint George vpon them, the aduerſaries cried Eſperance Percy, and ſo the two armies furiouſly ioyned. The archers on both ſides ſhot for the beſt game, lay|ing on ſuch loade with arrowes, that many died, and were driuen downe, that neuer roſe againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 E [...]. The Scottes.The Scottes (as ſome write) which had the fore warde on the Percies ſide, intending to bee reuenged of their olde diſpleaſures done to them by the Engliſh natiõ, ſet ſo fiercely on the kings fore warde, ledde by the Earle of Stafforde, that they made the ſame to drawe backe, and had al|moſt broken their aduerſaries aray.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Welchmen alſo which before had laine, lurking in the woddes, mountaines, and mari|ſhes, hearing of this battell towarde,The Welche|men come to ayde the Per|cies. came to the ayde of the Percies, and refreſhed the weery peo|ple with new ſuccours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King perceyuing that his men were thus put to diſtreſſe, what with the violente im|preſſion of the Scottes, and the tempeſtuous ſtorme of arrowes, that his aduerſaries diſchar|ged freely againſt him and his people, it was no neede to will him to ſtirre, for ſuddainely with his freſhe battell, hee approched and relieued hys men, ſo that the battell beganne more fierce than before. Heere the Lord Henry Percy, and ye Erle Dowglas, a righte ſtoute and hardy Captayne, not regarding the ſhot of the kings battayle, nor the cloſe order of the rankes, preaſſing forwarde togither, bente their whole forces towardes the kings perſon, comming vpon him with ſpeares,The Erle of Marche. Tho. VValſ. and ſwords ſo fiercely, that the Earle of March the Scot, perceyuing their purpoſe, withdrewe ye King from that ſide of the fielde as ſome write, (for his great benefite & ſafegard as it appeared) for they gaue ſuch a violent onſet vpon thẽ, that ſtood about the Kings ſtandert, that ſlaying his ſtandert bearer ſir Blunt, and ouerthrowing the ſtandert, they made ſlaughter of all thoſe that ſtoode about it, as the Earle of Stafforde, that day made by the king Conneſtable of ye realme, and diuers other.

[figure appears here on page 1139]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 E [...]. The valiancie [...] the young [...]nce.The Prince that daye holp his father lyke a luſtie yong Gentleman, for although hee was hurt in the face with an arrowe, ſo that dyuers noble men that were about him, would haue cõ|ueyed him forth of the fielde, yet he would in no wiſe ſuffer them ſo to doe, leaſt his departure frõ among his men, might happely haue ſtrikẽ ſome feare into their hartes: and ſo without regarde of his hurt, hee continued with his men, and neuer ceaſſed, either to fight where the battel was moſt hotteſt, or to incourage his men, where it ſeemed moſt neede.A ſore battaile and wel main|teyned. This batayle laſted three long houres, with indifferent fortune on both partes, till at length, the King crying Sainct George victorie, brake the aray of his enimies, & aduẽtu|red ſo far, ye as ſome write, the Earle Dowglas ſtrake him down, & at that inſtãt,The valyaunt doings of the Erle Douglas. ſlew ſir Wal|ter Blunt, and three other, apparelled in ye kings ſute and clothing, ſaying, I maruel to ſee ſo ma|ny kings thus ſuddainely to ariſe, one in ye necke of an other. The king indeede was reiſed, and did that daye manye a noble feate of armes, for EEBO page image 1140 as it is written,The high mã|hoode of the king. The lord Per|cie ſlayne. he ſlew that day with his owne handes ſixe and thirtie perſons of his enimies. The other on his parte encouraged by his do|ings, fought valiantly, and ſlew the Lord Per|cy, called ſir Henry Hoteſpurre. To conclude, the Kings enimies were vanquiſhed, and put to flight,The erle Do [...]+glas takẽ pri|ſoner. in whiche flighte, the Earle of Dowglas, for haſt, falling from the cragge of a mountaine, brake one of his genitalles, and was taken, and for his valiantneſſe, of the King frankely & freely deliuered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Earle o [...] Worceſter ta|ken.There was alſo taken the Earle of Wor|ceſter, the procurer and ſetter forthe of all thys miſchiefe, Sir Richard Vernon, and the Baron of Kynderton, with diuers other. There were ſlayne vpon the Kings part, beſide the Earle of Stafford,Knights ſlaine on the kynges parte. to the number of tenne Knightes, Sir Hugh Shorly, ſir Iohn Clifton, ſir Iohn Co|kayne, ſir Nicholas Gauſell, ſir Walter Blunt, ſir Iohn Caluerley, ſir Iohn Maſſy of Poding|ton, ſir Hugh Mortimer, and ſir Roberte Gau|ſel, all the which, receyued the ſame morning the order of Knighthoode, ſir Thomas Wendeſley was wounded to death, and ſo paſſed out of this life ſhortly after. There dyed in all vpon ye kings ſide ſixteene C. and foure M. were greeuouſlye wounded. On the contrarie ſide were ſlaine, beſides the L. Percy, the moſt part of the knights and eſquiers of the countie of Cheſter,The ſlaughter of Cheſhire|men at this battayle. to ye nũ|ber of two C. beſides yeomen and footemẽ, in all there dyed of thoſe that fought one ye Percies ſide, about fiue M. This battell was fought on Ma|ry Magdalene euen, being Saterday. Vpon the Monday following, the Earle of Worceſter, the Baron of Kinderton, and ſir Richarde Vernon knightes,The Earle of Worceſter & other behea|ded. were condemned and beheaded. The Earles head was ſent to London, there to be ſet on the bridge. The Earle of Northumberlande was now marching forward with a greate po|wer which he had got togither, either to ayde his ſonne and brother as was thought, or at ye leaſt towardes the King, to procure a peace: but the Earle of Weſtmerlande, and ſir Roberte Wa|terton knight,The Earle of Weſtmerland reyſeth a po|wer agaynſte the Earle of Northumber|lande. had got an army on foote, & meant to meete him. The Earle of Northumberlande, taking neither of them to bee his friende, turned ſuddainely backe, and withdrewe himſelfe into Warkeworth Caſtell. The King hauing ſet a ſtay in things aboute Shreweſburie, wente ſtraight to Yorke,The K. goeth to Yorke. from whence hee wrote to the Earle of Northumberland, willing him to diſ|miſſe his companies that hee had with him, and to come vnto him in peaceable wiſe.The Earle of Northumber|land commeth to the king. The Earle vpon receipt of the kings letters came vnto him the morrow after Saint Laurence day, hauyng but a few of his ſeruauntes to attend him, and ſo excuſed himſelfe, that the King (bycauſe ye Erle had Berwike in his poſſeſſion, and further, had his Caſtels of Alnewike, Warkeworth, and o|ther, fortified with Scottes) diſſembled the mat|ter, gaue him faire wordes, and ſuffered him (as ſaith Hall) to departe home, although by other it ſhoulde ſeeme, that hee was committed for a time to ſafe cuſtodie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King returning forthe of Yorkeſhire, determined to goe into Northwales, to chaſtiſe the preſumptuous doings of the vnruly Welch|men,The Welch|men moleſt the Engliſhe ſubiectes. who (after his comming from Shrewſbu|rie, and the marches there) had done much harme to the Engliſh ſubiects. But now where the K. wanted money to furniſhe that enterprice, and to wage his Souldiers, there were ſome that counſelled hym to be bolde with the Biſhoppes, and ſupply his wante of their ſurpluſage: but as it fortuned, the Archebyſhoppe of Caunterburie was there preſente, who in the name of all the reſt boldly made aunſwere, that none of hys prouince ſhoulde bee ſpoyled by anye of thoſe naughtie diſpoſed perſons,It wa [...] ſpoken like a Prelate. but that firſte with harde ſtripes they ſhoulde vnderſtande the price of theyr raſhe enterprice. But the King neuer|theleſſe ſo vſed the matter with the Byſhoppes for their good willes, that the Archebyſhoppe at length to pleaſure hym, calling the Cleargie to|gither, gote a graunte of a tenth,A tenth le [...]ied of the Clear|gie. towards the kings neceſſarie charges. The Britaines vnder the conduct of the Lorde of Caſſils, ſpoyled and brente the Towne of Plimmouth, and returned without receyuing anye domage, but immedi|ately therevppon, the Weſterne men manning forthe a fleete, vnder the gouernemente of one William Wilforde Eſquier,Wil. Wilford. made ſaile ouer to the coaſtes of Britaine, where they tooke aboue fortie Shippes laden with oyle, ſope,Ships taken. and Rochel wine, to the quantitie of a thouſande tunne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In returning homewardes, they brente for|tie other veſſels, and landing at Pennarch, they brente townes and villages ſixe leagues within the Countrey, togither with the Towne of S. Mathewe, and all the buildings there, three leagues round about the ſame towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of all Saincts, a Parliament beganne at Couentrie, An. reg. 5. A Parliament at Couentrie. and continued there tyll Sainte Andrewes tyde, but at length, bycauſe vittailes waxed deere, and lodging was ſteight, it was adiorned from thence vnto London,Adiurned to London. there to begin againe in the Octaues of the E|piphanie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time,A pardon. a pardon was graunted and proclaymed, for all ſuche as hadde taken parte with the Percies againſte the Kyng, and lyke|wiſe for all other offendors, thoſe excepted that hadde conſented to betraye Calais, whome the King ſente thyther to ſuffer for theyr offen|ces.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A little before Chriſtmas, the Frenchmenne EEBO page image 1141 meante to haue robbed and ſpoyled the Ile of Wight,Frenchmẽ in|uade the Iſle of Wight. but when a thouſande of them were ſet on lande, and had gote togither a great bootie of Cattell, ſuddainely there came vpon them ſuche number of people, that they were conſtreyned to withdrawe to their Shippes, leauing their pray behinde them, and no ſmall number of theyr mẽ to pay for theyr ſhotte,They are re|puſed. ſo that they wanne little by that iourney, returning home with ſhame and diſhonor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The Parlia|ment begin|neth againe The Earle of Northumber|land reſtored.

This yeare in the Parliament holden at Lõ|don (beginning the morrow after the feaſt of S. Hillarie, and continuing twelue weekes) the Erle of Northumberlãd was reſtored vnto his former dignities, lands, and goodes, the Ile of Man only excepted, which by reaſon of the for|feyture made by the Earle of Saliſburie, the King had firſt giuen vnto hym,The Ile of Man. and now depri|ued him thereof, where all his other landes, poſ|ſeſſions, and liuings were wholly to hym and hys heyres reſtored, by authoritie of the ſame Parliamente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſubſidie.A ſubſedie was alſo graunted to the Kyng, of euery Knightes fee twentie ſhillings, whether the ſame were holden of hym by menaltie, or o|therwiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, euery man and woman that myghte diſpende in landes the valew of twentie ſhillings and ſo vpwarde, aboue the reprices, whether the ſame landes belonged to the laye fee, or to the Churche, payed for euery pounde twelue pens, and thoſe that were valued to bee worth in goodes twentie poundes and vpwards, payd alſo after the rate of lands, yt is twelue pẽce for euery pounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche|men demaũd of the Iſle of Wight.The Frenchmen aboute the ſame time, came before the Iſle of Wighte, with a greate nauie, and ſent certaine of theyr men to the ſhore, to de|maunde in name of King Richarde, and of hys wife Queene Iſabell, a tribute, or a ſpeciall ſub|ſedie in money, of the inhabitantes of that Ile, who aunſwered, that King Richard was dead, and Queene Iſabell ſometime his wife,The anſwere [...]f the Ilande [...]es. hadde bin ſent home to hir parents and countrey, with|out condition of any dower or tribute, wherfore, they aunſwered reaſonable, that none they woulde giue, but if the Frenchmen hadde deſire to fighte, they willed them to come on land, and there ſhoulde bee none to reſiſt them, and after they were a lande, they promiſed to giue them reſpite for ſixe houres ſpace to refreſhe them|ſelues, and that tyme beeyng once expired, they ſhould not fayle to haue battell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Frenchmen hearde of this ſtoute aunſwere made by the Ilandmen, they had no luſt to approch neerer to the lande, but returned without further attempt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon, the Duke of Orleaunce, brother to the Frenche Kyng, a man of no leſſe pride than hawtineſſe of courage,The duke of Orleance his chalenge. wrote lettres to Kyng Henry, aduertiſing him, that for the loue he bare to the noble feates of Cheualrie, hee coulde imagine nothyng eyther more hono|rable or commendable to them both, than to meete in the fielde eache parte with an honored Knyghtes and Eſquiers, all beeyng Gearle|menne, bothe of name and armes, armed at all poyntes, and furniſhed with Spears, axes, ſwordes, and daggers, and there to fyghte and combate to the yeeldyng, and e|uery perſon to whome God ſhoulde ſende vic|torie, to haue hys priſoner, and hym to raun|ſome at hys pleaſure, offeryng hymſelfe with hys companye, to come to hys Citie of An|guleſme, ſo that the Kyng woulde come to the laundes of Burdeaux, and there defende this chalenge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng of Englande grauely aunſwe|red heerevnto,The anſwere of king Hen|rye. that hee maruelled why the Duke vnder couloure of doyng deedes of armes for a vayne glory, woulde nowe ſeeke to breake the peace betwixte the Realmes of Englande and Fraunce, hee beeyng ſworne to mayne|teyne the ſame peace, ſithe hee myghte further vnderſtande, that no Kyng annoynted, of ve|rie duetie, was bounde to aunſwere any cha|lenge, but to his peere of equall ſtate and dig|nitie: and further declared, that when opor|tunitie ſerued, hee woulde paſſe the Sea, and come into hys Countrey of Gaſcoigne, with ſuche companie as hee thoughte con [...]eniente, and then myghte the Duke ſette forwarde with hys bande, for the accompliſhing of hys couragious deſire, promiſing hym in the word of a Prince, not thence to depart, til the Duke eyther by fulfulling his owne deſyre in man|ner aforeſayde, or by ſingular combate be|tweene them two onely, for auoyding of more effuſion of Chriſtian bloud, ſhoulde thynke hymſelfe fully ſatiſfyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To this and muche more conteyned in the Kynges aunſwere, the Duke replied, and the Kyng agayne reioyned, not withoute tauntes and checkes vnfitting for theyr eſtates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Orleaunce offended hyghly (as hee myghte ſeeme) agaynſte the Kyng of Englande,The duke of Orl [...]ance be|ſiegeth Vergi in Guyenne. with an armye of ſixe thouſande menne, entred into Guyenne, and beſieged the Towne of Vergy, whereof was Capitaine Sir Roberte Antelfielde, a right hardye and va|liante Knyghte, hauyng with hym onely three hundred Engliſhmenne, whyche defended the fortreſſe ſo manfully, that the Duke after hee hadde layne there three monethes, and loſt ma|ny of his men, without honor or ſpoyle, retur|ned into Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1142After this, the Admirall of Britaine, highly encouraged, for that the laſt yeare he had taken certaine Engliſh Shippes laden with wines, a|companyed with the Lord du Chaſtel, a valiant Baron of Britaine, and twelue hundred men of armes, ſayled forth with thirtie Shippes from Saint Malos, and came before the Towne of Dartemouth, and woulde haue landed, but by the puiſſance of the Towneſmen, and ayde of the countrey, they were repulſed, in the whiche con|flict,The Lord du Chaſtel ſlaine. the Lorde du Chaſtel, and two of his bree|thren, with foure hundred other were ſlayne, and aboue two hundred taken priſoners, and put to their raunſomes, amongſt whome, the Lorde of Baqueuille, the Marſhall of Britaine was one.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Owen Glen|douer, waſted the Engliſh marches.All this Sommer, Owen Glendouer and his adherents, robbed, brent, and deſtroyed the Coũ|treys adioyning, neere to the places where hee haunted, and one while by ſleight and guilefull policie, an other while by open force, he tooke and ſlew many Engliſhmen, brake downe certaine Caſtels, which hee wanne, and ſome he fortified and kept for his owne defence. Iohn Trenor Byſhop of Aſſaph, conſidering with himſelf how things proſpered vnder the hãds of this Owen, fledde to him, and tooke his parte againſte the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme, the Britaines and the Flemings tooke certayne Shippes of ours la|den with merchandice,Crueltie of the Britaines and Flemings. and ſlewe all the Marri|ners, or elſe hanged them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Countes of Oxforde.Alſo, the olde Counteſſe of Oxford, mother to Robert Vere, late Duke of Ireland, that dy|ed at Louaine, cauſed certain of hir ſeruaunts, and other ſuche as ſhe durſt truſt, to publiſh and brute abrode,K. Rich. once againe aliue. through all the parties of Eſſex, that Kyng Richarde was aliue, and that hee woulde ſhortlye come to lighte, and clayme hys former eſtate, honor, and dignitie. She procured a greate number of Hartes to be made of ſiluer and golde, ſuche as King Richarde was wonte to giue vnto his Knightes, Eſquiers, & friendes, to weare as cogniſances, to the ende that in be|ſtowing them in King Richardes name, ſhee might the ſooner allure men to further hir lewde practiſes: and where the fame wente abroade, that King Richarde was in Scotlande with a great power of Frenchmen and Scottes, readie to come to recouer his Realme, many gaue the more lightly credite vnto this brute thus ſette forth by the ſaid Counteſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Serlo one of K. Richardes chamber.The perſwaſions alſo of one Serlo, that in times paſt was one of king Richards chamber, greatly encreaſed this error, for the ſame Serlo, hearing in Fraunce, whither he was fledde, that his maſter King Richarde was in Scotland a|liue, conueyed himſelfe thither, to vnderſtand the troth of that matter, and finding there one in|deede that greatly reſembled him in all linia|ments of body, but yet was not the man him|ſelfe, as he well perceyued, vppon malice that hee bare to King Henry, aduertiſed by letters ſente vnto diuers of King Richards friendes, that hee was aliue indeede, and ſhortly woulde come to ſhew himſelfe openly to the world, when he had once made his way ready to recouer his King|dome, to the confuſion of his enimies, and com|fort of his friends. Theſe forged inuentions cau|ſed many to belieue the brute reiſed by ye Coun|teſſe of Oxforde, for the whiche they came into trouble, were apprehended, and committed to priſon. The Counteſſe hir ſelfe was ſhut vp in cloſe priſon, and all hir goodes were confiſcate,The Countes of Oxforde committed to priſon. and hir Secretarie drawen and hanged, that had ſpred abroade this fained reporte, in going vppe and downe the Countrey, blowing it into mens eares, that King Richard was aliue,His ſecretarie executed. affirming that he had ſpoke with him in ſuche a place, and ſuche a place, apparrelled in this raymente, and that rayment, with ſuch like circumſtances.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of Sainte Iohn Baptiſt, at the kings commaundement, the Earle of Nor|thumberlande came to Ponfret,The Earle of Northumber|lande cometh to the king. and broughte with him his nephewes, & his nephewes ſonnes, whereby hee cleared himſelfe of a greate deale of ſuſpition, many doubting before his comming, that he had giuen euill counſell to the yong mẽ, whereby to moue them to Rebellion,Sir William Clifford br [...]|geth Serlo to the king. and to withſtand the King. Sir William Clifford al|ſo came with the Earle, and brought the foreſaid Serlo with him, whome he had apprehended vp|pon hys comming to hym at Berwike, in hope to haue founde ſuccoure at his handes: in conſi|deration whereof, the King pardoned the ſayde Sir William Clifforde of his diſobedience ſhe|wed, in keeping the Caſtell of Berwike againſt hym, in whyche doing, he had committed ma|nifeſt treaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Serlo beeing knowen to bee the men that had beene the chiefe murtherer of the Duke of Glouceſter,Serlo exami|ned for the duke of Glo [...]|ceſters death. when he was made away at Ca|lais, was diligently examined, who were helpers with hym in the execution thereof, and after what ſorte they made him away: Serlo kno|wing there was no way with him but deathe, would not vtter and other, but confeſſed for hys owne parte, hee was worthy for the wicked deede, to dye tenne thouſande deathes, and ſhe|wed ſuche outward appearance of repentaunce, that many ſore lamented his caſe, and promiſed to hyre Prieſtes to ſing Maſſes, as the manner was, for hys ſoule, of theyr owne coſtes and charges. He was condemned to dye at Ponfret, and was drawen from thence through euery good Towne, through whiche thoſe that hadde EEBO page image 1143 the conueyance of him,He is drawen through euery good towne. He is executed at London. paſſed with him, till they came to London, where hee was executed, and con|feſſing euery thing to be true, cõcerning his wic|ked pretence, as before is recited: and further, that when he perceyued how their counterfaite prac|tiſe would come to light and be openly reuealed, he meant to haue retourned into Fraunce, but wanting money, he thoughte to haue bin relie|ued with ſome portion at the hande of the ſayde Syr William Clyfforde, and this cauſed hym to come vnto Berwyke, to ſhewe hym his ne|ceſſitie, who to make his owne peace, didde ap|prehende hym, and preſent hym to the king, as before ye haue heard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 6. King Henrie wantyng moneye in the feaſte of Saint Faythe the Virgin, aſſembled at Co|uentrie, hys hyghe Courte of Parliamente, in the whiche, the Lorde Stephen Scrope of Ma|ſham, and the Lorde Henry Fitz Hugh obtey|ned firſt to haue places of Barons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, it is to bee noted, that thys was called the lay mannes Parliamente,The lay mens Parliament. by|cauſe the Sheriffes were appoynted to haue a ſpeciall regarde, that none ſhoulde bee choſen Knightes, for the Counties, nor burgeſſes for the Cities and Townes, that hadde anye ſkill in the lawes of the lande. Thys was done, and when they came togither to talke of the waigh|tie affayres of the Realme, ſpecially howe the King mighte bee relieued with money, to beare ſuche charges as hee was knowen to bee at, as well in defending the Realme from the Scottes and Welchmenne at home, as from the Bri|taines, Flemings, and Frenchmen abroade, it was thoughte moſt expediente, that the Spiri|tualtie ſhoulde bee depriued of theyr temporall poſſeſſions,Strife betwixt the laitie and ſpiritualtie. to the reliefe of the Kings neceſſitie. Heerevpon, roſe great altercation betwixt the Cleargie and the laitie, the Knightes affirming, that they had oftentimes ſerued the King, not onely with theyr goodes, but alſo with their per|ſons, in great daungers and ieoperdies, whyleſt the Spiritualtie ſate at home, and help the king nothing at all.The Archbi|ſhop of Caun|terbury aun|ſwereth for his breethren. Thomas Arundell Archebyſhop of Caunterburie ſtoutely aunſwered heerevnto, that the Cleargie hadde alwaye gyuen to the King, as muche as the laytie hadde done, con|ſidering they had oftner gyuen theyr tenthes to hym, than the laytie theyr fifteenes: alſo, that more of theyr tenauntes wente forthe into the Kyngs warres, than the tenauntes of them of the lay fee.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide thys, they prayed daye and night for the Kyngs good ſucceſſe agaynſte his enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Iohn Cheyny ſpea|ker of the Parliament. The Archb. [...]eth.When the ſpeaker named ſir Iohn Cheynie, in replying by playne ſpeache, ſeemed little to e|ſteeme ſuche prayers of the Church, the Archbi|ſhoppe was ſette in a great chafe, and with ſharp wordes, declaring what hee thoughte muſt needes followe, both of the Kyng and Kyng|dome, when prayers, and ſuffrages of Church|menne, came to be ſo little ſette by, hee grewe to ſuche impatiencie, that hee flatly tolde the ſpea|ker, that although hee ſeemed little to eſteeme of the Religion of the Cleargie, hee woulde not haue him to thynke, that hee ſhoulde take awaye the poſſeſſions of the Churche, without fyndyng ſuche as woulde ſeeke to withſtande hym,He ſpake like a Lorde. for if (ſayde hee) the Archebyſhoppe of Caunterburie maye liue, thou ſhalte haue here takyng awaye of any manner thyng that hys is.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this when the Archebyſhoppe percey|ued, that the Kyng winked at theſe matters, hee roſe from hys place, and comming before the Kyng, kneeled downe, and beſought hym to conſider howe through the fauour and grace of the almightye God, hee hadde atteined to the Kyngdome, and therefore hee ought to re|member hys firſte purpoſe and intente, whyche was, to ſaue vnto euery man hys ryght, ſo farre as in hym laye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Hee willed hym lykewiſe to haue in conſide|ration, the othe which he willingly hadde recey|ued, that is, that hee ſhoulde aduaunce the ho|nor of the Churche, and the Miniſters thereof cheriſhe and maynteyne. Alſo, to haue in mynde the daunger and diſhonor that redounded to ſuche as brake their othes, ſo that hee beſoughte hym to permitte and ſuffer the Churche to en|ioye the priuiledges and liberties, whyche in tyme of hys predeceſſors it hadde enioyed, re|queſting hym to ſtande in a [...]e of that Kyng, by whome all Kyngs dyd raigne, and to feare the cenſures and condemnation that thoſe in|curred, whyche tooke and deteſte from the Churche anye good or right belonging to it, who moſt certaynely (ſayde hee) are accurſed. When the Archebyſhoppe hadde vſed this, or the lyke ſpeeche,The Kings aunſwere to the Archb. the Kyng commaunded hym to goe to hys feate againe, aſſuring hym, that his intente and purpoſe was, to haue the Churche in as good ſtate or better, than hee founde it. The Archebyſhoppe herewith turning to the Knightes and burgeſſes of the Parliamente, ſayde vnto them: you, and ſuche other as you bee, haue gyuen counſayle vnto the Kyng and his predeceſſors, to confiſcate, and take into theyr handes, the goodes and poſſeſſions of the celles, whyche the Frenche|menne and Normans poſſeſſed heere in Eng|lande, and affirmed, that by the ſame, hee and they ſhoulde heape vp greate riches, nad indeede, thoſe goodes and poſſeſſions as is to be prooued, were worth many thouſandes of golde, and yet it is moſt true, that the King at thys day is not EEBO page image 1144 halfe one marke of ſiluer the richer thereby, for you haue begged and gotten them out of hys handes, and haue appropriated the ſame vnto your ſelues, ſo that we may coniecture very wel, that your requeſt to haue our temporalties, not to aduaunce the K [...]s profit, but to ſatiſfie youre owne greedy couetouſneſſe, for vndoubtedly if the King (as God forbid hee ſhoulde) did accom|pliſh your wicked purpoſes and minds, he ſhould not be one farthing the richer the yere next after: and truely, ſooner will I ſuffer this head of mine to bee cutte off from my ſhoulders, than that the Church ſhould loſe the leaſt right that appertey|ned to it. The Knightes ſayd little, but yet they proceeded in their ſute to haue their purpoſe for|ward, whiche the Archbyſhop perceyuing (as an other Argus, hauing his eye on ech ſide, to marke what was done) laboured ſo to diſappoynt theyr doyngs, that hee wanne the fauor of certayne of the temporall Lordes to aſſiſt him, who con|ſtantly auouched by theyr conſentes, that the Church ſhoulde neuer bee ſpoyled of the tempo|ralties and heerein, they acquitte the Archby|ſhoppe and Prelates, one pleaſure for an other, whiche they hadde done for them before, when the commons in this Parliamente required, that all ſuche landes and reuenewes as ſometyme belonged to the Crowne, and hadde beene giuen away, eyther by the Kyng, or by his predeceſ|ſors King Edward, and King Richard, ſhould be agayne reſtored to the Kyngs vſe, vnto whi|che requeſt, the Archbyſhoppe and other the Prelates woulde in no wiſe conſente: thus by the ſtoute diligence of the Archbyſhoppe Arun|dell, that petition of the commons, touching the Spirituall temporalties, came to none effecte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Two fifteenes graunted.Two fifteenes were graunte by the com|mons, with condition, that the ſame ſhoulde bee payde vnto the hands of the Lorde Furniuall, who ſhould ſee that money employde, for main|tenaunce of the Kings warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, at the importunate ſute of ye com|mons,Letters paten|tes reuoked. the letters pattents that had bin made to diuers perſons of Annuities to them granted by King Edward, and King Richard, were called in, and made voyde, not withoute ſome note of diſhonor to the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A tenth and a halfe graun|ted by the clergie.The Cleargie graunted to the King a tenth and a halfe, notwithſtandyng, that the halfe of one tenth lately graunted was yet behinde, and appoynted to bee payde vppon Saint Martins day now next comming.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ouerflowings of the ſea.Aboute this ſeaſon, greate loſſe happened in Kente, by breaking in of warres, that ouerflo|wed the Sea bankes, as well in the Archbyſhop of Caunterburies groundes, as other mennes, whereby much Cattell was drowned. Neyther did Englande alone bewayle hir loſſes, by ſuche breaking in of the Sea, but alſo Zelande, Flan|ders, and Hollande taſted of the like domage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 William Wickham Byſhoppe of Winche|ſter, beeyng a man of great age,The death of Williã Wick|ham. deceaſſed thys yeare, leauing behind him a perpetuall memorie of hys name, for the notable monumentes whi|che he erected, in building two Colledges, one at Wincheſter for Grammarians, and the other at Oxforde called the newe Colledge, purcha|ſing landes and reuenewes, for the mayntenãce of Studentes there, to the great commoditie of the common wealthe, for from thence, as out of a good nurcerie, haue come foorthe dyuers men in all ages excellently learned in all ſciences.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And heere I haue not thought it impertinent to ſpeake ſomewhat of hys worthy prelate (cõ|ſidering that by him ſo greate a benefyte hathe returned to the common wealthe) according to ſuche notes as I haue ſeene collected, by ye paine|full traueller in ſearche of antiquities, Iohn Le|lande, who ſayth, that as ſome haue ſuppoſed, the ſayde Wickham, otherwiſe called Perot, was baſe ſonne to one Perot, the Towne Clearke of Wickham in Hampſhire, of whyche place he tooke his ſurname, an that one maſter Wodall a Gentleman, dwelling in the ſayde Towne, brought hym vppe at Schoole, where hee learned his Grammer, and to write very fayre, in ſo much, that the Conneſtable of Win|cheſter Caſtell, a greate ruler in thoſe dayes in Hampſhire, gote hym of maiſter Wodall, and reteyned hym to be his Secretarie, with whome hee continued, till Kyng Edwarde the thyrde, comming to Wincheſter, conceyued ſome good lyking of the yong man, and tooke hym to his ſeruice, and withall vnderſtanding that hee was minded to bee a Churchman, he firſt made him perſon, and Deane of Sainte Martins in London, then Archdeacon of Buckingham, but for ſo muche, as his ſeruice was right acceptable to the Kyng, as hee that with greate dexteri|tie coulde handle ſuche affayres of the ſtate, or other matters of charge as were committed to hys handes, the Kyng ſtill kepte hym aboute hys perſon, as one of hys chiefe Chapleynes of houſholde, and employed hym in ſundrye offi|ces, as occaſions ſerued: and firſt, he made hym ſurueyor of hys workes and buyldings, name|lye at Windeſor, in repayring of that Caſtell, and alſo at Quinbourrough, where by ye kings appoyntmente, a ſtrong fortreſſe was reyſed, for defence of the Realme of that ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this, hee was aduanced to the keeping of the priuie ſeale,He was alſo a one time tre|ſourer of En|gland (is Ley|lande gathe|reth.) made ouerſeer of the wardes and forreſtes, alſo treaſorer of the Kings reue|newes in Fraunce, and at length was made Byſhoppe of Wincheſter. The blacke Prince yet dyd not greatly fauoure him, wherevppon, EEBO page image 1145 Wickham procured to keepe him occupied in warres beyonde the ſeas. But at length Iohn duke of Lancaſter, and Alice Perers king Ed|wards concubine, conceiuing ſome great diſplea|ſure againſt him, found mean to procure the king to baniſh him the realme, and then hee remayned in Normandie, and Picardie for the ſpace of .vij. yeares, or thereabout, and might not bee reſtored ſo long as king Edward liued. But after his de|ceaſſe, aboute the ſeconde yeare of king Richarde the ſecondes raigne, hee was reſtored home, and purchaſed a generall pardon for all matters paſt, that might be furmiſed agaynſt him, or layde to his charge. And afterwardes hee hate himſelfe ſo vprightly in that daungerous tyme, when ſuche miſlyking and priuie enuie raigned betwixt the king and his Nobles, that both partes ſeemed to like of him, inſomuch, that when the king made him Lorde Chauncelor, there was not any that greatly repined therat, and verily in that the king made choyſe of him before others to occupie that place, it argueth there was not ſo euill a diſpoſi|tion in the king, nor lack of diſcretion in order of gouernment, as writers ſeeme to charge hym with. But where other could not ſo well heare in|iuries at others hands as happely Wickhã could, the fire of diſſention chiefly kindled therof. For if the Duke of Irelande, and the Earle of Suffolk, with thoſe of that faction coulde haue refrayned to ſhewe theyr diſpleaſures, when the Duke of Glouceſter and other his complices pinched at them (for that they ſawe the king haue them in more eſtimation thã they wiſhed) matters might haue bene qualified peraduenture with leſſe adoe, and withoute daunger to haue enſued to eyther part. But howſoeuer it went with them, it maye doubtleſſe be eaſily coniectured, that Wickham was a man of ſingular wiſedome, and politike forecaſt, that coulde from meane degree in ſuche wiſe climbe aloft, and afterwards paſſe through the chaunces and chaunges of variable fortune, keeping himſelfe euer ſo in ſtate, that he grewe at length to be able to furniſh the chargeable expen|ſes of two ſuch notable foundations which he left behind him, to make his name immortall. But leauing the conſideration hereof to others, I will returne to the purpoſe from whence I haue thus farre ſtepped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The erle of Marches ſons. T [...]. VValſ.

In this ſixth yeare, the Fryday after Saint Valentines day, the Earle of Marche his ſonnes earely in the morning were taken forth of Win|ſore Caſtell, and conueyed away, it was not knowne whither at the firſt, but ſuche ſearch and inquirie was made for them, that ſhortly after they were hearde of and broughte backe a|gaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Smith that counterfeyted the keyes, by the which they that conueyed them thence got in|to the chamber where they were lodged, had firſt his hands cut off, and after his head ſtriken from his ſhoulders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ladie Spencer,The lady Spẽ|cer committed to warde ſiſter to the duke of York and widow of the Lorde Thomas Spencer, exe|cuted at Briſtow (as before haue hearde being apprehended and committed to cloſe priſon,She accuſeth hir brother the Duke of Yorke. ac|cuſed hir brother the Duke of yorke, as chiefe au|thour in ſtealing away the ſayde Earle of Marche his ſonnes, and further, that the ſayde Duke ment to haue broken into the Manor of [...]ltham the laſt Chriſtmaſſe, by ſcaling the walles in the night ſeaſon, the king being there the ſame time, to the intent to haue murthered him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 For to proue hir accuſation true, ſhe offred that if there were any knight, in eſquier, that woulde take vpon him to fight in hir quarell, if he were o|uercome, ſhe woulde be comented to be burnt for it.William maid+ſton eſquire of fred to fight, in his ladies quarel. One of hir eſquiers named William Maid|ſton, hearing what offer his Ladie and Miſtreſſe propounded, caſt downe his hoode, and proffered in hir cauſe the combate. The Duke likewiſe caſt downe his hoode, readie by battaile to cleare hys innocencie. But yet the kings ſonne Lord Tho|mas of Lancaſter arreſted him, and put him vn|der ſafe keeping in the Tower, till it were fur|ther knowen what order ſhoulde bee taken wyth him, and in the meane time were all hys goodes confiſcate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time was Thomas Mowbray Earle Marſhall accuſed,The erle Mar|ſhal accuſed. as priuie to the purpoſe of the Duke of Yorke, touching the withraw|ing of the Erle of Marche his children, who con|feſſed in deede, that hee knewe of the dukes pur|poſe. But in no wiſe yet gaue his conſent there|vnto, and therefore beſought the king to bee good and gracious Lorde vnto him for concaling the matter, and ſo hee obteyned pardon of that of|fence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King had aſſembled the ſame tyme the moſt part of the nobilitie at London, to conſult with them for dyuerſe weightie matters, concer|cerning the ſtate of the common wealth, and a|bout ſome ayde of money which he required: but the Lordes ſhewed themſelues not willing to ſa|tiſfie his requeſt.The king wan|teth money & cã get none of the Lordes. He therefore cauſed the ſpiritual Lordes as well as the temporall, to meete at S. Albones in the Lent ſeaſon, about the ſame mat|ter, but yet obteyned not hys purpoſe, by reaſon barons were ſore agaynſte him, and ſo at length on Palme Sunday they went theyr way eche man to his home, hauing gratified the king in nothing concerning his demaunde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, to witte the .xv. of March at a place in Wales called Huſke,A battel fought at huske in wales & Owen Glen|douers ſonne taken priſoner in a conflicte fought betwixt the Welche men and certaine of the Princes companie, the ſonne of Owen Glendouer was takẽ, and fiftene hundred Welch EEBO page image 1146 men taken and ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in May, about the feaſt day of S. Dun|ſtane, was the Chancellor of the ſayd Owen ta|ken priſoner, and a great number of other taken and ſlaine. The priſoners were brought vp to London, where the Chancellor was committed to ſafe keeping in the Tower.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Valeran Erle of S. Paule, by the aſſent of the French king, aſſembled fiue .C. mẽ of armes, fiue C. Genewais with croſſebowes, and a .M. Fle|mings on foote,The Caſtell of Mark beſieged about the mid+deſt of May as Iames Mayr hath. Sir Philip Hal with the which he layde ſiege to the Caſtell of Marke, three leagues from Ca|lais, vpon the .xv. day of Iuly. Captaine of the Caſtell as then for the king of England, was one ſir Philip Hall, hauing with him .lxxx. archers, and .xxiiij. other ſouldiers, whiche defended the place ſo manfully, that the Earle retyred into the towne, and there lodged, fortefying it, for feare of reſkues that might come from Calais.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next day he gaue an other aſſault to the Caſtell, and tooke the vtter Court, wherein was founde a greate number of horſe, kine, and other cattell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next day there iſſued forth of Calais two hundred men of armes, two hundred archers, and three hundred footmen, with ten or .xij. wagons laden with vitaile and artillarie, conducted by ſir Richard Aſton knight, lieutenant of the Engliſh pale for the Erle of Somerſet captaine generall of thoſe Marches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen aduertiſed that the Engliſh men were comming to remoue the ſiege, iſſued not forth of their lodgings, but kept them within their cloſure. Neuertheleſſe the Engliſhmen ſhot ſo ſharpely and cloſely togyther, that the Fle|mings & footmen began to flie:The Erle of Saint Pol put to flight. the men of armes fearing the ſlaughter of their horſes, ranne awaye with a light gallop. The Genewais whiche had ſpent the moſt part of their ſhotte at the aſſaultes made to the Caſtell, ſhewed ſmall reſiſtance, and ſo all the number of the Frenche part were ſlaine and put to flight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ia. Mair.The Erle of S. Paule and diuerſe other eſca|ped away, and by S. Omers got to Therouẽne, or as others haue to Saint Omers. But there were taken to the number of three or foure ſcore, and amongſt other the Lord de Dampierre, Se|neſhall of Ponthieu, Monſeur de Weriners, Monſiur de Vineles, Mõſeur de Noielles, Mõ|ſeur Iohn de Hangeſtes captain of Bollongne, the Lord de Rambures, Monſ. Lioneel Darreis captaine of Graueling, Monſeur Peter Raſſer captaine of Arde: alſo Combernarde captaine of Tirouanne, Boid Chanon captain of Montoire, Iohn Chanon captaine of Liſle, Stenebeck cap|taine of Ralingham, the baſtarde of Burneuille captaine of Burbourgh. There were ſlain about lx, & among them as chiefe ſir Robert Berengue|uille, the Lord of Quercos, Morell de S [...]coſes the Lord Courbet de Rempeupret, and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen had the ſpoyle of the Erles campe, and being returned to Calais, within fiue days after, there iſſued forth about .v. C. mẽ,Arde aſſaulted by Engliſhmẽ. mea|ning to haue woonne the towne of Arde wyth a ſodaine aſſault, whiche they gaue to it in the nyghte tyme. But ſir Manſed de Bois, and the Lorde Kigme, did ſo valiantly defend it, that the Engliſhmen with loſſe of fortie of their menne were conſtrayned to returned vnto Calays, af|ter they had burnt the deade bodyes in an olde houſe, for that the enimyes ſhoulde not per|ceyue what loſſe the Engliſhmen had ſuſteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the French king to auoyde perils,The Marques de Pount. layd in garniſon at Bollongne, and in other pla|ces, the Marques of Pount, ſonne to the Duke of Bar, the Earle of Dampney, and ſir Iohn Har|padan, a Knight of great renoume and eſti|mation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The duke of Burgoine likewiſe ſent a num|ber of ſoldiers vnto Graueling, vnder the leading of one Iohn Vandẽwalle, and to other fortreſſes alongſt the coaſt he ſent newe ſupplies, for doubt of the Engliſh mens inuaſions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of England in deede hearing of the preparation made for warre by the Frenchmen,An army ſente to Caleys and to the ſea. leuied foure thouſande men whiche hee ſent vnto Calais, and to the ſea, of the which three thouſãd vnder the conduct of the kings ſonne, the Lorde Thomas of Lancaſter, and the Erle of Kent,Chro. of Fla. Ia. Mar. the xxij. of May (as ſome write) came vpon the coaſt of Flaunders, and entring the hauen of Sluſe, burnt four great ſhippes which they founde there lying at ancre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fifth day after theyr comming into that hauen they went a land, thinking to haue fought with the duke of Burgoigne.Chro. of Fla. Iacob. Mar. But as other write after they had beſieged the Caſtel that ſtood in the mouth of the hauen, and loſing .lx. of their men,The Engliſh+men beſieged the Caſtel of Sluys. amongeſt whiche they name one to beare the tytle of Earle of Pembroke (whome they bu|ryed for the tyme in the Churche of Mude) fiue dayes after theyr comming thither they determi|ned to depart from thence, perceyuing the Caſtel would not eaſily be wonne, but firſt they ſpoyled the Countrey about them, and burnt Heys fleet, otherwiſe called Condekyrke, and diuerſe other places thereabout.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, they tooke vp the bodie of him whõ the Flemiſhe wryters call the Earle of Pem|broke, and got them againe to the Sea, for that they were aduertyſed howe the Duke of Bur|goigne ment to beſiege Calais. Whereuppon rayſing their ſiege thus from Sluyſe Caſtel, they returned to the defence of the towne of Caleys, ſo muche deſyred of the Frenche Nation. As they returned homewards, they mette with three EEBO page image 1147 Caricks of Genoa, of the which one hauing the winde with hir, ment to haue ouerthrowne the ſhip wherein the Lorde Thomas of Lancaſter was abourde: but by the good foreſight of the ma|ſter of the ſhippe that ruled the ſterne, ſodenly tur|ning the ſame, the violent ſway of that huge veſ|ſell comming ſo vpon them, was auoided, but yet the Carick ſtroke off the noſe of the Engliſh ſhip, and bruyſed hir on the ſide. Then began the fight very cruell, till the Erle of Kent came to the re|ſkue: and ſo finally after a great conflict & bloudy battaile betwixt the Carickes and Engliſh ſhips, [...]ſore fight by [...]. the victorie remayned with the Engliſhmẽ, who taking the Cariekes, [...]ree Caricks [...]e taken. turned their ſayles towards Normandie, where they arriued and burnt the townes of Hoggue, Mountburg, Berflie, S. Pe|trouilles and other, [...]o [...]es in [...]ormandy [...] to the number of .xxxvj. paſ|iſng forth into the Countrey without reſiſtance, the ſpace of .xxx. myles, ſpoyling all that came in theyr way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, they returned, and brought the Carickes into the Camber at Ric, where one of them by miſfortune of fire periſhed, to the loſſe & no gaine of either of the parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The D. of Bur| [...]oine prepareth [...] beſiege Calays.Iohn Duke of Burgoyne hauing obteyned licence to beſiege Calais, prepared an armie of ſixe thouſande men of armes, xv. hundred Croſ|bowes, and .xij. thouſand footmen, the whiche be|ing aſſembied, and all neceſſarie prouiſion readie at Saint Omers, hee was by the Frenche king countermaunded, and not ſuffred to proceed any further in that weightie enterprice.The chiefe [...]o [...]e of the [...]alice betwixt [...]he Dukes of [...]urgoyne and Orleans. And this was thought to be partly the cauſe of the malice that he conceyued agaynſt the duke of Orleans, ſup|poſing that through him (enuying his glorie) he was thus diſappoynted of his purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Whileſt ſuch doings were in hande betwixt the Engliſhe and Frenche, as the beſieging of Mark Caſtell by the Earle of Saint Poll, and the ſending forth of the Engliſh fleete, vnder the gouernance of the Lorde Thomas of Lancaſter, and the Earle of Kent, the king was mynded to haue gone into Wales agaynſt the Welche Re|bels, that vnder their Chieftaine Owen Glen|douer, ceaſſed not to doe much miſchiefe ſtill a|gaynſt the Engliſh ſubiectes. But at the ſame time, to his further diſquieting, there was a con|ſpiracie put in practice agaynſt him at home by the Earle of Northumberlande, [...] new conſpi| [...]cie againſte H [...]ry by the Erle of Northumber| [...]nd & others who had conſpi|red with Richarde Scrope Archbiſhop of Yorke, Thomas Mowbray Earle Marſhall, ſonne to Thomas Duke of Norffolke, who for the qua|rell betwixt him and King Henrie had beene ba|niſhed (as before ye haue herd) the lords, Haſtings, Fauconbridge, Berdolfe, and diuerſe others. It was appoynted that they ſhould meete all togy|ther wyth theyr whole power, vpon Yorkeſwold, at a day aſſigned, and that the Earle of Northũ|berlande ſhould be Chieftain, promiſing to bring with him a great number of Scots.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop accompanied with the Erle Marſhall, deuiſed certaine articles of ſuch mat|ters as it was ſuppoſed, that not onely the com|munaltie of the Realme, but alſo the Nobilitie, founde themſelues agrieued with: which articles they ſhewed firſt vnto ſuch of their adherents as were neare aboute them, and after ſent them a|brode to theyr friendes further of, aſſuring them that for redreſſe of ſuch oppreſſions they woulde ſhedde the laſt droppe of bloud in theyr bodyes, if need were.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop not meaning to ſtay after he ſaw hymſelfe accompanied with a great num|ber of men,The Archbi. of Yorke one of the cheefe conſpiratours. that came flocking to Yorke to take his parte in this quarell, forthwith diſcoue|red his enterprice, cauſing the articles aforeſayde to be ſet vp in the publike ſtreetes of the Citie of York, and vpon the gates of the monaſteries, that eche man might vnderſtande the cauſe that mo|ued him to riſe in armes agaynſt the king, the re|forming whereof did not yet apperteyne vnto him. Herevpon knights, eſquiers, gentlemen, yeo|men, and other of the commons, as wel of the ci|tie, townes and countries about, being allured ei|ther for deſire of change, or elſe for a deſire to ſee a reformation in ſuch things as were mẽtioned in the articles, aſſembled togither in great numbers,The Archbi. in armour. and the Archbiſhop comming forth amongſt thẽ clad in armor, encouraged, exhorted, & by al mea|nes he coulde, pricked them forth to take the en|terprice in hand, and manfully to continue in the begon purpoſe, promiſing forgiueneſſe of ſinnes to all thẽ, whoſe hap was to die in the quarel: and thus not only all the Citizens of York, but all o|ther in the countries about, that were able to bear weapon, came to the Archbiſhop, and to the Erle Marſhal. In deed the reſpect that men had to the Archbiſhop,The eſtimatiõ which men had of the Archbi. of Yorke. cauſed them to like the better of the cauſe, ſince the grauitie of his age, his integrity of life, and incomparable learning, with the reuerend aſpect of his amiable perſonage, moued al men to haue him in no ſmall eſtimation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king aduertiſed of theſe matters, meaning to preuent them, left his iourney into Wales, and marched with al ſpeed towards the north partes. Alſo Raufe Neuill Erle of Weſtmerlande,The Erle of weſtmerland & the L. Iohn of Lancaſter the kings ſon prepare thẽ|ſelues to reſiſt the kings e|nemies. that was not farre off, togither with the lorde Iohn of Lãcaſter the kings ſonne, being enformed of this rebellious attempt, aſſembled togither ſuch power as they might make, & togither with thoſe which were appoynted to attend on the ſaid Lord Iohn to defend the borders agaynſt the Scottes, as the Lord Henry Fitz Hugh, the Lord Raufe Euers, the Lorde Robert Vmfrevill, and others, made forward agaynſt the rebels,The foreſt of Galtree. and comming into a plaine within the foreſt of Galtree, cauſed theyr EEBO page image 1148 ſtandarts to bee pight downe in like ſort as the Archbiſhop had pight his, ouer agaynſt them, be|ing farre ſtronger in number of people than the other, for (as ſome write) there were of the rebels at the leaſt .xx. thouſand men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſubtil po|licy of the erle of weſtmerlãdWhen the Erle of Weſtmerlande perceyued the force of the aduerſaries, and that they lay ſtill and attempted not to come forwarde vpon him, he ſubtilly deuiſed how to quail their purpoſe, and foorthwith diſpatched Meſſengers vnto the Arch|byſhoppe to vnderſtande the cauſe as it were of that greate aſſemble, and for what cauſe con|trary to the kings peace they came ſo in armor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Archbi. proteſtation where he had on him armesThe Archbiſhop anſwered, that he tooke no|thing in hande agaynſt the kings peace, but that whatſoeuer he did, tended rather to aduaunce the peace and quiet of the common wealth, than o|therwiſe, and where he and his companie were in armes, it was for feare of the king, to whom hee could haue no free acceſſe by reaſon of ſuche a multitude of flatterers as were about him, and therefore hee mainteyned that his purpoſe was good and profitable, as well for the king himſelfe, as for the realme, if men were willing to vnder|ſtand a truth: and herewith hee ſhewed forth a ſkroll in whiche the articles were written, wher|of before ye haue heard. The Meſſengers retur|ning vnto the Earle of Weſtmerlande ſhewed him what they had heard and brought from the Archbiſhop. When he had read the articles, hee ſhewed in worde and countenaunce outwardly that he lyked of the Archbyſhoppes holy and ver|tuous intent and purpoſe, promiſing that he and his woulde proſecute the ſame in aſſyſting the Archbiſhop, who reioycing hereat, gaue credite to the Earle, and perſwaded the Earle Marſhall agaynſt hys will as it were to go with him to a place appoynted for them to common togy|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here when they were mette with like number on eyther part, the articles were tead ouer, and without any more adoe, the Earle of Weſtmer|lande and thoſe that were with him, agreed to doe theyr beſt to ſee that a reformation might be had, according to the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Weſtmerlands politicke dea|ling.The Earle of Weſtmerlande vſing more po|licie than the reſt: well (ſayde he) then our tra|uaile is come to the wiſhed ende: and where oure people haue beene long in armour, let them de|part home to their wonted trades and occupati|ons: in the meane time let vs drinke togyther, in ſigne of agreement, that the people on bothe ſydes may ſee it, and know that it is true, that we be light at a poynt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They had no ſooner ſhaked handes togither, but that a knight was ſent ſtreight wayes from the Archb. to bring worde to the people that there was peace concluded, commaunding eche man to lay aſide armes, & to reſort home to their hou|ſes. The people beholding ſuch tokens of peace, a [...] ſhaking of handes, and drinking togither of the Lordes in louing maner, they being alreadie a|wearied with the vnaccuſtomed trauaile of war, brake vp their fielde and returned homewardes: but in the meane time whileſt the people of the Archbiſhops ſide withdrew away, the number of the contrarie part increaſed, according to order giuen by the Earle of Weſtmerland, and yet the Archbiſhop perceyued not that he was deceyued,The Archbi [...] Yorke and [...] erle Marſhal arreſted. [...]yton. till the Erle of Weſtmerland arreſted both him & the Erle Marſhall, with diuerſe other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus hath Walſingham: But other write ſomewhat otherwiſe of this matter, affyrming that the Erle of Weſtmerland in deed; & the lord Raufe Evres, procured the Archbiſhop, and the Erle Marſhall, to come to a comunication wyth them, vpon a ground iuſt in the midway betwixt both the armies, where the Erle of Weſtmerland in talke declared to them, how perillous an enter|priſe they had taken in hand, ſo to raiſe the people, & to moue warre againſt the king, aduiſing them therfore to ſubmit themſelues without further de|lay vnto the kings mercie, and his ſonne the lorde Iohn, who was preſent there in the field with ba|ners ſpred, readie to trie the matter by dynte of ſworde, if they refuſed this counſaile: and therfore hee willed them to remember themſelues well, and if they woulde not yeelde and craue the kings pardon, he badde them doe theyr beſt to defende themſelues. Herevppon as well the Archbiſhop as the Erle Marſhall, ſubmitted themſelues vn|to the king, and to his ſonne the Lorde Iohn that was there preſent, and returned not to theyr ar|my. Wherevpon their troupes ſkaled and fledde their wayes: but being purſued, many were ta|ken, many ſlaine, and many ſpoyled of that they had aboute them, and ſo permitted to goe theyr wayes: howſoeuer the matter was handled, true it is that the Archbiſhop, and the Earle Marſhall were brought to Pomfret to the king, who in this meane while was aduaunced thither wyth hys power, and from thence he went to Yorke, why|ther the priſoners were alſo brought,The Archb [...] Yorke [...] Marſhal and other put to death. and there beheaded the morrowe after Whitſunday in a place without the Citie, that is to vnderſtand, the Archbiſhop himſelfe, the Earle Marſhal, ſir Iohn Lampley, and ſir Robert Plompton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhoppe tooke his death verie con|ſtantly, inſomuche as the common people tooke it, hee dyed a Martyr,The Archb. puted a [...] affyrming that certaine myracles were wrought as wel in the field where he was executed, as alſo in the place were hee was buryed: and immediately vpon ſuch bruytes, both men and women beganne to worſhip hys dead carkaſſe, whom they loued ſo much when he was aliue, tyll they were forbydden by the Kinges EEBO page image 1149 friendes, and for feare gaue ouer to viſit the place of his ſepulture.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle Marſhals bodie was buried in the Cathedrall Church, but his head was ſet on a pol aloft on the walles for a certaine ſpace, till by the king permiſſion it was taken downe and buried togither with the bodie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the king accordingly as ſeemed to him good, had raunſomed and puniſhed by grieuous ſines the Citizens of Yorke (which had borne ar|mor on theyr Archbiſhops ſide agaynſt hym) he departed from York with an army of .xxxvij.M. fighting men, furniſhed with all prouiſion neceſ|ſarie, marching Northwards agaynſt the Earle of Northumberland. At his comming to Durhã the Lord Haſtings, the Lord Fauconbridge, ſir Iohn Colleuille of the Dale, & ſir Iohn Griſ [...],The lordes executed. being cõuicted of ye cõpiracy were there beheded.

[figure appears here on page 1149]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Northumberland, hearing that his counſail was bewrayed, and his confederates brought to confuſion,The Erle of Northũberlãd [...]eth. through too much haſte of the Archbiſhop of York, with three hundred horſe got him to Berwicke. The king comming for|warde quickly, wan the Caſtell of Warkworth. Whervpon the Erle of Northumberlande, not thinking himſelf in ſuretie at Berwicke, fled with the Lord Berdolfe into Scotlande, where they were receyued of Dauid Lord Fleming.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king comming to Berwicke, cõmaunded them that kept the Caſtell againſt him, to render it into his handes, and when they flatly denied ſo to doe, he cauſed a peece of artillerie to be planted agaynſt one of the Towres, and at the firſt ſhot ouerthrowing part thereof, they within were put in ſuch feare, [...]wick caſtel [...]dded to the [...]g. that they ſimplie yeelded themſelues without any maner of condition, wholy to re|maine at the kings pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the chiefeſt of them, to wit ſir Wil|liam Greyſtock, ſonne to Raufe Baron of Grey|ſtocke, [...]e ſonne of [...]. Grey| [...] and o| [...] put to [...]h. [...]ton. ſir Henrie Beynton, and Iohn Blenkin|ſoppe, with foure or fiue other were put to death, and diuerſe other were kept in priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write that the Earle of Northumber|lande at his entring into Scotland, deliuered the towne of Berwike vnto the Scots, who hearing of king Henries approch, & diſpairing to defende the town againſt him, ſet fire on it, and departed. There was not one houſe that was left vnburnt, except the Friers and the Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the king had diſpoſed things in ſuch conuenient order as ſtoode with his pleaſure at Berwicke, he came backe,The Caſtel of Alnewicke yelded to the King. and had the Caſtell of Alnewike deliuered vnto him, with all other the Caſtels that belonged to the Earle of Northum|berland in the north parts, as Prodhow, Lãgley, Cockermouth, Alnham, and Newſteed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus hauing quieted the north parts,The K. paſſeth into Wales. he tooke his iourney directly into Wales, where he found fortune nothing fauourable vnto him, for all hys attemptes had euill ſucceſſe,He loſſeth his cariages. inſomuche that lo|ſing a fiftie of his cariages through aboundaunce of raine and waters, he returned, and comming to Worceſter,He returneth. he ſent for the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie, and other biſhops, declaring to them the miſfortune that had chaunced to him, in conſide|ration whereof he requeſted thẽ to helpe him with ſome portion of mony, towards the maintenance of his warres, for the taming of the preſumpteous and vnquiet Welchmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, Hall. The Marſhal Mountmerãcy ſent to ayd O|wen Glẽdouer the Frenche king had ap|pointed one of the Marſhals of Fraunce called Montmerancie, & the maſter of his Croſbowes, with .xij.M. men to ſaile into Wales to ayd O|wen Glendouer. They tooke ſhipping at Breſt, and hauing the wind proſperous, landed at Mil|ford hauen, with an. Cxl ſhips, as Tho. Walſ. hath, though Engnerant de Monſtrellet maketh mention but of 120. The moſt part of their horſes EEBO page image 1150 were loſt by the way for lack of freſh water. The Lord Berkley, and Henry Pay, eſpying their ad|uantage, burnt .xv. of thoſe French ſhips as they lay at road there in the hauen of Milford: & ſhort|ly after the ſame L. Berkley, and ſir Thomas Swymborne, with the ſayde Henrie Pay, tooke other .xiiij. ſhippes, as they came that way with prouiſion of vitails and munition forth of France to the ayde of the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the meane while, the Marſhall Montme|rancie, with his army beſieged the towne of Car|marden,Carmarden wonne by the French. and wanne it by compoſition, graunting to the men of warre that kept it againſt him, ly|cence to depart whither they woulde, and to take with them all their moueable goodes: The Ca|ſtell of Pembrooke they attempted not, eſteeming it to be ſo wel manned, that he ſhuld but loſe their labor in attempting it. Notwithſtanding they beſieged the towne of Hereforde weſt,Hereford weſt manfully defended. Engeret Mon|ſtrellet ſayth they brent the townes but coulde not win the Caſtel. which ne|uertheleſſe was ſo well defended by the Earle of Arundel and his power, that they loſt more than they wan, & ſo they departed towards the towne of Denhigh, where they founde Owen Glẽdouer abiding for their comming, with ten .M. of hys Welchmen. Here were the Frenchmen ioyfully receyued of the Welch rebelles, and ſo when all things were prepared, they paſſed by Glamorgan ſhire towards Worceſter,The ſuburbes of worceſter burnt. and there burnt ye ſub|urbes: but hearing of the kings approche, they ſo|denly returned towards Wales. The king with a great puiſſance followed, and founde them em|battailed on a high mountain, where there was a great valley betwixt both ye armies, ſo that either army might plainly perceiue the other, and eyther hoſt loked to be aſſayled of his aduerſarie, & there|fore ſought to take the aduantage of ground.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus they continued for the ſpace of eyght dayes from morning to night, readie to abide, but not to giue battaile. There were manye ſkirmi|ſhes, and diuerſe proper feates of armes wrought that meane while,French Lordes ſlaine. in the which the Frenche loſt many of theyr nobles and gentlemen, as the lord Patroullars de Tries, brother to the Marſhall of Fraunce, the Lorde Matelonne or Martelonne, the lord de la Valle, and the baſtard of Bourbon, with other to the number (as ſome haue writtẽ) of fiue .C. But Enguerant de Monſtrellet affir|meth, that vpon their returne into Fraunce, there wãted not aboue .lx. perſons of all their cõpanies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After they had lain thus one againſt an other ye ſpace of .viij. dayes (as before is ſayde) vitails be|gan to fail, ſo that they were enforced to diſlodge The Frẽch & Welchmẽ withdrew into Wales, and though the Engliſhe men followed, yet em|peached with the deſart grounds and barren coũ|try, through which they muſt paſſe, as ouer felles and craggie mountaines, from hill to dale, from mariſh to wood, from naught to worſe (as Hall ſayth) without vitailes or ſuccor, the king was of force conſtrained to retire with his army, and re|turne againe to Worceſter, in which returne the enimies took certaine cariages of his laden with vytayles. The French men after the armies were thus withdrawne, returned into Britain,The French men returne home. making ſmall bragges of their painfull iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare at London,An. reg. [...] the Earle of Arundell maried the baſtard daughter of the king of Por|tingale, the king of Englande and the Queene, with theyr preſence honouring the ſolemnitie of that feaſt, whiche was kept wyth all ſumptuous royaltie, the morrowe after Saint. Katherines daye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And on the day of the Conception of our La|die, the Ladie Philip King Henries daughter was proclaymed Queene of Denmarke. Nor|wey, and Sweden, in preſence of ſuche Ambaſſa|dours, as the laſt Sommer came hither from the king of thoſe Countreys, to demaund hir in ma|riage for him, and had ſo trauayled in the matter, that finally they obteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the firſt of Marche,


A parliament.

a Parliament began, which continued almoſt all this yeare: for after that in the lower houſe they hadde denyed a long time to graunt to any ſubſidie, yet at length a little before Chriſtmaſſe in the .viij. yeare of his raign they granted a .xv.A fiftenth gr [...]+ted by the te [...]poraltie. to the loſſe and great do|mage of the comunaltie, for through lingring of time, the expenſes of knights and burgeſſes grewe almoſt in value to the ſum that was demaunded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer,A new kind [...] of ſubſidie g [...]+ted by the clergie. by the Clergie a new kinde of ſub|ſidie was graunted, to the King, to bee leuied of ſtipendarie prieſts and Friers mẽdicants, & other ſuch religious men as ſung for the dead, celebra|ting as they termed it Anniuarſaries: euery of thẽ gaue halfe a marke, in reliefe of other of the Cler|gie, that had ſtill borne the burthen for them be|fore. Whervpon now they murmured and grud|ged ſore, for that they were thus charged, at that preſent. The ſame time the Erle of Northum|berland, and the Lorde Bardolfe, warned by the Lord Dauid Fleming, that there was a conſpi|racie practiſed to delyuer them into the King of Englandes hands, fledde into Wales to Owen Glendouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This coſt the Lorde Fleming his life:The l. Fle+ming left [...] life for g [...] knowledge the erle of [...]+thumberland of that wh [...] was m [...] [...]+galeſt him. for af|ter it was knowne that hee hadde diſcloſed to the Earle of Northumberlande what was ment a|gaynſt him, and that the Earle therevpon was ſhyfted awaye, certaine of the Scottes fiue the ſaid Lord Fleming. Whervpon no ſmall grudge roſe betwixt thoſe that ſo ſlue him, and the ſayde lord Flemings friends. For this & other matters, ſuch diſſention ſprung vp amongſt the Scottiſh Nobilitie, that one durſt not truſt another,Deſſenti [...] [...]+mõg the [...]+tiſh nobilitie ſo that they were glad to ſue for a truce betwixt Englande and them, whiche was graunted to EEBO page image 1151 endure for one yeare, as in ſome bookes we finde recorded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This truce being obteyned, Robert King of Scotland (vpon conſiderations, as in the Scot|tiſh hiſtorie ye may read more at large) ſent hys eldeſt ſonne Iames intituled prince of Scotland) a childe not paſt nine yeres of age to be conueyed into Fraunce, [...]ewen yeares ſayth Hard. vnder the conduct of the Earle of Orkency,The prince of Scotland ſtayd here in Englãd and a Biſhop, in hope that hee myght there both remayne in ſafetie, and alſo learne the French tongue. But it fortuned, that as they ſayled neare to the Engliſhe coaſt about Flam|brough heade in Holderneſſe, their ſhippe was ta|ken and ſtayed by certaine Mariners of Claye (a towne in Norffolke) that were abrode the ſame time, and ſo he and all his companie being appre|hended, the xxx. of Marche, was conueyed to Wyndſore, where though he had letters from his father, which he preſented to the king, conteyning a requeſt in his ſonnes behalfe for fauour to bee ſhewed towardes him, if by chaunce hee landed within any of his dominions: yet was he detey|ned, and as wel he himſelfe as the Earle of Ork|ney was committed to ſafe keeping in the tower of London, but the Byſhop got away and eſca|ped (as ſome write) by what means I know not.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 By the Scottiſhe writers were finde that thys chaunced in the yeare .1404. that is two yeares before the time noted in diuerſe Engliſh writers, as Tho. Walſ. and other. But Harding ſayth it was in the .ix. yere of king Henries raigne, to wit in An. 1408, but whenſoeuer it chanced, it is to be thought that there was no truce at that pri [...]nt betweene the two realmes, but that the war to as rather open, ſithe diuerſe Engliſhe rebelles ſtyll remayned in Scotlande,Hall. and were there ſuccored to the high diſpleaſure of King Henrie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By authoritie of the Parliament that all this time continued, the Braytons that ſerued the Queene, with two of his daughters were bani|ſhed the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Robert Halome Chauncellor of Oxforde,Rob. Holome Archbiſhop of Yorke. as then beeing in the Popes Court of Rome, was created Archbiſhop of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer the ſame time, the Pope gaue vn|to Thomas Langley the biſhoprike of Durham, which by the death of Walter Skirlaw was thẽ voyde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſommer of this yeare, the Ladie Philip the kings yonger daughter was ſent ouer vnto hir affianced huſband, Erick king of Dẽmark,

The K. and the Queene brought hir to Lyane where ſhe toke ſhip|ping.

Tho. VValſ.

Nor|way & Sweden, being cõueied thither with great pomp, and there maried to the ſaid king, where ſhe taſted (according to ye cõmon ſpeech vſed in pray|ing for the ſucceſſe of ſuche as matche togither in mariage) both ioy & ſome ſorow amõg. There at|tended hir thither Hẽrie Bowet Biſhop of Bath, and the L. Richard, brother to the duke of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was a Iuſtes held at London, betwixt the Earle of Kent, and the Earle of Marre a [figure appears here on page 1151] Scottiſh manne. Alſo ſir Iohn Cornewall, and the Lord Beaumound, againſt other two Scot|tiſh Knightes, whereof the honour remayned with the Engliſh men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 8.

The Duke of Yorke reſto|red a [...] liberty.

In the Parliament which yet continued, the Duke of Yorke was reſtored to his former liber|tie, eſtate and dignitie, where many ſupported that he had bin dead long before that time in pryſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edmond Holland Erle of Kent was in ſuche fauour with king Henrie,The erle of kent in fauour with the king. that he not onely ad|uanced him to high offices, and great honors, but alſo to his great coſts & charges obteyned for him the ladie Lucy, eldeſt daughter, & one of the heires of the L. Barnabo of Millant, whiche Barnabo payed to him .100000. ducates,He maryeth a daughter of Bernabo Lord of Millaine. in the Church of S. Mary Queries in Southwark, by the handes of Don Alfõſo de Cainuola, vpõ the day of ye ſo|lẽnizatiõ of ye mariage, which was the .24. of Jan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1152 1407The duke of Orleans hauing leuied a migh|tie armie,The Duke of Orleans beſie|geth townes in Gaſcoigne. had beſieged the townes of Burg and Blay in Gaſcoigne, meaning with force to win the ſame, but ſo it fortuned, that for the ſpace of eight weekes togither, there paſſed not one daye without tempeſt of raine, ſnow, and hayle, myxed with windes and lightnings, which killed aſwell men as cattayle, by reaſon whereof, he loſte (as was reported) ſixe thouſande men, ſo that he was conſtreyned to breake vp his campes from before both thoſe townes, and to get him away with diſhonor, for all his dragges and boaſtes made at his firſt comming thither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henry Pay a va+liant ſea man.The ſame time, Henrie Pay, and certaine o|ther perſons of the fiue ports, with fiftene ſhippes, tooke an hundred and twentie priſes, whiche lay at ancre in and about the coaſt of Brytayne, la|den with Iron, ſalt, Oyle, and Rochelle wines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon alſo bylles were ſet vp in dy|uerſe places of London, & on the doore of Poules Church, in which was conteyned, that king Ri|charde being aliue,King. R. ſtil a|liue as was faigned. and in health, woulde come ſhortly with great magnificence and power, to recouer again his kingdome: but the contriuer of this deuiſe was quickly found out, apprehended, and puniſhed according to his demerites.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Citie of London this yeare in the ſom|mer, was ſo infected with peſtilent mortalitie, that the king durſt not repayre thither, nor come neare to it. Wherevpon he beeing at the Caſtell of Leedes in Kent, and departing from thence, tooke ſhip at Quinbourgh in the Ile of Shepey, to ſayle ouer vnto Lee in Eſſex, and ſo to goe to Plaſchy, there to paſſe the time till the mortalitie was ceaſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As he was vpon the Sea, certaine French pi|rates which lay lurking at the Thames mouth, to watch for ſome pray,The k. in dan|ger to be takẽ by Frẽch parts got knowledge by ſome meanes (as was ſuppoſed) of the kings paſſage, and therevpon as hee was in the middeſt of hys courſe, they entred amongſt his fleete, and tooke foure veſſels next to the kings ſhippe, and in one of the ſame veſſels ſir Thomas Rampſton,Sir Thomas Rãſton taken. the kings Vicechamberlaine, with all his chamber ſtuffe and apparell. They followed the king ſo neare, that if his ſhippe had not bene froyſt, hee had landed ſooner in Fraunce than in Eſſex: but ſuche was his good happe,The k. eſcaped through ſwift|nes of his ſhip The L. Camois put in blame that he eſcaped, and arri|ued at his appoynted Port.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Camois, that was commaunded with certaine ſhippes of warre to waft the king ouer (whether the winde turned ſo that he coulde not keepe his dyrect courſe, or that his Shippe was but a ſlugge) ranne ſo farre in the kings diſ|pleaſure, that hee was attached and indyted, for yt (as was ſurmiſed againſt him,) he had practi|ſed with the French men, that the king might by them haue beene taken in his paſſage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye haue heard that the Pope by vertue, [...] prouiſion had giuen the Archbiſhoprike of Yorke vnto maiſter Robert Halom, but the King was ſo offended therewith, that the ſayde Ri [...] might in no wiſe enioy that benefice, and ſo the length, to ſatiſfie the kings pleaſure,Henry Bowet [...] Yorke. maſter Hen|rie Bowet was tranſlated from Bathe vnto Yorke, and maiſter Robert Halom was made Byſhoppe of Saliſburie then voyde by [...]|uyng of Henrye Chichelley vnto Saint Da|uid.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Henrie Prince of Wales, thys yeare in the ſommer ſeaſon, beſieged the Caſtell of Abiruſcwith,Abiruſcwith. and conſtrayned them within to compounde with him vnder certaine conditions for truce, but the Prince was no ſooner frõ thence departed,Owẽ Glẽdouer but that Owen Glendouer by ſubtill craft entred the Caſtell, put out the keepers, and charging them wyth treaſon for concluding anye agreement wythoute hys conſent, pla|ced other in that Fortreſſe to defende it to hys vſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of the Aſſumption of our La|die, that auncient warriour and worthie knight ſir Robert Knolles departed thys lyfe:Sir Robert knolles depa [...]+teth this [...] Bermon [...]es hee was (as before yee haue hearde) borne of meane pa|rentage, but growing into ſuch eſtimation for his valiant prowes, as he was thought meet to haue the leading of whole armyes and the rule and gouernment of large Prouinces. For not long before hys deceaſſe,Saint Alb [...] hee beeyng gouernour of Aquitaine, encumbred with age, reſigned hys office vnto Sir Thomas Belforte, a ryghte valyaunt Captaine, and therewyth returned in|to Englande, where he dyed at a Manour place of his in Norffolk, and from thence was brought to London in a Lytter, wyth greate pompe and muche Torche lyght,He was buried in the white Friers. and was buryed in the Churche of the whyte Friers in Fleeteſtreete by the Ladye Conſtaunce, hys wyfe, where was done for hym a ſolemne Obſequire, wyth a great Feaſt, and lyberall dole to the poore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſyde the dyuerſe noble exploytes, and fa|mous warrelike enterpryſes, atchieued by thys valiaunt ſonne of Mars, he to continue the per|petuall memorie of his name, buylded the bridge of Rocheſter,He bul [...]e Ro|cheſter bridge commonly [...]+led Knolles bridge. ouer the Riuer of Medway wyth a Chappell at the ende thereof, hee repayred alſo the bodie of the Church of the whyte Friers where hee was buryed, which Churche was fyrſt founded by the aunceſtour of the Lorde Gray of Codner. He founded a Colledge of ſecular prieſts at Pomfret,Tho. VVal [...] and did many other things in his life right commendable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Thomas Rampſton Coneſtable of the Tower, was drowned in comming from the court, as he would haue ſhut ye bridge, the ſtream being ſo big, that it ouerturned his Barge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1153 Anno reg. 9. This yeare the .xx. of October beganne a Parliament holden at Glouceſter, but remoued to London as ſhould appeare in Nouember, for as we finde, in that Moneth this yere .1407. and [figure appears here on page 1153] ix. of his kings raigne, Th. VValſ. A ſubſidie. a ſubſidie was graunted by authoritie of a Parliament then aſſembled at London, to be leuied through the whole realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Le [...]ois [...]eyned and [...]cquited.The Lorde Camois was arraigned the laſt of October, before Edmonde Erle of Kent that day high ſtewarde of England, and by his Petres ac|quitte of the offence, whereof he had beene indited (as before ye haue hearde) and ſo diſmiſſed at the barre, was reſtored againe both to his goodes, landes, and offices.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the Winter was exceeding ſharp through froſt and ſnowe, that continued and co|uered the ground by al the Monethes of Decem|ber, Ianuarie, Februarie, and March.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 1408The Erle of Nothumberland, and the Lorde Bardolf, after they had bene in Wales, in France and Flanders, to purchaſe ayde againſt king Hẽ|rie, were returned backe into Scotland, and had remayned there nowe for the ſpace of a whole yeare, and as they euill fortune woulde, whileſt the king helde a Counſell of the Nobilitie at Lõ|don,The Erle of Northum. and the L. Bardolfe [...]e into England. the ſayde Earle of Nothumberlande and Lorde Bardolfe, in a diſmoll houre, with a great power of Scots returned into Englande, recoue|ring diuerſe of the Erles, Caſtels and ſeigniories, for the people in great numbers reſorted vnto thẽ. Herevpon encouraged with hope of good ſucceſſe, they enter into Yorkſhyre, and there began to de|ſtroy the Countrey. At their cõming to Threſk, they publiſhed a Proclamation, ſignifying that they were come in comfort of the Engliſh nation as to relieue the common wealth, willing al ſuch as loued the libertie of their countrey, to repayre vnto them, with their armor on their backes, in defenſible wiſe to aſſiſt them. The king aduerti|ſed hereof, cauſed a great armie to bee aſſembled, and came forwarde with the ſame towardes hys enimies: but ere the king came to Notingham,The Sherife of Yorkeſhire. ſir Thomas (or as other copies haue Raufe) Ro|keſby, Sherife of Yorkſhire, aſſembled the forces of the Countrey to reſiſt the Erle and his power, comming to Grimdaut brigges, beſide Knareſ|bourgh, there to ſtoppe them the paſſage, but they returning aſyde, got to Weatherby, and ſo to Tadcaſter, and finally came forward vnto Brã|ham More, nere to Hayſelwood, where they choſe their ground meete to fight vpon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Sherife was as readie to giue battaile as the Erle to receyue it,His hardy cor|rage to fight. and ſo with a ſtandarde of S. George ſpred, ſet fiercely vpon the Earle who vnder a ſtandard of his own armes, encoun|tred his aduerſaries with great manhood.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was a ſore encounter and cruell conflict betwixt the parties, but in the ende the victorie fell to the Sherife. The Earle of Northumber|land was ſlaine in the field,The earle of Northũberland ſlayne. and the Lorde Bar|dolfe was taken, but ſore wounded, ſo that hee ſhortly after dyed of the hurtes.

Theyr heades were ſtryken off, and ſent to London, ther to be ſet vpon the bridge, for a ter|rour to others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop of Bangor was taken and par|doned by the king, for that when hee was appre|hended, he had no armor on his backe. This bat|taile was foughte the nintenth daye of Fe|bruarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King to pourge the Northe partes of all Rebellion, and to take order for the pu|niſhment of thoſe that were accuſed to haue ſuc|coured and aſſyſted the Earle of Northumber|lande, went to Yorke, where when many were condemned, and diuerſe put to great fines, and EEBO page image 1154 the Countrey brought to quietneſſe, he cauſed the Abbot of Hailes to be hanged,The Abbot of Hayles hanged who had beene in armour agaynſt him with the foreſayde Earle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of kent ſent to the ſea.In the begynning of March, the King ſent Edmonde Hollande Earle of Kent with an ar|mie of men embarked in certaine ſhippes of warre vnto the Sea, bycauſe hee had knowledge that diuerſe Rouers were wafting about the coaſtes of this lande, and did much hurt. When the erle had ſearched the coaſtes, and coulde meete wyth no enimie abroade, he was aduertiſed by eſpialles, that the Pyrates hearing of hys comming to Sea, were wythdrawne into Brytayne, where|fore the ſayde Earle entending to be reuenged on them, whom hee ſought, directed hys courſe thy|ther, and fynding that they had layde vp theyr Shippes in the Hauens, ſo as he coulde not fight wyth them by Sea, he launched out his Boates, and with his fierce Souldiers tooke lande,Bryake in Bri|tain aſſaulted by the Engliſh men. and manfully aſſaulted the towne of Bryake ſtan|ding by the Sea ſide: they within ſtoutly defen|ded themſelues, doing theyr beſt to repulſe the Engliſh men, with throwing Dartes, caſting ſtones,The Erle of kent wounded to death. and ſhooting quarels, in which conflict the Erle receyued a wounde in his heade, ſo that hee dyed thereof the fifth day after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh men not diſmayed wyth hys death, [...]alake [...] by [...]. but the more deſirous to obteyne their pur|poſe, continued theyr aſſaultes, tyll by fiue force they entred the Towne, ſet it on fire, and [...] that made reſiſtaunce, and after for want of a ge|nerall to commaunde what ſhoulde be done, they being peſtred with prayes and priſoners returned into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Counteſſe of Kent that was daughter (as ye haue heard) to Bernabo Viſconte Lorde of Millaine, hauing no iſſue by hir huſbande, was nowe mooued by the King after hir huſbandes death, to marry with his baſtarde brother [...]e Earle of Dorſet, a man verie aged and euill [...]+ſaged, wherevpon ſhee miſlyking him,The e [...] of Kent ma|keth hi [...] [...] choiſe of [...] me [...] [...]|ther to ſatiſfie hir owne fancie, and therefore thoſe for hir huſbande Henrye Mortimer, a g [...]ly yong Batcheler, by whom ſhe had iſſue a daugh|ter named Anne, maryed to Sir Iohn [...]|monde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the next day after the feaſt day of Marie Magdalen,A d [...] be [...] [...]+ner of [...]|for [...] and C [...]+bridge [...] their obed [...] to the Pope. in a Councell holden at Lon|don by the Cleargie, the Doctors of the [...]|uerſities of Oxford and Cambridge being there, [figure appears here on page 1154] with the reſt aſſembled, debated the matter togi|ther, whether they oughte to withdrawe from the Pope, payments of money, and theyr accu|ſtomed obedience, conſidering that contrarie to his worde and promiſe ſo ſolemnly made, and with an oth confyrmed, hee withdrewe himſelfe from the place where he according to couenants ſhould haue beene preſent, to aduaunce an agree|ment and concord in the Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the Euen of the Natiuitie of our La|die, there chaunced ſuch flouddes through aboun|dance of raine as the like had not bene ſeene afore by any man then lyuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 10, About the feaſt of all Saintes, the Cardinall, of Bourges came into Englande,The c [...] of [...] in [...] land in [...] nor of Pope Gregory. to informe the king and the Cleargie, of the inconſtant dealing of Pope Gregorie, in lyke maner as he had in|fourmed the French king and the Frenchmen, to the ende, that he might perſwade both theſe kings which were accounted the chiefe in Chriſtendom, to put vnto their helping handes, that the ſame Pope Gregorie might be induced to obſerue and perfourme that othe, which he had receyued, ſo as by the royall authoritie of thoſe two kings, con|cord might be had in the Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king (as this Cardinal alledged) following the aduiſe of the learned men of the V|niuerſities of Paris, Bologna, Orleãs, Tholouſe EEBO page image 1155 and Monpellier,The reſolution of the French king concer|ning the two Popes. to auoyde the daunger of fauou|ring Sciſme, determyned to obey neyther the one nor the other, that contended for the Papacie, vntill peace and concorde might bee reſtored in Chriſtes Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King vnderſtanding the purpoſe of the Cardinall, ſhewed him what courteſie myght be deuiſed, offring to beare his charges ſo long as it pleaſed him to remaine in England, and promy|ſed him to conſider aduiſedly of the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1409This yeare after the Epiphanie, the Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie called the Clergie of the pro|uince of Canterburie to a Conuocation in Pauls Church at London,A conuocation [...] Pauls i [...] London to chooſe ſufficient perſons that might goe vnto the generall Councell, ap|poynted to be kept at Piſa: Herevpon were cho|ſen Robert Halom Biſhop of Saliſburie,Ambaſſadors appointed to go to the coun+ſel at Piſa. Henrie Chicheley Biſhoppe of Saint Dauid, and Tho|mas Chillingden Prior of Chriſtes Churche in Canterburie. The king before this had ſent Am|baſſadours vnto Pope Gregorie, and alſo to the Cardinals, to witte, ſir Iohn Coluille knight, and maiſter Nicholas Rixton Clearke, with let|ters,The contents of the kings letters to the pope. ſignifying the griefe that hee had conceyued for the inconuenience that fell in the Chriſtian common wealth through the ſciſme, and withall putting the Pope in remembrance what miſchief and deſtruction of people hadde chaunced by the ſame ſciſme, ſo as if hee woulde well conſider the miſerable ſtate of things, he would ſurely followe the example of the true mother, that contending before Salomõ for hir child with the counterfeyt mother, choſe rather to giue place, than to ſee hir childe cut in peeces.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe and the lyke matters to vtter what de|ſire he had to haue an vnitie in the Church, he de|clared frankly in his letters directed to the Pope, ſo as it might appeare to the worlde, how ſoberly and modeſtly hee ſought to enduce the Pope to procure a peace and concorde in the Church, but what his perſwaſions profited, it appeareth in the hyſtorie of Italie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wicklife doc+ [...] mayntey+ned by the lear+ [...]d.This yeare certaine learned men in Oxforde and other places, publikely in theyr Sermons mainteyned and ſet forth the opinions and con|cluſions of Wicklife. This troubled the Biſhops and other of the Clergie ſore, inſomuch that in their Conuocation houſe, the .xxvj. of Iune, by a ſpeciall mandate of the Lorde Chauncellor in preſence of the procurators, regents, and other, as Richard Courtney, Richarde Talbot, Nicho|las Souche, Walter Midforde, and ſuche like in greate multitude: ſentence was pronounced by Iohn Welles, doctor of the Canon law agaynſt the bookes of Iohn Wicklife doctor of diuinitie, intituled,Sentence pro|nounced a|gainſt Wiclif [...] [...]kes. De Sermone in monte, Triologorum de Simonia, de perfectione ſtatum, de ordine Chriſtia|no, de gradibus Cleri Eccleſia: and to theſe was added the third treatiſe, which he compiled of L [...]|gious of Sophiſtrie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe bookes and the concluſions in the ſame conteyned the Chancellour of the Vniuerſitie of Oxford by common conſent and aſſent of the re|gents and not regentes of the ſame Vniuerſitie, reproued, diſanulled and condemned, inhibiting on paine of the greate eueſſe and deprination of all degrees ſcholaſticall, that none from thence|forth ſhoulde affyrme, [...]eache, or preache by anye maner of meanes or wayes, the ſame heritecall bookes as (they tearmed them) conteyning anye the lyke opinions as he taught and ſet forth in the ſame bookes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare aboute Mydſommer, Fabian. Iuſtes in Smith field. wer royall Iuſtes holden at London in Smithfield betwixt the Seneſhall of Heynault, and certaine Here|wyers chalengers, and the Erle of Sommerſet, & certaine Engliſhmen defendants.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Welch Rebell Owen Glendouer, made an ende of his wretched life,Owen Glen|douer endeth his life in great miſery. in this tenth yeare of K. Henries reigne, being driuen now in his latter time (as we find recorded) to ſuch miſerie, that in maner diſpayring of all comfort, hee fledde into deſart places and ſolitarie Caues where beeyng deſtitute of all reliefe and ſuccour, dreading to ſhewe his face to any creature, and finally lac|king meate to ſuſtayne nature, for pure hun|ger and lacke of foode, miſerably pyned away and dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare Thomas Beaufort Erle of Sur|rey, was made Chancellour, An. reg. 1 [...]. Officers made and Henry Scrope Lord Treaſorer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Parliament began this yere in the quindene of S. Hillarie,


A Parliament.

in whiche the Commons of the lower houſe exhibited a byll to the King & Lords of the vpper houſe, conteyning in effect as fol|loweth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To the moſt excellent Lorde our King, Tho. VValſ. Fabian. A ſupplication to the king. and to all the Nobles in this preſent Parliament aſ|ſembled, your faythfull commons do humbly ſig|nifie, that our ſoueraigne Lorde the king myght haue of the temporall poſſeſſions, landes and re|uennes which are lewdly ſpent, conſumed and waſted by the Biſhops, Abbottes, and Priors, within this Realme, ſo much in value as woulde ſuffice to finde and ſuſtaine, 150. Earles .1500. knightes, 6200. eſquiers, and one hundred Hoſpi|tals more than now be.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King (as ſome write, vpon aduiſed con|ſideration hereof had, miſlyked of the motion,Tho. VValſ. and therevpon cõmaunded that from thenceforth they ſhould not preſume to ſtudie about any ſuch matters. An other thing the cõmons ſued to haue graunted vnto them, but could not obtein, which was that Clerks conuicted ſhould not frõ thence|forth be deliuered to the Biſhops priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer they demaunded to haue the ſtatute EEBO page image 1156 either reuoked, or qualified, which had beene eſta|bliſhed by authoritie of Parliament, in the ſecond yeare of this kings raigne, againſt ſuch as were reputed to be Here [...]kes, or Lollards, by force whereof it was prouided, that whereſoeuer ſuche maner of perſons ſhoulde be founde and knowne [...]o preach or teach their erronious doctrine, they ſhould be attached with the kings writ, & brought to the next gaole, but the king ſeemed ſo highly to fauour the Cleargie,King Henry a fauorer of the Clergy. that the Commons were anſwered plainly, they ſhould not come by their purpoſe, but rather that the ſayde ſtatute ſhoulde be made more rigorous and ſharpe, for the pu|niſhment of ſuch perſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Badby brent. Tho. VValſ. During this Parliament, one Iohn Badby a Taylor, or as ſome write a Smith, being cõuict of hereſie, was brought into Smithfield, and there in a tonne or pipe burnt to death,The prince being preſent at the executiõ offreth hym pardon. in pitiful maner: the kings eldeſt ſonne the Lord Henrie Prince of Wales beeing preſent, offred him his pardon, firſt before the fire was kindled, if he woulde haue re|canted his opinions, and after when the fire was kindled, hearing him make a roaring noyſe very pitifully, the Prince cauſed the fyre to be plucked backe, and exhorted him being ſore amaſkered, to remember himſelfe, and renounce his opinions, promyſing hym not onelye lyfe, but alſo three pens a day ſo long as hee lyued, to be payde out of the Kings Coffers: but hee hauing recouered his ſpirites againe,Notable con|ſtancy of Bad|by. refuſed the Princes offer, choo|ſing eftſoones to taſte the fyre, and ſo to die, than to forſake his opinions. Wherevpon the Prince commaunded, that hee ſhoulde bee put into the Tonne againe, from thenceforth not to haue any fauour or pardon at all, and ſo it was done, and the fyre put to hym againe, and hee conſumed to aſhes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King demaunded in thys Parliament, that it myght be graunted to him,The kings demaund in the parliament to haue euerye yeare in whiche he helde not Parliament a tenth of the Cleargie, and a fiftenth of the Laitie, but the eſtates woulde not agree therevnto, by rea|ſon whereof, the Parliament continued tyll al|moſt the myddle of May.A long Par|liament. A xv. granted. At length they graun|ted to gyue hym a fyftenth, not without greate murmuring and grudgyng of the Commu|naltie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Erle of Surrie deceaſeth.Aboute this ſeaſon, dyed the Lorde Thomas Beauford Erle of Surrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xj. of Aprill or thereaboutes, the towne of Saint Omers was burnt by caſuall fire, togi|ther with the Abbey, in whiche towne was ſuche ſtraunge and maruellous prouiſion of Engines,Preparation made to win Calais. and all maner of furniture and preparation for the winning of Calais, as the like had neuer bene ſeene nor heard of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. VValſ.Some wryte, that they of Calais ſtandyng in doubt of ſuche purueyaunce, and greate pre|paration deuyſed to annoy them, procured a yong man to kyndle that fyre, whereby all that dreadfull prouiſion was conſumed to Athes, and ſo they within Calays deliuered of a great deale of care and feare whiche they [...] thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer this yeare ſir Robert V [...]tcu [...]e vice Admirall of Englande,Sir Robe [...] [...]n faevile [...]|miral. Harding. annoyed the Coun|treys on the ſea coaſts of Scotland: for comming into the Forth with ten ſhippes of warre, and ly|ing there .xiiij. dayes togither, landed euery daye on the one ſide of the Riuer or the other,His ex [...] in Scotland. taking prayes, ſpoyles, and priſoners, notwithſtanding the Duke of Albance, and the Earle Dowglas were readie there, with a greate power to reſiſt him: he brunt the Galliot of Scotlande (beeing a ſhippe of greate account) with many other veſ|ſelles lying the ſame time at the Blackneſſe o|uer agaynſt Lieth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his returne from thence, he brought wyth him .xiiij. good ſhippes, and many other great pri|ſes of cloathes, both woollen and lynnen, pitche, tarre, woad, flowre, meale, wheate and tie, which being ſolde abroade, the Markets,His ſurname Ro [...] Meal market. were well hol|pen therby, ſo that his ſurname of Robert Mend|market ſeemed very well to agree wyth his qua|lities which name he got by this occaſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute foure yeares before this, he burnt the towne of Peples on the Market day, cauſing his men to meete the cloathes, whiche the go [...] there wyth theyr Bowes, and ſo to ſell them awaye,By what occa| [...]ion he came by that ſur|name. whervpon the Scots named him Robin Mend|market.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after his returne from the Sea now in this .xj. yeare of king Henryes raigne, he made a roade into Scotlande by lande,The erle of Augus V [...]|vile commonly called erle of Ky [...]. hauing wyth hym hys Nephewe yong Gylbert Vmf [...]e Earle of Augus, (commonly called Earle of Kyme) beeyng then but fouretene yeares of age, and thys was the fyrſte tyme that the ſayde Earle ſpredde hys Banner. They burn [...] at that tyme Iedworth, and the moſt part of V|nidale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare there dyed of the blouddie Furn the Citie of Burdeaux .xiiij. thouſande perſons, [...] by the [...] and ſo ſore raged that diſeaſe in Gaſcoigne and Guienne, that there wanted people to dreſſe theyr vines, and preſſe their grapes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Prendergeſt knight,Iohn Pr [...]+ge [...] and Wi|liam Long. and Wylliam Long ſkoured the Seas, ſo as no Pyrate d [...] appeare, that Merchants and paſſengers myght paſſe to and fro in ſafetie. But yet through diſ|daine of ſome that enuied theyr good ſucceſſe, the ſame Prendergeſt and Long were accuſed of rob|beries, which they ſhould practiſe in ſpoyling ſuch ſhippes as they mette with, of dyuerſe things a|gaynſt the owners willes. Prendergeſt was dryuen to take Sanctuarie at Weſtmynſter, EEBO page image 1157 and coulde not be ſuffred to iudge in anye mans houſe for feare of the kings diſpleaſure, commaũ|ding than none ſhoulde receyue him, and ſo was con [...]e [...]ed to ſet vp a tent within the Porche of Saint Peters Church there, and to haue his ſer|uants to watche nightly about him for doubt to be murthered of his aduerſaries: but his aſſo|ciate William Long, lay ſtill on the Sea, til the Lorde Ad [...]tall hauing prepared certaine veſſels went to the ſea himſelfe in perſon to fetche him: but yet he could not catch him, till he had promi|ſed him pardon, and vndertaken vpon his fidelitie that her ſhoulde haue no harme:Long com|mitted to the Tower. but notwith|ſtanding all promyſes vpon his comming in, hee was ſhut vp faſt in the Tower, and ſo for a time remayned in durance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbi. of Canterbury not ſuff [...]ed to vnto the [...]niuerſitie of Oxo [...]d.The Archb. of Canter. minding in this ſeaſon to viſite the Vniuerſitie of Oxford, could not bee ſuffred, in conſideration of priuiledges which they pretended to haue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The realme of Fraunce in this meane while was diſquieted, with the two factions of Bur|goigne,France diſqui|eted with two factions. and Orleans, in moſt miſerable wyſe, as in the French Hiſtories it maye further appeare. Neyther coulde the king, being a Lunatike per|ſon, and feoble of braine, take any ful order for the reforming of ſuch miſchiefes, ſo that the whole ſtate of the kingdome was maruellouſly brought in decay:The Duke of Orleans mur|dered. neyther tooke thoſe troubles ende by the death of the duke of Orleans (murthered at lẽgth through the practiſe of the Duke of Burgoigne) but rather more perillouſly encreaſed, for the yõg duke of Orleans Charles, ſonne to duke Lewes thus murthered, allyed hymſelfe with the Dukes of Berry, and Bourbon, and with the Earles of Alanſon, and Arminacke, whereby hee was ſo ſtrongly handed againſt the duke of Burgoigne, whom hee defied as his mortall foe and enimie, that the duke of Burgoigne fearing the ſequele of the matter, thought good (bycauſe there was a motion of mariage betwixt the prince of Wales and his daughter) to require ayde of king Henrie, who foreſeeing that this ciuill diſcord in France, (as it after hapned) might turne his realme to ho|nor and profite,The Erles of Arundel and Angus with o|ther ſent to ayde the Duke of Burgoigne. ſent to the Duke of Burgoigne, Thomas Erle of Arundell, Gilbert Vmfreuille Erle of Angus, (commonly called the Earle of Kime) ſir Robert Vmfreuille, vncle to the ſame Gilbert, ſir Iohn Oldcaſtell Lord Cobham, ſir Iohn Grey, and William Porter, with .xij.C. archers. They tooke ſhipping at Douer, and lan|ded at Sluys, from whence with ſpeedie iorneys in the latter ende of this .xij. yere of king Henries raigne they came to Arras, where they founde the duke of Burgoigne, of whom they were ioyfully receyued, and from thence he appoynted them to go vnto Peronne, where he aſſembled a power al|ſo of his owne ſubiects, and remouing frõ thence, he marched through the countrey, by Roy, Bre|tuell, Beauvoys, & Gyfors, til he came with his armie vnto Pontoys, where he remayned aboute the ſpace of three weekes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From Pontoyſe the .xxij. of October,An. reg. 13. the duke of Burgoigne marched towards Paris, and paſ|ſing the riuer of Saine at Pont Menlene, hee ſtayed not till he came to Paris, into the whiche he entred the .xxiij. of October, late in the Eue|ning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Orleance lay the ſame time at S. Denys, with the more part of his armie, and the reſidue kept the towne of Saint Clou, where a bridge lay ouer the ryuer of Saint.Saint Clou ta|ken by help a the Engliſhm [...] On the .ix. of Nouember, with harde and ſharpe fight the Engliſhmen ga [...] the towne of S. Clou, with the bridge, ſlue and drowned nine hundred ſouldi|ours, that were ſet there to defende that paſſage, beſydes foure hundred that were taken pryſo|ners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then tooke alſo aboue .xij.C. horſes, whiche they found in the towne, with great riches, wher|of the men of warre made their profite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Among other priſoners, ſir Manſerde de Bos,Sir Manſerd de Bos put to death. a valiant captayne was taken, and ſhortly after put to deth, as diuerſe other were, which the Bur|gonians bought of the Engliſh men, that had ta|ken them priſoners. The Tower that ſtoode at the ende of the Bridge, coulde not bee woonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At an other bickering alſo, it chaunced that the Engliſhe men vnder the leading of the Earle of Augus or Kyme, had the vpper hande,Harding. and tooke many pryſoners, which the Duke of Bur|goigne woulde that they ſhoulde haue beene lyke|wiſe put to death as traytors to theyr Countrey, but the ſayd Earle of Angus anſwered for him|ſelfe, and the reſidue of the Engliſhmen, that they woulde rather dye all in the place, than ſuffer theyr pryſoners to be vſed otherwyſe than as men of warre ought to bee, that is, to haue their laies ſaued, and to be raunſomed according as the law of Armes requyred, and by that meanes they were preſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Burgoigne hauing the worlde at will, (for the Duke of Orleans immediatelye after the loſſe of Saint Clou, departing from S. Deuys, got him into the highe. Countryes) ſent home the Engliſhmen, with heartie thanks, and great rewardes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, Recor. Turris. Creations of noble men. the king created his brother Tho|mas Beauford Erle of Dorſet, and his ſonne the Lord Thomas of Lancaſter that was Lord ſte|warde of Englande, and Erle of Aubemarle, hee created duke of Clarence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn duke of Burgoigne,Hall. hauing now the go|uernance, both of the French king and his realme, ſo perſecuted the Duke of Orleauns and hys EEBO page image 1158 complyces,The Orlianci+al faction ſu|eth to the k. of England for ayde. that finally they for theyr laſte re|fuge requyred ayde of King Henrie, ſending o|uer vnto hym certayne perſons as theyr law|full procuratours (of the whiche one hight Al|berte Aubemont, a manne of greate witte, lear|ning, and audacitie,) to offer in name of the con|federates vnto the ſayde Kyng Henrye, and to hys ſonnes, certayne conditions whiche were made and concluded, the yeare of our Lord .1412. the eight of May.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The confede|rates of the Orleancial faction.The names of the chiefe confederates were theſe, Iohn duke of Berrie and Erle of Poictou, Charles Duke of Orleans, and Valois Earle of Blais, & Beamound Lorde of Coucie and Ach, Iohn Duke of Bourbon, and Auvergne Earle of Clearmont Foreſt, and Lyſle Lorde of Be|auieu, and Caſteau Chinou, Iohn Duke of Alanſon, Bernarde Earle of Arminacke, and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Articles of couenants which they of|fered to the k. of Englande.The effect of the Articles which theſe confe|derates were agreed vpon touching their offer to the king of England were as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1 Firſt, they offred their bodies, finances, and landes, to ſerue the king of Englande, his heyres, and ſucceſſors, in all iuſt cauſes and actions, ſa|uing alwayes their allegiances, knowing that he would not further enquire of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Secondly, they offred their ſonnes & daugh|ters, neces, and nephewes, and al other their kinſ|folke to bee beſtowed in mariages according to the pleaſure of the king of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 3 Thirdly, they offred their Caſtels, townes, treaſures, and all their other goodes, to ſerue the foreſayde king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 4 Fourthly, they offered theyr friendes, allies, and well wyllers to ſerue hym, beeing the moſte part of all the Nobles of Fraunce, Churchmen, Clearkes, and honeſt Citizens, as it ſhould well appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 5 Fiftly, they offred to put him in poſſeſſion of the Duchie of Guienne, which they were ready to proteſt to belong to the king of Englande, in lyke and ſemblable wyſe, in lybertie and fran|chiſes, as any other king of Englande his prede|ceſſor had held and enioyed the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 6 Sixtly, that they woulde bee readie to re|cogniſe the landes whiche they poſſeſſed within that Duchie, to hold the ſame of the king of Eng|land, as of the verye true Duke of Guienne, pro|miſing all ſeruices & homages after the beſt ma|ner that might be.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 7 Seuenthly, they promiſed to deliuer vnto the king, as much as lay in them, all townes and Caſtels, apperteyning to the royaltie and ſeignio|rie of the king of England, which are in number xx. townes and Caſtels: and as to the regarde of other townes and fortreſſes whiche were not in their handes, they would to the vttermoſt of their powers, help the king of England & his heyres to win them out of his aduerſaries handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 8 Eightly, that the duke of Berrie, as vaſſall to the king of Englande, and likewiſe the duke of Orleans, his ſubiect and vaſſall, ſhould holde of him by homage and fealtie, the landes and ſeig|niories hereafter following, that is to ſay, the Duke of Berrie to holde onely the Countie of Ponthieu during his life, and the Duke of Orle|ans to holde the Countie of Anguleſme during his life, and the Countie of Perigourt for euer, and the Earle of Arminacke, to holde foure Ca|ſtels vpon certaine ſureties and conditions, as by Indenture ſhould be appoynted. For the which offers, couenants and agreements, they requeſted of the king of England to condiſcend vnto theſe conditions enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1 Firſt, that the king of England,The condition which they ret [...] queſted of the k. of England. as Duke of Guienne ſhoulde defende and ſuccor them as hee ought to do, againſt al mẽ as their very lord and ſoueraigne, and ſpecially vntil they had executed iuſtice fully vpon the Duke of Burgoigne, for the crime which he committed vpon the perſon of the Duke of Orleans.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Secondly, that hee ſhoulde aſſyſt them a|gaynſt the ſayde duke of Burgoigne and his fau|tors, to recouer againe their goodes, which by oc|caſion of the ſayd duke and his friendes they had loſt and bene depriued of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 3 Thirdly, that he ſhoulde likewiſe ayde them in all iuſt quarelles, for recouering of domages done to their friends, vaſſals and ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 4 Fourthly, to helpe and aſſyſt them for the concluding and eſtabliſhing of a firme peace be|twixt both the realmes, ſo farre as was poſſible.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And further they beſought the king of Eng|land to ſend vnto them .viij.M. men to ayd thẽ agaynſt the Duke of Burgoigne and his com|plices, whiche dayly procured the French king to make warre vpon them, ſeeking by al wayes and meanes how to deſtroy them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englande louingly enterteyned the Meſſengers, and vpon conſideration had of their offers, as wel for that he deteſted the ſhame|full murther of the Duke of Orleans (which re|mayned vnpuniſhed by ſupport of ſuch as main|teyned the duke of Burgoigne, who as it appea|red woulde keepe promyſe no longer than ſer|ued his owne turne) as alſo for that the ſame offers ſeemed to make greatly both for hys honour and profite, thought that by the office of a King hee was bounde in duetie to ſuccour them that cryed for Iuſtice and coulde not haue it, and namely ſithe in right they were his ſub|iectes and vaſſalles, hee oughte to defende them in mayntenaunce of his ſuperioritie and Seig|niorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon as Duke of Guienne, he tooke vpon EEBO page image 1159 him to ſuccour and defend them againſt all men,The king of Englande taketh vpon him to defend the Orleantial faction. as their verie Lorde and ſoueraigne, and ſo ſen|ding away the Meſſengers, promiſed to ſende them ayde very ſhortly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This feate was not ſo ſecretly wrought, but that it was knowne ſtreight wayes in Fraunce. Wherefore the Frenche kings counſaile ſent the Earle of S. Paule downe into Picardie, wyth xv. hundred horſemen,The Erle of S. Paul aſſaulteth the Caſtel of Guyſnes. and a greate number of footmen, who approching to Guiſnes, attempted to aſſault the Caſtell, but was repulſed and bea|ten backe, ſo that he retired to the towne of Saint Quintines, as one that neuer wan gaine at the Engliſhmens handes,His fortune a|gainſt Engliſh men. but euer departed frõ them with loſſe and diſhonor. In this meane ſeaſon the French king being led by the duke of Burgoin purſued thẽ that tooke part with the duke of Or|leans, commonly called Arminacks, and after the winning of diuerſe townes he beſieged the Citie of Bourges in Berrie, comming before it vpon [figure appears here on page 1159] Saterday the .xj. of Iune, with a right huge ar|mie. Within this Citie were the dukes of Berrie and Bourbon, the Erle of Auxerre, the lord Dal|bret, the Archbiſhops of Sens and Bourges, the Biſhops of Paris and Chartres, hauing with thẽ xv. hundred armed men, and foure hundred Ar|chers and Arbaleſtiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were with the king at this ſiege, his ſon the duke of Aquitaine, otherwiſe called the Dol|phin, the dukes of Burgoigne, & Bar, and a great number of other erles, lords, knights, & gentlemẽ, ſo that the Citie was beſieged euen til within the Faux burges of that ſide towards Dun le Roy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſiege continued, till at length through mediation of Philibert de Lignac, Lorde greate maiſter of the Rhodes, and the Marſhall of Sauoy, that were both in the kings campe, tra|uelling betwixt the parties, there were appoynted Cõmiſſioners on both ſides to treate for a peace, to wit the maſter of the Croſbowes, and the Se|neſhal of Heynalt, and certain other for the king, and the Archbiſhop of Bourges, and the Lorde of Gaucourt and others for the Orlientiall ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A peace con|cluded be [...]wixt the two facti|ons of Burgoin and Orleans.Theſe comming togither on a Fryday, the .xv. of Iuly in the Dolphins Tent, vſed the matter with ſuch diſcretion, that they concluded a peace, and ſo on the Wedneſday nexte following, the campe brake vp, and the king returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Eyton.Whileſt theſe things were a doing in France, the Lorde Henrie Prince of Wales,The prince of wales accuſed to his father. eldeſt ſonne to king Henrie, got knowledge that certain of his fathers ſeruants were buſie to giue informations agaynſt him, whereby diſcorde might ariſe be|twixte him and his father,Iohn. Stow. for they put into the Kings heade, not onely what euill rule (accor|ding to the courſe of youth) the Prince kepte to the offence of many: but alſo what greate reſort of people came to hys houſe, ſo that the Courte was nothing furniſhed wyth ſuche a traine as dayly folowed the Prince.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe tales brought no ſmall ſuſpition into the Kings heade,The ſuſpici|uos iea [...]ouſie of the king to|wards his ſon. leaſt hys ſonne woulde pre|ſume to vſurpe the crowne, bee beeing yet aliue, through which ſuſpitious iealouſie, it was percei|ued that he fauoured not his ſonne, as in tymes paſt he had done.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Prince ſore offended with ſuch perſons, as by ſlaunderous reportes, ſought not onely to ſpotte his good name abroade in the realme, but to ſow diſcorde alſo betwixt him and his father, wrote his letters into euery part of the realme, to reproue all ſuch ſlaunderous deuiſes of thoſe that ſought hys diſcredite, and to cleare himſelfe the better, that the Worlde mighte vnderſtande what wrong he had to be ſlandered in ſuch wiſe: aboute the feaſt of Peter and Paule, to witte,The prince go|eth to the court with a great trayne. the .xxix. daye of Iune hee came to the Courte with ſuch a number of Noble menne and other EEBO page image 1160 his friendes that wiſhed him wel, as the like train had beene ſeldome ſeene repayring to the Court at any one tyme in thoſe dayes. He was appa|relled in a Gowne of blewe Satten, full of ſmal Oylet holes,His ſtrange apparel. at euery hole the needle hanging by a ſilke threde, with which it was ſewed. Aboute his arme he ware an Houndes coller ſette full of SS of golde, and the tyrettes likewiſe being of the ſame mettall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Court was then at Weſtminſter, where he being entred into the Hall, not one of his com|panie durſt once aduaunce himſelfe further than the fire in the ſame Hall, notwithſtanding they were earneſtly requeſted by the Lordes to come higher: but they regarding what they had in cõ|maundement of the prince, woulde not preſume to do in any thing contrary thervnto. He himſelf onely accompanied with thoſe of the kings houſe, was ſtreight admitted to the preſence of the k. his father, who being at ye time grieuouſly diſeaſed, cauſed himſelf yet in hys Chayre to be borne in|to his priuie Chamber, where in the preſence of three or foure perſons, in whome he had moſte confidence,The prince cõ+meth to the kings preſence hee commaunded the Prince to ſhew what hee had to ſaye concerning the cauſe of hys comming.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Prince kneeling downe before his father ſayde: Moſt redoubted and ſoueraigne Lord and father, I am this time come to your preſence as your liege man and as your naturall ſonne, in all things to be at your commaundement.His wordes to his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And where I vnderſtand you haue in ſuſpition my demeanour agaynſt your grace, you knowe very well, that if I knewe any man wythin thys realme of whome you ſhoulde ſtande in feare, my dutie were to puniſh that perſon, thereby to re|moue that griefe from your heart: Then howe much more ought I to ſuffer death, to eaſe your grace of that griefe which you haue of me, beeing your naturall ſonne and liegeman: and to that ende I haue this day made my ſelfe readie by cõ|feſſion and receyuing of the Sacramẽt: and ther|fore I beſeeche you moſte redoubted Lorde and deare father, for the honour of God, to eaſe your heart of all ſuch ſuſpition as you haue of me, and to diſpatche me here before your knees, with this ſame dagger: and withall hee deliuered vnto the king his dagger, in all humble reuerence, adding further, that his life was not ſo deare to him, that hee wiſhed to liue one daye with his diſpleaſure, and therefore (ſayth he) in thus ridding me out of life, and your ſelfe from all ſuſpition, here in pre|ſence of theſe Lordes, and before God at the day of the generall iudgement, I faythfully proteſt clearly to forgiue you.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings wordes to the [...] his ſon.The king moued herewith, caſt from him the dagger, and embracing the Prince, kyſſed hym, and with ſhedding teares, confeſſed that in deede he had him partly in ſuſpition, though now [...] perceyued not with iuſt cauſe, and therefore from thenceforth no miſreport ſhuld cauſe him to haue him in miſtruſt, & this he promiſed of his hon [...]. So by his greate wiſedome, was the wrongfull ſuſpition whiche his father had conceyued againſt him remoued, and hee reſtored to hys fan [...]er. And further,Ey [...]. where he coulde not but grieuouſlye complayne of them that hadde ſlaundered hym ſo greatly, to the defacing not onely of his honor, but alſo putting him in daunger of his life,The pel [...] queſt to h [...] his accuſe [...] anſwe [...] this wrongful [...]+ders. he hũ|bly beſought the King that they myght anſwere theyr vniuſte accuſation, and in caſe they were founde to haue forged ſuche matters vpon a ma|licious purpoſe, that then they myght ſuffer ſome puniſhment for theyr faultes, thoughe not to the full of that they had deſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King ſeeming to graunt his reaſonable deſire, tolde him yet that he muſt tarie a Parlia|ment, that ſuche offenders might he puniſhed by iudgement of theyr Peeres: And ſo for that time he was diſmiſſed, with great loue and ſignes of fatherly affection.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, Iohn Prẽdergeſt knight,Sir Iohn Prẽ|dergeſt re [...]|red to the kings fa [...] ſent to [...] being reſtored to the kings fauor, with .xxx. ſhips [...]koured the ſeas, tooke good priſes of wine and vi|tayles, which relieued the commons greatly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other enterpriſes, he landed vpon the ſodaine at Craal on the fayre day, tooke the town and robbed the fayre, ſo as they that were come thither to ſell their wares, had quicke vtteraunce and ſlowe payment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie vnderſtanding, that the French King by the ſetting on of the Duke of Burgoine in purſuing the contrarie faction,The Duke of Clarence ſe [...] to ayde the D. of Orleans. hadde beſieg [...] the Citie of Bourges (as before yee haue hearte) determyned with all ſpeede to ayde the Duke of Orleans, and ſo aboute the feaſt of the Aſſump|tion of oure Ladie, hee ſent ouer an armie of v [...] hundred menne of Armes, and nine thouſande Archers, vnder the leading of hys ſeconde ſonne the Duke of Clarence, accompanyed wyth Ed|warde Duke of Yorke, Thomas Earle of Dor|ſet, and dyuerſe other Noble men and worthye Captaynes. They landed in the Baye de la Hogue Saint Waſt, in the Countrey of Con|ſtantine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen ſwarmed like Bees round about the Countrey, robbing & ſpoiling the ſame. [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortly after their departure from the place where they landed, there came to them .vj. C. ar|med men of Gaſcoignes yt were enrolled at Bur|deaux. When newes therof came to the Frenche court, being then at Auxerre, incõtinently ye erles of Alãſon & Richmõt were diſpatched to go vnto the Engliſh camp,The E. of [...] the Duke of Cl [...]. bycauſe they had euer bin par|takers wt the duke of Orleans, to giue thẽ [...] for their paines, & to aduertiſe them of the peace, EEBO page image 1161 that had bin lately concluded betwixte the par|ties, and therefore to take order with them, that they mighte bee ſatiſfied, ſo as they ſhoulde not ſpoyle and waſt the Countrey, as they had be|gun: but whereas the Engliſhmen were greedie to haue,The Duke of C [...]arence mar|cheth towards Goyeare. and the Duke of Orleance was not rich to pay, they marched on towardes Guyenne in good order, and what by ſacking of Townes, and caunſoming of riche priſoners, they gote greate treaſure, and many good prayes and boo|ties. Being paſſed yt riuer of Loyere they ſpoyled the towne of Beaulieu,Inguerant. and with fire and ſword waſted the Coũtreys of Touraine, and Maine. The Lorde de Rambures appoynted to reſiſt ſuch violence,The Lorde of Rambures. was eaſily vanquiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, to the ayde of the Duke of Orle|ance,The Erles of Kent and War+wike, ſent o|uer to Caleys. the King of England ſent ouer to Calais, the Earles of Kente and Warwike, with two thouſand fighting men, which ſpoyled and wa|ſted the Countrey of Bullennoyes, brente the Towne of Samer de Boys, and tooke with aſ|ſaulte, the fortreſſe of Ruſſalt, and diuers o|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fabian.This yeare, the King abaſed the coynes, of his golde and ſiluer,Coyne chaun|ged. cauſing the ſame to be cu [...]|rant in this Realme, at ſuch valew, as the other was valued before, where indede the Noble was worſe by foure pence than the former, and ſo likewiſe of the ſyluer, the coynes whereof hee appoynted to bee currante after the ſame rate.

[figure appears here on page 1161]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 14. Ye haue hearde nowe the Duke of Clarence and his army did muche hurte in the Realme of Fraunce, in places as he paſſed, wherevppon at length,The duke of Orleans com| [...]eth to the [...]ngliſh army. the Duke of Orleance being earneſtly called vpon to diſpatch the Engliſhmenne out of Fraunce, according to an article compriſed in the concluſion of the peace, he came to the Duke of Clarence, rendering to him and his armye a thouſande gramercies, and diſburſed to them as much money as he or his friendes mighte eaſily ſpare, and for the reſt, beeing two hundred and nine thouſande frankes remaining vnpalde, hee deliuered in gage his ſecond brother,The duke of Angolaſtine de+liuered in+gage to the Duke of Cla|rence. Iohn Duke of Angoleſme, which was grandfather to King Francis the firſt, that raigned in our dayes, Sir Marcell de Bourges, & ſir Iohn de Samoures, ſir Archibalde Viliers, and dyuers other, whych Earle continued long in England, as after ſhall appeare. When this agreement was thus made betwixt the Dukes of Orleance and Clarence, the Engliſh army with riche prayrs, booties and priſoners came to Burdeaux, making warre on the Fronters of Fraunce, to their greate gayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, the Lorde of Helie,The lorde of Helie Marſhal of Fraunce. one of the Marſhals of Fraunce, with an armye of foure thouſand men, beſieged a certaine fortreſſe in Guienne, whiche an Engliſhe Knighte, one ſir Iohn Blunt kepte, who with three hundred men that came to his ayde, diſcomfited, chaſed,Sir Io. Blount. and ouerthrew the Frenche power, tooke priſo|ners, twelue men of name, and other Gentle|men, to the number of ſixe ſcore, and amongſt other, the ſaid Marſhall, who was ſent ouer into Englande, and put in the Caſtell of Wiſſchet, from whence hee eſcaped, and gote ouer into Fraunce, where ſeruing the Duke of Orleance at the battell of Agincort, he was ſlaine among other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this fourteenth and laſt yeare of Kyng Henries raigne,Fabian. a Counſell was holden in the white Friers in London, at the whiche,The K. meane to haue made a iourney a|gainſt the in|fidels. among other things, order was taken for Shippes and galleys to be buylded and made ready, and al o|ther things neceſſarie to bee prouided, for a [...]|age which he meant to make into the holy [...], there to recouer the Citie of Ieruſalem from the Infidels. For it greeued him to conſider ye great malice of Chriſtian Princes, that were bent vp|pon a miſcheuous purpoſe to deſtroy one ano|ther, to the peril of their owne ſoules, rather than to make warre againſt the enimies of the Chri|ſtian faith, as in conſcience (it ſemed to him) they were bound. Hee helde his Chriſtmas this yeare at Eltham, beeing ſore vexed with ſickneſſe [...],The king is vexed with ſickneſſe. ſo that it was thought ſometime, that he had bene dead: notwithſtanding it pleaſed God that hee ſomewhat recouered his ſtrength againe, and ſo paſſed that Chriſtmas with as much ioy as hee might.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morrow after Candlemas day,


A parliament.

begon a Parliament, which he had called at London, but he departed this life before the ſame Parliament was ended: for nowe that his prouiſions were ready, and that he was furniſhed with ſufficient treaſure, ſouldiers, Captaines, virtailes, m [...]|tions, tall Shippes, ſtrong gall [...]is, and al things neceſſarie for ſuche a royall iourney as he pre|tended to take into the holy made, hee [...] ſoones takẽ with a ſore ſickneſſe, which was not EEBO page image 1162 a leproſie, ſtriken by the hand of God (ſaith ma|ſter Hall) as fooliſhe Friers imagined but a verie apoplexie,The king ſick of an Apo|plexie. of the which he languiſhed till his ap|poynted houre, and hadde none other griefe nor maladie, ſo that what man ordeyneth, God al|tereth at his good will and pleaſure, not gyuing place more to the Prince, thã to the pooreſt crea|ture liuing, when hee ſeeth his time to diſpoſe of him this way or that, as to his omnipotent po|wer and diuine prouidence ſeemeth expedi|ente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hall.During this his laſt ſickneſſe, he cauſed hys Crowne (as ſome write) to be ſet on a pillow at his beddes head, and ſuddaynely his pangs ſo ſore troubled him, that he lay as though all hys vitall ſpirites had bin from him departed. Such as were about him, thinking verily that hee had bin departed, couered hys face with a lynnen cloth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Prince his ſonne being heereof aduerti|ſed,The prince ta|keth away the crowne before his father was dead. entered into the chamber, tooke away the Crowne, and departed. The father beeing ſud|dainely reuiued out of that traunce, quickly per|ceyued the lacke of his Crowne, and hauing knowledge that the Prince his ſonne had taken it away,He is blamed of the king. His anſwere. cauſed him to come before his preſence, requiring of him what hee meante ſo to miſuſe himſelfe: the Prince with a good audacitie aun|ſwered, Sir, to mine and all mens iudgementes you ſeemed dead in this worlde, wherefore I as your nexte heyre apparant, tooke that as myne owne,A guiltie con|ſcience in ex|tremitie of ſickneſſe pin|cheth ſore. and not as youres: well faire ſonne ſayde the King (with a greate ſigh) what right I had to it, God knoweth: well quoth the Prince, if you dye King, I wil haue the garland, and truſt to keepe it with the ſword againſt all mine eni|mies as you haue done: then ſayd the King, I commit all to God, and remember you to vſe well, and with that turned himſelfe in his bedde,The death of Henrye [...]. and ſhortly after departed to God in a chamber of the Abbots of Weſtminſter called Ieruſa|lem, the twentith daye of Marche, in the yeare 141 [...]. and in the yeare of his age .46. when he had raigned .13. yeares fiue monthes and odde dayes in greate perplexitie and little pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 We fynde,Fabian. that hee was taken with his laſt ſickneſſe, while hee was making his prayers at Sainte Edwardes ſhrine,I cã not think he was ſo [...] ready to ſ [...] forward, what+ſoeuer Fabian writeth [...]. there as it were to take his leaue, and ſo to proceede forthe on hys iourney: hee was ſo ſuddaynely and greeuouſlie taken, that ſuche as were about him, feared leaſt he woulde haue dyed preſently, wherefore to re|lieue him if it were poſſible, they bare him into a chamber that was nexte at hande, belonging to the Abbot of Weſtminſter, where they layde him on a pallet before the fier, and vſed all reme|dyes to reuiue him: at length, hee recouered hys ſpeeche, and vnderſtanding and perceiuing him ſelfe in a ſtrange place which he knewe not, hee willed to know if the chamber had any perticu|lar name, wherevnto aunſwere was made, that it was called Ieruſalem. Then ſaide the king, landes bee gyuen to the father of Heauen, for nowe I knowe that I ſhall dye heere in thys chamber, according to the prophecie of me de|clared, that I ſhoulde depart this life in Ieruſa|lem.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whether this was true that ſo hee ſpake, as one that too much gaue credite to fooliſh pro|phecies and vaine tales, or whether it was fay|ned, as in ſuche caſes it commonly happeneth, we leaue it to the aduiſed Reader to iudge.He is buried at Caunterbury [...]. Hys body with all funerall pompe was conueyed vn|to Caunterburie, and there ſolemnely buryed, [figure appears here on page 1162] leauing behind him by the Lady Mary daugh|ter to ye Lord Humfrey Bohun,His iſſue. Erle of Here|ford & Northampton. Henry Prince of Wales, Thomas Duke of Clarence, Iohn Duke of EEBO page image 1163 Bedford, Humfrey Duke of Glouceſter, Blanch Duches of Bauier, and Phillip Queene of Dẽ|marke: by his laſt wife Iane, hee hadde no chil|dren.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 His ſtature.This King was of a meane ſtature, well proportioned, and formally compact, quicke and deliuer, and of a ſtoute courage. In his latter dayes, he ſhewed himſelfe ſo gentle, that he gate more loue amongſt the nobles and people of this Realme, than he had purchaſed malice and euill will in the beginning: but yet to ſpeake a troth by his proceedings, after hee had atteined to the Crowne, what with ſuch taxes, tallages, ſubſe|dies, and exactions as hee was conſtreyned to charge the people with, and what by puniſhing ſuche as moued with diſdeyne to ſee him vſurpe the Crowne (contrarie to the othe taken at hys entring into this lande, vppon his returne from exile) did at ſundry times rebell againſt him, hee wanne himſelfe more hatred than in all hys lyfe time (if it had bin longer by many yeares than it was had bin poſſible for him to haue weeded out and remoued, and yet doubtleſſe, worthy were his ſubiects to taſt of that bitter cuppe, ſith they were ſo readie to ioyne, and clappe handes with him, for the depoſing of their rightfull and naturall Prince King Richarde, whoſe chiefe fault reſted only in that, that he was too bounti|full to his friendes, and too mercifull to his foes, ſpecially, if he had not bin drawen by others, to ſeeke reuenge of thoſe that abuſed his good and curteous nature.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to returne to the matter preſente. The Duke of Clarẽce immediately vpõ know|ledge hadde of his father King Henry the fourth his death, returned out of Guyenne into Eng|lande, with the Earle of Angoleſme, and other priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 But nowe to rehearſe what writers of oure Engliſh nation liued in the days of this Kyng, that renowmed Poete Geffreye Chaucer is worthily named as principall, a man ſo ex|quiſitely learned in all ſciences, that hys matche was not lightly founde anye where in thoſe dayes, and for reducing our Engliſhe tong to a perfect conformitie, hee hath excelled therein all other. He departed this life about the yeare of our Lord .1402. as Bale gathereth, but by other it appeareth, [...]ine. that he deceaſſed the fiue and twen|tith of October in the yeare .1400. and lyeth bu|ried at Weſtminſter, in the South parte of the great Church there, as by a monumente erected by Nicholas Brigham it dothe appeare: Iohn Gower diſcended of that worthye familie of the Gowers of Stitenham in Yorkeſhire (as Leland noteth) ſtudyed not only the commõ lawes of this Realme, but alſo other kindes of literature, and grew to greate knowledge in the ſame, namely in poeticall inuentions, applying his endeuor with Chancer, to garniſh the Eng|liſhe tong, in bringing it from a rude vnperfect|neſſe, vnto a more apt elegancie: for whereas be|fore thoſe dayes, the learned vſed to write onely in latine or Frenche, and not in Engliſhe, oure tong remayned very barreyne, rude, and vnper|fect, but now by the diligent induſtrie of Chau|cer and Gower, it was within a while greately amended, ſo as it grew not only to be very riche and plentifull in wordes, but alſo ſo proper and apt to expreſſe that which the minde conceyued, as any other vſuall language. Gower departed this life ſhortly after the deceaſſe of his deere and louing friend Chaucer, to witte, in the yere 1402. beeing then come to great age, and blinde for a certaine time before his death. He was bu|ried in the Church of Saint Mary Queries in Southwarke: Hugh Legate borne in Hertforde ſhire, and a Monke of Sainte Albons, wrote Scholies vpon Architreuius of Iohn Hanuille, and alſo vppon Boetius de Conſolatione: Roger Alington, Chancellor of the Vniuerſitie of Ox|ford, a greate Sophiſt, and an enimie to the doc|trine of Wicklife: Iohn Botrel, a Logitien: Ni|cholas Gorham, borne in a village of the ſame name in Hertfordſhire, a Dominike Frier, fyrſt proceeded maſter of arte in Oxforde, and after going to Paris, became the French Kings con|feſſor, and therefore hath bin of ſame taken to be a Frenchman: Iohn Lilleſhull, ſo called of a Monaſterie in the Weſt parties of this Realme whereof hee was gouernour: Walter Diſſe, ſo called of a Towne in Northfolke where he was borne, firſt a Carmelite Frier profeſſed in Nor|wiche, and after going to Cambridge, hee there proceeded Doctor: hee was alſo confeſſor to the Duke of Lancaſter, and to his wife the Duches Conſtance, a greate ſetter forthe of Pope Vr|banes cauſe againſte the other Popes that were by him and thoſe of his faction named the An|tipapes: Thomas Maldon, ſo called of ye towne of that name in Eſſex where hee was borne: Iohn Edoe, diſcended out of Wales by lig|nage, and borne in Herefordſhire, a Franciſcane Frier: Nicholas Fakinham, borne in North|folke, a grey Frier, proceeded Doctor in Ox|ford, a great Diuine, and an excellent Philoſo|pher prouinciall of his order here in Englande: Laurence Holbecke, a Monke of Ramſey, well ſeene in the Hebrewe tong, and wrote thereof a Dictionarie: Iohn Colton, Archbyſhop of Ard|mach: Iohn Marrey, ſo called of a village in Yorkeſhire where he was borne, a Carmelite of Doucaſter: Richarde Chefer borne in North|folke, a diuine, and an Auguſtine Frier in Nor|wiche: Iohn Lathburie, a Franciſcane Frier of Reading: Nicholas Poutz: Richard Scrope, EEBO page image 1164 brother to William Scrope, Lord Treaſorer of England, ſtudyed in Cambridge, and proceeded there Doctor of both the lawes, became an ad|uocate in the Court of Rome, and afterwardes was aduanced to the gouernemente of the Sea of Couentrie and Litchfield, and at length was remoued from thence, and made Archbyſhoppe of Yorke: he wrote an inuectiue againſte Kyng Henry, and at length loſt his head, as before yee haue heard: Iohn Wrotham, a Carmelite Fri|er of London, and after made Warden of an houſe of his order in Calays: Iohn Colby, a Carmelite Frier of Norwich: William Thorp a Northerne man borne, and ſtudente in Ox|ford, an excellent diuine, and an earneſt follo|wer of that famous Clearke Iohn Wicklife, a notable preacher of the word,Actes and monuments. page 631. &c. and expreſſing his doctrine no leſſe in trade of life, than in ſpeeche, he was at length apprehended by commaunde|ment of the Archbyſhop of Caunterburie Tho|mas Arundell, and committed to priſon in Saltwood Caſtell, where at length hee dyed: Stephen Patrington, borne in Yorkeſhire, a Frier Carmelite prouinciall of his order tho|rough England, of whiche broode, there were at that ſeaſon .1500. within this land, he was By|ſhop of Sainte Dauids, and confeſſor to Kyng Henry the fifth, about the fifth yeare of whoſe raigne, he deceaſſed: Robert Maſcall, a Carme|lite Frier of Ludlowe, confeſſor alſo to the ſayde King, who made him Byſhop of Hereford: Re|ginald Langham, a Frier Minor of Norwiche: Actonus Dominicanus: Thomas Palmer, warden of the blacke Friers within the Citie of London: Boſton of Burie, a Monke of the Ab|bey of Burie in Suffolke, wrote a Cataloge of all the writers of the Churche, and other trea|tiſes: Thomas Peuerell, a Frier Carmelite, borne in Suffolke, hee was aduanced to the Sea of Oſſorie in Irelande by Richarde the ſeconde, and after by Pope Boniface the ninth, remoued to Landaue in Wales, and from thence called by Henrye the fourth, with conſente of Pope Gregorie the twelfth, to gouerne the Sea of Worceſter, and ſo continued Byſhoppe of that Citie, till hee ended his life in the yeare of oure Lord .1418. whiche was about the ſixth yeare of the reigne of King Henry the fifth: Iohn Pur|uey, an excellente Diuine, proceeded maſter of arte in Oxforde, hee was apprehended for ſuche doctrine as hee taught, contrarie to the ordinaun|ces of the Churche of Rome,See maſter Fo [...]e, in his booke of [...] and mo [...]|rmẽ is. [...] and was at length compelled by Thomas Arundell, Archbyſhoppe of Caunterburie, to recante at Poules Croſſe ſeauen ſpeciall articles: hee wrote diuers treati|ſes, and was the ſecond time committed to pri|ſon in Henry ye fifth his dayes, by Henry Chich|ley, that ſucceeded Arundell in gouernement of the Church of Canterburie: William Holme, a grey Frier (and a good Phiſition for curing diſeaſes of the body, whatſoeuer his phiſick was for the ſoule:) he liued til Hẽry the fifth his daies, and deceaſſed about ye fourth yeare of his raigne: Nicholas Bayard, a blacke Frier, a Doctor of Diuinitie profeſſed at Oxforde: Thomas Rud|burne, Archdeacon of Sudburie, and Byſhop of Saint Dauids in Wales, ſucceding after Ste|phen Patrington: hee wrote a Chronicle, and certaine Epiſtles (as Iohn Bale noteth:) Ni|cholas Riſton, who being ſore greeued in mind, as diuers other in thoſe dayes, to conſider what inconuenience redounded to the Church, by rea|ſon of the ſtrife and brawling among the Pre|lates, for the acknowledging of a lawfull Pope, two or three ſtill contending for that dignitie, wrote a booke, entituled de tollende Serſmate: Iohn Walter, an excellent mathemeticien, be|ing fyrſte broughte vp of a Scholer, in the Col|ledge of Wincheſter, and after ſtudyed at Ox|ford: Thomas of Newmarket, taking that ſur|name of the Towne in Cambridgeſhire where hee was borne, hee for his worthineſſe as was thoughte, was made Byſhoppe of Careleill, well ſeene both in other ſciences, and alſo in diuinitie: William Anger a Franciſcane Fri|er, of an houſe of that order in Brigewater: Pe|ter Ruſſell a grey Frier, and of his order the prouinciall heere in England: Iohn Langton, a Carmelite: Roberte Wantham a Monke of Cerneley in Dorſetſhire, wrote a Booke in verſe, of the originall, and ſignification of wordes: William Norton, a Franciſcane F [...] of Couentrie: Hugh Sueth, a blacke Frier, and a great preacher: Richard Folſham, a Monke of Norwiche: Robert Wimbeldon, a ſingular di|uine, and an excellent Preacher, as appeareth by the Sermon whiche hee made vpon this texte,Actes [...] page 653. Redde rationem villicationis tua.

1.14. King Henrie the fifth.

King Henrie the fifth.

EEBO page image 1165

[figure appears here on page 1165]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 1. Henry the .5. _HENRY Prince of Wales, ſon and heire to Kyng Henrye the fourth, borne at Mon|mouth in wales, on the ryuer of Wye, after his father was departed this life, tooke vpon him the regimente of thys Realme of Englande, the twentith of Marche, being proclaymed King, by the name of Henry: the fifth, in the yeare of the worlde .5375. after the birth of one ſauior 1413. the third, or theraboutes,1413 of the Emperor Sigiſmond, the three and thir|tie of Charles the ſixt king of Fraunce, and a|bout the fifth of Iames the firſt K. of Scotland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche greate hope, and good expectation was hadde of thys mans fortunate ſucceſſe to followe, that within three dayes after hys fa|thers deceaſſe, diuers noble men, and honou|rable perſonages, did to him homage,Homage done to king Henry before his co|ronation. and ſw [...]re to him due obediẽce, which had not bin ſene done to any of his predeceſſors kings of this Realm, till they hadde bin poſſeſſed of the Crowne, and receyued their oth well and truely to gouerne. He was Crowned the ninth of Aprill,The day of K. Henryes coro|nation a very tempeſtuous daye. beeyng Paſſion Sonday, which was a ſore, ruggie and vntemperate daye, with wind, ſnow and fleete, that men greatly maruelled thereat, making di|uers interpretations, what the ſame mighte ſig|nifie.

[figure appears here on page 1165]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But what ſo euer mens fancies hereof might coniecture, this King was the man, that accor|ding to the olde prouerbe, declared and ſhewed in what ſort honors ought to change maners, for immediately after that hee was inueſted Kyng, and had receyued the Crowne, hee determined with him ſelfe to putte vppon him the ſhape of a new man, turning inſolencie and wildneſſe into grauitie and ſoberneſſe: And whereas hee hadde paſſed his youth in wanton paſtime; and riotous miſorder, with a ſort of miſgouerned mates, and vnthriftie playfeers, [...]rable ex| [...]ple of a [...]y [...]ace. hee nowe baniſhed them from his preſence (not vnrewarded, nor yet vn|preferred inhibiting them vppon a great payne, not once to approche, lodge, or ſoiourne within tenne miles of his Courte or manſion: and in their places he elected and choſe men of grauitie, witte, and high policie, by whoſe wiſe counſell, and prudent aduertiſement, he might at al times rule to his hono [...]re, and gouerne to his profyte: wheras if he ſhould haue reteined the other iuſtie companions aboute him, he doubted leaſt they might haue allured him vnto ſuche lewde and lighte partes, as with them before tyme he had youthfully vſed, not alwayes to his owne com|mendation, nor yet to the cõtentation of his fa|ther, in ſo much, that where on a time, hee ſtroke the chiefe iuſtice on the face with his ſifte, for em|priſoning one of his mates, he was not only cõ|mitted to ſtraighte priſon himſelfe by the ſayde chiefe Iuſtice, but alſo of his father putte out of the priuie counſell, and baniſhed the Court, and his brother Thomas Duke of Clarence elected preſident of the Counſel, to his great diſpleaſure and open reproch: but nowe that hee was once placed in the royall throne, and regall ſeate of EEBO page image 1166 the Realme, he conſidering with himſelfe, what charge he had in hand, and what apperteyned to his duetie and office, truſted not too muche to the redineſſe of his own wit, nor to the iudgemẽt of hys owne wauering wil, and therfore (as I ſaid) called to his counſell ſuch prudent and po|litike perſonages as myghte helpe to eaſe hys charge, and inſtruct him with ſuche good rea|ſons, and frutefull perſwaſions, as hee myghte ſhew himſelfe to his ſubiects a mirror of vertue, and an example of vpright dealing. After he had layd this politike foundation, he vertuouſly con|ſidering in his mind, that all goodneſſe commeth of God, determined to begin with ſome thing acceptable, to his diuine maieſtie, and therefore firſt commaunded the Clergie, ſincerely and tru|lie to Preache the worde of God, and to liue ac|cordingly, that they mighte bee the lanternes of light to the temporaltie, as their profeſſion re|quired. The lay men he willed to ſerue God, and obey their Prince, prohibiting them aboue all things breach of Matrimonie, vſe of ſwearing, and namely, wilfull periurie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide this, hee elected the beſt learned men in the lawes of the Realme, to the offices of Iu|ſtice, and men of good liuing, he preferred to high degrees,A parliament. and authoritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately after Eaſter, he called a Par|liament, in which, diuers good ſtatutes, & whole|ſome ordinances, for the preſeruation and ad|uancemente of ye common wealth, were deuiſed and eſtabliſhed. Thom. VVal. The funerals of K. Henrye the fourthe, kept at Can|terbury. On Trinitie Sonday, were the ſolemne exequies done at Canterburie, for hys father, the King himſelfe being preſent thereat.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, at the ſpeciall inſtance of the King, in a conuocation of the Clergie hol|den at Poules in London,Saint Georges day made dou+ble feaſt. it was ordeyned, that Saint George his day ſhould be celebrate, and kept as a double feaſt. The Archb. of Cãterbu|rie, meante to haue honored Sainte Dunſtanes day with like reuerence, but it tooke not effect.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Iohn Old|caſtell.When the K. had ſetled things much to hys purpoſe, he cauſed the body of K. Richard to bee remoued with all funerall pompes, conueniente for his eſtate from Langley to Weſtminſter, where he was honorably interred with Queene Anne his firſte wife, in a ſolemne tombe erected, and ſet vp at the charges of this King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo, in this firſt yere of this kings raigne, ſir Iohn Oldcaſtell, whiche by his wife was called Lord Cobham, a valiant Captaine, and a har|die Gentleman, was accuſed to the Archbiſhop of Caunterburie, of certaine poyntes of hereſie, who knowing hym to bee highly in the Kinges fauor, declared to his highneſſe the whole accuſa|tion. The K. firſte hauing compaſſion of ye noble mã, required the Prelates, that if he wer a ſtraied ſheepe, rather by gentleneſſe than by rigor, to re|duce him to his former folde. And after this, [...] himſelfe ſent for him, and right earneſtly exh [...]i|ted him, and louingly admoniſhed him to recõ|cile himſelfe to God, and to his lawes. The lord Cobham not onely thanked him of his moſt fa|uourable clemencie, but alſo declared firſt to him by mouth, and afterwards by writing, the foun|dation of his faith, and the grounde of his beliefe, affirming his grace to be his ſupreme head, and competent iudge, and none other perſon, offering an C. Knightes and Eſquiers, to cometh hys purgation, or elſe to fight in open liſts, in defence of his iuſt cauſe. The King vnderſtanding [...] perſwaded by his Counſell, that by order of the lawes of his Realme, ſuch accuſations t [...] [...] matters of faith, ought to be tried by the ſpiritu|all Prelates, ſent him to the Tower of London, there to abide the determination of the Cleargie, according to the ſtatutes in that caſe prouided, after which time, a ſolemne ſeſſion was appoin|ted in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule, vpon the .23. day of September, and an other the 25. day of the ſame moneth, in the hall of ye b [...]ck Friers at London, in which places the ſayd [...]rd was examined, appoſed, and fully heard, and in concluſion, by the Archebyſhop of Canterburie denounced an Heretike,Sir Iohn Oldcaſtell eſca [...] ou [...] of the Tower. and remitted agayne to the Tower of London, from which place, eyther by help of friends, or corruption of keepers, hee priuily eſcaped, and came into Wales, when he remained for a ſeaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this,

Titus [...]


the Kyng keeping his Chriſtians at his manor of Eltham, was aduertiſed, that ſir Roger Acton knighte, a man of greate witte and poſſeſſions, Iohn Browne Eſquier, Iohn Beuerley Prieſt, and a greate number of other,


A co [...] rayſed by [...] Roger [...] and others. Titus [...]

were aſſembled in armour againſt the King his breethren, the Elergie, and realm. Theſe newes came to the King, on the twelfth day in Chriſt|mas, wherevpon, vnderſtanding that they ment to aſſemble togyther in a place called Ficket field, beſide London, on the backe ſide of Sainte Giles, he ſtraight got him to his palace at Weſt minſter, in as ſecret wiſe as he mighte, and there calling to him certaine bands of armed me [...] hee repaired into S. Gyles fieldes, neere to the ſa [...]e place, (where he vnderſtood the aſſemble ſhuld be about midnight, and ſo handled the matter,The [...] [...]rpriſed. that he tooke ſome, and ſlew ſome, euen as ſtode with his pleaſure. The captaines of them afore men|cioned, being apprehended, were broughte to the Kings preſence, and to hym declared the cauſes of their commotion and ryſing,Tho. VV [...] accuſing a great number of their complices. The king vſed one policie, which muche imported to the diſcomfor|ting of the aduerſaries (as Tho. Walling ſayth. For where as he gaue order, that all the gates of London ſhould be ſtraightly kept and garded, ſo EEBO page image 1153 as [...]one ſhuld come in nor out, but ſuch as were knowen to goe to the King, the chiefeſt ſuccour appoynted to come to the Captaynes of the re|bels, was by that meanes cutte off, where other|wiſe ſurely, if they had not bin thus preuented and ſtayed,By [...] exceſ|ſ [...] number it may appeare, that Walfing, repor [...]eth thys [...]et accor|ding to the cõ+mon fame, and not as one that ſearched oute an e [...]quiſite truth. there had iſſued forth of London to haue ioyned with them, to the number of fiftie thouſande perſons, one and other, ſeruauntes, prentiſes, and other Citizens, confederate with them, that were thus aſſembled in Ficket fielde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Diuers alſo that came from ſundry partes of the Realme, haſting towardes the place, to bee there at their appoynted time, chanced to lyghte among the Kings men, and being taken and de|maunded whither they wente with ſuche ſpeede, they aunſwered, that they came to meete with their Captaine the Lord Cobhom, but whether he came thither at all, or made ſhifte for hymſelfe to get away, it doth not certainely appeare, but he could not be hearde of at ye time (as Thomas Walſ. counfeſſeth) although the King by pro|clamation promiſed a thouſand markes to him that could bring him forth, with greate liberties to the Cities or Townes, that woulde diſcouer where hee was: by this it maye appeare, howe greatly he was beloued, that there could not one he found, that for ſo great a reward would bring him to light.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Among other that were taken,Williã Mur|leye. was one Wil|liam Murley, that dwelt in Dunſtable, a man of greate wealth, and by his occupatiõ a Bre|wer. He was an earneſt mainteyner of the lord Cobhams opinions; and as the brute ranne, was in hope to bee highly aduanced by him, if theyr purpoſed deuice had taken place, in ſo muche, as he hadde two horſes, trapped with gilt harneſſe, ledde after him, and in his boſome, when he was taken, were found a paire of gilte ſpurers, ſo that it was deemed, that hee hadde prepared them for himſelfe to weare, looking to bee made Knights by the Lorde Cobhams handes at that preſente time, but when he ſaw how their purpoſe [...]ay & led, he withdrewe backe into the Citie, [...]e greate feare to hide himſelfe out of the way, but he [...] was perceyued, taken, and finally excoute [...] and d [...] other. To conclude, after this, ſo many perſons were apprehended, that all the priſons in: and a|bout London were full, the chiefe of there were condemned by the Clergie of hereſie, and at [...]h|ted of high treaſon, as mouers of warre agaynſt theyr Kyng, by the temporall lawe,Sir Rog. Actõ and his com|plices cõdem|ned of treaſon and hereſie. in the Guild hall of London, and adiudged for that defence, to be drawen and hanged, and for hereſie to bee conſumed with fire, gallowes, and all, whych iudgemente was executed the ſame moueth, on the ſaid Sir Roger Acton, and eight and twen|tie [figure appears here on page 1153] other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some ſaye, that the occaſion of their death, was onely for the conueying of the Lord Cob|ham out of priſon. Others write, that it was both for treaſon and hereſie, and ſo it appeareth by the recorde. Certaine affirme, that it was for feined cauſes ſurmiſed by the ſpiritualtie, more vpon diſpleaſure, than truth, and that they were aſſembled to heare their Preacher, the foreſayde Beuerley in that place there, out of the way frõ reſort of people, ſith they might not come togy|ther openly, about anye ſuche matter, withoute daunger to bee apprehended, as the manner is, and hathe bin euer of the perſecuted flocke, when they are prohibited publiquely the exerciſe of the religiõ. But howſoeuer the matter wẽt with theſe men, apprehended they were, & diuers of thẽ executed (as before ye haue heard whether for re|bellion or hereſie, or for both, as the forme of the Inditemẽt importeth, I nede not to ſpend many words, ſith other haue ſo largely treated thereof, & therfore I refer thoſe that wiſh to be more fully EEBO page image 1168 ſatiſfied herein vnto their diſcourſes, hauing for mine owne parte rather choſen to ſhewe what I finde recorded by Writers, than to vſe any cen|ſure, to the preiudice of other mens iudgements, and therefore to leane this matter, and alſo the Lord Cobham, eyther in Wales, or elſe where, cloſely hid for the time, from king Hẽries reach, I will paſſe from him to ſpeake of other things.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt in the Lente ſeaſon the Kyng laye at Kenilworth, F [...]yton A diſdainful ambaſſade. there came to him frõ Charles, Dolphin of Fraunce, the Frenche Kings eldeſt ſonne, certayne Ambaſſadors, that broughte with them a barrell of Paris balles, which they preſented to hym for a token from their maiſter, whiche preſente was taken in verie ill parte, as ſent in ſcorne, to ſignifie, that it was more mete for the Kyng to paſſe the tyme with ſuche chil|diſh exerciſe, than to attempte anye worthy ex|ployte: wherefore the Kyng wrote to hym, that ere ought long, hee woulde ſende to hym ſome London balles, that ſhoulde breake and batter downe the roofes of his houſes about hys eares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, Thomas Arundell Archbyſhop of Canterburie departed this life, a ſtoute Pre|late, and an earneſt maynteyner of the Religion then allowed by the Churche of Rome. Henrye Chichellie Byſhoppe of Saint Dauid was re|moued,Tho. VVal. and ſucceeded the ſame Arundell in the Sea of Canterburie, and the Kyngs confeſſor Stephen Patrington, a Carmelite Frier, was made Byſhoppe of Saint Dauid.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henry Percye, ſonne to the Lord Henry Per|cie, ſurnamed Hoteſpurre, after his fathers de|ceaſſe, that was ſlayne at Shreweſburie fielde, was conueyed into Scotlande, and there left by his Grandfather, beeing then but a childe, where euer ſithence hee had remayned, the Kyng there|fore pitied his caſe, and ſo procured for him, that he came home,Percy reſtored to the eridome of Northum|berlande. and was reſtored to all his lands and Earledome of Northumberlande, whyche lands before had bin giuen to the Lorde Iohn, the Kings brother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 An. reg. 2. In the ſeconde yeare of his raigne, Kyng Henry called his high Court of Parliament, the laſt day of Aprill, in the Towne of Leiceſter, in the which Parliamente, many profitable lawes were concluded, and manye petitions moued, were for that time deferred: amongſt whyche, one was, that a bill exhibited in the Parliament holden at Weſtminſter, in the eleuenth yeare of King Henry the fourth (whiche by reaſon the Kyng was then troubled with ciuill diſcorde, came to none effect) might now with good deli|beration be pondered, and brought to ſome good concluſion.A bill exhibi|ted to the par|liamẽt againſt the Clergie. The effect of whiche ſupplication was, that the temporall lands deuoutely giuen, and diſordinately ſpent by religious, and other ſpirituall perſons, ſhould be ſeaſed into ye kyngs hands, ſithence the ſame might ſuffiſe to main|teyne to the honor of the King, and de [...] the Realm, fifteene Erles, fifteene C. knightes, ſixe M. two C. Eſquiers, and a C. almes hou|ſes, for reliefe onely of the poore, impotente, and needie perſons, and the King to haue [...] his cofers twentie M. poundes, with many ra|ther prouiſions and values of Religious houſes, which I paſſe ouer. This bill was much [...], and more feared among the Religious ſor [...], whome ſurely it touched very neere, and there|fore to find a remedie againſte a miſchiefe, they determined to aſſay all wayes that might [...] their purpoſe, to put by, and ouerth [...] hys bill, and in eſpeciall, they thoughte beſt c [...]e of they might repleniſh ye kings brayne [...] pleaſant ſtudie, that he ſhoulde neyther [...], nor regarde the ſerious petition of the importu|nate commons: wherevpon, one day, as ye [...]ng was ſet in the Parliamente Chamber, Henrye Chicheley Archbyſhop of Caunterburie,The Arche|biſhoppe of Canterburye his Oratio [...] in the Parliamẽt houſe. made a pithie oration, wherein hee declared, howe [...] onely the Duchies of Normandy & Aqaitayne, with the Counties of Anion and Muſne, and ye countrey of Gaſcoigne, were by liueall diſt [...] apperteyning to the King, as lawfull [...] in [...]|bitate heire of the ſame, but that alſo the whole realme of France, belonged to him by right, as heire to his greate grandfather King Edwarde the third: herewith he enuyed againſt the ſurmi|ſed and vntruely feyned lawe Salike,The Salike lawe. whiche the Frenchmen alledge to defeate the Kyngs of England of their iuſt and rightfull title, clayme and intereſt to the Crowne of Fraunce, the [...]ery words of which law are theſe, In terram Sal [...]am mulieres ne ſuccedant, that is to ſaye, lette not women ſucceede in the land Salique, which the Frenche gloſers expounde to bee the Realme of Fraunce, and yt this law was made by K. [...]a|ramond, wheras yet their owne authors affirme, that ye land Salique is in Germanie, betweene ye riuers of Elbe and Sala, and that whẽ Charles the great had ouercome the Saxons, hee placed there certaine Frenchmen, which hauing in diſ|deine the vnhoneſt maners of the Germain wo|men, made a lawe, that the females ſhoulde not ſucceede to anye inheritance within that l [...]de, which at this day is called Meiſeu,Miſ [...]. ſo that if this be true, this law was not made for the Realme of France, nor the Frenchmen poſſeſſed the land Salique, til four C. 21. yeares after the deathe of Pharamond their ſuppoſed maker of this Sa|lique lawe, for this Pharamond deceaſſed in the yere. 426. and Charles ye great ſubdued ye Sax|ons, and placed the Frenchmen in thoſe partes beyond the riuer of Sala, in the yeare. 805.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, it appereth by their owne writers, that King Pepine, whiche depoſed Childerike, EEBO page image 1169 claymed the crowne of Fraunce, as heire gene|ral, for that he was deſcended of Blithild daugh|ter to king Clothair the froſte: Hugh Capet alſo which vſurped the Crowne vpon Charles duke of Lorrayne, the ſole he [...]re male of the lyne and ſtock of Charles the great, to make his title ſee [...] true, and appeare good, thoughe in deede it was ſtarke naught, conueyde himſelfe as heyre to the Lady Lyngard, daughter to king Charlemayn, ſonne to Lewes the Emperor, that was ſonne to Charles the great. King Lewes alſo the tenth otherwyſe called Saint Lewes, being very heire to the ſaid vſurper Hugh Capet, coulde neuer be ſatiſfyed in his conſcience howe he might iuſtely kepe and poſſeſſe the crown of France, til he was perſwaded and fully inſtructed, that Queene I|ſabell his grandmother, was lyneally deſcended of the Lady Ernrengarde daughter and heyre to the abouenamed Charles duke of Lorayn, by the whiche mariage, the bloud and lyne of Charles the great, was againe vnited and reſtored to the crowne and ſcepter of France, ſo that more cle|rer than the Sunne, it openly appeareth, that the title of king Pepyn, the clayme of Hugh Capet, the poſſeſſion of Lewes, yea and of the Frenche kynges to thys daye, are deryued and conueyed from the heire female, thought they woulde vn|der coldure of ſuche a fayned Lawe, barre the Kings and Princes of this realme of England, of theyr ryghte and lawfull inheritance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archebiſhoppe further alledged oute of the booke of Numeri thys faying When a man dyeth without a ſonne, let the inheritance diſcende to his daughter. At length, hauing ſaid ſufficientely for the proofe of the kings [...]uſte and lawfull title to the Crowne of Fraunce, hee ex|horted hym to aduance forth his banner to fight for hys ryghte, to conquere hys inheritaunce, to ſpare neither bloud, ſwoord, ne fire, ſith his warre was iuſt, his cauſe good, and his clayme true.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to the intent his louyng Chapleyns and obediente ſubiectes of the Spiritualtie myghte ſhewe them ſelues wyllyng and deſyrous to ayde hys maieſtie, for the recouerie of hys aun|ciente righte and true inheritaunce, the Archbi|ſhoppe declared that in theyr ſpirituall Conuo|cation, they had graunted to his highneſſe ſuche a ſumme of money, as neuer by no ſpiritual per|ſons was to any Prince before thoſe dayes giuen or aduaunced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Weſtmerland [...]adeth the [...] to the cõ| [...] of Scot|lande.When the Archbiſhoppe hadde ended his pre|pared tale, Rafe Neuill Erle of Weſtmerland, as, then Lorde Warden of the marches aneynſt Scotlande, and vnderſtandyng that the kyng vpon a couragious deſire to recouer his right in Fraunce, would ſurely take the warres in hand, thought good to moue the Kyng to begin fyrſte wyth Scotlande, and therevpon declared how eaſye matter it ſhoulde bee to make a conqueſt there, a howe greatly the ſame ſhould further his wiſhed purpoſe for the ſubduyng of the Frenche menne, concludyng the ſu [...]me of hys tale with thys olde ſaying: That who ſo wyll Fraunce wynne, m [...]ſt with Scotlande fyrſt beginne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Manye matters he touched, as well to ſhe [...] howe neceſſary the conqueſt of Scotland ſhould be, as alſo to proue howe iuſt a cauſe the Kyng [...]dde to attempte it, tru [...]yng to perſwade the Kyng and all other to be of his opinion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But after he had made an ende, the Duke of [...]ceſter, vncle to the Kyng, a man well lear|ned and wyſe, who hadde bene ſente into Italye by his father,The duke of [...]ceter hys vvyſe and py|thy anſvvere to the Earle of VVeſtmerlan|des ſaying. intendyng that he ſhould haue bin a Prieſt replyed agaynſte the Earle of Weſt|merlandes Orations, affirmyng rather that hee whiche woulde Scotlande winne, with France muſte firſte beginne. For if the Kyng myghte once compaſſe the conqueſte of Fraunce, Scot|lande coulde not long reſyſte, ſo that conquere Fraunce, and Scotlande woulde ſoone obeye:A true ſaying. (For where ſhoulde the Scottes learne pollicye and ſkill to defende them ſelues if they had not theyr bringyng vp and traynyng in Fraunce?) If the Frenche pencions maynteyned not the Scottiſhe Nobilitie, in what caſe ſhoulde they be? Then take away Fraunce and the Scottes will ſoone be tamed. Fraunce beeyng to Scot|lande the ſame that the ſappe is to the tree, which beyng taken awaye, the tree muſte needes dye and wyther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To be briefe, the Duke of Exceſter vſed ſuch earneſt and pithy perſwaſions to induce the king and the whole aſſemblie of the Parliamente to credite hys woordes, that immediately after he hadde made an ende, all the companye beganne to crye, Warre, warre, Fraunce, Fraunce, and the bill putte into the Parliament for diſſoluing of Religious houſes was cleerely forgotten and buryed, and nothyng thoughte on but only the recoueryng of Fraunce, accordyng to the title by the Archebiſhoppe declared and ſet foorth [...] And vpon this poynte, after a fewe actes for the wealthe of the Realme eſtabliſhed and decreed, the Parlyamente was proroged vntoo Weſt|mynſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write, that in this Parliament it was enacted, that Lollards and Heretikes with their maynteyners and fauourers ſhoulde be ipſo facto adiudged guiltie of high treaſon: but in the ſta|tute made in the ſame Parliament againſt Lol|lardes, wee fynde no ſuche wordes: Albeeit by force of that Statute, it was ordeyned, that beyng conuicte and executed, they ſhoulde loſe theyr Landes holden in Fee ſimple, and all other theyr goodes and cattalles, as in caſes of Felonye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1181 Ambaſſadors from the Frẽch K. and from the Duke of Bur|goigne.During this Parliament, ther came to the K. Ambaſſadors, as wel from the French king that was then in the gouernance of the Orlien [...]iall faction, as alſo from the Duke of Burgoigne, for ayde agaynſt that faction, promiſing more as was ſayd, thã lay well in his power to performe. The K. ſhortly after ſent Ambaſſadors to them doth, as the Biſhop of Durham, and Norwich, with others.

[figure appears here on page 1181]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer at this Parliament, Iohn the kings brother, was created Duke of Bedford, and his brother Humfry, Duke of Gloceſter. Alſo, Tho|mas Beauforte, Marques Dorſet, was created Duke of Exeter. [...] Imediately after, the King ſent ouer into France, his Vncle the Duke of Exe|eter, the Lorde Grey, Admirall of England, the Archebiſhop of Dublin, and the Biſhop of Nor|wiche, Ambaſſadoures to the Frenche K. with fiue hundred horſe, which were lodged in the tẽ|ple houſe in Paris, keping ſuch triumphãt cheere in their lodging, and ſuche a ſolemne eſtate in their ryding through the citie, that the Pariſians and all the Frenchmen had no ſmall meruaile at that honorable porte and lordely behauior. The French king receyued them very honorably, and banketted them right ſumptuouſly, ſhewing to them iuſtes and martiall paſtymes, by the ſpace of three dayes together, in the which Iuſtes, the king himſelfe, to ſhewe his courage and actiuitie to the Engliſhmen, manfully brake ſpeares, and luſtily tourneyed. When the triumphe was en|ded, the Engliſhe ambaſſadours hauing a tyme appoynted them to declare theyr meſſage, and beyng admitted to the Frenche kinges preſence, requyred of hym to delyuer vnto the Kyng of Englande, the realme and Crown of France, wyth the entier Duchyes of Aquitayne, Nor|mandy and Aniou, wyth the countreys of Poi|ctieu and Mayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Manie other requeſtes they made, and thys offered withall, that if the French Kyng woulde without warre and effuſion of Chriſtian bloud, render to the King their maſter his verye right & lawfull inheritance, that he woulde be content to take in mariage ye Lady Katherine, daughter to the Frenche King, and to endow hirwith all the Duthies and Countries before reherſed. And of he would not ſo doe, then the King of England did expreſſe and ſignifie to hym, that with the aide of God, and helpe of his people, he woulde [...]|couer his right and inheritãce wrongfully with|holden from him, with mortall warre, and dint of ſword.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen being not a little abaſhed at theſe demaundes, thought not to make any ab|ſolute aunſwere in ſo weightie a cauſe, till they hadde further breathed, and therefore prayed the Engliſh Ambaſſadors to ſaye to the King theyr maiſter, that they now hauing no oportunitie to conclude in ſo high a matter, would ſhortly ſend Ambaſſadors into Englande, which ſhould cer|tifie and declare to the King theyr whole minde, purpoſe, and intent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhe Ambaſſadors returned with this aunſwere, making relation of euery thyng that was ſaid or done.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Henry after the returne of his Ambaſ|ſadors, determined fully to make war in Frãce, conceyuing a good and perfect hope, to haue for|tunate ſucceſſe, ſith victorie for the moſte parte followeth where right leadeth, beeing aduanced forwarde by iuſtice, and ſet forth by equitie. And bycauſe manye Frenchmen were promoted to Eccleſiaſtical dignities, as ſome to benefices, and ſome to Abbeys and Priories within the realme, and ſente dayly innumerable ſummes of money into Fraunce, for the reliefe of their naturall coũ|treymen and kinſfolke, he therefore in fauour of the publike wealth of his Realme and ſubiects, in a counſel called at London, about Michaelmas, Tho. VValſ. It is not like that in this Counſell vvri|ters meane the Parliament that vvas ad|io [...]ned from Leyceſter to VVeſtminſter, vvhere it be|gan in the oc|taues of Saint Martin, in that ſeconde yeare. 1415. cauſed to be ordeined, that no ſtranger hereafter, ſhould be promoted to anye ſpirituall dignitie or degree within this realme, without his eſpeciall licence, and royall cõſent, and all they that ſhuld be admitted, ſhoulde find ſufficient ſuretie, not to diſcloſe the ſecretes of this Realme to anye for|raigne perſon, nor to miniſter ayde or ſuccour to any of thẽ with money, or by any other meant. This was confirmed in a conuocation called the ſame time by the new Archeb. of Caunterburie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, ſuch as were to goe vnto the gene|rall counſell holden at Conſtance,The Co [...]d of Conſtance. were named and appointed to make thẽ ready: for the K. ha|uing knowledge frõ the Emperor Sigiſmonde, of the aſſembling of that counſell, thought it not conuenient to ſitte ſtill as an hearer, and no par|taker in ſo high a cauſe, which touched the whole ſtate of the Chriſtian common wealthe, as then troubled by reaſon of the ſchiſme that yet con|tinued, wherefore hee ſente thither Rycharde EEBO page image 1171 [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuers other thinges were concluded at that preſente for the Kyng had cauſed not onely the Lordes of the ſpiritualtie,Engnorrans. but alſo of the tempo|raltie to aſſemble here at London the ſame time to treate ſpecially of his iourney that he purpo|ſed to make ſhortly into Fraunce: and herevpon meanes was made for the gatheryng of money whiche was graunted with ſo good a wil both of the ſpiritualtie and temporaltie, that there was leuied the ſum of three hundred thouſand marks Engliſh, and herewith order was giuen to ga|ther a great hoſt of men, thorough all his domi|nions. And for the more increaſing of his nauie, he ſent into Holland, Zeland, and Frizelande, to conducte and hyre ſhippes for the tranſportyng and countying ouer his men and m [...]ntions of warre,Great prepara|tion for the [...]chvvirres. and finally prouided for armour, victuals, money, artillerie, cariage, boates to paſſe ouer ri|uers couered with leather, tentes, and all other things requiſite for ſo high an entepriſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchemen hauing knowledge heereof, the Dolphyn who had the gouernaunce of the realme, bicauſe his father was fallen into his old diſeaſe of franſye, ſent for the Dukes of Berrye and Alaunſon, and all the other lords of the coũ|ſel of Fraunce, by whoſe aduice it was determi|ned, that they ſhoulde not only prepare a ſuffici|ent armye to reſiſt the king of England, when ſo euer hee arriued to inuade Fraunce, but alſo to ſtuffe and furniſhe the townes on the Frontiers, and ſea coaſtes, with conueniente garniſons of men: and further to ſend to the king of Englãd a ſolemne embaſſade, to make to him ſome of|fers according to the demaundes before reherſed. The charge of this ambaſſade was committed to the Earle of Vandoſme, to maiſter William Bouratyer Archbiſhop of Bourges, and to mai|ſter Peter Fremell Biſhoppe of Lyſeux, to the Lords of Yvry and Braquemonte, and to mai|ſter Gaultier Cole the kings Secretarie, and di|uers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 3. Ambaſſadours [...] of France.Theſe Ambaſſadors accompanied with .350. horſſes paſſed the ſea at Caleys, and landed at Douer, before whoſe arriuall the King was de|parted from Windſor to Wincheſter, entẽding to haue gone to Hampton, there to haue ſurueyd his nauie, but hearing of the Ambaſſadors ap|prochyng, he taryed ſtil at Wincheſter, where ye ſaid Frenche lordes ſhewed themſelues very ho|norably before the King and his nobilitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In tyme prefixed, before the Kings presence sitting in his throne imperiall, the Archebishop of Bourges made an eloquent and a long Oration, dissuading warre, and praysing peace, offering to the king of England a greate summe of money, with diuers countreyes, being in verye deede but base and poore, as a dowrie wyth the Ladie Catherine in mariage, so that he woulde dissolue his armie, and dismisse his Souldiours, which he had gathered and put in a readinesse.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When his oration was ended, the king caused the Ambassadors to be highly feasted, and set them at his owne table. And after at a day assigned in the foresaid hall, the Archbishop of Canterbury to their oration made a notable answer, the effect wherof was, that if the Frenche kyng wold not giue with his daughter in mariage the duchies of Aquitayne, Aniou, and all other seigniories and dominions sometyme appertaining to the noble progenitors of the K. of Englande, he would not in no wyse retire his armie, nor breake hys iourney, but would with all diligence, enter into Fraunce, and destroye the people, waste the countreye, and subuerte the townes with bloud, swoord, and fyre, and neuer cease till he had recouered his ancient ryght and lawfull patrimonie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng auowed the Archebishoppes saying, and in the woorde of a Prince, promysed to perfourme it to the vttermoste.

The Archebiſhop of Bourges diſpleaſed, that hys purpoſe tooke not effecte deſiring licence and pardon of the kyng to ſpeake, and obteyning it:A proude pre|ſumptuous pre|lare. verye raſhly and vnreuerently ſayde: Thinkeſt thou to put downe, and wrongfully to deſtroye the moſte chriſtian king our moſt redoubted ſo|ueraigne Lorde and moſt excellent Prince of all Chriſtendome in bloud and preeminence? Oh king, ſauing thyne honour, thinkeſt thou that he hath offered to thee, landes, goods, and other poſ|ſeſſions with his own daughter for feare of thee, or thy Engliſh nation, thy friendes, wel willers or fauourers? No no. But of a trouth he mo|ued with pitie as a louer of peace to the intente that innocent bloud ſhould not be ſpilt, and that Chriſtian people ſhould not be afflicted with ba|tayle, hathe made to thee theſe offers, puttyng his whole affyaunce in God moſt p [...]ſſaunte, accordyng to ryght and reaſon, truſtyng in his quarrell to bee ayded and ſupported by hys be|neuolente ſubiectes and fauourable well wyl|lers. And ſith wee bee hys ſubiectes and ſeruan|tes, wee requyre thee to cauſe vs ſafely and ſure|ly withoute damage to bee conducted out of th [...] realme and dominions, and that thou wilt write thyne aunſwere wholly, as thou haſte giuen it vnder thy Seale and ſigne manu [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng of England being nothing at al EEBO page image 1172 moued wyth the preſumptuous wordes of the vn [...]rtured biſhop, ſoberly anſwered him in this maner:The modeſt & vviſe anſvvere of the king to the Bishope of Bourges.

My Lord, I [...]e eſteeme your frenche bragges, and leſſe ſet by your power & ſtrength, I knowe perfectly my right to your region, and except you will, denie the apparant truthe, to doe you: And if you neither doe nor will knowe it, yet God and the worlde knoweth it: The power of your maiſter you ſee dayly, but my puiſſance yf haue not yet taſted: if your maiſter haue lo|uing ſubiectes, I am I thanke God, not vnpro|uided of the [...]aure: but this I ſay vnto you, that before one yere paſſe, I truſt to make the higheſt crowne of your country to ſtoupe, & the prondeſt myter to kneele downe: and ſay this to the vſu [...]|yer your maiſter, that I within three monethes, will enter into Fraunce, not as into his land, but as into myne owne true and lawful patrimonie [...]ding to conquer it, not with bragging wor|des, flatteryng orations, or coloured perſwaſi|ons, but with puiſſaunce of menne, and dente of [...]worde, by the ayde of God, in whome is my whole truſt and confidence. And as concerning myne anſwere to be written, ſubſcribed and ſea|led: I aſſure you, I would not ſpeake that ſen|tence, the which I wold not write and ſubſcribe, nor ſubſcribe that lyne, to the which I would re|fuſe to put my ſeale. Therfore your ſafeconduct ſhall be to you deliuered, with myne anſwer, and then you maye departe ſurely and ſafely I war|rant you into your countrey, where I truſt, ſoo|ner to viſite you, than you ſhal haue cauſe to ſa|lute or bid me welcome.
With this anſwere the Ambaſſadors ſore diſpleaſed in their mynds, (al|though they were highly entertained and liberal|ly rewarded) departed into theyr countreye, re|porting to the Dolphyn how they had ſpedde in all thinges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After the French Ambaſſadors wer departed, the King lyke a prouident Prince, thought good to take order for the reſiſting of the Scottes, if according to their olde manner, they ſhould at|tempt any thing againſt his ſubiectes in hys ab|ſence, and therfore appoynted the Erle of Weſt|merlande, the Lord Scrope, the baron of Grey|ſtocke, ſir Roberte Vmfreuile, and dyuers other hardy perſonages and valyant Capitaines to kepe the frontiers and marches of Scotlande, which ſir Robert Vmfreuille on the day of Ma|ry Magdalen fought with ye Scots at the town of Gedering, Harding. A greate ouer|throvve giuen to the Scots by Sir Roberte Vmfrevile. [...]360 hauing in his company only .iij.C. archers, and .vij. ſcore men of armes or ſpeares, wher he after long conflict and doubtful battaile, flew of his enimes .lx. and odde, & tooke .CCClx. priſoners, and diſcomfited & put to flighte .j.M. and mo, whome he folowed in chaſe aboue .xij. myles, and ſo laded with prayes and priſoners, reculed againe not vnhurt to the castel of Rocksborough, of the whiche at that time he was captain. When the King had al his prouisions readye, and ordered all things for the defence of hys realme, [...] he leauing behynde him for gouernor of the realme, the Quene his mother in law, departed to the towne of Southampton, intendyng there to take shippe, and so to passe the seas into Fraunce. And firste he thoughte to aduertise the French king of his co(m)ing, and therfore dispatched Antelope his perseuant at armes with letters to the French K. requiring him restitution of that which he wrongfully witheld, contrarie to the lawes of God & man, declaryng how sory he was that he should be thus compelled for recouerie of his righte & iust title of inheritance, to make warre to the destruction of christian people, but sith he had offered peace whiche could not be receiued, now for fault of iustice, he might (as he thought) lawfully returne to armes. Neuerthelesse, he exhorted the Frenche K. in the bowels of Iesu Christe, to render vnto him that whiche was his owne, whereby the effusion of christian bloud might be auoided. These letters conteyning many other wordes, though only to this effect & purpose, were dated fro(m) Hampton the v. of August. When the same letters wer presented to the French king, & by his counsel wel pervsed, answere was made, that he would take aduice, and prouide therin as in tyme & place shuld he thought conuenient, and so the messenger was licenced to depart at his pleasure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When K. Henry had his nauie once rigged and decked, and that his men and all prouiſions were redie, perceiuing that his captains miſ [...]y [...]ed nothing ſomuch as delaying of time, determined with al diligence to cauſe his ſouldiors to goe [...]+boord the ſhips, and ſo to depart. But ſee the hap [...] the night before the daye appointed for their de|parture, he was credibly enformed; that Richard Erle of Cambridge brother to Edward duke of York, and Henry Lord Scrope of Maſh [...] L. Treſorer, with Tho. Gray a knight of North [...]+berlãd, being confederated togither,The Earle of Cambridge and other Lordes apprehended for treaſo [...] Tho. VVal [...]. had cõpaſſed his death and final deſtruction, wherfore he [...]+ſed them to be apprehended. The ſayde Lorde Scrope was in ſuche fauour with the king, that he admitted him ſometime to be his bedfelow, in whoſe fidelitie and conſtant ſtedfaſtneſſe, hee re|poſed ſuche truſt, that when any priuate or pu|blike counſell was in hande, he hadde the deter|mination of it. For he pretended ſo great gra|uitie in hys countenance, ſuche paſſing mode|ſtie in his behauiour, and ſo perfect vprightneſſe and vertuous zeale to all godlineſſe in his iuſte, yt whatſoeuer he ſayd was in euery reſpect thought neceſſarye to bee doone and followed.Tit [...] L [...]. Alſo the ſayde Syr Thomas Grey (as ſome write) [...] of the Kinges priuie counſell, to that in w [...] EEBO page image 1173 daunger the king ſtoode, it is eaſy to coniecture, fith thoſe that were in ſuch authoritie, & ſo neere about hym, ſought his deſtruction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 O [...]ſed [...]hi [...]ſt of [...]ny.Theſe priſoners vpon their examination, cõ|feſſed, that for a greate ſumme of money which they had receyued of the Frenche king, they en|tended verily eyther to haue deliuered the Kyng alyue into the handes of hys enimies, or elſe to haue murthered him before he ſhoulde arriue in the duchie of Normandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hall.When King Henrie had heard al things ope|ned, whiche he deſired to know, he cauſed all his nobilitie to come before his preſence, before whõ he cauſed to be brought the offẽders, and to them ſayd:King Hearleso vvordes to the [...]ts. If you haue conſpired the death and de|ſtruction of me, which am the head of, the realme & gouernour of the people, without doubt I muſt of neceſſitie thinke, that you lykewyſe haue cõ|paſſed the confuſion of all that here be with me, and alſo the finall deſtruction of youre natiue countrey. And although ſome priuate ſcorpion in your heartes, or ſome wylde worme in your heads, hath cauſed you to conſpire my death and confuſion, yet you ſhould haue ſpared that diue|liſhe enterpriſe, which can not continue without a capitayne, nor be directed without a guyde, nor yet with the deſtruction of your owne bloud and nation, you ſhould haue pleaſed a foreyn enimie. Wherfore ſeing that you haue enterpriſed ſo gret a miſchiefe, to the intent that your fautours be|ing in the armie, maye abhore ſo deteſtable an offence by the puniſhement of you, haſte you to receyue the payne that for youre demerites you haue deſerued, and that puniſhmente that by the lawe for your offences is prouided. And ſo im|mediately they were hadde to execution, whiche done,The E [...]rle of Cambridge & the other tray| [...] executed. the K. callyng his Lords afore him, ſpake theſe or the like wordes in effecte: See you not the madde imagination of men, which perſecute me that dayly ſtudy and hourely laboure for the aduancement of the publike welth of this realm: and for that cauſe I ſpare no payne,The kinges ſpeache to his lo [...]ds touching [...]e [...]o [...]ers. nor refuſe any tyme to the intente to doe good to all men, and hurte to none, and thus to doe is my duetie, and to this as I thinke, I am borne, I pray to God, that there be none among you that be in|fected with ſo much vntruth, yt had lieſter ſee me deſtroyed & brought to confuſion, than to ſee his countrey flouriſh, encreaſed with honor and em|pire, I aſſure you, that I conceyue no ſuch opi|nion in any of you, but put in you bothe truſt & cõfidence, & if I may haue your helpe to recouer the old honor of myne aunceſtours by ſubduing the Frenche nation, I for my ſelfe will forget al perill and payne. and be youre guide, lodeſman, and conductor, and if you drawe backe, and will not moue forewarde, beleeue mee, God will ſo diſpoſe, that hereafter you ſhall be deceyued, and ſo repent had Iwyſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the king had finiſhed his ſaying, al the noble men kneeled downe, and promiſed fayth|fully to ſerue him, and duly to obey him, and ra|ther to die than to ſuffer him to fall into the han|des of his enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys doone, the Kyng thoughte that ſure|ly all ſebition and ciuill conſpiracie, had bin vt|terly extinct: but he ſaw not the fyre which was newely kindled, and ceaſſed not to encreaſe, till at lengthe it burſte out into ſuche a flame, that embracing the walles of his houſe and familie, his lyne and ſtock was clean deſtroyed and con|ſumed to aſhes, whiche at that tyme mighte pre|aduenture haue bin quenched and put oute.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For diuers write, that Richard erle of Cam|bridge did not conſpire with the Lorde Scrope, and Thomas Grey for the murthering of King Henry to pleaſe the Frenche King withall, but onely to the intente to exalte to the crowne his brother in law Edmund Erle of March as heire to Lyonell Duke of Clarence: after the death of whyche Earle of Marche, for diuers ſecrete im|pedimentes, not able to haue iſſue, the Earle of Cambridge was ſure, that the crowne ſhoulde come to him by his wyfe, and to his children, of hir begotten. And therefore (as was thoughte) he rather confeſſed himſelfe for neede of moneye to be corrupted by the French king, than he wold declare hys inwarde mynde, and open his verye intent and ſecrete purpoſe, whiche if it were eſ|pyed, he ſawe plainely that the Earle of Marche ſhoulde haue drunken of the ſame cuppe that hee taſted, and what ſhoulde haue come to his owne children hee muche doubted: And therefore bee|ing deſtitute of comforte and in deſpaire of life to ſaue hys children, he fayned that tale, deſiring rather to ſaue hys ſucceſſion than himſelfe, which he did in deede, for his ſonne Richarde Duke of York not priuily but openly claimed the crown, and Edwarde his ſonne, bothe claymed it, and gayned it, as after it ſhall appeare. Which thing if Kyng Henrye had at this tyme eyther doub|ted, or foreſeene, had neuer bin like to haue come to paſſe, as Hall ſaith.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 But whatſoeuer hath bin reported of the con|feſſion of the Earle of Cambridge, certain it is, that endited he was by the name of Richard erle of Cambridge of Coneſburgh in the countie of York knight,The effect of the Earle of Cambridge hys in dicement. and with him Tho. Grey of Heton in the countie of Northumberlande knighte, for that that they the, xx. day of Iulye, in the thirde yeare of K. Henry the fifth at Southamton, and in diuers other places within this Realme, had conſpired together with a power of men to them aſſociate, without the kings licence to haue ledde awaye the Lorde Edmunde Earle of Marche into Wales, and then to haue procured hym EEBO page image 1174 to take vpon him the ſupreme gouernment of the realme, in caſe that King Richarde the ſeconde were dead: and heerewith had purpoſed to ſette foorth a proclamation there in Wales, in name of the ſayde Earle of Marche, as heire of the crown againſt king Henry, by the name of Hen|ry of Lancaſter the vſurper, to the ende that by ſuche meanes they might drawe the more num|ber of the kings liege people vnto the ſaid Earle, & further to haue conueyde a baner of the armes of England, and a certain crown of Spayne ſet vpon a pallet, & laide in gage to the ſaid Earle of Cãbridge, by the king, together with the ſayd erle of Marche into the parties of Wales aforſaid: & further,A Ievvell. that the ſaid Earle of Cambridge, & ſir Tho. Grey had appointed certain of the Kinges liege people to repaire into Scotland, & to bring from thence one Thomas Trumpington, alſo an other reſembling in ſhape, fauor, & countenãce K. Richard, and Henry Percie, togither wyth a great multitude of people to fight with the king, and him to deſtroy in opẽ field. Beſide this, that they had ment to win certain caſtels in Wales, & and to kepe them againſt the K. and many other treaſons they had contriued, as by the inditement was ſpecified, to the intẽt they might deſtroy the king & his brethren, ye dukes of Bedford & Glou|ceſter, and other the great lords and peeres of the realm. And Hẽry Scrope of Maſhã, of Flaxflet, in the countie of Yorke was likewiſe indited, as conſenting to the premiſſes. So that it appeareth their purpoſe was wel inough then perceiued, al|though haply not much bruted abrode, for cõſide|ratiõs thought neceſſary to haue it rather huyſht & kept ſecret. About the ſelfe ſame time the lord Cobham with his frends, whether as one of coũ|ſel in the conſpiracie with the erle of Cambridge or not, we can not certainly affirme) was deter|mined to haue made ſome attẽpt againſt ye L. of Bergueuenny, who being aduertiſed therof not for his defence from Worceſter, Perſore, Canter|bury, & other places therabouts, to the number of v.M. archers, and other armed men, which came to him vnto his caſtel of Haneley: wherof when the Lord Cobham was aduertiſed, he withdrew again to ſuche ſecrete places about Maluerne, as hee had prouided for his ſuretie, to reſorte vnto: but a Prieſte yt belonged vnto him, was taken, & diuers other, who diſcloſed to the L. of Burgue|uennye, one of the places where the ſayde Lorde Cobham with his men vſed to keepe themſelues cloſe. They found in deed his money and armor in that houſe piled vp betwixt two walles, hand|ſomly conueyed and framed for the purpoſe, but he with his folkes were withdrawne into ſome other place, after they once heard, that the Earle of Cambridge, and the Lorde Scrope were exe|cuted. But now to proceede with King Henries dooings. After this, when the wind came aboute proſperous to his purpoſe,Titus Liuius. hee cauſed the mary|ners to wey vp ankers and hoyſe vp ſayles, and ſo ſette forward with a thouſand ſhips, on the vi|gile of our Ladie day the Aſſumption,The King ſay|leth ouer into Fraunce vvith his hoſte. and tooke land at Caux, cõmonly called Kyd Caux, when the ryuer of Sayne runneth into the ſea, without reſiſtance or bloudſheading.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At his firſt comming a land, Titus Liuius. A charitable proclamation. he cauſed procla|mation to be made, that no perſon ſhoulde be ſo hardie on pain of death, eyther to take any thing out of any church that belonged to the ſame, nor to hurt or do any violence either to Prieſts, wo|men, or any ſuche as ſhould be founde withoute weapon or armor, & not ready to make reſiſtãce: alſo that no man ſhuld renue any new quarell or ſtrife, wherby any fray might ariſe to the diſquie|ting of the armie. The next day after his lãding he marched toward the towne of Harflew, ſtan|ding on the riuer of Sayne, betwene two hilles, [figure appears here on page 1174] & beſieged it on euery ſide, reyſing bulwarkes & a baſtell,Harding. in whiche the two Earles of Kent and Huntington were placed with Cornwal, Grey, Steward, & Porter: on that ſide towards the ſea, the king lodged with his field, & the duke of Cla|rẽce on ye furder ſide towards Roan. Ther were within the town the lords de Touteville & Gau|court, with diuers other that valiantly defendde EEBO page image 1175 themſelues, doing what damage they coulde to their aduerſaries, and damning vp the riuer that hath his courſe through the town, the water roſe ſo high betwixt the kinges campe, and the Duke of Clarence Campe, that were deuided by the ſame riuer, that the Engliſhmen were conſtray|ned to withdrawe their artillerie from one ſyde, where they had planted the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Frenche king being aduertiſed, that king Henrie was arriued on that coaſt, ſent in all haſt the Lorde de la Breth Conſtable of Fraunce, the Seneſchall of Fraunce, the Lorde Bouciqualt Marſhall of Fraunce, the Seneſchall of Henaut, the Lorde Lignye with other, whiche fortifyed townes with men, virtuall, and artillerie on all thoſe frontiers towardes the ſea. And hearyng that Harflew was beſieged, they came to the ca|ſtell of Candebecke, beeing not farre from Har|flew, to the intent they might ſuccor their feends which were beſieged, by ſome policie or meanes: but the Engliſhmen notwithſtanding al the da|mage that the Frenchmen coulde worke againſt them, forrayed the countrey, ſpoiled the villages, bringyng many a riche praie to the Campe be|fore Harflewe, and dayly was the towne aſſal|ted: for the Duke of Glouceſter, to whome the order of the ſiege was committed, made three mynes vnder the grounde, and approching to the walles with his engins and ordinance, wold not ſuffer them within to take any reſte: for al|though they with their coũterminyng ſomwhat diſappointed the Engliſhmen, and came to fight with them hande to hande within the mynes, ſo that they wente no further forwarde with that worke,Titus Liuius. yet they were ſo encloſed on eche ſyde, as well by water as lande, that ſuccour they ſawe coulde none come to them: for the Kyng lying with his battaile on the hill ſide on the one par|tie, and the duke of Clarence beyonde the ryuer that paſſeth by the towne, & renneth into Sayne on the other parte, beſide other Lordes and capi|taines that were lodged with their retinues for their moſt aduantage: None could be ſuffered to go in, or come foorth without their licence, in ſo|muche that ſuche powder as was ſente to haue bin conueyed into the towne by water, was ta|ken by the Engliſhe ſhippes that watched the ri|uer. The Capitaines within the towne, percey|uing that they were not able long to reſiſte the continuall aſſaults of the Engliſhmen, knowing that their walles were vndermyned, and lyke to be ouerthrowne (as one of their bulwarkes was already,Harding. where the Erles of Huntington & Kent had ſet vp their baners)Tho. VValſ. ſente an officer at armes foorth aboute midnight after the feaſt day of S. Lambert, [...]. September. They vvithin Harflevv de|mande parley. whiche fell that yeare vpon the Tuiſ|day, to beſeech the king of England to appoint ſome certayne perſons as Commiſſioners from hym, with whom they within myght treate a|bout ſome agreement. The Duke of Clarence to whom this meſſenger firſt declared his errãd, aduertiſed the King of his requeſte, who graun|tyng thereto, appoynted the Duke of Exceſter, with the Lord Fitz Hugh, and Syr Thomas Erpingham, to vnderſtand the myndes of them within the Towne, who at the firſt, requeſted a truce till Sunday next following the feaſt of S. Michaell, in whiche meane tyme if no ſuccoure came to remoue the ſiege, they would vndertake to delyuer the towne into the kings handes, their lyues and goodes ſaued. The Kyng aduertiſed hereof, ſente them worde, that except they wolde ſurrender the towne to hym the morrowe nexte enſuyng without anye condition, they ſhoulde ſpende no more tyme in talke aboute the matter. But yet at length through the earneſt ſute of the French Lords, the king was contented to graũt them truce till nyne of the clocke the next Sun|day, being the .xxij. of September, with con|dition, that if in the meane time no reſkue came, they ſhould yelde the towne at that houre with their bodies and goodes to ſtande at the Kynges pleaſure. And for aſſuraunce thereof, they deli|uered into the kynges handes thirtie of their beſt Capitaynes and merchantes within that towne as pledges. But other write, that it was co|uenaunted, that they ſhoulde delyuer but one|ly twelue pledges, and that if the ſiege were not reyſed by the Frenche Kinges power within .vj. dayes nexte folowyng, then ſhoulde they deliuer the Towne vnto the kyng of Englandes han|des, and thyrtie of the chiefeſt perſonages with|in the ſame, to ſtande for lyfe or death at hys wyll and pleaſure: and as for the reſidue of the men of warre and Towneſmen, they ſhoulde departe whether they woulde, wythoute car|rying foorth eyther Armour, weapon, or anye other goodes.

Whether this be true, or the former report, as we fynde it in Thomas Walſingam, and that the Kyng afterwards when the towne was de|liuered accordyng to theſe conditions was con|tented to take ſuche order, as to receyue onely thirtie of the chiefeſt within the Towne, and to permit the other to goe their wayes freely, wee can not certaynely affirme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But howeſoeuer it was, the kyng was con|tented to graunt a reſpite vppon certayne con|ditions, that the Capitaines within myght haue tyme to ſende to the Frenche King for ſuccour, as before ye haue hearde, leaſt he entending grea|ter exploytes, myghte loſe tyme in ſuche ſmal matters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When thys compoſition was agreed vpon, the Lorde Bacquevile, was ſente vnto the Frenche Kyng to declare in what poynte the EEBO page image 1176 the towne ſtoode. To whome the Dolphin aun|ſwered, that the kings power was not yet aſſẽ|bled, in ſuch number as was conuenient to reiſe ſo greate a ſiege. This anſwere beyng brought to the Captaynes within the Towne, they ren|dred it vp to the king of England, after that the thyrde day was expired,Har [...]e yelded and ſacked. whiche was on the day of Sainct Maurice beeyng the ſeuen and thirtie daye after the ſiege was firſte layde. The ſoul|diours were ranſomed, and the towne ſacke, to the great gayne of the Engliſhemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This do [...]e, the kyng of Englande ordeyned Capitayne of the towne of H [...]lewe his Vncle the Duke of Exceſter, whyche eſtabliſhed hys Lieutenant there, one Syr Iohn Faſtolfe, with fiftene hundred men (or as ſome haue) two thou|ſande, and .xxxvj. knights, wherof the Baron of Carew, and ſir Hugh Lutterell, were two coun|ſellours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And bycauſe many of his nobles whyleſt this ſiege lay before Harflewe, fell ſicke of the Flixe, and other diſeaſes, and diuers were dead, amon|geſt whome the Earle of Stafforde, the Biſhop of Norwiche, the Lordes Molyns and Burnell were foure, (beſyde others:) the king licenced his brother the duke of Clarence, Iohn Erle Mar|ſhall, and Iohn Erle of Arundel, being infected with that diſeaſe to returne into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Henry after the winuyng of Harflewe determined to haue proceeded further in the con|queſt and winning of other townes and for treſ|ſes: but bicauſe the dead tyme of the winter ap|proched, it was determyned by the prudent ad|uiſe of his counſell, that he ſhoulde in all conue|nient ſpeede ſette forewarde, and march through the countrey towardes Caleys by land, leaſt his returne as then homewardes ſhould of ſlaunde|rous toungs be named a running away: and yet that iourney was adiudged perillous, by reaſon that the number of his people was muche my|niſhed by the flixe and other feuers,Greate deathe in the hoſte by the flixe. whiche ſore vexed and brought to deathe aboue .xv. hundred perſons of the armie: and this was the cauſe that his retourne was the ſooner appoynted and con|cluded. But before hys departyng, hee entred into the Towne of Harflewe, and wente on to the Churche of Saincte Martines, and there offered. All the menne of warre whiche hadde not payde their raunſomes, hee ſware them on the holy Euangeliſtes, to yeld themſelues Pri|ſoners at Caleys by the feaſte of Saincte Mar|tine in Nouember nexte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were two ſtrong Towers ſtandyng on the Hauen ſyde, whyche lookyng for ayde did not yelde till tenne dayes after the Towne was rendred. When the K. had repaired the walles, bulwarks and rampiers about the towne, & fur|niſhed it with victuall and artillerie, he remoued from Harflewe towarde Ponthoyſe, [...] to paſſe the riuer of Some with his armie [...] the bridges were eyther withdrawne or br [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche victuals and other neceſſaries as w [...] to be caryed foorth with the armie, he appointed to bee layde on horſes, leauing the Cartes and wagons behynde for the leſſe encombre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche King hearing that the Towne of Harflew was gotten, and that the Kyng of Englande was marching forwarde into the bo|welles of the realme of Fraunce, ſent out procla|mations, and aſſembled people on euerye ſyde, committing the whole charge of his armie to his ſonne the Dolphyn, and the Duke of Aquitayn, who incontinently cauſed the bridges to be bro|ken, and the paſſages to be kepte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo he cauſed all the corne & victuals to be cõ|ueyed away, or deſtroyed in all places,Come and vic|tualle [...] deſtroy|ed vvhere the english ho [...] shoulde paſ [...]. where it was coniectured, that the Engliſhmen would re|payre, to the intente that they might be kepte in ſome ſtrayte or corner of the countrey, withoute victuals or comforte, ſo that they ſhould be con|ſtrayned to dye, or yelde thorough famyne, or to be fought withall, ſo muche to their diſaduaun|tage, that the victorie mighte be prepared for the Frenche, ere they came to hazarde themſelues in battayle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englãd nothing diſmayed with with all theſe incõmodities lyke to chaunce vn|to hym at one time,Titus L [...]i [...] kepte his iourney in deſpite of his enimies, conſtreyning them within diuers townes and holds to furniſh hym with victuals:Aſki [...] vv [...] the ga|riſon of E [...]. but yet as he paſſed by the towne of Ewe, the garniſon of the town iſſued foorth, and gaue the Engliſhemen a ſkirmiſh, although in the end the Frenchmen were beaten into the Towne, with loſſe, namely of a ryght valiant man of armes,Enguerant. named Lancelot Pier. Ther were many engliſh men hurt with quarrells ſhot off from the loupes and walles, as they purſued the enimyes vnto the gates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 At length ye king aproched the riuer of Some, where finding all the bridges broken,Blancheta [...] he came to the paſſage of Blanchetaque, where hys greate graundfather king Edwarde the thirde, paſſed a little before the battail of Creſſy,Titus Li [...]i [...] but the paſſage was now ſo impeached with ſtakes ſet in the bo|tom of the foorde, & ſo defended, that he could not paſſe there wythout great daunger, conſideryng the multitude of hys enimyes that were bothe beehinde and before, and on eche de of hym, the Countreye in all partes ſwarming wyth em|buſhements of men of warre. He therfore mar|ched forwards to Arannes ſo ordering his army and placing his carriage, that he appeared ſo ter|rible to his enemies, as they durſt not once offer him battaile, and yet the Lorde Dalbreth Con|ſtable of Fraunce, the Marſhall Bouchequauler, EEBO page image 1077 the erle of Vendoſme great Maſter of Fraũce, the Duke of Alanſon, and the Earle of Riche|mont, with all the puiſſaunce of the Dolphyn lay at Abuile, and durſt not ſo muche as touch his battailes, but euer kept the paſſages, & coa|ſted aloof, like a hauke that lyketh not hir pray. The king of Englande ſtill kepte on his iorney till hee came to the bridge of Sainct Maxence, where hee found aboue .xxx.M. frenchemenne, and there pitched his fielde, looking ſurely to be fought withall.Diuers capi|taines knights. Wherefore to encourage his capitaines the more, he dubbed certaine of hys hardy and valiant gentlemen knights, as Iohn Lorde Ferrers of Groby: Reignold of Grey|ſtock: Piers Tempeſt: Chriſtofer Moriſby: Thomas Pickering: William Huddleſton: Iohn Hoſbalton: Henry Mortimer: Phillip Hall: and Willyam hys brother: Iaques de Ormonde, and dyuers other: But when hee ſawe that the Frenche made no ſemblaunce to fight, he departed in good order of battaile by the towne of Amiens, to another towne neare to a caſtell called Bowes, and there laye twoo dayes looking for battaile euery houre. From thence he came neare to Corby, where hee was ſtayed that night, by reaſon that the common people, and peſantes of the countrey aſſembled in great numbers, and the men of armes of the gariſon of Corby ſkirmiſhed wyth his army in the morning, and were diſcomfited, and the pe|ſantes driuen euen harde to their gates. The ſame day the king founde a ſhallowe fourd be|tween Corby,King Henry pa [...]th the ri| [...]er of Some vva [...] his hoſte. and Peronne, which neuer was eſpied before, at whiche he wyth his armie and carriages the night enſuing, paſſed the water of Some without let or daunger, and therewyth determined to make haſte towardes Callais, and not to ſeeke for battaile, excepte hee were thereto conſtrayned, bycauſe that hys army by ſickenes was ſore diminiſhed, in ſo muche that he had but onely twoo thouſande horſemen and thirteene thouſande archers, bill men, and of all ſortes of other footemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Englishe [...]ay fore af| [...]ded.The Engliſhemen were brought into great miſery in this iorney, their victuall was in ma|ner ſpent, and nowe coulde they get none: for their enemies had deſtroied all the corne before they came: Reſte coulde they none take, for their enemies were euer at hande to giue them alarmes, dayly it rained, and nyghtely freeſed: of fewell there was great ſcarſitie, but of fluxes greate plenty: money they hadde inoughe, but wares to beſtowe it vppon, for their reliefe or comforte, hadde they little or none. And yet in this greate neceſſitye, the poore people of the countrey were not ſpoiled, nor any thyng taken of them wythout payment, neyther was any [...]utrage or offence done by the Engliſhemenne of warre, except one, whiche was, that a foliſh ſouldiour [...]le a pi [...]e out of a churche: for which cauſe he was apprehended,An example of Iuſtie [...]. Titus Li [...]iu [...]. and the king would not once remoue till the box was reſtored, and the offender ſtrangled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The people of the countreys there aboute,Note the force of Iuſtice. hearyng of ſuchẽ zeale in hym, to the mayntai|naunce of Iuſtice, miniſtred to hys army bothe victuals, and other neceſſaries, althoughe by open proclamation ſo to do they were prohibi|ted.Hall. The Frenche King being at Roan,The french K. cõſulteth hovv to deale vvith the english [...]ẽ. and hearing that [...] Henry was paſſed the riuer of Some, was muche diſpleaſed therwith, and aſſembling his coũſell to the number of .xxxv. aſked their aduice what was to be done.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There was amongſt theſe fiue & thirtie his ſonne the Dolphin, callyng hymſelfe King of Sicill, the Dukes of Berry and Britaine, the Earle of Pontiew the Kinges youngeſt ſonne, and other highe eſtates. At lengthe .xxx. of them agreed, that the Engliſhemenne ſhoulde not departe vnfought withall, and fiue were of a contrary opinion, but the the greater number ruled the matter:The french K. ſendeth defi|aunce to kyng Henry. And ſo Montioy Kyng at armes was ſent to the king of England to de|fie him as the enemie of France, and to tell him that hee ſhoulde ſhortely haue battaile. Kyng Henry ſoberly aunſwered thus: Sir,King Henryes aunſvvere to the de [...]aunce. mine in|tent is to doe as it pleaſeth God, for ſurely I will not ſeeke your maſter at this time, but if he or his ſeeke me, I will willingly fight with them: And if any of your nation attempte once to ſtoppe me in my iorney now towards Cal|lais, at their ieoperdy be it, and yet my deſire i [...] that none of you bee ſo vnaduiſed, as to bee the occaſion, that I in my defence ſhall colour and make red your rawny ground with the effuſion of chriſtian bloud: When hee had thus aun|ſwered the Herauld, hee gaue hym a greate re|warde, and licenced hym to departe. Vpon re|tourne of the Herrault, wyth this aunſwere, it was incontinently proclaimed, that all men of warre ſhoulde reſorte to the Conſtable to fight with the King of England, and his puiſſance. Wherevppon, all men accuſtomed to beare ar|mour, and deſirous to winne honour throughe the Realme of Fraunce, drewe towarde the field.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Dolphin ſore deſired to haue bin at the battaile, but hee was prohibited by his father: likewiſe Phillip Earle of Charolois, woulde gladly haue bene there, if his father the duke of Burgoigne would haue ſuffred hym: many of his mẽ ſtale away, and went to the frenchmen.Titus Liuius. The king of England bearing that the french|men approched, and that there was an other ri|uer for him to paſſe with his army by a bridge, and doubting leaſte if the ſame bridge ſhoulde EEBO page image 1178 be broken, it woulde be greately to his hinde|raunce, appoynted certayne capitaynes wyth their bandes, to go thyther wyth all ſpeede be|fore hym, and to take poſſeſſion thereof, and ſo to keepe it, tyll hys commyng thither. Thoſe that were ſent, findyng the frenchemen buſy to break down their bridge, aſſailed them ſo vigo|rouſly, that they diſcomfited them and tooke and flew them, and ſo the bridge was preſerued tyll the king came, and paſſed the riuer by the ſame with his whole army. This was on ye .xxij. day of October. The duke of Yorke: at led the vãt|garde (after the army was paſſed the Riuer) mounted vp to the heigth of an hill wyth his people, and ſente out ſkowtes to diſcouer the countrey, the which vpon their returne aduer|tiſed hym, that a wonderfull greate army of Frenchmen was at hand, approching towards them. The duke declared to the Kyng what he had heard, and the Kyng therevppon, without all feare or trouble of minde, cauſed the bataile which he led himſelfe to ſtay,King Henry rideth forthe to take the vievve of the Frenche army. and incontinent|ly rode forth to view his aduerſaryes, and that done, returned to hys people, and with chere|full countenaunce cauſed them to bee put in or|der of battayle, aſſignyng to euery capitayne ſuche roomth and place, as he thought conueni|ent, and ſo kepte thẽ ſtill in that order till night was come, & then determined to ſeeke a place to encampe & lodge his army in for that night. There was not one amongſt them that knewe any certayne place whither to goe, in that vn|knowen countrey: but by chaunce they happe|ned vppon a beaten way, white in ſighte by the which they were broughte vnto a little village, where they were refreſhed with meate & drinke ſomewhat more plenteouſly, then they had bin diuers dayes before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Order was taken by commaundement from the Kyng, after the army was firſte ſet in bat|tayle array, that no noiſe or clamor ſhoulde be made in the hoſte, ſo that in marching forthe to this village, euery man kepte hymſelfe quyet: but at theyr commyng into the village, fiers were made to giue light on euery ſide, as there likewiſe were in the frenche hoſte whiche was lodged not paſte .ij.C. & fiftie paces dyſtaunte from the Engliſhemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The chiefe leaders of the french hoſte were theſe: The conſtable of Fraunce, the Marſhall, the Admirall, the lord Rambures maſter of the croſbowes, and other of the frenche nobilitie, which came and pitched downe their ſtanderts and banners in the countye of Sainct Paule, within the Territorie of Agincourt, hauing in their army as ſome write,The number of the frenchemen. Engu [...]rant. to the number of .lx. thouſande horſemen beſides footemen, wago|ners and other. They were lodged euen in the way by the whiche the engliſhmen, muſt [...] paſſe towardes Callais, and all that night af|ter their comming thither, made greate cheare and were very mery, pleaſant, & full of g [...] The Engliſhmen alſo for their partes were of good comfort, and nothing abaſhed of the mat|ter, and yet they were both hungry, weary, ſore trauailed, and vexed with many cold diſeaſes. Howbeit they made peace wyth God, in con|feſſing their ſins, receyuing the ſacrament, and requiring aſſiſtaunce at his handes, that is the only giuer of victory, determined rather to die, than either to yelde, or flee.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The day following was the .xxv. of Octo|ber in the yeare .1415. being then Friday,T [...] [...] A [...], and the feaſt of Criſpine, and Criſpinian, the moſt faire and fortunate day to the engliſhemen, and moſte ſorrowfull, and vnlucky to the Frenche|men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the morning of the ſame day,The ord [...] of the Fr [...] [...]y. the french Capitaines made three battayles. In the va|warde were .viij.M. healmes of Knyghtes, and Eſquiers .iiij.M. Archers, and .xv.C. croſbowes whiche were guided by the lorde de la Breth, Conſtable of Fraunce, hauyng wyth hym the Dukes of Orleauns and Burbon, the Earles of Ewe and Richemonte, the Mar|ſhall Bouciquault, and the maſter of the croſ|bowes, the lord Dampier Admirall of Fraunce and other capitaines: The earle of Vandoſme wyth .xvj.C. men of armes were ordered for a wing to that battayle. And the other wyng was guided by Sir Guicharde Dolphin, Syr Clugnet of Brabant, and Sir Lewes Bour|don, with .viij.C. men of armes, of elect and choſen perſones. And to breake the ſhotte of the engliſhmen were appointed, Sir Guilliam de Saue [...]ſes, with Hector and Phillippe his bre|thren: Ferry de Maylly, and Alen de Gaſpanes with other .viij.C. of armes. In the middle warde, were aſſigned as many perſons, or mo, as were in the formoſt battaile, and the chardge thereof, was committed to the Dukes of Bar and Alanſon, the Earles of Neuers, Vande|mont, Blamont, Salinges, Grant Pree, and of Ruſſy: And in the rereward were all the o|ther men of armes guyded by the Earles of Marle, Dampmartine, Fauconberg, and the Lorde of Lourrey capitaine of Arde, who had wyth hym, the men of the Frontiers of Bolo|nois: Thus the frenchemen being ordered vn|der their ſtandardes and banners, made a great ſhew: for ſurely they were eſteemed in number ſix times as many or more, than was the whole company of the Engliſhemen, wyth Wago|ners, Pages and all. They reſted themſelues, waytyng for the bloudy blaſte of the terryble trumpet, till the houre betweene .ix. and .x. of EEBO page image 1179 the clocke of the ſame day: during whiche ſea|ſon, the conſtable made vnto the capitains and other men of warre, a pithie oration exhorting and encouraging them to doe valiantly, wyth many comfortable words, and ſenſible reaſons. King Henry alſo like a leader, and not as one led, like a ſoueraigne, and not an inferior, per|ceyuing a plotte of grounde very ſtrong, and meete for his purpoſe, which on the backe halfe was fenced with the village, wherein hee hadde lodged the nighte before, and on bothe ſides de|fended wyth hedges, and buſhes, thought good there to embattaile his hoſte, and ſo ordered his men in the ſame place,The order of in Englishe [...]y. as he ſawe occaſion, and as ſtoode for his moſte aduantage: Fyrſt, he ſent priuily .ij.C. archers into a lowe meadowe, whiche was [...]re to the vaunegarde of his ene|mies: but ſeparate with a greate ditche com|maunding them there to kepe themſelues cloſe till they had a token to them giuen, to let driue at their aduerſaries: Beſide this, he appointed a vaward, of the which he made captaine Ed|warde Duke of York, that of an hault courage had deſired that office, and with hym were the Lordes Beaumont, Willonghby, and Fan|hope, and this battaile was all of archers. The middle warde was gouerned by the kyng him|ſelfe, with his brother the Duke of Glouceſter, and the Earles of Marſhall, Oxforde, and Suffolke, in the which were all the ſtrong bil|men. The Duke of Exceter vncle to the kyng led the rerewarde, which was mixed both with bilmen and archers. The horſmen like wings went on euery ſide of the battaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A [...] the gre [...] force o [...] Englishe [...].Thus the king hauing ordered his batailes, feared not the puiſſance of his enemies, but yet to prouide that they ſhoulde not with the mul|titude of their horſemen breake the array of his archers, in whome the whole force of his army conſiſted,A pollitike in|uen [...]ion. hee cauſed ſtakes bounde wyth Iron ſharpe at bothe endes of the length of .v. or .vj. foot to be pitched before the archers, and of eche ſide the footemen like an hedge, to the entente that if the barded horſes run raſhly vppon them they might ſhortly be gored and deſtroyed: cer|tain perſons alſo were appoynted to remoue ye ſtakes as by the mouing of the archers occaſion and time ſhoulde require, ſo that the footemen were hedged aboute with ſtakes, and the horſ|men ſtoode like a bulwarke betweene them and their enemies, without the ſtakes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hall.This deuiſe of fortifying an army, was at this time firſt inuented, but ſince that time they haue deuiſed caltrappes, harrowes, and other newe deuiſes, to defend the force of the horſe|men, ſo that if the enemies runne raſhely vpon the ſame, either are their horſes wounded with the ſtakes, or their feete hurt with the other en|gins, ſo that of neceſſitie for very pa [...] the [...]|ly beaſtes are ouerthrowen and brought his the grounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Henry by reaſon of his ſmall number of people, to fill vp hys battailes,Titus Liuius. placed his vauntgarde ſo on the right hande of the maine battaile, whyche hymſelfe led, that the diſtance betwixte them might vnneth be perceyued, and ſo in like caſe was the rerewarde ioyned on the left hand, that ye one might ye more readily ſuc|cour an other in time of neede, when hee hadde thus ordered his battailes, he lefte a ſmall com|pany to keepe his campe, and caryage,Titus Liuius. whiche remained ſtill in the village, and then calling his capitaines and ſouldiours aboute him, hee made to them a right harty [...]ation,King Henrhes oration to his men. requiring them to play the men, that they might obtaine a glorious victorie, as there was good hope they ſhould, if they would remember the iuſte cauſe and quarrell, for the whiche they fought, and agaynſte whome they ſhoulde matche, beeyng ſuche faint harted people, as their auncetors had ſo often ouercome. To conclude, many wordes of comforte he vttered to them, to encourage them to do manfully, aſſuring them that Eng|lande ſhoulde neuer be charged wyth hys raun|ſome, nor any French man triumph ouer hym as a captiue, for either by famous death, or glo|rious victorye, woulde hee winne honour and fame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 It is ſaide alſo, that he ſhould heare one of the hoſte vtter hys wiſhe to another, that ſtoode nexte to hym in this wife: I woulde to god there were preſent here with vs this day ſo ma|ny good ſouldiours as are at this houre within the Realme of Englande,A vvishe. A noble cou|rage of a valia [...] Prince. whereto the Kyng aunſwered: I woulde not wiſhe a man more here than I haue, wee are in deede in compari|ſon to the enemies but a fewe: But if God of his clemency doe fauor vs, and our iuſte cauſe, as I truſte he will, there is no man that may or can a ſcribe the victorie gotte againſt ſuche a puiſſant force to our owne ſtrength and might, but onely to Gods aſſiſtaunce, to whome wee ſhall worthily giue thankes therefore. And if ſo bee that for our offences ſakes wee ſhall be de|liuered into the hands of our enimies, the leſſe number we be, the leſſe domage ſhal the realme of Englande ſuſteine: but if we ſhould fighte in truſte of multitude of men, and ſo gette the victorie (our mindes being prone to pride) wee ſhoulde therevppon peraduenture aſcribe the victory not ſo muche to the gifte of God, as to our owne puiſſaunce, and thereby prouoke his highe indignation and diſpleaſure againſt vs: and if the enemye gotte the vpper hand, than ſhoulde our Realme and countrey ſuffer more domage and ſtande in further daunger: But EEBO page image 1180 be you of good comforte, and ſhewe your ſelues valiant, God and our iuſte quarrell, ſhall de|fende vs, and deliuer theſe our proude aduerſa|ries with all the multitude of them whiche you ſee, or at the leaſte the more parte of them into our handes. Whileſt the king was yet thus ex|horting hys people, eyther army ſo maligned the other being as then in open ſight, that euery man cryed forward, forwarde. The Dukes of Clarence, Glouceſter, and Yorke, were of the ſame opinion, yet the king ſtayed a while, leaſt any ieoperdy were not foreſeene, or any hazard not preuented. The Frenchmen in the meane while, as thoughe they had bin ſure of victory, made great triumphe, for the captaines had de|termined before, how to deuide the ſpoile, & the ſouldiours the night before had plaid the eng|liſhemen at dice. The noble men had deuiſed a chariot, wherin they might triumphantly con|uey King Henry beeing captiue to the Citie of Paris, crying to their ſouldiours, haſte you to obtain ſpoile, glory and honour, little remem|bring that the whirle winde, ſhortely with a puffe, woulde blowe away all their vaine ioye and fooliſhe fantaſticall braggyng: of this do|ing, you may gather that it is as muche mad|nes to make a determinate iudgemẽt of things to come, as it is wiſedome to doubt what will folow of things begon.Hall. Here we may not for|get howe the French men beeing thus in theyr ruffe, ſent an Herault to K. Henry, to enquire of hym what raũſome he would offer, and how he aunſwered, that within .ij. or .iij. houres he hoped that it ſhould ſo happen, that the french|men ſhould common rather with the Engliſh|men for their owne raunſomes, than the eng|liſhemen ſhould neede to take thought for their deliueraũce, promiſing for his owne part, that his dead carcaſſe ſhoulde rather be a pray to the Frenchemen, than that his liuing body ſhould be endangered of paying any raunſom. When the meſſenger was come backe to the frenche hoſte, the men of warre put on their helme [...]tes & cauſed their trumpets to blow to the battaile. They thought themſelues ſo ſure of victory, that diuers of the noble men made ſuche haſte to|wards the battaile, that they left many of their ſeruauntes and men of warre behinde them, & ſome of them woulde not once ſtaye for their ſtanderts:Tu [...] L [...] as amongeſt other the duke of Bra|bant when his ſtandert was not come cauſed & baner to be taken from a trumpet, and faſtened to a ſpeare, the which he cõmanded to be borne before him in ſteed of his ſtanderd. But when both theſe armies cõming within fight either of other, & were ſet in order of battaile, they ſtoode ſtill at the firſt, beholding either others deme [...]|nor, being not diſtant in ſunder paſt .iij. bow|ſhootes. And when they had thus ſtoode on both ſides a good while without doing any thing, (except that certaine of the frenche horſemẽ ad|uaũcing forward, betwixt both the hoſtes were by the engliſhe archers conſtrained to retourne backe) aduiſe was taken amongeſt the engliſh|men, what was beſt for them to do, and there|vpon all things conſidered, it was determined that ſith ye frenchmẽ would not come forward, the king wyth his army, embatailed as ye haue heard, ſhoulde marche towards them, & ſo lea|uing their truſſe & bagage in the village where they lodged the night before, onely wyth theyr weapons, armour, and ſtakes prepared for the purpoſe, as ye haue heard, they made ſomwhat forward, before whõ there went an olde knight ſir Tho. Erpingham (a man of great experiẽce in the warre) with a warder in his hand, & whẽ he caſt vp his warder, al the army ſhouted, but that was a ſigne to the archers in the meadow, which therwith ſhot wholy altogither at ye va|warde of the Frenchemen,The [...]e a [...]|mies ioyne [...]+taile. who when they per|ceyued [figure appears here on page 1180] EEBO page image 1181 the archers in the medow, and faw they [...] not come at thẽ, for a [...]che that was be|twixte them, with all halfe [...]ette vpon the fore|warde of K. Henry, but ere they could ioyne, ye archers in the forefront, and the archers on ye ſide which ſtoode in the meadowe, to wounded [...]he footmen, gaſted the horſes, and com [...]red thẽ men of armes, that the footmen durſt not goe forward, the horſmen ran togither vpon plũps without order, ſome ouerthrewe ſuche as were nexte them, & the horſes ouerthre we their ma [...]|ſters, and ſo at the firſt ioyning, the Frenchmen were [...]ly diſcomforted, and the Engliſhmen muche encouraged. When the French vaw [...]d was thus brought to confuſion, the engliſh ac| [...]hers rafte away their bowes, and tooke into their handes, axes, maſtes, ſwords, billes, and other hand weapons, and with the ſame flewe the Frenchmẽ, til they came to the midle ward.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Then approched the K. and ſo encouraged his people, that ſhortly the ſecond battail of the Frenchemen was ouer throwen, and diſperſed, not without greate ſtaughter of men: howbeit, diuers wer relieued by their varlets, and con|ueyed out of the field. The Engliſhmen were ſo buſied in fighting, & taking of the priſoners at hand, that they folowed not in chaſe of their enemies, nor would once break out of their ar|ray of battail. The frenchmen ſtrongly with|ſtoode the fierceneſſe of the Engliſhmen, when they came to handy ſtrokes, ſo that the fighte was doubtfull and perillous. And when one parte of the french horſmen thought to haue en|tred vpon the kings battaile, they were with ye ſtakes ouerthrowen to the grounde, and eyther taken or ſlaine.A [...] king. Thus this battaile continued iij. long houres. The K. that day ſhewed him|ſelfe a valiant knight, albeit notwithſtanding he was almoſte felled by the duke of Alanſon, yet with plaine ſtrength he flew .ij. of the dukes company, and felled the duke, whome when he woulde haue yelded, the kings garde contrary to his minde outragiouſly ſlewe. And in con|cluſion, the K. minding to make an end of that daies iorny, cauſed his horſmen to fetch a com|paſſe about, and to ioyne with hym againſt the rereward of the frenchmẽ, in the which was the greateſt number of people. When the frenchmẽ perceyued his intent, they were ſodenly amazed & ran away like ſheepe, without order or aray [...]: which whẽ the K. perceyued, he encouraged his men, & folowed ſo quickly vpon the enemies, yt they ran hither and thither, caſting away theyr armour: and many of them on their knees de|ſired to haue their liues faued. In the meane ſeaſon, while the battaile thus continued, & that the engliſhemen had taken a greate number of priſoners, certayne frenchemen on horſe backe, wherof wer captains Robinet of Borneu [...]le, Ri [...]ar [...] of C [...]mas, & Iſambert of Aginc [...]t, and other men of armes, to the number of .vj.C. horſmen, which were the firſt that fled, hea|ring that the engliſh [...]es and pauilions were a good way diſtant from the army, without any ſufficient gard to defend the fame, eyther vpon a couetous meaning to gain by the ſpoil, or vp|pon a deſire to be reuẽged, entred vpõ the kings camp, & there ſpoiled the hales, robbed the tents,The kings campe robbed. brake vp cheſts and carried away caſkets, & ſlew ſuche ſeruants as they founde to make any reſi|ſtance, for the which acte they were after com|mitted to priſon, and had loſte their liues, if the Dolphin had longer liued: for when the outery of the lackies & voyes, which ran away for fear of the frenchmẽ thus ſpoiling the campe, came to the kings eares, he doubting leſt his enemies ſhould gather together againe, & begin a newe fielde, and miſtruſting further that the priſoners would either be an aide to his enemies, or very enemyes to their take [...]s in deede if they were ſuffred to liue, contrary to his accuſtomed ge [...]|tlenes, cõmaunded by ſounde of trũpet, that e|uery man vpon paine of death, ſhould incouti|neri [...]ly flea his priſoner: whẽ this do [...] de|cree, [...] [...]po [...]+ner [...] and pitifull proclamation was pro [...]|ced, pity it was to ſee how ſome frenchmẽ [...]ere ſodenly ſticked with daggers, ſome were [...]|ned with pollaxes, ſome ſlaine with ma [...] o|ther had their throates [...]ut, and ſome their bel|lies panched, ſo that in effect, hauing reſpect to ye greate number, fewe priſoners were ſaued. When this lamentable ſlaughter was ended, ye engliſhmen diſpoſed thẽſelues in order of bat|tayle, ready to abide a newe fielde, and alſo to inuade, and newly ſet on their enemies,A fresh onſe [...] and ſo with great force they aſſailed ye erles of Marle and Fawconbridge, and the lords of Lo [...] & of Thine yt which with vj.C. men of armes had all day kepte togither,Titus Liui [...]. and were now ſlaine and beatẽ down out of [...]and. Some w [...]te, that the K. perceiuing his enemyes in one parte to aſſemble togither, as though they ment to giue a new bat [...]ail for preſeruation of the priſoners, ſent to them an Herrault commaunding them either to depart out of his ſight, or elſe to come forward at once, and giue battaile, promiſing herewith, that if they did offer to fighte agayne not only thoſe priſoners whiche his people all|redy had taken, but alſo ſo many of them as in this new conflicte, which they thus attempted ſhould fall into his hands, ſhould dye the death without redemtion. The frenchmen fearing ye ſentence of ſo terrible a decree, without further delay departed out of the fielde. And ſo aboute foure of the clocke in the after noone, the Kyng when he ſawe no apparaunce of enemies, cau|ſed EEBO page image 1180 the retrefte to bee blowen, and gathering his army togither,Thankes giuen to God for the victorie. gaue thankes to almightie god for ſo happy a victory, cauſing his prelates and chapleines to ſing this pſalme. In exi [...] Iſ|raell de Egipto, and cõmaundyng euery man to kneele downe on the grounde at this verſe. Non nobis domine, A vvorthy ex|ample of a god|ly prince. non nobis, ſed nomini tuo da gloriã. Which done, he cauſed Te Deum, with certain anthẽs to be ſong, giuing land & praiſe to god and not boaſting of his owne force or any hu|maine power.Titus Liuius. That night he & his people tooke reſt and refreſhed themſelues with ſuch victuals as they foũd in the french campe, but lodged in the ſame village, where he lay the night before: and in the morning, Mountioy K. at armes & foure other french Herraults came to the K to knowe the number of priſoners, & to deſire bu|riall for the dead: Before he made thẽ anſwere (to vnderſtãd what they would ſay) he demaũ|ded of them why they made to him that requeſt conſidering that hee knewe not whether ye vic|tory was to be attributed to him, or to their na|tion but: when Montioy by true and iuſt con|fe [...]ſion had cleared that doubt to ye highe praiſe of the K. he deſired of Montioye to vnderſtand the name of the Caſtell neare adioyning: when they had told him that it was called Agincort,The battalle of Agin [...]e. he ſaid that this conflict ſhal be called the batail of Agincourte. He feaſted the frenche officers of armes that daye, and graunted them their re|queſte, which buſily ſought throughe the fielde for ſuche as were ſlaine, but the engliſhmẽ ſuf|fred thẽ not to go alone, for they ſearched wyth them, & found many hurte, but not in ieoperdy of their liues, whom they took priſoners, & brou|ght them to their tents. Whẽ the K. of Eng|lande had well refreſhed himſelfe, & his ſouldi|ours, and had taken the ſpoile of ſuche as were ſlaine, hee wyth his priſoners in good order re|turned to his towne of Callais: Whẽ tidings of this greate victory, was blowen into Eng|lande, ſolempne proceſſions and other praiſings to almightie God wyth bonfiers, & ioyfull tri|umphes,

The ſame day that the nevve [...] vvent to VVeſtmin|ſter to rece [...]e [...] o [...]e, the aduertiment of this noble vic| [...]ie came to the citie in the morning beti [...]s [...]e men vvere [...]p from theyr beddes

Register of Maiors.

were ordeined in euery towne, City, and borough, & the maior & citizẽs of London, went the morrow after the daye of S. Simon and Iude from the Church of S. Paule to the church of S. Peter at Weſtminſter in deuoute maner, rendring to God harty thanks for ſuch fortunate lucke ſent to the king and his army. The ſame Sonday that the K. remoued from the campe at Agincourte towards Calais, di|uers frenchmẽ came to the field to view againe the dead bodies, & the peaſants of the countrey ſpoiled the carcaſſes of all ſuch apparell & other things as the engliſhmen had left: for they took nothing but gold & ſiluer, iewels, riche aparell and coſtly armour, but the ploughme(n) & peasa(n)ts lefte nothing behinde, neither shirt nor cloute, so that the bodies lay stark naked till Wednesday, on the whiche day diuers of the noble men were conueied into their countries, and the remainaunte were by Phillip Earle Charolois (fore lamenting the chaunce, & moued with pity) at his coste and chardge buried in a square plot of grounde of .xv.C. yardes, in the which be caused to be made .iij.pittes, wherein were buried by accompte .v.M.and viij.C. persons beside the(m) that were caried away by their frinds and seruants, and other which being wounded died in hospitalles and other places. After this dolorous iourney and pitifull slaughter, diuers clerks of Paris made many lamentable verses, complaining that the king reigned by will, and that counsellors were parciall, affirming that ye noble men fled agaynst nature, and that the co(m)mons were destroied by their prodigalitie, declaring also that the Clergie were dombe, and durste not saye the truthe, and that the humble commons duly obeied, and yet euer suffred punishme(n)t, for which cause by deuine persecution on the lesse nu(m)ber vanquished the greter: wherfore they concluded, that al things went out of order, and yet was there no man that studied to bring the vnruly to frame: it was no marueile thoughe this battaile was lamentable to the french nation, for in it were taken and slaine ye flower of al the Nobilitie of Fraunce: Noble and [...]. There wer taken prisoners Charles duke of Orleance, nephew to the fre(n)ch K. Io. duke of Bourbon, the Lorde Bouciqualt one of the marshals of Frau(n)ce, which died in England wyth a number of other lords, knightes, and esquiers at ye leaste. xv C. beside the common people. There were slaine in al of the frenche parte to the nu(m)ber of x.M. men, whereof were Princes and noble men bearing baners. Cxxvj & of knights and esquiers & gentlemen in the whole were slaine viij, M, iiij. C. (of the whiche .v.C. were dubbed knights the night before the battail) so that of other the meaner sorte there died not paste xvj C. Amongest those of the Nobilite that were slain, these were the chiefest, Charles lord de la Breth high constable of Fraunce, Iaques of Chatilo(n) L.of Da(m)pierre Admiral of France, the L. Rambures master of the crosbowes, sir Guischard Dolphin greate master of Fraunce, Io. duke of Alanson, Anthony duke of Braba(n)t, brother to the duke of Burgoine, Edward duke of Bar, the erle of Neuers another brother to the duke of Burgoine, with the erles of Marle, Vaudemont, Beaumont, Grandpree, Roussi, Fanconberg, Fois, and Lestrake, beside a greate number of Lords and Barons of name: Of Englishme(n), there died at this battayl Edward duke of Yorke, the earle of Suffolke, sir EEBO page image 1170 Sir Richard Kikeley, Engliſhmen [...]yne. and Dauy Gamme Esquier, and of all other, not aboue .xxv. persons, if you will credite such as write miracles: but other Writers of greater credite affirme, that there were slaine about fiue or sixe C. persons. Titus Liuius sayeth, that there were slaine of Englishmen beside the Duke of Yorke, and the Erle of Suffolke, an C.persons at the first encounter: Titus Liuius. the Duke of Gloucester the kings brother was sore wou(n)ded about the hippes, & borne downe to the ground, so that he fel backwards, with his feete towards his enimies, whome the K. bestridde, and like a brother, valiantly rescued him from his enimies, and so sauing his life, caused him to be conueyed out of the fight, into a place of more safetie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Hall.After that the K. of England had refreſſed him ſelfe, and his people at Calais, and that ſuch priſoners as he had left at Harflew (as yee haue heard) were come to Calais vnto him the ſixth daye of Nouẽber, he with all his priſoners tooke ſhipping, & the ſame day lãded at Douer, hauing with him the dead bodies of the Duke of Yorke, & of the Earle of Suffolke, & cauſed ye Duke to be buried at his colledge of Fodring|hey, & the Earle at new Elme. In this paſſage, the Seas were ſo rough & troublous, that two ſhips belonging to ſir Iohn Cornewall; Lorde Fanhope, were driuen into Zeland, howbeit, nothing was loſt, nor any perſon periſhed. The Maior of London, and ye Aldermen, apparelled in oryent grained ſcarlet, and four C. commo|ners, clad in beautifull murrey, well mounted, and trimly horſed with rich collers, and greate rhaines, met the K. on black heath, reioicing at his returne. And the Clergie of London, with rich Croſſes, ſumptuous copes, and maſſie cen|ſers, receiued him, at S. Thomas of Wate|rings,Titus Liuius. with ſolemne proceſſion. The K. like a graue and ſober perſonage, and as one remem|bring from whome al victories are ſent, ſeemed little to regard ſuche vaine pompe & ſhewes as were in triumphãt ſort deuiſed for his welcom|ming home from ſo proſperous a iourney,The great mo|d [...]e of the K. in ſo much, that he would not ſuffer his helmet to be caried with him, and ſhewed to the people, that they might behold the dintes and cuttes whiche appeared in ye ſame, of ſuch blowes and ſtripes, as hee receiued the daye of the battell: neyther woulde he ſuffer any dities to be made & ſong by minſtrels, of his glorious victorie, for that he would whollie haue the praiſe and thankes al|togither giuen to God. The newes of thys bloudy battell being reported to the French K. as then ſoiourning at Roan, filled the Courte full of ſorrowe, but to remedie ſuche danger as was like to enſue, it was decreed by counſel, to ordeine newe officers in places of thẽ that were ſlaine: and firſte, hee elected his chiefe officer for the warres, called the Conneſtable, the Earle of Arminacke, a wiſe and politike Captaine, and an [...]ti [...]te enimie to the Engliſhmen. Sir Iohn de Corſey was made maſter of the croſſe|bowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, other for melancholy that he had for the loſſe at Agi [...]court, or by ſome [...]o|dayne diſeaſe, Lewes Dolphin of Vlennoyes,The death of the Dolphin of France. hei [...] apparant to the Frenche King, departed this life without iſſue, which happened well for Robyn [...] of Bouen [...] and his fellowes, as yee haue hearde before, for his death was theyr life, and his life would haue bin their death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After that the French King had created new officers,1416 in hope to relieue the ſtate of his realme and countrey, ſore [...]aken by the late greate o|uerthrowe, it chanced, that Thomas Duke of Exeter, Captaine of Harflewe, accompanyed with three thouſand Engliſhmẽ, made a great roade into Normandie, almoſt to the Citie of Roan, in whiche iourney, he got greate abun|dance, both of riches and priſoners: but in hys returne, the Earle of Arminacke newly made Conneſtable of France, intending in his fyrſte enterprice to winne his ſpurres, hauing with him aboue fiue thouſand horſemen,A ſore con|flicte. encountred with the Duke: the fight was handled on both partes very hotely, but bycauſe the Engliſh|men were not able to reſiſt ye force of ye french|men the Duke was conſtreined to retire with loſſe at the leaſt of three C. of his footemen, yet being withdrawẽ into an orchard, which was ſtrõgly fenced and hedged about with thornes, the Frenchmen were not able to enter vpon the Engliſhmen, but yet they tooke from them all their horſes and ſpoyle, and aſſaulted them, till it was night, and then retired backe to ye town, not far diſtãt from ye place where they fought, called Vallemõt, this was vpon ye fourtẽth day of Marche, and in the morning, vpon ye breake of the daye, the Engliſhmen iſſued forth of the orcharde, where they had kepte thẽſelues all ye night, and drew towardes Harflewe, whereof the Frenchmen being aduertiſed, followed thẽ, and ouertooke them vppon the ſandes, neere to Chiefe de Caux, and there ſet on them: but in ye ende, the Frenchmen were diſcomfited, and a greate number of them ſlaine by the Engliſh|mẽ, which afterwardes returned without more adoe vnto Harflew. The french writers blame the Conneſtable for this loſſe, bycauſe hee kepte vpon the high grounde with a number of men of warre, and woulde not come downe to ayde his fellowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In this fourth yeare of K. Henries raigne, Anno re. 4. The Emperor Sigiſmond cõ|meth into Eng [...] the Emperor Sigiſmond, conũn germaine to K. Henry, came into Englãd, to the intẽt, that EEBO page image 1184 he might make an attonement betwene Kyng Henry, and the french king: with whom he had bin before, bringing with hym the Archebiſhop of Reines,Titus Liuius. as ambaſſador for the french kyng. At Callais hee was honourably receiued by the Earle of Warwicke Lorde deputy there, and diuers other Lords, ſente thither of purpoſe to attende hym. Moreouer, the king ſente thither xxx. greate ſhips to bring hym and his traine ouer.The ſtraunge manner of rece|uing the Empe|rour at Douer. At Douer the duke of Gloceſter, and di|uers other Lordes were ready to receyue hym, who at his approching to land, entred the wa|ter with their ſwordes in their handes drawen, and by the mouth of the ſaide duke, declared to hym, that if hee intended to enter the lande as the kings friend, and as a mediator to intreate for peace, he ſhoulde be ſuffred to arriue: but if he would enter as an Emperor into a land vn|der his Imperiall iuriſdiction, then were they ready to reſiſt hym. This was thought neceſ|ſarie to be done, for ſauing of the kings prero|gatiue, whiche hathefull preeminence within his owne realme, as an abſolute prince or Em|perour: when the Emperor herevpon anſwered that he was come as the kings friend, and as a mediator for peace, and not with any imperial aucthoritie, hee was of the Duke and other his aſſociats receiued with al ſuch honor as might be deuiſed. The king with all his nobilitie re|ceiued hym on Blacke Heathe, the .vij daye of May, and broughte him throughe London to Weſtminſter,Albert duke of Hollande com|meth into Englande. with gheate triumphe. Shortly after there came alſo into England, Albert duke of Holland, who was likewiſe friendly enter|teyned. Both theſe princes, the Emperour and the duke of Holland were conueyed to Wind|ſore, to ſaint Georges feaſt, and elected compa|nions of the noble order of the Garter, and had the collar and habite of the ſame to them deli|uered & ſat in their ſtalls al the ſolemnity of the feaſt. Shortly after that the feaſt was finiſhed, the Duke of Hollande returned into his coun|trey, but the Emperour tarried ſtil, and aſſay|ed all maner of meanes to perſwade the Kyng to a peace wyth the Frenchmen: but their euill hap, as they that were appointed by gods pro|uidẽce to ſuffer more domage at the Engliſh|mens handes, woulde not permit his perſwaſi|ons to take place: for wheras peace was euen almoſte entring in at the gates, the King was ſodainely ſtirred to diſpleaſure, vppon a newe occaſion, for he beeing aduertiſed of the loſſe of his men at the late conflicte in the territorie of Roan, (as ye haue heard) refuſed to heare this worde peace once named. The Emperor like a wiſe Prince,The Emperour an earneſt me|diator for peace. paſſed ouer that time til an other ſeaſon, that ſome fauorable aſpect of the planets ſhould ſeeme to further hys purpoſe, and when he thought the ſame was come [...], he broched a|gaine the veſſell of concorde and mit [...], which hee put in ſo faire a cup, and preſented it [...] ſuche effectuous wordes, that ſurely the Kyng had taſted it, if word had not bin brought about the ſame time,Harflevv be|ſieged by the French [...]. that Harflew was beſieged of ye french both by water and by land, as it was [...] deede: for the conſtable of Fraunce encouraged with his laſt victory (though the ſame was not muche to his praiſe) aſſembled an army, & [...] a ſodaine laid ſiege to the town, and at the ſame inſtant Iohn Vicount of Narbon the vice ad|mirall of Fraunce, brought the whole N [...] the riuage and ſhore adioining to the towne, in purpoſe to haue entred by the water ſide, but the duke of Exceter defeated their intent, and de [...]|ded the Towne very manfully. Kyng Henry aduertiſed hereof, ment at the firſt to haue go [...]e wyth his nauy in perſon to the ſuccours of his men, but the Emperor diſſuaded hym from that purpoſe, aduiſing him rather to ſend ſome one of his captains. The king folowing his louing and reaſonable aduertiſement, appoynted hys brother the duke of Bedford accompanied with the Earles of Marche, Marſhall, Oxforde, Huntington, Warwicke, Arundell, Sariſbu|ry, Deuonſhire, and diuers Barons, with .ij.C. ſaile to paſſe into Normandy, for reſcue of the towne of Harflew,Titus. L [...] which vſing great dili|gẽce ſhipped at Rie, and after ſome hinderance by contrary windes, at lengthe came to the mouthe of the riuer of Sayne on the day of the Aſſumption of our Lady: When the Vicount of Narbone perceiued the engliſhe nauy to ap|proche, he couragiouſly ſet forewarde, and g [...]t the poſſeſſion of the mouthe of the hauen. The duke of Bedford ſeing his enimies thus fierce|ly to come forward, ſette before certaine ſtrong ſhips, which at the firſt encounter vanquiſhed,A greate [...]+throvve by [...] gi [...] to [...] Frenche by [...] Duke of B [...]+forde. and tooke .ij. french ſhips, the captaines where|of were to raſhe & forward. The duke followed with all his puiſſaunce, and ſet vpon his ene|mies, the fight was long, but not ſo long, as perilous, nor ſo perilous, as terrible, (for bat|tailes on the ſea are deſperate) till at length the victory fell to the Engliſhmen, ſo that almoſte all the whole Nauy of Fraunce, in the whiche were many Shippes, Hulkes, Carikes, and o|ther ſmall veſſels, to the number of .v.C. was ſunke and taken. Amongſt other veſſelles that were taken, three greate Carikes of Genoa,T [...]tus L [...] a citie in Italy, were ſent into England. In the ſame conflicte were ſlaine of the frenchemen no ſmall number, as appeared by the dead bodies, which were ſene euery day ſwimming about ye Engliſh ſhips. After this, Titus Li [...] Harflevv [...]ed by the [...]. the duke of Bedford ſailed vp to Harflew, & refreſhed ye town both with victual and money (nothwithſtanding that EEBO page image 1185 French galleys did what they could to haue let|ted that enterprice.) When the Earle of Armi|nacke hearde that the puiſſant nauie of Fraunce was vanquiſhed, hee reiſed his ſiege, and retur|ned to Paris. After this diſcomfiture and loſſe, the puiſſance of the Frenchmen began to decay, for now the Princes and nobles of the Realme fell into deuiſion and diſcord amõg themſelues, ſtudying how to reuenge their olde iniuries, [...]ll diſ| [...] amongſt [...]e nobles [...]o France. ſo that they refuſed to take payne for the aduance|ment of the publique weale, and ſafegard of their countrey, and therevpon through priuie diſplea|ſure, and couerte hatred, their power beganne to waxe ſo ſlender, and their libertie broughte into ſuche a malitious diuerſitie, and doubtfull diffe|rence, that it was maruell their countrey hadde not bin brought into a perpetuall bondage, whi|che thing no doubt had followed, if King Henrie hadde longer liued in this mutable world: for as vppon one inconuenience ſuffered, many do fol|lowe, ſo was it in Fraunce at that time: for the King was not of ſound memorie: the warre that was toward, ſeemed both doubtful and perilous: the Princes were vntruſtie and at diſcord, and a hundred things moe, (whiche might bryng a realme to ruine,) were out of frame and order in Fraunce in thoſe dayes. After that the Duke of Bedford was returned backe againe into Eng|land with great triumph and glory, he was not ſo muche thanked of the King his brother, as praiſed of ye Emperor Sigiſmond, being to him a ſtranger, whiche ſaide openly, that happie are thoſe ſubiectes, whiche haue ſuche a K. but more happie is the K. that hath ſuch ſubiects. When ye Emperor perceiued that it was in vain to moue further for peace, he left off that treatie, and en|tred himſelfe into a league with K. Henrie, the contẽts of which league cõſiſted chiefly in theſe articles, Titus Liuius. The Emperor [...]eth into league with King Henry. that both ye ſaid Emperor, and K. theyr heires and ſucceſſors, ſhould be friends each to o|ther, as alies and confederates againſte all man|ner of perſons of what eſtate or degree ſo euer they were (the Churche of Rome,The con [...]ẽts of the league. and the Pope for ye time being only excepted) and that neyther they, nor their heires nor ſucceſſors ſhoulde bee preſent in counſell, or other place, where either of them, or his heires or ſucceſſors might ſuſteine domage, in lands, goodes, honors, ſtates, or per|ſons: & that if any of them ſhould vnderſtande of loſſe or hinderance to be like to fall or happen to the others, they ſhould impeache the ſame, or if yt lay not in their powers, they ſhould aduertiſe the others thereof, with all conuenient ſpeede: and ye either of them, and their heires and ſucceſſors, ſhould aduance the others honor and commodi|tie, without fraude or deceipt. Moreouer, ye ney|ther of thẽ, nor their heires nor ſucceſſors ſhould permitte their ſubiects to leuie warres agaynſt the others, and that it ſhould be lawfull and free for each of their ſubiects, to paſſe into the others countrey, & there to remayne and make merchã|dice, either by ſea or lande, paying the cuſtomes, gabels, and dueties due and accuſtomed, accor|ding to the lawes and ordinances of the places & countreys where they chanced to ariue. Fur|thermore, that neither of the ſaide Princes, nor their heires nor ſucceſſors ſhould receiue any re|bell, baniſhed man, or traitors of the others wit|tingly, but ſhould cauſe euery ſuch perſon to a|uoide out of their countreys, realmes, dominiõs, and iuriſdictions. Againe, that neither of the ſaid Princes, their heires, nor ſucceſſors ſhoulde begin any warres againſte anye other perſon, o|ther than ſuche as they had warres with at that preſent, without conſente of the other his confe|derate, except in defence of themſelues, their coñ|treis, & ſubiects, in caſe of inuaſiõ made vpõ thẽ. Alſo, that it ſhould be lawfull for the K. of Eng|land, to proſecute his warres againſt the Frẽch|mẽ, for recouerie of his right, as ſhould ſeeme to him expediente, and likewiſe to ye Emperor, for recouerie of any part of hys right in France, ſo yt neither of thẽ did preiudice ye others right in yt behalfe. Laſtly, that either of thẽ ſhould aſſiſt the other in recouerie, and cõqueſt of their right, lãds, and dominions, ocupyed, with holden, and kept frõ them, by him that called himſelf K. of Frãce, and other yt princes & Barõs of France. This a|liance, with other cõditions, agreemẽts, and ar|ticles, was cõcluded & eſtabliſhed the .19. daye of October, in ye yere of our Lord .1416. This done,Titus Liuius. the Emperor returned homewards, to paſſe into Germany, & the K. partly to ſhew him pleaſure, & partly bycauſe of his owne affayres, aſſociated him to his towne of Calais. During the time of their abode there, the Duke of Burgoigne offe|red to come to Calais, to ſpeake with the Em|peror and the K. bycauſe he had knowledge of ye league that was cõcluded betwixt them: the K. ſent his brother the Duke of Glouceſter, and the Erle of March to the water of Graueling, to be hoſtages for the Duke of Burgoigne: and alſo ye Earle of Warwike, with a noble cõpany to cõ|duct him to his preſence. At Graueling fourd the Dukes met, & after ſalutations done, the Duke of Burgoigne was conueyed to Calais, where of ye Emperor and the K. hee was highly welco|med & feaſted. Heere is to be noted,Continuation de la chronicle de Flanders. that in Iune laſt, ye K. of Englãd had ſent the Erle of War|wike, and other vnto ye Duke of Burgoigne, as then remaining at Liſle,A truce be|tweene the K. and the Duke of Burgoigne. where by ye diligẽt tra|uaile of thoſe engliſh Ambaſſadors a truce was concluded betwixte the K. of England, and the Duke of Burgoigne, touching onely the Coun|ties of Flanders, and Arthois, to endure from the feaſt of S. Iohn Baptiſt, in that preſente yeare. EEBO page image 1186 1416. vnto the feaſt of Sainte Michaell, in the yeare nexte enſuing, whiche truce at the Dukes being now at Calais, (when no further agree|ment could be concluded) was prolonged vnto the feaſt of S. Michaell, that ſhould be in ye yere 1419. The Duke of Glouceſter was receyued at Graueling, by the Erle Charroloys, and by him honorably coueyed to S. Omers, and there lod|ged that night. The next day, the Erle Charro|loys came with diuers noble men, to viſit ye duke of Glouceſter in his lodging, and whẽ he entred into ye chamber, the dukes backe was towardes him, talking with ſome one of his ſeruauntes, & did not ſee nor welcome the Erle at his firſt en|trie, but after he ſayde to him ſhortly without a|ny great reuerence, or comming towards hym, you be welcome faire couſin, and ſo paſſed forth his tale with his ſeruãts. The Erle Charroloys for all his youth, was not wel content therwith, but yet ſuffered for that time. Whẽ the Duke of Burgoigne had done all his buſines at Calais, after the ninth daye, hee returned to Graueling, where the D. of Glouceſter & he met againe, and louingly departed, ye one to Calais, & the other to S. Omers, for the whiche voyage, the Duke of Burgoigne was ſuſpected to bee enimie to the Crowne of Frãce. After the dukes departing frõ Calais, ye Emperour was highly feaſted and re|warded, & at his pleaſure, ſailed into Holland, & ſo roade towards Beame. The K. likewiſe tooke ſhip & returned into Englãd, on S. Lukes euẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Aboute the ſame time, the Kyng ſente newe Ambaſſadors vnto ye generall Counſell, whych ſtil cõtinued at Conſtance, whither ye Emperor Sigiſmonde alſo returned,Tit. Liuius. that in ye matter for aboliſhing ye Sciſme (which in ye ſeaſon diſquie|ted ye Church of Rome, about ye admitting of a true Pope) they might vſe al meanes, for the re|ducing of the parties to an vnitie: wherfore, by ye conſente alſo of all nations, it was ordeyned in this Counſell, that this Realme ſhould haue the name of the Engliſhe nation,The preroga|tiue of the Engliſhe natiõ in the general Counſell. and bee called and reputed for one of ye fiue nations that obeyed the Romane B. whiche to grante before that tyme, through enuie, ye people of other nations had vt|terlie refuſed.Tho. VValſ. The nintenth of October, the Par|liament yt had bin brokẽ vp, by reaſon of ye Em|perors cõming, began againe at Weſt. & there in opẽ audience,The Kings Oration. the K. made to thẽ a ſhort & pithie oratiõ, declaring ye iniuries lately done, & cõmit|ted by ye french nation, ſhewing alſo the iuſt and lawful occaſiõ of his warres, ſignifying further|more ye great diſcord & ciuil diſſentiõ which raig|ned amongſt ye nobilitie of Frãce, reherſing ma|ny things, for ye which it were neceſſarie to fol|low ye warres now in hande againſt thẽ, & that without delay: he therefore deſired thẽ to prouide for money & treaſure, yt nothing ſhould be wan|ting, whẽ neede required: his requeſt heerein was granted, for euery mã was willing and glad to further yt voiage, ſo that the Clergie grãted two diſmes, & the laitie a whole fiftẽth.The Duke of Bedford re [...] of England. In this Par|liamẽt alſo, Iohn D. of Bedford, was made go|uernor or regẽt of ye realme, to hold & enioy ye of|fice, ſo long as the K. was occupied in the french warres. Moreouer, in this Parliamẽt,Thom. VV [...]l. the King gaue to ye D. of Exeter a M. pounds by yere, to be paid out of his own cofers, beſides .40. pounds yerely, which he was to receiue of ye town of Ex+eter of the kings reuenewes there, & had the ſame grant confirmed, by authoritie of ye Parliament, in ſomuch ye ſome write, yt in this Parliamẽt, he was made D. of Exeter, & not before. The king kept his Chriſtmas at Kenilworth, & the mor|row after Chriſtmas day,Libelles. were certain writings caſt abroade, in greate mens houſes, & almoſt in euery Iune, within ye towns of S. Albõs, Nor|thampton, & Reading, conteining ſharp reprofes againſt al eſtates of the Church, & it could not be knowen from whence thoſe writings came, nor who was the author of them.1417 The K. very ear|neſtly procured all things to be made ready for the warre, meaning to paſſe the next Sõmer o|uer into Fraunce, to recouer his right by force, which by no other meane he ſaw how to obteine. In this meane while,An. reg. 5. had the Frenchmen hired a great nũber of Genewaies & Italians, with cer|taine Carrickes and galleis well appointed,Tit. Liui [...]. the which being ioyned with the Frenche fleete, lay at the mouth of the riuer of Saine, and vp with|in the ſame riuer, both to ſtoppe all ſuccour by Sea that ſhould come to them within Harflew, and alſo to waft abroade, and do what domage they could vnto the Engliſh, as occaſion ſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Kyng therefore eare hee paſſed ouer himſelfe, ſent the Earle of Huntington to ſearch and ſcoure the Seas, leaſt any Frenchmen, ly|ing thus in awaite for him, might ſurpriſe him, ere he ſhould haue knowledge to auoide the dan|ger. This luſtie Earle, called Iohn Holland, ſon to the Earle of Huntington, otherwiſe called D. of Exeter, beheaded at Circeter, in the tyme of K. Henry the fourth,A great ex|ployte bei [...] done by the Earle of H [...]+tington. and couſin to the K. with a greate nauie of ſhips, ſearched the Sea, from the one coaſt to the other, and in concluſion, encoun|tred with nine of thoſe greate Carikes of Genes (the which the L. Iaques, the baſtard of Bourbõ had reteined to ſerue the french K.) and ſet on thẽ ſharply. The conflict was great, & the fight long,Tit. Li [...] (continuing the more part of a Sommers day) but in cõcluſion, the frenchmen & Italians were ouercome, & fled, three of the greateſt Carikes wt their patrones, & Monſ. Iaques de Burbon their Admiral, were takẽ, wt as much money as ſhuld haue paid ye ſouldiers of ye whole fleete for halfe a yere, & thre other Carikes wer bowged.Tit. Li [...] The erle EEBO page image 1187 returning backe with this good lucke, found the King at Hampton, who receiued him with thankes, as he had well deſerued. Shortly after, vpon ye three and twentith of Iuly, the King tooke his Ship at Porteſmouth, accompanyed with the Dukes of Clarence and Glouceſter, the Earles of Hun|tington, Marſhal, Warwicke, Deuonſhire, Sa|liſburie Suffolke, & Somerſet, the lordes Roſſe, Willoughby, Fitz Hugh, Clintõ, Scrope, Ma|treuers, Bourchier, Ferreis of Groby, and Fer|reis of Chartley, Fauhope, Gray of Codnore, ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile,King Henry a|riueth in Nor|mandie. ſir Gilbert Talbot, & diuers other, and ſo hauing winde & wether to his deſire ye firſt day of Auguſt, he lãded in Normãdy nere to a caſtel called Touque, where he conſulted wt his Captaines, what way was beſt for him to take cõcerning his high enterprice. His army cõ|teined ye nũber of .xvj.M. and four C. ſouldiers & men of war of his own purueiãce,The number of the whole armye. beſide other. The D. of Clarẽce had in his retinue a C. lan|ces, & three C. archers, and beſide him, ther were three Erles, which had two C. & 40. lances, and xvij.C. and twẽtie archers. The D. of Glouce|ſter four C. and 70. lances,T [...]s. Liuius. & 14. C. and ten ar|chers. The erles of March, Marſhal, Warwike, & Saliſburie, each of thẽ one C. lances, and three C. archers apeece. The erle of Huntington fortie lances, & vj. ſcore arches. The erle of Suffolk 30. lances, & xc. arches. Beſide theſe, there were .13. Lords, as Burguennie, Matreuers. Fitz Hugh, Clifford, Grey, Willoughby, Talbot, Court|ney, Burchier, Roos, Louell, Ferrers of Chare|ley, & Harington, ye which had in their retinue the nũber of fiue C. & ſixe lances, & 15. C. and 80. ar|chers. Alſo, ther were in this army .77. knightes, which had vnder thẽ .9. C. and .45. lances, & two M. eight C. and 52. archers, ſo yt in all, ther were 25. M. fiue C. & .28. fighting mẽ, of which nũber, euery fourth mã was a lance: beſide the ſouldiers & men of war, ther were a M Maſons, Carpen|ters, & other labourers. The Normãs hearing of ye Kings ariual,The Normans [...]ee to the wal|led townes. were ſuddenly ſtrikẽ with ſuche feare, yt they fled out of their houſes, leauing the townes & villages, & with their wiues, and chil|dren, bagge, & baggage, gote thẽ into the walled townes, preparing there to defend themſelues, & with all ſpeede, ſent to the French king, requiring him to prouide for the defence & preſeruation of his louing ſubiects: heerevpon, the men of warre were appointed to reſorte into ye ſtrong townes, to lie within ye ſame in garriſons, to reſiſt the po|wer of the Engliſhmen, ſo that all the walled Townes and Caſtels in Normandy, were fur|niſhed, with men, munition and vittailes. The King of Englande, when hee had reſolued with his Counſell for his proceeding in his enterpri|ſes,Touque caſtel [...]ſieged by [...]e Engliſhmẽ [...]d taken. layd ſiege vnto the Caſtell of Touque. The Duke of Glouceſter that ledde the fore warde, had the charge of that ſiege, the whiche by force of aſſaultes, and other warlike meanes, brought it to that point, that they within yeelded ye place into his hands, the ninth day of Auguſt. The Earle of Saliſburie alſo which ledde the ſeconde warde or battell of the Engliſhe hoſte,Ambeivilliers caſtell taken. tooke the Caſtel of Aunbreuilliers, the which was giuẽ to him by the King, and ſo this Earle was the firſt that had any place graunted to him of the kyngs free gift, in this new conqueſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King made at the winning of Touque eight and twentie Knightes, and left ſir Robert Kirkeley Captayne there. After this, vpon de|liberate aduice taken how to proceede further in this buſineſſe, it was determined, that the King ſhould goe to Cain, and therevppon he ſet fore|ward toward that towne in moſt warlike order, waſting the countrey on euery ſide as he paſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Towne of Caen, ſtandeth in a playne fertile Coũtrey, no ſtronger walled, than deepe ditched, and as then well vitayled and repleni|ſhed with people, for the Citizens fearing the Kinges comming, had prouided all things ne|ceſſarie and defenſible. The King doubting leaſt the Frenchmen, vpon knowledge had of his ap|proch to the Towne, woulde haue brunes the ſuburbes and other buildings without ye walles, ſent the Duke of Clarence with a thouſand men before him, to preuente them. The Duke com|ming thither, founde the ſuburbes already ſet on fire, but he vſed ſuch diligence to quench ye ſame, that the moſt part of the houſes were ſaued. Hee alſo wanne the Abbey Churche of Saint Ste|phen, whiche the Frenchmen were in hand with to haue ouerthrowen, by vndermining the pil|lers, but the Duke obteyning the place, filled vp the mines, and ſo preſerued the Churche from ruine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Hee alſo wanne a Erlle of Nunnes, verye ſtrongly fenced, after the manner of warre:Caen beſieged then came the King before the Towne, who cauſed forthwith to be caſt a deepe trench, with an high Mount, to kepe them within front iſſuing forth, and that done, began fiercely to aſſault ye towne, but they within, ſtoode manfully to their defence, ſo that there was ſore and cruell fight betwixte them, and their enimies: but when King Henrie perceyued that hee loſt more than hee warm by his dayly aſſaultes, he [...] left off anye more to aſ|ſault it, and determined to ouerthrow ye walles, with vndermining, wherefore with al diligence, the Pioners caſt trenches, made mines, and broughte tymber, ſo that within a fewe dayes, the walles ſtoode only vpon poſtes, ready to fall, when fire ſhould be put to them.Tit. Liuius. The king mea|ning now to giue a generall aſſaulte, cauſed all the Captaines to aſſemble before him in coũſell, vnto whom he declared his purpoſe, cõmaunding EEBO page image 1188 them not before the nexte day to vtter it, till by ſound of trumpet they ſhoulde haue warning to ſet forwarde, towarde the walles, leaſt his deter|mination being diſcloſed to the enimies, myght cauſe them to prouide the better for their owne defence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, he preſcribed vnto them, what or|der he woulde haue them to keepe, in giuing the aſſault,The order of the aſsault. and that was this, that euery Captaine deuiding his bande into three ſeuerall portions, they might be ready one to ſucceede in an others place, as thoſe which fought, ſhoulde happely bee driuen backe and repulſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the morning nexte following, beeing the fourth of September, ſomewhat before ye breake of the day, hee cauſed his people to approche the walles, & to ſhewe countenance, as though they would giue a general aſſault, & whileſt they we [...] buſied in aſſayling and defending on both ſides, the Engliſhmen perred, and brake through the walles by diuers holes and ouertures made by ye Pioners, vnder the foundation: yet the King vp|pon diuers reſpectes, offered them within par|don of life, if they woulde yeeld themſelues and the towne to his mercie, but they refuſing that to doe, the aſſault was newly begun, and after ſore fighte,Tit. Liuius. continued for the ſpace of an houre, the Engliſhmen preuailed, and ſlew ſo many as they found with weapon in hand, ready to reſiſt them. The Duke of Clarence was the firſt that entred with his people, and hauing gote the one part of the towne, aſſayled them that kepte the bridge, and by force beating them backe, paſſed the ſame, and ſo came to the walles on the other ſide of the Towne, where the fighte was ſharpe and fierce betwixte the aſſaylauntes and defen|dauntes, but the Duke with his people ſettyng on the Frenchmen behinde, as they ſtoode at de|fruce on the walles, eaſily vanquiſhed them, ſo that the other Engliſhmen entred at their plea|ſure.Caen taken by the Engliſhmẽ Thus when the King was poſſeſſed of the towne, hee incontinently commaunded all ar|mours and weapõs to be brought into one place, whiche was immediately done, without anye gayneſay: then the miſerable people came before the kings preſence, and kneeling on their knees, held vp their handes, and cryed mercy, mercy, to whome the Kyng gaue certayne comfortable wordes, and bad them ſtande vp: all the nighte following, be cauſed his army to keepe thẽſelues in order of battell within the towne, and on the nexte morning, called all the magiſtrates and gouernours of the towne into the Senate houſe, where ſome for their wilfull ſtubberneſſe, were adiudged to die, other were ſore fined and raun|ſomed. Then he calling togither his ſouldiers & men of warre, not onely gaue them great pray|ſes and high commendations for their manly doings, but alſo diſtributed to euery man, accor|ding to his deſerte, the ſpoyle and gaine gotten in the towne, chiefly bycauſe at the aſſault they hadde ſhewed good proofe of their manhoode and valiant courages.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After that the Towne was thus wonne, the Lord Montainie, Captain of the Caſtell, would not yeelde, but made ſemblance, as though hee meant to defend the place, to the vtterance: but after that hee was ſharply called vpõ by Kyng Henry, eyther to yeld it, or elſe that he ſhoulde [...]e aſſured to haue all mercie and fauour ſeque [...]tred from him, he tooke better aduice, and therevppon being in deſpaire of reliefe, made this compoſiti|on, that if he were not reſcued by the French po|wer by a certaine day, he ſhoulde render the for|treſſe into the Kings handes, with condition, that he and his ſouldiers ſhould be ſuffered to de|part with all their goodes, the habilimentes of warre onely excepted: herevpon, twelue hoſt a|gres were deliuered to the King, and when the day came, being the twẽtith of September, Tit. Lu [...]. Caen Caſtell yelded. they within rendred the Caſtel into the Kings ha [...] and thus, both the Towne and Caſtell of Caen became Engliſh.Tit. L [...]. Whileſt the king was [...] occupied about his conqueſts in Normandy, [...] Scottes aſſembled themſelues togither in greate number, and entring Englãd,The Scots in|uade the Eng|liſh bo [...]. waſted the coun|trey with fire and ſword wherſoeuer they came: The Engliſh Lords that were left in truſt with the keeping of thoſe parties of the Realme, rey|ſed the whole power of the Countreys, ſo that there came togither, the number of an hundred thouſand men vpon Baw More, Tit. Li [...]. A great armys to re [...]t the Scottes. where the ge|nerall aſſemble was made, and as it chanced, the Duke of Exeter, vncle to the K. which had late|ly before muſtred a certayne number of men to conuey thẽ ouer to the K. as a new ſupply to his army there, was ye ſame time in ye North parts on pilgrimage at Bridlington,Tho. VV [...]l [...]. and hearing of this inuaſion made by the Scottes, tooke vppon him to be generall of the army prepared againſt them, and to giue them battel. Alſo, the Archb. of Yorke, although he was not able to ſit on Horſ|backe by reaſon of his great age, cauſed himſelfe to be caried forth in a charet in that iourney, the better to encourage other: but the Scottes hea|ring that the Engliſhmen approched towarde them with ſuch a puiſſance, withdrew backe in|to their countrey, and durſt not abide the [...]icke|ring.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The ſame time, the Lord Cob [...]am,Sir Iohn O [...]d|caſte [...]. ſir Iohn Oldcaſtell, whyleſt hee ſhifted from place to place to eſcape the hands of them that he knewe would be glad to lay hold on him,The ſer [...] of the A [...] of ſaint A [...] goe aboue [...] catch the [...] Ca [...]. had conueyed hymſelfe in ſecrete wiſe into an huſbandmans houſe, not farre from S. Albons, within the pre|cinct of a Lordſhippe belonging to the Abbot of EEBO page image 1189 that Towne: the Abbots ſeruauntes getting knowledge heereof, came thither by night, but they miſſed their purpoſe, for hee was gone, but they caughte diuers of his men, whome they carried ſtreighte to priſon. The Lord Cob|ham heerewith was fore diſmaied, for that ſome of them that were taken; were ſuche as he truſted moſt, being of counſell in all his deuiſes. In the ſame place were found bookes writen in engliſh, & ſome of thoſe bokes in times paſt had bin trim|ly gilte, & limmed, beautified with Images, the heads wherof had bin ſcraped off, & in ye Le [...]any, they had blotted forthe the name of our Lady, & of other ſaincts, til they came to ye verſe Par [...]e no|bis Domine. Diuers writings were founde there alſo, in derogation of ſuche honour as then [...] thought due to our Lady: the Abbot of ſaint Al|bons ſent the boke ſo diſfigured with ſcrapings & blotting out, with other ſuche writings as them were found, vnto the king, who ſent the boke a|gaine to the Archb. to ſhewe the ſame in his ſer| [...]s at Poules croſſe in Londõ, to ye end, that the citizens and other people of the realme, might vnderſtande the purpoſes of thoſe that then were called Lollards, to bring thẽ further in diſcredit with the people. In this meane time that ye king of Englande was occupied about ye winning at Caen, the frenchemen had neither any ſufficient power to reſiſt him, nor were able to aſſemble an hoſte togither in this miſerable neceſſitie, by rea|ſon of ye diſſention amongſt thẽſelues: For their K. was so simple, yt he was spoiled both of treasure & kingdome, so yt euery man spent & wasted he cared not what. Charles ye Dolphin being of ye age of .xvi. or .xvij. yeres only, Commenda|tion of the Dolphin of France. lamented & bewailed ye ruine & decay of his cou(n)try, he only studied ye aduanceme(n)t of ye commo(n) welth, & deuised how to resist his enemies, but hauing neither me(n) nor mony, he was greatly troubled & disquieted in his minde: In conclusion, by ye aduise & cou(n)sell of ye Erle of Arminak ye constable of Frau(n)ce, he found a meane to get all ye treasure and riches which his mother Q. Isabell had gotte(n) & horded in diuers secret places: & for ye co(m)mo(n) defence and profit of his cou(n)try he wisely bestowed it in waging souldiors, & preparing things necessary for ye warre. The Q. forgetting ye great perill that the realme the(n) stoode in, remembering only ye displeasure to hir by this act done, vpo(n) a womanish malice, set hir husba(n)d Io.duke of Burgoigne in ye highest auctoritie about ye K. giuing him the regiment & direction of the king and his realme, with al preheminence & soueraigntie. The duke of [...]agne [...]d [...]et [...] Fraunce. The duke of Burgoigne hauing the sworde in his hande, in reuenge of olde iniuries, began to make warre on the Dolphin, detemining, that when hee hadde tamed this yong vnbrideled Gentleman, then woulde hee go aboute to wythstande, and beate back the common enimies of the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The like reaſon moued the Dolphin, for hee mynded fyrſte to repreſſe the auct [...]ours of ciuill diſcorde, before he woulde ſet vpon foraigne ene|mies, and therefore prepared to ſubdue and de|ſtroy the Duke of Burgoine, as the chiefe head and leader of that w [...]ked and curſed miſchiefe, whereby the realme was muche vnqu [...]ted, and fore decayed, and in maner brought to vtter ru|ine. Thus was Fraunce inflamed, and in eue|ry parte troubled wyth warre and deuiſion, and yet no man woulde eyther prouide remedy in ſo greate daunger once put foorthe hys finger to remoue ſo greate [...]ies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King [...] following the victory and hys good ſucceſſe, [...] the Duke of Clarence to the Sea coaſte, whiche with greate difficultie,Bayeux taken. got the towne of Bayenx, wherof the Lorde Ma|treuers was appoynted Capitaine. The Duke of Glouceſter [...] finding ſmall reſiſtance, tooke the Citie of Li [...] of whiche Citie,Lyſeaux taken Sir Iohn Kirkeley was ordeined capitaine. In the meane time, Kyng Henry hymſelfe tarried ſtill at Ea|en, fortefying the Towne and Caſtell, and put out fifteene hundreth women and impotente perſons, repleniſhing the Tow [...]e wyth Eng|liſhe people [...] the Kyng [...]ned at Ca|en, thee kepte there a ſolemne feaſte,Caen peopled with Engliſhe inhabitants. and made many Knights and beſide that, he ſhewed there an example of greate pitie and clemency: for in ſearching the Caſtell,A worthy and rare example of equitie in king Henry. h [...] founde innumerable ſubſtaunce of plate and money belonging to the Citizens, wherof, her woulde not ſuffer one pe|ny to bee, touched but reſtored the ſame to the owners, deliuering to euery man that whiche was his [...]ne. When the fame of his mercifull dealing herein, and also of his greate clemency shewed to captiues, and of his fauourable vsing of those submitted themselues to his grace was spredde abroade, all the Capitaines of the Townes adioining, came willingly to hys presence, offering to him themselues, their townes, and their goodes, wherevppon hee made proclamation, that all men, whiche hadde, or woulde become his subiectes, and sweare to hym allegiaunce, shoulde enioy their goods, and liberties, in as large or more ample manner, then they did before: whiche gentle enterteyning of the stubborne Normans, was the very cause, why they were not only contente, but also gladde to remoue and turne from the Frenche parte, and became subiects to the crowne of Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When Kyng Henry hadde ſet Caen in good order, hee lefte there for Capitaines, the one of the Towne, the other of the Caſtell. Sir Gil|bert Vmfreuille Earle of Kyme or Angus, and ſir Gilbert Talbot, and made Bailife there, Sir Ioh. Popham, & ſo departed from Caen the firſt EEBO page image 1190 of October,The caſtell of C [...]ur [...]en|dred. and cõming to the Caſtell of Cour|fye, within three dayes had it rendred vnto hym. From whence, the fourth of October, hee depar|ted, and came vnto Argenton, they within that Towne and Caſtell offered, that if no reſcue came by a day limited, they woulde deliuer both the Towne and Caſtell into the Kings hands, ſo that ſuch as would abide and become ye kings faythfull ſubiects ſhoulde be receiued, the other to departe with their goodes and liues ſaued, whi|ther they would: The King accepted their offer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the day limited came, and no ſuccors appeared, they yeelded according to the coue|nauntes,Argenton buylded. and the King performed all that on his behalfe was promiſed. The Lord Grey of Cod|nor was appointed Captaine there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, reſorted dayly to the King, of the Normans, people of all ſortes and degrees, to ſweare to him fealtie and homage. The Citie of Sees whiche was well inhabited,Sees yelded. and wherein were two Abbeys of great ſtrength, namely one of them yeelded to the King, and ſo likewiſe did diuers other townes in thoſe parties, withoute ſtroke ſtriken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alanſon beſie|ged and yel|ded vp.The towne of Alanſon abode a ſiege for the ſpace of eighte dayes, they within defending it right valiantly at the firſt, but in the ende conſi|dering with themſelues, what ſmall hope there was for anye ſuccours to come to remoue the ſiege, they grew to a compoſition, that if within a certaine day they were not relieued, they ſhould yeelde both the Towne and Caſtel into ye kings hands, which was done, for no ſuccours coulde be heard of. The K. appointed Captaine of thys Towne, the Duke of Glouceſter, and his Lieu|tenant ſir Raufe Lentall.Tit. Liuius. The Duke of Bry|taine vnder ſafeconduit came to the Kyng, as hee was thus buſie in the conqueſt of Nor|mandie, and after ſundry poyntes treated of be|twixte them, a truce was taken, [...]o endure,A truce taken betwene king Henry and the duke of Bri|tayne. from the ſeuententh daye of Nouember, vnto the laſt of September, in the yeare nexte following, be|twixte them, their ſouldiers, men of warre, and ſubiectes. The like truce was granted vnto the Q. of Ieruſalẽ and Sicill, and to hir ſonne Le|wes, for the Duchie of Aniou, and the Countie of Mayne, the Duke of Britaine being their de|putie, for concluding of the ſame truce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About ye ſame time alſo, at the ſute of Charles the Dolphin, a treatie was had at Tonque, for a finall peace, but it came to none effect. From A|lanſon, the K. ſet forwarde towards the Towne and Caſtell of Faleis, meaning to beſiege the ſame, where the frenchmen appointed to the keeping of it, had fortified ye towne by al meanes poſſible, & prepared themſelues to defend it to ye vttermoſt. The Erle of Saliſburie was firſt ſent thither before with certaine bands of ſouldiers to encloſe the enimies within the Towne, and to view the ſtrength thereof.Faleis beſie|ged. After him came the K. with his whole army, about the firſt of Decẽber, and then was the towne beſieged on eache ſide. [figure appears here on page 1190]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The K. lodged before the gate that leadeth to Caen, the Duke of Clarence before the Caſtell ye ſtandeth on a rocke, and the Duke of Glouce|ſter, lay on ye kings right hand, and other lords & noble men were aſſigned to their places as was thought expedient. And to be ſure frõ taking do|mage by any ſuddaine inuaſion of the enimies, there were great trenches and rampiers caſt and made about their ſeuerall campes, for defence of ye ſame. The frenchmen notwithſtandyng thys ſiege, valiantly defended their walles, and ſome|times made iſſues forth, but ſmall to their gaine, and ſtill the Engliſhmen with their gunnes and great ordinance made batterie to the walles and bulwarkes. The Winter ſeaſon was very colde, with ſharpe froſtes, and hard weather, EEBO page image 1191 but the Engliſhmen made ſuche ſhift for proui|ſion of all things neceſſarie to ſerue their turnes, that they were ſufficiẽtly prouided, both againſt hunger and colde, ſo that in the ende, the French|men perceyuing they coulde not long endure a|gainſt them offered to talke, and agreed to gyue ouer the Towne, if no reſcues came by a certain day appointed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Tho. VVal. Sir Iohn Old|caſtell taken.Aboute the ſame ſeaſon, was ſir Iohn Old|caſtell, Lord Cobham taken in the Countrey of Powes lande, in the borders of Wales; within a Lordſhip belonging to the Lord Powes, not without daunger and hurtes of ſome that were at ye taking of him, for they could not take him, till he was wounded himſelfe. At the ſame time, the ſtates of the Realme were aſſembled at Lõ|don, for the leuying of money, to furniſh ye kings exceeding great charges, which he was at about the mayntenaunce of his warres in Fraunce: it was therfore determined, that the ſaid Sir Iohn Oldcaſtell ſhould be brought, and put to his tri|all, ere the aſſemble brake vp. The Lord Powes therefore was ſente to fetch him, who broughte him to London in a litter, wounded as he was: heerewith, beeing firſte layde faſt in the Tower, ſhortly after he was brought before the Duke of Bedford, regent of the Realme, and the other e|ſtates, where in the end he was condemned, and finally was drawen from the Tower vnto S. Giles fielde, and there hanged in a chayne by the midle,Sir Iohn Old|caſtel executed and after conſumed with fire, the gal|lowes and all.

[figure appears here on page 1191]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the daye was come, on the whiche it was couenaunted, that the Towne of Faleiſe ſhould be deliuered, to wit, the ſeconde of Ianu|arie, 1418 Faleis ren|der vp to king Henry. bycauſe no ſuccours appeared, the Towne was yeelded to the king, but the Caſtell held ſtil, into the whiche, the Captaine and gouernoure, both of the Towne and Caſtell withdrew him|ſelfe, with al the Souldiers, and being ſtraightly beſieged, defended himſelfe, and the place ryghte ſtoutely, although he was ſore layde to, vntill at length, perceiuing his people aweeried with con|tinuall aſſaultes, and ſuche approches, as were made to, and within the very walles, hee was driuen to compounde with the King, that if hee were not ſuccoured by the ſixth of Februarie, then ſhould he yeeld himſelfe priſoner, and deli|uer the Caſtell, ſo that the Souldiers ſhoulde haue licence to depart, with their liues only ſa|ued. When the day came, the couenauntes were performed, and the Caſtell rendered to the kings handes, for no aide came to the reſcue of them within. The Captaine named Oliuer de Man|ny, was kept as priſoner, till the Caſtell was re|payred at his coſts and charges, bicauſe ye ſame, through his obſtinate wilfulneſſe, was ſore bea|ten and defaced, with vnderminings and bate|rie. Captaine there, by the King, was appoynted ſir Henry Fiz Hugh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, King Henry returned to Carn,Hiſtorie de [...] Dukes de Normandie. and by reaſon of a proclamation which he hadde cauſed to bee made for the people of Norman|die, that had withdrawen themſelues forthe of the Bayliwickes of Carn, and Falcis, he gran|ted away to his owne people, the lands of thoſe that came not in, vppon that proclamation, and in ſpeciall, he gaue to the Duke of Clarence, du|ring his life, the Viconties of Auge, Orbec, and Ponteau de Mer, with all the landes of thoſe that were withdrawen forth of the ſame vicon|ties. This gift was made the ſixtenth of Febru|arie, in this fifth yeare of this kings raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All the Lent ſeaſon,Tho. VValſ. Titus Liuius. the King lay at Bayeux with part of his army, but the reſidue were ſente abroade, for the atchieuing of certaine enterpri|ſes, bycauſe they ſhould not lye idle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the King of Englande wanne thus in Normandie, his nauie loſt nothing on the Sea, but ſo ſcoured the ſtreames, that neyther Frenchmenne nor Brytons durſt once appeare, howbeit, one day there aroſe ſuche a ſtorme and hydeous tempeſt, that if the Earles of Marche and Huntington hadde not taken the Hauen of Southhampton, the whole nauie had periſhed,A ſore tempeſt and yet the ſafegarde was ſtrange, for in the ſame Hauen, two Balingers, and two greate Carickes, laden with merchandice were drow|ned, and the broken maſt of an other Caricke was blowen ouer the wall of the Towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the furie of this outragious winde and weather was aſſwaged, and the Sea waxed calme, the Earles of Marche and Huntington paſſed ouer with all their company, and landed in Normandie, and marched through the coun|trey, deſtroying the villages, and taking prayers on eache hand, till they came to the King where he then was.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1192 Anno reg. 6. In the ſixth yeare of King Henries raigne, hee ſente the Earle of Warwike, and the Lorde Talbot, to beſiege the ſtrong Caſtell of Damp|front. The Duke of Clarence was alſo ſente, to beſiege and ſubdue other townes, vnto whome, at one time & other, we finde, that theſe townes vnderwritten were yelded, wherein he put Cap|taynes as followeth.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Townes in Normandie yelded to king Henry.In Courton, Iohn Aubyn.
  • In Barney, William Houghton.
  • In Chambys, Iames Neuille.
  • In Bechelouin, the Earle Marſhall.
  • In Harecourt, Richard Wooduille Eſquier.
  • In Faugernon, Iohn Saint Albon.
  • In Creuener, Sir Iohn Kirkby, to whome it was giuen.
  • In Anuilliers, Robert Horneby.
  • In Bagles, Sir Iohn Arture.
  • In Freſney le Vicont, ſir Robert Brent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter the ſame tyme, accompanyed with the Earle of Marche, the Lorde Grey of Codner, and other, was ſente to ſubdue the Townes in the Iſle of Conſtantine, vnto whome theſe townes hereafter mentioned were yeelded, where hee appointed Captaines as followeth.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • At Carentine, the Lord Botreux.
  • At Saint Lo, Reginald Weſt.
  • At Valoignes, Thomas Burgh.
  • At Pont Done, Dauy Howell.
  • At the Hay de Pais, ſir Iohn Aſton.
  • At S. Sauieur le vicont, ſir Iohn Robſert.
  • At Pontorſon, ſir Robert Gargraue.
  • At Hamberie, the Earle of Suffolke, Lord of that place by gift.
  • At Briqueuille, the ſaide Earle alſo by gifte.
  • At Auranches, Sir Phillip Hall, Baylife of Alanſon.
  • At Vire, the Lord Matreuers.
  • At S. Iames de Beumeron, the ſame Lord.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 After that ye Duke had ſubdued to ye Kyngs dominion, ye moſt part of all ye townes in ye Iſle of Conſtantine,Chierburgh beſieged by the Engliſh. Chierburgh excepted, hee retur|ned to the K. and forthwith was ſente thither a|gain, to beſiege that ſtrong fortreſſe, which was fenſed with men, munition, vitalles, and ſtrong walles, towers, and turrets, in moſt defenſible wiſe, by reaſon whereof, it was holden agaynſte him ye ſpace of fiue moneths, although he vſed al wayes & meanes poſſible, to anoy them within, ſo that many fierce aſſaultes, ſkirmiſhes, iſſues, and other exploites of warre, were atchieued, be|twixt the frenchmen within, and the Engliſhmẽ without, at length yet, the Frenchmen were ſo conſtreined by power of baterie, mines, and other forcible wayes of approchings, that they were glad to compounde to deliuer the place, if no re|ſeue came, to reiſe the ſiege, either from the Dol|phin, that then was retired into Aquitaine, or from the Duke of Burgoigne, that then laye [...] Paris, within the tearme of .62. dayes, for ſo lõg reſpite the Duke graunted, where they within, preſuming of the ſtrength of their fortification, & in hope of ſuccour, either frõ the Dolphin, or ye Duke required a for longer tearme. Nowe were the Dolphin, and the Duke of Burgoigne grõ|wen to a certain agreemẽt, by mediatiõ of Car|dinals ſent frõ the Pope, ſo that the Engliſhmẽ ſurely thought, that they would leauie a power, and come downe to reſcue Chireburg, by reaſon wherof, ye Duke of Glouceſter cauſed his camps to bee ſtrongly intrenched, and manye diſenſible blockhouſes of timber to bee raiſed, lyke to ſmall turrets, that the ſame might be a ſafegard to hys people, and to cõclude, left nothing vnforſene nor vndone, that was auailable for ye defence of hys army. The K. doubting leaſt ſome power ſhuld be ſent downe, to the danger of his brother, and thoſe that were with him at this ſiege of Chir|burgh, cauſed two M. men to bee embarqued in thirtie ſhips of the Weſt countrey,Chierburgh yelded to the Engliſhmen. by order ſent vnto certaine lords there. The frẽchmen within the towne, perceiuing thoſe ſuccours to approche neere to ye towne, thought verily that there had bin a power of frenchmen cõming to their ayde: but when they ſaw them receiued as friends into ye Engliſh camp, their comfort was ſoone quai|led, & ſo when the day appointed came, beyng ye nintenth of October, or rather aboute the later end of Nouember, as the hiſtorie of the Dukes of Normandie hathe, they rendred vp both the towne & Caſtell, according to the couenauntes. The L. Grey of Codnore was made the kyngs Lieutenant there, and after his deceaſſe ſir Wa|ter Hungerford. About ye ſame time, or rather be|fore, as Ti. Li. writeth, to wit, the .22. of Iune, the ſtrong Caſtell of Dampfront was yeelded into the handes of the Earle of Warwike,The Caſtell of Dampfront yelded. to the kings vſe, but ye hiſtorie written of the Dukes of Normãdy affirmeth, that it was ſurrẽdred ye 22. of Septẽber, after the ſiege had cõtinued about it frõ April laſt. The Erle of Warwike, and ye L. Talbot, after ye winning of this fortreſſe, made ſpeede to come vnto ye ſiege of Rouen, wher they were imployed, as after ſhal appeare. And in like maner, the Duke of Glouceſter, hauing once got the poſſeſſion of Chirburgh, haſted towardes ye ſame ſiege, for ye better furniſhing of whych en|terpriſe, he had firſt cauſed an army of fiftene M. mẽ to be brought ouer to him, vnder the leading of his vncle ye Duke of Exeter, who embarquing with the ſame, about the feaſt of the holy Trini|tie, was appoynted by the King to beſiege the Citie of Eureux, as the Earle of Angus, other|wiſe called Earle of Kyme, was ſent to winne the Caſtell of Milly Leueſche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1193Theſe townes being deliuered to the kings vſe, the Duke ordeyned Captaine of Eureux ſir Gil|bert Halfall knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king nowe determining with all ſpeede to beſiege Rooen, prepared all things neceſſarie for his purpoſe. Into this Citie the Normans had conueyed out of euery parte theyr money, it|wels, and houſhold ſtuffe, as into the moſt ſure and ſtrongeſt place of the whole duchie. For ſith his arriuall, they had not onely walled that Citie and fortified it with rampiers and ſtrong Bul|warkes, but alſo furniſhed it with valiant Cap|taynes, and hardie ſouldiers, to the number of foure thouſande, beſide ſuche of the Citizens as were appoynted for the warre, according to their eſtates, of the which there were at the leaſt fiftene thouſande readie to ſerue in defence of the Citie, as ſouldiers and men of warre in all places where they ſhoulde be aſſigned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie to haue the Countrey free be|fore he would beſiege this citie, thought good firſt to winne ſuch townes as lay in his way,Ti [...] Liuius. La [...] be|ſieged. & there|fore departing from Caen (where he had kept the feaſt of Saint George) the .ix. day of Iune hee marched ſtreight vnto the towne of Louiers, and layd his ſiege about the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They within the towne being well furniſhed of al things neceſſarie for the defending of a ſiege, manfully reſiſted the Engliſhe mens enforce|mentes, whiche ſpared not to deuiſe all wayes and meanes howe to approche the walles, and to batter the ſame with their great Artillerie, till at length they brought the Frenchmen to that extre|mitie, that they were contented to yeeld the town on theſe conditions, that if by the .xxiij. of Iune there came no ſuccour from the French king to rayſe the ſiege, the towne ſhould be deliuered in|to the kings handes, the ſouldiers of the garniſon ſhould ſerue vnder the king for a time, and the towneſmen ſhoulde remaine in theyr dwellings as they did before, [...]ien yel| [...]d vp. as ſubiects to the king: but the Gunners that had diſcharged any peece agaynſt the Engliſhmen ſhould ſuffer death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the day came, and no ayde appeared, the couenants were performed accordingly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From thence went the king with all ſpeed vn|to Ponte de Larch, ſtanding vpon the Ryuer of Seine .viij. miles aboue Roan towards Paris: he came thither about the .xxvij. of Iune.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the French men which kept the paſſage there, heard of the kings approch, they gathered togither a greate number of menne of warre, mynding to defende the paſſage agaynſte hym, appoynting an other bande of men (if they fayled) to keepe the further ſyde of the bridge, and to watch that neyther by boate nor veſſell, he ſhould come ouer the riuer by any maner of meanes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his comming neare to the towne, he per|ceyued that it was not poſſible to paſſe by the bridge without great loſſe of his people, and ther|fore he retyred almoſt a myte backewarde, where in a pleaſant and commodious place by the Ry|uer ſyde hee pytched his campe, and in the nyght ſeaſon, what wyth Boates and Barges,The Engliſh army paſſeth the ryuer of Seyne. & what with Hoggeſheads and Pypes, he conueyed ouer the broade ryuer of Seane a great companye of his ſouldiers, without any reſiſtance made by his enimies. For they which were on the hither ſyde of Sein thinking that the Engliſhmen had gone to wynne ſome other place, followed them not, but ſtudied how to defende theyr towne, which was ynough for them to doe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to put the French men in doubt, leaſt the Engliſh men ſhould ſeeke paſſage ſomwhere elſe,A good policy the King appoynted certaine, of the ſouldiers which had ſkill in ſwimming, to goe to a place a three myles from the ſiege by the Riuer ſide, and there to enter into the water, making great cla|mor and noyſe, as though they had ment to haue paſſed, but they had in commaundement not to trauerſe paſſe haſte the Ryuer, ſo to procure the Frenchmen to make thitherwardes, whileſt the King in one place, and his brother the Duke of Clarence in another, got ouer their men, and that in ſuch number, before the Frenche men had any vnderſtanding thereof, that when they made to|wardes them, and perceyued that they were not able to encounter them, they fled backe, and durſt not abide the Engliſh footmen, which would fain haue beene doing with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the king ſaw that his men were on the other ſide of the water, he (the next day earel) yre|turned to the towne, & aſſaulted it on both ſides. When the Inhabitants therefore ſaw thẽſelues compaſſed on both ſides,Pont de Larch rendred vp to the engliſhmẽ contrarye to theyr ex|pectation, wyth humble heart and ſmall ioy, they rendred vp the towne vnto the Kings handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the king hauing no let nor impe|dimẽt, determined forthwith to beſiege ye Citie of Roan, and firſt ſent before him his vncle ye Duke Exceter, with a great companie of horſemen and Archers to viewe the place, and therevpon wyth Banner diſplayed came before the Citie, and ſent Wynſore an Herault at Armes to the captaynes within, willing them to deliuer the Citie to the king his maiſter, or elſe hee woulde purſue them with fire and ſworde. To whom they proudly anſwered, that none they receyued of him, nor any they woulde deliuer him, except by fine force they were therevnto compelled: and herewyth there iſſued out of the towne a great band of men of armes, and encountred fiercely with the Eng|liſh men, the which receyuing them wyth lyke manhoode, and great force, draue the Frenchmen into the towne againe to their loffe, for they left EEBO page image 1194 thirtie of their felowes behind priſoners and dead in the field.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke returned with this good ſpeede and prowde anſwere of the French men vnto the king which remayned yet at Pont de Larch, and had giuen the towne of Louiers to his brother the Duke of Clarence, which made there his deputie ſir Iohn Godard knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Duke of Exceter was returned to Pout Larche the Frenche Captaines within Roan, ſette fire on the Subu [...]bes, beate downe Churches, cut downe trees, ſhred the buſhes, de|ſtroyed the Vines rounde aboute the Citie, to the entent that the Engliſhmen ſhoulde haue no re|liefe nor comfort eyther of lodging or fewell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the king heard of theſe deſpitefull do|ings,Roan beſieged by k. Henry. be with his whole armie remoued frõ Pont-Larch, and the laſt day of Iuly, came before the Citie of Roan, and compaſſed it rounde aboute with a ſtrong ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king lay with a great puiſſaunce at the Chartreux houſe,Before Pont Saint Hillarie Titus Liuius. on the Eaſt ſide of the Citie, and the Duke of Clarence lodged at S. Geruais, before the Port of Caux on the Weſt part. The Duke of Exceter tooke his place on the Northe ſide:The order of the ſiege. at the port S. Denys betweene the dukes of Exceter and Clarence, was appoynted the Earle Marſhall, euen before the gate of the Ca|ſtell,Before the gate called Markevile. Titus Liuius. to whom were ioyned the Erle of Ormond, and the Lordes Harington and Talbot, vpon his comming from Damfront: and from the Duke of Exceter towarde the king, were encamped the Lordes, Ros, Willoughbie, Fitz Hugh, and ſir William Porter, with a greate bande of Nor|thren men, euen before the Port Saint Hillarie. The Earles of Mortaigne and Saliſburie,Salisbury and Huntingtõ on the other ſide of the riuer of Sayne. were aſſigned to lodge about the Abbey of Saint Ka|therine. Sir Iohn Grey was lodged directly a|gainſt the Chapell called Mount S. Michaell: Sir Philip Leeche Treaſorer of the warres, kept the hill next the Abbey, and the Baron of Carew kept the paſſage on the ryuer of Seyne, and to him was ioyned that valiaunt Eſquire Ienico Dartoys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the further ſide of the ryuer, were lodged the Earles of Warren, and Huntingdon, the Lordes Neuil and Ferrers, ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile with a well furniſhed companie of warlike ſoul|diers, directly before the Gate called Port de Pont.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to the entent that no ayde ſhould paſſe by the riuer toward the citie, there was a great chain of yron deuiſed at Pontlarch, ſet on Pyles from the one ſide of the water to the other: and beſide that cheyne, there was ſet vp a new forced bridge, ſufficient both for cariage and paſſage, to paſſe the ryuer from one campe to another.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The L. TalbotThe Earle of Warwicke that had lately won Dampfront, was ſent to beſiege Cawdebecke, a towne ſtanding on the Ryuer ſide, betweene the ſea and the Citie of Roan, whiche towne hee ſo hardly handled with fierce and continuall aſſaul|tes, that the Captaines within offred to ſuffer the Engliſh nauie to paſſe by theyr towne withoute impeachment, vp to the Citie of Roan. And al|ſo if Roan yeelded, they promiſed to render the towne without delay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the Engliſhe nauie to the number of an hundred ſayles paſſed by Cawdebecke, and came to Roan, and ſo beſieged it, on the water ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There came alſo to this ſiege the Duke of Glouceſter, with the Earle of Suffolke, and the Lord Burgue [...]enny, which had takẽ (as before ye haue heard) the towne of Cherbourgh, and lodged before the port Saint Hillarie, nearer to their eni|mies by .xl. rodes, than any other perſon of the armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During this ſiege alſo, there arriued at Har|flew, the Lorde of Kilmayne in Ireland,The I. of K [...] may [...]e cap|taine of the Iriſhmen. with a bande of .xvj. hundred Iriſhmen, in mayle, wyth Dartes and Skaynes after the maner of theyr Countrey, all of them being tall, quicke and deli|uer perſons, which came and preſented themſel|ues before the king lying ſtil at the ſiege, of whom they were not onely gently receyued and welco|med, but alſo bycauſe it was thought that the French king and the Duke of Burgoigne would ſhortly come, and eyther attempt to rayſe the ſiege, or vitayle and man the towne by the north gate, they were appoynted to keepe the northſide of the armie, and in eſpeciall the way that com|meth frõ the Foreſt of Lions. Which charge the Lorde of Kylmayne, and his companie ioyfully accepted, and did ſo theyr deuoire therein,The good ſer+uice of the [...]+riſh [...] [...] ſiege. that no men were more prayſed, nor did more domage to theyr enimies than they did: for ſurely theyr quickneſſe and ſwiftneſſe of foote, did more preiu|dice to their enimies, than their barded horſes dyd hurt or domage to the nymble Iriſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the kings couſin germaine and alie the king of Portingale, Titus L [...] The King [...] Portingale ſendeth ay [...] to king t [...] did ſend a great nauie of well appoynted ſhippes vnto the mouth of the Ryuer of Seyne, to ſtoppe that no French veſſels ſhould enter the ryuer, and paſſe vp the ſame, to the ayde of them within Roan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was the fayre Citie of Roan compaſ|ſed about with enimies, both by water and lande, hauing neither comfort nor ayde of King, Dol|phin, or Duke. And yet although the armie was ſtrong withoute, there lacked not within, both hardie Captaines, and manfull ſouldiours. And as for people, they had more than ynough: For as it is written by ſome that had good cauſe to knowe the truth, and no occaſion to erre from the ſame, there were in the Citie at the time of the EEBO page image 1195 ſiege,The number [...]in Roan. two hundred and tenne thouſand perſons. Dayly were iſſues made out of the Citie at dy|uerſe gates, ſometime to the loſſe of the one party, and ſometime of the other, as chaunces of warre in ſuch aduentures happen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French men in deed preferring fame be|fore worldly riches, and deſpyſing pleaſure the e|nimie to warlike prowes, ſware ech to other, neuer to render or deliuer the Citie, while they myght eyther holde ſworde in hande, or ſpeare in reaſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of England aduertiſed of their hault courages, determined to conquer them by famin, which would not be tamed with weapon. Wher|fore he ſtopped all the paſſages, both by water and lande, that no vittayle coulde be conueyed to the Citie: hee caſt trenches rounde aboute the walles, and ſet them full of ſtakes,, and defended them with Archers, ſo that there was left neither way for thẽ within to iſſue out, nor for any that were abrode to enter in without his licence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 To rehearſe the great paynes, trauaile and diligence, which the king tooke vpon him in hys owne perſon at this ſiege,Titus Liuius. a man myght wonder: and bycauſe dyuerſe of the ſouldiers had lodged themſelues for their more eaſe, in places ſo farre diſtant one from another, that they might eaſily haue beene ſurpriſed by theyr enimies, ere any of their fellowes coulde haue come to theyr ſuccors, he cauſed proclamation to be made, that no man on paine of death ſhoulde lodge without the pre|cinct appoynted them, nor goe further abroade from the campe, than ſuche boundes as were aſ|ſigned: and as it chaunced, the king in going a|bout the campe, to ſuruey and view ye warders, he eſpyed two ſouldiers that were walking abroade without the lymittes aſſigned, whome he cauſed ſtreight wayes to be apprehended and hanged vp on a tree of great heigth,King Henry [...] iuſtice. for a terror to other, that none ſhould be ſo hardie to breake ſuch orders as he commaunded them to obſerue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. VValſ.Whileſt the king lay thus with his power a|bout the mightie Citie of Rouen, the Frenchmen ſought to endomage aſwel thoſe that were at that ſiege, as other of the Engliſhmen that laye in garniſons within the townes that were alreadie in the king of Englandes poſſeſſion, inſomuche that as ſome haue written, within the octaues of the Aſſumption, three notable victories chaunced to the Engliſhmen in three ſeuerall places, firſt an hundred Engliſhmen at Kylbuef, tooke three great Lordes of the Frenchmen,The great [...]ies on [...]e Engliſh [...]de with in a [...] time [...]ogether. beſydes fourt|ſcore other perſones, and put three hundred to flight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo vpon the Thurſday within the fame oc|taues, foure hundred Frenchmen that were en|tred within the Suburbs of Eureux were repul|ſed by eleuen Engliſh men, that tooke foure of thoſe Frenchmen priſoners, ſlue .xij. of them, and tooke .xl. horſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Saterday following, the Frenchmen tooke in hand to ſteale vpon them that lay in gar|niſon within Louires, in hope to ſurpriſe ye towne early in the morning: but the Captaine percey|uing their purpoſe, ſallied forth with a hundred of his men, and putting the Frenchmen to flight, being a thouſande, tooke an hundred and foure|ſcore of them, being all gentlemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to returne to them before Rouen. The ſiege thus continuing from Lammas, almoſt to Chriſtmas, dyuerſe enterpriſes were attempted, and diuerſe pollicies practiſed, howe euery parte might endomage his aduerſaries: no part great|ly reioyced of their gaine. But in the meane time vittaile began ſore to fayle them within, ſo that onely Vinegar and water ſerued for drinke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 If I ſhould reherſe (according to the report of diuerſe writers) howe deerly dogges, rattes, miſe, and cattes were ſolde within the towne,Extreme fa|mine within Roane. and how greedily they were by the poore people eaten and deuoured, and how the people dayly dyed for fault of foode, and yong Infantes laye ſucking in the ſtreetes on theyr mother breaſtes, lying deade, ſteruen for hunger, the Reader myghte lamente their extreme miſeries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 A great number of poore ſillie creatures were put out at the gates, which were by the Engliſhe men that kept the trenches beatẽ and driuen back again to the ſame gates, which they found cloſed and ſhut agaynſt them. And ſo they lay betwene the walles of the Citie, and the trenches of the e|nimies ſtill crying for helpe and reliefe, for lacke whereof great numbers of them dayly died.A vertuous charitable prince. Yet king Henrie moued with pitie, on Chriſtmaſſe day in the honor of Chriſtes Natiuitie, refreſhed all the poore people with vittaile, to their greate comfort, and his high prayſe: yet if the Duke of Burgoignes letters had not beene conueyed into the Citie, it was thought they within would ne|uer haue made reſiſtance ſo long time as they did, for by thoſe letters they were aſſured of reſkue to come. Diuerſe Lordes of Fraunce hauing writ|ten to them to the like effect, they were put in ſuch comfort herewith, that immediatlye to expreſſe their great reioyſing, all the Belles in the Citie were roong forth cherefully, whiche during all the time of the ſiege till that preſent had kept ſilence. In deede by reaſon of a faynt kinde of agreement procured betwixt the Dolphin and the Duke of Burgoigne, it was thought verily that a power ſhould haue beene rayſed, for preſeruation of that noble Citie, the loſing or ſauing thereof beeing a matter of ſuch importance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englande to preuent the enimies purpoſe, Chron. S. Al. A large trench without the Campe. cauſed a large trench to bee caſt without his campe, which was pight full of ſharpe ſtakes, EEBO page image 1196 with a greate rampire fenced with bulwarkes, and turnepykes, in as defencible wiſe as myght be deuiſed. Sir Robert Bapthorpe knight, was appoynted Comptroller, to ſee this worke per|fourmed, which he did with all diligence accom|pliſh, in like caſe as hee had done, when the other trened and rampire ſtrongly ſtaked and hedged was made at the firſt betwixt the campe and the Citie, to reſtreyne ſuch as in the beginning of the ſiege, reſted not to pricke forth of the Gates on horſebacke. And ſo by this meanes was the army defended both behinde and before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1419Finally the whole number of the Frenchmen within the Citie were brought to ſuche an extre|mitie for want of vitayles, that they were in dan|ger all to haue ſterued. Wherevpon bring nowe paſt hope of reliefe, they determined to treat with the king of England, and ſo vpon newyeares e|uen there came to the Walles, ſuche as they had choſen amongeſt them for commiſſioners, which made a ſigne to the Engliſhmenne lying with|oute the Gate of the Bridge, to ſpeake wyth ſome Gentlemanne, or other perſonne of Au|thoritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Huntingdon whiche kept that part, ſent to them ſir Gylbert Vmfreuile vnto whom they declared, that if they might haue a ſafeconduct, they woulde gladly come forth to ſpeake with the king. Sir Gylbert repayring to the Duke of Clarence, and other of the Kings Counſayle, aduertiſed them of this requeſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevppon the Duke of Clarence wyth the other Counſaylors, reſorted to the kings lod|ging to infourme him of the matter, and to know his pleaſure therein, who after good aduicement and deliberation taken, willed ſir Gylbert to ad|uertiſe them, that he was content to heare twelue of them, whiche ſhoulde be ſafely conueyed to his preſence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 They within Roane demand Parlce.This anſwere being brought to the French|men by the ſaid ſir Gilbert, on the next day in the morning, foure knightes, foure learned men, and foure ſage Burgeſſes, all clothed in blacke, came forth of the Citie, and were receyued at the port Saint Hillarie by ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile, accom|panyed with diuerſe Gentlemen and yeomen of the Kings houſholde, commonly called yeomen of the Crowne, by whom they were conueyed to the kings lodging, whom they founde at Maſſe, whiche being ended, the King came oute of hys trauers, ſternely, and Princely beholding the French Meſſengers, and paſſed by them into his Chamber. And incontinently after commaunded that they ſhould be brought in before his preſence, to heare what they had to ſay: One of them ler|ned in the Ciuill Lawes, was appoynted to de|clare the Meſſage in all theyr names, who ſhew|ing himſelfe more raſhe than wiſe, more erro|gant than learned,K preſumpte|ous O [...]. fyrſt tooke vpon him to ſhewe wherein the glorie of victorie conſiſted, aduiſing the king not to ſhewe his manhoode in furniſhing a multitude of poore ſimple and innocent people, but rather ſuffer ſuch miſerable wretches as laye betwixt the walles of the Citie, and the trenches of his ſiege, to paſſe through the campe, that they might get theyr lyuing in other places, and then if hee durſt manfully aſſaulte the Citie, and by force ſubdue it, he ſhould win both worldly fame, and merite great meede at the handes of almigh|tie God, for hauing compaſſion of the poore needie and indigent people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 When this Oratour had ſayde, the King (who no requeſt leſſe ſuſpected, than that whiche was thus deſyred) beganne a whyle to muſt, and after hee had well conſidered the craftie cau|tele of hys enimyes, with a fierce countenaunce,The King an+ſwere to this pro [...]e meſ|ſage. and bolde ſpirite hee reproued them, both for theyr ſubtill dealing wyth hym, and theyr malapecte preſumption, in that they ſhoulde ſeeme to goe aboute to teache him what belonged to the dutie of a Conquerour, and therefore ſince it appeared that the ſame was vnknowne vnto them, hee de|clared that the Goddeſſe of battayle called Bello|na, had three Handmaydens, euer of neceſſitie attending vpon hir, as bloud, fyre, and famyne. And whereas it laye in hys choyce to vſe them all three, yea, two, or one of them at his plea|ſure, hee hadde yet appoynted onely the meekeſt Mayde of thoſe three Damoſelles to puniſhe them of that Citye, tyll they were brought to reaſon. And where as the gayne of a Captaine atteyned by any of the ſayde three Hand [...]y|dens, was both glorious, honourable, and wor|thie of tryumphe: yet of all the three, the yon|geſt Mayde, whiche hee meant to vſe at that tyme was moſte profytable and commodious: And as for the poore people lying in the Dyr|ches, if they dyed through famyne, the faulte was theyrs, that lyke cruell Tyraunis hadde put them oute of the Towne, to the intente hee ſhoulde ſlea them, and yet had hee ſaued theyr lyues, ſo that if any lacke of charitie was, it re|ſted in them, and not in hym: but to theyr [...]|ked requeſt, hee ment not to gratifie them wh [...] ſo much, but they ſhould keepe them ſtill to [...]e to ſpende theyr vytayles, and as to aſſaulte the Towne, hee tolde them that hee woulde they ſhoulde knowe, hee was both able and wylling thereto, as he ſhoulde ſee occaſion: but the [...]e was in hys hande, to tame them eyther wyth bloude, fyre, or famine, or with them all, where|of he woulde take the choyſe at his pleaſure, [...] not at theyrs.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This aunſwere put the French Ambaſſadors in a great ſtudy, muſing much at hys [...]llent witte and hautineſſe of courage: and after they EEBO page image 1197 had dyued (as his commaundement was they ſhould) with his officers, they vpon conſultation had togither, required once againe to haue acceſſe to his royall preſence, which being graunted, they humbling themſelues on their knees, beſought him to take a truce for eight dayes,A [...]ce for eight dayes. during the whiche they mighte by theyr commiſſions take ſome ende and good concluſion with him and his Counſaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King like a mercifull Prince graunted to them their aſking, with whiche anſwer they ioyfully returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After their departure were appoynted and ſet vp three tentes, the one for the Lordes of Eng|lande, the ſeconde for the Commiſſioners of the Citie, and the thirde for both parties to aſſemble in, and to treate of the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Commiſſioners for the Engliſhe parte were the Earles of Warwicke, and Saliſburie, the Lorde Fitz Hugh, ſir Walter Hungerford, ſir Gilbert Vmfreuille, ſir Iohn Robſert, and Iohn de Vaſques de Almada. And for the French part were appoynted, Sir Guy de Butteler, and ſixe other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Comiſsioners appoynted.Theſe Commiſſioners met euery day, argu|ing and reaſoning aboute a concluſion, but no|thing was done the ſpare of eight dayes, nor ſo much as one article concluded: wherefore the Engliſhe men tooke downe the Tentes, and the Frenchmen tooke theyr leaue: but at their depar|ting, they remembring themſelues, required the Engliſhe Lordes for the loue of God, that the truce might endure till the Sunne ryſing the next day, to the which the Lordes aſſented.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the French Commiſſioners were re|turned into the Citie without any concluſion of agreement, the poore people ran about the ſtreetes trying, and calling the captaines and gouernors, murtherers, & manquellers, ſaying that for their pride and ſtiffe ſtomackes, all this miſerye was happened, threatning to flea them, if they woulde not agree to the King of Englande hys de|maunde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Magiſtrates herewyth amaſed, called all the towneſmen togither to knowe theyr myndes and opinions. The whole voyce of the Cõmons was, to yeelde rather than to ſterue. Then the Frenchmen in the Euening, came to the Tent of ſir Iohn Robſert, requyring him of gentleneſſe to moue the king, that the truce might be prolonged for foure dayes. The king therevnto agreed, and appoynted the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, & the other ſeuen before named for his part, and the Ci|tizens appoynted a like number for them. So the Tents were again ſet vp, and dayly they met to|gither,The articles cõ+cerning the yel+ [...]ng vp of [...]are. and on the fourth daye they accorded on this wiſe, that the Citie and Caſtell of Roane ſhould be delyuered vnto the king of England, at what time after the middeſt of the .xix. day of that preſent moneth of Ianuarie, the ſayde King wil|led the ſame, and that all the Captaines and o|thermen whatſoeuer, dwelling or beeing within the ſayd Citie and Caſtell, ſhould ſubant them in all things to the grace of the ſayd king: and fur|ther, that they ſhould pay to the ſayde king three hundred thouſande Sentes of Golde, when of al|wayes two ſhould be woorth an Engliſh Noble, or in the ſtead of [...]rie Stu [...] .xxv. great blankes white, or .xv. grotes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer it was accorded, that euerie ſoul|dier and ſtraunger b [...]g in the ſayde Citie and Caſhl, ſhoulde ſweare on the Euangeliſtes be|fore their departure, not to [...]re atmo [...] agaynſt the king of Englande, before the firſt day of Ia|nuarie next to co [...]e.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo they wich [...] the towne ſhould ſuffer al the poore people lying to [...], or about the ditches of the Citie which for pe [...] were chaſed oute, to enter the Citie againe, and to [...] them ſuf|ficient for [...]til the ſayd [...]tenth day of Ianuarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taketh other Articles, in all to the number of .xxij. agreed, aſwell on the behalfe of the Citizens, as of king Henrie, who graun|ted, that all the Souldiers ſtraungers and other within the ſaid Citie and Caſtel at that time, be|ing not willing to become his ſieges, ſhuld depart after that the Citie and Caſtel was once yeelded, freely without let, leauing ſo the ſaid king al their armors, horſes, harneſſe, and goodes, except the Normans, which if they ſhoulde refuſe to become [...]ages to h [...], were appoynted to remayne as his priſoners, Luca. Italico. The Vicare general of the Archbi. of Ro+uen for denoũ+cing the king acurſed was de+liuered to him and deteyned in pryſon til he dyed. Titus. Liuius. One Alane Blã+chart was like wiſe deliuered to him, and by his commaun|dement put to death. Tranſlator of Titus Liuius. King Henrie [...] entry into Roane. togither with one Luca Italico and certaine other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the day of appoyntment came, which was the day of S. Wiolſtan, ſir Gay de Butteler, & the Burgeſſes, deliuered the keyes of the City & Caſtel vnto the king of England, beſeeching him of fauor and compaſſion. The king incontinent|ly appoynted the Duke of Exceter, with a great companie to take poſſeſſion of the Citie, who like a valiant Captaine mounted on a goodly cour| [...] firſt entred into the Citie, and after into the Caſtell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next day being Fryday, the king in great tryumph like a conquerour, accompanied wyth foure Dukes, t [...] Erles .viij. Biſhops, xvj. Ba|rons, and a great mul [...] of knightes, eſquiers, and men of warre, entred into Roan, where hee was receyued by the Clergie, with .xlij. Croſſes, and then met him the Senate, and the Burgeſ|ſes of the towne, offering to him diuerſe fuyre and coſtly preſents.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this maner he paſſed through the Citie to our Ladie Churr [...], and there hauing ſayde his o|riſows, he cauſed his Chaplaines to ſing this An|theme: Quis eſt tam magnus dominus: VVho is ſo EEBO page image 1198 great a Lorde as our God.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, he came to the caſtel where he cõti|nued a good ſpace after, receyuing homages & fral|ties of the burgeſſes & towneſmen, and ſetting or|ders amongſt them. He alſo reedified diuerſe for|treſſes, & townes, during which tyme hee made Proclamation, that all menne whiche woulde become hys ſubiectes, ſhoulde enioy theyr goods, landes and offices, whiche Proclamation made many towns to yeeld, and many euen to become Engliſh the ſame ſeaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Titus Liuius.The Duke of Brytaigne vnderſtanding that if the King of Englande ſhoulde continue in poſ|ſeſſion of Normandie, his Countrey could not but bee in greate daunger, if hee prouided not to haue him his friend, vpon ſafecõduct obteyned for him and his retinue, came to Roan with fiue .C. horſes, and being honourably receyued of the K. after cõference had betwixt thẽ of diuers things, at length they agreed vpon a league on this wife,A league con|cluded be|twene K. Hen|ry and the D. of Britaine. that neither of them ſhould make warre vnto the other, nor to any of the others people or ſubiectes, except he that ment to make that warre denoun|ced the ſame ſixe Monethes before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus this league being concluded, the Duke tooke leaue of the king, and ſo returned into Bry|tayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, at the ſuyte of certaine Biſhops and Abbottes of Normandie, the King confirmed vnto them theyr auncient priuiledges, graunted by the former Dukes of Normandie, and kings of Fraunce, except ſuch as were gran|ted by thoſe whom he reputed for vſurpers and no lawfull kings or dukes. Hee alſo eſtabliſhed at Caen the Chamber of accountes of the reuenues of his dukedome of Normandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Rouen he began the foundation of a ſtrong Tower behinde the Caſtell, that from the caſtell to the Tower, and from the Tower to his Pa|layce, the men of warre appoynted there in gar|niſon, myght paſſe in ſuretie without daunger of the Citie, if perhaps the Citizens ſhould attempt any rebellion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 She was com|mitted to the ſafe keping of [...] Pelham who appointed hir ix: ſeruants to attend hir & conueyed hir to the caſtel of Pompſey. Tho. VValſ. Frier Randoll.In this ſixth yeare, whyleſt theſe thinges were adoing in Normandie, Queene Ioan late wife of king Henry the fourth, and mother in law to this King, was areſted by the Duke of Bed|ford the kings lieutenant in his abſence, & by him committed to ſafe keeping in the caſtell of Leedes in Kent there to abide the kings pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, one Frier Randoll of the order of Franciſcanes that profeſſed diuinitie, and had bene confeſſour to the ſame Queene, was ta|ken in the Iſle of Gerneſey, & being firſt brought ouer into Normandie, was by the kings com|maundement ſent hither into Englande, and cõ|mitted to the Tower, where he remayned till the perſõ of the tower quarelling with him, by chance ſlue him there within the Tower warde. It was reported that hee had conſpired with the Orl [...] by ſorcerie and nigromancie to deſtroy the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt the king remayned in Rouen, to ſet things in order for the eſtabliſhment of good po|licie in that Citie, hee ſent abroad dyuerſe of hys Captaynes, with conuenient forces to ſubdue certayne Townes and Caſtelles in thoſe pro|tyes, as hys brother the Duke of Clarence,Vernon and Mante taken by the engliſh. who wanne the ſtrong Towne of Vernon, and Mante. In Vernon was ſir William Por|ter made Captayne, and in Maunte the Earle of Marche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Saliſburie wan Hunflew, Titus Licius. Hunflew [...] after he had beſieged it from the fourth of Februarie, vntill the .xij. of March.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This towne was giuen afterwardes vnto the duke of Clarence. Alſo the ſayde Earle of Saliſ|burie wan the Townes of Monſter de Villiers, Ew, Newcaſtell, and finally all the places in that quarter, which till that preſent were not vn|der the Engliſh obeyſance. At Newcaſtell Sir Philip Leeth was made captaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Candlemaſſe, the King departed [...] Rouen to go to Eureux, whither he had promy|ſed to come in like caſe as the Dolphin had pro|miſed to be at Dreux, to the end that they might aduiſe vpon a conuenient place where to meete to entreate of a peace to bee concluded betwixte the two Realmes. But the Dolphin by ſiniſter per|ſwaſion of ſome enimies to concorde, brake pro|miſe, and came not. When the king ſawe this through default of his aduerſarie, no treaty wold be had, he remooued to Vernon, and there a while remayned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe from Eureux the king had diſpatched the Erle of Warwicke vnto the ſiege of la Roch Guion, which fortreſſe he ſo conſtrayned,An. reg. 7. Roch Guion rendred vp. that it was yeelded into his handes, the ſixth of Apryll, in the beginning of this ſeuenth yeare of Kyng Henries raigne, and giuen to ſir Gay Buttelie late Captaine of Rouen, of the kings free and li|berall graunt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame ſame time,Chateau Gal [...]+arde beſieg [...] the Duke of Ex|ceter layde ſiege vnto Chateau Galyarde, which ſiege continued from the laſt of Marche, vnto the latter ende of September, or (as ſome write) vnto the .xx. of December, as after ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter beeing ſent to wynne the Towne and Caſtell of Yuri,Yury takes by aſſault. tooke the Towne by aſſaulte, and the Caſtell was delyuered by compoſition after fortie dayes ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this the Engliſhmen ouerranne the coũ|trey about Chartres, and did much hurt to theyr enimies in all places where they came.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The heartes of the Frenchmen were ſore diſ|couraged with the loſſe of Rouen, and the other EEBO page image 1199 townes which yeelded one after another, thus to the Engliſhmen, ſo that ſuch as loued the wealth of their Countrey, ſore lamented the imminent miſchiefes, which they ſaw by the diuiſion of the Nobilitie, like ſhortlye to fall on theyr heades, namely bycauſe they ſawe no remedie prepared. But who euer elſe was diſquieted with this mat|ter, Iohn Duke of Burgoigne raged, and ſwel|led, yea and ſo muche freated therewith, that hee wyſt not what to ſay, and leſſe to doe: for hee knewe well that hee was neyther free from diſ|daine, nor yet delyuered from the ſcope of malice, bycauſe that he onely ruled the King, and had the whole dooings in all matters aboute hym. And therefore he conſidered that all ſuch miſhappes as chaunced to the ſtate of the cõmon wealth would bee imputed to his negligence and diſordred go|uernment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 To finde ſome remedie againſt ſuch daungers at hand, he thought firſt to aſſay, if hee might by any reaſonable meanes cõclude a peace betwixt ye two mightie kings of England & France, which if hee might bring to paſſe, he doubted not to re|uenge his quarell eaſily ynough againſt the Dol|phin Charles, and to repreſſe all cauſes of grudge and diſdaine. Herewith intending to build vpon this fraile foundation, he ſent letters and Ambaſ|ſadours to the king of England,Ambaſsadors [...] on either de. aduertiſing him that if he woulde perſonally come to a communi|cation to bee had betweene him and Charles the Frenche king, hee doubted not but by hys onelye meanes, peace ſhould bee brought in place, and blondie battaile clearely exiled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Titus Liuius.King Henrie giuing courteous eare to theſe Ambaſſadors, ſent with them the Earle of War|wicke as his Ambaſſador, accompanied with two hundred gentlemen to talke with the duke, as thẽ remaining in the French Court at the towne of Prouins.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle was aſſayled by the way as he ior|neyed, by a great number of rebellious perſons, gotten into armor, of purpoſe to haue ſpoyled him of ſuch money and things as he and his companie had about them. But by the high valiancie of the Engliſh people, with the ayde of theyr Bowes, the Frenchmenne were dyſcomfyted and chaſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle at hys commyng to Prouins was honourably receyued, and hauing done the effect of his Meſſage returned, and wyth him the Earle of Saint Paule, and the ſonne and heyre of the Duke of Bourbon, were ſent as Ambaſ|ſadours from the French King, to conclude vpon the time and place of the meeting, with al the cir|cumſtances, wherevpon the king of England a|greed to come vnto the towne of Mante, wyth condition that the duke of Burgoigne, and other for the French king ſhuld come to Pontoyſe, that either part might meet others in a cõuenient place betwixt thoſe two townes neare vnto Meulan: According to this appoyntment, King Henrie came to Mante, wherein the feaſt of Pentecoſt he kept a liberall houſe to all commers, and ſate himſelfe in great eſtate: Vpon the which day, ey|ther for good ſeruice alreadie by them done, or for the good expectation of things to come,Creation of Earles. hee crea|ted Gaſcon de Fois, otherwyſe called the Cap|tau or Captall de Buef, a valiaunt Gaſcoigne, Earle of Longueuile, and Sir Iohn Grey, Erle of Tankeruile, and the Lorde Bourſhier, Earle of Eu.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this ſolenme feaſt ended, the place of the enteruiew and meeting was appoynted to be beſide Meulan on the riuer of Seyne, where in a fayre place euery parte was by commiſſioners appoynted to theyr ground.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the daye of appoyntment approched, whiche was the laſte day of Maye, the King of England accompanied with the Dukes of Cla|rence, and Glouceſter, his brethren, the Duke of Exceter his Vncle,Eyther part was appointed to bring with them not paſte ii.M.v.C. men of war as Tit. Liu. hath. and Henrie Beauford Clerke his other vncle, which after was Biſhop of Win|cheſter and Cardinall, with the Erles of Marche Saliſburie, and others, to the number of a thou|ſand men of warre, entred into his ground which was barred about and ported, wherein his tentes were pight in a princely maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Likewyſe for the Frenche part,A treatie of peace. came Iſabell the Frenche Queene, bycauſe hir huſbande was fallen into hys olde frantike diſeaſe, hauing in hir companie the Duke of Burgoigne, and the Earle of Saint Paule, and ſhee had attending vppon hir the fayre Ladie Katherine hir daugh|ter, wyth .xxvj. Ladies and Damoſelles: and had alſo for hir furniture a thouſand men of of warre: The ſayde Ladie Katherine was brought by the Queene hir mother, onelye to the intent that the King of Englande beholding hir excellent beau|tie, ſhoulde bee ſo enflamed and rapt in hir loue, that hee to obteyne hir to his wife, ſhoulde the ſooner agree to a gentle peace and louing con|corde. But though many wordes were ſpent in this treatie,Seuen times the laſt being on the laſt day of Iune. Tit. Liuius. and that they mette at eight ſeuerall tymes, yet no effect enſued, nor any concluſion was taken by thys friendly conſultation, ſo that both partyes after a Princely faſhion tooke leaue eche of other, and departed, the Engliſhe menne to Mant, and the Frenche men to Pontoyſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some Authours write that the Dolphyn to ſtaye that no agreement ſhoulde paſſe,Chro. of Flan. ſent Sir Taneguye de Chaſtell to the Duke of Burgoin, declaring that if hee woulde breake of the treatie with the Engliſhe men, he woulde then common with him, and take ſuch order, that not only they but the whole Realme of Fraunce ſhould thereof be glad and reioyce. Howſoeuer it came to paſſe,Titus Liuius. truth it is, that where it was agreed, that EEBO page image 1200 they ſhoulde eftſoones haue met in the ſame place on the thirde of Iuly. The King according to that appoyntment came, but there was none for the French part, neither Queene nor Duke, that once appeared, ſo that it was manifeſt ynough how the fault reſted not in the Engliſhmen but in the French men, by reaſon whereof no concluſion forted to effect of all this communication, ſaue onely that a certaine ſparke of burning loue was kindled in the kings heart by the ſight of the Lady Katherine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king without doubt was highly diſplea|ſed in his minde, that this communication came to no better paſſe. Wherefore he miſtruſting that the Duke of Burgoigne was the verie let and ſtoppe of his deſires, ſayde vnto hym before his departure: Couſin we will haue your kings daughter, and all things that we demaunde with hir, or we will driue your king and you out of his realme. Well ſayd the Duke of Burgoigne, be|fore you driue the king and me out of his realme, you ſhall be well wearied, and thereof wee doubt little.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortly after, the Duke of Burgoigne and the Dolphin mette in the plaine fieldes beſydes Melun, and there comming togither, concluded apparantly an open peace and amytie, which was proclaimed in Paris, Amiens, and Pontoys. This agreement was made the vj. of Iuly in the yeare 1419. An egreement betweene the Duke of Bur|goine and the Dolphyne. It was engroſſed by Notaries, ſigned with their handes, and ſealed with their great ſeales of armes: but as the ſequel ſhewed, hart thought not, what tongue ſpake, nor mind ment not, that hand wrote.Titus Liuius. Whiles theſe things were a doing, diuers of the Frenchmen in Roan wente about a conſpiracy againſt the Engliſhmen, whereof the King beeing aduertiſed, ſent thyther certayne of his nobles,A cõſpiracy in Roane. which tryed out theſe conſperators, cauſed them to be apprehended, had thẽ in exami|nation, and ſuch as they found guiltye were put to death, and ſo ſetting the Citie in quietneſſe, re|turned to the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englande perceyuing by this newe alliance, that nothing was leſſe to be looked for, than peace at the handes of the Frenchmen, deuiſed ſtill howe to conquere townes and For|treſſes, which were kept agaynſt him: and nowe that the truce was expired, on the .xxx. day of Iu|ly,Theſe bende [...] belonged to the Earle of Lõgueville & to the Lord de Leſpar Gaſ|coignes hiſt. dez Du [...]z de Norman. The K playe [...]h the Porters part. he being as then within the towne of Maunte, appoynted certaine bandes of ſouldiers in the af|ter noone to paſſe out of the Gates, giuing onely knowledge to the captaines what he would haue them to doe. And to the intent that no ynkling of the enterprice ſhould come to the enimies eare, he kept the gates himſelfe as Porter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe that were thus ſent forth, being gulded by ye Erle of Lõgueuile, otherwiſe called ye Cap|tau de Buef, were commaunded in as ſecret ma|ner as they coulde, to draw towarde the towne of Pontoyſe, and to keepe themſelues in couert tyll the darke of the night, and then to approch the walles of that towne, and vpon eſpying their ad|uauntage to enter it by ſcaling, hauing laddent and all things neceſſarie with them for the pur|poſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, about the cloſing of the day and night in the Euening, he ſent forth the Earle of Huntingdon, with other bandes of ſouldiers, to ſuccor and aſſyſt the other, if they chaunced to en|ter the towne according to the order taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thoſe that were firſt ſent forth,This Capital was brother [...] the Erle of Fo [...]t. Hall. (according to their inſtructions) conueyed themſelues ſo cloſe|ly to their appoynted places, that the enimies hard nothing of theyr doings. Wherevpon whẽ the night was come, they came in ſecret wiſe vn|der the walles, and there watched their time till the morning began to draw on: In the meane time, whileſt the watch was departed, and before other were come into their places to relieue it,Pontoyſe ſur|priſed by the Engliſhmen. the Engliſhmen ſetting vp their ladders, entred and brake open one of the Gates to receyue the other that followed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmẽ perceiuing that ye walles were taken, & their enimies entred into the town, at the firſt were ſore amaſed: but after perceyuing the ſmall nũber of the Engliſhmen, they aſſembled togither, & fiercely aſſailed them, ſo that they were conſtrayned to retyre to the walles and turrets, which they had taken, and with much adoe de|fended the ſame, ſome leaping down into the dit|ches, and hyding them in the vines,Hall. till at length the Earle of Huntingdon, with his companies came to theyr ſuccours, and entring by the Gate which was open, eaſily bet backe the enimies, and got the Market place: which thing when the lord Liſle Adam captaine of the towne perceyued,Hall. he opened the gate towards Paris, by the which hee with al his retinue, and diuerſe of the towneſmen to the number of ten thouſand in all, (as Engne|rant de Monſtr. recounteth) fled towards Paris, taking away with thẽ their come, iewels, & plate. Some of them fleeing towards Beauuays, were met with, and ſtripped of that they had, by Ichan de Guigni, and Iehan de Claw, two Captaines that ſerued the Orliential faction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There wer within the towne of Pontoyſe at that tyme when it was thus taken by the Eng|liſhmen, a thouſand launces, and two thouſande Arbeleſtiers, as Thomas Walſ. affyrmeth, and of Engliſhmen and Gaſcoignes that went fyrſt forth of Maunt with ye Captal de Beuf, not paſt xv. hundred as Hall reporteth. Although Engne|rant de Monſtrellet ſayth, they were about three thouſand. But how many ſoeuer they were, they durſt not at the firſt by reaſon of their ſmal num|ber (as may be thought) once deuide themſelues, EEBO page image 1201 or fall to pylfering till about the houre of Prime, that the Duke of Clarence came to theyr ayde wyth fiue thouſand men, and much prayſing the valiantneſſe of the Earle and his retinue that had thus wonne the towne, gaue to them the chiefe ſpoyle of the which there was great plentie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then went the duke forth towardes Paris, & cõming thither, lodged before it two dayes & two nightes,The Duke of [...]rence cõ| [...]eth before [...]aris with his [...]my. without perceyuing any proffer of iſſue to be made forth agaynſt hym by hys enimyes, and therefore ſeeing that they durſt not once looke vpon him, hee returned to Pontoyſe, for the ta|king of whiche Towne the whole Countrey of Fraunce, and ſpecially the Pariſians were ſore diſmayed: for nowe there was no fortreſſe able to withſtande the Engliſh puyſſance. Inſomuch that the Iriſhmen ouerran all the Iſle of France,The Iriſhmen [...]orſe the Iſle [...]f Fraunce. and did to the Frenchmen domages innumerable (as theyr wryters affyrme) and brought daylye prayes to the Engliſh army.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And beſides that, they woulde robbe houſes, and lay beddes on the backes of the Kine, and ride vpon them, and carie yong children before them, and ſel them to the Engliſhmẽ for ſlaues: which ſtraunge doings ſo feared the Frenchmen wythin the territorie of Paris, and the Countrey aboute, that the rude perſons fled out of the villages with all their ſtuffe into the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche King, and the Duke of Bur|goigne lying at Saint Denys, in this ſeaſon de|parted from thence with the Queene and hir daughter, and went to Troys in Champaigne, there to conſult of theyr buſineſſe, hauing left at Paris the Earle of Saint Paule, and the Lorde Liſte Adam, with a great puyſſance to defend the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King of Englande immediately after that Pontoyſe was won (as before ye haue herd) came thither in perſon, as well to giue order for the placing of a ſufficient garniſon there for de|fence thereof, as to proceed further into the coun|trey for the conqueſt of other townes and places: and ſo after he had ſeene euery thing vſed in ſuch ſort as might ſtande with the good gouernment, and ſafe keeping of the ſayde Towne of Pon|toys, the .xviij. day of Auguſt hee departed out of the ſame wyth his maine armie. [...]tus Liuius. And bycauſe they of the garniſon that laye in the Caſtell of Vauconvillers had done, and dayly dyd diuerſe and ſundrie diſpleaſures to the Engliſhmen, hee pyght downe his fielde neare to the fame, the bet|ter to reſtrayne them from theyr cruell attempts, [...]he caſtel of [...] Vil| [...] beſieged [...]d taken. and withal ſent part of his armie to beſiege them wythin that Caſtell, whiche put them in ſuche feare, that they diſpeyring of all reliefe or ſuccor, and perceyuing they ſhoulde not be able long to defende the place agaynſt the kings puyſſaunce, yeelded the place with all theyr coigne and other goods into the kings handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Souldiers of that garniſon,Titus Liuius and the in|habitantes, at the contemplation of a certaine Ladie there amongſt them, were licenced by the king to depart without armor or weapon, onely with their liues ſaued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn a Burgh that was after Baylife of Gyſours, was appoynted captaine of this caſtel.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this,Gyſoures be|ſieged and yel|ded to the Eng+liſhmen. all the townes and Caſtels with|in a great circuite offred to yeelde themſelues vn|to the Engliſh obeyſaunce, the ſtrong towne and Caſtell of Gyſours onely excepted, which ſtil held out, and woulde ſhewe no token of will to yeeld: Herevpon the king the laſt of Auguſt beganne to approch the ſame, but at the firſt hee coulde not come nere, by reaſon of the mariſhes and fennes: but yet ſuch was the diligence of the Engliſhmen aduaunced by the preſence of the king being there in perſon, readie in all places to commende them that were forwarde in their buſineſſe, and to cha|ſtice ſuch as ſlacked their duetie, that dayly they came nearer and nearer, although the Frenchmen iſſued forth daily to encounter them, giuing them many ſore and ſharpe ſkirmiſhes. For the towne being double walled and fenced with thoſe brode mariſhes, ſo encouraged them within, that they thought no force had beene able to haue ſubdued them: but at length calling to remembrance, that the King of Englande came before no towne, nor Fortreſſe, from which he would depart before he had brought it vnder his ſubiection, they offred to come to a Parlee, and in the ende compounded to render the towne into the kings hands the .viij. day of September next enſuyng, and the Caſtell (bycauſe it was the ſtronger peece) they couenan|ted to delyuer the .xxiiij. of the ſame, if in the meane time no reſkue came to rayſe the ſiege. Herevpon when no ſuche reliefe coulde be hearde of, at the dayes limitted, the ſouldiers of the gar|niſon, and the more part of the towneſmen alſo,Tho. VValſ. ſubmitted themſelues, and receyued an othe to bee true ſubiects to the king,Duke of Cla|rence hath Grafton. and ſo remayned ſtill in theyr rowmethes. The Erle of Worceſter was made captaine there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, to witte,Titus Liuius. the .xxiij. of September (as ſome write) was Chateau Gali|ard ſurrendred to the handes of the Duke of Ex|ceter, which had bene beſieged euer ſince the laſte day of March (as before ye haue heard). But o|ther write that it held out a ſeuen Monethes, and was not deliuered till the .xx. of December.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Caſtell was not onely ſtrong by ſitua|tion, ſtanding vpon the toppe of a ſteepe hyll, but alſo cloſed with mightie thicke walles, and furni|ſhed with men, and all maner of munition and things neceſſarie. The king appoynted the Lord Ros captaine of it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Giſours and Caſtell Galiard were EEBO page image 1202 thus yeelded to the Engliſh obeyſaunce, all the o|ther townes and caſtels thereaboute, and in the countrey of Veulqueſſin, ſhortly after yeelded to the king, as Gourney, Chaumount, Neaufie, Dangu,Al Normandy reduced to the engliſh ſub|iectes. and other ſmall fortreſſes. Of Gourney, was ſir Gylbert Vmfrevile made Captaine at Neaufie, the Earle of Worceter, and at Dangu Richarde Wooduile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after was the Caſtell Daumal yel|ded to the Earle of Warwicke, to whome it was giuen. And thus was the whole duchie of Nor|mandie (Mont Saint Michael only excepted) re|duced to the poſſeſſion of the right heyre, whiche had beene wrongfully deteyned from the kings of England euer ſith the dayes of king Iohn, who loſt it about the yeare .1207.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To ſatiſfie thoſe that be deſirous to know what Captaynes were appoynted by the King in dy|uerſe townes that were yeelded to him, of which we haue made no mention heretofore but ingene|rall, hereafter follow the names of the ſayd cap|taynes and townes, as wee finde them in the Chronicles of Maiſter Hall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Crewleye, Sir Henrie Tanclux an Al|maine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Torigny, Sir Iohn Popham, to whome it was giuen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Chamboy the Lord Fitz Hugh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Vernueil in Perche ſir Iohn Neuill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Eſſay, Sir William Huddleſton baylyfe of Alanſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Crulye ſir Loys Robſert.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Conde Norean, ſir Iohn Faſtolfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Cawdebecke ſir Loys Robſert.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Deepe, William Lorde Bourchier Erle of Eu.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Aubemarle, the Earle of Warwike, and his deputie thereof William Montfort.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Bell incombre, ſir Thomas Rampſton Lorde thereof by gyft.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Longueuille, the Captall de Beuf or Buz, Erle thereof by gyft.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Danuille, ſir Chriſtofer Burden.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Couches, ſir Robert Marburie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Chierburg, ſir Iohn Gedding.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Bacqueuille, the Lorde Ros.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Arques ſir Iames Fines, baylife of Caux.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Monceaux ſir Philip Leeche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Eſtrie Pagny, Richard Abraham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Sentler Surget, William Baſſet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Bretueil, Sir Henry Mortimer Baylife of Hunflew.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of B [...]goign: murthered.But nowe to returne where we left, the wyſe and graue perſonages of the realme of France ſore lamenting and bewayling the miſerie of theyr Countrey, ſawe they had puyſſaunce ynough to defende their enimies, if they were of perfite con|cord amongſt themſelues, and therfore to remoue all rancor and diſpleaſure betwixt the Dolphin, and the duke of Burgoigne, they procured a new meeting, whiche was appoynted to bee at Mon|ſtreau on fault Yonne, where the two princes at the day aſſigned met: but ſuch was the fortune of Fraunce, that the Duke of Burgoigne was there murthered, as hee kneeled before the Dolphin: wherevpon enſued greater debate than before. For Philip Erle of Charroloyes, ſonne and heyre to the ſayde Duke, tooke the matter verye grie|uouſly, as he had no leſſe cauſe, and determined to be reuenged on the Dolphin, and other that were guiltie of the murther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he had well conſidered of the matter,Ambaſsadors ſent to King Henry. Titus Liuius. and taken aduiſe with his counſayle, he firſt ſent Ambaſſadors to the king of Englande, then ly|ing at Gyſours, to treate and conclude a truce betwene them both for a certaine ſpace, that they might talke of ſome concluſion of agreement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie receyued the Ambaſſadors ve|ry courteouſly, and graunted that cõmunication might be had of peace, but vtterly denyed any ab|ſtinence of warre, bycauſe hee woulde not loſe tyme, if the treatie ſorted not to good effect. Here|vpon hauing his armie aſſembled at Maunte, he deuided the ſame into three parts,The caſtel of Saint Germ [...] in Lay and Montioyyd|ed to the Eng|liſhmen. appoynting the Duke of Glouceſter with one part to go vnto the caſtel of S. Germain in Lay, & to lay ſiege therto

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The duke according to his cõmiſſion cõming before that caſtel, within a while conſtrayned thẽ within by continuall ſkirmiſhes and aſſaults to deliuer vp the place into his hands. An other part of the army was ſent vnto the caſtel of Monti [...]y, which likewiſe by ſuch fierce aſſaults and manful approches as the Engliſhmen made thereto, was ſhortly giuen ouer and yeelded. The thirde part of the hoſt went to Meulane, a verie ſtrong town compaſſed aboute with the ryuer of Seyne, but the King deuiſed to faſten boates and barges to|gither, and to rere vp certaine frames of timber a|loft on the ſame for defence of his ſouldiers, that ſhould by that meanes approch the walles, where|with thoſe that had the towne in keeping were ſo put in feare, that theyr Captaine was glad to come to a communication, and agreed to deliuer the towne into the kings hands, if no reſkue came before the .xxx. day of October next enſuing. On whiche daye, for that no ſuccours appeared, the Towne (according to the couenantes) was gy|uen vp into the Kings handes. Sir Thomas Rampſton was made Captaine there, and after him ſir Iohn Faſtolfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king whileſt theſe places were beſieged,The ſtrong towne of the lan [...] yelded [...] the engliſh [...] and thus brought vnder his ſubiection, continued for the moſt parte at Maunt, but yet oftentimes he went forth to viſite his campes, and to ſee that nothing ſhoulde bee wanting, that might further the ſpeedie diſpatche of his enterprices.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1203Aboute the ſame tyme, there came agayne Ambaſſadours to him from the Frenche King Charles, and from the Duke of Burgoigne to treate wyth hym of ſome good concluſion of peace to bee had, but as yet hee had no ſuche truſt in theyr ſute, but that hee doubted their meaning, and therefore ceaſſed not to proceede in the wynning of Townes, and Caſtels, as he hadde done before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe when Chriſtmaſſe approched, the King withdrewe to Roan, and there kepte the ſolemnization of that Feaſt, appoynting in the meane tyme hys men of warre to be occupied as occaſion ſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Saliſburie was ſent to be|ſiege the towne of Freſney,1420 the which after ſtoute reſiſtance made at the firſt, ſhortly after was de|liuered to him to the kings vſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earles Marſhall, and Huntingdon, ſir Iohn Greene Cornewall,Ann. reg. 8. ſir Philip Leech, and diuerſe other, were ſente into the Countrey of Mayne, where not farre from the Citie of Mans they were encountered by a power of Frenche men, whiche the Dolphin hadde ſent agaynſte them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A great victo|rie on the Eng+liſh ſide.There was at the firſt a ſharpe bickering be|twixt them, but in the ende the victorie remayned with the Engliſhmen, ſo that many of the Frẽch men were ſlaine, and taken, and the reſidue cha|ſed out of the field. There were ſlaine (as Tho|mas Walſinghã hath, at the poynt of fiue thou|ſande, and two hundred taken priſoners, among whom was the Marſhal de Rous, and dyuerſe o|thers of good account. The two Engliſh Erles remayned there as Victors, in the Countrey whiche was by the Kyng to them aſſigned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe victorious exploytes were thus happely atchieued by the Engliſhmen, and that the King lay ſtill at Roan, in giuing than|kes to Almightie God for the ſame, there came to him eftſoones Ambaſſadours from the Frenche King and the Duke of Burgoigne to moue him to peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King mynding not to be reputed for a deſtroyer of the Countrey, whiche hee coueted to preſerue,King Henry [...]cendth to [...] [...]e of [...]eace. or for a cauſer of Chriſtian bloud ſtil to be ſpylt in hys quarell, beganne ſo to encline and giue eare vnto theyr ſuyt and humble requeſt, that at length after often ſending to and fro, and that the Biſhop of Arras, and other men of honor had beene with him, and likewiſe the Earle of War|wike, and the Biſhop of Rocheſter hadde beene wyth the Duke of Burgoigne, they both fi|nally agreed vpon certayne Articles, ſo that the French King and his commons woulde thereto aſſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now was the French King and the Queene with theyr daughter Katherine at Troys in Champaigne gouerned and ordered by them, which ſo much fauored the Duke of Burgoigne, that they woulde not for any earthly good, once hynder or pull backe one [...]e of ſuch Articles as the ſame Duke ſhoulde ſeeke to preferre: and ther|fore what needeth many wordes,A truce tri|perti [...]. a [...] [...]per|tite was accorded betweene the two kings and the Duke, and theyr Countreys, and order ta|ken that the king of Englande ſhoulde ſende in the companie of the duke of Burgoigne his Am|baſſadours vnto Troy [...]s in Champaigne ſuffi|cientlye authoriſed to treate and conclude of ſo great a matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King of Englande being in good hope that all his affayres ſhoulde take ſo good ſuc|ceſſe as he coulde with or deſire,Ambaſſadors from K. Henry to the Frẽch k. ſent to the Duke of Burgoigne his Vncle, the Duke of Exceter, the Earle of Saliſburie, the Biſhop of E [...], the Lorde F [...], the Lorde Fitz Hugh, ſir Iohn Robſert, and ſir Philip Hall, with diuerſe doc|tours to the number of fiue .C. horſe, which in the company of the Duke of Burgoigne came to the Citie of Troys the .xj. of March.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king, the Queene, and the Ladie Kathe|rine them receyued, & hartily welcomed, ſhewing great ſignes and tokens of loue and amitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After a few dayes they fel to counſel,The Articles of the peace concluded be|twene K. Hẽry and the French king. in which at length it was concluded, that king Henrie of Englande ſhould come to Troys, and marry the Ladie Katherine, and the king hir father after his death ſhould make him heire of hys realm, crown and dignitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was alſo agreed, that king Henrie during his father in lawes life, ſhoulde in his ſleade haue the whole gouernment of the realm of France, as regent thereof, wyth many other couenantes and articles, as after ſhall appeare. To the perfour|maunce whereof it was accorded, that all the no|bles and eſtates of the realme of France, as well ſpirituall as temporall, and alſo the Cities and cõmonalties, Citizens and Burgeſſes of townes that were obeyſant at that time to the French K. ſhould take a corporall othe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Articles were not at the firſte in all poynts brought to a perfect concluſion. But af|ter that the effect and meaning of them was a|greed vpon by the commiſſioners, the Engliſh men departed towards the king their maiſter, and left ſir Iohn Robſert behinde, to giue his atten|dance on the Ladie Katherine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Henry being enfourmed by them of that which they had done, was well content with the agreement, and with all diligence prepared to go vnto Troys, and therevpon hauing all things in a redineſſe, he being accõpanied with his brethren the dukes of Clarence and Glouceſter, the Erles of Warwik, Saliſbury, Huntingdon, Eu, Tan|keruile, & Longuile, & .xv.M. men of warre, went EEBO page image 1204 from Roane to Pontoyſe, and departing from thence the eight day of May, came to Saint De|nis two leagues from Paris, and after to Pont+chareton,Tho. VValſ. where he left a ſtrong garniſon of men, with ſir William Gaicoigne, to kepe the paſſage, and ſo then entring into Brie,Titus Liuius. he tooke by the way a Caſtell which was kept agaynſt him, cauſing them that ſo kept it ſome to bee hanged, and the reſidue to be led forth with him as priſoners. And after this keeping on his iourney by Prouins, and Nogent, at length he came to Troyes. The Duke of Burgoigne accompanyed wyth many Noble men, receyued him two leagues withoute the towne and conueyed him to his lodging:King Henry commeth to Troyes to the French king. All his armie was lodged in ſmal villages therabout. And after that he had repoſed himſelfe a little, he went to viſite the French King, the Queene, and the Ladie Katherine, whome he founde in Saint Peters Church,King Henry affreth the French kings daughter. where was a ioyous meeting be|twixt thẽ. And this was on the .xx. day of May, and there the king of Englande, and the Ladie Katherine were affianced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this the two kings and their counſaile aſſembled togithers dyuerſe dayes, wherein the firſt concluded agreement, was in diuerſe poynts altered and brought to a certaintie, according to the effect aboue mentioned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this great matter was finiſhed, the kinges ſware for their partes to obſerue al the co|uenants of this league and agreement. Likewiſe the duke of Burgoigne and a great number of o|ther Princes and Nobles which were preſent, re|ceiued an othe,Titus Liuius. the tenor whereof as the Duke of Burgoigne vttered it in ſolẽne wordes, thus en|ſueth accordingly as the ſame is exemplifyed by Titus Liuius de Fruloxiſijs. In Latine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The oth of the D. of Bur|goigne. EGo Philippus, Burgundiae dux perme meos ha|redes, ad ſacra dei Euangelia domino regi Hẽ|rico Angliae, Franciae, pro Car [...]lo rege regenti iuro, quod humiliter ipſi Henrico fideliter [...]uncti [...] in rebus qua remp. ſpectant & Frãcia coron [...] obe|diemus, & ſtatim poſt mortẽ Caroli dom [...] wyn, domino Herico regi ſuis ſucceſſoribus in perp [...] ligei fideles erimus, nee alium quempiã pro do [...] noſtro ſupremo Franciae rege, quã Henritũ & ſuis haredes habebimus, ne patiemur. No crem [...] pra|tereae in conſilio vel cõſenſu cuiuſquàm dam [...] re|gis Hẽrici, ſuorum ve ſucceſſorũ, vbi quicquam de|crimeti patiantur capit is ſ [...]ue mẽbri vel vitã perdãt fed praedicta (quãrũ in nobis fuerit) quàm tite [...] literis vel nuntijs, vt ſibi melius prouidere valeant, eis ſignificabimus.

The ſame is engliſhed thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I Philip duke of Burgoigne, for my ſelfe, and for mine heires, do here ſweare vpon the holy Euangeliſt of God, vnto Henry K. of England, & regẽt of France for K. Charles, yt we ſhal hũbly & faithfully obey the ſaid Hẽry in al things which concerne the cõmon welth & crowne of France, & immediatly after the deceaſe of our ſoueraign L. king Charles, we ſhal be faithful liegemẽ vnto ye ſaid K. Henry, & to his ſucceſſors for euer neither ſhal we take or ſuffer any other for our ſoueraign Lord & ſupreme K of France, but the ſame Hen|rie & his heires, neither ſhal we be of counſelor cõ|ſent of any hurt towards the ſaid K. Henry or his ſucceſſors, whereby they may ſuffer loſſe & detry|mẽt of life or limme, but that the ſame ſo farre as in vs may lie, wee ſhall ſignifie to them with all ſpeed, by letters or meſſengers, that they may the better prouide for themſelues in ſuch caſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The like othe a great number of the Princes and Nobles both ſpirituall and temporall which were preſent, receyued the ſame time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, the Morrow after Trinitie Sun|day, being the thirde of Iune, the mariage was ſolemnized and fully cõſummate, betwixt the K. of England, and the ſaid Ladie Katherine.

[figure appears here on page 1204]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1205Herewith was the king of Englande named and proclamed heyre and Regent of Fraunce, and as the Frenche king ſent the Copie of thys [figure appears here on page 1205] treatie to euery towne in Fraunce, to the king of Englande ſent the ſame in Engliſh to euery citie and Market towne within his realme, to be pro|claimed and publiſhed. The true copie whereof as wee finde it in the Chronicle of maiſter Hall, we haue thought good here to ſet downe, for the more full ſatiſfying of thoſe that ſhall deſire to pervſe euery clauſe and article thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2

1.14.1. The articles and appointments of peace be|twene the realmes of England and France.

The articles and appointments of peace be|twene the realmes of England and France.

HEnrie by the grace of God K. of Engl. heire, and regent of France, lord of Ireland, to per|petuall mind

to chriſten people, & all thoſe that be vnder our obeyſance,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 we notifie and declare, that though there hath bin here before diuerſe treaties betwene the moſt excellent prince Charles our fa|ther of France and his progenitors, for the peace to be had betwene the two realmes of France and Englande, the whiche heretofore haue borne no fruit: we conſidering the great harmes, the which hath not onely fallen betwene thoſe two realmes, for the great diuiſion of that hath beene betweene them, but to all holy Churche: Wee haue taken a treatie with our ſayde father, in whiche treatie betwixt our ſayde father and vs, it is concluded and accorded in the forme after the maner that followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1 Firſt, it is accorded betwixte our father and vs, that foraſmuch as by the bond of matrimonie made for the good of ye peace betwene vs and our moſt deare beloued Katherine, daughter of oure ſayde father, and of our moſt deare mother Iſa|bell his wife, the ſame Charles and Iſabell beene made our father and mother, therfore them as our father and mother we ſhall haue and worſhip, as it fitteth and ſeemeth ſo worthie a Prince and Princeſſe, to be worſhipped principally before all other temporall perſons of the worlde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo we ſhall not diſtrouble, diſeaſon or lette oure father aforeſayde, but that hee holde and poſſeede as long as hee lyueth, as he holdeth and poſſedeth at this tyme, the Crowne and dignitie royall of Fraunce, and rentes and profites for the ſame, of the ſuſtenaunce of his eſtate and charges of the realme. And our foreſayd mother alſo hold as long as ſhee liueth, the ſtate and dignitie of Queene, after the maner of the ſame realme, with conuenable conuenient parte of the ſayde rentes and profites.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 3 Alſo that the foreſayde Ladie Katherin ſhal take and haue Dower in our realme of England as Queenes of Englande here a fort were [...]one for to take and haue, that is to ſay, to the ſ [...]mme of .lx. thouſand Sentes, of the which two alga [...] ſhall be a noble Engliſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 4 And that by the wayes, maners, & meanes that we without tranſgreſſion or offence of other made by vs, for to ſpeake the lawes, cuſtomes, vſages and rightes of our ſayde Realme of Eng|lande, ſhall done one labour and purſu [...]e that the ſayde Katherine all ſo ſoone as it may be done, be made ſure to take, and for to haue in oure ſayde Realme of Englande, from the tyme of oure death, the ſayde dower of .xl. thouſande Sentes yearely, of the whiche [...]ine algate bee worth a noble Engliſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 5 Alſo if it happe the ſayde Katherine to ouer|liue vs, wee ſhall take and haue the Realme of France immediately, from the tyme of our death, dower to the ſumme of .xx. thouſande frankes yearely of and vpon the landes, places and lord|ſhippes that helde and had Blaunche ſometyme wyfe of Philip Boſecle to our ſayde Father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 6 Alſo that after the death of our ſayde father aforeſayde, and from thence forwarde, the crowne and the realme of Fraunce with all the ryghtes, and appurtenaunces, ſhall remayne and abyde to vs, and bene of vs and oure heyres for euer|more.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 7 And foraſmuche as our ſayd father is with|holden with diuerſe ſickneſſe, in ſuch maner as he maye not intende in his owne perſon for to diſ|poſe for the needes of the foreſayde Realme of Fraunce: therefore during the life of oure fore|ſayde father, the facultyes and exerciſe of the go|uernaunce and diſpoſition of the publique and common profite of the ſayd Realme of Fraunce, with Counſayle, and Nobles, and wife men of the ſame Realme of Fraunce, ſhall bee and abyde to vs: ſo that from thenceforth wee may gouerne the fame Realme by vs. And alſo to admitte to our Counſayle and aſſyſtaunce of the ſayd No|bles ſuche as wee ſhall thinke meete, the whiche faculties and exerciſe of gouernaunce thus being toward vs, we ſhall labor & purpoſe vs ſpeedfully, EEBO page image 1206 diligently, and truly, to that that may be & ought for to be, to the worſhip of God, and our ſayd fa|ther and mother, and alſo to the common good of the ſayde realme, and that realme with the coun|ſaile and helpe of the worthie and great nobles of the ſame realme or to be defended, peaſed and go|uerned after right and equitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 8 Alſo that we of our owne power ſhal do the court of the Parliament in France to be kept and obſerued in his authoritie and ſoueraigntie, and in all that is done to it in all maner of places that now or in time comming, is, or ſhall be ſubiect to our ſayd father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 9 Alſo we to our power ſhall defend and helpe all & euery of the Peeres, Nobles, Cities, townes comunalties, and ſingular perſons, nowe or in time comming, ſubiectes to our father in theyr rightes, cuſtomes, priuiledges, freedoms, and frã|chiſes, longing or due to thẽ in al maner of places now or in time comming ſubiect to our father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 10 Alſo we diligently and truly ſhall trauaile to our power, and do that iuſtice be adminiſtred & done in the ſame realme of France after ye lawes, cuſtomes, & rights of the ſame realm, without per|ſonall exception. And that we ſhall keepe & holde the ſubiects of the ſame realme in tranquilitie and peace, and to our power we ſhall defende them a|gainſt all maner of violence and oppreſſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 11 Alſo we to our power, ſhall prouide, and doe to our power, that able perſons and profitable bin taken to the offices as well of Iuſtices and other offices, belonging to the gouernance of the De|maynes, and of other offices of the ſayde realme of Fraunce, for the good right and peaceable iu|ſtice of the ſame, and for the adminiſtration that ſhall be committed vnto them, and that they bee ſuche perſons, that after the lawes and rightes of the ſame Realme, and for the vtilitie and pro|fite of oure ſayde father, ſhall miniſter, and that the foreſayde realme ſhal be taken and departed to the ſame offices.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 12 Alſo that we of our power, ſo ſoone as it may commodiouſly be done, ſhall trauaile to put into the obedience of our ſayd father, all maner of Ci|ties, townes, and caſtels, places, Countreys, and perſons within the realme of France, diſobedient, and rebels to our ſaide father, holding with them which been called the Dolphin or Arminack.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 13 Alſo that we might the more commodiouſ|ly, ſurely and freely done exerciſe and fulfill theſe things aforeſayd. It is accorded that all worthie nobles and eſtates of the ſame realme of France, aſwel ſpirituals as tẽporals, & alſo cities notables & cõmunalties, & citizens, burgeſſes of townes of the realm of France, ye bene obeyſant at this time to our ſaid father, ſhal make theſe othes yt folowẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 14 Firſt to vs hauing the facultie, exerciſe diſ|poſition, and gouernance of the foreſaid common profite to our heſtes and commaundements, theſe ſhall meekly and obediently obey and intend in all maner of things cõcerning the exerciſe of gouer|nance of the ſame realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 15 Alſo that the worthie great nobles & eſtates of the ſaid realme, aſwel ſpirituals as temporals, and alſo cities and notable cõmunalties & citizens & burgeſſes of ye ſame realm in al maner of things wel & truly ſhall kepe & to their power ſhall doe to be kept of ſo much as to them belongeth or to any of them, all thoſe things that bene appoynted and accorded betwene our foreſayd father and mother and vs, with the counſaile of them whom vs lyfe to call to vs.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 16 And that cõtinually frõ the death, and after the death of our ſaid father Charles, they ſhall be our true liegemen, and our heyres, & they ſhall re|ceiue and admit vs for their liege & ſoueraigne and very king of Fraunce, and for ſuch to obey vs wt|out oppoſition, contradiction, or difficultie, as they ben to our foreſaid father during his life, [...] af|ter this realme of France ſhal obey to mã as [...] or regẽt of Frãce, but to vs & our heires. And they ſhal not be in counſail, help, or aſſent that we look life or lym, or be take with euill taking or that we ſuffer, harme, or diminution in perſon, eſtate, worſhip, or goodes, but if they knowe any ſuche thing for to be caſt or imagined againſt vs, they ſhall let it to their power, and they ſhall done vs to weten thereof, as haſtily as they may by them|ſelfe, by meſſage, or by letters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 17 Alſo that all maner of conqueſts that ſhuld be made by vs in Fraunce vpon the ſaide inobedi|ents, out of the duchy of Normandy, ſhalbe done to the profit of our ſaid father, & that to our power we ſhal do that al maner of lãds & lordſhips that bene in the places ſo for to be conquered, longing to perſons obeying to our foreſaide father which ſhal ſwere for to kepe this preſent accord, ſhall be reſtored to the ſame perſons to whõ they long to.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 18 Alſo that all maner of perſons of the holye Church, beneficed in the duchie of Normandie, or any other places in the realme of Fraunce, ſubiect to our father, and fauoring the partie of the dukes of Burgoigne, which ſhall ſweare to keepe this preſent accorde, ſhall reioyce peaceably theyr be|nifices of holy Church in the duchie of Norman|die, or in other places next aforeſayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 19 Alſo likewiſe al maner of perſons of holye church, obedient to vs & beneficed in the realme of Frãce, & places ſubiect to our father, yt ſhal ſweare to kepe this preſẽt acord ſhal inioy peaceably their benefices of holy church in places next aboueſayd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 20 Alſo that all maner of Churches vniuerſi|ties and ſtudies general, and all colledges of ſtu|dies & other colledges of holy church being in pla|ces now or in time comming ſubiect to our father or in ye duchy of Nor. or other places in ye realme EEBO page image 1207 Fraunce ſubiect to vs ſhall enioy their rights and poſſeſſions, rents, prerogatiues, liberties, & fran|chiſes, longing or due to them in any maner of wiſe in the ſaid realm of France, ſauing the right of the crowne of France, and euery other perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 21 Alſo by Gods helpe, when it happeneth vs to come to the crowne of Fraunce, the Duchie of Normandie and all other places conquered by vs in the realme of Fraunce, ſhall bow vnder the cõ|maundement, obeyſance and Monarchie of the crowne of France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 22 Alſo that we ſhal force vs, & do to our power that recompence be made by our ſaid father with|out diminution of the crowne of Fraunce to per|ſons obeying to him, & fauoring to that partie yt is ſaid Burgoigne, to whõ longeth landes, lord|ſhips, rents, or poſſeſſions in ye ſaid duchie of Nor+mandie, or other places in the realme of Fraunce, conquered by vs hither toward, giuẽ by vs in pla|ces, & lands gotten or to be gotten, & ouercome, in the name of our ſaid father vpon rebels & inobedi|ents to him. And if ſo be that ſuch maner of recõ|pence be not made to the ſaid perſons, by the life of our ſaid father, we ſhall make that recompence in ſuch maner & places, of goods when it hapneth by Gods grace to the crowne of France. And if ſo be that the lands, lordſhips, rentes or poſſeſſions, the which lõgeth to ſuch maner of perſons in the ſaid duchy & places be not giuen by vs, the ſame perſõs ſhalbe reſtored to them without any delay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 23 And during the life of our father, in al places now or in time cõming ſubiect to him, letters of cõmon iuſtice, & alſo grants of offices and giftes, pardons or remiſſions, & priuiledges ſhalbe writ|ten and proceed vnder the name & ſeale of our ſaid father. And foraſmuch as ſome ſingular caſe may fall, that may not be forſeene by mans wit, in the which it might be neceſſarie & behouefull, that we do write our letters, in ſuch maner caſe if any ha [...] for the good and ſuretie of our father, and for the gouernance that longeth to vs, as is beforeſayd, & for to eſchewen perils that otherwiſe might fal, to ye preiudice of our ſayd father, to write our letters, by the which we ſhal cõmaund, charge, & defende after the nature & qualitie of the neede, in our fa|thers behalfe and ours as Regent of France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 24 Alſo that during our fathers life, wee ſhall not call nor write vs king of Fraunce, but verily we ſhall abſteyne vs from that name, as long as our father liueth,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 25 Alſo that our ſayd father during his life ſhal nempe, call, and write vs in Frenche in this ma|ner. Noſtr [...] [...]reſchier filz Henry Rey & Engleterre [...]re [...]re de Fraunce. And in Latine in this manie. [...]riſsimus filius noſter [...]ri [...] rex Angl [...] [...] hares, Franciae.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 26 Alſo that we ſhall put none impoſitions at+tractions, or do charge the ſubiectes of our ſayde father without cauſe reaſonable and neceſſary, [...] otherwiſe than for common good of the realme of Fraunce, and after the ſaying and aſking of the lawes and cuſtomes reaſonable approued of the ſame realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 27 Alſo that we ſhall trauaile to our power to the effect and intent, that by the aſſent of the three eſtates of either of the realmes of France & Eng|land, that all maner of obſtacles may be done a|way, & in this partie, that it be ordeyned & proui|ded, that frõ the time that we or any of our heires come to be crowne of France, both the crownes, that is to ſay of Fraunce & England perpetually be togither in one and in the ſame perſon, that is to ſay, from our fathers life to vs, & from the term of our life thence forwarde in the perſons of oure heyres, that ſhall bee one after another, and that both realmes ſhall be gouerned from that wee or any of our heyres come to the ſame, not ſeuerally vnder diuerſe kings in one time, but vnder the ſame perſon whiche for the time ſhall bee king of both the realmes, and our ſoueraigne Lorde (as it is before ſayd,) keeping neuertheleſſe in all maner of other things to eyther of the ſame Realmes, theyr rightes, libertyes, cuſtomes, vſages, and lawes, not making ſubiect in any maner of wiſe one of the ſame realmes to the rights, lawes, or v|ſages of that other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 28 Alſo that thence forwarde, perpetually, ſhall be ſtill reſt, and that in all maner of wiſe, diſſenti|ons, hates, rancours, enuies and warres, betwene the ſame realmes of Fraunce and Englande, and the people of the ſame realmes, drawing to accord of the ſame peace, may ceaſſe and be broken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 29 Alſo that there ſhal be frõ henceforward for euermore, peace and tranquilitie, and good accord and cõmon affection, & ſtable friendſhip betwene the ſaid realmes, and their ſubiects beforeſaid: the ſame realms ſhal kepe themſelues with their coũ|ſaile, helpes, and common aſſyſtence againſt all maner of men that enforce them for to doen or to y [...]gin wrõgs, harms, diſpleaſures, or grieuãces to them or either of them. And they ſhalbe cõuer|ſant and marchandiſen freely and ſurely togither, paying the cuſtom due and accuſtomed. And they ſhal be conuerſant alſo, that all the confederates & alies of our ſayd father and the realme of Fraunce aforeſayd, and alſo our confederates of the realme of England aforeſayd, ſhall in .viij. Monethes frõ the time of t [...] accord of peace, as it is notified to them, declare by their letters, that they will draw to this accorde, and will bee comprehended vnder the treaties and accorde of this peace, ſauing ne|uertheleſſe eyther of the ſame crownes, and alſo all maner actions, rightes & reuenues, that longen to our ſayd father and his ſubiect [...]s, and ſo vs and our ſubiectes, againſt all maner of ſuch allies and confederates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 120830 Alſo neither our father, neither our brother the duke of Burgoine ſhall begin, ne make wyth Charles, cleping himſelf the Dolphin of Viennes, any treatie, or peace, or accord, but by counſel and aſſent of all & eche of vs three, or of other the three eſtates of either of the ſaide realmes aboue named.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 31 Alſo that we with aſſent of our ſayde bro|ther of Burgoigne, and other of the nobles of the realme of Fraunce, the which thereto owen to be called, ſhal ordeyne for the gouernance of our ſaid father ſekerly, louingly, and honeſtly after the aſ|king of his royall eſtate and dignitie, by the ma|ner that ſhall be to the worſhip of God, and of our father, and of the realme of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 32 Alſo all maner of perſons, that ſhall bee a|bout our father to do him perſonal ſeruice, not on|ly in office, but in all other ſeruices, aſwel the no|bles & gentles as other, ſhall be ſuch as hath beene borne in the realm of France, or in places longing to Fraunce, good, wiſe, true and able to that fore|ſayd ſeruice. And our ſaide father ſhall dwell in places notable of his obedience, and no where elſe. Wherefore we charge and commaunde our ſayd liege ſubiects, and other being vnder our obedience that they keepe and doe to be kept in all that lon|geth to them, this accorde & peace after the forme and maner as it is accorded. And that they at|tempt in no maner wiſe, any thing yt may be pre|iudiciall or contrarie to the ſame accorde & peace, vpon payne of life and lymme, and all that they may forfeyte agaynſt vs.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 33 Alſo that we for the things aforeſayde, and euery one of them, ſhall giue our aſſent by our let|lers patents, ſealed with our ſeale vnto our ſayde father, with all approbation and confyrmation of vs, and all other of our bloud royall, and all other of the Cities and townes to vs obedient. Sealed with our ſeales accuſtomed. And further oure ſayde father beſydes hys letters Patentes ſealed with oure greate Seale, ſhall make or cauſe to bee made Letters approbatorie, and confyrma|tions of the Peeres of his Realme, and of the Lordes, Citizens, and Burgeſſes of the ſame vnder hys obedience. All whiche Articles, wee haue ſworne to keepe vppon the holye Euange|liſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. VValſ.The .xiiij. of Iune being Fryday, there was a ſolemne Proceſſion at London, and a Sermon at Paules Croſſe, in whiche the Preacher openly declared the effect of the kings maryage, and the articles cõcluded vpon the ſame, by reaſon wher|of (he ſayd) there muſt be a new great ſeale deuiſed, and the olde broken, and in the newe the kings name with a newe addition of his tytle as Re|gent of Fraunce, & heyre apparant of that king|dome was to be engraued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide the league thus concluded by K. Hen|rie with the French king,A l [...]gue be|tweene king Henry and the Duke of Burgoigne. and the whole [...] of the realme of France, there was a priuate league accorded betwixt him and the Duke of Burg [...] the effect whereof was comprehended in articles as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Firſt, that the duke of Burgoigne ſhould pro|cure this peace lately before concluded, to be ob|ſerued firme and ſtable in all couenants & poynts therof ſo farre as he by any meanes might [...] the ſame: in conſideration wherof, one of the bre|thren of king henry ſhould take to wife one of the ſaid duke of Burgoigne his ſiſters. That K. Hẽ|rie ſhould euer haue in ſingular fauor the ſaid D. of Burgoigne, as his moſt dere brother, & ſupport him in all his rights. That the ſaid duke after the deceaſſe of king Charles ſhuld take an othe of [...]|altie to be true to king Henrie & his heyres accor|ding to the forme & tenor therof before expreſſed, & ſhuld in al things be friend to k. H. & his heires for|euer. That k. Henry ſhuld do his vttermoſt ende|uor, that due puniſhment might bee had for the murther of Duke Iohn, father to the ſayd Duke of Burgoigne, aſwell vpon Charles that named himſelfe Dolphin, as vpon others that were guil|tie and priuie to that murther: If the ſayd Dol|phin chanced to be takẽ, either in battail or town beſieged, or if any other chanced ſo to be taken, that ſhould be proued guiltie or priuie to the mur|ther of the ſayd duke Iohn, he ſhould not be deli|uered without iuſt puniſhment for his deches, nor without the cõſent of the two kings Charles and Henrie, & of the three eſtates of both the realmes. In conſideration of the great diligence, and pain|full trauaile ſuſteyned by the duke of Burgoigne, it was alſo agreed, that he ſhould haue by Pa [...] graunted of king Charles and Queene Iſabella fee of .xx. thouſand pounds Pariſien, of yerely re|uenues, aſſigned forth neare to the confines of his Countrey, to enioy the ſame to him and to hys wyfe the Duches Michel, and to the heires [...] betwixt them two lawfully begotten, to the ob|teyning whereof, king Henry ſhould ſhew all hys furtherance, & if it might not be brought to paſſe till king Henrie had obteyned the Crowne of Fraunce, then ſhould hee ſee the ſame perfor [...], vpon the receyuing of his homage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The king of Englande after all the articles of the ſaid treaties and agreements were concluded,The effect of King Hen [...] Oration to [...] French king. paſſed & ſworne vnto, made to the French K. the duke of Burgoigne, & other the French Lordes, a ſumptuous banquet, & before they departed frõ the ſame, he ſadly and ſoberly made to thẽ a eight pi|thie and ſentẽtious oration, declaring to thẽ [...]o [...] how profitable the ioyning of the two kingdomes ſhoulde bee to the ſubiectes of the ſame, [...] the right that hee had thereto, being by ly [...]all diſent of the womans ſide, (which is the [...],) EEBO page image 1209 rather a Frenchman than an Engliſhman, and though he was an Engliſhman borne, yet he aſ|ſured them to tender the wealth of the Realme of France, as much as he would the aduancement of his owne natiue Countrey of England: here|with, hee inueyghed againſte Charles the Dol|phin, being the head and onely mainteyner of all the ciuil diſcord, whoſe wicked nature, and cruel diſpoſition, did wel appeare in the murther of the late Duke of Burgoigne, he therfore willed thẽ, according to their duetie, othe, and agreement, to ſtand with him, and help to reduce ſuche a ſtub|borne and diſloyall ſonne, vnto the obeyſance of his father K. Charles, that hee might ſhew him|ſelfe conformable vnto ſuche orders and decrees, as they had taken, appointed, and agreed vpon: and for his parte, he promiſed to worſhippe, loue, and honor his father in lawe ye ſaid K. Charles, in place of his owne father, according to the true meaning of this concorde and agreemente, tru|ſting the ſame to bee a peace finall. And to con|clude, he promiſed, that if they ſhewed thẽſelues true and loyall to him, according to the ſame a|greement, the Ocean Sea ſhould ſooner ceaſſe to flow, and the bright ſunne loſe his light, than he woulde deſiſt from doing that whiche became a Prince to do to his ſubiect, or a father to his na|turall child. When hee had thus perſwaded the nobilitie, and diſpatched his buſineſſe at Troies, he with all his armie, hauing with him the frẽch King,It was rendred vp the tenth of Iune. Titus Liuius. Se [...]s & Mon|ſtreau beſie|ged and taken The ſiege was layde the .xvi. [...]ne. and the Duke of Burgoigne, departed frõ thence the fourth of Iune, and vpon the ſeuenth day of the ſame moneth, came before the towne of Sens in Burgoigne, which held on the Dol|phins part, but after four days ſiege; it was yeel|ded vnto the King, and there he made Captaine, the Lord Genuille. From thence, hee remoued to Monſtreaw on fault Yonne, which towne was taken on the three and twentith day of Iune, by aſſault, and many of the Dolphins part appre|hended, before they could get to the Caſtell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Whileſt ye ſiege lay there, and before ye towne was entred, the Duke of Bedforde came thither vnto the K. bringing with him a faire retinue of Souldiers out of England. After the getting of the Towne, the Caſtell being well vittelled and manned, denyed to render, and therefore was it enuironed with a ſtrong ſiege, during ye which, the Duke of Burgoigne was enformed, in what place of the towne the Duke his father was buried, who was slaine there (as before you haue heard) and now his corps was taken vp againe by his sonnes appointmente, and seared, and so conueighed vnto Digeon in high Burgoigne, & there buryed by his father D. Phillip. Bycause they within the Castell of Monstreaw, gaue opprobius words to the kings Herrault that was sente vnto them, the King caused a gibet to bee set vp before the Castell, on the which were hanged twelue prisoners, all Gentlemen, and friendes to the Captaine named Mons. de Guitrie, who at length, perceiuing that by no meanes he could be ſuccoured, and fearing to be taken by force, begã to treate with the King of Englande, who for the ſpace of eight dayes would hearken to none of his offers, but in concluſion, hee and his ren|dred themſelues ſimply, their liues only ſaued,It held not out ſo lõg as ſhuld appere by Ti|tus Liuius, who ſaith, that it was rendred the fourth of Iulye. Melun beſie|ged by kyng Henry. ſixe weekes after they had bin beſieged. The erle of Warwike was made Captaine, both of the Towne and Caſtell, who fortified it with men, munition, and vittailes. The King departing from thence, came to Melun vppon Seine, the thirtenth day of Iuly, and beſieged it rounde a|bout, hauing then in company with him ye french King, and the yong King of Scottes, the dukes of Burgoigne, Clarence, Bedford, Glouceſter, & Bar, the Prince of Orange, and one and twen|tie Earles, beſides Lords, Barons, and knights, equall to Lordes in degree, to the number of 57. what of England and Frãce,Eighteene we|kes haue the Chronicles of Flaunders. Titus Liuius. and beſide alſo fifteene maiſter ſouldiers. This ſiege continued the ſpace almoſt of ſeauen monethes, or as Tho|mas Walſ. hathe, fourteene weekes, and foure days, with ſkirmiſhing, ſcaling, aſſaulting, and defending, to the loſſe no doubt of both partes.Monſieur de Barbaſon a va|liant captaine. Captain of this towne, was one Monſ. de Bar|baſon, a Gaſcoigne of ſuche experience and ap|proued vahã [...]t in warres, that his renowne was ſpred through the world. At the firſt laying of the ſiege, he called all the Souldiers there in garri|ſon, and likewiſe the towneſmen afore him, and warned them all on paine of deathe, that none of them ſhould bee ſo hardie, as to treate, or once to motion any word of ſurrendring the towne, or of comming to any compoſition or agreemẽt with the two kings, except they made him being their Captaine, priuie thereto, before they attẽp|ted any ſuch thing. In the meane ſeaſon, ye frẽch Queene, the Queene of England, and the Du|ches of Burgoine, lying at Corheill, came dy|uers times to viſit their huſbãds, and to ſee theſe friendes, whome the King of Englande highly feaſted, & louingly enterteined, that euery crea|ture reported great honor of him.Titus Liuius This Towne of Melun ſeemed very ſtrong, both by reaſon of the riuer of Saine, which compaſſed part therof, alſo he ſtrong walles, [...]rrers ditches, and bul|w [...]ckes made about it. The K. therefore to take away all the [...] & entries from them within, made [...]bridge ouer the riuer, able to beare hor|ſes and carriage and againe, appointed dyuers boares, [...]ſhed with men of warre, to keepe the ſ [...]reathe, ſo yt they [...]hin ſhould haue no way is co [...]e [...] by water or la [...] yet one day, the French [...] forth, and affected ye Eng|liſh [...]gings, [...] the [...] EEBO page image 1210 encamped on the Eaſt ſide of the towne, not far from the D. of Burgoigne, but by the valiaunt prowes & manly courage of the Engliſhmen, the enimies were eaſily beaten backe, and conſtrey|ned to retire into the Towne againe, with theyr loſſe. Heere is to be remembred, that during thys ſiege before Melun, there came to the K. the D. of Bauiere,The duke of Ba [...]ere com|meth to king Henry with a number of horſemen. ye kings brother in law, but the kings ſiſter that had bin married to him, was not then liuing, and brought with him ſeuen hundred wel appointed horſemẽ, which were reteined to ſerue the K. and right worthely they bare themſelues, and therefore moſt liberally recompenced at the kings hande, for the time they continued in hys ſeruice. The K. enforced this ſiege by all wayes & meanes poſſible, to bring the towne into ſubie|ction, as well by mines as otherwiſe, but they within ye towne ſo valiantly behaued thẽſelues, as well by coũtermines, whereby at length they entred into ye kings mines, as by other wayes of reſiſtaunce, that by force of aſſaultes it was not thought any eaſie matter to winne the ſame. It fortuned one day,The tranſlator of Tit. Liuius. that whileſt ther roſe a cõten|tion betwixt two Lords of the kings hoſt, who ſhould haue the honor to goe firſt into ye mine, to encounter with ye frẽchmen, yt now had brought their mine through into ye engliſh mines, & made barriers betwixte, that they might ſafely come & ſight with the Engliſhmen: the K. to auoide the ſtrife,K. Henry and Monfire Bar|baſon fighte hand to hand. entred the mine himſelfe firſt of all other, & by chance, came to fight hande to hand with the L. Barbaſon, that was likewiſe entred ye myne before all other of them within the towne, & after [figure appears here on page 1210] they had fought a good ſeaſon togither, at lẽgth they agreed to diſcouer to eyther other their names, ſo as ye L. Barbaſon, firſt declaring what he was, ye K. likewiſe tolde him, that he was the K. of England, wherevppon. Barbafon percey|uing with whome he had fought cauſed ye barro|ces forth with to be cloſed, and withdrew into ye Citie, & the K. returned backe to his campe. At length, vittailes within the to [...] began to faile, & peſtilence began to waxe hote, ſo that the Lord Barbaſon began to treate, and in concluſion, a|boue the middes of Nouember (as Fabian ha [...] the towne was yeelded vpon certaine conditiõs,It was [...]|dred about all [...]l [...]ide, as Tho. Wal [...] [...]o [...]. Mel [...] yelded vp to K. Henry whereof one was, that all yt were conſenting to the death of ye D. of Burgoigne, ſhoulde be dely|uered to ye K. of England, of whom the L. Bar|baſon was ſuſpected to be one. The K. ſente them vnder the conduct of his brother the D. of Cla|rence, to the Citie of Paris, whereof ye french K. made him Captaine, & ſo at his cõming thither, he toke poſſeſſiõ of ye Baſtill of S. Anthonie, the Loure, ye houſe of Neelle, & the place of Boys de Vincennes.Titus Liuius. Monſ. de Barbaſon was accuſed by the D. of Burgoigne, and his ſiſters as giltie to their fathers death, but he in open Court defen|ded himſelfe, as not giltie of that crime, granting indeede and cõfeſſing, yt he was one of ye familiar ſeruants to the Dolphin, but yt he was priuie of cõſenting to ye death of the D. of Burgoigne he vtterly denied: where vpon, he was not condem|ned, neither yet acquited, by reaſon of ſuche pre|ſumptions & coniectures as were alledged and brought againſt him, ſo yt he remained in priſon at Paris & elſe where, ye ſpace of nine yeres, til at length, beeing broughte vnto Caſtel Galliard, it chanced yt the ſame Caſtell was won by thoſe of the Dolphins partie, & he being as then priſoner there, eſcaped out of danger, & ſo by that meanes was ſet at libertie, as after ſhall appeare.Now this Ap|peale. Some write, yt he had bin put to death, if he had not ap|pealed from K. Henries ſentence, vnto the iudge|ment of ye officers at armes, alledging, that by ye lawe of armes, no man hauing his brother in armes within his danger, afterwardes ought in put him to deathe for any cauſe or quarell, & that he was the kings brother in armes he proued it, for yt he had fought with him hãd to hand with|in ye mines (as before ye haue heard) which com|bate was thought of equall force by the Heraults as if he had fought wt the K. body to body, th [...] ſolemne liſtes. But for ye credite of this mother, we leaue it to ye cõſideration of ye Readers. The erle of Hũtingeõ, was made Captaine of Melũ, & from thence, ye K. departed with his army vnto E [...]rbeil, where ye french K. & the two Queene then ſo iourned, & after, both ye kings accompa|nied wt the dukes of Bedford, Burgaine, Con|teſtor, & Exeter, & the Erles of Warwike & Sa|liſburie, wt a great nũber of noble mẽ & knights, ſet forth towards Paris, whome the Citizens [...] good order met without the gates,King Henry [...] receiued in a Paris. & the Clergie alſo wt ſolemne proceſſiõ: all the [...]tes wer hã|ged with rich clothes, the two kings rode togy|ther (the K. of England giuing ye vpper hand [...] his father in lawe) through ye great Citie of Pa|ris, to our Lady Church, where after they hadde ſaide their deuotions, they departed to their lod|gings, EEBO page image 1211 the french K. to ye houſe of S. Paule, and ye K. of Englãd to ye Caſtel of Loure. The next day, the two Queenes made their entrie, & were receiued with like ſolemnities, as their huſbands were ye day before. During ye ſeaſon yt theſe two Kings lay in Paris, there was a great aſſemble called, as wel of ye ſpiritualtie, as of the nobles of ye tẽporaltie, in ye whiche, the kings ſate as Iud|ges,The duches of Burgoigne hir appeal [...]. before whom, the Duches of Burgoigne, by hir proctor, appealed the Dolphin, & ſeuen other, for the murther of D. Iohn hir huſband. To the which appeale, the counſell of ye other part made diuers offers of amẽds, as wel of foundations of Chãtries for prieſts, to pray for ye foule, as recõ|pence of money to the widowe & children, for the final determination wherof, ye kings to take fur|ther aduice therein, appointed another day. At this ſame time, ye three eſtates of the Realme of France aſſembled at Paris,The othe of the three eſta|tes of France. & there euery perſon ſeuerally ſware vpõ the holy Euãgeliſt, to kepe, ſupport, mainteine, & defend the treatie and finall accord, which was concluded betweene the two kings, & therto euery noble mã, ſpirituall gouer|nor, & tẽporal ruler, ſet too their ſeales, which in|ſtrumẽts wer ſent to ye kings treaſurie of his Eſ|chequer at Weſt. ſafely to be kept, wher they yet remaine. The french K. at ye ſame time, being in good & perfect ſtate of health, opẽly there in Par|liamẽt declared, yt the peace was cõcluded, accor|ded, & made by his free aſſent, & with ye aduice of al ye counſell of France, & that he woulde for hys owne part, & that his ſucceſſors ought for theyr parts, obſerue & keepe ye ſame, with al the articles therin cõteined. And likewiſe, that al his ſubiects were bound for euer, to obſerue & keepe the ſame, without breaking or doing any thing preiudici|al therto. During the time yt the two kings thus ſoiourned in Paris, the french king kept a ſmall port, very few, & thoſe of ye meaner ſort reſorting vnto his Court, but the K. of Englãd kept ſuch a ſolemne ſtate, wt ſo plẽtifull an houſe, & ſhewed himſelfe ſo bountiful in giftes, & ſetting forth of warlike ſhewes & princely paſtimes, that all the noble mẽ & other reſorted to his palace, to ſee his eſtate, & to do him honor. He toke vpõ him as re|gẽt of France,King Henrye taketh vppon him the office o [...] Regent of France. to redreſſe cauſes, remoue officers, reforme things yt were amiſſe, and cauſed a newe coigne to be made, called a Salute, wherin were ye armes of France, & the armes of England and Frãce quarterly ſtamped. Alſo, to ſet al things in quiet, he cõſtituted ſir Gilbert Vmfreuile Cap|tain of Melũ, wt a good nũber of valiant Soul|diers, to remaine there in garriſon, & the Earle of Hũtingtõ, couſin germaine to the K. was depu|ted Captaine at Blois de Vincenes, & the Duke of Exeter, wt fiue C. men of warre, was aſſigned to keepe Paris. The D. of Bauier about ye ſame time, wt the kings licence, departed into his coũ|trey, both he & his retinue, receiuing large giftes of ye kings greate liberalitie, and amongſt other things, the K. gaue to him a cup of golde, garni|ſhed & ſet with pretidus ſtones of great price and value. Moreouer, he had a penſiõ giuen him of a M. markes by yere, vnder the kings letters pat|tents, to be had & receiued of ye kings free & liberal grant, during the life of the ſaid Duke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the King had thus ordred his buſines, he wt the Q. his wife, the princes, & nobles of the Realme departed frõ Paris ye ſixth of Ianuarie,1421 & came to Rouen, but firſt before his departing, he cauſed proces to be made & awarded forth a|gainſt Charles ye Dolphin, cõmanding him to appeare at the marble table at Paris, where for lacke of appearance, hee was with al ſolemnitie in ſuch caſe requiſite, denoũced giltie of ye mur|ther & homicide of Iohn D. of Burgoigne, & by the ſentence of Parliament, baniſhed the realme: but ye Dolphin withdrew into Languedoc, and after to Poictiers, getting to him ſuch friends as he could, & namely, he found ye erle of Arminacke very faithfull to him, not only aiding him with men, but alſo in his owne perſon, he continually ſerued him againſt all his aduerſaries. The K. of England comming to Roane, ſoiourned there a certain time, & receiued ye homage of all ye nobles of Normãdie, amõgſt whom, ye erle of Stafford did homage for ye countie of Perche,Theſe Coun|ties they en|ioyed of the kings gift. and Arthur of Britaigne lykewiſe for the countie of Ivrie,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 He alſo ordeined his Lieutenaunt generall, both of France & Normandy, his brother Tho. D. of Clarence, & his deputie in Normãdy was the Erle of Saliſburie. Whẽ the feaſt of Chriſt|mas was paſſed, hee departed frõ Roane, wt the Q. his wife, & by Amiens came to Calais, wher he tooke ſhip the morow after Candlemas day,He landed at Douer on Cã|delmaſſe euen ſayeth Tho. Walſingham. & landed at Douer, & came to Canterburie, & from thẽce to Eltham, & ſo through Londõ to Weſt. I paſſe ouer to write what ioy & triumph was ſhewed by the Citizens of Londõ,K. Henry re|turneth into England with his new wyfe. and of al other his ſubiectes in euery place where he came. The King hymſelfe to render vnto God hys moſt humble and hartie thankes, cauſed ſolemne pro|ceſſions to be obſerued and kept fiue dayes togy|ther in euery Citie and towne. After that done,Tho. Walſing. ſaith, ſhe was crowned the firſt Sunday in Lent, whiche that yeare fell vpon the ninth of February. The coronati|on of Queene Catherine. he made great pu [...]ueyance for the coronation of his Q. & ſpouſe, the faire Lady Katherine, whi|che was done the daye of S. Mathie, beeing the 24. of February, with all ſuch Ceremonies and princelyke ſolemnitie as apperteined, and as in ye Chronicles of Robert Fabian is at large expreſ|ſed. After the ſolemne feaſt of the Coronation once ended, the King as well to viſit certayne places for deuotion, by way of pilgrimage, as al|ſo to ſee in what ſtate and ord [...]r diners parts of his Realm ſtoode, departed from the Q. appoin|ting day and place where ſhe ſhould meete hym, EEBO page image 1212 and ſo iourneyed forthe from place to place, tho|rough ſundry Countreys, as well of Wales as Englande, and in euery quarter where he came, hee heard with diligent eare the complaintes of ſutors,Iuſtice mini|ſtred by kyng Henry in pro|greſſe. & tooke order for the adminiſtration of iu|ſtice both to high and lowe, cauſing manie myſ|demeanors to be reformed. At length he came to the town of Leyceſter, where he foũd the Quene according to the appointment before taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 An. reg. 9. Heere at Leiceſter, he held the feaſt of Eaſter: but while theſe things wer thus adoing in Eng|land, the D. of Clarence, the Kings Lieutenant in France and Normandie, aſſembled togither all the garriſons of Normandie, at the Towne of Bernay, and from thence departed into ye coũ|trey of Maine, and at Pont le Gene he paſſed the riuer of Yonne, and rode through all the Coun|trey to Lucie,The duke of Clarence made a roade into Aniow. where he paſſed the riuer of Loire, and entred into Aniou, and came before the Ci|tie of Angiers, where he made many Knightes, that is to ſay, ſir William Ros, ſir Henry God|dard, Sir Rowlande Rider, ſir Thomas Beau|fort, called the baſtard of Clarence, and diuers o|ther and after that hee had forrayed, brente, and ſpoiled the countrey, hee returned with pray and pillage, to the towne of Beaufort, in the valley, where he was aduertiſed, that a great number of his enimies, Frenchmen, Scottes, Spanyards, and other, were aſſembled togither, at a place called Viell Bauge, that is, olde Bangie,Viel Bauge or Bangie. with the Duke of Alanſon, calling hymſelfe Lieute|nant generall for the Dolphin. The D. of Cla|rence had a Lombard reſorting vnto him,Forguſa, a Lumbard, be|trayeth the duke of Cla|rence. retei|ned with the parte aduerſe (his name was An|drewe Forguſa) of whome the Duke enquired the number of his enimies, to whome he repor|ted, that their number was but ſmall, and not of puiſſance to match with halfe the power of hys ſtrong armye, entiſing him with aſſurance of victorie, to ſet on the Frenchmẽ. The Duke like a couragious Prince, aſſembled togither all the horſemen of the army, and left the archers vnder the guiding of the baſtard of Clarence, and two Portingales, Captaines of Frefney le Vicount, ſaying, that he onely and the nobles would haue ye honor of that iourney. Whẽ the D. was paſ|ſed a certaine ſtraight and narrow paſſage, he e|ſpied his enimies raunged in good order of bat|tell, by the monition of the Lombard, which had ſold him to his enimies, and his aduerſaries had laid ſuch buſhments at the ſtraights, that ye duke by no waies without battell, coulde either retire or flee. The Engliſhmen ſeing this, valiantly ſet on their enimies, which was four to one,The Engliſh|men diſco [...]|ted. by rea|ſon wherof, at length the Engliſhmen were op|preſſed with multitude, & brought to confuſion.

[figure appears here on page 1212]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The duke of Clarence and dyuers nobles of Englande ſlayne.There were ſlaine, the Duke of Clarence, the Earle of Tankeruile, the Lord Ros, ſir Gilberte Vmfreuile Earle of Angus, and ſir Iohn Lom|ley, Sir Robert Verend, and almoſt two thou|ſand Engliſhmen: and the Earles of Somerſet, Suffolke, and Perche, the Lorde Fitz Water, ſir Iohn Barkeley, ſir Raufe Neuile, Sir Henrye Inglis, ſir William Bowes, ſir William Log|ton, ſir Thomas Borough, and diuers other ta|ken priſoners. And of the Frenchmen wer ſlaine aboue twelue hundred of the beſt men of warre they had, ſo that they gained not much. The ba|ſtard of Clarence which tarried at Beaufort, be|ing enformed of the great number of the Frẽch|men, made forward with al the archers, to come to the ſuccoure of the Duke, but they came too late, for the Frenchmẽ hearing of the approching of the archers, fledde with their priſoners, and lefe the body of the Duke, and other the dead car|caſes behind them. The archers buried them all ſauing the Dukes corps, whiche with great ſo|lemnitie was ſent into England, and buried at EEBO page image 1213 Canterburie beſide his father. After this, ye Eng|liſhmen brent & ſpoiled the Countrey of Maine, and ſo returned to Alanſon, and after departed euery man to his garriſon. This battell was ſought on Eaſter euen, in the yeare .1421. But now to returne to the king. After he had kept his Eaſter at Leiceſter, hee with the Queene remo|ued, and wente Northwarde, till they came to Yorke, where they were receiued with great ioy of the Citizens and other the nobles and Gẽtle|men of the countrey. The K. went vnto Beuer|ley, to viſit the ſhrine of S. Iohn, and immedi|ately vpon his departure frõ thence, the ſorowful newes of his brother ye D. of Clarence his death, came to him, for the which he was right penfite: but ſith mourning would not auaile, he called to remembrance what he had to do, and therevpon without delay,The Earle of [...]raigne [...]de Internat| [...] of Normandy. ſente Edmõd erle of Morraigne, brother to the Erle of Sõmerſet into Norman|die, giuing to him like authoritie & preheminẽce, as his brother the late deceaſſed D. of Clarence had before enioyed.A parliament. After this, he called hys hygh Court of Parliament, in the whiche, he declared with ſuch great wiſedome and grauitie, the actes which had bin done in Fraunce, the eſtate of the time preſent, and what was neceſſarie to be pro|uided for the time to come (if they woulde looke to haue that iewell and high kingdome, for the whych they hadde ſo long laboured and fought) that the communaltie gladly granted a fifteene, and ye Clergie beneuolẽ [...]y offred a double diſme, and bycauſe no delay ſhoulde bee in the Kings affaires for lacke of paiment, the B. of Winche|ſter the kings vncle leant vnto him twentie M. pound, to be receiued of ye ſame diſmes. Whẽ al things neceſſary for this iourney were ready and prepared, he ſent his brother the D. of Bedforde before him to Calais, with al his army, being as ſome write, four M. men of armes, and twentie M. archers and others,King Henry [...]eth into [...]ance a| [...]ine. [...]e tooke Sea [...] Douer the [...]e of [...]es, as Titus [...] hathe [...]d ſo haue [...]e chronicles F [...]nders. (though ſome haue writ|ten, that the whole armie paſſed not twelue M. of one and other.) The K. himſelfe ſhortly after, about ye middle of May, paſſed the Seas to Ca|lais, & ſo frõ thẽce, he marched through ye Coun|trey vnto Boyes, de Vincennes, where ye french K. and the Quene as then ſoiourned. The D. of Burgoigne alſo that had receiued him at Mon|ſtruell, attended him to Dowaſt in Ponthiew, & there hauing taken leaue of him for ſixe days, re|turned now again to him, according to his pro|miſe. Then did they cõſult togither, about their affaires, & appointed in al haſt to fighte with the Dolphin, & to reiſe the ſiege of Chartres whiche he had there plãted. Herevpon, the K. of Englãd with al his puiſſance, came to ye town of Maũt, & thither repaired the D. of Burgoigne, but ere they departed from thence, they had knowledge, that the Dolphin hearing of the puiſſant army of the K. of England, approching towards him, was reculed with his people towardes Touers in Towraine, wherefore the K. of England in|continently, did not onely ſend backe the Duke of Burgoigne into Picardie, to reſiſt ye attempts of ſir Iaques de Harecourt, which made war in that countrey for the Dolphin, but alſo appoyn|ted the K. of Scottes, with the D. of Glouceſter,The King of Scots ſerueth King Henry. Dreux beſie|ged, and ren|dred to the en|gliſhemen. to beſiege the towne of Dreux. They comming thither about the .18. of Iuly, planted ſiege on e|uery ſide, both of towne & Caſtell, & what with power of baterie, and other forcible meanes, ſo cõſtreined thẽ within, ye on the .8. day of Auguſt, they cõpounded, that if no ſufficient reſcue came to reiſe the ſiege, before the end of twelue dayes next enſuing, both the towne and Caſtell ſhould be deliuered to the K. of Englands vſe, ſo as the ſouldiers might depart with their goods whither they would, except one Engliſhmã, which was knowen to be amõgſt thẽ, being fledde for trea|ſon out of the kings dominions. On the twẽtith day of Auguſt, which was the day of the apoint|ment, ye K. of Scottes receiued the towne & Ca|ſtell, to the behoofe of his ſoueraigne L. the kyng of England, who during al the time of the ſiege, lay at Moraumall. The Towneſmen yt would remaine ſtill in their houſes, were ſworne to bee true ſubiectes to the K. and the other whyche re|fuſed, departed with the ſouldiers. The Engliſh|man yt was excepted, was deliuered, according to the couenantes, and after executed, as hee had deſerued. The Earle of Worceſter was made Captaine of Dreux, and ſir Henrye Mortimer Bailife there. This done, the K. hearing that the Dolphin ſhould be at Baugencie aſſembling his power, haſted thitherwards, but at his comming into thoſe parties, he founde no appearance of e|nimies in ye field, & ſo he remained there a fifteene dayes, in which meane while, the Erle of Suf|folke was ſent forth, to diſcouer the Countrey, & the K. wan by aſſault the towne of Baugencie, & after when vittailes began to faile, hee marched forward, meaning to purſue the Dolphin,King Henry purſueth the Dolphin. but ye Dolphin doubting the Engliſh puiſſance, con|ueyed al ye vittailes forth of thoſe quarters, & re|tired himſelfe to Bourges in Berrie, choſing that place as his ſureſt refuge, and therefore determi|ned there to remaine, till Fortune turning hir wheele, ſhould looke on them with a more fauo|rable countenance: heereof in ſcorne was he cõ|monly called K. of Berrie.The Dolphin, why called K. of Berry. The K. of England followed, till vittailes and forrage began ſore to faile on al ſides, & then returning, paſſed towards Orleans, taking the Caſtel of Rouge Mont by aſſault: he ſtayed three dayes before Orleans, & from thence for want of vittailes, marched tho|rough Gaſtinois, til he came to Vigny-ſur Yõ|ne, where he remained for a ſeaſon, to refreſh his EEBO page image 1214 people that were fore trauelled, in that painefull paſſed iourney,Titus Liuius. in which ye K. loſt not only ma|ny of his menne for lacke of vittailes, but alſo a great nũber of horſes and carriages. Some haue written that about ye ſame time, he ſhould win the Citie of Sens, otherwiſe called ye kings new towne by ſurrender,Les hiſtories des duez de Normandie. but after hee had remained for a time at Vignie, wee finde that he remoued to Paris, where he was honorably receiued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortly after, he conſidering with himſelfe yt the towne of Meaux in Brie beeing repleniſhed with enimies, was not to be ſuffered to remayne in that ſtate, in the middes of his new gottẽ ſub|iects, determined to take away the open ſcruple yt might poiſon and infect the members, dwelling hard by: wherfore with a great number of Erles and Barons in his company, he came to beſiege it. This towne was no leſſe well vittelled than manned, and no better manned than fortified, ſo that the King could neither haue it to him dely|uered at his pleaſure, nor gaine it by aſſaulte, without ye great loſſe of his people, yet neuerthe|leſſe, he determined not to depart, til he had gote it by one meane or other. The riuer of Marne deuided this towne into two parts, ſo that there was no entrie from the one into the other, but by a bridge, reiſed vp, & made ouer ye riuer, ſuſteined with many arches. The one parte is called the city, and the other Le marche, being the ſtrongeſt & beſt fortified. The K. firſt lodged a mile off, in a Caſtel,The ſtrong towne of Me+aux beſieged by the Eng|liſhmen. and ſente the D. of Exeter to begin the ſiege, which he did, according to his inſtructions, vpon the ſixth of October. Shortly after, the K. himſelf came, & lodged in the Abbey of Pharon, the D. of Exeter in the Abbey de Chage, the erle of March at the grey F [...]iers, & the Erle of War|wike directly againſte that parte that is called la Marche. They within defended themſelues right valiantly, ſo that the Engliſhmen were not al at their caſe, but ſpecially through lacke of vittailes many dyed, & many fel ſicke, by reaſon whereof, no ſmall nũber returned home into Englande, where in ye meane time,A Parliament called by the Duke of Bed|forde, the king beeing in France. on the firſte of Decẽber, a Parliamente was called and holden at Weſt. by the D. of Bedford, gouernor of the Realm in the kings abſence. In this Parliament, a fiftẽth was granted to the K. towards the maintenãce of the warres, the one moitie to be paid at Cãdle|mas, and the other at Martiumas, of ſuch mo|ney, as at the time of the grante was currante.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Windſore. The birth of King Henry the ſixte.This yeare at Windſor, on the day of Sainct Nicholas in December, the Queene was dely|uered of a ſon named Henry, whoſe Godfathers were Iohn Duke of Bedford, and Henry B. of Wincheſter, and Iaquete, or as the Frenchmen called hir, Iaqueline of Bauiere, Coũtes of Hol|land was his Godmother. The K. beeing certi|fied hereof, as he lay at ſiege before Meaux, gaue God thankes, in that it hadde pleaſed his [...] prouidence to ſende him a ſon, which might ſuc|ceede in his Crowne & ſcepter. But whẽ he heard reported the place of his natiuitie, were it that hee fantaſied ſome olde blind prophecie, o [...] hadde ſome foreknowledge, or elſe iudged of his ſonnes fortune, he ſaide to the Lord Fitz Hugh his tru|ſtie Chamberlaine theſe wordes,King Henry prophecieth of his ſonne My [...] Henrie borne at Monmouth, ſhall ſma [...] [...] reigne, and much get, & Henrie borne at [...] ſore, ſhall long reigne, and all leeſe, but [...] will, ſo be it. The King held his Chriſt [...] the ſiege before Meaux, for he would not giue o|uer that ſiege, although his army was greately diminiſhed, by reaſon of lacke of vittailes, ex|treame colde, foule weather, and other diſcom|modities, that bredde great ſtore of diſeaſes and ſicknes among his people: notwithſtanding,Tit. Liuius. all the helps and meanes that might bee, he deuiſed to remedie the ſame, ſo that beſide ſuch as dyed, as well of ſickneſſe as by the enimies hand, ma|ny returned home into their Countreys.1422 But yet he ceaſſed not to continue the ſiege, beatyng the walles with hys ordinaunce, and caſting downe bulwarkes and rampiers on eache ſyde the Towne, made approches as well by water as land, with mightie engines deuiſed of bourds to defende the Engliſhmen, as they approched the walles, and gaue aſſaultes. The walles alſo were in diuers places vndermined. After this, the Engliſhmen found meanes, by bridges made of boates, to paſſe the riuer, but yet the Souldiers and other within, defended their rampiers, and breaches moſt ſtoutely, and with gunnes and quarrels ſtill ſhot at the Engliſhmen, of whome they ſlew many, and among other, the Earle of Worceſter was ſlaine, with a bullet of the great Artillerie, and the Lord Clifford, with a quarrel of a Croſſebowe, but yet the Engliſhmen ſtill wanne ground, and got neerer and neerer to the walles. They alſo wonne the chiefeſt part of a bridge from the enimies, and kepte watche and ward vppon and about the ſame. The Earle of Warwike had alſo taken a Vaumure from thẽ of the market place, built on the South ſyde thereof, able to receiue and lodge a good number of men, whiche ſeruing to good purpoſe, for the better brideling of them within, he cauſed to bee kept, and thus were they within Meaux ſore op|preſſed on euery ſide, ſo that in February, ye Cap|taines doubting leaſt the Citie could not be de|fended long, cauſed all the vittailes and goods to be conueyed into the market place, and retired all the men of warre into the ſame, leauing none in the other part of the Citie, but the commons, and ſuch as were not able to do any auailable ſeruice in warre. The King aduertiſed hereof, commã|ded in all haſt to aſſaulte the Citie, whiche was EEBO page image 1215 quickly done,M [...] I taken by aſſault. ſo that the Citie by fine force, was within three houres taken and ſpoyled, and the ſame day, was the market place beſieged round about, and a Mille wonne, adidyning to the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 10. Queene [...]a| [...]e faileth into Fraunce.In April, the Queene paſſed ouer into Frãce, with a faire retinue of men, vnder the conduit of the Duke of Bedforde, the Duke of Glouceſter remayning Lorde gouernour of the Realme in his place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At hir comming thither, ſhe was ſo welcom|med, and honorably receiued, firſt of hir huſbãd, and after of hir father and mother, that ſhee ap|peared to be no leſſe loued of hir noble huſbande, than of hir deere and naturall parents.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Whileſt the ſiege ſtill continued before Me|aux,Oliuer Mãny Oliuer Manny, a valiant man of warre of the Dolphins part, (which before was Captaine of Faleife, and yeelding it, ſware neuer to beare armour againſte the King of England) aſſem|bled a great number of menne of warre, as well Britaines as Frenchmen, that is to ſay, the lord Montborchier, the Lord of Coynon, the Lorde of Cha [...]giron, the Lord Ti [...]gnace, the Lord de la Howſſay, and diuers other, whiche entred into the Countrey of Conſtantine in Norman|die, and robbed and killed the Engliſhmenne, where they mighte either eſpie or take them at their aduantage, but the Earle of Suffolke, kee|per of thoſe marches, hearing of their doings, ſent for the Lord Scales, ſir Iohn Aſton Bai|life of Conſtantine, Sir William Hall, Sir Iohn Banaſter, and many other, out of the gar|riſons within that territorie, the which encoun|tred with their enimies, at a place called le Barke leueſque, in Engliſh, the Biſhops Parke.A ſore conflict There was a ſore fight and a long betwixte them, but finally, the Frenchmen were put to flight ſo that [figure appears here on page 1215] in the conflict and chace were ſlaine, the Lorde of Coynon, the Lord of Caſtellgiron, and three hundred other: and there wer taken priſoners, the Lord de la Howſay, and Sir Oliuer Manny, with threeſcore others. The King pardoned ſir Oliuer Manny his life, though he ill deſerued ſo great a benefite, for that he had broken his othe and promiſe, but he was ſent into Englãd, there to learne to ſpeake Engliſh, and ſo beeing brou|ght to London, ſhortly after dyed, being as then a very aged man, and was buried in the white Friers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King lying ſtill before the market place at Meaux in Brie (as ye haue hearde) ſore beate the walles with his ordinance, and caſt downe Bulwarkes and tampiers on euerye ſide the Towne, ſo that he hadde made an open breache for his people to enter, wherof the Lord of Offe|mont beeyng aduertiſed, with a companye of choſen perſons ſente by the Dolphin, aſſayed in the night ſeaſon to enter the Towne, to the ſuc|cours of them within: but though diuers of hys people got ouer ye walles, by help of ladders whi|che they had ſet vp, yet ſuch was his chance, that as be paſſed a plãke, to haue come to the walles, he fell into a deepe ditche, and in the meane time, the Engliſhmen perceyuing by the noyſe what the matter meant, came running to the ditche, tooke the Lorde of Offemont, and ſlewe dyuers of his company that ſtoode in defence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Captaines within,Continuation des Chroni|ques de Flan|dres. perceyuing in what caſe they ſtoode, by reaſon their ſuccours were thus intercepted, and doubting to be taken by aſ|ſault, for that they wanted monition and wea|pon, began to treate with the King of England, who appointed the Earle of Warwike, and the Lord Hungerford, to commune with them, and in concluſion, an accord was taken, and ſo the Towne and market place, with al the goods, were deliuered into the Kyng of Englandes handes, the tenth daye of May, in the yeare 1422.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The appoyntmente taken with them of thys towne was this, Tit. Liuius. The conditiõs of the ſurren|der of Meaux into the kings handes. that they ſhould yeeld thẽſelues ſimply to the kings pleaſure, their liues only ſa|ued: and here vpon, many of thẽ were ſente ouer into England, amongſt whome, was the B. of ye towne, which ſhortly after his ariuall heere, fel ſicke and dyed. There were alſo foure perſons excepted, agaynſt whome, the Kyng myghte by order of lawe and iuſtice, proceede as hee ſawe cauſe, for theyr faultes and treſpaſſes commit|ted. As firſte, the Capitaine of the towne, named the baſterde of Vaureu, the whiche hadde done many greeuous oppreſſions to the people of the Countrey thereaboutes, in ſpoylyng them EEBO page image 1216 of their goodes, and ranſoming them at his plea|ſure. He had alſo put diuers to death moſt cruel|ly, when they were not able to pay ſuch finance and raunſomes as he demaunded: wherevppon, being now put to deathe himſelfe, his body was hanged vppon a tree that ſtoode on an hill with|out the towne, on the which, hee had cauſed both huſbandmen, and towneſmen, and other priſo|ners, to be hanged before time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His ſtãdert alſo which was wont to be borne before him in battell, was ſet vp in the ſame tree.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Bailife alſo of the towne, and two of the chiefeſt burgeſſes that had bin of counſell with him in his vnlawful doyngs, were lykewiſe exe|cuted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo beſyde theſe, there were founde in thys towne diuers that were accuſed to be giltie of the Duke of Burgoigne his deathe, wherefore they were putte to theyr triall, in the Parliamente at Paris, and ſome of them beeing founde giltie, were executed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the deliuerie of the ſtrong towne of Meaux was publiſhed through the Countrey, all the Townes and fortreſſes in the Iſle of Fraunce, in Lannoys, in Brie and in Cham|pai [...]ne, yeelded themſelues to the King of Eng|land, which appointed in the ſame valiant Cap|taines, and hardie ſouldiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that hee had thus got poſſeſſion of Me|aux, and the other fortreſſes, he returned agayne to Boys de Vincennes, and beeing there recei|ued of the King and Queene of Fraunce, and of the Queene his wife the thirtith day of May, be|ing Whitſon euen, they remoued altogither vn|to Paris, where the King of England lodged in the Caſtell of Loure, and the Frenche King in the houſe of Saint Paule.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Theſe two kings kept great eſtate with their Queenes,The royall port of the K. of Englande. at this high feaſt of Pentecoſt, but the King of Englandes Court greatly exceeded, ſo that al the reſort was thither. The Pariſiẽs that beheld his princely port and high magnificence, iudged him rather an Emperour than a Kyng, and their owne King to be in reſpect to him like a Duke or a Marques. The Dolphin hauyng knowledge by eſpials where the King of Eng|land and his power lay, came with all his puiſ|ſance ouer the riuer of Loyre, and beſieged Coſ|ney,Coſney beſie|ged by the Dolphyn. a towne ſcituate vpon that riuer, a ſixe ſcore miles diſtant from Paris, and appointed parte of his army to waſt and deſtroy the confynes of the Duchie of Burgoigne, to the intẽt to deuide the power of the Kyng of Englande, from the ſtrength of the Duke of Burgoigne, ſuppoſing as it came to paſſe indeede, that the Duke would make haſt towardes Burgoigne, to defende hys owne lands. In the meane time, they within Coſney were ſo hard handled, that they promi|ſed to render their towne to the Dolphin, if they were not reſcued by the King of Englãd with|in tenne dayes. King Hẽry hearing theſe newes, woulde not ſend any one creature, but determi|ned to goe himſelfe, to the reyſing of that ſiege, and ſo with all deligence came to the Towne of Corbeil, and ſo to Senlis, where,The king fal|leth ſicke. (whithout were with heate of the ayre, or that he wiſh hys daily labour were [...]obled or weakened) he began to ware ſicke, yea and ſo ſicke, that hee was con|ſtreyned to tarrie, & ſend his brother the Duke of Bedford to reſcue them of Coſney, which he did,Coſney reſcu|ed by the duke of Bedford. to his high honor, for the Dolphin hearing that the Duke of Bedford was comming to reiſe his ſiege, departed thence into Berrie, to his greate diſhonor, and leſſe gaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time, the Duke of Britaine ſent his Chancellor ye Biſhop of Mauntes, Titus L [...]. The Duke of Britayne ſea|deth ambaſſa|dors to the K. of England. with the Biſhop of Vannes, and others of his coun|ſell, as Ambaſſadors from him vnto K. Henrye, with full commiſſion, to ratifie and allowe for him and his people the peace cõcluded at Troy|es: but by reaſon of the Kings greeuous ſicknes, nothing as then was done in that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Neuertheleſſe, the Duke himſelfe in perſon came afterwardes to Amiens, and there perfor|med that which he had appoynted his Ambaſſa|dors at this time in his name to haue done, and accompliſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane ſeaſon,The king of Englande is brought ſick [...] to Boys de Vincennes. King Henrye waxed ſicker, and ſicker, and ſo in an horſelitter was cõ|ueyed to Boys de Vincennes, to whome ſhort|ly after repared the Dukes of Bedforde & Glou|ceſter, and the Earles of Saliſburie and War|wike, whome the King louingly welcomed, and ſhewed himſelfe right glad of their preſence: and when he ſaw thẽ penſiue for his ſickneſſe & great danger of life wherin he preſently laye,His aduice vp|on his death bedde. he with many graue, curteous, & pithie words, recomfor|ted them the beſt he could, and therwith exhorted them to be truſtie and faithfull vnto his ſon, and to ſee that he might be wel and vertuouſly brou|ght vp, and as cõcerning the rule and gouernãce of his realmes, during the minoritie & yong yea|res of his ſaid ſonne, he willed them to ioyne to|gether in frendly loue and concorde, keping con|tinuall peace and amitie with the duke of Bur|goigne, and neuer to make treatie with Charles that calleth himſelfe Dolphyn of Vyenne, by the whyche any part eyther of the crown of France, or of the Duchies of Normandie and Guyenne may be leſſened, or dimyniſhed, and further, that the Duke of Orleauns, and the other Princes ſhoulde ſtyll remayne Priſoners, tyll hys ſonne came to lawfull age, leaſt retournyng home a|gaine, they myght kindle more fyre in one day, than myght be quenched in three. He further ad|uiſeth thẽ, that if they thought it neceſſarye, that EEBO page image 1217 it ſhoulde be good to haue his brother Humfrey duke of Gloceſter to be protector of Englande, during the nonage of his ſonne, and his brother the duke of Bedford, with the helpe of the duke of Burgongne to rule and to be regent of France, commaunding him with fire and ſword to per|ſecute the Dolphyn, til he had either brought him to reaſon and obeyſance, or elſe to driue and ex|pell hym out of the realme of Fraunce. And here|with he proteſted vnto them,Titus Liuius. that neyther the ambitious deſyre to enlarge his dominions, ney|ther to purchaſe vayne renowne and worldlye fame, nor any other conſideration hadde moued him to take the warres in hande, but onely that in proſecuting his iuſt title, he might in the end atteyn to a perfect peace, and come to enioy thoſe peeces of his inheritance, whiche to him of right belonged, and that before the beginning of the ſame warres, he was fully perſwaded by menne bothe wyſe and of greate holyneſſe of lyfe, that vppon ſuche intent, he myghte and ought bothe beginne the ſame warres, and follow them til he had brought them to an end iuſtly and rightly, and that without all daunger of Gods diſplea|ſure or perill of ſoule.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The noble men preſent, promiſed to obſerue his preceptes, and to perfourme his deſires, but their hearts were ſo penſife, and repleniſhed with ſorow, that one could not for weping, behold an other. Then he ſayd the .vij. pſalmes, and recey|ued the ſacrament, and in ſaying the Pſalmes of the Paſſion, [...]e departed [...] life. ended his dayes here in this world, the laſt of Auguſt, in the yere a thouſand, foure hundred twentie and two.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The c [...]men|d [...] of kyng Henry the fifte, [...] expreſſed by [...]er Hall.This Henry was a king, whoſe lyfe was im|maculate, and his liuing without ſpotte. Thys king was a Prince whome all men loued, and of none diſdayned. This Prince was a captain againſt whome fortune neuer frowned, nor miſ|chance once ſpurned. This captain was a ſhep|heard, whom his flocke both loued and obeyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This ſhephearde was ſuche a Iuſticiarie, that lefte no offence vnpuniſhed, nor frendſhip vnre|warded. Thys Iuſticiarie was ſo feared, that all rebellion was baniſhed, and ſedition ſuppreſ|ſed. Hys vertues were no more notable, than his qualities were worthie of praiſe: for in ſtren|gthe and nimbleneſſe of bodie from his youthe, fewe were to hym comparable, for in wraſtling leaping, and running, no mã almoſt durſt with him preſume, in caſting of great iron barres and heauie ſtones he excelled commonly all menne. No colde made him ſlouthfull, nor heat cauſed him to ſhrinke, and when he moſte laboured, his head was vncouered. He was no more weary of harneſſe, than of a lyght cloake. Hunger and thirſte were not to him noyſome. He was neuer afearde of a wounde, nor ſorrowed for the pain: He neyther tourned his noſe from euill fauour, nor from ſmoake or dull, hee woulde not cloſe his eyes. No man coulde be founde more tem|perate in eatyng and drynkyng, whoſe dyed was not to delicate, but rather more meete for menne of warte, than for dayntie and de [...]e perſons. Euery honeſt perſon was permitted to come to him, ſitting at his meale, and eyther ſe|cretely or openly to declare his mynde and in|tente. Highe and weyghtie cauſed as well be|twene men of wee & other, he wold gladly he [...], and either determined them himſelf, or cõma [...]d them to other to giue ſentence he ſlept very lit|tle, and that onely by reaſon of bodily labor and vnquietneſſe of minde, from the which, no ſmall noiſe coulde awake him, in ſo muche that when his ſouldiors either ſong in the nightes, or theyr mynſtrels played, that the campe ſounded ther|with, he then ſlept moſt ſoundly: his corage was inuincible, and his heart ſo vnmutable, that fear was baniſhed from him. If any alarum chaun|ced to be raiſed by his enimies, he was firſt in ar|mure, and the firſt that was ſet forward. In the time of warre he found meanes to get knowlege not only what his enimies didde, but what they ſaid, and intended, ſo that al things to him were knowne, and of his deuices fewe perſons before the thing was at the poynt to be done, ſhould be made priuie. He had ſuch knowledge in ordring and guiding an armie, and ſuch a gift to encou|rage his people, that the Frenchmẽ ſayd he could not be vanquiſhed in battayle. He had ſuch wit, ſuche prudence, and ſuche policie, that he neuer enterpriſed anye thyng, before he had fully deba|ted it, and foreſeene all the mayne chaunces that mighte happen, and when the ende was once concluded, hee wyth all diligence and courage, ſette hys purpoſe forewarde. What pollicie he hadde in fyndyng ſodayne remedies, for preſente myſchieues, and what practiſe hee vſed in ſa|uyng him ſelfe and his people in ſodayne diſtreſ|ſes, excepte by hys actes they dyd playnely ap|peare, I thinke it were a thyng almoſt incredi|ble to be tolde. Meruayle it is to heare, howe he didde continually abſteyne hymſelfe from laſ|ciuious lyuing and blynde auarice, in ſuche e|ſtate of wealth, richeſſe, and prouoking youth: yea in the tyme of loſſe he was no more ſadde, than in the time of victorie, whiche conſtancie fewe menne can vſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 What ſhoulde I ſpeak of his boimtyfulneſſe and liberalitie? No mã could be more free, gen|tle, and liberall, in beſtowyng rewardes to all perſons, according to their deſer [...]s ſaying that he neuer deſyred money to kepe, but to giue and ſpend. What ſhuld I ſay, he was the blaſing co|mete and apparant lanterne in his days. He was the myrroure of Chriſtendome, and the glorye EEBO page image 1218 of his countrey, the floure of kings paſſed, and the glaſſe of them that ſhoulde ſucceede. No prince had leſſe of his ſubiectes, & no kyng con|quered more, whoſe fame by hys deathe liuely floriſhed, as his acts in his life were ſeene and remembred. The loſſe of ſuch a prince (ye may be ſure) was exceedingly lamented of his ſub|iects, blaming fortune, whiche had taken away ſo precious a Iewell, ſo noble ornament, and ſure defẽce: for no doubt as much hope as was taken away from the engliſhmẽ for the getting of Fraunce, by his ſodain deathe, ſo much truſt was encreaſſed in the ſtomackes of the Frenche nation, to recouer their late loſſes. Peter Baſ|ſet eſquier, whiche at the time of his death was his chãberlain affirmeth, that he died of a pleu|reſie, though other writers alledge otherwiſe: as the Scots, whiche write that hee died of the diſeaſe of ſaint Fiacre, which is a palſey and a crampe: Enguerant ſaith, that he died of ſaint Anthonies fier: but bycauſe a pleureſie was ſo rare a ſickneſſe in that ſeaſon, and ſo ſtrange a diſeaſe, that the name was to the moſt parte of men vnknowen, and phiſitions were acquain|ted as little with any remedy for the ſame, and therfore euery man iudged as he thought, and named a ſickneſſe that bee knewe, ſhooting not nere the prick nor vnderſtandyng the nature of the diſeaſe. This king reigned .ix. yeres .v. mo|neths and .xxiij. daies, and liued not full .38. yeares.He vvas of an indifferent ſt [...]|ture n [...]er to high n [...] [...]o lovv of bodye ſlender and leane, but of a maruelou [...]e ſtrength, as Ti|tus [...]uins vvri|teth. He was of ſtature higher than the com|mon ſort, of body leane, well mẽbred & ſtrong|ly made, of face beautiful, ſomwhat long nec|ked, blacke heared ſtoute of ſtomacke, eloquent of tong, in martiall affaires a perfect maiſter, & of chiualry the very paragone. His body was embalmed and cloſed in lead, & layd in a chari|ot royall, richly apparelled with cloth of gold, vpon his corps was laid a repreſentation of his perſon, adorned with robes, diademe, ſcepter, & ball, lyke a king, the whiche chariot .vi. hor|ſes drewe richly trapped, with ſeuerall armes, the firſt with the armes of ſaint George, the ſe|cond with the armes of Normandy, the thirde with the armes of king Arthur, the fourth with the armes of ſaint Edwarde, the fifte with the armes of Fraunce, and the ſixte with the armes of Englande and Frãce. On this chariot gaue attendaunce Iames king of Scots, the prin|cipall mourner, his vncle Thomas duke of Ex|ceter, Richarde earle of Warwicke, the erle of Marche Edmund, the earle of Stafforde Hũ|frey, the earle of Mortaigne Edmunde Beau|fort, the lord Fitz Hughe Henry, the lorde Hũ|gerford Walter ſir Lewes Robſert L. Bour|chier, ſir Iohn Cornwall lord Fanhope, and the lord Crumwell were the other mourners. The lord Louell, the lord Audeley, the lord Morley, the lord Sowche bare the baner of ſaints, [...] the baron of Dudley barethe ſtander [...], and the earle of Longuile bare the ban [...]. The ba [...]|mentes were borne onely by Captaines to the number of .xij. and roũd about the chariot ro [...]e v.C. mẽ of armes all in black armour and their horſes barded blacke with the but ends of their ſpeares vpwards. The conduit of this dolorous funeralles was cõmitted to ſir William Phil|lip, Threaſourer of the kings houſhold, and to ſir Wiliam Porter, his chief caruer, and other. Beſide this, on euery ſide of the chariot wente iij.C. perſons, holding long torches, and lords bearing baners, baneroles, and penons. With this funerall pompe he was conueied frõ Bais de Vincẽnes, to Paris, and ſo to Roan to Ab|uile, to Calais, to Douer, and ſo through Lon|dõ to Weſtminſter, where he was buried with ſuche ſolemne ceremonies, ſuche mourning of lordes, ſuch prayer of prieſtes, ſuch lamenting of cõmons, as neuer was before thoſe days ſene in the Realme of England. Shortly after this ſolempne buriall, his ſorowfull Queene retur|ned into England, and kepte hir eſtate with the king hir yong ſon. Thus ended this puiſſaunte Prince hys moſte noble and fortunate, raigne, whoſe life (ſaith Hall) althoughe cruell Atro|pos abbreuiated, yet neyther fyre, ruſt nor fret|ting time ſhall amongſt vs engliſhmen, eyther appall his honor, or blot out his glory, whiche in ſo few yeares, and ſhorte dayes, atchieued ſo high aduẽtures. Of lerned men & writers, theſe I finde remembred by Baleand others, to haue liued in the dais of this noble and valiant king Henry the fift. Fyrſt Alain de Linne, borne in Lynne, and profeſſed a Carmelite Frier in that town, and at length became Prior of that conuent, but proceeded doctor of diuinity in the Vniuerſitie of Cambridge, and wrote manye treatiſes: Thomas Otterborne that wrote an hiſtorie of Englande, is thought to liue aboute this ſeaſon, he was a Franciſcan or grey Frier, as they called them, and a greate ſtudent bothe in diuinitie and philoſophy: Iohn Seguarde and excellent Poet, and a Rhetoritian, he kepte a ſchoole, and read to his ſchollers in Norwich, as is ſuppoſed, writing ſundry treatiſes, repro|uing aſwell the profaning of the Chriſtian reli|gion in Monkes and Prieſtes, as the abuſe of poetrie in thoſe that tooke vppon them to write filthye Verſes, and rithmes: Roberte Roſe a Frier of the Carmelites order in Norwiche commonly called the white Friers, both an ex|cellent Philoſopher, and a diuine, hee procee|ded Doctor at Oxforde, he was promoted to bee Priour of his houſe, and wryting diuers treatiſes: amongeſt all the Sophiſtes of his tyme (as ſayeth Bale,) he offended none of the EEBO page image 1219 Wicleuiſts, which in that ſeaſon ſet foorth pure|ly the worde of God, as maye appeare by hys workes: Iohn Lucke, a Doctor of diuinitie in Oxford, a ſore enimie to the Wicleuiſts: Rich. Caiſter borne in Norffolke, Vicar of S. Ste|phens in Norwiche, a man of greate holyneſſe and puritie in lyfe, fauoring though ſecretly, the doctrine of Wicliffe, and reprouing in his Ser|mons, the vnchaſte manners and filthie exam|ple that appeared in the Clergie: Of Sir Iohn Oldcaſtell Lord Cobham ye haue heard before: William Walleys a blacke Frier in Lyn, and prouinciall of his order here in England: Rich. Snetiſham, a ſtudent in Oxford, where he pro|fited ſo greatly in lerning and wiſedome, that he was accõpted for the chiefeſt in all that vniuerſi|tie, in reſpect wherof he was made chancellor of the ſaint, he was choſen alſo to be one of the xij. to examine and iudge vpon Wiclifes doctrine by the Archbi. of Canterbury: Iohn Langdene a monk of Chriſts church in Canterbury, another of the .xij. that were choſen to iudge of Wiclifes opinions: William Taylor a prieſt, and a mai|ſter of arte in Oxford, a ſtedfaſt follower of Wi|clefes doctrine, and was brente for the ſame in Smithfield at London, the ſecõd day of March in the yeare of our Lord .1422. and laſt of Kyng Henry the fifths reigne: Richard Graſdale ſtu|died in Oxforde, and was one of thoſe .xij. that were appointed to iudge of Wiclefs doctrine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 William Lyndwood a lawyer excellently lear|ned, as well in the Ciuill as Canon lawes, hee was aduaunced to the ſeruice of this king Henry the fifth, and made by hym keeper of the priuye Seal, was ſent in ambaſſade bothe to the kyng of Spayne and of Portingale, aboute buſineſſe of moſt weightie importance. It is ſaid that he was promoted to the Biſhopryke of S. Dauid: Bartholomew Florarius, ſuppoſed (as Bale ſai|eth) by Nicholas Brigham, to be an engliſhmã, wrote a treatiſe called Florarium, wherof he took his ſurname, and alſo an other treatiſe of abſti|nence, in whiche he reproueth certaine corrupte maners in the clergie, and the profeſſion of Fri|ers mendicants: Adã Hemmelington, a Car|melite Frier, ſtudied both in Oxford and in Pa|ris: William Batecon be is placed by Bale, a|bout the tyme of other learned men, which liued in king Henry the fifthes tyme, but in what ſea|ſon he liued, he ſaith he knoweth not: he was an excellent Mathematician, as by the title of hys workes which he wrote it ſhoulde appeare. Ti|tus Liuius de Foro Luviſijs lyued alſo in theſe dayes, and wrote the lyfe of this Henry the fifth, an Italian borne: but ſith he was bothe refiant here, and wrote the lyfe of this Kyng, I haue thought good to place him among other of oure Engliſhe writers. One there was that tranſla|ted the ſayd hiſtorie into Engliſhe, adding as it were by waye of notes in manye places of that booke ſundrye thinges for the more large vnder|ſtanding of the hiſtorie, a copie wherof I haue ſeene belonging to Iohn Stow citizen of Lon|don. There was alſo aboute the ſame tyme an other writer, who (as I remember) hath follo|wed the ſayd Liuius in the order of his booke, as it were chapiter for chapiter, onely chaunging a good, familiar and eaſy ſtile, which the ſaid Li|uius vſed, into a certayn Poeticall kinde of wri|ting, a copie wherof I haue ſeene (and in the life of this king partly followed) belonging to mai|ſter Iohn Twine of Kent, a lerned Antiquarie, and no leſſe furniſhed wyth olde and autentike monumentes than ripe iudgemente and ſkilfull knowledge for the perfect vnderſtanding therof, as by the fruites of his labors, parte wherof (as I am enfourmed) he meaneth to leaue to poſte|ritie, it will (no doubt,) ryght euidently appere.

1.15. Henry the ſixte.

Henry the ſixte.

EEBO page image 1220

[figure appears here on page 1220]

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Henry the .6.

_AFter that Death had bereft the worlde of that noble Prince King Henry the fyfth, his on|ly ſonne Prince Henry, beyng of the age of nyne moneths, or thereaboute, wyth the ſounde of Trumpettes,Anno. reg. 1. was openly proclaimed kyng of England and of Fraunce the thirtie daye of Auguſt, by the name of Henrye the ſixte, in the yeare of the worlde Fyue thouſande, three hun|dred eightie and nyne, after the birth of our Sa|uiour .1422. about the twelfth yeare of the em|perour Fredericke the thirde, the fortie and two and laſte of Charles the ſixte, and the firſte of Iames the thirde king of Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cuſtodie of this young prince was ap|poynted to Thomas duke of Exceſter, and to Henry Beauforde Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, the duke of Bedford was deputed Regent of France and the Duke of Glouceſter was ordeyned pro|tectour of Englande, whiche takyng vpon him that office, called to hym wyſe and graue coun|ſellours, by whoſe aduice he prouided and tooke order as well for the good gouernemente of the Realme of Englande, and the ſubiectes of the ſame at home, as alſo for the mayntenaunce of the warres abroade, and further conqueſte to be made in Fraunce, appoynting valyant and ex|pert capitaynes, whiche ſhoulde be ready, when neede required.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide this, he gathered great ſummes of mo|ney to maynteyne men of warre, and left no|thing forgotten that might aduance his purpo|ſed enterpriſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyle theſe things were a doing in Eng|lande, the duke of Bedforde Regent of France, ſtudyed moſte earneſtly, not onely to keepe and well to order the countreys by king Henry late conquered, but alſo determyned not to leaue off from dayly warre and continuall trauayle, tyll the tyme that Charles the Dolphin (which was nowe a flote bycauſe king Charles his father in the Moneth of October in thys preſente yeare was departed to God) ſhoulde eyther bee ſub|dued, or brought to due obeyſance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſurely the death of this Kyng Charles, cauſed many alterations in the realm of Fraunce, For a great manie of the nobilitie, whiche before eyther for feare of the Engliſh puiſſaunce, or for the loue of this king Charles (whoſe authoritie they followed) helde on the Engliſhe part, didde nowe reuolt to the Dolphyn, endeuoring them|ſelues to driue the Engliſhe nation oute of the Frenche territories.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedforde being greately mo|ued wyth theſe ſodaine chaunges, fortified hys Townes bothe with garniſons of men and mu|nitions of armour, weapon and victuals. He aſ|ſembled alſo a great armie of Engliſhmen and Normans, and ſo effectuouſly exhorted them to continue faithfull vnto their liege and lawfull lorde yong king Henry, that the hearts of ma|ny of the Frenche capitains willingly ſware to kyng Henry fealtie and obedience, by whoſe ex|ample the comminaltie did the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus al the people being quieted, and the ſtate of the countrey eſtabliſhed in an order within the realme of France, nothyng was mynded but warre, and nothing ſpoken of but conqueſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dolphyn whiche laye the ſame tyme in the citie of Poictiers, after his fathers deceſſe cau|ſed hymſelfe to be proclaymed kyng of Fraunce, by the name of Charles the ſeuenth: And then beeyng in good hope to recouer his patrimonie, with an hault courage prepared warre, and aſ|ſembled a greate armie: and firſte the warre be|ganne by light ſkirmiſhes,P [...] M [...] ſurpriſed by the Frenche. but it proceeded into mayne battayles. The Dolphyn thinking not to ſurceaſſe any occaſions of well doyng,1423 ſente the Lorde Grauile to the town of Pont Meu|lan, ſtandyng on the riuer of Seyne,Eng [...]e [...] who com|ming to the ſame vppon the ſodaine, the .xiiij. of Ianuarie, tooke it, and ſlewe a greate number of Engliſhe ſouldiors, whiche he found within it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the Duke of Bedford, otherwyſe cle|ped the Regente of Fraunce was aduertiſed of thys ſodayn enterpryſe, he appoynted the Lor [...]e Thomas Montacute earle of Saliſbury (a man both for his great policie and hault corage, fitter to be cõpared to the olde Romans than to mẽ of his days, accõpanied with the erle of Suffolk, the L. Scales, the yong L. Poinings, ſir Io. Faſtolf maiſter of the houſhold with ye ſaid L. Regent, & diuers other, to beſiege ye ſaid town of Põt Meu|lan, which after .ij. months ſiege was rẽdred to ye ſaid erle, & the L. Grauile ſware to be true to the K. of England euer after that daye, but ſhortly after, he forgetting his othe, returned to his olde maſter again. The erle of Saliſbury apointed ſir Hẽry Mortimer, & ſir Ric Vernõ captains of ye town: And frõ thẽce went into Chãpaigne, and there beſieged the towne of Sens, tooke it, & ſir Will. Marin the captaine within it, and ſlewe all the Souldiors that kepte that Towne, and EEBO page image 1221 made capitains there ſir Hugh Gedding, and ſir Richarde Aubermonde. In this ſeaſon Humfrey duke of Glouceſter, either blinded with ambition or doting for loue, maryed the Ladye Iaquet or Iaquelyn, daughter and ſole heire to William of Bauiere duke of Hollande, which was lauful wife to Iohn duke of Brabant then liuing, who afterwards what by force and what by ſpiritual compulſaries (as after ye ſhall heare) recouered hir out of the duke of Glouceſters handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The chances thus hapning as you before haue heard, Iohn Duke of Bedforde, Philippe duke of Bourgoigne, and Iohn Duke of Britayne made an aſſemble and frendly enteruiew in the citie of Amiens, where they renued the old league and aunciente amitie made betweene the noble Prince king Henry the fifth and them, addyng thereto theſe conditions and agreements, eche of them to be to the other friend and ayder, and the enimie of the one to be enimie to the other, and al they to be both frends and ayders to the King of England, and welwilling to his welwillers and aduerſarie to his aduerſaries.A [...]ie [...] en| [...]er of [...]hippe. And (bicauſe that affinitie is an embracer of amitie) ther was con|cluded a mariage betwene the duke of Bedford, and the Lady Anne ſiſter to the Duke of Bur|goigne. This mariage was after ſolemniſed ac|cording to the concluſion at Troys in Cham|paigne, in the preſence of the duke of Burgoigne brother to the bryde, and of hir vncle the duke of Brabant, the Erles of Saliſbury and Suffolk, and of .ix.C. lordes, knights, and Eſquiers, with ſuch feaſt and triumph, as before that tyme had not bin ſeene of the Burgoignions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt theſe matters were in hand, the Pa|riſians thinking to blynd the eyes of the duke of Bedford, wrote to hym how dyuers caſtels and fortreſſes lying about their territories, were re|pleniſhed with theyr enimies, dayely ſtopping their paſſages, and robbing their merchants, to their vtter vndoing, if they by his helpe were not relieued. But this was but a gloſe of the Pari|ſiãs, meaning to cauſe him to go about the win|ning of ſome ſtrong hold, whileſt they in his ab|ſence might bring into the citie Charles ye Dol|phyn,The Pariſians p [...]ted of [...] practiſes. yt then called himſelf French K. for ſo had they apointed, aſſigning to him the day of his cõ+ming, & the poſt of his entrie. But their practiſe being diſcouered to the duke of Bedford, he with a great power entred into Paris, one day before the fayre was appointed, & .ij. nightes before he was looked for of his enimies being vnprouided, and ſodeinly cauſed the conſpirators within the Citie to bee apprehended, and openly to be putte to execution.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys done, putting a myſtruſt in the Pari|ſians, he cauſed the Caſtels and fortreſſes neere and adioyning to the Citie, to be furniſhed with Engliſhemen. And to auoyde all nyght wat|chers about Paris, and the cõfines therof, he firſt tooke into his poſſeſſion either by aſſault or com|poſition, the towne of Traynelle and Bray vp|on Seyne: and bicauſe two caſtels, the one cal|led Pacy, and the other Courſay were alſo euyll neyghbours to the Pariſians, he ſente ſir Iohn Faſtolfe greate mayſter of his houſholde wyth a notable armie to win the ſame caſtels, whiche he didde, and with praye and priſoners, returned backe agayne to his maiſter, the Regent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In this verye ſeaſon, the Dolphyn ſente the Lorde William Stewarde, Earle of Buch|quhane that was Conneſtable of Fraunce, and the Erle of Ventadoure in Auuergne, and ma|nye other noble mẽ of his part, to lay ſiege to the towne of Cravaunt in the Countie of Auxerre, within the parts of Burgoigne, wherof hearing the Lorde Regent, and the Duke of Burgoigne they aſſembled a great armie, and appoynted the Earle of Saliſbury to haue the guidyng therof, who with his Captains and men of warre, En|gliſh and Burgoignions came in good array to giue battayle to the beſiegers of the Towne of Cravaunt: and bicauſe the riuer of Yonne, whi|che runneth by the ſayd towne, was betwene the Engliſhe armie, and their aduerſaries, they could not well aſſayle their enimies, whiche defended the bankes and paſſages verie ſtrongly: yet not|withſtanding, both horſmen and footmen of the Engliſh parte couragiouſly put themſelfes into the riuer, and with fine force recouered the bank,The englishe armye entreth the riuer, and vvinneth the banke. whom the Burgonions incontinently followed. When they were all gotten into the playne, the Archers ſhorte, the bill men ſtrake, and long was the fyghte in doubtefull vallaunce. But in con|cluſion the Frenchmen, not able to reſiſt the force of the Englyſhe Nation, were dyſcomfited, ſlayne, and chaſed leauyng a glorious victorye to the Engliſhmen and Burgoignions. There were ſlayn of the Frenchmen an .xviij.C. knigh|tes and eſquyers, beſyde commons: of Scottes mere hand .iij. thouſand. Amongſt the Frenche|men theſe were the chiefeſt that were ſlayn: The Erle of Leſtrake, the earle of Comygens: The erle of Ton [...]oire: the lord Coquar [...]de Comeron, the baſtarde of Armynac, the Vicount of Tou|raye, the baſta [...]de of Forreſtes, the Lorde de Port, and the Lord Memorancy Of Scottes the Lorde of Saint Iohns towne, ſir Iohn of Balgary, ſir Iohn Tarnbul, ſir Iohn Holibur|ton, ſir Robert Liſley, ſir William Conyng|ham, ſir Will. Douglas, ſir Alexander Hume, ſir Williã Liſle, ſir Io. Rotherford, ſir Wil. Cray|ford, ſir Tho. Seton, ſir Will. Hamilton, & his ſonne, Iohn Pillot. There were taken the Erle of Buchquhane conſtable of France, whiche loſt his eye, the earle of Vantadour, ſir Alexander EEBO page image 1222 Meldryne, ſir Lewes Ferigny, & .xxij.C. gentle|men of the Frenche part. Of Engliſhmen there were ſlaine Sir Iohn Grey, ſir William Hall, ſir Gilberte Halſall, one of the Marſhalles of the field, Richard ap Madocke, and .xxj.C. ſouldi|ours and men of warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this fortunate victorie was the Earle of Saliſbury made by the lord Regent,An. reg. 2. Lieutenant and vicegerẽt for the king and the ſayd lord Re|gent in the countreys of France, Bry, and Chã|paigne: and ſir Iohn Faſtolf was ſubſtituted de|putie vnder the lord Regent within the duchie of Normandie on this ſyde the riuer of Seyne, and withall he was alſo made gouernour of the countreyes of Aniou and Mayne. The earle of Saliſbury after .v. moneths ſiege, wanne by ſur|render, the towne and Caſtel of Montaguillon in Bry, the capitaines whereof, the one named Pregent of Cotynye, and Guille Bourgoys Brytons, ſware neuer to beare armure againſte the Engliſhmen on this ſyde the riuer of Loyre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme of that ſiege, the Erle of Suffolke tooke by force the Caſtell of Couey, and the ſtrong Caſtell of la Roche in Maſcon|noys, he got by appoyntment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſecond yeare of king Henry the ſixte, Iames K. of Scotland, agreeing to take to wife the Ladie Iane, daughter to Io. erle of Somer|ſet deceſſed,1424 and ſiſter to Iohn then duke of So|merſet, and alſo couſin germain remoued to K. Henry, and neece to the Cardinall of Winche|ſter, and to the duke of Exceſter, was ſet at li|bertie, couenaunting to pay a ſmall portion of money more than was allowed to hym for hys wynes marriage moneye, and lefte hoſtages for the ſame. But before his departure oute of the realme,Homage done by the King of Scotlande to King Henry the ſixt. he did his homage to the yong kyng of Englãd, Henry the .vj. at the caſtel of Wind|ſore, before iij dukes .ij. Archbiſhops .xij. Erles, ten Biſhops, twentie barons, and .ij.C. knights and Eſquiers, beſide others, according to the te|nour hereafter folowing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

I Iames Steward, king of Scottes, ſhall be true and faithfull vnto you, Lord Henrye by the grace of God king of England & France, the noble and ſuperior Lorde of the kingdome of Scotlande, and to you I make my fidelitie for the ſame kingdome of Scotlande, which I holde and clayme of you, and I ſhall beare you my my fayth and fidelitie of life and lim and world|ly honour againſt all men: and faithfully I ſhall knowledge and ſhal do to you ſeruice due for the kyngdome of Scotlande aforeſayde. So God helpe me, and theſe holy Euangeliſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But notwithſtanding this hys othe, and the great, bounteous liberalitie of the mother, and vncles of his wife, in beſtowing on him great a|bundance of plate and riche clothes of arras, af|ter he had once taken the aire of Scotlande, and ſmelt the ſente of the Scottiſh ſoyle, he became lyke to his fraudulent progenitours, newly [...]ly|ing hymſelfe with the Frenche nation and ſhe|wing himſelf a verie enimie to the realm of En|gland,Ha [...]. wherin he had bin moſt princely brought vp both in learning, knowledge & good nurture, highly to his aduancement and commendation, if his vnthankfulneſſe had not defaced his other vertues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to leaue the Scottiſh king amongſt his countreymen in Scotlande, and returne to the doings of England. I find that the duke of Glouceſter, beeing protector and gouernour of the realme, prepared an armie of .x.M. men of warre, and ſent them ouer to his brother the re|gent into France, the whiche comming into the territorie of Paris, were ioyfully of him recey|ued. About the ſame time the Frenchemen got by ſtelth diuers townes out of the Engliſhmens hands,Compleyne ſ [...] ad [...] the [...] by a po [...]e. and amongſt other the faire town of Cõ|piegne was one, and the pretie towne of Croto [...] an other. When the duke of Bedforde was ad|uertiſed hereof, he determined not to let the mat|ter paſſe in ſuche ſorte, but with all conueniente ſpeed, ſent forth his people to recouer thoſe ſow|nes agayn. And firſt the Erle of Suffolke accõ|panied with the Erle of Ligny, and diuers other capitaines of the Engliſhemen, wente to beſiege Compiegne, and lodged on the one ſide of the ne+uer of Sohame, as the Lorde Liſle Adham ſir Thomas Rampſton, and the prouoſt of Paris, lay on the other ſide. The Frenchmẽ within the towne being wel furniſhed with good ſouldiours munition and victualls, couragiouſly defend to themſelues againſt the aſſaylantes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhemen remẽbring that Guilliant Remonde, otherwiſe called Mariolayne had bin the leader of the ſouldiors within ye towne, which Mariolayn before at Pacy was takẽ priſoner by ſir Io. Faſtolf, cauſed him to be brought frõ Pa|ris vnto the campe, & ſet him in a chariot with an halter about his neck, and conueyd him to the [...]+bet without the town, ſending word to thẽ with|in, that if they woulde not without delay render the towne, their captain ſhould incontinently be ſtrangled afore their faces: wich moued the ſol|diors ſo muche, by reaſon of the loue they [...]re to their old captain & gouernor, that for the deliue|rãce of him and ſafegard of themſelues, they yel|ded the town, ſo that both he and they might de|parte with horſe and harneis, only in ſure [...] & ſafetie: yet long ere this towne of Com [...]gne was deliuered, ſir Philip Hall which was ſent to Crotoye by the Lord Regent with .viij.C. men to beſiege it, gotte it ſodeynly by aſſault, ere the Frenchmen had eyther diſpoſes their garriſon, or appointed their lodgings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 EEBO page image 1223About the ſame time ſir Iohn de la Poole bro|ther to the duke of Suffolk, being captain of Ar|ranches in Normandie, aſſembled all the gar|riſons of the baſe marches of the coũtrey of An|iou, and came before the citie of Angiers, brente the ſuburbes, ſpoiled & deſtroyed the whole coun|trey, and hauing as many priſoners as his men myghte goe awaye with, he was encountred by the Earle of Aumale, the vicount of Narbonne, and .vj.M. Frenchmen, whiche finding the En|gliſhmen out of araye, encombred with carriage of their great ſpoyle, ſodeynly ſet on them, gaue them the ouerthrow, ſlew .iij.C. and tooke many priſoners, as the ſaid ſir Iohn de la Poole, ſir Io. Baſſet, Iohn Aufort, lieutenant of Faleyſe, Io. Clifton, Henry Mortimer, & other to the number of .vj.C. But though the Frenchemen got here in this place, they went not away with like gain in an other: For the Baſtard de la Baulme, and the lord Craignar capitains of Courallon with a great bande made a roade into Maſconnoys, whom by chaunce Mathewe Gough, and other Engliſhemen, whiche were alſo abroade in the countrey, met and encountred. There was a ſore fyght betwene the parties, being of courage and number in maner equall, but after long conflicte, the Frenchmen almoſt all were ſlain and taken, and the baſtard being wel horſed, fled, after whõ folowed vpon the ſpurres, Mathew Gough cha|ſing him euen to his caſtell gate, and there tooke him, for the which acte he was muche prayſed of the Earle of Saliſbury (to whome he preſented the ſayd baſtard) and had not onely the rightes giuen him that belonged to the priſoner, but alſo was rewarded with a goodly courſer at the erles hands. About this ſeaſon Arthur brother to Io. Duke of Britayne, commonly called the Earle of Richemond, hauyng neyther profite of the name, nor of the countrey, notwithſtanding that king Henrye the fifthe hadde created hym Earle of Yvry in Normandie, and gaue him not on|ly a great pencion, but alſo the whole profites of the ſame towne of Yvry, yet nowe bycauſe that the Duke his brother was retourned to the parte of the Dolphyn, he lykewiſe reuolting from the Engliſhe obeyſaunce, came to the Dolphyn to Poyctiers, and there offred himſelf to ſerue him, whome the Dolphyn gladly accepted, reioycing more therof, than if he hadde gayned an hundred thouſand crownes: for the Britons within the towne of Yvry, hearyng that theyr maiſter was ioyned wyth the Dolphyn, kept both the towne and Caſtell againſt the Duke of Bedforde, fur|niſhing it dayly with new mẽ, & munitiõs. The Lord Regent aduertiſed hereof, reyſed an army of Engliſhmen and Normans to the number of xviij.C. men of armes, and .viij.M. archers and other. He hadde in his companye the Earles of Saliſbury and Suffolke, the Lordes Scales, Willoughby, and Poynyngs, Syr Reginalds Grey, ſir Iohn Faſtolfe, Sir Iohn Saluayne, ſir Lancelot Liſle, ſir Philippe Hall, Sir Iohn Paſheley, Sir Iohn Gray, ſir Thomas Blunt, Sir Robert Harling, Sir William Oldhal, and many other both knightes, and Eſquyers, with whome he came before the town of Yvry, which was wel defended til they within perceiued thẽ|ſelues in daunger, by reaſon of a myne whyche the Engliſhmen made, wherevppon they yelded the Towne, but the Capitaynes of the Caſtell would not preſently re [...]dce the place, howebeit they promiſed to deliuer it, if the ſame were not reſkued at a day aſſigned, by the Dolphin, or his power. Vpon which promiſe, hoſtages were de|liuered into the poſſeſſion of the Lorde Regent, by whoſe licence an Heraulte was ſente to the Dolphyn, to aduertiſe him of the time determi|ned, who vnderſtanding the diſtreſſe of his fren|des, incontinently ſent Iohn Duke of Alanſon, as his lieutenant generall, the Earle Douglas, whome at their ſetting foorth, hee made duke of Tourayne, and the Erle Buchquhane, as then Coneſtable of Fraunce, the Erles of Aumale, Vantadoute, Tonnere, Mavlievrice, & Foreſts, the Vicountes of Narbonne, and Touars, the lordes of Grauile, Gaules, Malicorn, Manny, Ballay, Fountayns, Mountforte, and many o|ther noble knights and eſquiers, to the number of fiftene thouſand Frenchmen and Britons, beſy|des .v. thouſand Scots, whome the Earle Dou|glas had lately tranſported out of Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This royall Armye approched wythin two myles of Yvry, but when the Duke of Alanſon vnderſtode by ſuche as hee hadde ſente to viewe the conduit of the Engliſhmen, that hee coulde not get any aduauntage by aſſayling them (al|though the Dolphyn had giuen him ſtraight cõ|maundement to fight with the Regent) he rety|red backe with his whole armie to the towne of Vernueil in Perche, that belonged to the Kyng of England, ſending woorde to the gariſon, that he had diſcomfited the Engliſhe armye, and that the Regent wyth a ſmall number wyth hym by ſwiftneſſe of his horſe, had ſaued himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The inhabitants of Vernueil,Verneueil got|ten from the Englishemen by crediting a dye. giuing to light credite herevnto receyued the Duke of Ala [...]nſon with all his armie into the towne. In the meane tyme came the day of the reſcous of Yvry, whi|che for want therof was deliuered to the duke of Bedforde by the Capitaine cleped Gerarde de la Pallier, who preſenting vnto the D. of Bedford the keyes of the caſtell, ſhewed him a letter, alſo ſigned and ſealed wyth the handes and ſeales of eyghteene greate Lordes, whyche the daye be|fore promiſed by the tenour of the ſame letter to gyue the Duke battaile, and to reyſe the ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1224Well (ſayd the Duke) if their heartes would haue ſerued, their puiſſance was ſufficient once to haue proffred, or to haue performed this faith|full promyſe: but ſith they diſdayne to ſeeke me, God and Sainte George willyng, I ſhall not deſiſt to follow the tract of theyr horſſes till one part of vs be by battayle ouerthrown. And here|with he ſente foorth the Earle of Suffolke wyth vj.C. horſmen to eſpy the doings of the French|men, & where they were ldged. The erle riding forth paſſed by Dampvile, & came to Bretueill, where he heard certain newes where the French|menne hadde gotten Verneueil, and remayned there ſtill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Theſe newes he ſent by poaſt vnto the Duke of Bedforde, the which in continently vpon that aduertiſement, ſette forewarde in great haſte to|wardes his enimies. The Frenchemen hearing of his comming, ſette their people in araye, and made all one mayne battaile without fore ward or rereward, and appoynted foure hundred horſ|menne Lombardes,The ordering of their bat|tayles. and other to breake the ar|raye of the Engliſhmen, either behynd, or at the ſides, of the whiche was captaine ſir Stephan de Vinoylles, called the hyre. The D. of Bedford lykewiſe made one entier battayle, and ſuffered no man to be on horſebacke, and ſet the archers (euery one hauing a ſharp ſtake) both on the frõt of the battayl, and alſo on the ſides, like wings. And behynde were al their horſſes tyed together, eyther by ye reines, or by the tayles, with the [...]|tes and cariages, to the defence wherof, wer two thouſand archers apointed. Herewith either part being come almoſt to the ioining, the duke of A|lanſon, on the one ſyde, exhorted hys people to play the men, declaring vnto them, that the con|cluſion of this battaile, ſhuld eyther deliuer them out of vile ſeruitude, or place them in the vale of bondage. On the other ſide, ye duke of Bedforde to encorage his mẽ willed them to remẽber how oft they hadde ſubdued thoſe theyr aduerſaries in battaile (with whom they ſhould nowe c [...]p [...]) for the moſte part, euer being the leſſe number a|gainſt ye greater. Agayn, he declared how neceſ|ſarie it was to tame ye hold attempts of the pre|ſumptuous Dolphyn now in the beginning, leſt if the fyre were ſuffred ſtill to flame, as it had be|gon, they ſhould ſcant haue water to quenche it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many wordes he vttered, to put them in hope of good ſucceſſe and victorie. But ſkarce had be ended his exhortation, when the Engliſhmenne ruſhed foorth, and boldly ſet on their enimies, cry|ing Saint George Bedford, and the Frenchmen lykewyſe cryed Montioy Saint Denys. Then [figure appears here on page 1224] began the battaile right fierce on both ſides con|tinuing for the ſpace of .iij. houres in doubtfull balance,The battayle of Vernoyle. Fortune ſhewing hir ſelfe ſo equal, that no herault coulde determine to whether part ſhe was more fauourable: but at lengthe after that thoſe foure hundred horſemen, whiche were ap|poynted, as ye haue heard, to breake the arraye of the Engliſhmen, had paſſed thorough on the one ſyde vnto the place where the caryages and horſes ſtood, and coulde not paſſe further, by rea|ſon of the fierce ſhot of the Engliſh bowes, they falling to the ſpoyle made a hande, and therwith departed. Thoſe Archers then that were appoin|ted to keepe the cariages, being nowe at libertie, came forwarde, and ſo fiercely ſhot at the thic|keſt preaſe of theyr enimies fyghting on foote, that in the ende they were not able longer to en|dure, but were borne downe by fyne force, and ſo vanquiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thys battayle was foughte the eyght and twentieth of Auguſte in the yeare of our Lorde a thouſande foure hundred twentie and foure, in the which battaile were ſlayn of the Frenchmen the erles of Aumarle, Ventadour, Foreſt, Mary, EEBO page image 1225 the Lords Grauile, Gaules, Fountaines, Aue|bois, Tonars, Mounteny, Combreſte, Bru|nell, Tumble, and Poiſy, beſide .iij.C. knights Alſo the Vicount Narbonne, whoſe body was hanged on a gibbet, bycauſe he was one of the murtherers of the duke of Burgoin. Of Scots alſo were ſlaine, Archibald earle Douglas, that was made as before is mẽtioned duke of Tou|raine, Iames Douglas ſon to the ſaide Archi|bald earle of Wigton, Iohn earle of Boughen newly made Coneſtable of Fraunce, ſir Alex|ander Meldrin, ſir Henry Batglauie, ſir Iohn Sterling, William of Homelſoon, ſir Iames Gray, ſir Roberte Kanden, ſir Alexander Lin|faye, ſir Robert Stewarde, ſir Robert Swin|ton, and .xxvij.C. Scots of name and armes, beſide other: ſo that in this battaile were ſlaine by report of Montioy king at armes in Frãce, and the Engliſhe Herraultes there preſent, of Frenchemen,Fier thouſande [...]the Aemili|us, but Nicho| [...] Giles ſaieth there died but [...]ere thouſand [...] both parts. and Scottes .ix.M. & .vij.C. and of Engliſhemen .xxj.C. but no man of name, ſauing .v. yong Eſquiers. And there were ta|ken priſoners, Iohn duke of Alanſon, the ba|ſtarde of Alanſon, the Lorde of Faicit, the L. of Hormit, ſir Piers Hariſon, ſir Lois de Gau|courte,Dedley and Canleton tvvo of the en|glishe nobilitie vvere ſlaine at this battaile, as Iac [...]b Ma [...]rc [...]. ſir Roberte Bruſſet, ſir Iohn Turne|bull a Scot, and .ij.C. gentlemenne. beſide cõ|mon ſouldiore. The frenchemen within Ver|noil, ſeeing the Dolphines armye thus ouer|throwen, deliuered the towne to the Regent, their liues ſaued. Then was ſir Phillip Hall, appointed capitaine there and the Lorde Re|gent retourned, and came to Roan, and after to Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Dolphin that called himſelfe Kyng of Fraunce, was ſore amaſed with the ouerthrow of his army, and no meruaile: for he was dri|uen out of all the countries in manner, that ap|perteined to the crowne of Fraunce and might reſort to none except to Bourbonois, Alurrgn, Berry, Poictow, Touraine, a parte of A [...]ow, and Languedoc: yet to ſhewe himſelfe as king, he erected his court of Parliament, his chance|rie and al other courts in the citie of Poictiets, and there eſtabliſhed hys great ſeale, wyth all due circumſtaunces thereto aperteyning: whi|che there continued the ſpace of .xiiij. yeares to|gither, and then was remoued to Paris, after that he had got poſſeſſion of that citie, and ex|pulſed the Engliſhemen, as after ſhall apeare. The Duke of Bedforde lying at Paris, ſente the Lorde Scales,The Lorde [...]sient to [...]cie An| [...] & Maine ſir Iohn Montgomerie, ſir Io. Faſtolf, with two thouſand mẽ to conquer the countries of Aniow, & Maine, vnto whom were rendered without aſſaulte, the ſtrong ca|ſtels of Beaumont le Vicount, Teune, Silly, Oſce, Courceriers, Rouſſy, Vaſſe, Coueteme|nant, and twentye other, whyche I doe heere paſſe ouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche was then the opinion conceyued of the Engliſhe puiſſaunce, ſo ofte tried, proued, and aſſayed, that the frenchemen thought that the Engliſhmen woulde and ſhoulde haue all things, whyche they eyther wiſhed or enter|priſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Saliſbury, with the ſayde Lorde Scales, and the other capitaines before named, were appointed wyth an army of ten thouſande men, to beſiege the riche and ſtrong citie of Mans, the chief citie of al ye country of Maine. The Engliſhemenne comming before that Citie, made their approches, and planted their battery to the walles, ſo that with the ſhot of their greate peeces (whyche kinde of engi [...] beefore that time had not bene muche ſeene nor hearde off in Fraunce) the Citie was within a fewe dayes, diſpoiled of all hir Towers and outwarde defences.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Citizens of Mans,Mans deliue|red to the En|glishemen. and the ſouldiours within, perceyning in what daunger they ſtood and knewe not how to remedy the matter, offe|red the Towne vppon this condition, that all perſons which woulde tary within the towne might abide, and all that woulde departe with horſe and harneſſe only, ſhoulde be permitted: whiche offers were accepted, and the Toans rendred, whereof the Earle made capitaine the Earle of Suffolke, and his lieuetenaunt Syr Iohn Faſtolfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Earle of Saliſburye beſieged the faire Towne of Saint Suſan, whereof was capitaine one Ambroſe de Lore, a right valiant chiefetain. The Erle cauſed the towne to bee aſſaulted at his firſte comming to it, but he loſte more than he gained, and therefore lefte off his aſſaults, and cauſed a trenche to be caſte aboute the Towne, and ſo planted his battery, by force whereof hee ouerthrewe the walles in ſuche ſorte that the captaine offered for himſelfe and his ſouldiors .20 0000. crownes, ſo that they might departe in their do abiettes onely, whiche [...]nnye bycauſe winter approched was accepted, and the towne yelded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Of this Towne Sir Iohn Popham was made Capitaine. Then the Earle wente to Maine [...]a Iubez, which towne after due w [...]hes ſiege was yelded, and appointed to the keeping of ſir Iohn Montgomerye knighte. After the feaſte of the Purification of our Lady, the erle of Saliſbury beſieged the caſtel de la Fert. Bar+narde, during whiche ſiege a ſale was made of the towne of Alanſon being in the engliſh|mens poſſeſſion by a Gaſcoigne that was one of the gariſon there, but this ſale being opened to the Erle of Saliſbury by the ſame Gaſcoine at the daye appointed, the Lorde Wiſtoughby EEBO page image 1226 and ſir Iohn Faſtolfe, with .ij.M. men were ſent to encounter with the buiers of that town, ſo that when Charles de Villiers chiefe mar|chãt of this enterpriſe, came early in a morning with .ij.C. horſemen, and .iij.C. footemen, and approched the town, abiding for the Gaſ|coigne, ere he was aware, the Engliſhmen had cõpaſſed him and his company rounde aboute, and ſetting vpon the frenchmen, ſlew and tooke all the whole number of them, ſaue Peter Dã|thenazie and .xxv. other, which by the ſwiftnes of their horſes, ſaued themſelues. After this cõ|flicte ended, the lord Willoughby retourned to the erle of Saliſbury, lying ſtill at ſiege before the towne de le Fert Bernarde, which ſhortly after was rendred vp into the Earle of Saliſ|buries handes, to whom the lord Regent gaue it, to enioy to him and his heires for euer. Be|ſide this, the ſaid earle partly by aſſault, partly by compoſition tooke diuers other, as S. Kales, where he made captaine Richarde Gethin eſ|quier: Thanceaux Lermitage, where he made gouernour Mathewe Goughe: Guerlande, of ye which he aſſigned ruler Iohn Banaſter: Ma|licorne, wherof he made captaine Wil. Glaſ|dale eſquier: Liſle Soubz Boulton, whereof was made captain ſir Lancelot Liſle knight: Lonpelland, wherof was made captain Henry Brãche: Montſeur, of ye which was made cap|taine ſir Wil. Oldehall knight: la Suze, was aſſigned to ye keping of Iohn Suffolk eſquier. And beſide this, aboue .xl. caſtels & piles were ouerthrowen & deſtroyed. The newes herof re|ported in Englande, cauſed great reioyſing a|mong the people, not only for the conqueſt of ſo many towns & fortreſſes, but alſo for that it had pleſed god to giue thẽ victory in a pitched field:General pro|ceſſions after victorie. wherfore general proceſſions were apointed to render vnto god humble thankes, for his fauor ſo beſtowed vpon thẽ. This yere after Eaſter, the king called his highe court of parliament at Weſtminſter, by aduiſe of the peeres, and com|ming to the parliament houſe himſelfe, he was conueyd through the citie vpon a great courſer, with great triumphe, the people flocking into ye ſtreetes to beholde the childe, whom they iud|ged to haue the liuely Image, purtrature, and countenaũce of his father, & like to ſuceede him, & be his heire in all princely qualities, martiall policies, and morall vertues, aſwell as his vn|doubted inheritor in his realms, ſigniories and dominions.A ſubſidie. In this parliamẽt was granted to the K. a ſubſidy of .xij pence (d.) the pound, towards ye maintenaũce of his warres, of al marchandiſe, cõming in or going out of the realme, aſwell of engliſhmen as ſtrãgers.The prince of Portingale cõ|ming to Lon|don. During which parlia|ment came to Londõ, Peter duke of Quimb [...]e ſonne to the K. of Portingale, couſin germain remoued to the K. which of ye duke of Exceter & ye biſhop of Wincheſter his vncles was highly feaſted, he was alſo elected into the order of the garter. During ye ſame ſeaſon Edmũd Mor|timer, the laſte earle of Marche, of that name (which long time had bin reſtreined frõ his li|bertie, & finally waxed lame) deceaſſed without iſſue, whoſe inheritaunce deſcended to the lorde Richard Plantagenet, ſonne and heire to Ri|chard erle of Cambridge, beheaded, as before ye haue hearde at the towne of Southampton. In the time of this parliament, alſo was ſir Iohn Mortimer, couſin to ye ſame erle, either for de|ſerte or malice, attainted of treſon, & put to exe|cution, of whoſe deathe no ſmall ſlaunder aroſe amongſt ye cõmon people. After al theſe things done in England & in Fraunce, Humfrey duke of Glouceſter (who had married the Lady Ia|quet, or Iaqueline of Bauiere, coũteſſe of Hey|nault, Holland, & Zelãd: notwithſtanding ſhe was coupled in marriage afore to the Duke of Brabãt, as yet liuing, and had continued with him a long ſpace) paſſed nowe ye ſea with ye ſaid lady, & went to Mons or Bergen in Heinault, where the more part of the people of that coun|try, came and ſubmitted themſelues vnto him, as vnto their ſoueraine lord, in right of his ſaid wife, the lady Iaquet or Iaquelin: with which doing Iohn duke of Brabant hir former huſbãd was greatly moued, and likewiſe the Duke of Burgoign, being great frend to the ſame duke of Brabant, was muche offended: but firſt by|cauſe of olde familiaritie, he wrote louingly to the duke of Gloceſter, requiring him to reform himſelfe according to reaſon, and to forſake his vngodly life, bothe in keping of an other mans wife, and alſo in ſeeking to vſurpe other mens right and titles. Hervpon went letters betwixt them for a time, but at length whẽ the Duke of Burgoine perceiued that the duke of Gloceſter ment to purſue his quarrell, & to make war a|gainſt the duke of Brabant, he tooke part wyth ye duke of Brabant ſo erneſtly that he conſented to fight with the duke of Gloceſter body to bo|dy within liſtes in defence of the duke of Bra|bantes quarell, & further aided the duke of Bra|bant in his warres againſt ye duke of Gloceſter, with all his puiſſance, in ſo muche that in ye end (after the duke of Gloceſters return into Eng|land) ye duke of Brabãt recouered all the towne in Heynault, whiche the Lady Iaquet or Ia|quelin held againſt him: & further the ſame lady was by compoſition deliuered by them of the towne of Mons vnto the duke of Burgoigne, who cauſed hir to be conueied vnto Gant, from whence ſhe made ſhift to eſcape into Hollande, where ſhe was obeied as counteſſe of ye coũtry, & then made warre in hir own defence agaynſt EEBO page image 1227 the Dukes of Burgoigne & Brabant, the which ſought to ſpoile hir of al hir townes and landes: & further procured Pope Martine the .v. before whome the matter was brought, to giue ſentẽce that the firſt matrimony with the duke of Bra|bant was good & effectuall, and the ſeconde eſ|pouſels celebrated with the duke of Glouceſter, to be vnlawfull. But in the meane time, the L. Fitz Walter being ſent ouer to the aide of the lady Iaquet or Iaquelin, with a power of en|gliſhemen, landed in Zelande, neere vnto the town of Zerixe, againſt whome came the duke of Burgoign, and encountring with them and other ſuch Hollanders and Zelanders, as were ioyned with them nere to a place called Brew|ers hauen, there diſcomfited them, ſo that of en|gliſhmen Holanders and Zelanders that were with the ſaid lorde Fitz Walter, there were ſlaine .vij. or .viij. hundred, and the reſidue chã|ſed to the water.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Anno re. 4. At length, when the duke of Glouceſter vn|derſtoode the ſentence pronounced againſt hym by the Pope, he beganne to waxe weary of hys wife the ſaide Lady Iaquet, by whom he neuer had profit, but loſſe, and tooke to his wife by a ſeconde marriage Eleanor Cobham, daughter to the lorde Cobham of Sterberow, which be|fore (as the fame went) was his ſoueraine La|dye and paramoure, to his greate ſlaunder and reproche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 A little beefore thys tyme, Syr Thomas Rampſton, ſir Phillippe Branthe, ſir Nicho|las Burdet, and other engliſhmen to the num|ber of .v.C. men of war, repaired and fortified the towne of ſaint Iames de Bevvron,A [...] B [...]vviõ. ſituate on the fronters of Normandie towardes Bri|taine, within half a league of the duke of Bri|taines grounde [...] with whome as then they had open warre, and ſo began to do many diſplea|ſures to his people. Wherevpon Arthur Earle of Richemont and Ivry, brother to the ſayde duke, & lately before created conſtable of Frãce, aſſembled an huge power of men to the number of .xl.M. as ſome haue writtẽ,XX.M. hathe [...] Iames de Bevvron be|ſieged. & with the ſame came before the ſayd towne of ſaint Iames de Bevvron, and planted his ſiege very ſtronglye about it, enforcing with his greate ordinaunce to ouerthrow the walles. And one day amongſt other, he determined to giue the aſſault and ſo did, the whiche continued a long ſpace very hot and earneſt. The Bretons Bret [...]nantes were come downe into a lowe bottome, where there was a little ponde or fiſhe poole, and they muſte nedes paſſe by a ſtreite way to come to the wal|les in greate danger. On that ſide of the town was a little Bouleue [...]t whiche Syr Nicholas Burdet kept,Sir Nicholas [...]. hauing with hym a .lx. or .lxxx. fighting men, and ouer againſt the ſame Boul|uert there was a gate well furniſhed alſo wyth Engliſhe ſouldiors, ſo that the Bretons which came downe into the ditches in greate number to giue the aſſault, heard on either ſide them, the Engliſhemen (within the ſaide Bouluert, and gate) make a great noiſe, in crying Saliſbury, and Suffolke, with the which cry, the Bretons being maruellouſly aſtonied, began to reculle in greate diſorder. And therewith the ſaid ſir Ni|cholas Bourdet iſſued foorth vppon them,Enguerant de Monf [...]rel|let. and purſuing them ryghte valiantly, ſlewe them downe wythout fynding any greate defence, ſo that there died of them what by the ſworde, and what by drowning in the ſaide poole, aboute a vij. or .viij.C. and to the number of .l. were taken priſoners. And beſide this, thoſe engliſh|men gained an .xviij. ſlander [...]s and one baner. Incontinently the newes hereof were reported to the conſtable of France, who was buſy at the aſſault on the other ſide of the towne, whereof he was ſore diſpleaſed, and no leſſe amazed, ſo that hee cauſed the retreit to bee ſounded, for all the ſiege on that ſide towarde the poole, was al|ready rayſed. After this, vpon counſell taken a|mongſt the frenchmen, it was determined that they ſhoulde diſlodge: And ſo aboute the mid|deſt of the nexte night, the Conſtable and al the reſidue of his people departed towarde Fougi|eres, leauing behind them greate plentie of Ar|tillerie bothe greate and ſmall, with victualles, and all their other prouiſions, as .xiiij. greate gunnes and .xl. barells of pouder .iij.C. pypes of wine .ij.C. pipes of diſket and flower .ij.C. frailes of figs and reaſyns, and .v.C. barelles of herring. Somewhat before this ſeaſon fell a great deuiſion in the realm of England, which of a ſparell was like to haue growen ſo a great [...]e: For whether the Biſhop of Wincheſter called Henry Beaufort,Diſcention be|tvvixt the duke of Glouceſter and the Byshop of VVinche|ſter. ſonne to Iohn duke of Lancaſter by his thirde wife, enuied the autho|ritie of Humfrey duke of Glouceſter, protector of the Realme, or whether the Duke diſdained at the riches and pompous eſtate of the Biſhop, ſure it is that the whole Realme was troubled with them and their partners: ſo that the citi|zens of London were faine to keepe daily and nightly watches, and to ſhut vp their ſhops for feare of that which was doubted to haue enſued of their aſſembling of people and [...] them. The archebiſhoppe of Canterbury and the Duke of Quimbre, called the prince of Po [...]tinga [...], rode eight times in one daye betweene the two par|ties, and to the ma [...]e was ſtaied for a time. But the Byſhoppe of Wincheſter to cleare himſelfe of blame ſo farrre as bee myght, and to chardge hys nephew the Lorde protect our with all the fault, wrote a letter to the Regent of Fraunce, the tenor whereof enſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1228RIght high and mightie Prince, & my right noble, & after one, lieueſt lorde, I recõmende me vnto you with all my hart. And as you de|ſire the welfare of the king our ſoueraigne lord and of his realmes of Englande and Fraunce, your owne healthe, and ours alſo, ſo haſte you hither. For by my truthe if you tarrie, we ſhall put this lande in aduenture with a fielde, ſuche a brother you haue here, God make him a good man. For youre wiſedome knoweth, that the profit of Frãce ſtandeth in the welfare of Eng|land .&c. Written in great haſt on Allhallown euen. By your true ſeruaunt to my liues end. Henry Wincheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The duke of Bedford being ſore greeued and vnquieted with theſe newes, conſtituted the erle of Warwicke, whyche was lately come into Fraunce with .vj.M. men, hys lieutenaunt in the Frenche dominions, and in the Duchie of Normandie, and ſo with a ſmall companie, he with the Ducheſſe his wife, returned againe o|uer the ſeas into Englande, and the .x. daye of Ianuary, he was with all ſolemnitie receyued into London, to whome the Cityzens gaue a paire of Baſins of Syluer and gylte, and a thouſand markes in money. And from Londõ hee roade to Weſtminſter, and was lodged in the Kings pallace. The .xxv. day of Marche after his comming to London,A parliament holden at Leiceſter. a Parliament beganne at the towne of Leiceſter: where the duke of Bedforde openly rebuked the lordes in generall, bicauſe that they in the time of warre through their priuie malice and inward grudge hadde almoſte moued the people to warre, and commotion, in whiche time all men oughte or ſhoulde be of one mind, harte and conſent: re|quiring them to defende, ſerue and dreade their ſoueraigne Lord Kyng Henry, in performing his conqueſt in Fraunce, whiche was in man|ner brought to concluſion. In this parliament the Duke of Glouceſter laide certaine articles to the biſhop of Wincheſters chardge, the whi|che with the aunſwers hereafter doe enſue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

1.15.1. The Articles of accuſation and accorde be|tweene the lorde of Glouceſter, and the lorde of VVincheſter.

The Articles of accuſation and accorde be|tweene the lorde of Glouceſter, and the lorde of VVincheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Articles ſette forthe by the Duke of Glou|ceſter, againſte Henrye Bishop of VVinche|ſter.HEre enſueth the Articles, as the Kynges counſaile hathe conceyued, the whiche the high and mighty prince my Lord of Glouceſter hathe ſurmiſed vpon my Lorde of Wincheſter Chauncellour of Englande with the anſwere to the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fyrſt, wheras he being protectour, and de|fendour of this land, deſired, the Tower to bee opened to him, and to lodge him therein, Ri|charde Wooduile Eſquier hauing at that time the chardge of the keping of the Tower, refu|ſed his deſire, & kept the ſame Tower againſte hym vnduely and againſte reaſon, by the com|maundement of my ſayd lorde of Wincheſter: and afterwarde in aprouing of the ſaid refuſe, hee receiued the ſayd Wooduile, and cheriſhed hym againſt the ſtate and worſhip of the kyng, and of my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Item, my ſaid lord of Wincheſter with|out the aduiſe and aſſent of my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſter, or of the Kings counſaile, purpo|ſed and diſpoſed hym to ſet hand on the Kings perſone, & to haue remoued him from Eitham, the place that hee was in, to Windſore, to the intent to put him in gouernaunce as him liſte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 3 Item, that where my ſaid Lord of Glou|ceſter, to whome of all perſones, that ſhoulde be in the lande, by the way of nature and birth, it belongeth to ſee the gouernance of the kings perſon, informed of the ſaide vndue purpoſe of my ſaid L. of Wincheſter, declared in the arti|cle next aboueſaid, and in letting therof deter|mining to haue gone to Eitham vnto the king to haue prouided as the cauſe required. My ſaid Lorde of Wincheſter vntruely and againſt the kings peace, to the intent to trouble my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſter going to the king, purpo|ſing his deathe, in caſe that hee hadde gone that way, ſet men of armes and archers at the ende of London Bridge nexte Southwarke: and in forbarring of the kings high way, let drawe the chaine of the ſtoupes there, and ſet vp pipes and hurdles in manner and forme of Bulwarkes: and ſet men in Chambers, Cellers, and Win|dows with bowes and arrowes and other we|pons, to the intent to bring to finall deſtruction my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſters perſon, aſwell as of thoſe that then ſhoulde come wyth hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 4 Item, my ſaid Lord of Glouceſter ſaith and affirmeth, that our ſoueraigne Lorde hys brother that was king Henry the fift, tolde him on a time, when our ſoueraigne Lorde being prince was lodged in the pallace of Weſtmin|ſter in the greate chamber, by the noiſe of a ſpa|niell, there was on a night a man ſpied and ta|ken behinde a tapet of the ſayde Chamber, the whyche man was delyuered to the Earle of A|rundell to bee examined vppon the cauſe of his being there at that time, the which ſo examined, at that time confeſſed that hee was there by the ſtirring vp and precuring of my ſaide Lorde of Wincheſter, ordeined to haue ſlaine the ſaide Prince there in his bedde: Wherefore the ſaide Earle of Arundell let ſacke him forthwith, and drowned him in the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 5 Item, our ſoueraigne Lorde that was, Kyng Henry the fift ſaide vnto my ſayd Lord of Glouceſter, that his father Kyng Henry the EEBO page image 1229 fourth liuing, and viſited then greately wyth ſickneſſe of the hand of God, my ſaide Lord of Wincheſter ſaide vnto the king (Henry the fift then being prince) that the king his father ſo vi|ſited with ſickneſſe was not perſonable, and therefore not diſpoſed to come in conuerſation and gouernance of the people, and for ſo much, counſailed him to take the gouernance & crown of this lande vpon hym.

1.15.1. The aunſwere of the Biſhop.

The aunſwere of the Biſhop.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 HEre enſue the aunſwers to the accuſations made by my Lorde of Wincheſter Chaun|cellour of Englande, vnto the cauſes and mat|ters of heauineſſe, declared in the Articles a|gainſt him by my Lorde of Glouceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1 Fyrſt as of the refuſe made vnto my lord of Glouceſter, of opening the Tower to him, of his lodging therein, by the commaundement of my ſaide lorde of Wincheſter, he aunſwereth, that in the preſence of my ſaide Lord of Glou|ceſter before his comming out of his country of Heinault, for cauſes ſuche as were thought re|ſonable, it ſeemeth lawfull that the Tower ſhoulde haue bin notably ſtored and kepte with victuall, howbeit it was not forthwith execu|ted, and that in likewiſe after that my ſaid lord of Glouceſter, was gone into his ſaid countrey of Heinault, for ſeditious and odious villes and languages, caſte & vſed in the citie of Lon|don, ſounding of inſurrection and rebellion a|gainſte the kings peace, and deſtruction aſwell of diuers eſtates of this lande as ſtrangers be|ing vnder the defence, in ſo muche that in doubt thereof, ſtraungers in greate number fledde the lande: And for the more ſure keping of the ſaid Tower, Richarde Wooduile eſquier ſo truſted with our ſoueraigne lord the king that deade is (as well ye knowe) and alſo chamberlaine and counſellor vnto my Lorde of Bedforde, wyth a certaine number of defenſible perſons aſſig|ned vnto hym, was made deputie there by the aſſent of the kings counſell, being that time at London, for to abide therein, for the ſafegarde thereof, and ſtraightlie chardged by the ſaide counſell, that during that tyme of his ſayde chardge, he ſhoulde not ſuffer any man to be in the Tower ſtronger than hymſelfe, without ſpeciall charge or commaundement of the king by the aduiſe of his counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Item, that after, ſoone vppon the com|ming of my laid Lord of Glouceſter into this lande from his countrey of Heinault, the ſaide lords of the kings counſell were informed, that my ſaid Lorde of Glouceſter, grudged with the ſaide manner of enforcing the Tower, and let ſay to them of London, that hee had well vn|derſtande that they had bin heauily threatned for the time of his abſence, and otherwiſe than they ſhould haue bin, if he had bin in this land. Wherfore hee was right euill contented, and eſpecially of the ſaid forcing of the Tower, ſet vpon them in manner of a chaſt villayne, con|ſideryng the good equitie and truthe that they had alwayes kepte vnto the king, offering them therevpon remedy if they woulde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 3 Item, that after this, Richard Scot lieue|tenaunt of the Tower by the commaundement of my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſter broughte vn|to him Frier Randolphe, the whiche he had long before confeſſed treaſon done by hym againſte the Kings perſon that deade is, for the whiche knowledge, he was put to bee kept in the ſayde Tower, and ſtraightly commaunded vnder greate paine giuen vnto the ſaid Scot, to kepe him ſtraightly, and ſurely, and not to lette him out of the ſaide Tower wythout commaunde|ment of the Kyng by the aduiſe of his counſell. The whiche Frier Randolphe, my ſaide Lord of Glouceſter kept then with himſelf (not wit|ting to the ſaide Scot) as he declared vnto my ſayde Lorde of Wincheſter, ſoone after that he had broughte the ſaide Frier Randolph vn|to my Lorde of Glouceſter, ſaying vnto my Lorde of Wincheſter, that he was vndone but hee helped hym, and expreſſed, as for cauſe of the withhoulding of Frier Randolphe: And ſaying moreouer, that when hee deſired of my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſter,Fryer Ran|dolph. the deliueraunce of the ſaide Frier Randolphe, to leade him againe vnto the Tower, or ſufficient warrant for hys diſchardge, my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſter aun|ſwered him, that his commaũdement was ſuf|ficient warrant and diſcharge for hym. In the whiche thing aboueſaid, it was thought to my lord of Wincheſter, that my ſaid lord of Glou|ceſter, tooke vpon hym further than his auctori|tie ſtretched vnto, and cauſed him to doubt and dreade leaſte that he would haue proceeded fur|ther. And at ſuche time as the ſaide Wooduile came vnto hym, to aſke his aduiſe & counſell, of lodging my ſaid L. of Glouceſter in ye Tower, he aduiſed and charged him, that before he ſuf|fred my ſaide lord of Glouceſter, or any perſon lodge therein ſtronger than himſelfe he ſhoulde puruey him a ſufficiẽt warrant therof, of the K. by the aduiſe of his counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 4 Item, as to the ſaid article of the foreſaide cauſes of heauineſſe, my ſaid lord chauncellour anſwereth, that hee neuer purpoſed to ſet hande on the kings perſõ, nor to remoue him, or that he ſhoulde be remoued, or put in any manner of gouernaũce, but by the aduiſe of the kings coũ|ſell. For hee coulde not perceyue any manner of goodnes or of aduãtage ye might haue growne to him therof, but rather great perill & charge, EEBO page image 1230 and herof my ſaide lord of Wincheſter, is rea|dy to make proofe, in time and place conueniẽt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 5 Item, as to the .iij. article of the foreſaid cauſes and heauines, my ſaide lorde Chauncelor anſwereth, yt he was ofte & diuers times war|ned, by diuers credible perſõs, aſwell at the time of the kings laſt parliamẽt, holdẽ at Weſtmin|ſter, as before & ſith, yt my ſaid L. of Glouceſter, purpoſed him bodily harm, & was warned ther of, and counſelled by the ſaid perſons, & that di|uers times, to abſtaine hym from comming to Weſtminſter, as my ſaid L. of Wincheſter de|clared vnto my ſaid lorde of Glouceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 6 Item, that in yt time of ye ſaid parliament, diuers perſons of low eſtate of the citie of Lõ|don in great number, aſſẽbled on a day vpon ye Wharfe, at the Crane of the Vintrie, & wiſhed & deſired that they had there ye perſon of my L. of Wincheſter, ſaying, that they would haue throwen him into the Thames, to haue taught him to ſwimme with wings. Wherof billes & language of ſlaũder and threatnings were caſt and ſpoken in the ſaid citie by my ſaide L. the Chauncellor, which cauſed him to ſuppoſe that they that ſo ſaid and did, willed and deſired his deſtruction, although they had no cauſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 7 Item, that after ye cõming to Lõdon of ſir Rafe Botiller, & maiſter Lewes, ſẽt frõ my L. of Bedford, to ye reſt of ye lords of the counſell, they being informed, that my ſaid L. of Glou|ceſter did beare diſpleaſure to my ſaide lorde of Wincheſter, they came to the ſaid L. of Glou|ceſter to his Inne, yt ſecõd Sonday next before Alha [...]onday, & ther opened vnto him, yt they had knowledge and vnderſtãding of ye ſaid diſple|ſure, praying him to let them knowe if hee bare ſuch diſpleaſure againſt my ſaide L. of Win|cheſter, and alſo the cauſes therof. At the which time (as my ſaid L. of Wincheſter was after|wards informed) my ſaid Lorde of Glouceſter affirmed that he was heauy towarde hym, and not without cauſes that peraduenture he wold put in writing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 8 Item, that after the Monday nexte before Allhallon day laſte paſte in the nyght, the peo|ple of the ſaid citie of Londõ by the cõmaunde|ment of my ſaid lorde of Glouceſter, as it was ſaid: For what cauſe my lord the Chauncelor, wiſ [...]e not, aſſembled in the citie, armed & arrai|ed, and ſo continued all the night. Amongſt di|uers of the which (the ſame night by what exci|tation, my ſaid L. the Chauncellor wiſt not) ſe|ditious & heauy language was vſed and in eſ|peciall againſt ye perſõ of my ſaid L the Chan|cellor. And ſo ye ſame Monday at night my ſaid lord of Glouceſter ſent vnto ye Innes of Court at London, charging thẽ of the Courte dwel|ling in the ſame, to be with him vpon the mor|rowe at eighte of the clocke in their beſt array.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 9. Item, that on the morrowe being [...]uiſ|daie next folowing, early my ſaid L. of Glou|ceſter, ſent vnto the Maior and Alde [...] of the ſaid citie of London to ordaine hym to the nũ|ber of .iij, C. perſons on horſe backe, to accom|pany hym to ſuch place as hee diſpoſed hym to ride, whiche (as it was ſaid) was vnto the king, to the intẽt to haue his perſon & to remoue him from the place that he was in without aſſent or aduiſe of the Kings counſell, the whiche thing was thought vnto my ſaid lord the Chauncel|lor that hee ought in no wiſe to haue done, nor had not bin ſene ſo before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 10 Item, that my ſaid Lord the Chancellor, conſidering the things aboueſaid, and do [...]ing therfore of perills that might haue enſued ther|of, intending to puruey theragainſt, & namely for his owne ſurety and defence, according to ye lawe of nature, ordeined to let that no force of people ſhuld come on the bridge of Lõdon to|wards him, by the whiche he or his might haue bin endaungered or noyed, not intending in a|ny wiſe bodily harme, vnto my ſaide Lorde of Glouceſter, nor to any other perſon, but only his owne defẽce, in eſchuing ye perill aboue ſaid.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 11 Item, as toward the fourthe & fifte of the ſaid articles, my L. the Chauncellor auſwereth that he was euer true to all thoſe that were his ſoueraigne lords and raigned vpon him, and yt he neuer purpoſed treaſon or vntruthe againſte any of their perſons, and in eſpeciall againſt the perſon of our ſaid ſoueraigne Lord Henry the fift. The whiche conſidering the great wiſdom, truthe, & manhoode that all men knewe in hym, hee woulde not for the time that he was kyng, haue ſet on my ſaid lord the Chaũcelor ſo greate truſt as he did, if he had foũd or thought in him ſuch vntruthe. The which thing my ſaid lord ye Chaũcellor offered to declare & ſhewe, as it be|longeth to a man of his eſtate to doe, requiring therevpon my lord of Bedford and all ye lords ſpirituall and temporall in this parliament, that it might be ſeene that there were Iudges con|uenient in this caſe, that they woulde doe hym ryght, or elſe that hee might haue leaue of the king by their aduiſe to goe [...]ue his right, before him that ought to be his Iudge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as toward the letter ſent by my lord of Wincheſter vnto my lorde of Bedforde, of the which the tenor is before reherſed, of the which my Lorde of Glouceſter complained him of the malicious and vntrue purpoſe of my ſaid lorde of Wincheſter, as toward the aſſembling of the people, and gathering of a fielde in the Kin|ges land, in troubling thereof, and againſt the kings peace: my ſaid lorde of Wincheſter an|ſwereth, that it his ſaid letters duely vnder|ſtande, EEBO page image 1231 and in ſuch wiſe as he vnderſtood & ment in the writing of them, it may not reaſonably he gathered and takẽ, yt my ſaid lord of Wincheſt [...] entended to gather any field, or aſſemble people, in troubling of the kings land, & againſt ye kings peace, but rather purpoſed to acquite him to the K. in his truth, & to kepe the reſt and peace in the kings land, & to eſchue rebelliõ, diſobediẽce & all trouble. For by that that in the beginning of the ſayde letter, he calleth my ſayd Lord of Bedford his lieueſt Lord after one, that is the king, whom he ought to accept of dutie of his truth, the which he hath euer kept, and will keepe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 13 Moreouer, in the ſaid letter he deſireth ye cõ|ming home of my L. of Bed. for yt welfare of the K. & of his realms of Engl. & of France, whiche ſtãde principally in keping of his reſt & peace, & praieth my ſaid L. of Bedf. to ſpeed his cõming into Engl. in eſchuing of ieopardie of the land, & of a field which he dread him, might haue fo|lowed, if he had lõg taried: As toward thoſe wor+des, and ye tarie, we ſhal put this land in aduen|ture wt a field, ſuch a brother ye haue here &c. My ſaid L. of Wincheſter ſaith, the ſooth is: before or he wrote ye ſaid letter by the occaſion of certaine ordinãces made by ye Maior & Aldermen of Lõ|don againſt the exceſſiue taking of maſons, Car|penters, tylers, plaſterers, and other laborers for their dayly iorneys, and approued by the kynges deuice & counſel, there were caſt many heuineſſes & ſeditious billes vnder the names of ſuch labou|rers, threming riſing with many thouſands, and menacing of eſtates of the land, and likewiſe ſe|ditions and euil language ſowen & ſo cõtinued & likely to haue enſued, of purpoſe & intẽt of diſobe|dience & rebellion. To the redreſſing of which, it ſemed to my lord ye Chãcellor, yt my ſaid lord of Glouceſt. did not his indeuor nor diligence yt he might haue ſhewed: for lack of which diligence, they that were diſpoſed to do diſobeyſance were encouraged and emboldned, ſo that it was lyke, that they ſhoulde haue made a gathering, and that the King and his true ſubiects ſhoulde haue bin compelled to haue made a field to haue with|ſtand them, the which field making, had bin ad|uenturing of this lande, and in tokening that it was neuer my ſaid Lorde Chancellors intente, to gather no field, but as truth moſt ſtirred hym againſt ſuch as riotouſly woulde make ſuch aſ|ſemblie againſte our ſoueraigne Lorde, and the weale of this lande, hee deſired ſo haſtely the cõ|ming of my ſayde L. of Bedford, the whiche hee woulde in no wiſe haue ſo greately deſired, if hee woulde haue purpoſed him vnto anye vnlawfull making of a field, for he wiſt well, that my ſayd Lord of Bedford would moſt ſharply haue cha|ſtiſed, and puniſhed all thoſe that ſo woulde anye riotous aſſemble make.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this aunſwere was made, the Duke cauſed this writing follo|wing, openly to be proclaymed.

BE it knowen to all folkes, that it is the intent of my Lorde of Bedforde, and all the Lordes ſpirituall and temporall, aſſembled in this pre|ſent Parliamente, to acquite him & them, and to proceede truely, iuſtly, & indifferently, without a|ny parcialitie in any maner of maſter or quarel [...] moued or to be moued between my L. of Glou|ceſter, on that one partie, and my Lord of Win|cheſter, Chancellor of Englande, on that other partie. And for ſure keping of the kings peace, it is acorded by my ſaid L. of Bedford, and by my ſayd Lordes, ſpirituall and temporall, an othe to be made in forme as followeth, that is to ſay.

1.15.1. The oth of the Lordes.

The oth of the Lordes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 THat my ſayd Lord of Bedford, and my ſayd Lords, ſpiritual and temporal, & each of them ſhal as farre forth as their cunnyngs and diſcre|tions ſuffiſen, truely, iuſtlys, and indifferentely counſell and aduiſe the K. and alſo proceede and acquit themſelues in all the ſayd matters, & qua|rels, without that they or any of them ſhall pri|uily and apertly make or ſhewe himſelfe to bee partie or partiall therein, not leauyng or eſchu|ing ſo to doe for affection, loue, neede, doubte, or dreade of any perſon or perſons. And that they ſhall in all wiſe kepe ſecret al that ſhall be cõmo|ned by way of counſell in the matters and quar|rels aboueſayd, in the ſayd parliament, without that they or any of them ſhall by worde, writing of the king, or in anie wiſe open or diſcouer it to anie of the ſaide parties, or to any other perſon that is not of the ſaide counſaile: But if he haue a ſpeciall Comaundement or leaue therevnto of the K. or of my ſayd lord of Bedf. And that eche of thẽ ſhall with all his might and power, aſſiſte by way of counſell, or elſe ſhew it vnto the king, my lord of Bedford, & to the reſt of my ſaid lor|des to put the ſaid parties to reaſon, and not to ſuffer that any of the ſaid parties by them, or by their aſſiſtance, proceede or attempt by waye of fight againſt the kings peace: nor helpe, aſſiſt or comfort any of them therto: but lette them with al their might and power, withſtande them, and aſſiſt vnto the king, and my ſaid Lorde of Bed|forde, in keeping of the Kinges peace, and re|dreſſing all ſuche maner of proceedyng by waye of fight or force.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • The Dukes.
    • THe Duke of Bedforde.
    • The Duke of Norffolke.
    • The duke of Exceſter.
  • Biſhoppes.
    • The Archebiſhop of Canterbury.
    • The Biſhop of Carlile.
    • The Biſhoppe of Bathe.
    • The Biſhoppe of Landaffe.
    • EEBO page image 1232The Biſhop of Rocheſter
    • The Biſhop of Chicheſter.
    • The Biſhop of Worceſter.
    • The Biſhop of Saint Dauids.
    • The Biſhop of London.
    • The Biſhop of Dureſme.
  • Earles.
    • The Earle of Northumberlande.
    • The Earle of Stafforde.
    • The Earle of Oxforde.
  • Lordes.
    • The Lorde Hungerforde.
    • The Lorde Tiptoſte.
    • The Lorde Poynings.
    • The Lorde Cromewell.
    • The Lorde Boroughe.
    • The Lorde Louell.
    • The Lorde Botreux.
    • The Lorde Clinton.
    • The Lorde Zouche.
    • The Lorde Audeley.
    • The Lorde Ferreis of Grouby.
    • The Lorde Talbot.
    • The Lorde Roos.
    • The Lorde Grey.
    • The Lord Grey of Ruthen.
    • The Lorde Fitz Waiter.
    • The Lorde Barkeley.
  • Abbotes.
    • The Abbot of Waltham.
    • The Abbot Glaſtinbury.
    • The Abbot of S. Auguſtines in Canterbury.
    • The Abbot of Weſtminſter.
    • The Abbot of ſaint Maries in Yorke.
    • The Abbot of ſaint Albones not ſworne bicauſe he was not preſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whiche othe in manner and fourme aboue rehearſed, as the lords aſwell ſpirituall as tem|porall, beeing in this Parliament at Leyceſter aſſembled, the fourth day of Marche, promiſed vpon their faith dutye and allegiaunce, which they owe to the king their ſouerain Lord, truly to obſerue and kepe, acording to the true mea|ning and purporte of the ſame.

1.15.1. The Arbitrement.

The Arbitrement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 IN the name of God Amen, we Henry Arch|biſhop of Canterbury, Thomas duke of Ex|ceſter, Iohn duke of Norffolke, Tho. Biſhop of Dureſme, Philip biſhop of Worceſter, Iohn biſhop of Bathe, Hũfry erle of Stafford Will. Alnwick keper of ye kings priuy ſeale, Rafe L. Cromwell, Arbitrators in al maner of cauſes, matters & quarrelles of heauineſſes & grenãces with all incidents, circũſtãces, dependẽts, or cõ|nexes being & hanging betwene ye high & wor|thy prince Hũfry duke of Glouceſter on the one party, and the worſhipfull father in god Henry biſhop of Wincheſter & chaũcelor of Englande on ye other party, by either of thẽ, for ye peaſin [...] of the ſaide quarrels & debates taken & choſẽ in maner & fourme as it is contained more plain [...]y in a compromiſe made thervpon, of the whiche the tenor enſueth in this fourme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Memorandũ ye .vij. day of Harth in ye fourth yere of our ſouerain L. the king Henry ye [...], ye high and mighty prince Hũfrey duke of [...]|ceſter at ye reuerence of god, & for the good at the king our ſoueraine lord in this land, & namely at ye reuerence & eſpecially at ye requeſt & [...], of the mighty and high prince my lord of Bed|ford his brother, agreed him to put, & putteth al maner matters and quarrells indeede, with all their incidẽts, circũſtaũces, dependẽts & cõn [...]res that touchen him & his perſõ, that he hath in any wiſe do, or feeleth himſelfe greeued or heauy a|gainſt my lord his vncle, my Lord of Winche|ſter. Or elſe that my lord of Wincheſter findeth him greeued againſt him, in as muche as they touche him or his perſon fro ye beginning of the worlde vnto this day, In ye aduiſe, ordinaũce & arbitrement of ye worthy father in god, Henry Archb. of Canterbury, ye high and noble prince Thomas duke of Exceſter, and Iohn Duke of Norffolke, the worſhipfull father in god Tho. biſhop of Dureſm Philip biſhop of Worceter, Iohn biſhop of Bathe, the noble lord Humfrey earle of Stafforde, ye worſhipfull perſons ma|ſter Wylliã Alnewicke keper of the kings pri|uy ſeale, and Rafe lord Cromwell, promiſſing and belighting by ye faith of his body, and word of his princehood and kings ſon, to do, kep [...], ob|ſerue, and fulfill for him and his behalf, all that ſhall be declared, ordeined, & arbitred, by ye for|ſaid Archb. dukes biſhops, erle, keper of ye priuy ſeale & lord Cromwell in all matters & quarels aboueſaid. Graũting alſo and promiſing ouer that, to be cõprehended in the foreſaid arbitre|ment, as toward putting away all heauineſſes & diſpleaſures, in any wiſe conteined, by my L. of Glouceſter againſt all thoſe that haue in any wiſe, aſſiſted, coũſelled, or fauored vnto his ſaid vncle of Wincheſter, and as toward any mat|ters that bee touching my Lorde of Glouceſter remitteth it, and the gouernaunce thereof vnto the King and his counſell, they to deeme it by the aduiſe of his counſaile, as hym thinketh it to be done. In witneſſe of the whiche thing to this preſẽt compromiſe my ſaid L. of Gloceſter hath ſubſcribed his name with his owne hand: Humfry Glouceſter.A dec [...]te [...]r order taken by the kings coun|ſell or the pa|c [...]ying of the quarrells and var [...]cesta [...] vver be [...] the duke of G [...]nced [...] the Bishop [...] VV [...]. And in like forme my lord of Winch. in an other cõpromiſe hath ſubſcri|bed with his owne hand vnder the word of his prieſthoode to ſtand at the aduiſe, ordinãce, arbi|trement of the perſõs abouſaid mutatis mutãtis.

The causes aforesaid and quarrels by vs sene, heard & dillige(n)tly examined & decreed, by the as sent EEBO page image 1233 assent of the sayde parties, ordeyne and awarde, that my Lords of Gloucester, & of Winchester, for any thing done or spoken, by that one partie agaynst that other, or by any of theyrs, or anye other person or persones, afore the seuenth day of this present Moneth of Marche, neuer hereafter take causes, quarels, displeasures or heauiness, that one agaynst the other, ne neither agaynst the Counsailers, adhere(n)ts or fauourers of that other, for any thing or things that are past. And that my sayde Lorde of Gloucester, bee good Lorde to my sayd Lorde of Wynchester, and haue him in loue and affection as his kinsman and vncle. And that my sayde Lorde of Wynchester have to my sayde Lorde of Gloucester, true and sadde loue and affection, so, and be readie to doe to him suche seruice as apperteyneth of honestie to my sayde Lord of Wynchester and his estate to do. And that eche of them be good Lord vnto all those adherents, counsaylours, and fauourers of that other, and shew them at all tymes fauourable loue and affection, as for any thing done by them, or sayde before the seuenth day of March.

And we decree, ordeyne, and award, that my said Lord of Winchester, in the presence of the King our soueraigne Lord, my Lorde of Bedford, and my Lord of Gloucester, and the residue of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, and co(m)mons being in this present Parliament, say and declare in manner and forme that foloweth.

My soueraigne Lord, I haue wel vndersta(n)d that I am noised amo(n)g the states of your land, how that the King our soueraigne Lorde that was, that time beeing Prince, and lodged in the great chamber at Westminster, by the baying of a spanyell, there was on a night taken, behind a tapet in the same chamber, a man, that shoulde haue confessed, that he was there by mine excitation and procuring, to haue slaine the foresayde Prince there in his bedde, wherevppon he was sacked, and forthwith drowned in the Thames.

And furthermore, I am accused, howe that I should haue stirred the K. that last dyed, the time also that hee was Prince, to haue taken the gouernance of this Realme, & the Crowne vpo(n) him, liuing his father ye same time, being K. Through which language and noising, I feele my name & fame greatly emblemished in diuers mens opinions, wherevpon, I take first God to my witnes, and after all the worlde, that I haue beene at all times, & am true louer, and true man, to you my soueraigne Lord, and shall be all my life. And also, I haue bin to my soueriagne L. yt was youre father, all time of his raigne, true man, and for such he tooke me, trusted me, and cherished me to his liues end, and as I trust, no man wil affirme the contrarie, nor neuer in my life procuring nor imagining death nor destructio(n) of his person, ne assenting to any such thing, or like therto, ye time that hee was K. or Prince, or else in other state.

And in likewise, I was true man to Kyng Henry the fourth, al the time that he was my soueraigne L. and raigned vpon me. In whiche maters, in al maner of wise, that it liketh to you my soueraigne Lorde, for to commaund me, I am ready for to declare me. And furthermore, where, how, and when it shall like you, by ye aduice of your counsaile, to assigne me: wherfore I beseeche you my soueraigne L. as humbly as I can, considering that there is no grounded processe, by the whiche I mighte lawfully in these matters abouesaid, be conuict (blessed be to god) to hold me, & declare me, by the aduice of al ye lords, spiritual & temporal, being in this present Parliament, true man to you my soueraigne Lord, & so to haue bin vnto my soueraigne lords yt were your father & grandfather, and true man also to haue bin at all times vnto your said father whilest he was Prince, or else in any other estate, the saide sclander and noyse not withstanding, and this same declaration, to be enacted in this your said present Parliament.

The which words declared in maner as it is abouesaid, it seemeth to my said Lords the arbitrators, that it is meete, that my saide Lorde of Winchester, draw him apart, and in the meane time, the lords being present, bee singularly examined therevpon, & say their aduice. And if it bee assented by them, in maner as my said Lorde of Winchester desireth, let him be called again, and that then my Lord of Bedford haue these words in effect that followe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Faire Vncle, the King my Lord by ye aduice of his [...]ounſaile, hath commaunded me to ſaye to you, that he hath well vnderſtand and conſidered, all the matters whiche yet haue heere openly de|clared in his preſence, and therevppon, ye deſire a petition, that hee will declare [...] and by the ad|uice and aſſent of the Lordes ſpiritual and tempo|ral, being in this preſent Parliamẽt, he declareth you a true [...]an to him, and that ye haue ſo bi [...] to my Lorde his father, & Grandfather, alſo it he man to my lord his father, while he was prince, or elſe in any other eſtate, the fold diſtand [...] and noi [...]ng notwithſtanding, and will that the fa [...] declaration be ſo enacted in this preſent Parlia|mẽt. After the which wor [...] thus (ſaid as before is declared) it was de [...]teth alſo by the ſayde Lords arbitrators, that ye ſaidlord of Winche|ſter ſhoulde haue theſe wor [...] that followeth to my ſaid Lord of Glouceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 My Lord of Glouceſter, I ha [...]ie conceyued to my great heauineſſe, than yet ſhould, haue teety|ued by diuers reportes, that I ſhoulde haue pur|poſed and imagined againſt your perſon, [...]or, and eſtate, in diuers maners, for the whiche, yee EEBO page image 1234 haue taken againſt me great diſpleaſure, Sir, I take God to my witneſſe, that what reportes ſo euer haue bin to you of me, per [...]e, of ſuch as haue had no great affection to me, God for|giue it them, I neuer imagined, ne purpoſed any thing that mighte bee hindering or preiudice to youre perſon, honor, or eſtate. And therefore I pray you, that yee be vnto me good L. from this time forthe, for by my will, I gaue neuer other occaſiõ, nor purpoſe not to doe hereafter by gods grace. The which wordes ſo by him ſaid, it was decreed by the ſame arbitrators, that my Lorde of Glouceſter ſhould aunſwere and ſay:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Faire Vncle, ſith ye declare you ſuch a man, as yee ſaye, I am right glad that it is ſo, and for ſuche a man I take you. And when this was done, it was decreede by the ſaid arbitrators, that euery eache of my L. of Glouceſter, & Winche|ſter, ſhould take either other by ye hand, in ye pre|ſence of the K. and al the Parliament, in ſigne & token of good loue and accorde, the whiche was done, and the Parliament was adiorned til after Eaſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the greate fier of this contention, be|tweene theſe two noble perſonages, was thus by the arbitrators, to their knowlege and iudge|ment, vtterly quẽched out, and layd vnder hoord, all other controuerſies, betweene other Lordes, taking part with the one party or the other, were ſoone appeaſed, and brought to concord, for [...]ye whereof, the King cauſed a ſolemne feaſt to bee kept on Whitſonday, on the which day, he crea|ted Richard Plantagenet, ſonne and heire to the Earle of Cãbridge (whom his father at South|hãpton had put to death, as before ye haue hard) Duke of Yorke, not foreſeeing that this pre|ferment ſhoulde bee his deſtruction, nor that hys ſeede ſhoulde of his generation bee the extreame ende, and finall confuſion. He the ſame day alſo, promoted Iohn Lord Mowbray, & Erle Mar|ſhall, ſonne and heire to Thomas D. of North|folke, by King Richard the ſeconde, exiled thys Realme, to the title, name, and ſtile, of the Duke of Northfolke, during whiche feaſt, the Duke of Bedford adorned the King with the high order of Knighthood, whiche on the ſame day, dubbed wt the ſword theſe knights, whoſe names enſue.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Richard Duke of Yorke.
  • Iohn Duke of Norffolke.
  • The Earle of Westmerlande.
  • Henry Lord Percy.
  • Iohn Lorde Butler, son to the Earle of Ormond.
  • The Lord Rosse.
  • The Lord Matrauers.
  • The Lord Welles.
  • The Lord Barkeley.
  • Sir Iames Butler.
  • Sir Henry Grey of Tankaruile.
  • Sir Iohn Talbot.
  • Sir Raufe Grey of Warke.
  • Sir Robert Veer.
  • Sir Richard Grey.
  • Sir Edmond Hungerford.
  • Sir Walter Wingfield.
  • Sir Iohn Butler.
  • Sir Reginald Cobham.
  • Sir Iohn Passheleur.
  • Sir Thomas Tunstall.
  • Sir Iohn Chedcocke.
  • Sir Raufe Langstre.
  • Sir William Drurie.
  • Sir William ap Thomas.
  • Sir Richard Caruonell.
  • Sir Richard Wooduile.
  • Sir Iohn Shirdlow.
  • Sir Nicholas Blunket.
  • Sir William Cheyney Iustice.
  • Sir William Babington.
  • Sir Raufe Butler.
  • Sir Robert Beauchampe.
  • Sir Edmond Trafford.
  • Sir Iohn Iune, chiefe Baron, and dyuers other

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this ſolemne feaſt ended, a greate [...] ſubſedie was granted, for the continuance of the conqueſt in France, & ſo therevpon, [...] gathered, and men were prepared in euery Citie [...], & countrey, during which buſines,The Duke of [...] d [...]. Tho|mas Duke of Exeter, great vncle to the [...] a right ſ [...]ge & diſcrete counſellor, departed out of this mortall life, at his manor of Grenewiche, [...] with all funerall pompe, was conueyghed tho|rough London to Berrie, and there buried.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeere alſo dyed the Lady Eliza|beth, halfe ſiſter to the ſame duke, and of ye whole bloud with King Henry the fourth, maried firſt to the Lorde Iohn Holland, Duke of Exceſter, and after to the lord Fanhope, buried of ye bla [...] Friers of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 While theſe things were thus a doing in Englande, the Earle of Warwike, Lieutenant for the Regent in Fraunce, entred into the Coũ|trey of Maine, and beſieged the Towne of Cha|teau de Loyre, the whiche ſhortly to him was rendered, whereof he made Captaine, Mathe [...] Gough, Eſquier.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, he tooke by aſſaulte the Caſtell of Maiet, and gaue it for his valiantneſſe to Iohn Winter eſquier, and after that he conquered the caſtell of Lude, and made there Captayn Wil|liam Gladiſdale Gentleman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here he was informed, that the Frenchmenne were aſſembled in the coũtry of Beauſſe, wher|vppon hee haſted thy her wardes to haue [...] them battaile, but they hauing knowledge of EEBO page image 1235 his approche, durſt not abide to trie the matter with him by a pight fielde, but fledde before hee came neere them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle in his returne, wanne the Caſtell of Montdublean by ſurrender,The Earle of Warwicke [...]de gouer| [...] o [...] the [...]g king. where he left the valiant Lorde Willoughby, and then returned to Paris. During whiche ſeaſon, he was ordey|ned by the three eſtates of the Realme of Eng|lande, to bee gouernour of the yong King, in the place of the Duke of Exceſter deceaſſed: howbe|it, hee dyd not as yet returne into Englande, but remayned in Fraunce for a ſeaſon, and at|chieued many worthy enterpriſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 5. Whileſt the Lorde regent of Fraunce was thus in Englãd, meanes was made by ye Duke of Burgoigne, for the deliuerie of the Duke of Alanſon, taken at the battell of Vernoyle, and nowe for the ſumme of two hundred thouſande crownes, hee was ſet at libertie, but neyther for releaſſe of all, or abatement of parte of his raun|ſome, woulde hee by any meanes acknowledge the King of Englande, to be his liege and ſoue|raigne Lorde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1427After that the Duke of Bedford hadde ſet all things in good order in England, hee tooke leaue of the King, and togither with his wife, retur|ned into Fraunce, firſt landing at Calais, where the Biſhoppe of Wincheſter (that alſo paſſed the Seas with him) receyued the habite, hatte, and dignitie of a Cardinall, with all ceremonies to it apperteyning.

The late Kyng Henry the fifth, had forbid|den him, eyther to ſue for, or to receyue that dig|nitie, bicauſe he would not that Cardinals hats ſhoulde in anye wiſe preſume to bee equall with regall crownes, whyche hee doubted woulde come to paſſe in thys man, if hee myghte once atteyne to the honor of wearing one of thoſe hattes, ſuche an haultie ſtomacke, and loftie courage hee euer noted to bee in him, from hys youth vpwards.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe the Kyng beeyng yong, and the regent hys friend, he obteyned his purpoſe, to his great profite, and the empoueriſhing of the ſpiri|tualtie of thys Realme: for by a Bull legantine which hee purchaſed from Rome, he gathered ſo muche treaſure, that no man in manner hadde money, but hee, ſo that he was called the ryche Cardinall of Wincheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Lorde Regent was ariued in Fraunce, the Lorde of Ruſtinian, marſhall of Britaigne, aſſembled a greate company of the Britiſhe nation, whiche fortifyed and repared the Towne of Pontorſon, and after, the ſayde Marſhall, with a thouſande men, entred into the Countrey of Conſtantine, and commyng before the Towne of Auranches, was encountred by the Engliſhmen of that garriſon, and after long fighte, hys people were putte to the worſe, cha|ſed, and diſcomfited, and hee hymſelfe taken pri|ſoner in the fielde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedford hearing that ye towne of Pontorſon, ſcituate within two leagues of Mont Saint Mighell, was newly fortified, and ſtrongly defended, ſent thither the Erle of War|wike, accompanyed with the Lord Scales, and other valiant Captaynes and Souldiers, to the number of ſeauen thouſande then, to beſiege the Towne, who ſo enuironed it on euery ſyde, that neyther any man coulde ſteale in or out.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſiege thus long continuing, vittailes be|gan to waxe ſcant in the Engliſh army: where|fore, the Lorde Scales, hauing in hys company Sir Iohn Harpley Baylife of Conſtantine, Sir William Brearton Ba [...]fe of Caan, Sir Raufe Teſſon, Sir Iohn Carbonell, and three thouſande good men of warre, departed from the ſiege, to get vittayle, pouder, and other things neceſſary for their purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as they were returning with their caria|ges by the Sea coaſt, neere to Saint Michaels Mount, they ſuddaynely were encountred by theyr enimies, whereof were chiefe, the Baron of Coloſes, the Lorde Dauſeboſt, Captayne of the ſayde Mount, the Lord Mountabon, the Lorde Montburchier, the Lorde of Chateaugiron, the Lord of Tintignate, the Lord of Chateaubrian, with ſixe thouſand men of warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Scales and his company, percey|uing themſelues beſet on the one ſyde with the Sea, and on the other with theyr enimies, alight from their horſes, & like coragious perſons, there in an vnſpeakable furie, ſet on their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fight was fierce and cruell, the Engliſh|men kept themſelues cloſe togither,A botte akle|miſhe. ſo that their enimies could get no aduantage of them. At the laſt, the Lord Scales cried S. George they flee, wherevpon, the Engliſhmen toke ſuch courage, and the Frenchmen that fought before, were ſo diſmayd, that they began to flee indeede: the En|liſhmen leaped then againe on horſebacke,On the Ce [...] thurſday. and followed them ſo, that they flew & toke aboue e|leuen C. perſons, among ye which wer taken, the Baron of Coloſes, ye Vicount of Roan, & other. The L. of Chateaugiron,Enguerrant. with a Scottiſh Cap|tayne, and diuers other mẽ of name were ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this victorie, the Lord Scales, with his vitailes, prouiſion and priſoners, returned to the ſiege, where he was of the Erle, and other noble men ioyouſly receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the ſiege thus continued before Pon|torſon, Chriſtopher Hanſon, and other ſouldiers of the garriſon of Saint Suſan, made a roade into ye Countrey of Aniou, and came to a Caſtel called Ramffort, whiche Caſtell was ſo priuily ſcaled, that ye Captaine within, & his company, EEBO page image 1236 were taken or ſlayne, before they knewe of theyr enimies approching.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When knowledge heereof was giuen to the Frenchmen whiche were aſſembled, to the num|ber of of twentie thouſand, to reyſe the ſiege that lay before Pontorſon, they left that enterpriſe, and went, to recouer the ſaid Caſtell of Ramf|fort, and ſo comming before it, plãted their ſiege ſo on each ſide of it, that at length by compoſiti|on, the Engliſhmen within, doubting to be ta|ken by force, rendred vp the Caſtell, hauing li|bertie to depart with bagge and baggage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, the Lorde of Raux, callyng hymſelfe Lieutenant generall for the Dolphin, entred into Mayne, with an armie of three M. men, and by force tooke ye Caſtell of Malicorne, whereof was Captayne, an Engliſhman, one Oliuer Oſbaterſby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In like manner, they tooke the little Caſtell of Lude, and therein William Blackborne, Lieutenant for William Glaſdale Eſquier.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the frenchmen returned backe to ye Dolphin, and kept not on that iourney to Pon|torſon, for that they vnderſtoode by eſpials, that the Earle of Warwike, and the Engliſhmenne there, determined to gyue them battell, if they once attempted to reyſe the ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 They within the Towne, beeing ſtraightly beſieged, perceiuing no likelyhoode of ſuccours, & ſeeing the Engliſhe armye dayly encreaſe, fell to treatie,Pontorſon rendred to the Engliſhmen. for doubt to be taken by force, and ſo ren|dred the towne vpon cõdition, yt they myght de|part with horſe and harnes only, whiche beeyng granted to thẽ, the Erle like a valiant Captaine entred into the towne, & there appointed for go|uernors, the Lorde Ros, & the L. Talbot, & lea|uing there a conuenient garriſon, returned to the Lord Regent. After the taking of this towne of Pontorſon, there was a league, & a treatie con|cluded, betweene the Regent, and the D. of Bri|taigne, by ye articles of which agremẽt, ye townes of Põtorſon, & S. Iames de Bewron, were bea|ten downe to the ground, and raſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Lord of Rays was departed out of Mayne as ye haue heard, Chriſtopher Hanſon, Phillip Gough, Martin Godfrey, called ye Sca|ler, tooke by ſtelth the Caſtell of S. Laurence de Mortiers. At the ſame time, whẽ the Captaine, & the moſt part of his company, were gone forth to heare Maſſe, in a Churche ouer againſte the ſame Caſtell and keeping themſelues cloſe, tyll the Capitaine returned, tooke him as he was en|tred within the firſt gate, and ſo was this Caſtel ſtuffed with Engliſhemen, and Captaine therof appointed ſir William Oldhaule.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame ſeaſon, ſir Iohn Faſtolfe, gouer|nour of the Countreys of Aniou, and Maine, aſſembled a great puiſſance of men of warre, and layde ſiege before the Caſtell of Saint Q [...] Diſtays, beſyde the Towne of Lauall, and after he had layne there tenne dayes, the Caſtell was deliuered, they within departing with their [...]ines and armour only to them graunted, by the tenor of the compoſition, which they tooke with ye ſame ſir Iohn Faſtolfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the winning of this Caſtell, the Eng|liſhmen remoued to the ſtrong Caſtell of Gra|uile, and after twelue dayes, they within offered to yeelde the Caſtell by a daye, if they were not ſuccoured by the Dolphin or his power the offer was taken, and pledges deliuered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then Sir Iohn Faſtolfe returned in poſt to the Regent, aduertiſing him of this compoſition and agreement, wherefore, the ſaid Regent rey|ſed a great power to fighte with the Frenchmen at the day appoynted, and in his company, were the Earles of Mortaigne and Warwike, the Lords Ros and Talbot, Sir Iohn Faſtolfe, ſir Iohn Aubemond, ſir Iohn Ratcliffe, and diners other, to the number of twentie thouſande men, and ſo marched forwardes, in hope to meete and ioyne battel with their aduerſaries, but ye french power, beeing not farre off from the place, durſt not approche, wherefore, the Regent ſent to Sir Iohn Faſtolfe incontinently, to receyue ye Ca|ſtell, but they within (contrary to promiſe and appointmente) had newly vitailed and manned the place, and ſo forſaking the pledges, and theyr fellowes in armes, refuſed to render the fortreſſe, wherefore, the pledges were brought before their ſighte, and there before the Caſtell openly put to death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Lorde Talbot was made go|uernour of Aniou and Maine, and ſir Iohn Fa|ſtolfe was aſſigned to another place,The Lord Talbot, a valiant Cap|taine. which Lord Talbot, being both of noble birth, and of haultie courage, after his comming into Fraunce, ob|teyned ſo manye glorious victories of his eni|mies, that his only name was, and yet is dread|full to the French nation, and much renowmed amongſt all other people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This luſtie and moſt valiant Captaine, en|tred into Mayne, where he ſlew men, deſtroyed Caſtels, brent Townes, and in concluſion, ſud|daynely tooke the Towne of Lauall. The Lord Loghac, and diuers other, withdrew into ye Ca|ſtell, in the whiche, they were ſo ſtreightly beſie|ged, that in the ende, they agreed to pay to the Lord Talbot, an hundred thouſand Crownes, for licence to departe, with all theyr bagge and baggage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then was this Caſtel deliuered, to ye keeping of Gilbert Halfall, which after was ſlaine at the ſiege of Orleanns, in whoſe place, Mathewe Gough was made Captayne there, who beeyng at the iourney of Senlis, by treaſon EEBO page image 1237 of a Miller that kepte a Mille adioyning to the wall, the Frenchmen entred into the towne, and brought it againe into their ſubiection.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedford hearing that ye towne of Montargis, in the territorie of Orleauns, was but ſlenderly kept, and not throughly fur|niſhed, ſent the Earle of Suffolke, with his bro|ther Sir Iohn Poole, and Sir Henry Biſſet, ha|uing in their company a ſixe thouſande men to aſſault that towne, but when they came thither, and found the Towne, both well manned, and ſtrongly fortified, contrary to their expectation, they ſurceaſſed from giuing the aſſault, and on|ly layd theyr ſiege round about it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Warwike was appoynted to lye with a greate number of men of warre, at Sainte Mathelines de Archempe, to encounter the Frenchmen, if they would attempte to ayde or vittaile thoſe within the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſituation of this towne was ſuche, that by reaſon of waters and mariſhes, the Engliſhe army muſt needes ſeuer it ſelfe into three parts, ſo that the one coulde not eaſely help the other, but eyther by boates or bridges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This ſiege continued aboue two monethes, ſo that in the meane time, the Frenchmenne had leyſure to prouide for the ſuccour thereof, and ſo it came to paſſe, that the Conneſtable of Frãce Arthur of Britaigne, the Lorde Boyſac one of the Marſhals, Stephen la Hire, Pothon de Saintreiles, the lord Grauille, and diuers other, to the number of three thouſande horſemẽ, were ſente forthe by the Dolphin, the which priuily in the night ſeaſon, came on that ſide, where Sir Iohn de la Poole, and Sir Henrye Biſſet laye, whome they found ſo out of order,A gret ſlaugh|ter by negli|gence of the watche. and without good watche, that the Frenchmenne entred into theyr lodgings, ſlewe manye in theyr beddes, and ſpared none, for theyr reſiſtance was but ſmall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Iohn de la Poole, with his Horſe ſaued hymſelf, and ſir Henry Biſſet eſcaped by a boate, and eight other with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The reſidue fleeing in plumpes, and ſtriuing to paſſe by a bridge of timber, the whiche beeyng peſtered with preaſſe of the multitude, brake, and ſo there were a greate number drowned, in ſo muche, that there were ſlayne by the enimes ſword, and drowned in the water, a fifteene hun|dred men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Warwike hearing of this miſ|fortune, departed from Saint Mathelines with all ſpeede, and commyng before Montargis, of|fered battell to the Frenche Captaynes, whyche aunſwered, that they had manned and vittelled the towne, and intended to doe no more at that time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen ſeeing it would be no bet|ter, came ſoftly backe againe with all their or|dinance to the Duke of Bedford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ſeemed, that Fortune would not permitte the Frenchmen long to enioy in this ſeaſon any good ſucceſſe, without enterlacing ye ſame with ſome diſpleaſure, for at thys very tyme,Sur Nicholas Burdet. Polidor. Sir Nicholas Burdet, appoynted by the Duke of Somerſet to endomage hys enimies in the coaſtes of Britaigne, ſente horſemen into eue|rie parte, working all the diſpleaſure to the people that myghte be deuiſed, the Countrey, through which he paſſed, was waſted, ye townes [figure appears here on page 1237] were brent, the houſes ſpoyled, and greate num|ber of priſoners taken, the ſmall villages were deſtroyed, and the walled Townes raunſom|med, and ſo without hurte or domage, the ſayde Sir Nicholas Burdet returned into Normandye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1238Theſe newes being ſignified to the Conne|ſtable, and other the french Captaines, aſwaged their greate mirth and triumphant ioy, concey|ued for the victorie of Montargis, that loth they were to attempt any further enterpriſes agaynſt the Engliſh nation. But the Duke of Alanſon, whiche as yee haue hearde, was lately deliuered out of captiuitie, reuiued againe the dulled ſpi|rites of the Dolphin, and ſomewhat aduaunced, in hope of good ſpeede, the fainting hartes of hys Captaines, ſo that vppon occaſion offered, they determined to atchieue a notable feate as they tooke it, againſt the Engliſhmen, which was the recouerie of the Citie of Mans out of theyr hands: for ſo it happened, that diuers of ye chiefe rulers in that Citie, and namely, diuers ſpiritual perſons, meaning to reuolt to the Dolphins ſide, aduertiſed him by letters of their whole mindes, whiche letters were conueyed vnto him by cer|taine Friers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dolphin glad of thoſe newes, appointed the Lordes de la Breth, and Faiet, Marſhals of France, accõpanyed with the Lords of Mount Iehan, of Buel, Doruall, Torſie, Beaumanor, the Hire, and his brother Guilliam, with fyue hundred other valiant Captaines and ſouldiers, to the accompliſhing of this enterpriſe, the whi|che comming thither at the day aſſigned, in the night ſeaſon approched towards the walles, ma|king a little fire on an hill, in ſight of the towne, to ſignifie their comming, whiche beeing percey|ued by the Citizens that nere to the great church were watching for the ſame, a burning creſſet was ſhewed out of the ſteeple, whiche ſuddainely was put out and quenched. What nedeth many words.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Captaines on Horſebacke came to the gate, and the traitors within flewe the porters & watchmen, and let in their friends, the footemen entred firſte, and the men of armes waited at the barriers,Mauns loſt by treaſon of the Citizens. to the intent, that if muche neede requi|red, they might fight in the open fielde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane ſeaſon, manye Engliſhmenne were ſlayne, and a greate crie and noyſe reyſed through the Town, as in ſuch ſurpriſes is wont and accuſtomed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cauſe heereof was not knowen to anye, but only to the conſpirators, for the remnant of the Citizens being no partakers, imagined, that the Engliſhmen had made hauocke in ye towne, and put all to the ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen on the other ſide iudged, that the Citizens hadde begunne ſome new Re|bellion againſt them, or elſe had ſtriuen amongſt themſelues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Suffolke, whiche was gouer|nour of the Towne, hauing perfect knowledge by ſuch as eſcaped frõ the walles, howe the mat|ter went, withdrew without any tar [...]ance, vnto the Caſtell, which ſtandeth at the gate of Sainte Vincent, wherof was Conſtable, Tho. Gower eſquier, whither alſo fled ſo many Engliſhmen, that the place was peſtered, and there if they were not the ſooner reſcued, likely to be famiſhed: and ſurely, they were ſore aſſaulted by their eni|mies, ſo that they could not haue endured long, if they hadde not priuily ſente a meſſenger to the Lorde Talbot, whiche then lay at Alan|ſon, certifying hym in what a wofull caſe they were.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Talbot hearing theſe newes, nei|ther ſlept, nor banquetted, but in all haſt aſſem|bled togither about ſeauen hundred men, and in the euening departed from Alanſon, and in the morning came to a Caſtell called Guyerch, a two miles frõ Mans, and there ſtayed a while, till he had ſente out Mathew Gough, as an eſ|piall, to vnderſtand how the Frenchmen demea|ned themſelues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mathew Gough ſo well ſpedde hys buſines, that priuily in the night he came into the Caſtel, where hee learned, that the Frenchmen verye negligently vſed themſelues, without takyng heede to theyr watch, as though they had beene out of all daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When thys Mathewe hadde knowen all the certaintie, he returned againe, and within a mile of the Citie, met the Lorde Talbot, and ye Lorde Scales, and opened vnto them all things, accor|ding to his credence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes then to make haſt in the mat|ter, bycauſe the daye approched, with all ſpeede poſſible, came to the poſterne gate, and alighting from theyr horſes about ſixe of the clocke in the morning, they iſſued out of the Caſtell, crying Saint George Talbot.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen beeing thus ſuddainely ta|ken, were ſore amaſed, in ſo much, that ſome of them, beyng not out of theyr beddes,Mauns [...]+uered. gote vp in their ſhirtes, and lept ouer ye walles. Other ranne naked out of the gates to ſaue their liues, leauing all theyr apparell, horſes, armour, and riches behynde them, none was hurt, but ſuche as reſi|ſted. To bee ſhorte, there were ſlayne and taken, to the number of foure hundred Gentlemen, the priuate ſoldiers were frankely let goe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, was inquiſition made of the au|thors of the treaſon, and there were accuſed thir|tie Citizens, twentie Prieſtes,Traytors e [...]|cuted. and fifteene Fri|ers, whiche according to their demerites, were put to execution.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Citie of Mans beeing thus recouered,An. reg. 6. the Lord Talbot returned to Alanſon, & ſhortly after, the Earle of Warwike departed into En|glande, to bee gouernoure of the yong Kyng, in ſteede of Thomas Duke of Exceſter, lately EEBO page image 1239 departed to God,1428 and then was the Lord Tho|mas Montacute Earle of Saliſburie, ſente into Fraunce, to ſupplye the roomth of the ſayd Earle of Warwike, who landed at Calaice with fiue thouſand mẽ, and ſo came to the D. of Bedford, as thẽ lying in Paris, where they fel in counſell togither, concerning the affaires of France, and namely, the Earle of Saliſburie began maruel|louſly to phanteſie the gayning of the Citie and Countrey of Orleans.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle was the man at that time, by whoſe witte, ſtrength, and policie, the Engliſhe name was much feareful and terrible to ye french nation, which of himſelfe, mighte both appoynt, commaund, and do all things in manner at hys pleaſure,Mo [...]ne Erle of Salisburie a politike and valiant man. in whoſe power (as it appeared after his death) a greate part of the conqueſt conſiſted: for ſurely, he was a man both paynefull, diligente, & readie to withſtande all daungerous chaunces that were at hande, prompte in counſell, and of courage inuincible, ſo that in no one man, men put more truſt, nor any ſingular perſon wanne the hearts ſo much of all men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevppon, after this great enterpriſe hadde long beene debated in the priuie counſell, the Erle of Saliſburies deuice therein was of them all graunted and allowed, ſo that he beeyng re|pleniſhed with good hope of victorie, and furni|ſhed with artillerie and munitions apperteining to ſo great a ſiege, accompanyed with the Earle of Suffolke, and the Lorde Talbot, and with a valiaunte armye, to the number of tenne thou|ſande menne, departed from Paris, and paſſed through the countrey of Beauſſe. There he tooke by aſſault, the Towne of Genuille, and within fiue dayes after, had the Caſtell deliuered vnto hym, by them that were fledde into it for theyr ſafegarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo tooke the towne of Baugencie, ſuffe|ring euery man which woulde become ſubiect to the Kyng of England, to enioy theyr lands and goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Townes of Meun vppon Loyre, and Iargeaulx, hearing of theſe doings, preſented to them the keyes of theyr Townes vppon lyke a|greement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Anno. reg. 7. Orleans beſie|ged. Baſt [...]rd of Or| [...].After this, in the moneth of September, hee came before the Citie of Orleans, and planted hys ſiege on the one ſyde of the ryuer of Loyre, but before hys comming, the Baſterd of Orle|ans, the Byſhop of the Citie, and a greate num|ber of Scottes, hearing of the Earles intente, made dyuers fortifications about the Towne, and deſtroyed the ſuburbes, in the whyche, were twelue pariſhe Churches, and foure orders of Friers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They cutte alſo downe all the vynes, trees, and buſhes, within fyue leagues of the Citie, ſo that the Engliſhmen ſhoulde haue neyther com|fort, refuge, nor ſuccour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the ſiege hadde continued three weekes full, the baſterd of Orleans iſſued out of the gate of the bridge, and fought with the Engliſhmen, but they receyued hym with ſo fierce and terrible ſtrokes, that he was with all his company com|pelled to retire and flee backe into the Citie, but the Engliſhmen followed ſo faſt, in killing and taking of theyr enimies, that they entred with them: the Bulwarke of the bridge, whiche with a great tower ſtanding at the ende of the ſame, was taken incontinentlye by the Engliſhe|menne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this conflict, many Frenchmen were ta|ken, but mor were ſlayne, and the keeping of the Tower and Bulwarke was cõmitted to Willi|am Glaſdale Eſquier.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By the taking of this bridge, the paſſage was ſtopped, that neyther men nor vittaile, could goe or come by that way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Earle cauſed certaine Bul|warkes to be made rounde about the towne, ca|ſting trenches betweene the one and the other, laying ordynance in euery place where he ſawe that any batterie might be deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When they within ſaw that they were enui|roned with fortreſſes and ordinance, they layde gunne againſte gunne, and fortified towers a|gainſt Bulwarkes, and within, caſt newe ram|piers, and fortified themſelues as ſtrongly as mighte bee deuiſed, againſt the violence of their enimies bat [...]ie and aſſaultes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Baſterd of Orleans, and the Hire, were appoynted to ſee the walles and watches kepte, and the Byſhop ſaw that the inhabitants with|in the Citie were put in good order, and that vit|taile were not wantonly conſumed, or vaynely ſpent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Tower that was taken at the bridge ende (as before you haue hearde) there was an high chamber, hauing a grate full of barres of yron, by the which, a man myghte looke all the length of the bridge into the Citie, at whiche grate, many of the chiefe Captaynes ſtoode ma|ny times, viewing the Citie, and deuiſing in what place it was beſt to giue the aſſault. They within the Citie well perceyued thys tooting hole, & layde a peece of ordinãce directly againſt the windowe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ſo chanced, that the .59. day after the ſiege was layd, the Erle of Saliſburie, Sir Thomas Gargrane, and William Glaſdale, with diuers other, went into the ſaid tower, & ſo into the high chamber, & looked out at the grate, and within a ſhort ſpace, the ſonne of the maſter gunner, per|ceiuing mẽ looking out at the window, tooke his match, as his father had taught him, who was EEBO page image 1240 gone downe to dinner, and fired the gunne, the ſhot whereof brake, and ſheeuered the iron barres of the grate,The Earle of Salisbury ſlain ſo that one of the ſame barres ſtrake the Earle ſo violently on the head, that it ſtroke awaye one of hys eyes, and the ſyde of hys cheeke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Thomas Gargrane was likewiſe ſtri|ken, and dyed within two dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle was conueyghed to Meun, on Loire, where after eight dayes, he likewiſe depar|ted this worlde, whoſe body was conueyed into Englande with all funerall pomp, and buried at Biſſam by his progenitors, leauing behind him an only daughter named Alice, married to Ri|charde Neuill, ſonne to Raufe Earle of Weſt|merlande, of whome, more ſhall bee ſayd heere|after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The domage that the Realme of Englande receyued by the loſſe of thys noble man, mani|feſtly appeared, in that immediately after hys death, the proſperous good lucke whiche had fol|lowed the Engliſh nation, began to decline, and the glory of their victories gotten in the parties beyond the Sea, fell in decay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Though al men were ſorowful for his death, yet the Duke of Bedford was moſt ſtriken with heauineſſe, as he that had loſt his only right hãd, and chiefe ayde in time of neceſſitie. But ſith that dead men cannot helpe the chances of men that be liuing, he like a prudent gouernour, ap|pointed the Earle of Suffolke to be his Lieute|nante and Captaine of the ſiege, and ioyned with him the Lord Scales, the Lord Talbot, ſir Iohn Faſto [...], & diuers other right valiant Cap|taines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe perſons cauſed [...]aſtilles to bee made rounde about the Citie, and left nothing vn|attempted, whiche mighte aduaunce their pur|poſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1429In the Lent ſeaſon, vittaile and artillerie be|gan to waxe ſeant in the Engliſh camp, where|fore the Earle of Suffolke appoynted Sir Iohn Faſtolfe, ſir Thomas Rampſton, and ſir Phil|lip Hall, with their retinues, to ride to Paris, to the Lord Regent, to enforme him of their lacke, who incontinently vpon that information, pro|uided victuall, artillerie and munitions neceſſi|tie, and loded there with many chariots, carte [...], & horſſes: and for the ſure conueying of the ſame, hee appointed Sir Simon Morhier, prouoſt of Paris, with the guard of the Citie, and diuers of his owne houſhold ſeruants to accompany Sir Iohn Faſtolfe and his complices, to the armie lying at the ſiege of Orleans.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 They were in all,Enguer [...]t. to the number of fifteene hundred men, of the which, there were not paſt a fiue or ſixe hundred Engliſhmen, the whiche de|parting in good order of battell out of Paris, came to Genuille in Beauſſe, and in a morning carely, in a great froſt, they departed from thẽce towarde the ſiege, and when they came to a Towne called Rowray, in the lãds of Beauſſe, they perceyued their enimies comming towards them, beeing to the number of nine or tenne thouſand of Frenchmen, and Scottes, of whom were Captaines Charles of Cleremont, ſonne to the Duke of Bourbon, then being priſoner in England, Sir William Steward Conneſtable of Scotland, a little before deliuered out of capti|uitie, the Earle of Perdriacke, the Lorde Iohn Vandoſme, ye Vidame of Chartres, the Lorde of Toures, the Lord of Lohar, the Lord of Eglere, the Lorde of Beaniew, the baſterd Tremoile, and manye other valiant Captaines: wherefore ſir Iohn Faſtolfe ſet all hys companye in good order of battell, and pitched ſtakes before e|uery archer, to breake the force of the horſemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At their backes they ſette all the wagons and carriages, and within them they tyed all their horſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this manner ſtoode they ſtill, abiding the aſſault of their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frnchmen, by reaſon of their greate nũ|ber, thinking themſelues ſure of the victory, egre|ly ſette on the Engliſhmen, whiche with greate force, them receiued, and manfully defended thẽ|ſelues as it ſtoode them vpon, conſidering the in|equalitie of their number. At length, after long and cruell fyghte,A [...]otable vic|tory of the en+gliſhmen. the Engliſhmenne droue backe, and vanquiſhed the proude Frenche|menne, [figure appears here on page 1240] and compelled them to flee.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this conflict were ſlaine the Lorde Wil|liam Steward Conneſtable of Scotland, & his brother the L. Dorualle, the L. Chateaubriã, ſir EEBO page image 1241 Iohn Baſgot, and other Frenchmen and Scots, to the number of .xxv. hundred, and aboue .xj.C. taken priſoners, although the French wryters af|firme the number leſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this fortunate victorie, ſir Iohn Faſtolfe and his companie, hauing loſt no one man of any reputation, wyth all theyr caryages, vytaile, and pryſoners, marched forth and came to the Eng|liſh campe before Orleans, where they were ioy|fully receyued, and highly commended for theyr valiauncie and worthie prowes ſhewed in the battaile,The battel of the herrings. the which bycauſe moſt part of the cary|age was Herring, and Lenton ſtuffe, the French men call it the battaile of Herrings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Suffolke being thus vytayled, continued the ſiege, and euery day almoſt ſkirmi|ſhed with the Frenchmen within, who (at length being in diſpayre of all ſuccours) offred to treate, and in concluſion, to ſaue themſelues, and the Citie from captiuitie of theyr enimyes, they deui|ſed to ſubmit the Citie, themſelues, and all theirs vnder the obeyſance of Philip duke of Burgoign, bycauſe he was extract out of the ſtock and bloud royall of the auncient kings of Fraunce, thinking by this means (as they did in deed) to break or di|miniſh the great amitie betwene the Engliſhmen and him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This offer was ſignifyed by them vnto the Duke of Burgoigne, who with thankes certified them againe, that he would gladly receyue them, if the Lord Regent woulde therewith be conten|ted. Herevpon he diſpatched Meſſengers to the Duke of Bedforde, who though ſome counſelled that it ſhould be verie good and neceſſarie for him to agree to that maner of yeelding, yet hee and o|ther thought it neither cõuenient nor honourable, that a Citie ſo long beſieged by the king of Eng|land his power, ſhuld be deliuered vnto any other foreyne prince or potentate, than to him, or to hys Regent, and that bycauſe the example mighte prouoke other townes hereafter to ſeeke the lyke agreement.

Herevpon the Regent anſwered the Burgo|nian Ambaſſadors, that ſith the king of England had beene at all the charges aboute the beſieging and winning of the Citie, it was not conſonant to reaſon that the Duke ſhoulde enioy the fruites of an other mans labour.

Hereof folowed a double miſchief to the Eng|liſh proceedings in the realme of France, for both the Duke of Burgoigne conceyued an inwarde grudge agaynſt the Engliſhmen, for that hee ſu|ſpected them to enuy his glory and aduancement, and againe the Engliſhmen left the ſiege of Or|leans, which by this treatie they might haue re|couered out of theyr enimies hands, and put their friendes in poſſeſſion of it. But mortall men can not foreſee all things, and therefore are guided by fortune which ruleth the deſtinie of man, and turneth hir wheele as ſhee lyſteth.

While this treatie was in hand, the Dolphin ſtudied dayly how to prouide remedie by the de|liuerie of his friendes in Orleans out of preſent danger. And euẽ at the ſame time, that mõſtrous womã named Ioan la Pucell de Dieu,Ione la Pucell de Dieu. was pre|ſented vnto him at Chinon, where as then hee ſo|iourned, of whiche woman yee maye finde more written in the French hiſtorie, touching hir birth, eſtate, and qualitie. But briefly to ſpeake of hir doings, ſo much credite was giuen to hir, that ſhe was honoured as a Saint, and ſo ſhe handled the matter, that ſhe was thought to be ſent from god to the ayde of the Dolphyn, otherwiſe called the French king. Charles the ſeuenth of that name, as an Inſtrument to deliuer Fraunce out of the Engliſhmens handes, and to eſtabliſh him in the kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon ſhe being armed at all poyntes lyke a iolye Captaine, roade from Poictiers to Bloys, and there founde men of warre, vytaile and mu|nitions readie to be conueyed to Orleans.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here was it known that the Engliſh men kept not ſo diligent watch as they had beene accuſto|med to doe, and therefore this Mayde with other Frenche Captaynes comming forwarde in the deade tyme of the nyghte, and in a greate rayne & thunder, they entred into the Citie with all their vytaile artillerie and other neceſſarie prhu [...]ſions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The next day the Engliſh men boldly aſſaul|ted the Towne, but the Frenchmen defended the walles ſo, as no greate feat worthie of memorie chanced that day betwixt thẽ, though the French men were amaſed at the valiaunt attempt of the Engliſh men, wherevpon the Baſtarde of Orle|ans gaue knowledge to the Duke of Alanſon, in what daunger the towne ſtoode without his pre|ſent helpe, who comming within two leagues of the Citie, gaue knowledge to them within, that they ſhoulde bee readie the nexte daye to receyue him. Which accordingly was accompliſhed: for the Engliſhmen willingly ſuffered him and hys armie alſo to enter, ſuppoſing that it ſhould be for their aduauntage to haue ſo great a multitude to enter the Citie, whereby theyr vytayles (whereof they within had great ſcarcitie) might the ſooner be conſumed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the next day in the morning, the French|men altogither iſſued out of the towne, and wan by aſſaulte the Baſtile of Saint L [...]n, and ſet it on fire. And after they likewiſe aſſaulted the Tower at the bridge foote, which was manfully defended, but the Frẽchmen being more in num|ber, at length tooke it ere the Lorde Talbot could come to the ſuccours, in the which Wil Gladdeſ|dale the captain was ſlaine, with the Lord Moo [...]|lins, and the Lord Poynings alſo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1242The Frenche men puffed vp with thys good lucke, fetched a compaſſe about, & in good order of battaile marched toward the Baſtile, which was in the keeping of the Lord Talbot, the which vp|on the enimies approche, lyke a Captaine with|out all feare or dread of that great multitude, iſ|ſued forth agaynſt them, and gaue them ſo ſharpe an encounter, that they not able to withſtand his puyſſaunce, fled (like ſheepe before the Woolfe) a|gaine into the Citie, with great loſſe of men and ſmall artillerie. Of Engliſhmen were loſt in the two Baſtiles, to the number of ſixe hundred per|ſons, or thereabout, though the Frenche wryters multiplie this number of hundred, to thouſandes as theyr manner is in theyr gloryous Hyſto|ryes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Suffolke, the Lorde Talbot, the Lorde Scales and other Captaynes aſſem|bled togyther in Counſaile, and after cauſes ſhewed to and fro, it was amongeſt them deter|mined to leaue theyr fortreſſes and Baſtiles, and to aſſemble in the plaine field, and there to abyde all the day, to ſee if the Frenchmen woulde iſſue forth to fight with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This concluſion taken was accordingly exe|cuted: but when the Frenchmen durſt not once come forth to ſhew their heades, the Engliſhmen ſet fire in theyr lodgings, [...]ſiege of [...]s bro| [...] and departed in good or|der of battell from Orleans.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next day, which was the .viij. day of May the Erle of Suffolk rode to Iargeaux with foure hundred Engliſhmen, and the Lord Talbot with an other companie returned to Meun. And after he had fortifyed that towne, he went to the towne of Lauall, and wan it, togither with the Caſtell, ſore puniſhing the towneſmen for theyr cancred obſtinacie agaynſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus when the Engliſhmen had ſeuered themſelues into garniſons, the Duke of Alanſon, the baſtard of Orleans, Ioan la Pucelle, the lord Gawcourt, and diuerſe other Captaines of the Frenchmen, came the .xij. day of Iune, before the towne of Iargeaux, where the Earle of Suf|folke and his two brethren ſoiourned, and gaue to the towne ſo fierce an aſſault on three partes that Poyton de Sentrailes perceyuing an other part voyde of defendants, ſealed the walles on that ſide, and wythout difficultie tooke the towne, and ſlue ſir Alexander Poole, brother to the Erle, and many other to the number of two hundred, but the Frenchmen gayned not much thereby, for they loſt three .C. good men and more. Of the Engliſh men .xl. were taken, with the Earle and his other brother named Iohn.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen as they returned to Orle|ans, fell at variance for their priſoners, and ſlue them all, ſauing the Earle and his brother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, the ſame Frenche armie came to Mehun, where they tooke the Tower at the bridge foote, and put therein a garniſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From thence they remoued to Baugency, and conſtrayned them that were within the towne to yeelde, vpon condition they might depart wyth bagge and baggage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame place there came to the duke of A|lanſon, the new Coneſtable Arthure of Brytain, and with him was the Lord Dalbret, and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo after this the Earle of Vandoſme came to them, ſo that by the dayly repayre of ſuch as aſ|ſembled togither to ſtrengthen the Frenche p [...]t, they were in all to the number betweene .xx. and xxiij. thouſand men, Nichol Giles. Fiue thouſand hath Hall. the whiche beeing once ioy|ned in one armie, ſhortly after fought with the Lord Talbot (who had with him not paſt ſix .M. men) nere to a village in Beauſe called Pa [...]ay, at which battail the charge was giuen by the Frich ſo vpon a ſodaine, that the Engliſhmen had not leyſure to put themſelues in aray, after they had pight vp their ſtakes before their Archers, ſo that there was no remedie but to fight at aduenture.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This battaile continued by the ſpace of three long houres: for the Engliſh men though they were ouerpreſſed with multitude of their enimies, yet they neuer fled backe one foote, tyl theyr Cap|tayne the Lorde Talbot was ſore wounded at the backe, and ſo taken. Then theyr heartes be|gan to faint, and they fledde,Creat loſte on the engliſh f [...] The Lords Talbot. Scales and Hurger|ford takes. in which flight were ſlaine aboue twelue hundred, and fortie taken, of whome the Lorde Talbot, the Lorde Scales, the Lord Hungerforde, and ſir Thomas Ramp|ſton were chiefe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuerſe archers after they had ſhot all theyr arrowes, hauing onely their ſwordes, defended themſelues, and with helpe of ſome of their horſe|men came ſafe to Mehun.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ouerthrew, and ſpecially the taking of the Lorde Talbot, did not ſo muche reioyce the Frenchmen, but it did as much abeſh the Eng|liſhmen, ſo that immediatly thervpon the townes of Ienuile, Mehun, Fort, and diuers other, retur|ned from the Engliſh part, and became French.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From this battail departed without any ſtroke ſtriken ſir Iohn Faſtolfe, the ſame yeare for hys valiantneſſe elected into the order of the Garter, for which cauſe the Duke of Bedforde tooke from him the Image of Saint George, and his Gar|ter, though afterward by meane of friendes, & ap|paraunt cauſes of good excuſe, the ſame were to him againe deliuered agaynſt the mynde of the Lorde Talbot.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Charles the Dolphin yt called himſelfe French K. perceiuing fortune to ſmile thus vpõ him, aſſẽ|bled a great power, & determined to conquere the Citie of Reimes, that hee might be there ſacred, crowned, & annoynted, according to the cuſtome of his progenitors, that all men might iudge that EEBO page image 1243 he was by al lawes and decrees a luſt and a law|full king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In his way thitherwardes he beſieged the ci|tie of Auxerre, the Citizens whereof compounded with him to yeelde, if they were not reſkued with|in certaine dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From thence he came before Troys, and af|ter .xij. dayes ſiege had that Citie deliuered vnto him, by compoſition, that the Captaine ſir Philip Hall, with his people, and moueables myght de|part in ſafetie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Troyes was yeelded, the commu|naltie of Chaalons rebelled agaynſt Sir Iohn Awbemonde theyr Captaine, and conſtreyned him to deliuer the towne vpon lyke compoſition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In ſemblable maner did they of Reimes, deſi|ring him to giue ſafeconduct to all the Engliſhe men ſafely to depart.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When Reimes was thus become French, the foreſayde Charles the Dolphin in the preſence of the Dukes of Lorrainne and Barre, and of all the noble men of his faction, was ſacred there King of Fraunce by the name of Charles the ſixt,The French K. [...]ed. with all rytes and ceremonies thereto belonging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They of Auxerre, when the terme of their ap|pointment was expired, ſubmytted themſelues to him, and ſo likewiſe did all the Citie and townes adioyning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedford aduertiſed of all theſe doings, aſſembled his power about him, and ha|uing togither ten thouſand good Engliſhmen (be|ſide Normans) departed oute of Paris in War|like faſhion, and paſſing through Brie to Mon|ſtreau fault Yõne, ſent by his Herault Bedford, letters to the Frenche King, ſignifying to hym, that where hee had contrarie to the finall conclu|ſion accorded betweene his noble brother King Henrie the fifth, and king Charles the ſixte, father to him the vſurper, by allurement of a diueliſhe witche, taken vpon him the name, tytle and dig|nitie of the king of Fraunce, and further had by murther, ſtealing, craft, and deceytfull meanes, violently gotten, and wrongfully kept diuerſe ci|ties and townes belonging to the king of Eng|lande his nephewe, for proufe whereof hee was come downe from Paris with his armie, into the Countrey of Brie, by dynt of ſworde, and ſtroke of battaile to proue his wryting and cauſe true, willing his enimie to chooſe the place, and in the ſame he would giue him battaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The new French king being come frõ Ryems to Dampmartyne, ſtudying howe to compaſſe them of Paris, was halfe abaſhed at this meſſage, But yet to ſet a good countenance on the matter, hee anſwered the Herault, that hee woulde ſooner ſeeke his maiſter, than his maiſter ſhould need to purſue him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedforde hearing this anſwere marched towarde the king, and pitched his fielde in a ſtrong place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king though at the firſt he ment to haue abydden battaile, yet when he vnderſt [...]d that the Duke was equall to him in number of people, he chaunged his purpoſe, and turned with his armie a little out of the way. The Duke of Bedford perceyuing his faynt courage, followed him by hilles and dales, till hee came to a towne not farre from Senlis, where he found the French king and his armie lodged, wherefore hee ordred his battailes like an expert chieftaine in martiall ſcience, ſetting the Archers before, and himſelfe with the Noble men in the maine battaile, and put the Normans on both ſides for wings. The Frenche king alſo ordred his battailes with the aduiſe of his captaines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus theſe two armies lay two dayes and two nightes eyther in ſight of other, without any great doing, except a few ſkirmiſhes, wherein the Dukes light horſemen did verie valiauntly. At length in the deade of the nighte (as priuily as myght he) the French king brake vp his campe, and fled to Bray. The Duke of Bedford had much ado to ſtay his people in the morning from purſuyte of the Frenche armie: but for that hee miſtruſted the Pariſians, hee woulde not depart farre from that Citie, and ſo returned thyther a|gaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon, Pope Martine the fifth of that name, meaning to ſubdue the Bohemers that diſſented from the Church of Rome in matters of Religion, appoynted Henrie Beaufort Biſhop of Wincheſter and Cardinall of Saint Euſibie, to be his Legate in an armie that ſhoulde inuade the Kingdome of Beame, and to bring a power of men with him out of Englande.Boheme. And bycauſe the warre touched religion, he licenced the Cardinal to take the tenth part of euerie ſpirituall dignity, benefice, and promotion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This matter was opened in the Parliament houſe, and aſſented to: wherevpon the Biſhoppe gathered the money, and aſſembled foure thou|ſand men and aboue, not without greate grudge of the people, which dayly were with tallages and aydes weryed and ſore burdened.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As this Biſhop was come to Douer readie to paſſe the ſeats ouer into Flaunders, the Duke of Glouceſter hauing receyued letters from the Duke of Bedford, conteyning an earneſt requeſt to relieue him with ſome ſpeedie ayde of men of warre, was conſtreyned to write vnto the Bi|ſhop of Wincheſter, willing him in time of ſuche neede, when all ſtoode vpon loſſe or gaine, to paſſe with all his armie toward the Duke of Bedford, to aſſyſt him agaynſt his aduerſaries, which thing done, and to his honour atchiued, he might per|fourme his iourney agaynſte the vngracious EEBO page image 1244 Bohemers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall (though not well contented with this countermaunde) yet leaſt he ſhould run into the note of Infamie, if he refuſed to ayde the Regent of Fraunce in ſo great a cauſe, paſſed o|uer with his power, brought the ſame vnto hys couſin to the Citie of Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame ſeaſon, the French king in hope to bee receyued into the townes of Com|peigne and Beauvois (by reaſon of the fauor and good will which the Inhabitantes bare towardes him) was come with an armie towardes Com|piegne, whereof the Duke of Bedforde being ad|uertiſed, and hauing nowe his hoſte augmented with the newe ſupply, which the Cardinall had of late brought vnto him, marched forward with great ſpeede towarde the place where hee vnder|ſtoode the French king was lodged. And cõming [...] Senlis, he perceiued how his enimies were en|camped vpon the Mount Pilioll, betweene Sen|lis and Compiegne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here might eyther armie beholde the other: wherevpon for the aduoyding of daungers that myght enſue, the campes were trenched, and the battayles pitched, and the fields ordred as though they ſhould haue tryed the matter by battaile, but nothing was done except with ſkirmiſhes, in the which the Normans ſore vexed the Frenchmen, and therfore receyued great commendations and prayſes of the Lorde Regent, who vndoubtedly determined to haue giuen battaile to his enimies, if they woulde haue abydden it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But after the armies had thus lyen eyther in ſight of other, for the ſpace of two dayes togither, the Frenche King determining not to aduen|ture in an open battaile the whole chaunce of the game, leaſt he might thereby receyue a perpetuall checkmate, in the night ſeaſõ remoued his campe, and fled to Creſpy, though his number was dou|ble to the Engliſh armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedford ſeeing that the French king was thus Cowardly reculed with all hys power and armie returned again to Paris,An. reg. [...] euer ſuſpecting the deceytfull fayth of the Pariſians.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhoppe of Wyncheſter, after that the Frenche king was retreated backe, went into Beame, and there did ſomewhat,Boheme. though ſhortly after without anye great prayſe or gaine hee re|turned into Englande, more glad of his com|ming backe than of hys aduauncing forwarde. Anon after the Pope vnlegated him, and ſette an other in hys place, where with he was nothing contented.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the ſixth day of Nouember, being the day of Saint Leonarde, King Henrie in the eyght yeare of his raigne, was at Weſtminſter with all pompe and honour crowned king of this realme of England.

[figure appears here on page 1244]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare the Frenche King was re|ceyued into the towne of Compiegne, and ſhort|ly after were the townes of Senlis, and Beau|voys rendred to him. And the Lorde Longue|ual tooke by ſtealth the Caſtell of Aumarle, and ſlue all the Engliſhmen within it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. VValſ.Alſo about the ſame tyme, the Frenchmen re|couered Caſtell Galiarde forth of the Engliſhe mens handes, where the Lorde Barbaſon was found in a dungeon, encloſed within a great grate of Iron like to a little Chamber, and forthwyth they brake open the grate, but Barbaſon woulde not come forth, bycauſe he had gyuen his fayth and promiſe to one Kingſton that was captaine of that Fortreſſe for the king of Englande, to bee true priſoner, vntil the Frenchmen had ſent to the ſame Kingſtone (that was departed vpon ſuche couenants as they were agreed vpon at the dely|uerie of that fortreſſe) willing him to come backe againe vpon ſafeconduct, which at theyr earneſt EEBO page image 1245 requeſt he did, and withall diſcharged the Lorde Barbaſon of his othe, and ſo then he came foorth and remayned at his libertie, to the greate reioy|ſing of the Frenchmen, which iudged that he had bene rather deade than aliue all that time of his impriſonment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time alſo the French K. ſought by all meanes poſſible to breake the amitie be|twixt the realme of Englande, and the houſe of Burgoigne, whereof the Duke of Bedforde ha|uing intelligence, thought it ſtoode him vpon the more earneſtly to looke to his charge, and namely as it were for an ancreholde, hee determined to to prouide that hee might defende and ſafely kepe the duchie of Normandie, and therefore appoyn|ting the Biſhop of Terrowen, and Ely, named Lewes of Lutzenburgh, Chancellor for King Henrie, of the realme of Fraunce, to remayne at Paris vpon the defence of that Citie, with a con|uenient number of Engliſhmen, he departed into Normandie, and comming to Roan, called a Parliament there of the three eſtates of the Du|chie,A parliament [...] Roan called by the Duke [...] [...]ord. in the which he declared many things vnto them, touching the happy life, and great freedome which they might be aſſured to enioy, ſo long as they continued vnder the Engliſh obeyſance, and therefore he exhorted them to abyde conſtant in theyr allegiaunce, fayth and promyſe made and ſworne to his noble brother King Henrie the fifth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt the Duke of Bedforde was buſie to retaine the Normans in theyr due obedience, the French king departed from Senlis, and cõming to the towne of Saint Denys, found it in maner deſolate, ſo that he entred there without reſiſtance, and lodged his armie at Mount Martyr, and Abberuilliers neare vnto the Citie of Paris. And from thence ſent Iohn Duke of Alanſon, and his forcereſſe Ioan la Pucelle, with three thouſande light horſemen to aſſault the Citie, and followed himſelfe, in hope to get it, eyther by force or trea|tie, But the Engliſh Captaynes euery one kee|ping his warde and place aſſigned, ſo manfullye defended themſelues, their walles and towers, with the aſſyſtance of the Pariſians, that they re|pulſed the Frenchmen, and threwe downe Ioan theyr great Goddeſſe into the bottom of the town ditche, where ſhe lay behinde the backe of an Aſſe ſore hurt, till the tyme that ſhee (all filthie wyth myre and durt) was drawne out by Guyſcharde of Thienbrone, ſeruant to the Duke of Alanſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king perceyuing that he coulde not preuaile in this enterpriſe, left the dead bodies behinde him, and taking with him the wounded Captaine, returned into Berrie. But in the meane way, the inhabitants of Laignie ſubmyt|ted themſelues vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedford being in Normandie, hearing of this ſodain attempt, with all haſt poſ|ſible came to Paris, where he gaue many greate thankes, with highe commendations vnto the Captaynes, ſouldiers and Citizens for theyr aſ|ſured fidelitie, great hardineſſe, and manly doing, which his gentle words ſo encouraged the hearts of the Pariſians, that they ſware promiſed and concluded, to bee friendes for euer to the king of Englande, and his friends, and enimies alwayes to his foes and aduerſaries, making proclama|tion by this ſtyle, friendes to king Henrie, friends to the Pariſians, enimies to England, enimies to Paris. Marie whether this was vttered from the bottome of theyr hearts, it is heard to ſo ſay, but the ſequele of their acts would ſeeme to proue the contrarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after theſe doings, came to Paris with a great companie, Philip Duke of Bur|goigne, and then vpon long conſultation had for the recouerie of theyr loſſes, it was agreed that the Duke of Bedford ſhoulde rayſe an armie, and that the Duke of Burgoigne ſhoulde be his De|putie, and tarie at Paris for the defence of the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedforde then withoute anye great reſiſtance recouered againe the towne of Saint Denys with dyuerſe other fortreſſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And after this hee ſent the Baſtarde of Cla|reuce to laye ſiege to the Caſtell of Torſie, the which (notwythſtanding the great ſtrength ther|of) after ſix monethes ſiege, was rendred vp into his handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During the ſiege of this Caſtell ſir Thomas Kiriell knight, with foure. C. Engliſhmen de|parted from Gourney in Normandie, and rode by Beauvoys, ſpoyling and robbing the Coun|trey to the Suburbes of Cleremount, whereof the Earle of that towne hauing aduertiſement, aſſembled all the men of warre of the garniſons adioyning, and wyth the ſame ſet forwarde to fight wyth the Engliſhmen whom he found in a ſtrayte place neare to Beauvoys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Cleremonte perceyuing that hee coulde not hurte them wyth hys men of Ar|mes by reaſon of the ſtrength, came downe on foote wyth all hys companye, and fiercely ſette on the Engliſhmenne: but by the terrible ſhotte of the Engliſhe Archers, the Frenchemenne in the ende were conſtrayned to flee, and the Eng|liſh menne perceyuing the matter, ſtreyght leapt on Horſebacke and followed the chaſe. In the whiche were taken two hundred Priſoners, and thrice as many ſlaine. The Earle eſcaped by the ſwiftneſſe of his horſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame ſeaſon the Earle of Suffolke be|ſieging the Towne of Aumarie (whereof was Captayne the Lorde of Rambures) after .xxiiij. greate aſſaultes gyuen to that Fortreſſe, had the EEBO page image 1246 towne and Caſtell ſimplye to hym rendred. Thus by lyttle and lyttle the Engliſhe menne recouered many Townes which before they had loſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But yet aboute the ſame tyme, the Frenche mẽ ſtale the towne of Laual, by treaſon wrought by a Myller, which keeping a Myll that ioyned to the Wall, ſuffred the Frenche to paſſe through his Myll into the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after alſo ſir Steuẽ de Vignoilles ſur|named la Hyre, tooke by ſcaling, the towne at Lo|uiers in Normandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Laygny beſie|ged by the en|gliſhmen.The Engliſhe men in the colde Moneth of December beſieged the towne of Laigny in the whiche was the Puſ [...]lle, and diuerſe other good Captaynes. The weather was ſo cold, and the raine ſo great and continuall, that the Engliſhe menne by that vntemperauncie of the ayre, and not by the enimyes, were conſtreyned to rayſe theyr ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1430After this the Duke of Burgoigne accompa|nied with the Earles of Arundell, and Suffolke, and the Lorde Iohn of Lutzenburgh,Compeigne beſieged. beſieged the towne of Compiegne with a great puyſſance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This towne was well walled, manned, and vitayled, ſo that the beſiegers were conſtrayned to caſte trenches, and make mynes, for otherwiſe they ſawe not howe to compaſſe their purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time it happened in the night of the Aſcention of our Lord, that Poyton de Sain|treyles, Ioan la Puſelle, and fiue or ſixe hundred men of armes iſſued oute by the bridge towarde Mondedier, intending to ſet fire in the tentes and lodgings of the Lorde Bawdo de Noyelle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame verie tyme, ſir Iohn de Luxen|burgh, with eight other Gentlemen, chaunced to be nere vnto the lodgings of the ſayd lord Baw|do, where they eſpyed the Frenchmen which be|ganne to cut downe Tents, ouerthrow Pauili|ons, and kill men in theyr beddes, wherevppon they with all ſpeede aſſembled a great number of men, as well Engliſh as Burgonions, and cou|ragiouſly ſet on the Frenchmen, and in the ende beate them backe into the towne, ſo that they fled ſo faſte that one letted another, as they woulde haue entred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Saint Albons.In the chaſe and purſute was the Puſelle ta|ken with diuerſe other, beſydes thoſe that were ſlaine, which were no ſmall number.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuerſe were hurte alſo on both partes. A|mong the Engliſhmen, ſir Iohn Montgomerie, had hys arme broken, and Sir Iohn Stewarde was ſhotte into the thigh with a quarell.

Ioan the Puſel taken.The ſame Puſelle was afterwardes ſent vnto Roan, where being preſented vnto the Duke of Bedforde, ſhe was long tyme kept in pryſon, and at length by due proceſſe of the lawes condemned for a Sorcereſſe. But at the firſt abiuring hir er|rours and great wickedneſſe, it was thought [...] ſhoulde haue eſcaped death. But when it [...] after proued agaynſte hir,Eug [...]. that ſhee fell into [...] relaps, proteſting the ſame vppon a wy [...]full [...] obſtinate minde, ſhee was committed to the [...]+lar power,The [...]. and by force thereof finally burns to Aſhes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the taking of the ſayd Ioan la [...], the ſiege ſtill continued before Compiegne, [...] the Duke of Bedforde ſent to the Duke of Bur|goigne lying at the ſiege, the Earle of Hunting|don, and ſir Iohn Robeſert, with a thouſand ar|chers which dayly ſkirmiſhed wt thẽ within, [...] made ſuche Baſtiles and Fortreſſes, that the Towne had beene rendred into theyr handes, [...] that the Duke of Burgoigne departed from the ſiege to goe into Brabante, to receyue the poſ|ſeſſion of that Duchie, by the death of his couſin Philip the Duke of that Countrey, as then de|parted this worlde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Iohn de Lutzenburg was lefte by the duke of Burgoigne as generall of the ſiege before Compiegne,An. reg. 9. the which he rayſed within a ſhorte ſpace after, contrarie to the myndes of the Eng|liſhe menne, whiche were verie deſirous to haue lyen there tyll the Towne hadde beene render [...], whiche if the ſiege had beene continued but eight dayes longer, muſte needes haue come to paſſe, by reaſon that peſtilence and famine hadde al|moſte conſumed all the Souldiers wythin the Towne, ſo that it remayned in maner withoute defence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the breaking vppe of this ſiege,1431 Iohn Duke of Norffolke tooke agayne the townes of Dampmartine, and the Chaſſe Mougay wyth diuerſe other townes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the Earle of Stafforde tooke the towne of Bryn Countie Robert, and from thence ſor|raged all the Countrey to Sens, and after tooke Queſnoy in Brie, Grand Puys, and Ra [...]|pellon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During which tyme, the French men on the other ſide, tooke Louiers, and Villeneuf.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then alſo did the Towne of Melun rebell, and had ſuche ayde of other townes adioyning, that the Engliſh Souldiers were faine to leaue Melun, Morret, and Corbell. Thus did things wauer in doubtfull ballance, betwixt the two na|tions Engliſh and French.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But bycauſe the Engliſhe ſore myſtruſted further daunger, it was concluded, that King Henrie in his royall perſon wyth a newe armie, ſhoulde come into Fraunce, partly to viſite and comfort his owne ſubiectes there, and partly ey|ther by feare or fauour (bycauſe a childe of hys age and beautie doth commonly procure them loue of elder perſons,) to moue the Frenchmen to continue theyr due obeyſaunce towardes hym. EEBO page image 1247 Wherefore after a great hoſt conuenient for that purpoſe aſſembled, and money for maine [...] of the warre readie gathered,King Henry [...] in per| [...] goeth with [...] into [...]. and the realme fr [...]n in an order vnder the gouernment of the Duke of Glouceſter Protector whiche during the Kings abſence appeaſed dyuerſe or pottes, and purniſhed the [...]ders the king with a great power tooke ſhipping at Douer, on Saint Georges [...] within night, and landed at Calays on the [...], [...]e Albons. [...]ing Saint Georges day, and Sunday, by ſeuen of the clocke in the morning. He remayned in Calays a good ſpace, and from thence hee re| [...]ued to Roa [...], [...] beeing there receyued wyth all nym [...]phe. Hee taryed at that Citie a long [...] his Nobles dayly conſulting on their great [...]|neſſe and weightie affayres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 10. In the Moneth of Nouember, hee remoued from Roan to P [...]ntoyſe, and ſo to Saint De|nyſe, to the intent to make his entrie into Paris and there to be ſacred king of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were in his companie of his owne Na|tion, his vncle the Cardinall of Wincheſter, the Cardinall and Archbiſhop of Yorke, the Dukes of Bedforde, Yorke, and Norffolke, the Earles of Warwicke, Saliſburie, Oxforde, Huntingdon, Ormonde, Mortaine, and Suffolke. Of Gaſ|coignes, there were the Earles of Longuille, and Marche, beſide many other noble men of Eng|lande, Guienne, and Normandie. And the chiefe of the French Nation, were the Dukes of Burgoigne, and Lewes of Luxenburg, Cardinal and Chauncellour of Fraunce for king Henrie: the Biſhoppes of Beauoys, and Noyoune, both Peeres of Fraunce, beſyde the Biſhoppe of Paris, and dyuerſe other Byſhoppes, the Earle of Vaudemount and other Noble menne, whoſe names were ſuperfluous to rehearſe. And hee had in a garde aboute his perſon three thouſande price Archers, ſome on horſebacke, and part on foote.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To ſpeake with what honour he was recey|ued into the Citie of Paris, what Pageauntes were prepared, and how richly the gates, ſtreetes, and bridges on euerie ſyde were hanged wyth coſtly clothes of Arras and tapeſſerie, it would be too long a proceſſe, and therefore I doe here paſſe it ouer with ſilence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry [...]e ſixe crow| [...] in Paris.On the .xvij. day of December, he was crow|ned king of France, in our Ladie Church of Pa|ris, by the Cardinall of Wincheſter, the Biſhop of Paris not being contented that the Cardinall ſhould doe ſuch an high ceremonie in his Church and iuriſdiction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After all the ceremonies were finiſhed, the K. returned toward the Palace, hauing one crowne on his head, and another borne before him, & one ſcepter in his hande, and the ſecond borne before him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This high and ioy and [...] paſſed not wyth|out [...] of diſpleaſure amongſt the Engliſh nobilitie for the Cardinall of Wincheſter, which at this time would he [...] all w [...]th kind commaunded the Duke of Bedford to leaue off the name of Regent, during the time that the king was in France, affirming the chiefe ruler be|ing in preſence, the authoritie of the ſubſtitute to be elect vnder [...]gate, according to the cõmon ſay|ing, In ye preſence of the higher power, the [...]|ler giueth place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedford tooke ſuch a ſecrete diſ|pleaſure with the doing that [...] after fa [...]| [...]d them [...] but ſtoode by [...]ſte him in all thinges he woulde haue forwarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was the [...] ſame haue thought of that diuiſion amongeſt the Engliſhe Nobilitie, where through theyr glorie within the realme of France began firſt to decline.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nexte daye after the ſolemne feaſt of the kings coronation, were kept [...] iuſtes and iourneys, in the [...] the Erle of Arumpell, and the baſhed of S. Poll, by the iudgement of the Ladies wan the price.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King kept open houſe the ſpace of xx. dayes to all commers, and after bycauſe the ayre of Paris ſecured contrary to his pure [...], by the adui [...] of his counſail he remoued to [...] where he kept his Chriſtmaſſe. But before his de|parture from Paris, the noble men as well of Fraunce and Normandie did to him homage, & the common people ſware to him feaultie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time, ſir Frances called the A|ragoignois, a noble captaine of the Engliſh part in Normandie, tooke by force and policie, the towne of Montargis,Montargis re|couered by the Engliſhmen. with a great pray of trea|ſure and priſoners, and put therin a garniſon, lea|uing it wel furniſhed with vitails and munition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, the Earle of Arundel be|ing truly enformed that the Lord Bouſac Mar|ſhall of Fraunce was come to Beauuoys enten|ding to do ſome feate in Normandie, aſſẽbled the number of .xxiij. hundred mẽ, and comming nere to the ſayde towne of Beauvays, ſent a greate number of lighte horſemen to runne before the towne, to trayne out the Frenchmen within, the whiche iſſuing out and following the Engliſhe horſemen vnto their ſtale, were ſo encloſed and fought with, that in maner al the number of them ſaue a fewe which fledde backe into the Towne wyth the Marſhall, were ſlaine or taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongeſt other of the chiefeſt priſoners, that valiaunt Captaine Ponton de Santrailles was one, and without delay was exchaunged for the Lorde Talbot, before taken priſoner at the bat|taile of Patay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo taken one called the ſhepherd,The holy ſhep+pard. a ſimple man, and a ſillie ſoule, but yet of ſuche EEBO page image 1248 reputation for his ſuppoſed holyneſſe amongeſt the French men, that if hee touched the Wall of any of theyr aduerſaryes townes, [...]y [...]elee [...] it would incontinently fall downe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This chaunce ſucceeded not fortunately alone vnto the Engliſhe nation, for Richarde Beau|champe Earle of Warwicke had a great ſkyr|miſhe before the towne of Gourney, where hee diſcomfited and repulſed his enimies: and beſyde thoſe that were ſlaine, he tooke .lx. horſmen, all be|ing gentlemen of name and armes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Like chaunce happened to the friendes of king Charles, Vaudemount beſieged. toward the marches of Loraine, where Reigner Duke of Bar besieged the Towne of Vaudemont perteining tothe Erle therof named Anthonie, cousin to the same duke Reigner. This Erle before the dukes approching, left a conuenient crew within the towne to defende it, and with all speede rode to the Dukes of Bedford & Burgoigne, being then at the foresayd great triumph at Paris, where he purchased such fauor at theyr handes, bycause hee had euer taken theyr partes, that not onely Iohn Fastolfe was appoynted to go with him, hauing in his company six hundred Archers, but also the Duke of Burgoignes Marshall named sir Anthonie Toulongon, acco(m)panied with .xv.C. other men of warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the duke of Barre heard that his enimies were thus commong towardes him, like a hardie captaine, he raysed his siege, and met face to face with the erle and his co(m)panie, betweene who(m) was a cruell and mortal battail. The horsmen of the French side endured long, but in conclusio(n) the English archers so galled their horses, & so wou(n)ded the men, that the Barrois, Almains, & other of duke Reigners side were compelled to flee.

[figure appears here on page 1248]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bar taken.In the chaſe was taken the Duke of Bar the Biſhop of Mitz, the lord of Roquedemaque, ſir Euerard of Sal [...]eburg, the Viconte Darcie, and two hundred other, beſide three thouſande which were ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In this luckie time alſo, no leſſe occaſion of victorie was offred to the Engliſh men in an o|ther part, if they could haue vſed it with ſuch cer|cumſpect warineſſe as had beene expedient: for Robert Lord Willoughby, & Mathew Gough, a valiant Welchman, with .xv. hundred Engliſh men,Saint Seuerine beſieged, laid ſiege to a town in Anion called S. Se|uerine, whereof Charles the Frenche king beeing aduertiſed, ſent with all ſpeede the Lord Ambroſe de Lore, with many noble men to the ſuccors of them within the towne, whereof the ſame Lorde Ambroſe was captaine, and therefore made the more haſt to relieue his deputie, and the other be|ing ſtraytly beſieged, but yet ſtayed at the towne of Beaumont, till his whole power might come to him. The Engliſhmen aduertiſed of this in|cent of the captaine, came vpon [...] [...]ight, and found the Frenchmẽs watch [...] that a. M. men were entred into the campe helpe they were eſpied, by reaſon whereof the Engliſhe men found ſmall reſiſtance. But when the day began to appeare, and that the Sa [...] ſette forth his bright beames a bronde, that y [...] thing [...] might be ſeene, the Engliſhmen giuen [...]y to ſpoyle, followed not their enimies [...], but being contented with their pray and gaine began to retreyt toward the ſiege againe, which [...] Willoughbie ſtill mainteyned wyth depart of the armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſee the chaunce, the Frenchmen whiche were comming after, heard by the noyſt of the people that ſome fray was in hande, put ſpu [...] to their horſes, and ſet on the Engliſh men peſte|red with bagge and baggages of the ſpoyle and pray which they had gotten in the French cam [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other of the Frenchmen which before had fled, returned againe, and ayded their fellowes, ſo EEBO page image 1249 that the Engliſhmen beeing taken oute of order, were compelled to flee, of whõ Mathew Gough and diuerſe other were taken priſoners, and yet of the other part many were ſlaine, and a great nũ|ber taken: amongſt whome was the L. de Lore, who for all that the French men coulde doe was kept & not deliuered. The L. Wi [...]oughby hea|ring of this miſhap, rayſed his ſiege and departed verie fore diſpleaſed in his minde, but coulde not remedie it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon, Nicholas the Cardinall of the holy Croſſe, [...]egate from Rome ſent to [...] of peace [...] the Engliſh and [...]nch. was ſent into France as a Le|gate from Eugeny the fourth as then Biſhoppe of Rome, to treate a peace betweene the Engliſhe men and Frenchmen, but when after greate in|ſtance and labour made betwene the parties, hee ſawe their obſtinate and frowarde myndes, no|thing enclined to any agreement, he wan ſo much at theyr handes by earneſt ſute, [...] for vl. [...]es, that a truce was graunted to endure for ſix yeares to come: but as the ſame was hardly graunted, ſo was it of the Frenchmen ſoone and lightly broken. For the ba|ſtard of Orleans newly made Erle of Dunoys, tooke by treaſon the towne of Chartres from the Engliſh men, [...]es takẽ [...]y treaſon. affyrming by the lawe of armes, that ſtealing or buying a towne withoute inua|ſion or aſſault was no breach of league, amitie, or truce. In which towne he ſlue the Biſhop, by|cauſe he was a Burgonian. Hereby did new ma|lice encreaſe, and mortal warre beganne eftſoones to be put in vre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things were doing in France, the Cardinal of Wincheſter was come backe a|gaine into Englande, to appeaſe certaine com|motions and ſturres attempted by certaine per|ſons vnder colour of religion: but after that Wil|liam Maundeuille, and Iohn Sharpe the chiefe authors therof were apprehẽded and executed by the gouernour and the kings Iuſtices, the reſidue yeelded and confeſſed their offences, whereof two articles were theſe (as ſome write) that Prieſtes ſhould haue no poſſeſſions, and that all things by the order of charitie among chriſtian people ſhuld be in common.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other ther be, that haue thought how their o|pinions were not ſo farre diſagreeing from the ſcripture, as to mainteyne any ſuche errors, but that their enimies contriued to ſpread abrode ſuch rumors of them, to make them more odious to the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that their conſpiracie was thus by dili|gent inquirie therof had, [...]ene [...]ed by the of Glouceſ| [...] the k. being France. clearly quenched, a Par|liament was called by the Duke of Glouceſter, in the which money was aſſigned to be leuied, and men appoynted, whiche ſhoulde paſſe ouer into Fraunce to the ayde of the Duke of Bedford, for the better maintenance of the warres, bycauſe it was ſuſpected that the truce woulde not long continue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During this Parliament,A peace con|cluded with the Scots. Iames the king of Scots ſent Ambaſſadors to cõclude a peace with the Duke of Glouceſter, who (bycauſe the King was abſẽt) referred thẽ matter to ye three eſtates. After long conſultation, not without great argu|mentes, a peace was concluded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the Parliament was ended, the Car|dinall well furniſhed with men and money, de|parted out of England, and came to Roan to the king, to whom alſo reſorted the duke of Bedford from Paris, to conſult of things not vnlikely to follow. Herevpon a great counſaile was kept in the Caſtell of Roan, and many doubtes moued, and few weightie things out of hande concluded. At length after great diſputation, with many ar|guments ended, the dukes of Bedford and York, and Edmond late Erle of Motaigne, and nowe by ye death of Iohn Duke of Sommerſet (which dyed wythout heyre Male, leauing behinde him a ſole daughter called Margaret after Counteſſe of Rich [...]onde) receyued to the name and tytle of Duke of Sommerſetie, lyked and appro|ued the Argument and reaſon of thoſe that helde how it was expedient to haue an a [...]i [...]e in a rea|dineſſe for defence, leaſt the Frenchmen ſodain|ly ſhoulde attempt any enterpryſe to the daun|ger of the Engliſhmen and loſſe of thoſe townes and Countreys which were vnder their rule and dominion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all things were agreed, King Henry departed to Calays, and from thence to Douer,1432 K. Henry re|turneth out of France into England. and ſo by eaſie iourneyes hee came the .xxj. day of Februarie to the Citie of London, where he was both triumphantly receiued, and richly preſented, as in the Chronicle of Robert Fabian it maye at large appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the King was departed forth of Fraunce into Englande, the Duke of Bedforde Regent of Fraunce, and Captaine of Calays, taryed behynde in the Marches of Pichardie, where hee was enfourmed that certaine Souldi|ours of Calays grudging at the reſtraynte of Woolles, beganne to murmure agaynſt the king and his Counſaile, ſo that the towne was like to haue ſtand in ſcopardie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke therefore foreſeeing the miſchiefe that might enſue, and thinking it wiſedome to withſtande the firſt motion, cauſed the chiefe do|ers to be apprehended, and vpon due examination had, diuerſe were put to death, and many baniſhed that towne and marches for euer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme, the Ladie Anne Du|cheſſe of Bedforde departed thys lyfe at Pa|ris,The Duches of Bedford ſiſter to the Duke of Burgoigne deceaſed. by whoſe death the aſſured loue and fayth|full friendſhip betwixt the Duke of Bedford and his brother in law the duke of Burgoigne, began to decay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1250Shortly after, to wit, about the beginning of the next yeare .1433. the ſayde Duke of Bedforde being thus a wydower, through the perſwaſion of the Lorde Lewes of Lutzenbourgh Biſhop of Tyrwinne and Ely, and Chancellor of France for king Henrie,The Duke of Bedford mary+eth with the Erle of Saint Pol his daugh+ter. agreed to marry the Lady Ia|quet, daughter to Peter Earle of Saint Pol, and neede to the ſayde Biſhoppe, and to the Lorde Iohn of Lutzenbourgh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The maryage was ſolemnized at Tyrwinne with greate triumph. After which ſolemne feaſt ended, the Duke of Bedforde returned wyth hys newe ſpouſe (being aboute the age of .xvij. yeres) vnto Calays, and ſo into Englande, where hee remayned vntill Auguſt next, and then returned againe to Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Burgoigne was nothing plea|ſed with this new alliance contracted by the duke of Bedford, with the houſe of Lutzenbourgh, but the mariage was conſummate ere he coulde finde any remedie to binder it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things were a doing, in other places the French ſouldiers lacking wages began priuilye (as the tyme ſerued) to take both Eng|liſhmenne and Burgonians, raunſoming and ſpoyling them at theyr pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen herewith moued to diſplea|ſure, prepared for warre after ſixe Monethes that the truce had beene taken. So by ſuche meanes was the warre againe renued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmẽ breake the truce and take the towne of Saint Valerie.The Frenchmen as open trucebreakers, ray|ſed a crew of men, & ſodenly tooke the town of S. Valerie ſtanding in Normandie, neare to the mouth of the Riuer of Somme, and an other ar|my vnder the leading of Sir Ambroſe de Lore, waſted and deſtroyed al the country about Caen. The Duke of Bedforde not mynding to bee ydle on his part, ſent the Earle of Arundell, the Earle of Warwikes ſonne, the Lord Liſle Adam mar|ſhall of Fraunce for king Henrie, and .xij.C. men of warre with ordinance and munitions to beſiege the towne of Laigny vpon the Riuer of Marne.Laigny beſie|ged. The Earle with ſhot of Canon brake the arche of the bridge, and got from the Frenche men theyr Bulwarke, and ſet it on fire. Diuerſe aſſaultes were attempted, but the towne was wel defended, for there were within it an .viij. hundred men of armes, beſide other meane ſouldiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedforde hereof aduertiſed ga|thered an armie of ſixe thouſande men, whereof were Captaynes Robert Lorde Willoughbie, ſir Andrew Ogard Chamberlaine to the Duke, ſir Iohn Saluaine baylyf of Roan, ſir Iohn Mont|gomerie baylife of Caux, ſir Philip Hall baylife of Vernoille, ſir Richarde Ratcliffe Deputie of Calays, ſir Raufe Neuill, ſir Raufe Standiſh, ſir Iohn Hanforde, ſir Richarde Euthyn, ſir Richard Harington Baylife of Eureux, ſir Wil|liam Fulthorpe, ſir Thomas Griffin of Ireland Dauie Hall, Tho. Stranguiſh, Leonard, [...] ſtone eſquiers, and Thomas Gerard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedforde furniſhed with this armie and companie of worthie Captaines come to the ſiege before Laigny, where he made a bridge of Boates, and brought his ordinaunce ſo neare the towns, that to all people it ſeemed not long able to reſiſt. But the Earle of Dunoys other|wiſe called the Baſtarde of Orleans, with diuers hardie Captaynes as valiauntly defraded as the Engliſh men aſſaulted. At length the Frenche King perceyuing thys Towne to bee the three corner Key betweene the territories Burgon [...], Engliſh and French, and the loſſe thereof ſhould turne him to irrecouerable domage, ſent the Lord of Rieux, Poyton, the Hyre, the Lord Gaw [...]nt and ſixe thouſande men, with great plentie of vp|taile, to the intent eyther to rayſe the ſiege, or elſe to vytaile the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French men made a bragge as though they woulde haue aſſayled the Engliſh men in theyr campe, but when they perceyued the cou|rage of the Lorde Regent, and the deſire whiche he had to fight, they framed themſelues ſo in or|der of battaile, as though they could do al things and yet in effect did nothing, but that whyleſt parte of them mainteyned a ſkyrmiſhe, a forte of rude and ruſticall perſons were appoynted to conuey into the towne thirtie Oxen, and other ſmall vytayle: but thys ſweete gayne was dearelye payed for, if the loſſe wyth the gayne bee pondered in equall Ballaunce: for hauing regarde to thirtie leane Oxen, in the ſkirmiſhe were ſlaine the Lorde Sayntreiles brother to that valiaunt Captayne Poyton de Sayn|treylles, alſo Captayne Iohn brother to the Lord Gawcourt, and fiftie other noble and valiaunt perſonages.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen perceyuing they coulde not atchieue theyr entrepryce as then to theyr aduan|tage, conſidering not onely how the Engliſhmen were planted in a place not eaſie to be woon, and again the vnſpeakable heate which ſore trayuay|led theyr people, being in the begynning of Au|guſt, they remoued and went vnto Fort vnder Yerre, where by a bridge of tunnes they paſſed in|to the Iſle of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Bedforde (like a wiſe Prince) not mynding to leaſe the more for the leſſe,An. reg. [...]. nor the accident for the ſubſtance, reyſed his ſiege & re|turned to Paris, nothing more minding than to trie his quarell with dint of ſworde againſt hys enimies, if they would thereto agree. And herevp|on he ſent Bedford his Herauld to the L. Gaw|court and other captayns of the French army, of|fring them battail & a pitched field within a con|uenient time, and where they would appoynt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1251 H [...]leThe French Captaynes anſwered the Eng|liſh Herault, that there was both tyme to gaine, and time to loſe, of the whiche they doubted not to eſpie the one, eyther to theyr greate gayne or apparant loſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The Caſtle of Roan likely to be taken by treaſon of the Captayne.

Shortly after, Peers Audebeufe Coneſtable of the Caſtell of Roan, corrupted with money, ſuffred the Marſhall of Fraunce, with two hun|dred other, as perſons diſguiſed to enter the place by ſtealth, but they were ſoone eſpyed, and driuen to the dungeon, where they were conſtrayned to yeeld themſelues priſoners, of the whiche ſome were hanged, ſome headed, and ſome raunſomed, at the pleaſure of the Regent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This pageant thus played and ended, the lord Regent ſent the Earle of Saint P [...]le, and Ro|bert Lord Willoughbie, with a competent num|bert of men to beſiege ye towne of Saint Valerie whiche the Frenchmen a little [...]ore had taken. This ſiege continued the ſpace of three Weekes, at the ende whereof the Frenchmen within yeel|ded the towne and departed with theyr horſe and harneſſe onely ſaued. The Earle putte there in garniſon freſhe and valiaunt Souldiours, and appoynted Captayne there, Sir Iohn Aube|mounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame towne (whether by infection of ayre, or by corrupt vitaile, which the towneſmen did eate) a great Peſtilence ſhortly after happened which conſumed within a ſmall time two partes of the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Saint Paule, and the Lorde Willoughby returning back to the Regent, were ioyfully receyued, and within a while after, the Earle departed from Paris to laye ſiege to the Caſtell of Mouchas, but being encamped neare to ye town of Blangy, he by a ſodain maladie de|parted this life, ye laſt of Auguſt, leauing hys ſeig|niories to Lewes de Lutzenburg his ſon & heyre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bycauſe this dead Earle was father in lawe to the Regent,An. reg. 12. ſolemne obſequies were kepte for him both in Paris and in London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane ſeaſon the French men entring into high Burgoigne, burnt tooke, and deſtroyed, diuerſe townes, wherevpon the Burgonions aſ|ſẽbled a great armie, both to reuẽge their quarels, and to recouer theyr townes taken from them, to whome as to hys friendes the Duke of Bed|forde ſente the Lorde Wylloughbie, and Sir Thomas Kiriell with a conuenient number of Souldiers, whiche entring into the landes of Laonnoys, were encountered with a greate power of theyr enimyes: But after long fyghte, the Frenche menne were ouerthrowne, and of them lefte deade in the fyelde an hun|dred and ſixtie Horſemen, beſyde priſoners, which after in a furie were all kylled and putte to de|ſtruction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things happened thus in France,


The Lord Tal|bot fayleth in|to Fraunce.

Iohn Lorde Talbot gathered togither a crewe of choſen men of warre in England, to the num|ber of .viij. hundred, and ſayled into Normandie, and paſſed by Roan to Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this waye hee tooke the ſtrong Caſtell of Ioing betwene Beauuays and Gyſours, and cauſed all the Frenchmen within to bee taken and hanged, and after raſed and defaced the Caſtell.

[figure appears here on page 1251]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After he had reſted himſelfe a whyle at Pa|ris, and taken aduice with the Counſaile there, what way it ſhould be beſt for him to take, with|out prolonging tyme, he with the Lorde de Liſle Adam and others, departed from thence, ha|uing in theyr retinues .xvj. hundred men of war, and comming to the caſtell of Beaumont vpon Oyſe, wherof was captain ſir Amadour de Vig|noilles brother to the Hire, they foũd it abãdoned by thẽ yt had it in keping, who were withdrawne EEBO page image 1252 to the towne of Creil, whither the Lorde Talbot followed them, and ſleaing in a ſkirmiſh the ſaid Amadour, he wan at length the ſayd Towne of Creil, & after the townes of Pont S. Maxence, Neufville in Eſmay, la Rouge Maiſon, Creſpy en Valoys, and Cleremont in Beauvoſis, & after with great ryches and good priſoners returned to Paris: neither had the Lorde Talbot ſuch good & proſperous ſucceſſe alone, but the Erle of Arundel alſo at the verie ſame ſeaſon tooke the Caſtell of Bomeline, and razed it to the grounde, and after got by force the caſtell of Dorle, and from thence came to S. Selerine, where the Lord Ambroſe de Lore, beeing Captayne, iſſued oute and fought with the Engliſh men ſo egerly, that hee droue them backe an arrowe ſhoote by fine force: but the Earle ſo encouraged his men, that they gaue a freſhe onſet vppon the French menne, and fol|lowed it ſo fiercely, that they ſlue a greate num|ber of them, and droue the reſidue into the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Loueits beſie|ged.After this victorie, he beſieged Louiers, wher|of was Capitayne the Hyre and hys brother, which rendred the towne without aſſault.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the Earle aſſembling togither a greate armie, returned againe to Saint Selerine, and enuyroned the towne with a ſtrong ſiege. When hee had lyen there almoſt three monethes, euerye day attempting or doing ſomewhat, hee finally gaue ſo fierce an aſſault, that by force he entred the Towne, and ſlue Iohn Allemaigne, and Guilliam Saint Albine, the chiefe Captaynes, and eight hundred other men of warre. The chil|dren of le Seigneur de Lore were taken pryſo|ners. The Earle put newe men of warre into the towne, and made Captaine there Sir Iohn Cor [...]wall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this hee came before the ſtrong Towne of Sillye, and there pytched hys Campe. The Inhabitauntes diſmayed with the chaunce that had happened to them of Saint Selerine, deliue|red to hym pledges, vppon thys condition, that if they were not reſkued wythin thirtie dayes next enſuing, then they (theyr lyues ſaued) ſhould ren|der the towne into his poſſeſſion: which offer was receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French King being aduertiſed hereof by a poſt, appoynted (as ſome ſay) Arthure Earle of Richmont, (or as other wryte, Iohn Duke of Alanſon) with a great companie of men of warre to goe to the reſkue of this towne, but whether it was the Earle or the Duke, certaine it is at hys approching to the ſiege, he encamped himſelfe by a brooke ſide, ouer the whiche a man might haue ſtryden, and perceyueng how ſtrongly the Eng|liſhmen were encamped agaynſt him, he thought it not for his profit to gyue battayle, and ſo in the night ſeaſon cayſed and went his way wythoute further attempt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When they within the towne knew that their ſuccours fayled, they rendred themſelues to the mercie of the Earle of Arundell, who gently re|ceyued them, and leauing a garniſon in the town, departed to Mans, and in his way tooke the Ca|ſtelles of Mellay and S. Laurence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this time the Lorde Willoughbie and ſir Thomas Kiriell, returning with great victo|rie oute of Burgoigne, paſſing by the towne of Louiers lately reduced to the Engliſh obeiſance, furniſhed it both with men and munition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt ſo many good chaunces, ſome euill are accuſtomed to happen,An in [...] in Normandy or elſe the gayners woulde not knowe themſelues. And ſo at thys tyme it happened, that a great number of the common and ruſticall people in Normandye dwelling by the Sea coaſt, eyther prouoked by the Frenche King, or deſyrous of alteration and chaunge (which thing the commons much couet and deſire) made an inſurrection, put on harneis, and by force expulſed certaine Engliſhe garni|ſons oute of theyr holdes, publyſhing and pro|clayming openly, that theyr onelye purpoſe and intent was to expell and baniſhe the whole Eng|liſhe Nation out of theyr Countreys and Cou|tes. Wherefore it may euidently appeare, that the blacke Morian will ſooner chaunge hys co|lour, than the vniuerſall people bredde in France, will heartily loue or inwardly fauour an Engliſh borne childe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon this vngracious people, forgetting theyr dutie and allegiance vnto theyr ſoueraigne Lorde and King, frantikely aſſembled themſel|ues togither, and with all ſpeede marched toward Caen, to the intent there both to encreaſe theyr number, and alſo to conſult what way they ſhuld follow in their new begun enterpriſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Dukes of Yorke and Sommerſet, whiche then were lying in Normandie, hauing perfect knowledge of all the doing of theſe rebel [...], immediately without delay ſent forth the Earle of Arundell, and the Lorde Willoughbye with ſixe thouſande Archers, and .xiij. C. light horſe|men to ſtay and keepe them from making anye further progreſſe. The Earle of Arundell ap|poynted the Lorde Willoughbie, with two thou|ſande Archers, and a certaine number of Horſe|men to goe afore hym, and to lie in a ſtale with|in ſome couert place. This done, the Earle fol|lowed, and encloſing the ragged multitude at the backe, droue them before him, as they hadde beene Deare into a Buckeſtale, and when the ignoraunt multitude approched nere to the place of the ſtale, the Earle made a token, and ſhotte a Gunne for a ſigne. Therewyth the Lorde Wylloughbie ſette on them before, and the Earle behynde, ſhooting ſo fiercely, that the da|ſtarde EEBO page image 1253 people, wounded and galled with the ſhot of arrowes, threwe away theyr harneſſe, deſiring nothing but death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Arundell mooued with com|paſſion, cauſed his ſouldiers to ſtaye from further ſlaughter, & apprehending thoſe which he thought to be the leaders & chiefe ſtyrrers of the people, let the other returne home without any further do|mage: but yet ere the ſouldiers coulde bee brought backe vnder their ſtandarts, there were aboue a thouſand of the rebels ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this commotion was thus appeaſed, vp|on inquirie had of the principall offenders, ſuch as were found guiltie were put to terrible executions as they had well deſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During which rebellion, Peter Rokeforde, and his companie, gat by treaſon the Towne of Deepe, and dyuerſe other holdes thereto adioy|ning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After the Earle of Arundell had obteyned ſo many conqueſtes, and notable victories (as part|ly ye haue hearde) hee attempted another, whiche was the laſt worke and finall labour of his ly|uing dayes. For the Duke of Bedford being in|fourmed that his aduerſaryes hadde gotten the Towne of Rue, and therein putte a garniſon, whiche ſore vexed the Countreyes of Ponthieu, Arthois, and Bolennoys, ſent worde to the Erle that he without delay ſhuld beſiege ye ſaid towne. The Erle obeying his commaundement aſſem|bled his people, and came to Gourney, where hee heard tell how there was a Caſtel neare to Bea|uays called Gerberoy, the which being fallen in decay, Charles the French King had appoynted ſir Stephen de Veignoilles, commonly called the Hyre, to repayre and newly to fortifie, bycauſe it ſtoode commodiouſly to ſerue as a countergar|niſon agaynſt the Engliſh townes and fortreſſes on thoſe frontiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle aduertiſed hereof, and perceyuing that this new building would be greatly preiudi|diciall to the Engliſhe men, determined firſt to diſpoſſeſſe his enimies of that place, ſuppoſing to finde ſmall reſiſtaunce, but he was deceyued, for there was the ſayde Hyre, and a three thouſand men of warre with him. The Erle cõming thi|ther, encamped himſelfe with fiue. C. horſemen in a little cloſe not farre from the Caſtell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen perceyuing that the Earle and his horſes were wearie, and that his archers were not yet come, determined to ſet vpon him before the comming of his footemen, the which they knewe to be little more than a mile behinde. Wherefore for a policie, they ſet forth fiftie horſe|men as though there had beene no mo within the Caſtell. The Erle perceyuing this, ſent forth ſir Randolfe Standiſh to encounter them, hauing with him an hundred horſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen tought couragiouſly a while, and ſodainly came out all the remnant, and ſlue ſir Randolfe Standiſh, and all his companie, and boldly ſet on the Erle and his hande, which man|fully reſiſted the French men, till at length the Hyre cauſed three Culuerings to be ſhotte off a|mongſt the Engliſhmen, whereof one ſtrake the Earle on the ancle, and ſo brake his legge, that for payne he fell from his horſe. Then the French menne entered amongeſt the Engliſhenne, tooke the Earle lying on the grounde, wyth Sir Ry|charde Wooduile, and ſixe ſcore moe, and there were ſlaine almoſte two hundred. The reſidue ſaued themſelues as well as they might.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle was caryed to Beauays, where of his hurt he ſhortly dyed, and was buried in the Frier Minors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was a man of ſyngular vertue, conſtancy, and grauitie, whoſe death in ſo troublous a ſea|ſon did ſore appall the heartes of the Engliſhe people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus did mightie Mars oftentymes chaunge his variable countenaunce, ſo that one tyme the Engliſh menne got by aſſault, and yeelding dy|uerſe ſtrong Townes, Caſtelles, and Pyles, and at another ſeaſon the Frenche people, ſomtime by bargaine, ſometyme by aſſault obteyned, the ſame againe, or other in their ſteede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the Moneth of Iune in this twelfth yeare, Iohn Duke of Bourbon and Auuergne, taken priſoner at the battayle of Agineourt .xviij. yeares paſt (as before ye haue heard) nowe pay|ing his raunſome, whiche was eightene thou|ſande pounde ſterling, was taken with a moſte ſore and grieuous Feuer, the which made an and of his lyfe in the Citie of London,The Duke of Bourbon dy|eth at Londõ. the ſame daye that was appoynted for his departure towarde Fraunce, whoſe corps was enterred in the gray Friers of the ſame Citie. So thus maye euerye creature ſee, howe man purpoſeth,Continuatio [...] Chro. of Flau. and God diſ|poſeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo about the latter end of May was an enteruiew appoynted to be had at Saint Omers betwixt the Dukes of Bedford & Bur|goigne, for the qualifying of certaine diſpleaſures and grudges betwixt them kindled and maintey|ned by ſome flattering taletellers, which feyning things of reproche touching highly theyr honors, bredde ſuche grudges, that all loue betwixte them ceaſſed, all affynitye was forgotten, and all olde familiaritie was drawned through diſdayne in the bottomleſſe caue of Obliuyon. Suche a peſtilent breathe hath flatterye, and ſuche myſchiefe enſueth of Princes lyght cre|dence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe two Dukes being come to the towne of S. Omers, the duke of Bedford being Regent of France, and ſonne, brother, and vncle to kings, EEBO page image 1254 thought that the Duke of Burgoigne ſhoulde haue come and viſited him in hys lodging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Burgoigne on the other parte, being Lorde and ſoueraigne of the Towne, iud|ged it not meete to goe to hym where hee was lodged, but was content by intreatie of friendes to meete him in a place indifferente betweene both theyr lodgings, which offer was not accep|ted, and ſo both parties departed diſcontent, and neuer after ſawe nor communed togither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus by the prowde diſdeyne and enuious diſcorde of theſe two highe ſtomacked Princes, Bedforde not mynding to haue any Peere, and Burgoigne not willing to abyde any ſuperiour, ſhortly after Englande loſte, and Burgoigne gayned not long, as by the ſequele maye ap|peare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 13. The Baſtarde of Orleans called the Earle of Dunoys, the Lorde Rochforde Marſhall of Fraunce, with other, in the beginning of thys thirtenth yeare, tooke the Towne of Saint De|nys by treaſon, ſkyrmiſhed with them of Paris, and leauing behynde them a great garniſon, tooke the Towne of Howdone, and Pont S. Maxence by compoſition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And at the ſame tyme was the towne of Pont Meulan taken by the ſodaine ſealing of two fy|ſhermen which entred vp at a cõmon priuie ſtan|ding in the wall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus as yee maye perceyue, the warre was continually purſued betwixte theſe two mightye Nations, Engliſhe and Frenche, within the Realme of Fraunce, beeing as it were the lyſtes within the which they had appoynted to trye the game, ſo that no Countrey in the worlde was thought more miſerable than the ſame. And though the poore people and Inhabitantes of the good Townes and Villages, ſuſteyned moſt loſſe in theyr ſubſtaunce,The fruites of warre. yet the menne of warre of|tentymes payed deare for theyr chieuance, being dayly ſlaine, wounded, and taken priſoners, and that on both partes, as the chaunce of warre accuſtomably falleth out.

At length when ſacietie of ſlaughter, aboun|daunce of murders, remembraunce of loſſe of goodes and expences had ſomewhat ſoftened the ſtonie bea [...]tes of theſe loftie ſtomacked people, ſo that eyther parte was deſirous of peace, yet the one diſdained openly to offer it, and the other pri|uately to receyue it.

The crye and noyſe of this deteſtable warre was blaſted throughe Chriſtendome, but ſpeci|ally the bruyte thereof was greate at Baſile, where the generall Councell was as then hol|den, the Emperour Albert, and all the Princes of Chriſtendome beeing preſent there, eyther in perſone or by theyr procuratours, for the abho|liſhing of the Sciſme that then continued in the Churche of Rome for this indubitate Pope.

Wherefore the Emperour and the temporall Princes,1435 ſuppoſing the exhortation of ſpirituall Fathers ſhoulde muche profite to the quieting of the ſtryfe betwixt the Realmes of England and Fraunce, deſyred Eugenie then Pope, to bee a mediatour betwixt them.

And one thing put them in good hope of ſome good concluſion, bycauſe the Duke of Bour|goigne was wylling (ſo that it were not of hys owne ſuyte) to returne & reconcile himſelfe, with the French King his mortall enimie and aunci|ent aduerſarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon by authoritie of this generall Coun|cell, two diſcrete perſons,A ſolempe trea+tie of peace [...] Arras. the Cardinals of the holy Croſſe, and Cypres, came to the towne of Arras in Arthoys, whither were ſent from the King of Englande, Henrie Beauforde Cardi|nal of Wincheſter, Henrie Archbiſhop of Yorke, William de la Poole Earle of Suffolke, and Iohn Hollande Earle of Huntingdon, with dy|uerſe other Knights and Eſquiers. And for the French king were there preſent Charles Duke of Bourbon, Lewes Earle of Vandoſme, Arthure of Brytayne Coneſtable of Fraunce, the Archbi|ſhop of Reimes, and ſir Philip Harecourt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The duke of Burgoigne was there in proper perſon, accompanied with the duke of Guelders, and the Erles of Eſtampes, Lygny, S. Paule, Vandemont, Neures, and Daniel ſonne to the Prince of Orange, with a great gard and a gal|lant companie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the day of the firſt ſeſſion, the Cardinal of S. Croſſe, declared to the three parties the in|numerable miſchiefes, that had followed to the whole ſtate of the chriſten cõmon welth by theyr continual diſſention and dayly diſcord, exhorting them for the honour of God, and for the loue which they ought to beare towards the aduance|ment of his fayth and true religion, to conforme themſelues to reaſon, and to lay aſide all rancor, malice & diſpleaſure, ſo that in concluding a god|ly peace, they might receyue profit and quietneſſe here in this worlde, and of God an euerlaſting re|warde in heauen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this admonition thus to them giuen, & after diuerſe dayes of communication, euery part brought in their demaunds, which were moſt cõ|trarie, and farre from any likelyhood of comming to a good concluſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen required that K. Charles ſhould haue nothing but what it pleaſed the king of England, & that not as dutie, but as a benefite by him of his mere liberalitie giuen and diſtribu|ted. The Frenchmen on the other part woulde that king Charles ſhoulde haue the Kingdome frankly and freely, and that the king of England ſhoulde leaue the name, armes and tytle of the EEBO page image 1255 King of Fraunce, and to bee contente with the Dukedomes of Aquitaine and Normandie, and to forſake Paris, and all the townes whiche they poſſeſſed in France, betwene the ryuers of Some and Loyr, being no percel of the Duchie of Nor|mandie. To bee briefe, the pride of the one part, and the ambition of the other, hindered concorde, peace, and quietneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinals ſeeing them ſo farre in ſun|der, mynded not to diſpute theyr tytles, but of|fred them reaſonable conditions of truce and peace for a ſeaſon, which notwithſtanding either of frowardneſſe, or of diſdeyne vpon both partes, were openly refuſed. Inſomuch that the Eng|liſhmen in great diſpleaſure, departed to Calays, and ſo into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 One Writer affyrmeth, that they being war|ned of a ſecrete conſpiracie moued agaynſt them, ſodainly departed frõ Arras, and ſo returned into their Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whiles this treatie of peace was in hande, the Lorde Talbot, the Lorde Willoughbie, the Lorde Scales, with the Lorde Liſle Adam, and fiue thouſande men of warre, beſieged the towne of Saint Denys with a ſtrong hand. The Erle of Dunoys hearing thereof, accompanied wyth the Lorde Lohac, and the Lorde Bueill, wyth a great companie of horſemen haſted thitherwards to rayſe the ſiege, and by the waye encountred with ſir Thomas Kiriell, and Mathew Gough, ryding alſo towarde Saint Denys, betweene whom was a great conflict, and many ſlaine on both partes, but ſodainly came to the ayde of the Frenchmẽ, the garniſon of Pont Meulan, which cauſed the Engliſhmen to returne withoute any greate harme or domage, ſauing that Mathewe Gough by foundering of his horſe was taken, and caryed to Pont Meulan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Saint Deniſe taken by the Engliſhemen.In the meane time was the towne of Saint Deniſe rendred to the Engliſhmen, the which ra|zed the walles & fortifications, ſauing the walles of the Abbey, and of the tower called Venin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after the towne of Pontoyſe, where ſir Iohn Ruppelley was captaine, rebelled, and by force the Engliſhe menne were expulſed, the Inhabitantes yeelding themſelues to the French King. This towne was ſmall, but the loſſe was greate, bycauſe it was the Key that ope|ned the paſſage betwixt the Cities of Paris and Roan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to returne to the communication at Arras, which after the departure of the Eng|liſh Commiſſioners held betwixt the Frenchmen and Burgonians, till at length a peace was con|cluded, accorded, and ſworne betwixt K Charles and Duke Philippe of Burgoine, vpon certaine cõditions, as in the French hyſtories more plain|ly appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After that the ſame peace was agreed, the duke of Burgoigne, to ſet a vayle before the King of Englandes eyes, ſent Thoiſon Dore his King at Armes to King Henrie with letters, excuſing [figure appears here on page 1255] the matter by way of information, that hee was conſtrayned to enter into this league with King Charles, by the dayly outcryes, complaintes, and lamentations of his people, alledging agaynſte hym that hee was the onelye cauſe of the long continuance of the warres, to the vtter empoue|riſhing of his owne people, and of the whole na|tion of Fraunce: Therefore ſith hee coulde not otherwiſe doe, but partlye to content his owne people, and chiefely to ſatiſfie the requeſt of the whole generall counſayle, was in maner com|pelled for his part to growe to a peace and ami|tie wyth King Charles: he likewyſe wiſhed that King Henrie vppon reaſonable and honeſt con|ditions of agreement offered, ſhould in no wyſe refuſe the ſame, whereby the long continued warre at length myght ceaſſe and take ende, to the pleaſure of almightye God, whiche is the Authour of peace and vnitie: and hereto hee pro|myſed hym his ayde and furtherance, wyth ma|ny fayre and pleaſant flattering words, which I paſſe ouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſuperſcription of this letter was thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

To the high and mightie prince, Henrie by the grace of God King of Englande, his welbeloued couſin.
Neither naming him king of Fraunce, nor his ſoueraigne Lorde, according as (euer be|fore that time) he was accuſtomed to do.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Letter was much marueyled at, of the Counſayle, after they had throughly conſidered and pondered all and ſingular the contentes therof, and as reaſon moued them, they could not but be muche diſquieted therewith, ſo farre forth that dyuerſe of them ſtomaked ſo muche the vn|truth of the Duke, that they coulde not temper theyr paſſions, nor brydle their tongues, but o|penly called him traytor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1256But when the rumor of the Dukes reuolting was publiſhed amõgſt the people, they left words and fell to beſtowing of ſtrypes: for being pricked with this euill tidings, they ranne in great out|rage vppon all the Flemings, Hollanders, and Burgonions which thẽ inhabited within ye Citie of London, and the Suburbes of the ſame, and ſlue and hurt a great nũber of them before they, by the kings proclamation, coulde be ſtayed from ſuch iniurious doing, for the king nothing more mynded than to ſaue innocent bloud, and to de|fend them that had not offended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The officer at armes was willed to tell hys maiſter, that it ſtoode not with his honor to bee e|nimye to the Engliſhe Nation, and that his dutie was (all things conſidered) to keepe hys auncient truth and olde allegiance, rather than to bee the occaſion of newe warre. And further it was not the point of a wiſe man to leaue the cer|taine for the vncertaine, and truſt vpon the vn|ſtedfaſt holde of a newe reconciled enimie.

When the Meſſenger with thys aunſwere was diſpatched and ſent awaye, the King of Englande and his Counſayle purpoſed to worke the Duke of Burgoigne ſome diſpleaſure, and therevpon by rewardes, corrupted certaine rulers of Cityes and Townes within his Dominions to moue ſome rebellion agaynſt hym, which in|deede ſore troubled the Dukes wittes and a great while diſquieted his minde by their diſobedyent conſpiracie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 14. The death of the Duke of Bedford Re|gent of France.This yeare the .xiiij. day of September dyed Iohn Duke of Bedforde Regent of Fraunce, a man as politike in peace, as hardie in warre, and yet no more hardie than mercifull, when hee had the victorie, whoſe bodie was with all fu|nerall pompe, and ſolemne Exequies buryed in the Cathedral Church of our Lady in Rouen, on the North ſyde of the highe Aulter, vnder a ſumptuous and coſtlye monument, whiche Tombe when King Lewis the eleuenth by cer|tayne vndiſcreete perſones was counſayled to deface, affyrming that it was a greate dyſho|nour, both to the King and to the Realme, to ſee the enimye of hys father and theyrs to haue ſo ſolemne and riche memoriall:A worthy ſay|ing of a wiſe Prince. He aunſwered ſaying, what honour ſhall it bee to vs, or to you, to breake this monument, and to pull out of the grounde the deade bones of him, whome in hys lyfe tyme neyther my father nor your progeni|tours, wyth all theyr power, puiſſaunce, and friendes were once able to make flee one foote backewarde, but by hys ſtrength, wytte, and policie, kept them all oute of the principall Do|minions of the Realme of Fraunce, and out of thys Noble and famous Duchie of Norman|die: Wherefore I ſay, fyrſt, God haue his ſoule, and let hys bodie nowe lye in reſt, whiche when hee was alyue, woulde haue diſquieted the prowdeſt of vs all: and as for the Tombe, I aſſure you, is not ſo decent nor conuenient, as his honour and actes deſerued, although it were much rycher, and more beautifull.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The froſt was ſo extreme thys yeare begyn|ning about ye .xxv. daye of Nouember,Great froſt. and con|tinuing tyll the tenth of Februarie, that the Shippes wyth Marchandice arryuing at the Thames mouth, coulde not come vppe the Ri|uer, by reaſon it was ſo frozen, and ſo their la|ding being there diſcharged, was brought to the Citie by lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the death of that Noble Prince the Duke of Bedforde, the bright Sunne that in Fraunce commonly ſhone moſte fayre and beau|tyfull vppon the Engliſhe menne, beganne to be clowdie, and daylye to waxe more darke, for the Frenchmenne beganne not onely to wythdrawe theyr obedyence whiche they had by oth promy|ſed to the King of England, but alſo tooke ſword in hande and openly defyed the Engliſhmenne: but yet coulde not all theſe miſhappes any thing abaſhe the valiaunt courages of the Engliſhe people: for they hauing no myſtruſt in God and good fortune, ſette vppe a newe ſayle,The Duke of Yorke made Regent of France. beganne the warre agayne afreſhe, and appoynted for Re|gent in Fraunce, Richard Duke of Yorke, ſonne to Richard Erle of Cambridge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Although the Duke of Yorke was worthye both for byrth and courage of this honor and pre|ferment, yet hee was ſo diſdeyned of Edmonde Duke of Sommerſet being couſin to the King, that by all meanes poſſible hee ſought hys hyn|deraunce, as one glad of hys loſſe, and ſorye of his well doing: by reaſon whereof, ere the Duke of Yorke coulde gette hys diſpatche, he was con|ſtrayned to lynger, tyll Paris and dyuerſe other of the chiefeſt places in Fraunce were gotten by the French king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke perceyuing his euil wil, openly diſſembled that, which he inwardly myn|ded, and thus eyther of them wrought things to the others diſpleaſure, till through canered ma|lice, and peſtiferous diuiſion, continuing in the heartes of theſe two Princes, at length by mortall warre they were both conſumed, wyth almoſt all theyr whole lynes and offſprings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Normans of the Countrey of Caux, beeyng heartened by the death of the Duke of Bedforde, beganne a new rebellion, fiue diuerſe Engliſhmen, robbed many Townes that were vnder ye Engliſh obeyſaunce, and tooke the towne of Herflew by aſſault, and dyuerſe other townes. But the Lorde Regent beeing aduertiſed, ſente forth the Lorde Scales, ſir Thomas Kiriel, and the Lorde Hoo, whiche ſo afflicted thoſe rebels of Caux, yt they ſlue aboue .v.M. perſõs, & burnt all EEBO page image 1257 the Townes and villages in the Countrey, not being walled, ſo that in that parte, was neyther habitation nor tillage, for all the people fled into Britaine, and all the beaſts of the Countrey were broughte to Caudebecke, where a good ſheepe was ſolde for an Engliſh peny, & a Cow for twelue pence. Dayly was ſkirmiſhing and fighting in euery part, in ſo much, that the Lord Scales diſcomfited at the Rye beſide Roan, the Hire, and fifteene hundred valiant Frenchmen, of the whiche, aboue three hundred, were taken priſoners, beſide ſeauen goodly faire courſers.

[figure appears here on page 1257]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other of the priſoners, were ſir Ri|chard Reignold de Fountaynes, ſir Alayne Ge|rond, Alayn de Monſay, and Geoffrey Grame, capitayne of the Scottes. But yet this victorie and others the lyke, ſtayed not the Frenchemen from working treaſon dayly, in ſomuche, that diuers townes turned to the part of K. Charles, and ſome were taken by practiſe, as Dieppe, Boys de Vincennes, and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Heere is one chiefe pointe to be noted, that ey|ther the diſdeyne among the chiefe peeres of the realme of England (as ye haue heard) or the ne|gligence of the Kings counſell (whiche did not foreſee daungers to come) was the loſſe of the whole dominion of France, betweene the ryuers of Soane and Marne, and in eſpeciall, of ye noble Citie of Paris. For where before, there were ſent ouer thouſands for defence of the holdes and for|treſſes, now were ſent hundreds, yea and ſcores, ſome raſcalles, and ſome not able to drawe a bowe, or carrie a bill: for the Lord Willoughby, and the Biſhop of Terrouanne, whiche had the gouernaunce of the great Citie of Paris,1436 had in their company, not two thouſand Engliſhmen, which weakeneſſe, King Charles wel perceiued, and therefore he appointed the Conneſtable, Ar|thur of Britaigne, the Earle of Dunoys, the Lords de la Roche, and Liſle Adam, with other valiant Captaines and men of warre, as well Burgonions as Frenche, to goe before Paris, truſting by fauoure of certaine Citizens, with whome he had intelligence, ſhortly to bee Lorde of the Citie, without great loſſe or battell. So theſe Captaines came before the Citie of Paris but perceiuing yt all things ſucceeded not, accor|ding to their expectatiõ, they returned to Mont Martir, and the next day, ſuddainely ſet on the Towne of Saint Denis, and conſtreyned the Engliſhmen that kept it, to flee into the Abbey, and into the tower Venin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this conflict, two hundred Engliſhmen were ſlayne, and the reſidue vppon a reaſonable compoſition, rendred vp the place, and departed to Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas Lorde Beaumonte, whiche of late was come to Paris with eight hundred men, iſ|ſued foorth of the citie with .vj.C. ſouldiors on|ly intending to view the doings and number of the Frenche armie, but he was ſodeynly eſpyed and compaſſed aboute, ſo that within a ſmall ſpace he was diſcomfited and taken, and wyth him .lxxx. priſoners, beſide .ij.C. which wer ſlain in ye field, & the remnant chaſed to the very gates of the citie. The Pariſians, & eſpecially ye maſter of ye Halles, and ſome of the Vniuerſitie, & Mi|chael Lallier, and many notable burgeſſes of the Citie (which euer with an Engliſhe countenãce couered a French heart) perceiuing the weaknes of the Engliſhmen, and the force of the French|men, ſignified to the Frenche Capitaynes their myndes and intentes, willing them with all di|ligence to come, that they myght receyue ſo riche a pray to them without any difficultie, ready to be giuen and deliuered into their handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Conſtable delaying no time, came with his power, and lodged by the Charter houſe, and EEBO page image 1258 the Lord Liſle Adam, approching to the walles, ſhewed to the Citizens a Charter, ſealed with the great ſeale of King Charles, by the whiche he had pardoned them their offences, and graunted to them all their olde liberties,The treaſon of the Pariſians. and auntient pri|uiledges, ſo that they would heereafter be to him true and obedyente: whiche thing to them decla|red, they ranne aboute the towne, crying Saynt Denis, liue King Charles. The Engliſhmen perceyuing this, determined to keepe the gate S. Denis, but they were deceiued, for the cheynes were drawen in euery ſtreete, and women and children caſt downe ſtones & ſcalding water on the Engliſhmens heads, and the Citizens in ar|mour fought with them, and chaſed them from ſtreete to ſtreete, and from lane to lane, and ſlew and hurt diuers and many of them. The Biſhop of Tyrwine, Chancellor there for King Henry, the Lord Willoughby, and Sir Simon Mor|uiher, tooke great payne to appeaſe the people, but when they ſaw that all auailed not, they with|drewe into the Baſtell of Saint Anthony, whi|che fortreſſe, they had well vittailed, and furni|ſhed with men and munitions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt this rumor was in the Towne, the Earle of Dunois, and other, ſcaled the walles, and ſome paſſed the riuer by boates, and opened the gate of Saint Iames,Paris yelded to the frenche King. by the which, ye Con|neſtable, with his banner diſplayde, entred, at whoſe entrie, the Pariſians made great ioy. The Byſhop and the Lord Willoughby, with theyr ſmall companye, defended their fortreſſe tenne dayes looking for ayde, but when they ſaw that no comfort appeared, they yeelded their fortreſſe, ſo that they and theirs, with certaine baggage, might peaceablye returne to Roan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was the Citie of Paris broughte into the poſſeſſion of Charles the French King, tho|rough the vntrue demeanor of the Citizens, the which contrarie to their othes, and promiſed al|legiance, like wauering and inconſtant mynded people, reuolted from the Engliſhmẽ, when they ſawe them at the weakeſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this glorious gayne, the Frenchmen beſieged the towne of Crayle vpon Oyſe, wher|of Sir William Chamberlaine was Captaine, the which with fiue hundred Engliſhmen, iſſued out of the Towne, and after long fight, diſcom|fited his enimies, and ſlew two hundred, & tooke a greate number priſoners: the remnant not ly|king the market, departed to Compeigne, and o|ther townes adioyning. During whiche ſeaſon, twelue Burgeſſes of the Towne of Giſors ſold it for money, vnto Poyton de Xantrailes, but be had not the Caſtell deliuered, and therefore with all his power, he beſieged the ſame, whereof, the Lord Talbot being aduertiſed, ſent for the lord Scales, and they both with eighteene hundred men, reſcued the Caſtell, tooke the Towne, and diſcomfited their enimies, and ſlewe of them a|boue four hundred perſons. Nowe according to the olde prouerbe (when the ſteede is ſtollen, ſhut the ſtable dore) the Duke of Yorke appointed at the laſt Parliament, to be regent of Fraunce (af|ter that Paris, Saint Denis, Saint Germaines in Lay, and diuers other Townes in Fraunce were taken and betrayed for lacke of conuenient ſuccours) was ſente ouer into Normandie with eight thouſande men, and in his company, the Earles of Saliſburie, and Suffolke, and the Lord Fawconbridge, and dyuers other valiante Captaynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he was landed, the Earle of Saliſbu|rie beſieged the Caſtell of Chamboys, whyche ſhortly was to him rendred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the Duke remoued to Roan, where hee ſet good orders, and did great iuſtice in the coun|trey, wherefore the Normans in theyr Chro|nicle, highly extoll him for that point. Howbeit, they ſay, that he gate by long ſiege, the Towne and Abbey of Fecamp, and did none other no|table acte, during the time of his rule and gouer|nement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this fourtenth yeare, the Duke of Bur|goigne determined by the aduice of his counſell,The Duke of Burgoyne pre|pareth an ar|my againſt Calaya. to attempte the winning of Calais. The proui|ſion was wonderous great which was made for the atchieuing of this enterpriſe: whereof, Sir Iohn Ratclife, deputie of the Towne of Ca|lais, hauing perfect intelligence, aduertiſed king Henrye, and his counſell, whiche incontinently ſente thither the Earle of Mortaigne, ſonne to the Duke of Somerſet, and the Lord Cameys, with fifteene hundred men, and greate foyſon of vittailes, whiche iſſued out of Calais, and came before Grauelin, where they were encountred with a great number of Flemings, whych were ſhortly diſcomfited, and four hundred of them ſlaine, and ſixe ſcore taken priſoners. And with|in two dayes after, the Engliſhmen draue by fine force, the Lords of Warren and Bado, to the barriers of Ard, and diſcomfited their compa|nie, to the number of fifteene hundred, and ſlewe ſeauen valiant Captaynes, & tooke many Gẽtle|men priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Burgoigne remayning ſtil in his former purpoſe, aſſembled togither, of Fle|mings, Picards, Hollanders, and Henneweyes, a great army, to the number of fortie thouſand, ſo well armed, ſo well vittailed, ſo well furniſhed with ordinaunce, and ſo well garniſhed in all things, that they thought in their harts, and bla|ſted amongſt themſelues, that the Caliſians woulde leaue their towne deſolate, and flee for their ſafegard, hearing onely of the Dukes ap|proch: but they reconed before their hoſt, and ſo EEBO page image 1259 payde more than the ſhot came to.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this mightie army was paſt the wa|ter of Graueline, the Duke intending to begin his great conqueſt, aſſaulted the little poore Ca|ſtell of Oye, which hauing in it but fiftie ſouldi|ers, of the which, twelue ſolde their liues deere|ly, the remnant compelled by neceſſitie, yeelded themſelues to the dukes mercie, which to pleaſe the Gantoyſe, beeing of number moſt puiſſante in all the armye, liberally gaue to them, both the Caſtel, and priſoners, the which rude and beaſt|ly people, nothing expert in the lawes of armes, not only raſed the Caſtell, but alſo hanged nine and twentie of the captiues, and hadde ſo done with the reſidue, if the Duke, diſdeyning theyr crueltie, had not intreated for the reſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this victorie, the Picardes beſieged the Caſtell of Marke, and gaue three aſſaultes to it. The Engliſhmen within, being in number two hundred, and ſixe, vnder the gouernemente of their Captayne Sir Iohn Gedding, valiauntly defended the place, till at length, deſpairing of ſuccours, they yeelded themſelues, their liues and limmes ſaued. The Caſtel of Marke being thus deliuered, was raſed to the ground.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Duke of Burgoigne, accom|panyed with the Duke of Cleues, the Earle of Eſtampes, the Lords of Dantoing, Croy, Criſ|quy, Humiers, and many other valiant Barons and Knightes, with his great army,Caleys beſie|ged by the duke of Bur|goigne. came before the towne of Calais, and placed his ſiege about the ſame, moſt to his aduantage: hee gaue three [figure appears here on page 1259] aſſaultes to the Towne, but his people gayned nothing at the ſame, ſo that they were conſtrey|ned to abſteyne, from further approching to the walles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the firſt aſſault, the Hyre which was come to ſee the Duke of Burgoigne, was ſore woun|ded and hurte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide this, one thing troubled the Dukes eyes, bycauſe that at euery tyde, Shippes arriued in the Hauen out of England, openly before his face, laden with vittailes, munitions and men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke one day roade about to view and behold the ſituation of the towne, to the intente to take his moſt aduantage, eyther by aſſaulte or otherwiſe: hee was quickly eſpyed, and with the ſhotte of a canon, a Trumpetter, which rode next before him, and three horſſes in his compa|nie were ſlayne out of hand.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lorde of Croy, and a conuenient num|ber with him, was appoynted to beſiege the Ca|ſtell of Guiſnes, where he gote little profite, and did leſſe harme. Moreouer, for ye better aduãcing of his enterprice, the Duke minded to ſtoppe vp the Hauẽ, ſo that no ſuccours ſhould enter there. Heerevpon, he cauſed foure greate Hulkes to bee fraught with great ſquare ſtones, cimented and ioyned togither with leade, to the intente they ſhoulde lie ſtill lyke a Mount, and not to ſeuer in ſunder. Theſe Shippes, with the reſidue of the Dukes nauie, were conueyd into the mouth of Calais Hauen, and at a full Sea, by craft and policie, were ſonke downe to ye ground, but whe|ther God woulde not that the Hauen ſhoulde be deſtroyed, eyther the conueyghers of the Hulkes knewe not the very channel, theſe foure greate Shippes, at the low water, lay openly vppon the ſands, without hurting the roade or Channell, whiche when the ſoldiers perceyued, they iſſued out of the towne, brake the Shippes, and caried both the ſtones, and timber into the Towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Another deuice yet was accompliſhed by the Duke, whiche was the building of a ſtrong ba|ſtell, ſet on a little Mountayne, furniſhed with foure hundred men, and much artillerie, whyche fortreſſe did impeach the Engliſhmen from iſſu|ing forth of the Towne, to their high diſpleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1260Whiles theſe things were adding, there arri|ued in the Dukes armie an Herrault of Eng|land, called Penbroke, belonging to the Duke of Glouceſter, which declared to the Duke of Bur|goigne, that the protector of Englande his mai|ſter (if God woulde ſend him wind and weather) woulde giue battell to him, and to his whole pu|iſſance, either there, or in any other place within his owne Countrey, where he would appoynte, but the daye he could not aſſigne, bycauſe of the inconſtancie of the winde. The Duke (lyke a noble man) aunſwered the Herrault, Sir, ſay to your maiſter, that his requeſt is both honorable, and reaſonable: howbeeit, hee ſhall not neede to take the paines to ſeeke me in mine owne coun|trey, for (God willing) he ſhall finde me here, till I haue my will of the Towne, readye to abyde hym, and all the power he can make.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Herrault had receyued this anſwer, hee was highly feaſted, and had a cuppe, and an hundred guildens to him giuen in rewarde, and ſo he returned to Calaice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After whoſe departure, the Duke called a Counſell in the chiefe pauilion of the Gantois, about this meſſage of the Engliſhe Herrault, where it was determined with greate courage, that they would abide the battell, if the Duke of Glouceſter came to offer it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt this great matter was in conſulta|tion, the Caliſians not wel contented with ye ba|ſtill which the Duke hadde newly builded, iſſued out of the Towne in greate number, parte on horſebacke and part on foote.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The footemen ranne to aſſault the baſtill, and the horſemen went betweene the army, and the aſſailantes to ſtoppe the ayde and ſuccours that might come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vppon the ſounding of the alarme, the Duke himſelfe in perſon was comming on foote, to re|lieue his men, but beeing kepte backe a ſpace by the Engliſh horſemen, in that delay of time, the baſtill was wonne by fine force, and eyght ſcore perſons of thoſe that kept it ſlayne, beſide the re|ſidue whiche were taken priſoners, and ledde to Calaice, with all the ordinance and artillerie, to the high diſpleaſure of the Duke, and hys coun|ſayle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nexte day after, there ſprang a rumor in the armye (no man could tell how) that ye Duke of Glouceſter with a great puiſſance was alrea|die embarqued, and woulde arriue at the nexte tide. What was the very cauſe, I cannot true|ly write, but ſurely the ſame nyghte, the Duke fledde away, and ſente in all haſt to the Lorde of Croy,The Duke of Burgoigne breaketh vp the ſiege be|fore Calais, and fleeth. to reyſe his ſiege before Euiſnes, whyche tidings were to him very ioyous, for he neither got nor ſaued, ſo theſe two Captaines departed, leauing behynd thẽ, both ordinance, vittailes, & great riches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French writers to ſaue the honor of the Duke of Burgoigne ſaye, that there was a cer|taine diſcord & comotion amõgſt the Flemings & Duche nation, affirming, that the great lords and the Picards whom ye frenchmẽ greatly ex|tolle) woulde betray and ſell the Flemings, and their frendes, & that for the ſame cauſe, in a great furie they cried, home, home, and would not tar|rie for anye requeſt that the Duke coulde make, and ſo by their miſgouernaunce, the Duke was enforced to reyſe his ſiege, and to depart.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Flemmiſh authors affirme the contra|rie, ſaying, that they were readie to abide ye com|ming of the Duke of Glouceſter: but the Duke of Burgoigne fearing to be entrapped betweene the Engliſhe armye without, and the garriſon within the Towne of Calaice, fled away in the nighte, giuing to them no warning thereof be|fore, ſo that for lacke of time, and conueniente ſpace to lade and carrie their ſtuffe, and beeyng commaunded vpõ the ſuddaine, to diſlodge with all ſpeede, they left behinde them their vittailes, tents, and other things, to their greate loſſe and detriment. Howſoeuer the matter was, the froth is, that he fled the ſix and twentith day of Iuly, in the nighte, and the next day in the morning, the Duke of Glouceſter landed in Calaice ha|uen, and ſtreight went into the camp, where hys enimies the night before were lodged, and there he founde manye faire peeces of ordinance, and eſpecially, one called Dygeon, ſo named, after the chiefe Towne of Burgoigne, beſide pauili|ons, wine, beere, meale, and innumerable vittell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter, ſeing his enimies reculed, hauing in his company fiue and twen|tie thouſand men, entred into Flanders,The Duke of Glouceſter ſpoileth Flan|ders. burning houſes, killing ſuch as made reſiſtãce, deſtroying the Countrey on euery parte, ſetting fire in the Townes of Poperinch, Bailleul, and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, they waſted the ſuburbes of diuers clo|ſed Townes, and after paſſed by Neweaſtell, Rimeſture, and Valon Chapell, and then en|tring into Arthois, they came to Arques and Blandeſques, ſetting fire in euery part wher they came.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus they paſſed by Saint Omers, and fi|nally by Arde, returned to Guiſnes, and ſo to Calaice at ſixe weekes ende, with greate booties of Cattell, and other riches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In all this their iourney, they had but ſmall ſtore of bread, whiche cauſed much faintneſſe, and diuers diſeaſes in the armie, whereof a grea|ter number dyed, than did of the enimies ſworde: and yet the Flemings write,Earland. that they of Bru|ges diſtreſſed, to the nũber of two M. Engliſh|men in this iourney howbeit,Engue [...]t. the french writers affirme, that the Engliſhmen loſt moe of theyr EEBO page image 1261 company in the marches about Arde, than they did in all other places where they had bin before, hauing paſſed through the parties of Flaunders, without encounter, or anye domage done to thẽ by the enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Duke of Glouceſter was retur|ned into Englãd, he was aduertiſed, that Iames King of Scottes hadde beſieged the Caſtell of Rockeſbourrough, with thirtie thouſand menne, but the Captayne therof, Sir Raufe Grey, de|fended it ſo manfully, for the ſpace of twentie dayes, that King Iames being then aduertiſed, that the Earle of Northumberlande was com|ming to fight with him, fledde, with no leſſe loſſe than diſhonor, home to his towne of Eden|burgh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 15. Shortly after that the Duke of Burgoigne had bin before Calais, as in the laſt yere is men|tioned, by meane of friendes, and at the deſire of Princes, a truce or abſtinence of warre for a time was moued, betweene the King of Eng|lande, and the ſaid Duke, for the whiche cauſe, were ſente to Graueline for the King of Eng|lande, Henry Beauford, Cardinall of Winche|ſter, Iohn Lorde Moumbray Duke of North|folke, Humfrey Earle of Stafforde, and dyuers other, well learned, and honorable perſonages. And for the Duke of Burgoigne, there appeared the Ducheſſe his wife, the Byſhop of Arras, the Lord of Croy, and diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A truce taken betweene the king of Eng|land and the ducheſſe of Burgoigne.At this treatie, a truce was taken for a ſmall time, and for a leſſe ſpace obſerued, which abſti|nence of warre was concluded, betweene the King of Englande, and the Ducheſſe of Bur|goigne (enterleſſing the Duke, and his name.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some thinke, that the King of Englande woulde neuer enter in league with him, bycauſe he had broken his promiſe, oth, and writing, ſea|led to him, and to his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other imagined this to bee done of a cautell, to caſt a miſt before the Frenche Kings eyes, to the intent hee ſhould beleeue, that this feate was wroughte by the Ducheſſe, without aſſente or knowledge of the Duke or his counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus may yee ſee, that Princes ſometyme, with ſuche vayne gloſes, and ſcornefull expoſiti|ons, will hide theyr doyngs, and cloke their pur|poſes, to the intent, they woulde not eyther be e|ſpyed, or elſe that they maye plucke their heads out of the coller, at their pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1437About this ſeaſon, Queene Catherin mother to the king of England, departed out of this life, and was buried by hir huſband in the minſter of Weſtminſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Catherin mo|ther to Kyng Henry, maried Owen Ten| [...].This woman, after the death of kyng Henry the fifth hir huſband, beyng yong and luſtie, fol|lowing more hir owne wanton appetite than friendly counſel, and regarding more priuate af|fection than hir princelyke honour, tooke to huſ|band priuily a goodly Gentleman, and a ryght beautyfull perſon, endued with manye goodlye giftes bothe of nature and grace, called Owen Tenther, a man deſcended and come of the no|ble lynage and auncient lyne of Cadwallader laſt king of the Britons, by whom ſhe concey|ued and brought forth three goodly ſonnes, Ed|mund, Iaſper, & an other, which was a Monke in Weſtminſter, and liued a ſmall time: alſo a daughter, which in hir youth departed out of this tranſitorie life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrye, after the death of his mother, bycauſe, they were his breethren of one wombe deſcended, created Edmond Earle of Richmõd, and Iaſper Earle of Pembroke, which Edmõd engendred of Margaret daughter and ſole heire to Iohn Duke of Somerſet, Henry, which after was King of this Realme, called Henry the ſea|uenth, of whome yee ſhall heare more in place conuenient. This Owen, after the death of the Queene his wife, was apprehended, and com|mitted to warde, bycauſe that contrarie to the ſtatute made in the ſixte yeare of this King, hee preſumptuouſly had married the Queene, with|out the Kings eſpeciall aſſent, out of whiche pri|ſon, he eſcaped, [...]d let out other with him, and was againe apprehended, and after eſcaped a|gayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Likewiſe, the Ducheſſe of Bedforde, ſiſter to Lewes Earle of Saint Paule, minding alſo to marrie rather for pleaſure than for honor, with|out counſel of hir friends, maried a luſty knight, called Sir Richarde Woduile, to the great diſ|pleaſure of hir Vncle the Biſhop of Tyrwine, and the Earle hir brother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Sir Richarde, was made Baron of Riuers, and after Earle, and had by this Lady many noble ſonnes, and faire daughters, of the which, one was ye Lady Elizabeth, after Quene of Englande, by reaſon ſhee was married vnto Edward the fourth, as heereafter ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt this marriage was a celebratyng, Iane late Queene of England, and before Du|cheſſe of Britaine, daughter to the King of Na|uerre, and wife to King Henrie the fourth, dyed at the manor of Hauering, and was buryed by hir huſband at Canterburie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And about the ſame time, deceaſſed alſo the Counteſſe of Warwike, and Henrie Archby|ſhop of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare alſo, the Duke of Somerſet, accompanyed with ye Lords of Fancombridge, Talbot, Sir Francis Surien the Arragonnois, Mathewe Gough, Thomas Paulet, Thomas Harington, Walter Limbrike, Iohn Gedding, William Watton Eſquiers, and Thomas Hilton, Bailife of Roane, with a great cõpanie EEBO page image 1262 of the Engliſhe partie,Harflew be|ſieged & won by the En|gliſhmen. beſieged the Towne of Harflew (lately before gotten by the Frenchmẽ) both by water and lande: the Captayne within the towne, was one Sir Iohn d'Eſtouteuille, hauing his brother Robert with him, and a fixe hundred good fighting men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The aſſailants caſt trenches, and ſo fortifyed themſelues in their campe and lodgings, that when the Earles of Ewe and Dunois the va|liant baſterd of Bourbon, the Lord Gawcourt, and other famous Captaines, with a four thou|ſand mẽ, ſent to the reſcue of them within, came before the Towne, they coulde not ſuccour theyr frendes, nor annoy their enimies by any meanes they could deuiſe, and ſo for feare to loſe honour they returned backe again, with much trauaile, and little profite. The Capitaines within the towne perceiuing they could not bee ayded, did ſhortly after render the town to the duke of So|merſet, who after cõmitted it to the keepyng of Thomas Paulet, William Lymbrik, Chriſto|for Barker, and George ſaint George, whiche many yeres (til the deuiſion began in England) manfully and valiantly defended both the town and hauen. But afterward, when this Duke of Somerſet was Regent and gouernour of Nor|mandie, he not only loſt this towne of Harflew, but alſo the citie of Roan, and the whole duchie of Normandie, where as nowe being but a de|putie, he got it to his high prayſe and glorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iames king of Scottes mur|thered.In this yeare was Iames kyng of Scottes murthered by certaine traitours of his own ſub|iectes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Talbot beſieged Tankerville, and after four moneths, had it ſimply to him rẽdred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This towne was no great gayne to the En|gliſhmen, for in the meane ſeaſon, the Frenche king in his own perſon beſieged the ſtrong town of Monſtreau on fault Yõne, whereof Thomas Gerarde being capitayne, more for deſire of re|ward, than for feare of enimies, ſold the Towne to the French King, and had of him great gifts, and good cheere, as afterwards was opẽly kno|wen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Towne had bin reſcued or the Frenche King fought withall, if one chance had not hap|pened, for the Duke of Yorke about that tyme, was diſcharged of his office,The Earle of Warw [...]k made Regent of Fraunce. and the Earle of Warwike preferred to the ſame, ſo that the duke of Yorke, lying as then at Roan, woulde haue gladly reſcued the Towne, if his authoritie had not ſurceaſſed, & the Erle of Warwike could not come in time, for ye wind was contrarie to him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This preſente yeare, was a Parliament hol|den at Weſtminſter, in the whiche, manye good and profitable actes for the preſeruation of con|cord at home, and defence againſt the enimies a|broade, were ordeyned and deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Arthur of Britaigne, Conneſtable of France, and Iohn Duke of Alanſon, were ſente by the Frenche King into Normandie, with a greate army, to beſiege the towne of Auranches, ſtan|ding vpon the knoppe of an hill, where after they had layen a certayne ſpace, without gayne, the Lord Talbot with a valiant company of men, came thither, and offered the enimies battaile, which when they, at all hands refuſed, the Lorde Talbot perceyuing theyr faint harts, reyſed his field, and in the open ſight of them all, entred in|to the Towne, and the next day, iſſued out, and finding the Frenchmen riding abroade to de|ſtroy the playne Countrey, he compaſſed them about, and ſlewe many of them, and tooke diuers priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Although the Frenchmen gote neyther honor nor profit by this iourney, yet they enterpriſed a greater matter, as the winning of Roan, in ſo much, that Pothon de Santreiles, and the Hire, with manye other notable Captaines, hauyng promiſe of certaine burgeſſes of that Citie, to haue entrie made thẽ, ſecretly in the night, came forwarde to a Towne called Riſe or Riz, not paſt a foure leagues frõ Roan, and there lodged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Talbot, the Lorde Scales, and ſir Thomas Kiriel, hearing of their approche, ſette out of Roan at midnight, and with great paine, came to Riſe in the morning ſo couertly, that ye Frenchmen beeing ſuddainely ſurpriſed, and ſet vpon like men, all amaſed ranne away, & fledde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the chaſe were taken, the Lorde of Foũ|taines, Sir Aleine Geron, SIr Lewes de Balle, and threſcore Knightes and Eſquiers, beſide o|ther, and there wer ſlaine two hundred and moe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Hire eſcaped very narrowly, by ſwift|neſſe of his horſe, though not vnwounded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen returned to the Towne of Riſe, and founde there greate number of horſes, and other baggages, which they ioyouſly brou|ght with them to Roan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the ſixth day of Nouember,An. reg. 16. this preſent yeare, the Earle of Warwike, as Regente of France, paſſed the Sea, after hee had bin ſeauen times ſhipped and vnſhipped, & landed at Hom|flew, with a thouſande freſh Soldiers, and came to Roan, and then the Duke of Yorke returned into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Betweene ye change of theſe two Captaines, the Duke of Burgoigne (whiche ſore enuied the glorie of the Engliſhmen) beſieged the Towne of Croytoy, with tenne thouſand men and moe,Crotoy be [...]+gedly [...] of Burgoig [...] hauing with him greate plentie of gunnes, and goodly ordinance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Warwike aduertiſed heereof, ſente the Lorde Fawcombridge, Sir Thomas Kiriell, ſir Iohn Montgomerie, Thomas Lim|brike, Thomas Chandos, Dauie Hall, and dy|uers EEBO page image 1263 other Knightes and Eſquiers, and manye tall yeomen, to the number of fiue thouſand mẽ, which paſſed ye riuer of Somme, beſide ye towne of Saint Valerie, wading in the water vp to ye chinne, ſo glad were they to reſcue their felowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Crotoy reſ| [...]ed.When the Duke of Burgoigne was enfor|med of the approching of the Lorde Talbot, hee with all his power, ſauing four hundred (whych were left in a baſtill by him there newly builded) fled to Abuille, the baſtill was ſoone gained by ye Engliſhmen, and thoſe within eyther ſlayne or taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Lord Talbot ſent to the Duke of Burgoigne, ſignifying to hym, that except he would come forth, & giue him battell, he woulde vtterly waſt his Countrey of Picardie, and ac|cording to his promiſe, he brent Townes, ſpoy|led and ſlewe many people in Picardie: but for all thoſe his doings, the Duke of Burgoigne ap|peared not, but got him from Abuile to Amiens, ſo that the Lorde Talbot abode twentie dayes fall in Picardie and Arthois, deſtroying al afore him, and after returned without impeachment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And in the meane ſeaſon, Sir Thoms Kiri|ell had gotten all the Dukes cariages and ordi|nance, and left as much vittaile in the towne of Croytoy, as would ſerue ſixe hundred menne a whole yeare, and conueyed the reſidue to the Earle of Warwike, who highly prayſed them for their hardie doings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1438After this enterprice atchieued, Henry Earle of Mortaigne, ſon to Edmond Duke of Som|merſet, arriued at Chierburg with foure hundred archers, and three hundred ſpeares, and paſſed through Normandie, till he came into the coun|tie of Maine, where he beſieged a Caſtell called Saint Anyan, in the which, were three hundred Scottes, beſide Frenchmen. This Caſtel he toke by aſſaulte, ſlewe the Scottes, and hanged the Frenchmenne, bycauſe they were once ſworne Engliſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, hee got alſo an other Caſtell, two miles from Sainte Iulians, called Alegerche, which was ſhortly after recouered, and the Lord Camewis, which came to the reſcue of ye ſame, in the meane way was entrapped, and taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus flowed the victorie, ſometime on the one partie, and ſometime on the other. For a|bout the ſame time alſo, the Townes of Meaux in Brie, and Saint Suſan, were ſolde and dely|uered to the French parte, by the vntrueth of the burgeſſes, and inhabitants of the ſame townes, about the latter ende of this ſixteenth yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 17. Dearth of victuals.


This yeare, by reaſon of great tempeſts, vn|meaſurable windes, and rayne, there roſe ſuche ſcarcitie, that wheate was ſolde at three ſhil|lings foure pence the buſſhell, wine at twelue pence the gallon, bayſalt at fourteene pence the buſſhell, and malt, at thirteene ſhillings foure pence the quarter, and all other graynes were ſolde at an exceſſiue price, aboue the olde rate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the moneth of Iune, the Earle of Hun|tington (as Stewarde of Guien) with two M. archers, and four hundred ſpeares, was ſent into Gaſcoigne, as a ſupply to the Countrey, and commons of the ſame: for the K. of Englande and his counſaile were enformed, that the Erle of Dunois lay in the frontiers of Tholouſe ſe|cretly, by rewards and faire promiſes practiſing to procure diuers townes in Guiẽne, to become French, wherefore this Erle (like a politike war|rior) altered not onely the Captaines in euerye Towne and Citie, but alſo remoued the magi|ſtrates, and changed the officers from towne to towne, & roome to roome, ſo that by this meanes, the Earle of Du [...]oys at ye time, loſt both trauel and coſt. In the ſame moneth alſo, Sir Richard Wooduile, ſir William Chamberlaine, ſir Wil. Peito, and ſir Wil. Stor [...]e, with a M. men, were ſent to ſtuffe the Townes in Normandie, which at that time, had thereof great neede, for ye En|gliſh Captaines had ſmall cõfidẽce in the Nor|mans, & not too much in ſome of their owne na|tion, for that harlot briberie, with hir fellowe co|uetouſneſſe,Two ſhrewd [...] perſwaders. ranne faſte abroade with Frenche Crownes, that vnneth anye creature (without ſpeciall grace) coulde holde either hande cloſe, or purſe ſhut. In this yere, the Dolphin of France, alied with Iohn Duke of Alanſon, and Iohn Duke of Burgoigne, rebelled againſt his father King Charles, but in the end, by wiſe perſwaſi|ons, and wittie handling of the matter, ye knotte of that ſeditious faction was diſſolued, and the King with his ſonne, and the other confederates openly and apparantly pacified.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen whiche euer ſought theyr aduantage) hearing of this domeſticall deuiſion in France, reiſed and armie, and recouered againe diuers townes, whiche were ſtollen from them before, and prepared alſo to haue recouered ye Ci|tie of Paris, til they heard of the agremẽt made betwixte the father and the ſonne, for then they left off that enterprice, and wente no further a|bout it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the moneth of Nouember in this preſente yere, there was ſuch a great froſt, & after that,Anno. re. 18. ſo deepe a ſnow, yt al the ground was couered thee|with, & al ye diches froſen, which weather, put the Engliſhmen in hope to recouer againe ye towne of Ponthoiſe,Ponthoiſe re|couered by the Engliſh. by the French King gotten before by corrupting with money diuers burgeſſes of ye Towne, wherefore the Engliſhmen, being clo|thed all in white, wt Iohn L. Clifford their Cap|tain, came in ye night to ye diches, and paſſed thẽ without danger, by reaſon of the froſt, ſcaled the walles, ſlew the watch, & tooke the towne, with EEBO page image 1264 many profitable priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the regaining of the Towne of Pon|thoyſe, the Lord Richarde Beauchamp, Erle of Warwike, dyed in the Caſtell of Roan, and was conueyed into England, and with ſolemne Ceremonies, buryed in his Colledge of War|wike, in a very faire and ſumptuous ſepulture.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Anno. re. 19. About the beginning of Lente, the Duke of Somerſet, and the Lorde Talbot, with other Captaines and men of warre, to the number of two thouſand, whiche they had aſſembled in the marches of Normandie, towards Rouen, mar|ching forward towards Picardie, paſſed ouer the Riuer of Somme, and through the Towne of Monteruel, came before the fortreſſe of Folleuil|le, whiche the Duke beſieged, whileſt the Lorde Talbot entred further into the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Duke had mounted his greate artillerie,Enguerrant. and began to batter the holde, the Cap|tayne within chanced to be ſlaine, with a ſhotte of the ſame artillerie, and ſhortly after, the bate|rie being ſtill continued, the reſt of the menne of warre that ſerued vnder him, yeelded the place, in which, the Duke left a competent gariſon of ſol|diers, whiche afterwardes, ſore endomaged the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, the Duke followed the Lorde Talbot, who was alreadye entred a good way within the Countrey of Santhois, and nowe ioyning their powers togither, they came to a fortreſſe called Lyhons, in Santhois, whyche was alſo rendred vnto them, after they hadde brent the church which the Coũtrey people kept againſte them, and woulde not yeelde it, till they were fiered out, and brent and ſlayne, to the nũ|ber of three hundred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the fortreſſe was deliuered into theyr handes by compoſition, the Duke with his po|wer lay there about tenne dayes, ſending diuers troupes of his menne of warre abroade into the Countrey, whiche ſpoyled the ſame, tooke ye for|treſſe of Herbonneres, and the Lord therof with|in it, who for his raunſome, and to haue his ſub|iects and houſe ſaued from ſpoyle and fire, com|pounded with his takers for a thouſand Saluz of golde, which he paid to them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, after the Duke of Somerſet, and the Lord Talbot with their power, had layne in Lyhons about tenne dayes, they departed from thence, and returned into Normandie, without any empeachment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the death of the Earle of Warwike, the Duke of Yorke was againe made Regente of Fraunce,


The Duke of Yorke againe made regent of France.

which accompanyed with the Earle of Oxforde, the Lorde Bourchier called Earle of Ewe, Sir Iames of Ormond, the Lord Clin|ton, Sir Richarde Wooduille, and diuers other noble men, ſayled into Normandie, before whoſe ariuall, the Frenche King ſore greeued w [...] [...] taking of the Towne of Ponthoiſe, aſſem [...] [...] greate armie,P [...]e be|ſieged by the french King. and beſieged the ſaid towne [...]|ſelfe in perſon, enuironing it with baſtilles, [...]|ches, and ditches, beating the walles and B [...]|warkes with ſhot of great ordinance, and giuing therevnto diuers greate and fierce aſſaultes, [...] Iohn Lorde Clifford, like a valiant Captayne, defended the Towne ſo manfully, that ye frenche men rather loſt than wanne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke at his landing receyued true aduertiſement of this ſiege, wherevppon, hee ſent for the Lord Talbot, and a great number of Soldiers, and ſo came neere to the Towne of Ponthoiſe, and there encamped himſelfe, and therewith, ſente worde to the French King, that thither hee was come to giue him battell, if hee woulde come out of his ſtrength and baſtilles, but the Frenche King, by aduice of his councell, determined not to venture his perſon, with men of ſo baſe degree, but meant to keepe his groun [...], bidding the Lorde Regente to enter at his pe [...], and in the meane ſeaſon, did what hee coulde to ſtoppe the paſſage of the riuer of Oyſe, ſo that no vittaile ſhould be brought to the Engliſh ar|mie by that way, in hope ſo to cauſe them to re|cule backe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke, perceyuing that ye [...]ch King minded not to fighte, purpoſed to paſſe o|uer the riuer of Oyſe, and ſo to fighte with hym in his lodging, whervpon, he remoued his camp, and appointed the Lorde Talbot, and other, to make a countenaunce, as they woulde paſſe the riuer by force at the port of Beaumont, and ap|poynted an other companye in boates of timbet and leather, and bridges made of cordes & ropes (whereof he had great plentie caried with hym in Chariots) to paſſe ouer beneath the Abbey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 While the Lorde Talbot made a crie, as though he would aſſault the gate, certaine En|gliſhmen paſſed the water in boates, and drew a bridge of cordes ouer, ſo that a greate number of them were gote to the other ſide, ere the French|men were aduiſed what had happened. When they ſaw the chance, they ranne like madde mẽ, to haue ſtopped the paſſage, but it was too late, for the moſt parte of the Engliſhmen were gote ouer, in ſo muche, that they chaſed theyr enimies backe, and ſlewe Sir Guilliam de Chaſtell,Eng [...] d [...] Mo [...]. ne|phew to the Lorde Taneguy du Chaſtell, and diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen ſeeing their euill happe irre|couerable, returned to the French King, and told to him, what had chanced, wherevpon, he doub|ting to be aſſailed to his diſaduantage, thoughte not good longer to tarrie, but with all ſpeede, re|mouing his ordinance into the baſtill of Sainte Martin, whiche hee had newly made, diſlodged EEBO page image 1265 in the nyghte from Maubuyſſon, and wente to Poyſſy, leauyng the Lorde de Cotigny admi|rall of Fraunce, with .iij.M. men to keepe the baſtile. If he had taried ſtil at Maubuyſſon, the Lord Talbot which had paſſed the riuer of Oyſe in two ſmall leather boates, had eyther taken or ſlayne hym the ſame night.Hall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Engliſhmen the next daye in good order of battayle came before the town of Ponthoyſe, thinkyng there to haue founde the French king, but he was gone, and in his lodging they found great riches, and muche ſtuffe whiche he coulde not haue ſpace to carie away for feare of the ſo|dayn inuaſion. Then the Duke with his power entred into the towne, and ſent for new victual, and repaired the towers and bulwarkes aboute the Towne, and diuers tymes aſſaulted the ba|ſtile of the Frenchmen, of the whiche hee made no great accompte, bycauſe they were not of po|wer eyther to aſſaulte or ſtoppe the victuals or ſuccours from the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Duke intendyng once agayne to offer the Frenche king battaile, left behind him at Ponthoyſe for captain there, ſir Geruais Clif|ton, ſir Nicholas Burdet, Henry Chandos, and a thouſande ſouldiors, and therewith remouing with his whole armie, came before Poyſſy, where he ſet himſelfe and his men in good order of bat|tayle ready to fighte. There iſſued out ſome of the Frenche Gentlemen to ſkirmiſhe with the Engliſhemen, but to their loſſe: for dyuers of them were ſlain, and foure valiant horſemen ta|ken priſoners. The Duke perceyuing the faynte hearts of the Frenchmẽ, and that they durſt not encounter in field with the Engliſhe power, diſ|lodged from Poyſſi, and came to Maunte, and ſoone after to Roan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 20. When the Regent and the lord Talbot were returned agayne into Normandie, the Frenche K. conſidering howe muche it ſhoulde redounde to his diſhonor to let reſt the town of Ponthoyſe in his enimies hãds,Po [...]thoyſe got+ten by the Frenche. ſith he had bin at ſuch char|ges and trauaile aboute the winnyng therof, hee eftſoones aſſembled all his puiſſance, and retour|ning ſodeinly again vnto Ponthoyſe, he firſte by aſſault gat the church, and after the whole town, toke the captain, and diuers other Engliſhmen, and ſlewe to the number of .iiij.C. whiche ſolde their lyues dearely: for one French writer affir|meth, that the French king loſt there .iij.M. men and the whole garniſon of the Engliſhmen was but only a thouſand. Enguerant Sir Nicholas Burdet flayne. Among other that were ſlayne here of the defendants, was ſir Nicholas Burdet knight, chief Butler of Normandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this hotte tempeſte, the weather began ſomewhat to waxe more calme: for king Hen|ry and kyng Charles, agreed to ſende Ambaſ|ſadours to commen of ſome good concluſion of peace: So that King Henry ſente the Cardi|nall of Wyncheſter, wyth dyuers other noble perſonages of his counſel to Caleys, with whom was alſo ſent Charles duke of Orleans yet pri|ſoner in England, to the intent that he might be both author of the peace, and alſo procurer of his owne deliueraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king ſent the Archbiſhop of Rei|mes, and the Erle of Dunoys: and the Duke of Burgongne ſent the Lord de Creuecueur, & dy|uers other. All theſe mette at Caleys, where the Duke of Orleans curteouſly receiue the Earle of Dunoys (his baſtarde brother) thanking him greatly for his paynes taking in gouerning hys landes and countrey, during the time of his cap|tiuitie and abſence. Diuers cõmunications wer had, as well for the deliueraunce of the Duke, as for a fynall peace, but nothyng was conclu|ded, ſauyng that an other meetyng was ap|poynted, ſo that in the meane ſeaſon the de|maundes of eyther partie mighte be declared to their Soueraigne Lordes and Maiſters And herevpon the Commiſſioners brake vp their aſ|ſemble, and returned into their countreys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen as the Frenche writers re|corde, required not only to poſſeſſe peaceably the two Duchies of Aquitayne and Normandie, diſcharged of al reſort, ſuperioritie, and ſouerain|tie againſte the Realme of Fraunce, the Kings and gouernors of the ſame, but alſo to be reſto|red to al the towns, cities, and places, which they within .30. yeres nexte before gone and paſt, had conquered in the realme of Frauce. Whiche re|queſt the Frenchmen thought very vnreſonable, and ſo both parts minding rather to gain or ſaue than to loſe, departed for yt time, as ye haue heed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this meting thus proroged, Philip D. of Burgogne, partly moued in conſcience to make amends to Charles duke of Orleans as yet pri|ſoner in Englãd for the death of duke Lewes his father, whom duke Iohn, father to this D. Phi|lip, cruelly murthered in the Citie of Paris, and partly intending the aduancement of his neece, ye Lady Marie, daughter to Adolfe duke of Cleue, (by the which aliãce, he truſted, that al old rã [...] ſhuld ceaſſe) contriued ways to haue the ſayd D. of Orleans ſet at libertie, vpon promiſe by hym made to take ye ſaid lady Mary vnto wife. This Duke had bin priſoner in Englande euer ſith the bataile foughten at Agincourt, vpon the daye of Criſpyne and Criſpynian in the yere: 1415. and was ſet now at libertie in the moneth of No|uember, in the yeare .1440. paying for his raun|ſome .iiij.C. thouſand crowns, though other ſay but .iij. hundred thouſande. The cauſe that he was deteined ſo long in captiuitie, was to plea|ſure thereby the Duke of Bourgongne: For ſo long as the Duke of Burgongne continued EEBO page image 1266 faithfull to the King of Englande, it was not thought neceſſarie to ſuffer the duke of Orleans to be caunſomed, leaſt vpon his deliuerance hee would not ceaſſe to ſeeke meanes to be reuenged vpon the duke of Burgongne, for the old grudge and diſpleaſure betwixt their two families, and therfore ſuche ranſome was demaunded for him as he was neuer able to paye: but after that the duke of Burgongne had broken his promiſe, and was turned to the French part, the counſell of the king of England deuiſed how to deliuer the duke of Orleans, that thereby they might diſpleaſure the duke of Burgoygne: Whych thing the duke of Burgogne perceyuing, doubted what mighte followe if he were deliuered without his know|ledge, and therfore to hys greate coſte practiſed his deliuerance, payde his raunſome, and ioyned wt him amitie & aliance by mariage of his niece.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Orleans deli|uered.This Duke being nowe deliuered, and ſpea|king better Engliſh than Frenche, after his ar|riuall in France, repaired to the Duke of Bur|gogne, and according to hys promiſe and con|uention, maryed the Ladie Mary of Cleue, in the towne of Saint Omers, on whome he be|gat a ſonne, whiche after was Frenche Kyng, and called Lewes the twelfth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yet here is to be noted, that olde rancour ſo|dainly appeaſed, cõmonly ſpringeth out againe, for although the vnhappie deuiſion betwixte the two families of Orleans & Burgogne, were by benefyte of this mariage for a tyme ſtayed and put in forgetfulneſſe, for the ſpace of twenty ye|res and more, yet at length it brake out betwene their children and Couſins, to the great vnquie|tyng of the more parte of the Chriſtian world, ſpecially in the tymes of Kyng Frauncis the fyrſte, and hys ſonne Henry the ſeconde, very heyres of the houſe of Orleans: For Iohn erle of Angoleſme, vncle to this Duke Charles, be|gatte Charles, father to the ſayde King Fran|cis, whyche Earle Iohn had bene as pledge in England for the debt of Lewes Duke of Orle|ans, ſith the laſt yere of K. Henry the fourth, till that nowe his nephewe beyng deliuered, made ſhifte for money, and raunſomed hym alſo, and at length reſtored him to his countrey,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the begynnyng of thys twentieth yeare, Richarde Duke of Yorke, Regent of Fraunce, and gouernour of Normandie, determined to inuade the territoryes of his enimyes both by ſundrye Armyes, and in ſeuerall places, and there vppon without delaying of tyme, he ſente the Lord of Willoughby wyth a great crew of Souldiours to deſtroye the countrey of Amy|ens, and Iohn Lorde Talbot was appoynted to beſiege the Towne of Dieppe, and the Re|gent hym ſelfe accompanyed wyth Edmunde Duke of Somerſet, ſet forward into the Duchy of Aniow. The Lorde Willoughdy [...] accor|dyng to hys Commiſſyon entred into the coun|trey of hys enimyes in ſuche wyſe vppon the ſodayife, that a great numbre of people were ta|ken ete they coulde withdrawe into any place of ſafegarde or foreclet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchemenne in the garnyſons adioy|ning, aſtonyed wyth the clamoure and crye of the poore people, iſſued out in good order, and manfully foughte wyth the Englyſhmen, but in the end, the Frenchmen ſeyng theyr fellowes in the forfront ſlayn down, & kyld without mer|cie, tourned their backes, and fled: the Engliſh|men followed, and ſlewe manye in the chaſe, and ſuche as eſcaped the ſworde, were robbed by the Earle of Saynte Pol, whyche was com|myng to ayde the Englyſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In thys conflicte were ſlayne aboue ſix hun|dred men of armes, and a great number taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dukes of Yorke and Somerſet lyke|wyſe entred into Aniow and Mayne, and there deſtroyed Townes, and ſpoyled the people, and wyth great prayes and Priſoners, repayred a|gayne into Normandie, whether alſo the lorde Willoughby withdrewe after his valyaunt en|terpriſe atchieued (as before ye haue heard) with ryche ſpoyle and good priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Somerſet not ſatiſfyed wyth hys former gayne,This [...]oulde be as Enga [...]|rant note the tvvo yeares af|ter this preſent yeare xx. 10 to vv [...]te. An. 1443. entred into the marches of Britayne, and tooke by fierce aſſaulte, a towne named la Gerche, appertayning to the Duke of Alanſon, ſpoyling and burning the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, he went to Ponzay, where he ſo|iorned two Moneths, ſendyng foorth dayly his men of warre to deſtroy the countreys of Aniou Traonnoys, & Chatragonnoys. The Frenche Kyng ſente the Marſhall Loyach with .iiij.M. men to reſiſt the inuaſiõs of the duke of Somer|ſet, whiche Marſhall intended to haue ſet on the Duke in his lodgyngs in the deade tyme of the night: but this enterpriſe was reueled to the D. who marched forward, and met the Frenchmen halfe the way, and after long fighte, diſcomfited them, ſlewe an hundred of the Marſhals men, and toke .lxij. priſoners, wherof the chiefe were the Lord Dauſigny, ſir Lewes de Burſt, and al the other (almoſt) were knightes and Eſquiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this encounter, the duke toke the towne of Beaumont le vicount, & manned all the for|treſſes on the frontiers of his enimies, and wyth riche booties and priſoners, returned again to the duke of York. In this meane time ye L. Talbot beſieging the town of Dieppe, enuironed it with deepe trenches and terrible rampiers, buyldyng alſo vppon the mount Poulet, a ſtrong and de|fenſyble Baſtyle, but at lengthe perceyuyng the Towne to be ſtrongly defended, and that he lac|ked ſuch furniture of men, victuals, & ordinance EEBO page image 1267 as was neceſſarie for the winning of it, he dely|uered the cuſtodie of the haſtile, with the gouer|naunce of the ſiege to his baſtarde ſonne, a valy|aunt yong man, and departed to Roan for aide, money and munition. The Frenche king aduer|tiſed hereof, ſente his ſonne the Dolphyn of Vy|enne wyth the Earle of Dunoys,Hl. M. hath hi [...]oli [...] Giles. and a fifteene thouſande men to reyſe the ſiege from Dieppe. Three dayes they aſſayled the Baſtyle, in the which .vj.C. Engliſhmen were encloſed, and at length bicauſe pouder & weapon failed thẽ with|in, the Frenchmen wan it, and tooke the baſtard Talbot pryſoner, with ſir William Peytowe, and ſir Iohn Repley, whiche ſhortly after were redemed. The other Engliſhe ſouldiours ſeyng the baſtyle wonne by the Frenchemen, ſtood all a day in good order of battaile, and in the nyghte followyng, politikely returned to Roan, with|out loſſe or damage. In the aſſaulting of the ba|ſtile, the Frenchemen ſaye, they ſlewe two hun|dred Engliſhmen, and denye not but that they loſt fiue hundred of their owne men, beſide thoſe that were hurte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyles theſe thinges were a doing, Philippe Duke of Burgongne made ſuche ſharpe warre agaynſt the Earle of Saint Pol, in taking from him his townes and Caſtels,The Earle of ſaint Poll re| [...]o [...]eth to the Frenche that hee was con|ſtrayned to renounce his allegiaunce ſworne and promiſed to the King of Englande, and re|turned to the Frenche parte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


[...]art [...] bee|ſieged.

The Engliſhe capitaynes in Guyenne beſie|ged the ſtrong towne of Tartas, belongyng to the Lord Dalbreth theyr olde and auncient ene|mie. The capitains wythin the town perceiuing that they were not able to reſiſte the force of the Engliſhmen any long time, tooke this appoint|ment, that the Towne ſhould remayne Neuter, and for the aſſuraunce thereof, they delyuered Cadet the ſonne of the Lorde de la Brethe in pledge, vpon this condition, that if the ſaid lorde de la Breth would not aſſent to the agreement, then he ſhoulde ſignifye his refuſall to the En|gliſhe Capitaines within three monethes nexte enſuing, and be to haue his pledge, and they to do their beſt. The French K. at the requeſt of the lords of Guyenne, cauſed the lord de la Breth to ſignifye his diſagreement vnto the Erle of Hun|tington, as then lieutenãt to the K. of England in the duchie of Aquitayne: and therwt to gratifie the Lords of Guyenne, he aſſembled an armie of lx.M. men, & came to Tholouſe, and ſo to Tar|tas, to whom the chieftains of the town, ſeing no ſuccors cõming from the K. of Englãd, rendred the towne, and Cadet de la Breth, whiche was left there as a pledge, was alſo deliuered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king after the yelding of Tartas remoued to S. Severe, which towne he toke by force, ſlew .iij.C. perſons, and toke ſir Thomas Rampſton priſoner. After this, he came to the ci|tie of Arques, toke a bulwarke by force, and had the Towne yelded to him by compoſition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The capitayn which was the Lord of Mont|ferrant departed with all the Engliſhe crewe to Burdeaux, where he founde the Earle of Long|ville, the Capdaw be Buefft. & ſir Tho Ramp|ſton, whiche was a little before deliuered. After this, the fortreſſes of the Ri [...] & Mermandie, wer alſo yelded to ye French K. who notwithſtanding at lẽgth was cõſtrained for lack of victuals (whi|che wer [...] of by the Engliſhmen, yt lay abrode in diuers fortre [...]s for ye purpoſe, to break vp his armie, and to retire into France.The chaunce of vvarre. And then after his departure, the engliſhmẽ recouered again the citie of Arques, & the other t [...]ons by the Frenche king gayned, & toke priſoner his [...]atenant called Reignal [...] Ge [...] the Burgonion, & many o|ther Gentlemen, & al the meane ſouldiors were ei|ther ſlaine or hanged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 While the Frenche Kyng was in Gay|enne,The Lorde Talbot. the Lorde Talbot toke thẽ towne of Co [...]|chete, and after matched towarde Gail [...]on, which was beſieged by the baſtarde of Orleans, otherwiſe called the Erle of Dunoys, which erle hearing of the Lord Talbots approche,The Ka [...] of Duno [...]. wiſed his ſiege, & faued himſelf. The Frenchmen a little be|fore this ſeaſon, had taken the towne of Enreu [...] by treaſon of a Fiſher. Sir Francis the Arrago|noys hearing of that chance, apparelled .vj. ſtrõg felows, like men of the countrey, with ſacks and baſkets, as cariers of corne & victual, & ſent the to the caſtel of Cornyl, in the which diuers engliſh men wer kept as priſoners, & he with an ambuſh of Engliſhmen lay in a valey nye to ye fortreſſe. The ſix counterfait huſbandinẽ entred the caſtel vnſuſpected, and ſtreight came to the chãber of ye captain, & laying hands on him, gaue knowledge to them that lay in ambuſh to come to their ayd the which ſodeinly made forth, and entred ye ca|ſtell, ſlewe and tooke all the Frenchmen, & ſet the Engliſhmen at libertie: which thing done, they ſet fire in the caſtell, and departed to Roan with their bootie and priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus maye ye ſee, that in warre nothyng is certain, and victorie is euer doubtfull, whiche ſometyme ſmyled on the Engliſhe parte, and ſometime on the Frenche ſide, according to hir variable nature. But nowe to ſpeake ſomwhat of the doings in England in the meane tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt the men of war were thus occupied in martiall feates, and dayly [...]irmiſhes within the Realme of Fraunce, ye ſhall vnderſtande that after the Cardinall of Wincheſter, and the Duke of Glouceſter, were to the outward appa|raunce of the worlde, reconciled eyther to other. the Cardinall, and the Archebyſhop of Yorke ceaſſed not to do many things without the con|ſent EEBO page image 1132 of the King or of the Duke,A nevv breach [...]etvveene the Duke of Glou| [...]ſter, and the [...]ishoppe of [...]Vincheſter. being during the minoritie of the K. gouernour and protector of the Realme, wherfore the ſayde Duke lyke a true hearted Prince, was nothyng pleaſed, and therevppon in wrytyng declared to the Kyng wherein the Cardinall and the Archebyſhoppe hadde offended both his Maieſtie and the lawes of the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This complaynt of the Duke of Glouceſter was conteyned in foure and twentie articles, as in the Chronicle of Maiſter Hall ye may reade at full, the whyche for breefeneſſe I here omitte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the chefeſt point reſted, in that it was ap|parant howe the Cardinall hadde from tyme to tyme through the ambitious deſyre to ſurmount all others in high degrees of honour and digni|tie, ſought to e [...]che himſelfe to the great & appa|rant hynderaunce of the king, as in defraudyng hym not onely of his treaſure, but alſo in doing and practiſing thyngs greatly preiudiciall to his affaires in Fraunce, and namely by ſettyng at libertie the Kyng of Scottes, vpon ſo eaſy con|ditions, as the Kynges Maieſtie greately loſte thereby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Kyng hadde hearde the accuſati|ons thus layde by the Duke of Glouceſter a|gaynſte the Cardinall, he commytted the exa|mination thereof to his Counſell, whereof the more parte were ſpirituall perſons, ſo that what for feare, and what for fauoure, the matter was winked at, and nothyng ſayde to it: onely faire countenance was made to the Duke, as though [...]o malice hadde beene conceyued agaynſt hym: but venym wyll breake out, and inwarde grudge wyll ſoone appeare, whiche was thys yeare to all men apparant: for dyu [...]rs ſecrete attemptes were aduaunced forwarde thys ſeaſon agaynſt thys noble man Humfrey Duke of Glouceſter a farre off, whiche in concluſyon came ſo neere, that they bere [...]te hym bothe of lyfe and lande, as ſhall hereafter more playnly appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For fyrſt this yeare, Dame Eleanore Cob|ham, wyfe to the ſayde Duke, was accuſed of treaſon, for that ſhee by ſorcerie and enchaunte|ment entended to deſtroy the kyng, to the intent to aduaunce hir huſbande to the Crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vppon thys, ſhee was examined in Sayncte Stephens Chappell before the Byſhop of Can|terbury, and there by examination conuicte and iudged to doe open penaunce in three open pla|ces wythin the Citie of London, and after that adiudged to perpetual impriſonmẽt in the yſle of Man, vnder ye keping of ſir Io. Stanley knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame ſeaſon were arreſted, arrayned, and adiudged gyltie, as ayders to the Ducheſſe, Thomas Southwell Prieſte, and Chanon of Saynte Stephens at Weſtminſter, Iohn Hun prieſt, [...]s Iohn [...]. Roger Bolyngbrooke, a cunning Necro|mancer as it was ſaid, and Margerie Iordayn, ſurnamed, the Witche of Eye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The matter layde againſt them, was for that they, at the requeſte of the ſayde Ducheſſe, had deuyſed an Image of waxe, repreſentyng the Kyng, whiche by their ſorcerie by little and lit|tle conſumed, entendyng thereby in concluſion, to waſte and deſtroye the Kyngs perſone.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Margerie Iordayne was brente in Smyſh|fielde, and Roger Bolyngbrooke was drawne to Tyborne, and hanged and quartered, taking vpon his death, that there was neuer any ſuche thing by them imagined. Iohn Hun hadde his pardon, and Southwell dyed in the Tower before execution.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter bare all theſe thin|ges paciently, and ſayd little.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edward ſon to the duke of Yorke was borne this yeare the .xxix. of Aprill at Roan,King Edvvard the fourthe borne. his father being the Kings lieutenant of Normandie.1442

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Counſell of Englande forgat not the late enterpriſe of the Frenche king,An. reg. 21. atchieued in the Duchie of Guyenne, and therfore doubting ſome other the lyke attempte, they ſente thyther Syr Wyllyam Wooduile wyth eyght hundred menne to fortifye the frontiers, and farther, ſet foorth a proclamation, that all men which wold tranſporte anye Corne, Cheeſe, or other victu|all thyther, ſhoulde pay no maner of cuſtome or tallage: whyche licence cauſed the Countrey of Aquitayne to bee well furnyſhed of all thynges neceſſarye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute this ſeaſon Iohn the valiaunt Lorde Talbot for his approued prowes and tried va|liancie ſhewed in the Frenche warres,Iohn Lorde Talbot cre [...] Earle of Shrevvebury. was crea|ted Earle of Shreweſbury, and with a compa|nie of three thouſande menne ſente agayne into Normandie, for the better defence of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare dyed in Guyenne the Coun|teſſe of Comynges,1443 to whome the French king and alſo the Earle of Arminacke pretended to be heyre, inſomuche that the Earle entred into all the landes of the ſayde Ladie, and bycauſe hee knewe the Frenche Kyng woulde not take the matter well, to haue a Roulande agaynſte an Olyuer, he ſente ſolemne ambaſſadours to the king of Englande, offeryng him his daughter in mariage, wyth promyſe to be bounde (beſide greate ſummes of money, whyche hee woulde giue wyth hir) to deliuer into the Kyng of En|lands handes, all ſuche Caſtelles and Townes as he or his aunceſters deteyned from him with|in any part of the Duchie of Acquitayne, eyther by conqueſt of his progenitors, or by gifte or de|liuerie of any Frenche king, and further to ayde the ſame Kyng, wyth money for the recoue|rye of other Cityes wythin the ſame Duchye by the Frenche Kyng, or by any other perſone EEBO page image 1269 from hym vniuſtly kept, and wrongfully with|holden.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys offer ſeemed ſo profytable and alſo ho|norable to King Henry and to the realme, that the Ambaſſadours were well hearde, honourably receyued, and wyth rewardes ſente home into theyr countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After whome were ſente for the concluſion of the marriage into Guyenne, ſir Edwarde Hull, ſir Robert Ros, and Iohn Gra [...]ton deane of S. Seuerines, the whyche (as all the Chronogra|phers agree) both concluded the marryage, and by proxie affyed the yong Ladye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche kyng not a little offended here|wyth, ſent his eldeſt ſonne Lewes the Dolphyn of Vyenne into Rouergue wyth a puiſſant ar|mye, whyche tooke the Earle and hys youngeſt ſonne, with both his daughters, and by force ob|teyned the countreyes of Arminack, Lovuergne, Rouergue, and Mouleſſonoys, beſide the cities Seuetac, Cadeac, and chaſed the baſtarde of Ar|minack out of his countreyes, and ſo by reaſon hereof, the concluded mariage was deferred, and that ſo long that it neuer tooke effect, as hereafter it may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus whyleſt England was vnquieted, and Fraunce by ſpoyle,An. reg. 22. ſlaughter, and brenning ſore defaced: all Chriſtendome lamented the conti|nuall deſtruction of ſo noble a realme, and the ef|fuſion of ſo muche chriſten bloud, wherfore to a|gree the two puiſſant Kings, all the Princes of Chriſtendome trauayled ſo effectuouſly by their oratours and Ambaſſadors,The dyet at To [...] or a peace to bee [...]d betvvene Englande and Fraunce. that a dyet was ap|poynted to be kept at the citie of Tours in Tou|rayne, where for the king of Englande appeared William de la Poole Earle of Suffolke, doctour Adam Molyns keeper of the Kings priuie ſeale, alſo Sir Robert Ros, and diuers other. And for the French king were appointed Charles duke of Orleans, Lewes de Bourbon earle of Van|doſme, greate Maiſter of the Frenche Kynges houſeholde, Piers de Breſſe Stewarde of Poy|ctowe, and Bertram Beaunau Lorde of Pre|cigny.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo ſente thyther Ambaſſadours from the Empire, from Spayne, from Den|marke, and from Hungarie, to bee mediatours betwixte the two Princes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The aſſemble was greate, but the coſte was muche greater, inſomuche that euerye parte for the honour of theyr Prince and prayſe of theyr countrey, ſette foorth themſelues, as well in fare as apparell, to the vttermoſte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many meetings were had, and many things moued to come to a fynall peace: but in conclu|ſion by reaſon of many doubtes whyche roſe on both parties, no finall concorde coulde be agreed vppon, but in hope to come to a peace, a certayn truce as well by ſea as by lande,A truce for .18. moneths. was concluded by the Commiſſioners for eyghteen Moneths,1444 whyche afterwarde agayne was prolonged to the yeare of our Lord .1449. if in the mean time it had not bene broken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the treatyng of this truce, the Earle of Suffolke extending his commiſſion to the vtter|moſt, without the aſſent of his aſſociates, ima|gined in his fantaſie, that the next way to come to a perfecte peace, was to moue ſome marriage betwene the Frenche Kinges kinſewoman the Ladye Margarete daughter to Reynet Duke of Aniou, and hys Soueraygne Lorde Kyng Henrye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Reyner duke of Aniou named himſelfe king of Sicile, Naples, and Ieruſalem, hauing only the name and ſtile of thoſe realmes, with|out any penie profite, or foote of poſſeſſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This mariage was made ſtraunge to the erle at the firſt, and one thyng ſeemed to bee a greate hinderaunce to it, whiche was, bicauſe the kyng of Englande occupyed a greate parte of the Duchye of Aniowe, and the whole Countie of Mayne, apperteyning (as was alledged) to king Reyner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Suffolke (I can not ſaye) eyther corrupted with brides, or too muche af|fectioned to thys vnprofytable mariage, condeſ|cended and agreed, that the Duchie of Aniowe and the Countie of Mayne ſhould be deliuered to the King the brydes father, demaunding for hir marriage, neyther pennye nor farthyng, as who woulde ſay, that this newe affinitie paſſed all riches, and excelled bothe golde and precious ſtone. And to the intent that of this truce might enſue a finall concorde, a daye of enterview was appointed betwene the two kings in a place con|uenient betwene Chartres and Roan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When theſe thyngs were concluded, the earle of Suffolke wyth his companie retourned into Englande, where he forgat not to declare what an honourable truce he hadde taken, out of the whyche there was a greate hope that a fynall peace myght growe the ſooner for that honou|rable marryage, whyche hee hadde concluded, emittyng nothyng that myght extoll and [...]te foorth the perſonage of the Ladye, or the nobi|litie of her kinne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But although this mariage pleaſed the kyng and dyuers of hys Counſell, yet Humfrey duke of Glouceſter protector of the realme was much agaynſte it, alledging that it ſhould be both con|trarie to the lawes of God, and diſhonorable to the Prince, if he ſhoulde breake that promiſe and contract of mariage made by ambaſſadors ſuffi|ciẽtly therto inſtructed, with the daughter of the Erle of Arminack, vpon conditions both to him and his realme, as much profitable as honorable. EEBO page image 1270 But the Dukes wordes coulde not be heard, for the Earles doings were only liked and allowed. So that for performance of the concluſions, the Frenche king ſent the Erle of Vandoſme, great maiſter of his houſe, and the Archebiſhop of Re|mes fyrſt peere of Fraunce, and diuers other into Englande, where they were honorably receyued and after that the inſtrumentes were once ſealed and deliuered on both partes, the ſayd ambaſſa|dors retourned into their countreys with greate giftes and rewardes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When theſe things were done, the king both for honour of his Realme,Creations of eſtates. and to aſſure to him|ſelfe mo frends, he created Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington Duke of Exceſter as his father was, and Humfrey Erle of Stafford was made duke of Buckingham: & Henry erle of Warwike was erected to the title of duke of Warwike, to whom the K. alſo gaue the caſtell of Briſtowe, with ye Iſle of Ierneſey, and Garneſey. Alſo the erle of Suffolk was made Marques of Suffolk, which Marques with his wife and many hono|rable perſonages of men and women richely ad|orned both with apparell & iewels, hauing with them many coſtly chariots & gorgeous horſlit|ters, ſailed into France for the conueyance of the nominated Queene into the realm of England. For king Reigner hir father, for all his long ſtile had too ſhort a purſe to ſend his daughter hono|rably to the King hir ſpowſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This noble copany came to the citie of Tours in Tourayne,

An. reg. 23.


where they were honorably recei|ued both of the French K. and of the K of Sieil.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Marques of Suffolke as procurator to K. Henry, eſpouſed the ſayd Lady in the churche of S. Martins.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the whiche mariage were preſente the fa|ther and mother of the bryde, the Frenche Kyng himſelf, which was vncle to the huſband, and the French Queene alſo, whiche was Aunt to the wyfe. There were alſo the Dukes of Or|leans, of Calabre, of Alanſon, and of Britayne, vij. Erles .xij. barons, xx. Biſhops, beſide knigh|tes and Gentlemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the feaſt, triumph, bankets and iuſtes were ended, the Lady was deliuered to the Mar|ques, which in great eſtate he conueyed through Normandie vnto Diepe, and ſo trãſported hir into Englande, where ſhee landed at Porteſ|mouth in the moneth of Aprill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This woman excelled al other, aſwel in beau|tie and fauor, as in wit and policie, and was of ſtomacke and courage more lyke to a man, than a woman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortly after hir arriuall, ſhee was conueyed to the towne of Southwike in Hamſhire, where [figure appears here on page 1270] ſhe with all nuptiall ceremonies was coupled in matrimonie to King Henrye the ſixte of that name,Margaret daughter to Reiner king of Sicill and Ieru|ſalem maried to Henry the ſixt. and vpon the thirtie of Maye nexte fol|lowyng, ſhee was Crowned Queene of thys realme of Englande at Weſtminſter, with all the ſolemnitie thereto appertayning. This ma|riage ſeemed to many both infortunate and vn|profitable to the realme of Englande, and that for many cauſes. Fyrſte, the King had not one penye with hir, and for the fetchyng of hir, the Marques of Suffolke demaunded a whole fif|tenth in open parliamente. And alſo, there was deliuered for hir the duchye of Aniou, the Citie of Mans, and the whole Countie of Mayne, whiche Countreys were the verye ſtayes and backeſtandes to the Duchie of Normandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And furthermore, the Earle of Arminacke tooke ſuche diſpleaſure with the Kyng of En|glande for thys marryage, that hee became vt|ter enemye to the Crowne of Englande, EEBO page image 1255 and was the chiefe cauſe that the Englyſhemen were expulſed oute of the whole Duchie of A|quitayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But moſte of all it ſhoulde ſeeme, that God was diſpleaſed wyth this marriage: For after the confirmation thereof, the Kings friends fell from hym, bothe in Englande and in Fraunce, the Lordes of his Realme fell at diuiſion, and the commons rebelled in ſuche ſorte, that fynally af|ter many fieldes foughten, and many thouſands of men ſlayn, the Kyng at length was depoſed, and his ſonne ſlayn, and his Queene ſent home agayne, with as muche myſerie and ſorrowe as ſhe was receyued with pompe and triumph: ſuch is the inſtabilitie of worldly felicitie, and ſo wa|uering is falſe flattering fortune.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere after the deceaſſe of Henry Chiche|ley Archbiſhop of Canterbury, ſucceeded Iohn Stafford in gouernment of that ſea, being tran|ſlated from Bathe and Welles. He was the .lxj. Archbiſhop, as Polydore noteth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During the tyme of the truce, Richard duke of Yorke and dyuers other capitaines, repaired into Englande, both to viſite their wyues, chil|dren and frendes, and alſo to conſult what ſhuld be done, if the truce ended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the whiche cauſe a Parliament was cal|led,An. reg. 24. in the which it was eſpecially cõcluded, that by good foreſight Normandie mighte be ſo fur|niſhed for defence before the ende of the Truce,1446 that the Frenche king ſhould take no aduantage through wante of tymely prouiſion: for it was knowne, that if a peace were not concluded, the Frenche kyng did prepare to imploye his whole puiſſance to make open warre. Herevppon mo|ney was graunted,The Duke of Somerſet made Regent of Nor+madie. an armye leuyed, and the Duke of Somerſet appoynted to be Regent of Normandie, and the Duke of Yorke therof diſ|charged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I haue ſeene in a Regiſter booke belongyng ſomtime to the Abbey of S. Albons, that the D. of Yorke was eſtabliſhed Regent of France af|ter the deceaſe of the duke of Bedford, to continue in that office for the terme of .v. yeres, which be|ing expired, he returned home, and was ioyfully receiued of the king with thanks for his good ſer|uice, as he had full well deſerued in tyme of that his gouernement: and further, that now when a newe Regent was to be choſen & ſent ouer to a|bide vpon ſafegard of the countreys beyond the ſeas as yet ſubiect to the Engliſh dominion, the ſaid duke of Yorke was eſtſoones (as a man moſt mete to ſupplie that roomth) appointed to go ouer again as Regent of Fraunce with all his former allowances.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Duke of Somerſette ſtill malig|ning the Duke of Yorkes aduauncement, as hee had ſoughte to hinder his diſpatche at the firſte when he was ſent ouer to be regent, as before ye haue heard: he likewyſe nowe wrought ſo, that the king reuoked his graunt made to the duke of Yorke for enioying of that office the terme of o|ther fiue yeares, and with helpe of Williã Mar|ques of Suffolke obteyned that graunt for him ſelfe: Whiche malicious dealing the Duke of Yorke mighte ſo euill heare, that in the ende the heate of diſpleaſure burſt out into ſuche a flame, as conſumed at length not only bothe thoſe two noble perſonages, but alſo many thouſandes of others, though in dyuers tymes & ſeaſons, as in places hereafter as occaſion ſerueth, it ſhal more euidently appeare. But nowe to returne to the Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Marques of Suffolke ſuppoſing that all men had as well lyked his doinges (duryng the tyme of hys Legation in Fraunce) as the ſame pleaſed himſelfe,The Marques of Suffolkes re+queſtes. the ſeconde daye of Iune in the fyrſt Seſſion of this Parliamente, before all the Lordes bothe Spirituall and Temporall in the hygher houſe aſſembled, openly, eloquently, and boldly declared his payne, trauaile, and diligence ſuſteyned in his ſayde Legation, as well for the takyng and concluding an abſtinence of warre, as in the making of the marriage, opening alſo to them, that the ſayd truce expired the firſte of Aprill next comming, except a ſmall peace, or a farther truce were concluded in the meane ſea|ſon: and therfore he aduiſed them to prouide and forſee things neceſſarie for the warre (as though no concorde ſhoulde ſuccede) leaſt happly the Frenchemen perceyuing them vnprouided, wold take theyr aduantage, and agree neyther to peace nor amitie, ſaying vnto them, that ſyth hee hadde admonyſhed the Kyng and them ac|cordyng to hys duetie, if anye thyng happened otherwyſe than well, hee was therof innocente and guyltleſſe, and hadde acquyted hymſelfe like a true and louyng ſubiecte, and a faythfull coun|ſayloure, praying the Lordes to haue it in re|membraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Lykewyſe on the morrowe after, he deſcen|ded into the common houſe, accompanyed with certain Lordes, and there declared the ſame mat|ter to the Knyghtes, Citizens, and Burgeſes, praying the Commons for hys diſcharge, that as well all hys dooyngs and proceedyngs in the Kyngs affaires beyonde the ſea, as alſo his ad|uertiſemente and counſell opened to the Lords and Commons nowe together aſſembled, might bee by the Kyng and them enacted and enrol|led in the Recordes of the Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Wherevppon the morrow after, the Speaker William Burleye, and the company of the lo|wer houſe, repayred vnto the Kyngs preſence, then ſyttyng amongſt the Lordes of the vp|per houſe, and there humblye required that the EEBO page image 1256 requeſt of the Marques myght be graunted, and ſo likewiſe the Lords made the like petition kne|ling on their knees, in ſo muche that the Kyng condeſcended to their deſires: and ſo the labors, demeanors, diligences, and declarations of the ſayde Marques, together wyth the deſyres not only of the Lordes, but alſo of the commons, as wel for the honor of him, and his poſteritie, as for his acquitall & diſcharge, were enacted & enrolled in the records of the Parliament. By ye Quenes meanes ſhortly after alſo, was the ſaid Marques aduaunced ſo in authoritie, that hee ruled the Kyng at his pleaſure, and to his hyghe prefer|ment, obteyned the wardſhips both of the bodye and landes of the Counteſſe of Warwike, and of the Ladie Margaret ſole heire to Iohn Duke of Somerſet, whiche Ladie was after mother to King Henry the ſeuenth: and beſide that, cau|ſed the kyng to create Iohn de Foys, ſonne to Gaſton de Foys, Earle of Longvile, and the Captaw de Bueff Earle of Kendall, whiche Iohn had maryed his neece, and by his procure|ment the king elected to the order of the garter, the ſayde Gaſton, and Iohn his ſonne, giuyng to the ſonne towards the mayntenaunce of hys degree, landes and caſtelles, amounting to the ſumme of one thouſande poundes, whiche lan|des, name, and ſtyle, the iſſue and lyne of the ſayde Earle of Kendale at this daye haue and enioye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things being thus in doing, the French king ſeeyng that the Towne of Mans was not deliuered accordyng to the appoyntement taken by force of the mariage, rayſed an armie for to recouer the ſame. Wherof the king of England beeing aduertiſed (leaſt the breache of the truce ſhould come by him) cauſed the towne to be deli|uered without any force.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A commotion in Norvviche.This yeare was a great commotion in Nor|wiche agaynſt the Prior of the place. At length the Citizens opened the gates to the Duke of Norffolke whiche came thyther to appeaſe the matter, though at the fyrſt they woulde not ſuf|fer hym to enter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The chiefe offenders were accordyng to their demerites,The liberties of Norvviche ſeaſed into the kings handes. greuouſly puniſhed and executed, and the Mayre was diſcharged of hys office, & Sir Iohn Clyfton was made Gouernour there, till the Kyng hadde reſtored the Citizens to theyr auncient liberties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This commotion was begonne for certayne newe exactions whyche the Pryour claymed and tooke of the Citizens,Indirect meanes ſought to re|forme vvrongs. contrarye to theyr auncient freedome: But thys was not the way to come to their right, and therefore they were worthily corrected.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt the warres ceaſſed by occaſion of the truce,An. reg. 25. the myndes of men were not ſo quiet but that ſuch as were bent to malicious reuenge, ſoughte to compaſſe their prepenſed purpoſe, [...] agaynſt forreyn foes and enemies of their coun|trey, but againſte their owne countrey menne, and thoſe that hadde deſerued verye well of the common wealthe: and this ſpecially for lacke of ſtoutneſſe in the Kyng, who by his autho|ritie myghte haue ruled bothe partes,The deſcri [...] of Kyng Henry the [...]e. and orde|red all differences betwixte them, as might haue ſtande wyth Reaſon: but where as hee was of ſuche pacience and integritie of lyfe, as nothing ſeemed to hym woorthie to be regarded, but that apperteyned vnto Heauenly matters and health of hys ſoule, the ſauyng whereof, hee eſteemed to bee the greateſt wyſedome, and the loſſe ther|of the extremeſt folly that might be.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene contrary wyſe, was a woman of a greate witte, and no leſſe courage,Deſcription of the Queene. deſy|rous of honoure, and furnyſhed wyth the gif|tes of reaſon, policye and wyſedome, but yet to ſhew hir ſelfe not altogether a man, but in ſome one poynte a verie woman, oftentymes when ſhe was vehemente and fully bente on a matter, ſhe was ſodeynly lyke a Weathercocke, mu|table and tournyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys woman diſdaynyng that hir huſband ſhould be ruled rather than rule, could not abyde that the Duke of Glouceſter ſhoulde do all thin|ges concernyng the order of weyghtye affay|res, leaſt it myghte bee ſayde, that ſhe had ney|ther wytte nor ſtomacke, whyche woulde per|mitte and ſuffer hir huſbande beeyng of perfecte age, lyke a young pupill to bee gouerned by the diſpoſition of an other manne. Althoughe thys toye entred fyrſte into hir brayne thorough hir owne imagination, yet was ſhee pricked for|warde to reforme the matter both by ſuche of hir huſbandes counſell, as of long tyme had borne malice to the Duke for his playneneſſe vſed in declaryng theyr vntrouth, as partely yee haue hearde, and alſo by the aduertiſement giuen to hir from Kyng Reygner hir father, aduyſyng hir, that ſhee and hir huſbande ſhoulde in anye wyſe take vppon them the rule and gouernance of the Realme, and not to bee kepte vnder, as wardes and deſolate Orphanes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 What needeth many wordes?The Queene taketh vppon hir the gouern|ment, and diſ|chardgeth the Duke of Glou|ceſter. the Queene perſuaded by theſe meanes, firſte of all excluded the Duke of Glouceſter from all rule and gouer|naunce, not prohibiting ſuche as ſhee knewe to bee hys mortall foes to inuente and imagine cauſes and griefes agaynſt hym and hys, in ſo much that by hir procurement, diuers noble men cõſpired againſt him, of the which diuers writers affirme the Marques of Suffolk, and the duke of Buck. to be the chief, not vnprocured by ye Car|dinall of Wincheſt. & the Archbiſhop of Yorke. Dyuers Articles were layde agaynſte hym in EEBO page image 1257 open counſel and in eſpecially one, that he had cauſed menne adiudged to dye, to bee put to o|ther execution, than the lawe of the land aſſig|ned: for ſurely the duke being very wel learned in the lawe ciuill, deteſting malefactors, & pu|niſhing offences, gat greate malice and hatred of ſuche as feared condigne rewarde for their wicked dooings. Althoughe the duke ſufficiently aunſwered to all things againſt him obiected: yet bicauſe his death was determined, his wiſ|dome little helped, nor his innocencie nothing auailed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But to auoyde the daunger of ſome tu|multe that might be reyſed, if a Prince ſo well beloued of the people ſhuld be openly executed, they determined to worke their feats and bring him to deſtruction, ere he ſhuld haue ani know|ledge or warning thereof. So for the furthe|rance of their purpoſe,


A parliament [...] Ed| [...]desbury.

a parliament was ſum|moned to be kepte at Berry, wheather reſorted all the peeres of the realme, and amongſt them the duke of Gloceſter, which on the ſecond day of the ſeſſion was by the lorde Beaumond, then high coneſtable of England, acompanied with the duke of Buckingham, and others, arreſted, apprehended, and put in warde, and all his ſer|uauntes ſequeſtred from him, and .xxxij. of the chief of his retinew wer ſent to diuers priſons, to the greate admiratiõ of the people. The duke the night after he was thus committed to pri|ſon,The Duke of Glouceſter ſo| [...]ly [...]rthe| [...]ed. beeing the .xxiiij. of February was founde deade in his bedde, and his body ſhewed to the lordes and commons, as though hee had dyed of a palſey, or of an impoſtume: but all indiffe|rent perſons (as ſaithe Hall) well knewe, that hee dyed of ſome violent deathe: ſome iudged him to be ſtrangled, ſome affirme that an hotte ſpit was put in at his fundement: other write that he was ſmouldered betwene .ij. fetherbeds, and ſome haue affirmed that hee dyed of verye griefe, for that he might not come openly to his anſwere. His deade corps was conueied to S. Albons, and there buried. After his death none of his ſeruãts ſuffred, although [...]ue of them, to wit, ſir Roger Chãberlain knight, Middle [...]on, Herbert, Arteiſe eſquiers, and Richard Nedhã gentleman, were arreigned, condempned and drawen to Tiborne, where they were hanged, let downe quick, & ſtriped to haue bin bowelled and quartered, but the Marques of Suffolke cõming at that inſtant brought their pardons, ſhewed the ſame openlye, and ſo theyr lyues were ſaued.Dukes of Glo|ceſter vnfor| [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some thinke that the name and title of Glouceſter, hathe bene vnluckye to diuerſe, whiche for their honoures haue bene erected by creation of princes, to that ſtile and dignitie, as Hughe Spenſer, Thomas of Woodſtocke, ſon to Kyng Edwarde the thirde, and this Duke Humfrey: Whiche .iij. perſons by miſerable deathe [...]iſhed their dayes, and after them king Richarde the thirde alſo, Duke of Glouceſter, in ciuill war was ſlaine and brought to death: ſo that this name of Glouceſter is taken for an vnhappy ſtile, as the prouerbe ſpeaketh of Se|ians horſe, whoſe rider was euer vnhorſed, and whoſe poſſeſſor was euer brought to miſery.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſurely, by the vnworthy deathe of this noble Duke and politike gouernor, the publike wealthe of the Realme of Englande came to greate ruyne, as by the ſequele of this pam|phlet may more at lardge appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There is an olde ſaid ſaw, that a man in|tendyng to auoyde the ſmoke, falleth into the fyre: So heree, the Queene mindyng to pre|ſerue hir huſbande in honoure, and hirſelfe in auctority, conſented to the deathe of this noble man, whoſe only deathe brought that to paſſe, whyche ſhee hadde moſte cauſe to haue feared, whyche was, the depoſing of hyr huſbande, the decay of the houſe of Lancaſter, whyche of likelyh [...] hadde not chaunced if this Duke hadde liued: for then durſte not the Duke of Yorke haue attempted to ſet forthe his title to the Crowne, as hee afterwardes didde, to the greate diſquieting of the Realme, and deſtruc|tion of Kyng Henry and of many other noble men beſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This is the opinion of menne, but gods iudgementes are vnſearcheable, againſt whoſe decree and ordinaunce preuaileth no humaine counſaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to conclude with this noble Duke: he was no doubt a right mirrour of an vpright and politike gouernour, bending all his ende|uoures to the aduauncement of the common wealth, no leſſe louing to the poore commons, than beloued of them again. Learned he was, and wiſe, full of curteſie, and voide of all pride and ambition, a vertue rare in perſonages of ſuche high eſtate, albeit where the ſame chaun|ceth, moſt commendable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſithe the praiſe of this noble man de|ſerueth a large diſcourſe, and meete for ſuche as haue cunning howe to handle the ſame, I referre the readers vnto Maiſter Fores booke of Actes, and Monumentes, fyrſte Volume Page 833.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſixe and twentieth yere of the raign of this King,An. reg. 26. but in the firſte of the rule of the Queene, I finde nothing done worthye of re|hearſall within the Realme of Englande, but that the Marques of Suffolke, by greate [...] of the Kyng, and more deſire of the Queene, was erected to the title and name of Duke of Suffolke whiche dignitie hee ſhorte time in|ioyed: EEBO page image 1258 for Richard duke of Yorke being great|ly alyed by hys wife to the chiefe Peeres and Potentates of the Real [...]e, ouer and beſide hys own progeny, perceiuing the king to be a ruler not ruling, and the whole burthen of the realm to reſte in the ordinaunces of the Queene, and the Duke of Suffolke, began ſecretly to allure his friendes of the Nobilitie, and priuily de|clared vnto them hys tytle and ryghte to the crowne, and likewiſe didde he to certaine wiſe and ſage gouernours and rulers of diuers Ci|ties and Townes: whych priuy attempt was ſo pollitickely handled, and ſo ſecretly kepte that his prouiſion was ready before his purpoſe was openly publiſhed, and his friendes opened themſelues ere the contrary parte coulde them eſpie: for in concluſion, time reueled truthe, and olde hidde hatred ſoddainely ſprong out, as yee maye hereafter both learne and heare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During theſe doings, Henry Beauford Bi|ſhop of Wincheſter,1448 and called the riche Car|dinall, departed out of this worlde, and was buried at Wincheſter.The deathe of the Bishoppe of [...]Vincheſter & [...]s deſcription. This man was ſonne to Iohn Duke of Lancaſter, deſe [...]ded of an honourable linnage, but borne in baſte, more noble in bloud than notable in learning, hault of ſtomacke, and highe of countenaunce, riche aboue meaſure, but not very liberall, dyſdain|full to his kinne, and dreadefull to hys louers, preferring money before friendeſhippe, manye things beginning and fewe performing: hys couetous inſaciabilitie, and hope of long lyfe, made hym bothe to forgette God, his Prince, and hymſelfe: of the getting of his goodes both by power Legantine, and ſpirituall bribery, I will not ſpeake, but the keeping of them for his ambitious purpoſe was bothe greate loſſe to hys naturall Prince and natiue countrey: for hys hydden riches might haue well holpen the King, and his ſecret treaſure might haue relie|ued the communaltie, when money was ſe [...]nte and importunate chardges were dayly imme|nent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 27. After the deathe of this Prelate, the affaires in Fraunce were neither well looked to, nor the gouernors of the countrey wel aduiſed:Sir Frauncis Suriennes. for an engliſh capitain called ſir Frãcis Suriennes, ſurnamed the Aregonois, of the countrey wher he was borne, a man for his wit and actiuitie admitted into the order of the Garter tooke by ſkaling ſoddainely in the nyght of the euen of our Lady day in Lent,Fongieres. a Town on the Fron|ters of Normandy, belonging to the Duke of Britaine called Fougiers, ſpoylyng the ſame and killing the inhabitantes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Britaigne beeing hereof ad|uertiſed, ſent worde by the biſhop of Remines to the Frenche Kyng, beſeching him of his aid and counſaile in the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French King foorthwith ſent his [...]|uer Iohn Hauart, and Iohn Coſinet one of the Maiſters of his requeſtes to the King of Eng|lande: and to the Duke of Somerſet, he diſ|patched Peter de Fontaines the Maiſter of his horſe, to the whiche meſſengers aunſwere was made aſwell by the Kyng as the duke, that the fact was done without their knowledge. And for the truce to be kepte, and not onely reſtitu|tion, but alſo amends to be made to the Duke of Britayne, a daye of dyet was appoynted to be kepte at Louniers, where the commiſſio|ners on both partes being aſſembled, the french|men demaunded amendes, wyth no ſmall re|compence. The Engliſhemen aunſwered that without offence, nothing by Iuſtice ought to be ſatiſfied, affirming the doing of Sir Fraun|cis Sureinnes to be only his act without con|ſent eyther of the Kyng of Englande, or of the Duke of Somerſet hys lieuetenaunt and Re|gent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whiles wyth long delay, they talked of this matter at Louniers, certain Frenchmen by aduertiſement of a wagoner of Louniers,Pont de Larc [...] taken by the Frenchmen by a ſube [...] [...] vnderſtãding that the town of Pont de Larche was but ſlenderly manned. The wagoner la|ded his wagon, and paſſed forward hauing in his companye twoo ſtrong Varlettes clad like Carpenters, wyth greate axes on their ſhoul|ders, and hereto le Seigneur de Breze wyth a choſen company of men of armes, lodged him|ſelfe in a buſhement neare to the gate of Saint Andrewe, and Capitayne Floquet accompa|nied wyth ſir Iames de Cleremont, and ano|ther greate companye priuily lurked vnder a woode towarde Louniers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all things were appointed for the purpoſe, earely one morning about the begin|ning of the moneth of October, deuiſed to take the ſame town on this maner: The wagoner came to the gate, and called the porter by name, praying hym to open the gate, that hee myghte paſſe to Roan, and retourne agayne the ſame nyght.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Porter (whiche well knewe the voyce of hys cuſtomer) tooke little heede to the other twoo companions, and ſo opened the one gate and ſent another fellowe of hys to open the for|moſte gate. When the Chariot was on the drawe bridge betwene both the gates, the cha|riot Maiſter gaue the Porter money, and for the nonce let one peece fall on the grounde, and while the Porter ſtouped to take it vp, the wa|goner wyth hys dagger ſtroke hym in at hys throate, ſo that he cried for no helpe, and the .ij. great lubbers ſlewe the other porters, and with their axes cut the axeltree of the wagon, ſo that EEBO page image 1275 the drawe bridge coulde not be ſhortly drawen vppe. This done they made a ſigne to Capi|taine Floquet, whyche wyth all ſpeede entred the Towne, ſlewe and tooke all the Engliſhe|menne: and amongeſt other, the Lorde Fau|conbridge Capitaine of the ſaide Towne was taken priſoner. The loſſe of this place was of no ſmall importance, being the very kay & paſ|ſage ouer the riuer of Seyne, from France into Normandy, beeing diſtant from Roan onely foure leagues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When requeſt was made to haue it reſto|red againe to the Engliſhemen, aunſwere was made, that if they woulde reſtore to the Duke of Britayne, the Towne of Fougieres wyth condigne amends for the domages done there, the Towne of Pont Larche ſhoulde then bee againe deliuered, or elſe not.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſhortely after, in hope of good ſpeede the Frenche King aſſembled an army, and de|uiding the ſame into three parts, gotte by ſur|render after ſundry aſſaults, and loſſe of diuers of his men, the townes of Lovuiers, and Ger|borye, whereof Wyllyam Harper was Capi|tayne. Alſo the Towne, Caſtell, and greate Tower of Verneueil in Perche were rendred into the Frenche Kyngs handes, after twenty dayes of reſpite graunted, to ſee if reſcues wold haue come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Frenche wryters affirme the Towne to be taken by aſſault. Thus was the warre re|nued, before the terme of the truce was fullye expired, and the Engliſhe Capitaines were brought to their wittes end, what with appea|ſing dayly rumors wythin the Townes, and what wyth ſtudie howe to recouer caſtels loſte and taken, for while they ſtudied how to keepe and defende one place, foure or fiue other fo|lowing fortunes chaunce tourned to the french parte. The chiefe cauſe of whyche reuoltyng was, for that it was blowen abroade throughe France, how the realm of England, after the death of the duke of Glouceſter by the ſeuerall factions of princes was deuided in two parts, and that Wyllyam de la Poole lately created Duke of Suffolke, and diuerſe other whythe were the occaſion of the ſaide Duke of Glou|ceſters deathe, vexed and oppreſſed the poore people, ſo that mennes mindes were, not inten|tiue to outwarde affaires: but all their ſtudye giuen to keepe off wrongs offered at home, the Kyng lyttle regardyng the matter, and the Quene ledde by euill counſell, rather further [...]d ſuche miſchiefes, as dayly beganne to growe, by ciuill diſcorde, than ſought to reforme them, ſo that the Normans and Gaſcoignes vnder|ſtanding in what ſtate thynges ſtoode tourned to the Frenche parte, as he, reafter it maye ap|peare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time alſo, beganne a newe rebellion in Irelande,A rebellion in in Irelande. but Richarde Duke of Yorke beeing ſent thither to appeaſe the ſame, ſo aſſwaged the fury of the wilde and ſauage people there, that he wanne hym ſuche fauoure amongeſt them, as coulde neuer bee ſeparated from hym, and hys lynnage, whiche in the ſe|quele of thys hiſtorye maye more plainely ap|peare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchemenne hauing perfect vnder|ſtandyng of the vnreadineſſe of the Realme of England, diſplayd their banners,The Englishe loſſe all in Fraunce. and ſet forth theyr armyes, and in ſhorte ſpace gat by yel|ding, Conſtance, Gyſors, Caſtell Galliarde, Ponteau de Mere, ſaint Lo, Feſtampe, New|caſtell, Touque, Mauleon, Argenton, Liſieux, and diuers other Townes and places within the countrey of Normandy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Lykewiſe in Guienne was the Towne of Mauliſſon rendred to the Erle of Fois. Theſe Townes were not yelded voluntarily by the Engliſhe ſouldiors: but they were compelled thereto by the inhabitants of the townes, which hauyng intelligence of the feeble eſtate of the Realme of Englande, roſe againſte the Capi|taynes, opened the gates to the ennemyes, or conſtreined them to render vpon compoſition. By whyche enforcement, was the riche Citie of Roan deliuered:Roan yelded to the Frenche|menne. for ſurely the Duke of So|merſet and the Earle of Shrewſbury had well kepte that Citie, if they had bin no more vexed with the Citizens, than they were wyth theyr ennemies. For after that the Frenche Kyng had giuen ſummonaunce to the Citie, the in|habitantes ſtreyght wayes didde not only de|uie which way they might betray the citie, but alſo put on armor, and rebelled openly againſt their Capitaines, the whiche perceyuing theyr vntruthe, retired into the Caſtell or Pallaice, where for a certayne ſpace,Harflevve be [...]|ſeged. Sir Thomas Curſon. wyth arrowes and handegunnes, they ſore moleſted the vntrue ci|tizens, but at lengthe vnderſtanding the great puiſſaunce of the Frenche King, and diſpairing of all aide and ſuccoure, they yelded vpon con|dition, that wyth all their goodes and armoure they ſhoulde ſafely departe to Caen, and that certayne Townes ſhoulde bee deliuered by a daye. And till the ſame Towns were rendred, the Earle of Shrewſbury, and the Lord But|ler ſonne to the Earle of Ormonde, were lefte behinde as pledges, whiche were ſent to the ca|ſtell of Evreux, bycauſe they ſore feared the malice of the citizens of Roan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchemenne followyng the victorye came to Harflewe, and fiercely aſſaulted the walles, but by the highe prowes and vndaun|ted valiauncy of the Capitayne, Syr Thomas EEBO page image 1276 Curſon they were to their great loſſe manfully by him repulſed, and beaten backe. The french|men learning witte by this greate periſt, lefte their ſkaling, and deuiſed dayly howe to batter and break the walles, make the breaches reaſo|nable for them to enter. This ſiege long conti|nued to the greate loſſe of bothe parties. When Sir Thomas Curſon ſawe no likelyhoode of gaine,Harflevve yel|ded to the Frenche. but great apparance of preſent loſſe, hee fell at compoſition with the enimies, and ſo de|parted wyth all his goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 28. After which Towne rendred, the fortreſſe of Hunflewe was vppon like compoſition alſo yelded. Thus maye you ſee howe fortune is e|uer wythout meaſure, eyther too muche fauou|ring, or too much hating: for beſide theſe towns ſurrendred in Normandye, the Duke of Bri|tain recouered againe Fougieres, ſaint Iames de Beuuron, and diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 1450In the meane ſeaſon the King of Englande ſente into Normandye (with a newe ſupply of a thouſande fiue hundreth men) a right valiant Capitayne called Sir Thomas Kiriell,Sir Thomas Kiriell. who ioygning hymſelfe wyth other Engliſhe capi|taines recouered the Townes of Liſieux, and Valongnes, and hauing wyth him power ſuf|ficient, as he tooke it, to keepe the fieldes, he de|parted the twelfth of April from Valongnes, meaning to paſſe towardes Baieux, and after to Caen, but on the eyghteenth day of the ſame Moneth, hee was encountred at a place called Formigny betwixt Carenten and Baieux, by the Earle of Cleremont, and other Frenche|men with Scottes. At the firſt onſet, the En|gliſhemen receyued their enemies wyth ſuche manhoode, that the Frenchemen were driuen back, and the Engliſhmen took from them two Culuerines, albeit in the ende, by the comming of the Coneſtable of Fraunce, Arthur de Bri|taine Earle of Richmont, who broughte with hym twoo hundreth or twelue ſcore menne of armes,The Englishe|men ouer|throvven at [...]o [...]gny. and an eyght hundred archers or demy|launces, the Engliſhemenne were diſcomfited, put to flight, and ſlaine to the number of three thouſande ſeuen hundred three ſcore & thirteen, as Enguerãt noteth, beſide priſoners, of whom there were diuers perſonages of accompte, as the ſaide Sir Thomas Kiriell hymſelfe. Syr Henry Norbery, Sir Thomas Drewe, Syr Thomas Kirkly, Chriſtofer Anberton, Arpell, Helice, Alengour, Iennequin, Vacquier, Go|barte, Caleuille, and ſundry other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Robert Veer, and ſir Mathew Gough that valiant Welchmã, and many other eſca|ped ſo wel as they might ſome to Baieux ſome to Caen, and other to other places as ſeemed to ſtand beſt with their ſafeties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After thys victorye obteyned, the Frenche Kyng aſſembled an army royal,Caen beſieged and yelded to the Frenche. and cõming before Caen, beſieged it on all ſides, and after makyng hys approches fiercelye aſſaulted the walles, but the Duke of Somerſet, and the o|ther Capitaines within the Towne, manfully withſtoode their enemies, ſhewyng both force and greate pollicye in defendyng and beatyng backe the aſſailants. The Frenche Kyng per|ceyuing hee coulde not preuaile that way, ſent for all his greate ordinaunce to Paris, whiche beeing brought, he dayly ſhotte at the walles, and did ſome hurte, but to the Caſtell whych ſtoode on a rocke, and in it a Dungeon vnable to be beaten downe, hee didde no harme at all. Though the duke of Somerſet was the kings lieuetenaunt, yet Syr Dauy Hall as captain of thys Towne, for hys Mayſter the Duke of Yorke owner therof, tooke vpon hym the chiefe chardge. Sir Roberte Veer was Captaine of the Caſtell, and Sir Henry Radforde Cap|taine of the Dungeon. Dayly the ſhotte was greate, but more terrible than hurtfull, ſauing one daye a ſtone ſhot into the Towne, feſt be|tweene the Ducheſſe of Somerſet, and hir chil|dren, whiche being amazed with this chaunce, beſought hir huſband kneeling on hir knees, to haue mercy and compaſſion of his ſmalle in|fantes, and that they might bee deliuered oute of the Towne in ſafegarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke more pityfull than hardy, mo|ued wyth the ſorrowe of hys wife, and loue of his children, rendred the Towne agaynſte the minde of Sir Dauy Hall, (whoſe counſell and faithefull diligence in acquyting himſelfe to aunſwere the truſte committed to hym by hys Maiſter,) if other hadde followed, the Frenche had ſuſtayned more trauaile and loſſe, ere they ſhoulde haue ſo eaſely atteined their purpoſe. The concluſion of the ſurrender was, that the Duke of Somerſette and his, might departe in ſafegarde with all their goodes and ſubſta [...]e: ſir Dauy Hall with diuers of his truſty frinds departed to Chierburghe, and from thence ſai|led into Ireland to the duke of Yorke, making relation to hym of all theſe dooings, whyche thing kindled ſo great a rancour in the Dukes harte and ſtomacke, that hee neuer lefte perſe|cuting of the Duke of Somerſette, till hee had broughte hym to hys fatall ende, and confu|ſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the obteyning of this ſtrong towne of Caen, the Earle of Cleremonte beſieged the Citie of Liſieux, whereof was Capitaine Ma|thewe Goughe wyth three hundred Engliſhe men, who in the ende, deliuered that towne, vppon condition, that he and his people might departe to Chierburghe. Then was Falaiſe beeſieged, whereof were Capitaynes, for the EEBO page image 1269 Erle of Shrewſbury that was the owner, An|drew Trollop, and Thomas Cotton eſquiers, which being in dyſpaire of all ſuccours, agreed to deliuer it vpon twoo conditions:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The one was, that the erle their Maſter whi|che remayned in pledge, for performaunce of certaine appointmentes, concluded at the deli|uerye of Roan (as yee haue hearde) ſhoulde be ſet at libertie. The other, that if they were not reſcued within .xij. dais, that then they & theirs ſhoulde departe wyth armoure, and all their goodes moueable, whither it pleaſed them. At the day appoynted, the Towne was rendred, and ſo likewiſe was the Towne of Damfront vppon the ſemblable agreement. Nowe reſted onely Engliſhe the Towne of Chierburghe, wherof was captayne one Thomas Gonville, whyche ſurely as long as victuall and muniti|on ſerued, defended the Town right manfully, but when theſe twoo handes were conſumed, hee beeing deſtitute of all comforte and ayde, vppon a reaſonable compoſition, yelded the Towne, and went to Callais, where the Duke of Somerſette, and many other Engliſhemen then ſoiorned. Thus was Normandye loſte clerely out of the Engliſhemennes hands, [...] Normandy [...] af|ter it had continued in their poſſeſſion the ſpace of .xxx. yeares by the conqueſte of Henry the [...]e. In the whiche Duchte were an hundred ſtrong Townes and fortreſſes, able to be kepte and holden, beſide them whiche were deſtroyed by the warres, and in the ſame is one Arche|biſhoppricke, and ſixe Biſhopprickes. Some ſaye that the Engliſhemenne were not of pu|iſſaunce eyther to manne the Townes, as they ſhoulde haue bene, or to inhabite the countrey, whiche was the cauſe that they could not keepe it. Other ſaye, that the Duke of Somerſette, for his owne peculiar aduauntage, kepte not halfe the number of ſouldiours whiche he was appoynted and allowed, but put the wages in his purſe, but the chiefe, and onely cauſe vn|doubtedly, was the deuiſion within the realm, euery great man deſiring rather to be reuenged on his foe at home, than on the common eni|mie abroade, as by that whiche followeth, you may plainely perceiue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 29. For whileſt the Frenche made theſe con|queſts in the Duchie of Normandie, three miſ|chieuous Capitaynes, ſette the people of thys realme (aſwell thoſe of the nobilitie, as of the meaner ſorte) in ciuill warre and ſedition: for among the highe Princes and Peeres reigned inwarde grudge, among the Clergie flattery and adulation, and among the communaltye diſdaine of laſciuious ſoueraigntie, whyche the Queene wyth hir mynions and vnprofitable counſellors daily tooke and vſurped vpon them. Wherefore they (not minding to bee charged further than their backes were able to beare, and herewyth perceiuing how throughe want of prouydent wiſedome in the gouernoure all things went to wracke, aſwell within the realm as without) beganne to make exclamation a|gainſt the Duke of Suffolk,The commons exclame a|gainſt the duke of Suffolke. affirming him to bee the onely cauſe of the deliuerie of Aniow, and Maine, the chief procurour of the Duke of Glouceſters death, the very occaſion of the loſſe of Normandy, the ſwallower vp of the kyngs treaſure, the remoouer of good and vertuous counſellours from aboute the Prince, and the aduauncers of vicious perſons, and of ſuche, as by their dooings ſhewed themſelues apparant aduerſaries to the common wealthe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Quene doubting not only the dukes deſtruction, but alſo hir owne confuſion, cau|ſed the Parliament beefore begon at the blacke Friers, to be adiourned to Leiceſter,The Parliamẽt adiourned from London to Leiceſter, and from thence to VVeſtminſter. thynking there by force, and rigor of lawe, to ſuppreſſe and ſubdue all the malice and euill wil conceſ|ned againſte the Duke and hir, at whiche place fewe of the Nobilitie would appeare: where|fore it was againe adiourned to Weſtminſter, where was a full apparaunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the whiche ſeſſion the commons of the nether houſe, put vp to the kyng and the lords many articles of treaſon, miſpriſion, and euill demeanor, againſte the Duke of Suffolke, the effect whereof wyth hys aunſweres here enſu|eth, as we finde the ſame recorded in the Chro|nicles of Maiſter Edwarde Hall,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1 Fyrſte they alledged that hee hadde trai|terouſlye excited, prouoked,Articles propo|ned by the Commons a|gainſt the duke of Suffolke and counſayled Iohn Earle of Dunois baſtarde of Orleans, Bertram Lorde Preſigny, Willyam Coſinet, ennemies to the King, and friendes and Am|baſſadours to Charles, calling himſelf French Kyng, to enter into this Realme, and to lea|uie warre againſte the King and his people, to the intent to deſtroy the K. and his frendes, and to make Iohn his ſon King of this realm, marying him to Margaret, ſole heire to Iohn Duke of Somerſet, pretending and declaring hir, to be nexte heire inheritable to the crowne, for lack of iſſue, of the kings body laufully be|gotten.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Item, the ſaide Duke being of the Kings priuie and neare counſaile, allured by greate rewards and faire promiſſes, made by the for|ſaid Earle of Dunois, cauſed the King to de|lyuer and ſette at libertye, Charles Duke of Orleans, ennemy to the King, and the Kings noble father, whiche delyueraunce was prohi|bited by expreſſe words, in the laſte will of the kings moſte victorious father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 3 Item, that beefore the departure of the EEBO page image 1278 ſaide Duke of Orleans, the aforenamed Duke of Suffolke trayterouſlye faſte cleauyng to Charles called the Frenche King, counſailed, prouoked, and entiſed the ſaide Duke of Orle|ans, to moue the ſame Kyng to make warre againſte England, both in Fraunce and Nor|mandie: according to which procurement and counſayle, the ſaide Frenche King hathe reco|uered the whole Realme of Fraunce, and all the Duchie of Normandie, and taken priſoners the Earle of Shreweſoury, the Lorde Faucon|bridge, and many other valiant Capitaines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe three Articles aforenamed he denyed, eyther for facte or thought.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 4 Farther it was alledged, that he beeyng ambaſſador for the K. of England, to Charles calling hymſelfe Frenche King, promyſed to Reyner king of Sicile, and to Charles Dan|giers his brother, ennemies to the king, the re|leaſe of Aniow, wyth the deliueraunce of the Countie of Maine, and the citie of Mawnt or Mauns, wythout the knowledge of the other Ambaſſadours, which him accompanied, which promiſe after his return, he cauſed to be perfor|med, to the kings diſinheritance and loſſe irre|cuperable, and to the ſtrengthe of his enemies, and feebliſhement of the Duchie of Norman|die. To this article he anſwered, that his com|miſſion was to conclude, and doo all thinges accordyng to his diſcretion, for the obteynyng of a peace, and bycauſe wythout deliuerye of thoſe countreys, hee perceyued that truce coulde not bee obteyned, he agreed to the releaſe and deliueraunce of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 5 Alſo they ſurmiſed, that the ſaide Duke beeing in Fraunce in the Kings ſeruice, and one of the priuieſie of his counſaile there, trai|terouſlye declared and opened to the Capitains and Conduiters of warre, apperteyning to the Kinges enemies, the Kinges counſaile, pur|ueyance of his armies, furniture of his towns, and all other ordynaunces, whereby the Kings enemies (enformed by hys trayterouſe infor|mation) haue gotten Townes and fortreſſes, and the king by that meane depriued of his in|herytaunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 6 Item, the ſayde Duke declared to the Earle of Dunoys, to the Lord Preſigny, and Wyllyam Coſinet ambaſſadors for the french king lying in Londõ, the priuities of the kings counſaile, bothe for the prouiſion of further warre, and alſo for defence of the Duchie of Normandye, by the diſcloſing whereof, the Frenchemenne knowing the Kinges ſecretes, preuented the tyme, and obteyned theyr pur|poſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 7 Item, that the ſaide Duke at ſuche time as the King ſent Ambaſſadours to the French King, for the intreating of peace, tr [...]cou [...]y beefore their comming to the Frenche Courte certified king Charles of their commiſſion, au|thoritie and inſtructions, by reaſon whereof, neither peace nor amitie ſucceded, & the kings inheritaunce loſte, and by hys enemyes poſ|ſeſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 8 Item, the ſame Duke ſayde openly in the ſtarre chamber before the lords of the coun|ſaile, that hee had as highe a place in the coun|ſaile houſe of the French king, as hee had there, and was aſwell truffed there as here, and could remoue from the French king, the p [...]ieſt man of his counſaile, if hee would.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 9 Item, when armies haue bene p [...]ared, and ſouldiours readie waged to paſſe on [...] the Sea, to reſiſte the Kings enemies: the ſayde duke corrupted by rewards of the french king, hathe reſtrayned and ſtayed the ſaide armies, to paſſe any farther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 10 Item, the ſaid Duke being Ambaſſador for the King, compriſed not in the league as the kings alies, neyther the king of Arragon, ney|ther the Duke of Britaigne, but ſuffred them to bee compriſed on the contrarie parte, by rea|ſon wherof, the olde amitie of the king of Ar|ragon, is eſtranged from this Realme, and the Duke of Britaine became enemie to the ſame: Giles his brother the Kinges ſure freinde, caſte in ſtrong priſon, and there like to ende and fi|niſhe his dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All theſe obiections hee vtterly denyed, or faintly auoided, but none fully excuſed. Diuers other crimes were layde to hys charge, as en|riching hymſelfe with the Kynges goodes and lands, gathering togither, and making a Mo|nopolie of offices, fees, wardes, and Farmes, by reaſon wherof, the Kings eſtate was great|ly miniſhed and decayed, and he and his kinne highely exalted and enriched, with many other pointes, which bycauſe they be not notable nor of greate force or ſtrengthe, I omitte and o|uerpaſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Quene which entierly loued the duke, doubting ſome commotion and troudle to a|riſe, if hee were let go vnpuniſhed,The Duke of Suffolke com|mitted to the Tovver. cauſed him to be committed to the tower; where he remai|ned not paſte a Moneth, but was agayne de|liuered and reſtored to the Kynges fauour, as muche as euer hee was beefore. This dooing ſo much diſpleaſed the people, that if politike pro|uiſion hadde not bin, greate miſchiefe had im|medyatly enſued: for the commons in ſundry places of the Realme aſſembled togyther in greate companyes, and choſe to them a Capi|taine, whome they called Blewberde,Blevvberde Capitaine of the Rebe [...] but ere they hadde attempted any enterpriſe their lea|ders were apprehended, and ſo the matter paci|fied EEBO page image 1279 without any hurte committed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this little rage thus aſſwaged, the par|liament was adiourned to Leiceſter, whyther came the King and Queene in great eſtate, and wyth them, the Duke of Suffolke as chiefe counſellors. The commons of the lower houſe not forgetting their olde grudge, beſought the King, that ſuche perſons as aſſented to the re|leaſe of Aniow, and delyueraunes of Mayne might bee duely puniſhed, and to bee priuie to that ſake they accuſed as principall, the Duke of Suffolke, with Iohn Biſhop of Saliſbury, and Sir Iames Fines, Lord Day, and diuers other. When the king perceiued that there was [...]o remedy to appeaſe the peoples fury by any diſſembling wayes, to beginne a ſhorte way to pacifie ſo long an hatred, hee fyſte ſequeſtred the Lorde Saye being Threaſourer of Eng|land, and other the Dukes adherems from their offices, and toomthes, and after baniſhed the Duke of Suffolke as the abhorred tode, and common noyſaunce of the realme for the terme office yeares, meaning by this exile to appeaſe the furious rage of the people, and after when the matter was forgotten, to reuolte hym home againe: but fortune woulde not that to vngra|cious a perſon ſhoulde ſo eſcape, for when hee ſhipped in Suffolke, intending to tranſporte ouer into Fraunce, hee was encountred with a ſhippe of warre, apperteyning to the Duke of Exceter, Conneſtable of the Tower of Lon|don, called the Nicholas of the Tower. The Capitayne of that Barke wyth ſmall fight en|tred into the Dukes ſhip, and perceyuing hys perſon preſent, brought hym to Douer Rode, and there on the one ſide of a cocke boate,The death [...] of the Duke of [...]. cau|ſed his heade to be ſtriken off, and left his body with the heade lying there on the ſands, which corps beyng there founde by a chaplein of his, was conueyed to Wingfield colledge in Suf|folke, and there buried. This end had Willi|am de la Poole Duke of Suffolke, as meane iudge by Gods prouidence, for that he hadde procured the deathe of that good duke of Glou|ceſter, as before is partly touched.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the deathe of this Duke broughte not the Realme in quiet, for thoſe that fauoured the Duke of Yorke, and wiſhed the Crowne vppon his heade, for that (as they iudged) hee hadde more right therto, than he that ware it, procured a commotion in Kent on this man|ner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ke Cades [...]on in [...].A certain yong man of a goodly ſtatu [...]e and right pregnaunt of witte, was enticed to take vppon hym the name of Iohn Mortimer (all|thoughe his name was Iohn Cade) and not for a ſmall pollicie, thinking by that ſurname, that thoſe which fauored the houſe of the Earle of Marche woulde be aſſiſtaunce to hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Captaine aſſembled a greate compa|nye of tall perſonages, aſſuring them, that the enterpriſe whiche he tooke in hande, was bothe honorable to God and the kyng, and profitable to the whole Realme, for it eyther by force or pollicye they might gette the King and Quene into their hands, that he woulde cauſe them to bee honourablye vſed, and take ſuche order for the puniſhing and reforming of the miſdemea|nors of their counſellours, that neither fifteenes ſhoulde hereafter be demaunded, nor once any impoſitions or taxes ſhoulde bee ſpoken of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kentyſhe people prouoked with theſe perſwaſions and other faire promiſſes of liber|ty (which they moſt deſire) in good order of bat|taile, thoughe not in great number, came with their ſaide Capitaine vnto the plaine of Black heath, betwene Eltham and [...]newiche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to the intent the cauſe of this glorious Capitaines comming thither, might bee ſha|dowed from the King and his counſaile, vnder a cloked veile of good meaning, thoughe his in|tent was malicious, he ſent vnto hym an hum|ble ſupplication, affirming that his comming was not againſt his grace, but againſt ſuche of his counſellours, as were louers of themſelues, and oppreſſors of the poore communaltye: flat|terers of the King, and enemies to his honor: ſuckers of his purſe, & robbers of his ſubiectes: parciall to their friendes, and extreeme to their enemies: through bribes corrupted, and for in|differency dooing nothing.

This proude bill was of the King and hys counſaile diſdainfully taken, and vppon con|ſultation hadde, it was concluded, that ſuche proude Rebelles ſhoulde rather bee brought down by force and violence, than pacified with faire wordes, and gentle aunſwers: Where|vppon the King aſſembled a greate army, and marched towarde them, whiche hadde lyen on Blacke heathe by the ſpace of eight dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſubtill Capitain Iacke Cade, inten|ding to bring the King [...]lker within the com|paſſe of his nette, brake vp his Campe,The Staffordes ſlaine at Seue|nock by Iacke Cade. and re|tired backe to the town of Seu [...]nocke in Kent. The Queene whiche bart the rule being of his retraite well aduertyſed, ſente Syr Hamfery Stafford Knighte, and William hys, brother, with many other gentlemenne, to followe the chaſe of the Kentiſhemenne, thinking that they hadde fledde, but they were deceyued, for at the firſt ſkirmiſhe bothe the Staffords were ſtaine, and all their company ſhamefully diſcomfited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kings army being at this time come to Blacke heath, hearing of this diſcomſiture, beganne to grudge and marmure amongeſt themſelues, ſome wiſhing the Duke of Yorke EEBO page image 1280 at home to ayde the captaine hys couſin: ſome deſiring the ouerthrowe of the Kyng and hys counſayle: other openlye crying oute on the Queene and hyr complices.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This rumor publiſhed abroade, cauſed the King and certaine of his counſaile (to appeaſe the furious rage of the multitude) to commit the Lorde Say Threaſourer of England, vn|to the Tower of London, and if other againſte whome like diſpleaſure was borne, hadde bene preſent, they had ben likewiſe cõmitted. When Iacke Cade had obteyned the victorie againſte the Staffordes, hee apparrelled hymſelfe in ſir Humfreys brigandins ſet full of guilt nailes, and ſo wyth pompe and glorye, retourned a|gaine toward London, diuers idle and vaga|rande perſons reſortyng to hym from Suffex, and Surrey, and other places, and from other parties to a greate number. Thus this glori|ous Capitaine enuironed wyth a multitude of euill, rude and ruſticall people, came againe to the plaine of Blacke heathe, and there ſtrongly encamped hymſelfe, to whome were ſent from the Kyng, the Archebiſhoppe of Canterburye, and Humfrey Duke of Buckingham, to com|mon with hym of his greeues and requeſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Theſe lords founde hym ſober in talke, wiſe in reaſoning, arrogant in hart, & ſtiffe in opi|nion, for by no meanes he would graũt to diſ|ſolue his army, except the king in perſon wold come to him, and aſſent to all things he would require. The king after he had vnderſtoode the preſumptuous aunſwers and requeſtes of this villanous rebell, beganne aſmuche to doubt his owne familiar ſeruauntes, as hys vnknowen ſubiectes, (which ſpared not to ſpeake, that the Capitaynes cauſe was profitable for the com|mon wealthe) departed in all haſte to the Ca|ſtell of Killingworthe in Warwickeſhire, lea|ning only behind him the lord Scales to keepe the tower of London. The Kentiſhe captaine beeing aduertiſed of the Kings abſence, came firſte into Southwark, and there lodged at the white harte, prohibiting to all his retinue mur|der, rape, and robbery, by which coloure of well meanyng, hee allured to hym the hartes of the common people. But after this, hee entred into the Citie of London, and cutte the ropes of the drawe bridge, ſtrikyng hys ſworde on London ſtone, ſaying now is Mortimer lord of this ci|tie. And after a flattering declaration made to the Maior of his thither comming, he departed againe into Southwarke, and vpon the thirde day of Iuly bee cauſed ſir Iames Fines Lorde Say and threaſorer of England, to be brought to the Guyld hall, & there to be arreined, which being before the kings Iuſtices, put to anſwer, deſired to be tried by his Peeres, for the lenger delay of his life. The captaine perceyuing his dila [...]orie plea,The Lord [...] be [...]ded as the S [...]anderd in Cheaps by force tooke hym from the offi|cers, & brought hym to the ſtanderd in Cheaps and there before his confeſſion ended, cauſed his heade to bee ſtriken off, and pitched it vpon a [...] highe pole, which was openly borne before him throughe the ſtreetes. And not content herwith hee went to Mileend, and there apprehended [...] Iames Cromer then ſheriffe of Kent, and ſon in lawe to the ſaide Lorde Say, cauſing like|wiſe hym without confeſſion or excuſe [...] to bee beheaded, and his heade to bee [...]ed [...] pole, and with theſe .ij. heades this blondy [...]|cher entred into the citie againe, and in deſpite cauſed them in euery ſtreete to kiſſe togither, to the great deteſtation of all the beholders. After this, ſucceeded open rapine, and manifeſt robbe|ry in diuers houſes within the citie, and eſpeci|ally in the houſe of Philip Malpas Ad [...]rmã of London, & diuers other, ouer and beſide raun|ſoming and fining of diuers notable merchãt [...], for the ſuertye of their liues, and goods, as Ro|berte Horne Alderman, whyche p [...]yde . [...].C. marks: he alſo put to execution in Southwarke diuers perſones, ſome for breakyng hys ordy|naunce, other being of his olde acquaintaunce, loſt they ſhoulde bewraye his baſe linnage diſ|paraging him for his vſurped ſurname of Mor|timer. The Maior and other the Magiſtrates of London, perceyuing themſelues neyther to bee ſure of goodes, nor of life well warranted, determined to repulſe and keepe out of their ci|tie ſuche a miſchieuous t [...]raunt and his wicked company, and to be the better able ſo to do, they made the lorde Scales and that renoumed cap|taine Mathewe Goughe priuye bothe of their intent and enterpriſe, beſeeching them of their helpe and furtherance therin. The Lord Scales promiſed them his aide with ſhoting off the ar|tillery in the tower, and Mathew Gough was by hym apointed to aſſiſte the Maior & Londo|ners in all that he might, and ſo he & other cap|taines appointed for defence of the Citie, tooke vpon them in the night to keepe the brydge, and woulde not ſuffer the Kentiſhmen once to ap|proche. The rebelles which neuer ſoundly ſlept for feare of ſodaine chaunces, hearing that the bridge was thus kept, ran with greate haſte to open that paſſage, where betwene bothe parties was a fience and cruell encounter. Mathew Goughe perceuing the rebelles to ſtand to their tackling more manfully than hee thought they woulde haue done, aduiſed his company, not to aduance any further towarde Southwarke, till the day appeared that they [...]ght ſee where the place of icoperdy reſted, and ſo to prouide for the ſame: But thys little auailed. For the re|belles wyth theyr huge multitude draue backe EEBO page image 1281 the Citizens frõ the ſtoulpes at the bridge foote, to the drawe bridge, and began to ſet Arc in dy|uers houſes: greate ruth it [...] to beholde that [...] like chance, for [...] to eſchu [...] the fire, fell vp [...] [...] their enimies we [...]pon, and ſo died: [...], with children in their armes a [...] [...]a [...] die paſt good remembrãce, [...]ept into ye riuer, other doubting how to haue themſelues, betwene fire, water, & ſword, were in their houſes [...], and [...] hered. Yet ye Captaines nothing regar|ding theſe vauntes, ſoughte on the bridge all the night valiantly, but in [...], ye rebels ga [...] the draw bridges drowned many, & ſlew Iohn Sotton Alderman, & Robert Heyſand, a hardye Citizen, wt many other, [...] Mathew Gough, a man of great wit, & much experience in feares of chiualry, yt which in cõtinual warres, had ſpẽt his time in ſeruice of the King and his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This fore conflict endured in doubtfull wiſe on the bridge, till nine of the clocke in the mor|ning, for ſometime, the Londoners were beaten backe to S. Magnus corner: and ſuddaynely a|gaine, the Rebels were repulſed to ye ſtoulpes in Southwarke, ſo that both parts being faint and weerie, agreed to leaue off from fighting till the next day, vppon condition, that neyther Londo|ners ſhould paſſe into Southwarke, nor ye Ken|tiſhmen into London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this abſtinence of warre taken, thys rakehell Captaine hoping vppon more friendes, brake vp the gaſles of the Kings benche, and the Marſhalſey, and ſet at libertie a ſwarme of ga|launtes, both meete for his ſeruice, and apt for his enterpriſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop of Canterburie being Chã|cellor of Englande, and as then for his ſuretie lying within the Tower, called to him the By|ſhop of Wincheſter, who likewiſe for feare, lur|ked at Halywell: theſe two Prelates, ſeeing the furie of the Kentiſhe people, by reaſon of theyr late repulſe and beating backe, to bee ſomewhat aſwaged, paſſed the riuer of Thames, from the Tower into Southwarke, bringing with them vnder the kings great ſeale, [...] e [...]emities [...]metimes politie doth more than [...]ength. a general pardon vn|to all the offendors, and cauſed the ſame to be o|penly publiſhed. The poore people were ſo glad of this pardon, and ſo readye to receiue it, that without bidding farewell to their Captayne, they withdrew thẽſelues ye ſame night, euery mã towardes his owne home, as men amazed, and ſtriken with feare, but Iacke Cade, deſpayring of all ſuccours, and fearing nowe the ſequeale of his lewde dealings, departed ſecretely in habite diſguiſed into Suſſex, hoping ſo to eſcape, but after that proclamation was made, that who ſo euer could apprehẽd the ſaid Iacke Cade, ſhuld haue in rewarde a M. markes for hys paynes, many ſought for him, but few eſpied him, tyll at length, one Alexander I [...], a valiant Eſquier of Ke [...]e, founde him one in a garden, and hym there in his defence, manfully flew,Iacke Cade, a deſperate Re|bell ſlayne. and brought his dead body to London, whoſe head was pit|ched on a polle, and ſet vpon London bridge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the King himselfe came into Kent, and there sate in iudgment vpon the offendors: and if he had not mingled his iustice with mercie, more than fiue hundred by rigor of lawe, had bin iustly put to execution, but he punishing only the stubborne heads, and disordred ringleaders, deliuered and pardoned ye ignora(n)t & simple persons, to the great reioyceing of all his subiects.

During this commotio(n) about London, Raufe Bi. of Salisburie, was by his owne tenauntes, and seruants, murthered at Edington, and so from thenceforth, dayly followed murther, slaughter, and dissention.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French King vnderſtanding all this ci|uill diſcord, and rebellious ſtories in England, made thereof his foundations, [...]ping to get vnto his handes and poſſeſſion, the Duchie of Aqui|taine, and therevpon, ſent ye Erles of [...] and Perigort, to lay ſiege to the towne of B [...]r|gerat, ſituate vppon the riuer of Douerdo [...]ne, of whiche towne was Captaine, Iohn Ge [...], who vppon reaſonable conditions, rendred the Towne: but yet the Lorde Ca [...], ſir George Seymor, and ſir Iohn Atu [...]der, [...] diuers o|ther valiant Captaines, hauing the gouernance of the Countrey, manned Townes, gathered people, and recomforted the fa [...]ing harts of the Gaſcoignes in all that they could, & withall, ſent letters ouer into England, certifying to ye kings maieſtie, that without ſpeedie aide, & ready ſuc|cours, the whole countrey was like to bee con|quered & won out of the Engliſhmens poſſeſſiõ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many letters were ſente, & manye faire aun|ſweres were brought, but reliefe neyther appea|red, nor one man of warre was thither ſhipped, by reaſon whereof, the frenchmen purſuing the victorie, gote the fortreſſes of Ianſacke, and S. Foye, with diuers other peeces of importaunce thereaboutes. Alſo, about ye ſame time, the L. Doruall, third ſonne to the L. de la Breth, with a great number of men, as wel on horſebacke as on foote, departed from Ba [...]as, to conquere and deſtroy ye Ile of Medor, wherevpon, the Maior of Burdeaux iſſuing out, & encountring with his enimies, was vãquiſhed, loſing ſixe C. Engliſh|men & Gaſcoignes: albeit, the frenchmen gained not this victorie with cleere hands, for ther were ſlaine of them to the nũber of eight C. perſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 After this, the baſtarde of Orleans, with hys brother Iohn Earle of Angoleſme,145 [...] whiche had bin long priſoner in England, and many other valiant Captaynes, beſieged ye Caſtell of Mõt|guyon, which to them was rẽdered. Afterward, EEBO page image 1282 they beſieged the Towne of Blay, ſtanding on the riuer of Garõne, the which in concluſion by very force, was cõquered and won. The baſterd of Kendall, Captaine of the Caſtell, ſeeing the towne loſt, vpon certaine reaſonable conditions, deliuered his fortreſſe to the baſterd of Orleans, the french kings Lieutenãt. After this, ye townes of Burge and Liborne, after fiue weekes ſiege, were likewiſe yelded to the frenchmẽ. Thẽ was ye Citie of Acques beſieged by the Erle of Foys, and the Vicont de Lawtree his brother, and o|ther noble men. So likewiſe alſo was the ſtrong towne of Rion by the Earle of Arminacke, ex|treame enimie to ye realm of Englãd, for breach of ye mariage cõcluded betweene K. Henrye and his daughter. The Earle of Ponthieuvre layde ſiege to Chatillon in Perigort, and the Earle of Dunoys enuironned with greate puiſſaunce the towne of Fronſacke. The Engliſhmen per|ceiuing in what ſtate they ſtood within ye towne, couenanted with the ſaid Earle, yt if the Towne were not ſuccoured, and the Frenchmen fought with before the feaſt of the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt next enſuing, ye then the towne of Frõ|ſack ſhould be yeelded to them, whiche was the ſtrongeſt fortreſſe in all that Countrey, and the very key of Guyenne. Hereof wer pledges dely|uered, & writings made and ſealed, which agree|ment once blowen through the countrey, the ci|tie of Burdeaux, and all other townes (excepte Bayonne) made the like agreement. So did al ye noble men and Gentlemen whiche were ſubiects and vaſſals to the Crowne of Englande. Euery day was looking for ayde, but none came, for the diueliſhe deuiſion that raigned in Englande, ſo encombred the heads of the noble men there, that the honor of the Realme was cleerely forgot|ten, ſo that (to conclude) the day appointed came, but ſuccour looked for came not, by reaſon wher|of, all ye townes in Aquitaine (except Bayonne) deliuered their keyes, and became vaſſales to the french nation, yet the Citizens of Burdeaux, in hope of reſcues, required a longer daye of battell, which was graunted, but at the day appoynted, when no reliefe came, they rendred themſelues and the Citie to their aduerſaries, their liues and goodes ſaued, with licence and ſafeconduit to all perſons which would depart and ſaile into En|gland. Then finally was the Citie of Bayon beſieged, and with mines and baterie conſtrey|ned to yeeld it ſelfe into the Frenchmens handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Beſide the agreements taken and made with the townes, diuers noble mẽ made ſeuerall com|poſitiõs, as Gaſton de Foys, Capdaw de Buef, whome King Henrie the fifth made Earle of Longeuile, and Knight of the garter, whoſe an|ceſtors were euer true to Englande, whiche a|greed, that he and his ſon Iohn de Foys, whom King Henrie the ſixth made Earle of [...]ten [...] and alſo Knight of the garter, ſhoulde [...] all their landes in Aquitaine, giuen to them by the kings of Englande, or by the Dukes of [...]|taine, and bycauſe their intente was [...] ye king of England, they agreed to deliuer [...] cuſtodie of the Erle of Foys, the [...] and [...] of the ſaide Earle of Krudale, beeing of the age of three yeares, to the intent, that if he at his [...] age denyed to become ſubiect to the French King, or before that time deceaſſed, that thẽ after ye death of his father and grandfather, all the ſaide landes ſhould wholly remaine to the next heire of theyr bloud, either male or female, being vnder the o|beyſance of the French King or his heires. Ma|ny other noble men, whoſe harts were good En|gliſh, made like compoſitiõs, and ſome came in|to England, and others wente to Calais, & dare great offices there, as the L. Duras, whiche was Marſhall of that Towne, and Monſ. Vauchere, which was deputie there, vnder ye Erle of War|wike. Thus were the Engliſhmen cleerely diſplaced, and loſt the poſſeſſiõ of al ye coũtreys, townes, Caſtels, and places within the Realme of France, ſo ye only Calais, Hãmes, & Guines, wt the marches therof, remained in their hãds, of al thoſe their dominiõs & ſeigniories which they ſometime held in the parties of beyond the ſeas.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke pretending (as yee haue heard) a right to the Crowne, An. reg. [...] The Duke of Yorke ma [...] clayme to the Crowne as heire to Lionel Duke of Clarence, came this yere out of Irelãd vnto London, in the Parliament time, there to conſult with his eſpecial friends, as Iohn Duke of Northfolke, Richarde Earle of Saliſburie, and the Lorde Richarde his ſonne, whiche after was Earle of Warwike, Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonſhire, and Edward Brooke lord Cobham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After long deliberation, & aduice takẽ, it was thought expediente, to keepe their chiefe purpoſe ſecret, and that the Duke ſhould reyſe an armye of mẽ, vnder a protext to remoue diuers Coun|ſellors about the King, and to reuenge the ma|nifeſt iniuries done to the common wealthe by ye ſame rulers, of the which as principall, the D. of Somerſet was namely accuſed, both for that he was greatly hated of the commons for ye loſſe of Normandie, and for that it was wel knowẽ; that he would be altogither againſt the Duke of Yorke in his chalenge to bee made (when tyme ſerued) to the Crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Therfore, when the Duke of Yorke had thus by aduice of his ſpeciall friends, framed the foun|dation of his long intended enterpriſe, VVheth [...] The Duke of Yorke rayſed a great pow [...] for recoue [...] of his right of the Crowne. he aſſem|bled a greate hoſt, to the number of ten M. able men, in ye marches of Wales, publiſhing opẽly, that ye cauſe of this his gathering of people, was for the publike wealth of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1283The King muche aſtonyed at the matter, by aduice of his counſell, reyſed a great power, and marched forward toward the Duke, but he be|ing thereof aduertiſed, turned out of that way, whiche by eſpials he vnderſtoode that the King held, and made ſtreighte towarde London, and hauing knowledge that he might not be ſuffered to paſſe through the Citie, hee croſſed ouer the Thames at Kingſton bridge, and ſo kept on to|wards Kent, where he knewe that he hadde both friendes and good willers, and there on Brent heath, a mile frõ Dertforde, and twelue miles frõ London, he embatelled, and encamped hymſelfe very ſtrongly, enuironing his field with artillerie [figure appears here on page 1283] and trenches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King hereof aduertiſed, brought his ar|my with all diligence vnto blacke heathe, and there pight his tents.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVhethãſted.Whileſt both theſe armies lay thus embatel|led, the King ſente the Byſhop of Wincheſter, and Thomas Boucher, Biſhoppe of Elie, Ri|chard Wooduille, Lord Riuers, & Richard An|drew, the keeper of his priuie ſeale, to the Duke, both to know the cauſe of ſo great a com [...], & alſo to make a concord, if ye requeſts of the D. and his companye ſeemed conſonant to reaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Duke hearing the meſſage of the By|ſhops, aunſwered, that his comming was ney|ther to damnifie the K. in honor, nor perſon, nei|ther yet any good man, but his intente was, to remoue from him certaine euill diſpoſed perſons of his counſayle, bloudſuccors of the nobilitie, pollers of the Cleargie, and oppreſſors of ye poore people, amongſt whome, he chiefly named Ed|mond Duke of Somerſet, whome if the Kyng would commit to warde, to aunſwere ſuche ar|ticles as againſt him in open Parliament ſhuld bee both proponed and proued, hee promiſed not only to diſſolue his army, but alſo offered hym|ſelfe like an obediẽt ſubiect, to come to the kings preſence, and do to him true and faithfull ſeruice, according to his loyall and bounden duetie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Biſhops & the others, were retur|ned with this aunſwere, for the auoiding of bloudſhed, & pacifying of ye D. and his people, the D. of Somerſet was committed to warde, as ſome ſay, or elſe commanded to keepe himſelfe priuie in his owne houſe, as other write, till the furie of the people were ſomewhat qualified.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But it ſhuld ſeeme by that whiche ſome haue writẽ,VVhethãſted. ye the D. of Yorke was deceiued of ye hope whiche he had, to be aided of the Kentiſhmen, in ſo much, ye whẽ he ſaw himſelfe ouermatched by ye K. in number of people, who had got togither thrice as many men as ye D. had there wt him, ye D. was ye more eaſie to deale with, & ſo cõming to ye K. and ſubmitting himſelfe, by mediatiõ of certaine of ye nobilitie, he obteined pardon of that his former preſumptuous enterpriſe, & within a few dayes after his cõming to London with the K. he openly in the Church of S. Paule (the K. being preſent) receiued a ſolemne oth, that from thenceforth, he ſhould no more commit any ſuch offence, nor attempt any thing, either againſt the K. or any other of his liege people, contrarie to ye order of law and iuſtice. Howſoeuer the matter wente, troth it is, that the D. of Yorke, the firſte day of March, diſſolued his army, & brake vp his camp, & came to ye kings tent, where contrary to his expectatiõ, & againſt promiſe, made by ye K. as other write, he found the D. of Somerſet go|ing at large, & ſet at libertie,The Duke of Yorke accu|ſeth the D. of Somerſet. whom the Duke of Yorke boldly accuſed of treaſon, briberie, oppreſ|ſion, and many other crimes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Somerſet not only made an|ſwere to the Dukes obiections, but alſo accuſed him of high treaſon, affirming, that he with hys fautors and complices, had conſulted togither, how to obteine the ſcepter & regal crowne of this realm: by mean of which words, the K. remoued EEBO page image 1284 ſtreight to London, and the Duke of Yorke as priſoner, rode before him, & ſo was kepte awhile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King aſſembled togither a great Coun|ſaile at Weſtminſter, to heare the accuſations of the two Dukes, the one obiecting to the other many haynous and greeuous crimes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Duke of Somerſette, whiche nowe conceyued in his minde the thing that ſhortly followed, inceſſantly exhorted the Counſayle, that the Duke of Yorke, by cõpulnon or other|wiſe, might be driuen to confeſſe his offence, that ſo being atteinted of treaſon, he might ſuffer ex|ecution, and his children to be taken as aduerſa|ries to their natiue countrey, to the intente, that by the loſſe of this only Prince, and his ſequeale, all ciuill war, and inward deuiſion might ceaſſe and be repreſſed, beſieching almightie God, that ſo greate an enimie to the King and his bloud, might neuer eſcape puniſhmente, nor continue long in life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Somerſet ſette forth this mat|ter the more vehemently, bycauſe hee knewe per|fectly, that the Duke of Yorke dayly imagined with himſelfe, howe to get the Crowne, and to depoſe and deſtroy both the King and him,Deſtenie, or rather Gods prouidence cannot be auoyded. but the neceſſitie of deſtenie cannot by any mannes deuiſe, bee either letted or interrupted, for many things (to common iudgement) declared the D. of Yorkes innocencie in this caſe. Firſt, his free and voluntarie comming to the King, without conſtreynt, when he was partly of puiſſance able to haue encoũtred with the kings whole power. Secondly, his humble ſubmiſſiõ, and reaſonable requeſts, as well on his owne behalfe, as for the poore commons, whiche argued, that hee fought for no ſoueraignetie, but theſe things he vſed for a cautele, to daſle mens eyes withall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1452While the counſayle treated of ſauing or diſ|patching of this dolorous D. of Yorke, a rumor ſprang through London, that Edward Erle of Marche, ſon & heire apparant to the ſaid D. ac|cõpanyed with a great army of Marchmẽ, was comming towarde London, which tidings ſore appalled the Queene, and the whole counſayle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide this, the very ſame day, came Ambaſ|ſadors frõ the chiefe Citizens & magiſtrates of ye Citie of Burdeaux, whereof the chiefe were, the Erle of Kendale, and the L. de Leſparre, which ſignified to ye Counſaile, that if they would ſende an armie into Gaſcoigne, the people of ye coun|trey would reuolt from the frẽch part, & eftſones become Engliſhe. Theſe two things ſore trou|bled the heads of the Counſaile, which leaſt in|ward fedition might binder outward conqueſts, ſet the D. of Yorke at libertie, & permitted him to goe to his Caſtell of Wigmore, in the marches of Wales, by whoſe abſence, the D. of Somer|ſet roſe in ſuch high fauour, both with the King and Queene, that his word only ruled, and hys voice alone was heard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Counſaile not forgetting the offer of ye Gaſcoignes,An. reg. [...] 1453 & that they might now haue ye Ci|tie of Burdeaux, with the country round about, by requeſt of the inhabitants, appointed the vali|ant Captaine Iohn A. Talbot, Earle of Shre|weſburie, to goe thither with an armie, who ar|riuing in the Iſle of Madre, paſſed forthe with his power, being ſcant three thouſand men, and tooke the ſtrong towne of Fronſacke, and dyuers other townes and fortreſſes. The inhabitantes of Burdeaux, hearing of the Earles arriual, ſent to him meſſengers in the darke night, requiring him with all ſpeede, to come and receiue the Ci|tie. The Earle loſt not one houre, but haſted forth, and came before that Citie, eare the french men within vnderſtood any thing of the Citizẽs purpoſe. When they were aduertiſed that there was a gate ſet open for the Engliſhmen to en|ter, they thought to haue eſcaped ſecretly by a poſterne, but they were purſued, ſlayne, and ta|ken, by the L. de Leſparre, and other of the En|gliſh armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the regaining of Burdeaux, there arri|ued at Blay the baſterde of Somerſet, ſir Iohn Talbot, L. Liſle by his wife, ſonne to the ſayde Earle of Shreweſburie, the L. Molius, the L. Harington, the Lorde Cameis, Sir Iohn Ho|ward, Sir Iohn Montgomerie, ſir Iohn Ver|non, with .22. hundred men, with vittailes and munitions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Erle was thus, according to hys in [...]te, of all things furniſhed, firſte he fortifyed B [...]aux with Engliſhmen, and ſtore of vit|tayle, and after that, he rode into the Countrey abroade, where hee obteyned Cities, and gote Townes, without ſtroke, or dint of ſworde, for the people already aweeryed of the French ſerui|tude, and longing ſore to returne to the Engliſh libertie, ſeemed to deſire nothing more than to haue the Earle to receyue them into the Eng|liſh obeyſance. Amongſt other townes, ye towne and Caſtell of Chaſtillon in Perigort, was to him deliuered, the which he fortified with men, and ordinance very ſtrongly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the Frenche King beeyng aduertiſed of all theſe doings, reyſed an army to reſiſt this inuaſion made by the Earle of Shre|weſburie, and firſte he appointed his Captaynes to beſiege the Towne of Chaſtillon, to the reſ|cue whereof, the Earle haſled forward, hauyng in his company eight hundred horſemen, vnder the leading of his ſonne the Lord Liſle, the Lord Molins, the Lord Cameys, Sir Edward Hu [...], Sir Iohn Howard, and Sir Iohn Vernon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hee appointed alſo fiue thouſande footemen, vnder the conduit of the Earle of Rendalle, and EEBO page image 1285 the L. de Leſparre, to follow him with al ſpeede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In his way, hee tooke by fine force a tower, whiche the Frenchmen had taken, and ſlewe all that he found within it, and after by the way, he met fiue hundred frenchmen, going a foraging, of whome he ſlew the more part, and cha [...]d the other to the campe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen that lay at the ſiege, percey|uing by thoſe good runners away, that the Erle approched, left ye ſiege, & retired in good order into the place whiche they hadde trenched, diched and fortified with ordinance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle aduertiſed how the ſiege was re|moued, haſted forwarde towardes his enimies, doubting moſt, leaſt they woulde haue bin quite fledde and gone before his comming: but they fearing the diſpleaſure of the French King (who was not farre off) if they ſhould haue fled, abode the Earles comming, and ſo receiued him, that though he firſte with manfull courage, and ſore fighting wanne the entrie of their camp,The valiant Earle of Shre| [...]esbury and his ſonne mã|nely ſlayne. yet at length, they compaſſed him about, and ſhooting him through the thigh with an handgunnue, ſlew his horſe, and finally killed hym, lying on the ground, whome they durſt neuer looke in the face, while he ſtoode on his feete.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was ſaid, that after he perceyued there was no remedie, but preſente loſſe of the battell, hee counſelled his ſonne the Lord Liſle, to ſaue him|ſelfe by flight, ſith the ſame could not redounde, to any great reproch in him, this being the firſte iourney in which he had bin preſent. Manye wordes hee vſed to perſwade him to haue ſaued his life, but nature ſo wrought in the ſonne, that neither deſire of life, nor feare of death, coulde ei|ther cauſe him to ſhrinke, or conneigh hymſelfe out of the daunger, and ſo there manfully ended his life with his ſaid father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There died alſo the Erles baſterd ſonne, Hẽ|ry Talbot, and Sir Edwarde Hull, elect to the order of the garter, and thirtie other menne of name, and right valiant perſonages of the En|gliſh nation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Molines was taken priſoner with lx. others. The reſidue of the Engliſh people fled to Burdeaux, and other places, of whom in the flight were ſlayne aboue a thouſand perſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus at this battaile of Chatillon fought the xiij. day of Iuly in this yere, ended his life Iohn Lord Talbot, and of his progenie the firſt Erle of Shrewſbury, after that he with muche fame and moſte victorie, had valiantly made warre, and ſerued his Prince and countrey by the ſpace of .xxiiij. yeares, in the parties of beyond the ſea, whoſe corps was left on grounde, and after was founde by his frendes, and conueyed to Whit|church in Shropſhire, where it was enterred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After thys diſcomfiture dyuers Lordes fledde to Burdeaux, but the Earle of Candall, the lordes of Montferrant, of Roſayn, and of Dan|gladas entred into the Caſtell of Chaſtillon, whiche by ye ſpace of ten days they defended, but in the ende, diſpayring of all ſuccours, rendred the fortreſſe, and came ſafe to Burdeaux.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the townes of Saint Million, Li|borne, and all other whiche the Earle of Shre|weſburie had conquered, rendred themſelues to the Frenchmen, Burdeaux only except, the whi|che Citie beeing the laſt refuge of the Engliſhe people, the French King in perſon beſieged with all his puiſſance, and in concluſion, conſtreyned both the garniſons and inhabitants to yeelde,Burdeaux yel|ded againe to the Frenche. ſo that the Engliſhmen and Gaſcoignes myghte ſafely depart into England or to Calaice, with all their ſubſtance, and that the Lordes de Leſ|parre, Duras, and thirtie other, ſhould neuer vp|pon paine of death, be founde within any of the French Kings dominions, which Lord de Leſ|parre being after taken in Gaſcoigne diſguiſed, was made ſhorter by the head.

[figure appears here on page 1285]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this compoſition was agreed and ſea|led, the Engliſhmen were ſhortly tranſported ouer into Englande, in the moneth of October this preſent yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was the Duchie of Aquitaine, whyche had continued in the Engliſhe poſſeſſion, from the yeare of our Lorde .1155. vnto this preſente yeare, which is neere hands three hundred yeres, by the mariage of Alienor, daughter and heyre to William Duke of Aquitaine, wife to Kyng Henry the ſecond, finally reduced and broughte againe to the Frenche obedience and ſeruitude.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within that only Duchie, be foure Archby|ſhops, foure and twentie Biſhops, fifteene Erle|domes, two hundred and two Baronies, and aboue a thouſand Captaineſhippes and Balife|wikes, whereby yee maye conſider, what a loſſe this was to the Realme of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The thirtenth day of October this yeare, was the Q. deliuered at Weſtmin. of a faire ſonne, EEBO page image 1286 which was chriſtened,The Queene deliuered of hir ſon Prince Edward. and named Edward.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His mother ſuſteyned not a little ſlander and obloquie of the common people, who had an o|pinion, that the King was not able to get a childe, and therefore ſticked not to ſay, that thys was not hys ſonne, with manye ſlaunderous words, greatly ſounding to the Queenes diſho|nor, which neede not heere to be rehearſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the birth of this childe, he highly aduan|ced his brethren on his mothers ſide, for Edmõd he made Earle of Richmond, which was father to King Henry the ſeuenth, and Iaſper he crea|ted Erle of Pembroke, which died without iſſue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, Iohn Stafford, Archbyſhoppe of Caunterburie departed this life, & Iohn Kemp, Archbiſhoppe of Yorke, was remoued from that [figure appears here on page 1286] Sea, to ſucceede in place of the ſaid Stafford, be|ing the .62. Archbyſhoppe there, and Iohn Both Byſhop of Couentrie and Liechfield, was tran|ſlated to Yorke, beeing the .51. Archbyſhoppe of that Churche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the warres were ended in forayne par|ties,An. reg. 32. ciuil diſſention began againe to renne with|in the Realme, beeing deuided into two ſeuerall factions,1454 for King Henry diſcended of the houſe of Lancaſter, clayming the Crowne from hys grandfather King Henry the fourth (firſt author of this deuiſion) and Richard Duke of Yorke, as heire to Lyonell Duke of Clarence, third ſonne to King Edward the third, wreſtled for ye game, and ſtroue for the wager, by reaſon whereof, the nobles as well as the common people, were into partes deuided, to the vtter deſtruction of many a man, and to the great ruyne & decay of this re|gion: for while the one partie ſtudyed to deſtroy the other, all care of the common wealth was ſet aſide, and iuſtice and equitie cleerely exiled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The duke of Yorke imagi|neth the de|ſtructiõ of the Duke of So|merſet.The Duke of Yorke aboue all things, firſte ſought meanes how to prouoke the malice of the people againſt the Duke of Sommerſet, imagi|ning, yt he being made away, his purpoſe ſhould ſhortly come to a good concluſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo practiſed to bring the King into the hatred of the people, for that hee was not a man apt to the gouernemente of a Realme, wanting both witte, and ſtomacke, ſufficient to ſupply the roomth which he held.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many of the high eſtates, not liking ye world, and diſalowing the actes and doings both of the King and his counſaile, determined to pra|ctiſe howe things might come to ſome altera|tion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Duke vnderſtoode their mindes, he chiefly entertayned, and wanne the fauour of two Neuilles, and both named Richarde,He [...] hymſelf with the Neuilles. the one Earle of Saliſburie, and the other Earle of Warwike, the firſt being the father, and ye ſecond the ſonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle of Saliſburie, was ſecond ſonne to Raufe Neuill Earle of Weſtmerland, whoſe daughter the Duke of Yorke had married,The ſiſter of Rich. Neuille erle of Saliſ|bury. and the ſayde Richard was eſpouſed to Lady Alice, the only childe and ſole heire of Thomas Mon|tacute Earle of Saliſburie, ſlayne at the ſiege of Orleans (as before is declared) of which woman, he begate Richarde, Iohn and George: Richard the eldeſt ſonne, eſpouſed Anne, the ſiſter & heyre of the entire bloud, to Lord Henry Beauchamp Earle, and after Duke of Warwike, in whoſe right and title he was created, and named Erle of Warwike.

This man through a certaine naturall incli|nation and practiſe, did ſo ſet forward a ſort [...] good qualities whiche reſted in him, with wittie and gentle demeanor towards all maner of per|ſons, both of high and lowe degree, that he grew into ſuche fauoure and eſtimation amongſt the common people,The deſcrip|tiõ of the erle of Warwike. that they iudged him able to do all things, & that without hym nothing could be well done. For whiche cauſes his authoritie ſo farfoorth increaſed, that whiche way he bowed, that way ranne the ſtreame, and what parte hee tooke, that ſayde got the game.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Duke of Yorke hadde faſtened hys chaine betwene theſe two ſtrong pillers,An. reg. .33. he with his frendes wrought ſo effectuouſly, and handled his buſineſſe ſo politikely,The duke of Somerſet ar|reſted. that the Duke of So|merſet was arreſted in the Quenes great cham|ber, and ſente to the Towre of London, where he kept his Chriſtmaſſe without great ſolemni|tie, againſt whome, in open Parliamente were layd diuers and heynous articles of high treaſon,1455 as wel for the loſſe of Normandie, as for the late miſchance which happened in Guyenne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king at ye time was ſicke at Clarendon, and conueyed to London, by reaſon whereof, no fynall determination proceeded in thys weightie cauſe, but all was put in ſuſpence, tyll the next aſſemblie of the high Court of Parlia|mente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1287 VVe [...]amſtedWee finde in ſome Writers, that whileſt the K. was ſicke, the D. of Yorke bare all the rule, & gouerned as Regent or Viceroy, by authoritie committed to him by the Lords of the Realme, then aſſembled in counſell, to ſee to the preſerua|tion, and good gouernemente of the common wealth,The king ſick during the time of that ye kings ſicknes, which was ſo greeuous, that hee lay ſenſeleſſe, and was not able for a time, either to goe or ſtande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke therefore hauing ob|teyned an abſolution of the Pope, to diſcharge him of his oth before taken, did now diſcouer the ſparkes of his hatred, hid vnder the aſhes of diſſi|mulation, againſt the D. of Somerſet: but yet when the K. had recouered ſtrength againe, and reſumed to hym hys former princely gouerne|mente, eyther of hys owne mynde, or by the Queenes procurement,The duke of Somerſet ſette at libertie. hee cauſed the Duke of Somerſet to be ſet at libertie, by whiche doyng, great enuie & diſpleaſure grew. And to aggrauat more the malice of the D. of Yorke, & his friẽds, the Queene whiche then bare the chiefe rule, cauſed the Duke of Somerſet to be preferred to the Captaineſhippe of Calaice,He is made de [...]ie of Caleis wherewith not only the commons, but alſo many of the nobili|tie were greately greeued and offended, ſaying, that he had loſt Normandie, and ſo would he do Calaice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke and his adherentes, per|ceyuing that neither exhortation ſerued, nor ac|cuſatiõ preuailed againſt the Duke of Somer|ſet, determined to reuenge their quarrell, and ob|teyne their purpoſe by open warre: and ſo he be|ing in the marches of Wales,The duke of Yorke aſſem|bled an army. accompanyed with his ſpeciall friends, the Earles of Saliſbu|rie, and Warwike, the Lorde Cobham, and o|thers, aſſembled a power, and like warlike per|ſons, marched toward London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King enformed heereof, aſſembled lyke|wiſe a great hoſt, & meaning to meete with the Duke, rather in the North parts than about London, where it was thought he had too many friends, with great ſpeede, and ſmall lucke, being accompanied with the Dukes of Somerſet, and Buckingham, the Earles of Pembroke, Staf|ford,VVhethãſted. Northumberlande, Deuonſhire, Dorſet, & Wilſhire, the Lords Clifford, Sudley, Berneis, Roos, and others, beeing in all aboue two thou|ſande men of warre, departed from Weſtmin|ſter the twentith, or as ſome haue, the one and twentith of May, and laye the firſte nighte at Wadford. Of whoſe doings, the Duke of Yorke by eſpials hauing ſtill aduertiſement, with al his power, beeing not paſt three thouſande men (as ſome write) coaſted the Countrey, and came to the ſaid Towne of Saint Albons, the third day next enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King had pight his Standert in a place called Goſelowe, otherwiſe Sandiford, in Saint Peeters ſtreete: the Lord Clifforde kept the bar|riers of the Towne, to ſtoppe that the D. being aſſẽbled in Keye fielde, ſhuld not enter ye towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the King, whẽ he heard firſt of ye Dukes approche, ſente to him meſſengers, as the Duke of Buckingham, and others, to vnderſtãd what he meant by his comming,VVhethãſted. thus furniſhed after the manner of warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Buckingham, doing his meſ|ſage as hee had in commaundement,The duke of Buckingham ſent to the D. of Yorke. was aun|ſwered by the Duke of Yorke and his compli|ces, that they were all of them the Kings faith|full liege ſubiects, and intended no harme to him at all: and the cauſe of our comming hither (ſay they) is not to doe anye hurt to his perſon, but let that wicked and naughtie man the Duke of Somerſet bee deliuered vnto vs, who hathe loſt Normandie,The Duke of Somerſet bur|dened with all thinges that had happened amiſſe. and taken no regard to the preſer|uation of Gaſcoigne, yea, and furthermore, hath brought this Realme of England vnto this mi|ſerable eſtate, that where it was the floure of na|tions, and the Princeſſe of all prouinces, now doth it ſitte as a widowe forſaken, not hauyng any louing ſonnes, but ſuche whome that euill man ſeeketh to deſtroy, and to deuoure both thẽ and their ſubſtance: if it therefore pleaſe the kyng to deliuer him into our handes, wee are readye without trouble or breach of peace, to returne in quiet home into our Countrey, but if the Kyng be not minded ſo to doe, but denye our requeſt, bycauſe he will by no meanes miſſe him, let hym vnderſtand, that we will rather dye in the fielde, than now to returne without our hoped pray.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King aduertiſed of this the aunſwere and purpoſed intention, more wilfull than rea|ſonable, choſe rather to trie the hazard of battell, than to deliuer the Duke of Somerſet into the handes of his enimies, whiche they perceyuyng, ſtraightway ſounded the trumpet to battell, or rather as Hall hath, while king Henry ſent forth his Ambaſſadors to treate of peace, at the one end of ye towne, the Erle of Warwike,The firſt bat|taile at Sainte Albons. VVhethãſted with his Marchmen entred at the other end, & fiercely ſet|ting on ye kings foreward, within a ſmall tyme diſcomfited the ſame. The place where they firſt brake into ye towne, was about the middle of S. Peters ſtreete. The fight for a time was ryghte ſharp & cruell, for ye D. of Somerſet, wt the other lords, cõming to ye ſuccours of their companiõs that were put to ye worſe, did what they could, to boate backe ye enimies, but the D. of Yorke,Hall. ſent euer freſh men to ſuccour the weerie, & to ſupplye the places of them that were hurt, by which poli|cie, the Kings army was finally brought to cõ|fuſion, and all the chiefetaines of the fielde ſlaine and beaten downe, for there dyed vnder ye ſigne EEBO page image 1288 of the Caſtell, Edmond Duke of Sommerſet, who as hath bin reported, was warned long be|fore to auoyde all Caſtels: and beſide hym laye Henry the ſeconde of that name, Earle of Nor|thumberland,Thomas Lord Cliffords hath Whethamſted Humfrey Erle of Stafford, ſonne to the Duke of Buckingham, Iohn Lord Clif|ford, Sir Barthram Antwiſell Knight, a Nor|man borne (who forſaking his natiue Countrey to continue in his loyal obedience to King Hen|rie, came ouer to dwell heere in Englande when Normandie was loſt,) William Zouche, Iohn Boutreux, Raufe Bapthorp, with his ſonne W. Corwyn. W. Cotton, Gilbert Faldinger, Raynold Griffon, Iohn Dawes, Elice Wood, Io. Eithe, Ra. Woodwarde, Gilbert Skarlock, and Rafe Willoughby Eſquiers, with manye other, in all to the number of .viij. thouſande, as Edwarde Hall ſayth in his Chronicle, if there eſcaped not a fault in the Impreſſion, as .8000. for .800. ſith hundreds in very deede, would bet|ter agree with the number of the Kings whole power, whiche he brought with him to that bat|tell, beeyng not many aboue two thouſande, as by writers it appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Humfrey Duke of Buckingham, being woũ|ded, and Iames Butler Earle of Ormond and Wilſhire, and Thomas Thorp, Lord chief Ba|ron of the Eſchequer, ſeeing fortune thus to bee againſt them, left the King poſt alone, and with a great number fledde away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thoſe that thus fledde, made the beſt ſhifte they coulde to get away, through gardens, and backeſides, through ſhrubbes, hedges, & woddes, ſeeking places where to hide themſelues, til that daungerous tempeſt of the battell were ouer|blowen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kinges part vanqui|ſhed.Diuers of the Kings houſe alſo that coulde better ſkill to play the Courtiers than warriors, fledde with the firſt, and thoſe of the Eaſt partes of the Realme, were likewiſe noted of too much lacke of courage, for their ſpeedie withdrawing themſelues, and leauing the King in danger of his aduerſaries, who perceyuing hys men thus fledde from him, withdrewe into a poore mans houſe to ſaue himſelfe from the ſhot of arrowes, that flewe about his eares as thicke as ſnowe, falling from the ſkye,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke aduertiſed of the place, into the whiche the King was withdrawen, ha|ſted thither with all ſpeede, and comforted hym in the beſt wiſe he could, aſſuring him, that now that the common enimie of the Realme was diſpatched, to witte, the Duke of Sommerſet, he had cauſe rather to reioyce, than to bee ſorie, ſith his deſtruction was the Kings preſeruation, and for himſelfe and all his adherents, he vndertooke that they were and would remayne duryng life, his moſt faithfull liege people, ready in al points to ſerue hym, as his truſtie and obediente ſub|iectes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he hadde vſed ſuche words to him as he thought beſt to comforte him with, he broughte him forth of that ſimple houſe (into the which he was crept) withe all due reuerence, ſhewed towarde hym, fyrſte to the Shrine, and after to his chamber.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the Duke of Yorke was about thus to comfort the King, the Souldiers that had the victorie nowe in their hands, applyed the ſpoyle, namely, the Northerne men, ſtripping not only thoſe that had borne armour againſt them, but alſo the Towneſmen and other, with whome they might meete, ſo that it was thoughte, if the King had taken vp his lodging at his firſt com|ming thither, within the Abbey, as hee did not, but in the middes of the Towne (to prouide the better to reſiſt his enimies) the Abbey had beene ſpoyled alſo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was the ende of the firſte battell at S. Albons, whiche was foughte on a Thurſeday, next before the feaſt of Penthecoſt, being ye three and twentith daye of May, in thys three & thir|tith yeare of the kings raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The bodies of the noble men, were buried in the monaſterie in our Ladies Chappell, and the meane people, in other places.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Edmond Duke of Sommerſet, left be|hinde him three ſonnes, Henrye, Edmonde,Foure of th [...] to wit, the D [...] of Somerſet, the earle of Northumber|land, & the [...]. Clifford, wo [...] buried in o [...] Ladies chapel. VVethamſt [...] and Iohn, which to the extremitie of death, tooke part with the line of King Henry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke hauing got this victo|rie, remembred well, that hee hadde publiſhed a|broade howe the onely cauſe of this warre was, for the aduancemente of the common wealthe, and therefore vſing al courteſie, would not touch the Kings perſon, after anye violente ſorte, but with all honor, and due reuerence, conueyed him to London, and ſo to Weſtminſter, to whiche place, was ſummoned a Parliamente,A parliament. whyche began the ninth daye of Iuly, in the whiche ſeſ|ſiõ, the late Duke of Glouceſter was openly de|clared a true ſubiect, both to the King, and to the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide this, it was enacted, that no perſon ſhoulde either iudge or report any poynt of vn|troth of the Duke of Yorke, the Earles of Sa|liſburie and Warwike, or of anye Knighte, Eſ|quier, archer, or other, for comming in warlike aray againſt the King, at Saint Albons, conſi|dering theyr enterprice was only, to ſee ye kings perſon in ſafegard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But all the blame was put vpon the Duke of Sommerſet, Thomas Thorp, VVetham [...] Collaterall. A letter kep [...] from the king of purpoſe. Baron of the Eſchequer, & Wil. Ioſep Eſquier, ye kings col|lateral companion, bicauſe that they vpõ a mali|tious purpoſe, kept a certain letter from ye kyngs EEBO page image 1289 knowledge, and would in no wiſe ſuffer it to be deliuered vnto him, notwithſtãding ye ſame made to the aduancement of ſome good aſſured peace, if it had beene throughly and aduiſedly read, weyed, and conſidered, in which letter they declared, that as faythfull and humble ſubiectes, they requyred onely that it would pleaſe the king (whoſe honor, health, ſuretie and preſeruation, they chiefly wy|ſhed) not to giue credence to theyr aduerſaries malicious ſuggeſtions, till theyr comming to his preſence, vnto the which they hũbly beſought him that they might be admitted as his faythfull liege people, to ſhewe the intent and purpoſe of their commings, which was to none other ende, than to enlarge theyr fidelitie and allegiance towards his moſt dread perſon, intending to put themſel|ues with as much diligence, induſtrie, and tra|uaile in all things that might preferre & aduaunce his honour, health, ſuretie, and ſafegarde, as anye ſubiect he had liuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The keeping back of this letter from the kings ſight and knowledge, did miniſter matter ſuffici|ent ynough to the Parliament to colour and in|ſtifie for well done all tranſgreſſions committed in the late battayle and chaſe at Saint Al|bons.The Duke of Yorkes com|ming againſte the k. iuſtified

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Parliament alſo, the Duke of Yorke was made Protector of the realme,The D. of York [...]de protec| [...] of the [...]. and the Erle of Saliſburie was appoynted to be Lord Chan|cellor, and had the great ſeale to him deliuered, and the Earle of Warwike was elected to the of|fice of the captainſhip of Calays, and the territo|ries of the ſame, and thus the rule of the Realme reſted in the orders of the Duke and Chancellor, and all warlike affayres remayned principally in the Erle of Warwike. And ſo amongſt them it was agreed, that king Henry ſhould ſtill raigne in name and dignitie, but neyther in deede nor in authoritie, not mynding to deſtroy him leaſt they might ſodainly prouoke the furie of the common people agaynſt them, bycauſe that of the ſymple ſort of people hee was for hys holyneſſe of lyfe, and aboundant clemencye muche fauoured and highly eſteemed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVhethom. [...]e acte for the [...]ng to reuoke [...] grants.In this Parliament alſo it was enacted, that the king ſhoulde reſume, take into his handes a|gaine, haue and retaine in his poſſeſſion, all ho|nours, Caſtels, Lordſhips, townes, villages, manours, landes, tenements, waſtes, foreſts, cha|ſes, rentes, reuerſions, fees, fermes, ſeruices, iſſues, profites, counties, aduouſons of Priories, Chur|ches, hoſpitals, and free Chapels, and all other reuenues with theyr appurtenances, the whiche had paſſed from him ſith the firſt day of his raigne vnto that preſent, eyther by his letters patents or authoritie of Parliament, and any other meanes, whether by graunt, confirmation, or releaſe from him made in fee ſimple, or fee taile for tearme of life or yeares, to anye maner of perſon and per|ſons in Englande, Wales, Scotlande, or the Marches, in Irelande, or in the townes of Ca|lays, and Guiſnes, and the marches there, and likewiſe all grauntes made of ſuche things as is aboue mentioned, being parcell of the Duchie of Lancaſter, and further all graunts of offices, rowmeths, fees, wages, or commodities, not ac|cuſtomed to belong to any office or charge before the ſayde firſt day of the kings raigne, were like|wiſe reuoked.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuerſe other things were alſo conteyned with|in this reuocation, and generall reſumption of things into the kings hands, with certaine excep|tions yet and prouiſoes had, as were thought cõ|uenient, and as by the ſame act it doth and may more plainly appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer nowe that the Duke of Yorke and his adherẽts had wraſted the whole rule and go|uernment into their handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All ſuche perſons as the king eyther loued, or the Queene fauoured, were put beſide the priuie counſaile, and ſuche put in their places, as was knowne to fauor the houſe of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the officers were chaunged,Shifting of officers. throughout the realme at the will and diſpoſition of the Pro|tector, Chancellor, and captain of Calays, ſo that they cõſtituted as it were a triumuirate, ruling all things at their owne diſcretion. And yet in all theyr rule I finde not that any mention is made of theyr deferring of iuſtice, or of any polling or bryberie as was openly proued by ſuch as gouer|ned before their time. Onelye they were noted with an execrable and damnable offence of diuerſe ſpirituall perſons, and namely of the Abbot of Weſtminſter and his Munkes, for that they toke oute of the Sanctuarie at Weſtminſter Iohn Hollande Duke of Exeter, being repugnant to the order taken in the laſt Parliament, and con|ueyed him to the Caſtell of Pomfret.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But that venemous worme, that dreadfull Dragõ called diſdaine of ſuperioritie, which hath conſumed the bloud of ſo manye noble Princes, and deſtroyed the lygnage of ſo many gouernors in all realmes and kingdomes, as well Pagan as Chriſtian, coulde not but incenſe the heartes of the Lord Henrie Beauforde,Henry D. of Sommerſe [...] newly inueſted duke of Somerſet by the death of Duke Edmond hys father, which at the battaile of Saint Albons (as aboue is rehearſed) loſt his life, and of Humfrey Duke of Buckingham (who had loſt his ſonne and heyre at the ſame battaile) and of other lordes and men of authoritie fauouring the part of king Henrie, whiche bewayled the vnſure ſtate of the ſame king, bycauſe they perceyued wherevnto the cloked courteſie and diſſembling maner of the Duke of Yorke did drawe, and therefore thought it neceſſarie to puruey for a remedie ere the miſ|chiefe EEBO page image 1290 happened. Herevpon they conſulted with the Queene, and by hir aduice was a great coũ|ſail called at Greenwich,The Duke of York diſchar|ged of his office. where the duke of York was diſcharged of his protectorſhippe, and the Earle of Saliſburie depriued alſo of his office: whiche malicious chaunge amongeſt the Nobi|litie cauſed ſodaine alterations, and ſeditious at|temptes to ſpring and aryſe in the communal|tie, and in eſpeciall wythin the Citie of Lon|don. For a yong Marchaunt which before time hadde beene in dyuerſe Cities within the Coun|trey of Italy,1456 and there forbydden by the Magi|ſtrates to weare anye weapon, chalenged an Italian in Cheapeſide for wearing a Dagger, alledging agaynſte hym the lawes of hys owne Countrey: and bycauſe the Italian aunſwered ſomewhat diſdainefully, the Marchaunt not wylling to ſuffer ſo open a reproche in a ſtreete ſo fraught with people, tooke by force from him his Dagger and with the ſame brake his pate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Italian in greate haſt complayned to the Maior of thys offence, ſo that at the nexte Court holden at the Guilde hall, the Marchant was ſent for, and his offence beeing declared vn|to him, he was commaunded to warde, wherevp|on dyuerſe other light perſons within the Citie, aſſembled togyther in great plumps,An vptote in the citie of London. and by force conſtrayned the Maior to delyuer the pryſoner out of Newgate, and not ſo ſatiſfied, like madde men ran to the ſeuerall houſes of dyuerſe Vene|tians,A foule diſor|der. Lucaſes, and Florentines, and them ſpoy|led, robbed, and rifled wythout reaſon or meaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maior perceiuing this enormious doing, aſſembled a greate number of ſubſtantiall and graue Citizens, which not without great bloud|ſhed and mayming of ſundrie perſons finally ap|peaſed the rage, and cauſed the miſruled people to depart to their houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The begynner of this outragious vprore got him to Weſtminſter, and there regiſtred him for a Sanctuarie man.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene whiche now againe ruled all things, aduertiſed of this vnlawful miſdemeanor ſent the dukes of Exceter and Buckingham, ac|companied with other noble men, to Lõdon with a commiſſion of Oyer and Determiner, for the puniſhment of ſo ſeditious an offence: But when the Maior, the two Dukes, and the two chiefe iu|ſtices were ſet in the Guild hall for performance of theyr Commiſſion, vppon intelligence that a number of lyght wytted Citizens, were mynded in armour to reſkue the priſoners that had beene apprehended for the late committed robberie and ryot as as they ſhoulde goe to their triall and ar|raigment: the two Dukes and the other commiſ|ſioners ſodenly departed from the Guildehal & left their inquirie for that daye, though in deede they were in no ſuch daunger as they doubted: for cer|taine diſcreete and ſage Citizens ſo handled the matter, that no miſorder followed of that great tumult and ſodaine furie of the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maior on the next day called a common counſaile,A common counſel [...] whereof the number was an hundred foureſcore and odde perſons, & by authoritie of the ſame, ordeyned that all wardens of myſteryes ſhould aſſemble their myſteries in their common halles, where they ſhoulde exhort them to the ob|ſeruation of peace, and if they ſpyed any man ey|ther readie to ſtyrre a rumor, or deſirous of the deliuerance of ſuch as were accuſed and in priſon, that their names ſhoulde be ſecretly written, and couertly deliuered to the Lord Maior: which po|litike doing finally ended the outragious attemp|tates of the vnruly people. And ſo the commiſſio|ners returned to the Guildehall, where many of the robbers were attainted and put to execution, beſide diuerſe greate fines and raunſomes payed, which were ſet vpon the heades of dyuerſe Mar|chants for winking at the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare Iohn Kempe Archebiſhoppe of Canterburie departed this lyfe, and Thomas Burſtlyer Byſhoppe of Elye was remoued to ſucceede in his place, beeing the threeſcore and three Archbiſhop that ſat in the ſea of that Arch|biſhops ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French nation hearing of the ciuill diſ|ſention within the Realme of England, An. reg. 35. 1457 thought to worke ſome domage to the Engliſhe people, in reuenge of olde iniuries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon were two Nauies appoynted to inuade the townes ſtanding vppon the rynage of the Sea. The Captaynes of the one Fleete, was William Lorde Pomyers, and of the o|ther Sir Peers Breſſy, a great ruler in Nor|mandie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe two captaines taking their courſe oute of the mouth of Saine, ſeuered themſelues, the one Weſtwarde, and the other Eaſtward, which was ſir Peter de Breſſy. This luſtie Captaine ſayling alongſt all the coaſtes of Suſſex & Kent, durſt not once take lande, till hee arryued in the Downes, and there hauing by a certaine eſpyall perfite notice that the Towne of Sandwiche was neyther peopled nor fortified,Sandwich ſp [...]|led by the French. bycauſe that a lyttle before, the chiefe Rulers of the Towne were from thence departed, for to auoyde the pe|ſtilenciall plague, whiche ſore there afflicted and ſlue the people, entred the Hauen, ſpoyled the towne, and after ſuch poore ſtuffe as he there foũd rifled and taken, hee fearing an aſſemble of the Countrey, ſhortly returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Pomyers likewyſe tooke hys courſe Weſtwarde,Foulnay. and by nyght burnt certaine houſes in Foulnay, and with a little pyllage re|tyred into Brytaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scots alſo not forgetting their old prãks, EEBO page image 1291 entred into Northumberlande,The Scots in|uade England. king Iames the ſeconde being there in perſon) and burned certain poore houſes, and little cottages: but in the verie middeſt of theyr great enterpriſe, they hearing of the duke of Yorkes marching toward them with a great armie, with much paine and no gaine, in all haſt returned to their countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to paſſe ouer outwarde inuaſions and to returne to the dayly diſorder put in bre a|mongeſt the Nobles at home, a greate conflict chaunced betwene the Lord Egremonde, and the ſonnes of the Earle of Saliſburie, in the whiche fray, many perſons were ſlaine, and a great num|ber hurt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Egremond could not eſcape, but by force was taken and brought before the kings counſaile, & there the King & the Queene to ſhew themſelues to all perſons indifferent, adiudged him to paye to the Earle of Saliſburie a greate ſumme of money,The Lord E|gremond com+mitted to new gate. and for his heynous offence committed agaynſt the Kings lawes, hee was committed to the gaile of Newgate within the Citie of London, oute of the whiche by helpe of friendes hee eſcaped,He made an eſcape. to the great vexation of the Sherifes of London at that tyme being.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Queene ſecretely thyrſting for the de|ſtruction of the Duke of Yorke and his friendes, perceyued that ſhe could attempt nothing againſt him neare to the Citie of London, bycauſe the Duke was had in more eſtimation there among the Citizens and communaltie, than eyther the King hir huſbande, or hirſelfe, and therefore ſhee cauſed the King to make a progreſſe into War|wikſhire for his health and recreation, and ſo with hawking and hunting came to the Citie of Co|uentree, where dyuerſe wayes were ſtudied to cõ|paſſe the Queenes long wiſhed deſire: for the ac|compliſhing whereof, the Duke of Yorke, the Earles of Saliſburie,A practiſe to [...] [...]pped the Duke of Yorke. and Warwike (whoſe de|ſtruction was chiefly ſought) were ſent for to Co|uentrie by the Kings letters, vnder his priuie ſeal, to which place the ſayd Lordes without ſuſpition of euill, obediently reſorted, but beeing admoni|ſhed by ſecrete friendes, what was intended a|gaynſt them, they auoyded that daunger, where as otherwiſe their lyues had beene loſt without al remedie. And ſo not ſaying farewell, they depar|parted from the Court, the Duke vnto Wyg|moore in the marches of Wales, the Erle of Sa|liſburie to his faire Caſtell of Middleham in the North countrey, and the Erle of Warwike ſay|led to the towne of Calays.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe although the bodies of theſe three noble perſonages were thus ſeparated, yet theyr heartes were knitte and coupled in one, and ſtyll went meſſengers with letters betwixt them, to communicate theyr deuiſes, and to giue ſignifi|cation of theyr mindes and purpoſes from one to another.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare Reginald Peacocke Biſhop of Chicheſter, abiured at Paules Croſſe, An. reg. 39. 1458 and all his bokes were burnt, & he himſelf cõmaunded to kepe his owne houſe during his naturall life, bycauſe yt he being very wel learned, & better ſtomacked, be|ganne to moue queſtions, not priuily but openly, in the Vniuerſities, concerning the annates, Pe|ter pens, and other iuriſdictions and authorities apperteyning to the Biſhop of Rome, and not onely put forth ſuch queſtions, but declared hys minde and opinion in the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some ſay he held, that ſpirituall perſons by Gods lawe ought to haue no temporall poſſeſ|ſions.

Other wryte that he ſayde that perſonall ty|thes were not due by Gods law.VVhetham. And as ſome haue recorded, hee helde that it was not needefull to belieue that Chriſt after his paſſion did deſcend into hell, neither yet to beleeue in the Catholike Church, nor the communion of Saints.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo that he held howe the vniuerſall Church might erre in matters of fayth. And that it is not of neceſſitie to beleue, that that which is allowed, ordeyned, and determined in fauour of fayth, and the health of mans ſoule, by a generall Counſaile or by the vniuerſall Church, ought to be allowed and holden of all chriſtian people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer he helde, that it was lawfull to e|uerie man to vnderſtande the ſcriptures in the li|terall ſenſe, and that none is bounde to cleane vnto any other ſenſe, vpon anye neceſſitie of ſaluation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie and his adherentes perceyuing that the Duke of Yorke lay ſtill and ſtyrred not, returned to London, and there called a great coũ|ſaile, openly declaring that the French and Scots enboldned by the ciuill diſcorde within this realm would attempt to annoy the ſame, as of late they had ſhewed apparant tokens of theyr euill mali|cious meaning, and would not ceaſſe vpon occa|ſions to doe further diſpleaſures, tyll they percey|ued a perfite concorde and an vnfeyned amitie to be concluded betwene him and his friendes, and thoſe of the contrarie part and confederacie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to the intent that he woulde be the chiefe Author of peace, hee promiſed ſo to entertaine the Duke of Yorke and his ſautors, that al old g [...]ue|ges being not onely inwardly forgotten, but alſo outwardly forgiuen, ſhould be the cauſe of perpe|tuall loue and aſſured amitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This deuiſe was of all men preſent will ta|ken, and adiudged for the beſt. Wherevpon dy|uerſe graue perſons were ſente to the Duke of Yorke, and al other the great eſtates of the realm, whiche ſince the battaile of Saint Albons neuer met nor communed togither, commaunding thẽ for great cauſes and reaſonable conſiderations, to EEBO page image 1292 reſort to the kings Palace without delay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his cõmaundement came to London Ry|chard Duke of Yorke, with foure. C. men, and was lodged at Baynards caſtell being his owne houſe,The peeres of the Realme called to a treatie. and after him came the Erle of Saliſburie with fiue hundred men, and was likewiſe lodged at his owne houſe called the Herber. Then came the Dukes of Exceter, and Somerſet with .viij. hundred men, and were lodged without Temple Barre, and the Earle of Northumberlande, the Lorde Egremonde, and the Lord Clifforde came with .xv. C. men, and lodged withoute the Citie. The Erle of Warwicke alſo came from Calais with ſix hundred men in red Iackets, embrodered with white ragged ſtaues behind and before, and was lodged at the gray Friers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus were all thoſe of the one faction lodged within the citie, and thoſe of the other without in Holborne, towarde Weſtmynſter, and in other places of the Suburbs, as who ſayd yt as the Ie|wes diſdeined the companie of the Samaritains, ſo the Lancaſtrians abhorred the familiaritie of the Yorkiſh lynage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After ye theſe Lords were thus come vnto Lõ|don, the King and the Queene ſhortly followed, comming thither the .xvij. day of Marche, and lodged in the Biſhops Palace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bicauſe no riotous attempt or bickering ſhuld be begon betweene any of the parties, or their re|tinues, the Maior and Aldermenne of the Citie kept great watch, as well by day as by night, ry|ding about the citie by Holborne, and Fleetſtreet, with fiue thouſand men well armed & arrayed, to ſee good order and peace on all ſides kept.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes which lodged within the city held a dayly counſaile at the black Friers. The other parte ſoiourning without the walles, aſſembled lykewiſe in the Chapiter houſe at Weſtminſter. At length by the diligent trauaile, good exhorta|tion, and prudent aduice of the Archb. of Cant. & other vertuous Prelates, both parties were per|ſwaded to come to a communication, and ſo did, where after long debating of their grieuaunces, they were accorded, promiſing to forget all olde rancors,The Lords are brought to agree. and to be friendes eche to other, and o|bedient to the King, whereof writings were ſea|led, ſigned and deliuered. The principall poyntes whereof the king beeing named and reputed as whole arbitratour conſiſted herein. VVhetham. The awarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt, that at the coſts, charges, and expences, of the Duke of Yorke,The cleergy [...] reſure in thoſe dayes to loſe nothing by theſe con|tentions howe ſo euer the world went. the Erles of Warwik, and Saliſburie, xlv. poundes of yearely rent, ſhoulde be lawfully aſſigned, giuen and aſſured by waye of a mortizement for euer, vnto the Monaſterie of Saint Albones, for Suffrages and Obites to be kept, and almes to bee employed for the ſoules of Edmond late duke of Somerſet, Henry late Erle of Northumberland, and Thomas late L. Clif|ford, which being ſlaine in the late battaile of S. Albones, were buried there in the Abbey Church, and alſo for the ſoules of all other ſlaine in the ſame battaile. The ſaide Duke of Somerſet, the Earle of Northumberlande, and L. Clifforde, by vertue of the ſame award, were declared for true and faithfull liegemen to the king, & ſo to be holdẽ and reputed in the day of their deathes, aſwel as ye ſaid duke of York, the erles of Warwik & Saliſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer it was decreed, that the D. of York ſhould giue to Elenore Ducheſſe of Somerſet, & to Henrie Duke of Somerſet hir ſon, the ſumme of fiue thouſand Markes of good aſſignments of debts which the K. ought to him for his wages due, during the time of his ſeruice in Irelãd, to be diuided as the K. ſhould think cõuenient betwixt the brethren & ſiſters of the ſayd D. of Somerſet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Alſo that the Erle of Warwick ſhould giue to the Lorde Clifforde, the ſumme of a thouſande Markes, in good and ſufficient aſſignmentes of debts which the king ought to him to be deſtribu|ted betwixt the ſaid L. Clifford his brethren and ſiſters. Alſo where Thomas Percie knight,The Lord Egr [...]mond L. Egremond, & Richard Percy his brother, ſonnes of the Lady Elenor Counteſſe of Northumber|land, had bin in a Seſſions holdẽ within ye coun|tie of Yorke before Richard Bingham, & [...]auſe Pole the kings Iuſtices & other cõmiſſioners, cõ|demned vnto the Erle of Saliſburie in the ſum of viij. M. marks, & to the ſame erle, and to his wyfe Alice in the ſum of fiue. M. marks. & to Tho. Ne|uil knight, ſonne to the ſaid Erle of Saliſburie, in the ſumme of a. M. marks, & to the ſaid Thomas & Mawd his wife, in the ſum of two. M. markes, and to Iohn Neuil knight, ſon to the ſaid Erle of Saliſburie, in the ſumme of .viij. C. markes for tranſgreſſions & treſpaſſes there found to bee done by the ſaid L. Egremond, & Richard his brother, vnto the ſaid erle of Saliſb. Alice, Thom. Neuil, Mawd & Iohn Neuil, as by the record appeared. It was ordeyned that the ſaide Erle & his ſonnes ſhould releaſe all the ſaid ſummes of money, & the executions thereof, and likewiſe releaſe vnto Rau [...] Verney, & Iohn Steward late Sherifes of Lon|don, vnto whoſe cuſtodie the ſaide L. Egremond had bin for the ſame cõdemnations cõmitted, and from thẽ eſcaped, al actions which they or any of thẽ might haue againſt the ſaide Verney & Ste|ward for the ſame eſcape. But yet it was decreed by this award, that the ſayd Lorde Egremonde ſhould be bound by recogniſance in the Chancerie to keepe the peace againſt the ſayde Earle and his wife, their children, ſeruants and tenants.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo where diuerſe knights, Eſquiers and o|ther ſeruaunts and tenaunts to the ſayd Earle of Northumberland, & to the ſayd lord Egremond, were by their ſeuerall Obligations bound, by oc|caſion of the ſayde debates vnto the ſayde Duke EEBO page image 1293 of Yorke, Earle of Saliſburie, or any of theyr children, to ſtande to theyr order and gouerne|ment, it was ordeyned that the ſame obligations ſhoulde be deliuered to them that ſo ſtoode bound, before the feaſte of Saint Peter ad Vincula nexte enſuing, at the Citie of Yorke, or elſe that the parties ſo bounde, ſhoulde haue ſufficient ac|quittances in diſcharge of the ſame obligations.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was further awarded, that all variaunce, diſcord debates, controuerſies, appeales & actions perſonels that were or had beene betwixt any of the perſons aforeſayde, or anye of theyr ſeruants or tenants, ſhould be for euer determined and en|ded, ſauing to euerie one his title, action & right, which he had by any euidẽce of arrerages of rents or ſeruices, accompts, detinues, or debtes due by reaſon of anye lawfull contract or deede had and made for any reaſonable conſiderations, other thã the variance before ſayd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for the more aſſurance of both parties, it was ordeyned that eyther ſhould releaſe to other all maner of actions, that were mere perſonals and appeales, whiche anye of them mighte haue againſt the other, by reaſon of the variaunces and diſcordes afore mentioned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo it was decreed, that if any action, ſuyte or quarell, chaunced betwixt any of the ſeruantes or tenants of any of the parties, for matter or ty|tle ſuppoſed to be had, occaſioned or moued before this time, that from thenceforth, none of the ſayd partyes ſhould maintaine, ſupport, or ayde any of them that will ſo ſue and moue ſtrife and de|bate, but ſhould rather ſo deale as the matter may be brought to peace and quietneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 It was further awarded, that if any man cõ|playned, pretended or ſurmiſed, that this awarde was not kept, but in ſome poynt broken by anye of the parties, for yt which breach he would haue a Scire facias, or ſome other action proſecuted in the kings name vpon any recogniſance made to the king for the performãce of this award, yet ſhould not the ſame Scire facias or action be proſecuted till the kings counſaile might be throughly cer|tified of the matter by the complaynant, and vpon conſideration ſee iuſt cauſe, why the ſame Scire facias or action ought to be had & proſecuted in the kings name. And if any variaunce roſe betwixt the counſayle of both the partyes in making of the recogniſaunces, releaſes, acquittaunces or other wrytings, the ſame variaunce ſhoulde bee deter|ned by the two Lords chiefe Iuſtices that ſhould be fully inſtructed of the kings intention in thys behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And beſydes this, it was notifyed and decla|red by the ſame awarde that the parties being ſe|uerally bounde in the Chauncerie in great ſums to obey and performe this awarde, ordinance and iudgement made by the King, it was the Kings will and pleaſure, that the ſame recogniſaunces ſhould ſtand in force, and no parcels of the ſums therein conteyned to bee pardoned in anye wiſe, withoute the agrement and conſent of the partie, for whoſe aſſurance the ſame recogniſaunce was taken. And if any of the ſayde ſummes, or anye parcell thereof ſhoulde bee recouered by action or execution taken & proſecuted in the kings name, vpon any of the ſayde recogniſaunces, the partie to whoſe hynderaunce the awarde was broken, ſhoulde haue the one halfe of the money ſo reco|uered, and the other moitie ſhoulde be aſſigned to the Treaſorer of the kings houſe, towardes the charges and expences of the ſame houſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ordinance, award and agreement, was giuen vp vnder the kings great ſeale, at the kings Palace of Weſtminſter, the .xxiiij. day of March in the .xxxvj. yeare of his raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the outwarde publiſhing of this ioyfull agreement,A ſolem [...]ne proceſsion at Paules. there was vpon our Ladie daye in Marche a ſolemne Proceſſion celebrate within the Cathedrall Churche of Saint Paule in the Citie of London, at the which the king was pre|ſent in his habite royall, with his Crowne on his heade. Before him went hand in hande the duke of Somerſet, the Earle of Saliſburie, to Duke of Exceter, and the Erle of Warwike, and ſo one of the one faction, and another of the other: and behinde the King the Duke of Yorke, and the Queene with greate familiaritie to all mennes ſightes, though their heartes were as farre in ſun|der, as their bodies were then nere ioyned by that their mutuall leading hande in hande. For not|withſtanding this cloaked pageant, and diſſem|bling Proceſſion, it ſhortly after appeared, that theyr thoughtes were all inuenomed, and full of ranke poyſon, though their tongues and flat|tering countenaunces vttered the taſte of moſte ſweete and pleaſant ſugred confections.

But as fire incloſed in a ſtrayte place,An. reg. 37. will by force vtter his flame, and as the water beeing ſtopped will in proceſſe of time burſt out and win paſſage, ſo this canered Crocodrile, coulde not long lurke in malicious myndes, but in conclu|ſion according to hir nature ſhee ſhewed hirſelfe. For after this apparant concord, and inward diſ|corde, according to the verie propertie of diſſimu|lation, diuerſe noble men of byrth finally regar|ding theyr honours, forgot theyr othe, and brake theyr promiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For not long after this diſſimuled amitie,The frule of diſsimulation 1459 a certaine fray eyther by chaunce, or of a pretenced purpoſe, was made vpon a yeoman of the Erles of Warwike, by one of the kings ſeruants, in the which the aſſaylant was ſore hurt, but the erles man fled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings meniall ſeruauntes ſeeing theyr fellow hurt, and the offender eſcaped, aſſembled EEBO page image 1294 togither and watched the Earle, when hee retur|ned from the counſaile chamber towardes hys Barge,The Erle of Warwicke aſ|ſaulted. and ſodainly ſet on him, the yeomen with ſwordes, and the blacke garde with ſpittes and fireforkes. After long fight, and many of the Earles men maymed and hurt, by helpe of hys friendes hee tooke a Wherry, and ſo eſcaped to London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The queenes purpoſe.The Queene aduertiſed hereof, incontinent|ly commaunded that he ſhoulde bee apprehended and committed to the tower, where (if he had bin taken) he had ſhortly ended his dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this vnhappy fray, there aroſe anon after ſuch trouble and terrible warre, that the whole Realme was thereby diſquieted. For after thys diſpleaſure done to the Earle, and the Queenes good minde towardes him, by his ſecrete friendes reuealed, he with all diligence tooke his iourney to Warwicke, and after into Yorkſhire, where he found the Duke of Yorke, and the Erle of Sa|liſburie, declaring vnto them the aſſault made vp|on him by the kings ſeruants, and the pretenſed euill purpoſe of the Queene. After whiche com|plaint made, he fearing to be diſpoſſeſſed of hys roumth at Calays, with great ſpeed embarqued himſelfe and ſayled thither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was not onely Deputie or Lieutenant of Calais, but alſo high Admiral of the Seas, VVhetha [...] The Erle of warwicke l [...] Admiral. which office was to him confirmed for the ſpace of fiue yeares, wherevpon whether before hys arryuall now at Calais, or ſhortly after, I cannot ſaye, but this yeare aboute the myddeſt of Sommer, the ſayde Earle hauing with him a .xiiij. well appoynted ſhippes, ſayled abroade to ſkoure the Seas, and by chaunce mette wyth fiue greate ſhippes, whereof three were Carakes of Genoa, and the other two were of Spaine, bigger in heigth and length than the Carakes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle thoughe hee was vneth able to deale agaynſt them, yet he valiantly encountring them, there was a right ſore and long continued battaile fought betwixt them, for it laſted al|moſte the ſpace of two dayes. In the ende yet the victorie fell to the Engliſhe, ſo that two of [figure appears here on page 1294] thoſe ſhippes being forced to ſaue themſelues by flight, the other three were taken, which the Erle brought vnto Calais, with all the Marchandice abourde in the ſame,A riche Priſe. the value whereof in Wine, Oyle, Waxe, Iron, cloth of Golde, and other ry|ches, was eſteemed to the ſumme of ten thouſand pound and aboue, by reaſon whereof, that was ſolde nowe for .xij. pens, which woulde not haue beene bought before for two ſhillings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken a greate number of priſo|ners, beſide a thouſand perſons of the enimies that were ſlaine in the fight. Of the Erles part there were fiftie ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earles fame hereby encreaſed not a lit|tle, and many a bleſſing hee had for this peece of ſeruice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 38. But now to the former purpoſe. After that the ſayde Erle was departed the realme, and gone o|uer to Calais, the Duke of Yorke, and the Erle of Saliſburie falling in conſultation togither, it was at length agreed betwixt them, with aduice of theyr friendes, that the ſayde Earle of Saliſ|burie with a warlike companie ſhould march to|ward the king, and ſignifie to him by way of cõ|plaint, both the manifeſt iniurie done to his ſon, and alſo the vncurteous breach of the ſworne a|mitie and late agreement, in which ſute if he pre|uayled, hee ſhoulde not then let paſſe the occaſion giuẽ for reuenge of diſpleaſures to him done,The Erle of Salisbury. both by the Queene and hir ſiniſter counſaylers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After concluſion of this deuiſe, the Erle of Saliſ|burie remoued from Middleham Caſtell,Three th [...] hath Whe [...]|hamſted. accom|panied with foure or fiue thouſand men, and toke his way through Lancaſhire, to paſſe that waye EEBO page image 1295 towardes London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane ſeaſon, the Queene which was aſſyſted and ruled by the dukes of Somerſet and Buckingham, hauing a vigilant eie to all hir bu|ſineſſe, ymagined that the Erle of Warwike had kindled this fire, to the intent to ſet the Crown on the Duke of Yorkes head: [...]l. Andley wherefore ſhe appoin|ted Iames Twichet Lorde Audley (bycauſe his power laye in thoſe partyes by the whiche the Earle of Saliſburie muſte paſſe) to rayſe an hoſt of men wyth all ſpeede, and to giue battaile to the ſame Earle, if he lawe cauſe and place con|uenient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] vetuſto [...]ce.Shee had deuiſed a cogniſaunce of the whyte Swanne, which ſhe willed all ſuch as ſhee knew to beare fauour vnto hir ſonne to weare, for a ſig|nification of their good mindes and heartie loue towardes him, whiche cogniſaunce ſhe had giuen to many Gentlemenne of Cheſſhire, and other countreyes thereaboute.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 She hirſelfe lay the ſame time at Eccleſale in Staffordeſhire, but the King, remayned at Col|leſhill in Warwikeſhire, whither the Earle of Saliſburie ment to come, as he pretended to haue communed with him for a reformation of mat|ters depending in controuerſie betwixt him and of the Duke Yorke and others. But the Queene conſtruing that they ment no good, neither to hir, nor hir huſbande, requeſted the Lorde Awde|ley to apprehende hym, if by anye meanes hee might.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVhethãſted.The Lorde Awdeley according to hys com|miſſion, aſſembled aboue tenne thouſande men of Cheſſhire and Salo [...]ſhire, and knowing by hys eſpialles, which way the Earle kept,Blore heath. approched neare to him, vpon a fayre playne called Blore|heathe, wythin a myle of a towne called Dray|ton in Sh [...]ſhyre. The Earle perceyuing in what it [...]ardie he, ſtoode determined to abyde the aduenture, with fame and honour, rather than to flie with loſſe and reproch, and ſo encamped him|ſelfe all the night on the ſide of a little brooke; not verie brode but ſomewhat deepe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the morning early being the day of Saint Tacle, hee cauſed his ſouldiours,The xxiii of September. to [...] theyr flightes towards the Lorde Awdeleyes compa|nie, whiche lay on the other ſide of the ſayde wa|ter, and then hee and all his people made a ſigne of retreyt. The Lorde Awdeley ſuppoſing hys aduerſaries had fledde in deed, cauſed his Trum|pettes quickly to blowe vp, and ſetting forth hys vowarde, ſpeedily paſſed the water.Polecle often times ouerc [...]+meth force. The Earle of Saliſburie which knewe the ſleightes of warlike policie, ſodainly returned and ſet vpon the Lorde Awdeley and his chiefe Captaynes, ere the re|ſidue of his armye coulde paſſe the water. The fight was ſore and dreadfull. The Earle deſy|ring the ſauing of hys lyfe, and hys aduerſaryes coueting his deſtruction, fought ſore for the ob|teyning of theyr purpoſe: but in concluſion the Earles armie, as men not looking for other ſ [...]|cours nor meane to eſcape, but by theyr owne manhood, ſo egrely aſſaulted theyr foes,The L. Audley ſlayne. that they ſlue the Lord Awdeley, and all his Captaynes, [figure appears here on page 1295] and diſcomfited all the remnant of his people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e [...]ember [...]ae in the [...] of [...]er [...]eath.In this battaile was ſlaine .xxiiij. hundred perſons, but the greateſt loſſe fell on the Cheſſhire men, bycauſe one halfe of the ſhire was on the one part, and the other halfe on the other, of which number were ſir Tho. Dutton, ſir Iohn Doune, and ſir Hugh Venables, ſir Richarde Molineux, ſir William Trowtberke, ſir Iohn Legh of the Both, and ſir Iohn Egerton, knightes, Iohn Done, and Iohn Dutton Eſquiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Earles two ſonnes, the one called ſir Iohn Neuill, & the other ſir Thomas Neuill,The Erle of So+liſburies ſonne apprehended. were ſore woũded, ye which ſoberly iorneying into ye north cuntry, were apprehẽded by ye Q. friends, EEBO page image 1296 and togither with ſir Thomas Harington that was likewiſe taken, were conueyed to Cheſter, but their keepers delyuered them ſhortly after, or elſe had the Marche menne deſtroyed the Gay|les. Such fauour had the Commons of Wales to the Duke of Yorke his hande, that they could not ſuffer any wrong to be offred, or euill worde to be ſpoken agaynſt him or his friends.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this battell fought at Blower heath (as before ye haue heard) the Duke of Yorke percey|uing that the deſtruction of him and his friendes was intended, and that his priuie intentes were alreadie diſcloſed to the king and the Queene, hee thought nowe no longer to lynger his buſineſſe, but with all diligence to diſplay and aduance his banner. And therefore ſending for his chiefe mate the Earle of Saliſburie, after long communica|tion had of theyr weightie affayres, they determi|ned to rayſe an armie,The Duke of Yorke aſſem|bleth an army and by fine force eyther to die, or to winne theyr purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon were men forthwith aſſembled, friendes ſent for, and a puiſſaunt armie was ga|thered, both of Northren men and Welchmen, whiche in good order came into the marches of Wales adioyning to Shropſhire, determining there to abide their enimies, or to meete them if occaſion ſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There came to him from Calais the Earle of Warwike, bringing with him from that towne a great number of expert men in martiall feates, whereof two were Captaines knowne for men of great experience and approued policie, as they had well declared the ſame in the warres of Nor|mandie and Guyenne, the one called Andrewe Trollop,Andrew Trol+lop, Iohn Blũt and the other Iohn Blont.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hauing aduertiſment of all the dukes doings,The king rai|ſeth an army. purpoſes, and whole intent, ſent foorth Commiſſioners to leuie a power in all partes of the realme, where he thought to haue any fayth|full friendes or fauourers, by reaſon whereof a great number of men of warre was aſſembled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many for the loue they bare to the king reſor|ted to his ſide, but mo for the feare conceyued of the Queenes diſpleaſure, whoſe frowning coun|tenaunce was their vndoing, and hir indignation their death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To be briefe, the king accompanied with the Dukes of Somerſet, and Exceter, and other of the lyne of Lancaſter, determined eyther by force or by policie, to bring the duke of Yorke to con|fuſion, and therevppon marching forwarde they came vnto Worceſter, where as well to refreſhe his people, as to take further aduice what was beſt to be done, VVhetham. The Biſhop of Saliſbury ſent to the Duke of Yorke and o|thers. be ſtayed for a time, and at length it was determined, that the king ſhould firſt ſend vnto the aduerſaries, a meſſenger of good accoũt, as the Bi. of Saliſbury, Richard Beauchampe, to offer vnto them a cleare and rece generall par|don, of all treſpaſſes, offences, and tranſgreſſions whatſoeuer, if they woulde giue ouer theyr enter|price, and become true and obedient ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Biſhop was come vnto them, and hadde declared his meſſage, they firſt withdrewe themſelues apart, and feſt togither in counteſſe, and after they gaue aunſwere by the mouth of the Earle of Warwike, whiche conſiſted of three poymes: Fyrſt,Their anſwe [...] that as concerning the par [...] they durſt not truſt vnto it, conſidering they ha [...] dyuerſe pardons before, and the ſame confyrmed by Parliament, and yet nothing anaylable to their aſſurance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Secondly, that notwithſtanding ſuche par|dons, thoſe that were about the king were pre|ſumptuous and vnruly, that they cared not at in to breake the kings commaundements, nor were any thing abaſhed to be noted for ye breach ſhewe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thirdly, although by law of the lance, and right of the ſtatute, euery Lorde by vertue of the knigs writ, being called to the Parliamẽt, ought ſafely to come, ſafely there to remaine, and ſafely to depart and returne home, this notwithſtãding, the ſayd erle of Warwike himſelfe, at a certaine counſail holden at Weſtminſter, by vertue of the kings writ of priuie ſeale beeing there in perſon, & labouring to his knowledge to giue good aduice & counſaile for the profit of the cõmon wealth, was yet in danger of death, if the Lorde aboue had not the better prouided for his eſcape, more than anye humaine power or force of the kings pardon: for the whiche cauſe (quoth he) ſith the kings pardon may be likned in theſe days to a buckler of glaſſe, or to a ſtaffe of reed, in the which is no truſt, wee dare not commit our ſelues vnto the defence of a|ny ſuch pardons. But if any other way might be deuiſed for their ſureties, wherevnto they might ſafely truſt (he ſayde) they were readie to come to his grace, and to ſue for his fauour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King receyuing ſuche aunſwere in theſe words, or other to the like effect, was nothing cõ|tented therewith, and ſo commaunded his ſtan|dartes eftſoones to aduaunce, but yet before hee came neare to the place where they were encam|ped, the ſayde Lordes wrote to him a letter in theyr owne excuſe, proteſting they meante no harme in the worlde agaynſt hys perſon, as by theyr demeanours and proceedings it might well appeare, who had euer fled and withdrawing thẽ|ſelues from place to place, from towne to towne, from village to village, and from Countie to Countie, which might ſerue for an euident token that they ſought for nothing but onely theyr owne ſafegardes and quietneſſe of the Realme, with ſo much fauour, as in good and ſafe ſuretie they might come to his preſence, to declare cer|taine things which in their opinions might turne to the welth of the realm: and further to make an|ſwere EEBO page image 1297 all things, that had be [...] obiected agaynſt them, and nowe (ſayde they) we are here remay|ning in the vttermoſt partes and confines of the lande, that is in the Marches towardes Wales, not farre from Ludlow, not vpõ any preſumptu|ous meaning, but [...]ther in all [...]ũble to wtineſſe of mind & bodie, to abide his graces cõming, which they be ſought of God might be in ſome peaceable maner and fauourable in their behalfes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hauing receyued this letter, and con|iecturing that venome lay hid vnder ſo ſweet and ſoft ſpeeche, commaunded his armie againe to marche forth, and comming within halfe a mile of the aduerſaries campe, pight downe his field, and forthwith cauſed proclamation to bee made,A proclamatiõ that whoſoeuer of his aduerſaries would giue o|uer his iewde begon enterprice, and repayre to his preſence to ſue for mercie, he would pardon him of all offences.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Proclamation comming to the vnder|ſtãding of them in the duke of Yorks hoſt, cauſed a great number that were there with him agaynſt the king, to get away and come to the kings ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Moreouer, there roſe among the reſidue greate murmuring, ſo as they ſeemed very lyke to grow to a grieuous mutinie. Amongſt other of thoſe that came to the kings campe, Andrew Trollop was chiefe,Andrew Trol+lop forſaketh the Lords. who with ye other Galiſiãs which had long ſerued the king, and liued a long time by his wages, perceyuing now that they ſhould fight a|gaynſt theyr ſoueraigne Lorde himſelfe (whoſe friend they eſteemed before that time the Erle of Warwike euer to haue bene, and in no wiſe hys enimie) in the dead of the night before the daye of the battell tary ſecretly departed from the Dukes campe, and ſubmitted themſelues to the king, ad|moniſhing him of all things diuiſed for his loſſe and deſtruction. For the Duke of Yorke percey|uing by his expert Captaynes,VVhethãſted. a way how to ſet vppon his enimies, and eaſily to diſcomfit them, thought to take the occaſion, and ſo on the nexte morning ment to haue aſſayled the king and hys people ere they could haue bene readie, or ware of his determination: but nowe by the going away thus of his captaynes and people, no effect follo|wed of that his ymagination.The eſtimatiõ of Andrew Trollop. For being aduerti|ſed that Andrew Trollop was thus departed, hee was now as much diſcomforted therby, as before by the truſt which he put in him he was encoura|ged, and therewith perceyuing that all his coun|ſayle and purpoſe was by the forenamed Andrew reuealed and diſcloſed, thought it better for him and his to depart in ſuretie, than to abide ye [...]ce of mutable fortune:The Duke of Yorke his cõ|plices flee. whervpon he with his yonger ſonne Edmond Erle of Rutland, ſecretly fled in|to Wales, and ſo paſſed into Ireland, where hee was with all ioy and honour gladly receyued, all the Iriſh offring to die and liue with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Marche ſonne and heire apparant to the ſaid duke, accompanied with the Earles of Saliſburie and Warwicke, and ſir Iohn Wen|locke, ſtale of waye the ſame might, [...] came into Deuon [...] wh [...], by the [...] of Iohn Dyn|ham eſquier [...] after was highe Treaſorer of England [...] [...] the days of king Henrie the ſeuenth) they bought a ſhip whiche caſt, [...]. Markes at Exmoath, and ſayled into Gerueſey, and after came to Calais, and were let le [...] at the poſt [...], and ioyfully welcomed [...] friendes, namely of ſir William Neuil Lord Fouronbridge, that was the Erle of Warwikes vncle, and brother to the Erle of Saliſburie, who had the towne & Ca|ſtel in keeping.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne to the king when in the morning he was aduertiſed that the duke of York and his partakers wer fled [...] gone, he cauſed al his horſmen to folow them, although in [...], for they were got farre ynoughe out of daunger (as before ye haue heard.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king pardoned all the poore ſouldiours ſauing certaine ring leaders of the which ſome he puniſhed and fired, and ſome he hanged and quar|tered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After th [...] he [...] ouer to Ladlow, and there brake vp his hoſt, and ſpoyled the towne and Ca|ſtell, and ſent the Duches of Yorke with hir two yong ſonnes to be kept in Warre with the Du|ches of Buckingham hir [...]. This done, he pro|clamed theſe Lordes, trayedore to him, enimies to their countrey, and rebels to the crowne, con|fiſcating their lands, goods, and offices, and com|mitted the gouernaunce of the north partes to the Erle of Northumberland,The Duke of Somerſet made Captaine of Caleys. and to the Lord Clif|ford, as to his truſtie and moſte faithfull friendes, and of his towne of Calais, her made Captaine Henrie the new duke of Somerſet. Thys duke reioyſing much in his new office, choſe forth dy|uerſe valiant and hardie ſouldiers, and with great pompt ſhortly after tooke the ſeas, and ſayled to|wards Calais, but when he thought to haue en|tred the hauen, the artillery ſhut ſo hotly, both out of the town, and from Riſe [...]ane, that he ſuffring there a ſororepulſe, was faine to lande at Whit|ſandbay, and ſent worde to the Captaines of the towne to receyue him as the kings lieutenant, ſhewing to them his letters patents, but neither he nor his writing was once regarded, & ſo of neceſ|ſitie hee reſorted to the Caſtell of Guiſnes, dayly ſkirmiſhing with the garniſon of Calais, more to his loſſe than gaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuers of the mariners of thoſe ſhips that wẽt ouer with him, after his arriuall owing more good will to the Earle of Warwike than to this yong duke, conneyd their ſhips into the hauẽ of Calais, and in them diuerſe of the erle of Warwikes eni|mies, as Iamin Findyll, Iohn Felow, & diuerſe EEBO page image 1298 other, the which being preſented vnto the Earle of Warwike, hee cauſed their heades to bee ſtry|ken off.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after Rycharde Lorde Ryuers, and ſir Anthonie [...] Wooduile his valiaunt ſonne that was after Lorde Scales, accompanied with foure hundred warlike perſons, were appointed to paſſe ouer to Guiſnes, to ayde the Duke of S [...]erſet agaynſt his aduerſaries, which lay in Calais, but as they ſoiourned at Sandwich abiding for wind and weather to tranſport them ouer, the Erles of Marche and Warwike had knowledge thereof,Iohn Dynham and ſent Iohn Dynham with a ſmall number of men (but a multitude of valiant heartes) vnto the towne of Sandwich, which ſodainly entred the ſame,The Lord Ri|uers taken. and took the Lorde Riuers in his bed, and his ſonne alſo, robbing houſes, and ſpoiling ſhips, and beſide this, they tooke the principall ſhippes of the kings nauie, and had them away with them to Calais, and there preſented them to the Earle of March, of whom he was ioyfully receyued, for though in the fight hee was fore hurte and may|med in the legge, ſo as he halted euer after, yet hee bare himſelfe ſo worthtly in that enterprice, that hys prayſe was great amongſt all men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this good fortune thus chaunced to the Lordes, dyuerſe of the beſt ſhippes taken in the Hauen of Sandwiche, were well vitayled and manned, and with them the Earle of Warwike ſayled into Irelande, to common with the Duke of Yorke of his great affayres and buſineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The weather and wind were ſo fauourable to the Earles purpoſe, that within leſſe than thirtie dayes hee paſſed and repaſſed from Calais to Dubline, and backe againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Exceter being chiefe Admirall of the Sea, lay in the Weſt Countrey, and durſte not once meddle with the Earle of Warwikes name, as he came by, by reaſõ of ye miſtruſt which hee had in the Captaines and Mariners of hys own nany, who by their murmuring wel ſhewed that they wiſhed ye erle of Warwiks good ſucces.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 During this time, the king called a Parlia|ment in the Citie of Couentrie,A parliamente at Couentry which began the xx. of September, in the whiche the Duke of Yorke and his confederates were attaynted of highe treaſon.VVhethãſted. But yet when the King ſhoulde come to giue his conſent vnto the actes paſſed in the ſame Parliament, and that the Clerke of the Parliament had read that ſtatute of the attainder of thoſe Lordes, ſuch was the kings modeſtie and great zeale vnto mercie,The kings inclination to me [...]y. that he cauſed a prouiſo to be had in and added vnto the ſame ſtatute, that it might be lawfull vnto him at all tymes fully without authoritie of any other Parliament, to pardon the ſame noble men, and reſtore them a|gaine to their former eſtates, degrees, and digni|ties in all things, ſo that they would come in vn|to him, and in the ſpirite of him [...] him of grace and fauor [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith alſo or [...] was taken for [...] of the hauens and landing places alongſt [...] coaſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Simond Mountforde with a great [...] of men was appoynted to kepe the Dutch [...] the fiue Portes,Osbert Ment|forde eſquire hath Whethi|ſteed, who ſhould alſo haue goe c [...] to Guynes with v.C. ſoul|diers, to the ayde of the Duke of [...]o|merlet. and all men paſſing [...] [...]|ders were vpon paine of death prohibited to paſſe bee Calais, leaſt the Lordes there [...] ſome of them any money, as they did preſt lately be|fore of the Marchants of the Staple [...] xviij.M. pound. The Lords were of ignorant of all the kings prouiſions made agaynſt them, but were aſcerteyned dayly what was [...] in the kings priuie Chamber,The Lord Fauconbridge was chiefe of this co [...]e ſaith Wher|hmaſteed. wherefore firſt they ſent a company to Sandwiche vnder the gouer|nance of the Lord Fauconbridge, whiche tooke the town, and ſir Simon or Oſbert Moũtford with|in it, and ſent him with all his mates to Calais, where incontinently he with twelues of his chiefe fellowes loſt their heades on the Sandes before Riſebanke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the kings name guyned, and his Cap|taynes, on the arriange of the ſea taken, and de|ſtroyed, the Lords lying at Calais, being aduerti|ſed frõ the Lord Fauconbridge, who after the [...] king of Mountfõrt lay ſtill in Kent, that the peo|ple of that Countrey and other partes were alto|gither bent in their fauour, they conceyued there|vpon ſo great hope in their friendes within the Realme, that they determined to paſſe the [...], and therewith entring their ſhippes, with a ſtrife hundred men landed with them at Sandwich.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And from thence came to Canterburie and to paſſing throughe Kent,

VV [...]ed


there came to them the Lord Cobham, Iohn Guilford, William Peche, Robert Horne, and many other Gentlemen, ſo that before they approched to London, their num|ber was eſtemed aboue .xl. thouſand fightnigmẽ, for the fame of their landing being oure knowne, Gentlemen repayred, and yeomen reſorted out of all the South partes of the realme, vpon whiche rumor, Thomas Lorde Scales, a man in greate fauor with the King and Queene, accompanied with the Earle of Kendall a Gaſcoigne, and the Lorde Louell, reſorted to London with a greate companie of armed men, declaring to the Maior that their repayre onely was to defende and keepe the Citie, from ſpoyle of ſuch traytors as the king was credibly informed did thither reſort, to whõ the Maior anſwered, that hee needed no fellowe helper, either to defend or gouerne the citie to him committed in charge. With which aunſwere the lord Scales and his aſſociates nothing cõtented, entred into the tower, dayly deuiſing way [...] [...] to grieue the Citizens, whõ he perceyued to fauor rather the duke of Yorkes part, than the kings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1299But ſhortly after the Earles of Marche and Warwicke, and other of their affinitie, came to London, and were of the Maior and Citizens ioyouſly receyued, to whom reſorted the Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie, the Biſhops of London, Lyncolne, Saliſburie, Ely, and Exceter, with many other Prelates, and religious perſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon good deliberation and aduiſe had and taken amongſt theſe Lordes how to go forwarde with their weightie enterprice, the Earles of Marche and Warwike, William Lorde Fau|conbridge, Henrie Lorde Bourchier, called Erle of Eu, with a great number of men whiche came out of Kent, Eſſex, Surrey, and Suſſex, to the number (as ſome wryters affyrme) of .xxv. M. perſons, departed from London toward the king lying at Couentrie, then called the Queenes ſe|crete herbour,Couentry the Queenes ſe|cret Harbor. leauing behinde them to keepe the Londoners in theyr promiſed obeyſance, the Erle of Saliſburie, the Lorde Cobham, and ſir Iohn Wenlocke, which tooke ſuch order and watched the gates and entries on eche ſide ſo diligently, that no ſuccours might come to the Lord Scales lodging in the Tower, who tooke therewith ſuch diſpleaſure, that he ſhot out his great ordinaunce agaynſt them within the Citie, and they likewiſe ſhot at him againe, to the hurt and no pleaſure of both partes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hauing knowledge of all theſe do|ings, aſſembled a great armie, and accompanied with the duke of Somerſet (lately come frõ Guiſ|nes) & the duke of Buckingham, and diuerſe other great Lordes that tooke his parte, came to Nor|thamton, where the Queene perceyuing hee pu|iſſance to be able to matche in ſight with the ad|uerſaries, tooke vpon hir to encourage hir friends and well willers: for the King ſtudied of nothing but of peace, quietneſſe, and ſolitarie life. When the whole hoſt of the kings part was aſſembled, the ſame iſſued forth of the towne, and paſſing o|uer the riuer of Nine, lodged in the new fielde betweene Harſington and Sandifford, ſtrong|ly fencing themſelues about with high banks, and deepe trenches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVhethãſtedOn the other part, the Lords being herewyth aduaunced verie neare the place where the kings people lay without Northãton, the Biſhops that were there with them, by the aduice and conſent of the ſaid Lordes, ſent vnto the king the Biſhop of Saliſburie to vnderſtand his mind, & to moue him vnto ſome treatie of peace, and to admitte the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and the other biſhops there preſent, to be mediatours in the matter, that ſome good accord might be concluded betwixt the parties, ſo as an vniuerſall peace might bee reſto|red in all parts through the whole realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop of Saliſburie doing this meſſage not ſo circumſpectly as had beene conuenient, re|turned without bringing any towardly anſwere, but rather wardes of high deſpite and vtter diſt|ance. For the Lordes that were about the king truſting in their warlike engines and ſtrength of place in whiche they were enrãped, though other|wiſe inferior in number of [...], purpoſed to ab [...]e the brunt of battel, & ſo led with the ſpirite of raſh|neſſe, ſent none other anſwere back againe by the biſhop, but continuelious words ſounding great|ly to the reproch of theyr aduerſaries, who beeing ſore offended therewith, determined to ſeeke re|uenge with dynt of ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Marche as thẽ being in the flour [...] of his luſtie and moſt couragious youth, lying be|tweene Toucetor and Northampton, determi|ned to ſet on the kings armie without longer de|lay: and therevpon in the night ſeaſon remoued his campe toward Northampton, & in marching forwarde ſet his men in order of battaile, whereof the vãtwarde was led by the Erle of Warwick, whiche eyther by ſtrength, or ſtealth,The battel of Northampton. wanne a ſtreyte which the Lorde Beaumont kept, going toward the kings campe, and herewith entring freſhly wyth his people, beganne the battayle a|boute ſeuen of the clocke the ninth day of Iulye. After him followed the Earle of Marche with the banner of his father. Other write,VVhethãſted that the Earle of Marche led the forewarde, the Earle of War|wicke the middleward, and the lord Faucõbridge the [...]erewarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer that Edmond Lord Grey of Ru|thin, who was on the kings ſide,The L. Grey of Ruthen. fayled in ye truſt committed to him: for where the enimies coulde not (without great daunger to be beaten downe and ſlaine) enter vpon the Kings campe, by rea|ſon of a mightie trench and rampyre pight full of pyles, and ſharpe ſtakes, wherewith the campe was compaſſed about, the ſayd Lord Gray came with his men, and with helping handes pulled the enimies vp, & receyued them into the field, where the battaile was begonne with greate force and violence, for being now entred the field, they ſette vpon the Kings people ſo fiercely, that it ſeemed they mente eyther to obteyne the victorie, or to dye for it, euen all the whole number of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fight continued ryght fierce and cruell, Hall. The kings part diſcom|fited. wyth vncertayne victorie, till the houre of nine, at whiche tyme the Kings armie was diſcomfi|ted, and of the ſame ſlaine and drowned in the Riuer, few leſſe than ten thouſande tall Engliſh men,The k. taken. and the king himſelfe left comfortleſſe alone was taken by the aduerſaries, as a man predeſti|nate to miſerie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At this battaile were ſlaine Humfrey Duke of Buckingham, Iohn Talbot Earle of Shreweſburie, a valiaunt perſonne, and not de|generating from his noble parentes, Thomas lord Egremond, Iohn Viſcont Beaumont, & ſir EEBO page image 1300 William Lucie which made great haſte to come to part of the fight, and at his fyrſt approche was ſtryken in the heade wyth an Axe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide theſe that were ſlaine, many were ta|ken pryſoners, bycauſe they left theyr horſes, a|lighting to fight on foote. The Duke of Somer|ſet, and other, whiche narrowly eſcaped, fled with the Queene & prince into the biſhoprike of Dur|ham. The Erles hauing got the victorie in thys bloudie battaile, conueyed the king to London, & lodged him in the Biſhops Palace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The tower de liuered to the Erle of March.After whoſe comming to the Citie, the tower was deliuered to the Erle of Marche, vpon a cer|taine compoſition, but the Lord Scales ſuſpec|ting the ſequele of the deliuerie thereof, tooke a wherrie priuilye, intending to haue fledde to the Queene, but hee was eſpyed by dyuerſe water|men belonging to the Earle of Warwike (whiche wayted for his forth comming on the Thames) and ſodenly taken,The L. Scales ſlayne. and ſhortly ſlaine with many dartes and daggers, and his bodie left naked & all bloudie at the gate of the Clink, which after was buried in the Churche adioyning. Then were di|uerſe perſons apprehended, and indyted of treaſon, whereof ſome were pardoned, & ſome executed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. ThorpeThomas Thorpe ſeconde Baron of the Eſ|chequer, was committed to the Tower, where he remayned long after, for that he was knowne to be great friend to the houſe of Lancaſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 39. During this trouble, a Parliament was ſum|moned to begin at Weſtminſter, in the month of October next following.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time the Duke of Yorke aduer|tiſed of all theſe things, VVhethãſted The Duke of Yorke com|meth forth of Ireland. ſayled from Dubline to|wardes Englande, and landed at the redde banke neare to the Citie of Cheſter, with no ſmal com|panie, and from Cheſter by long iourneys, hee came to the Ci [...] of London, which he entred the Fryday before the feaſt of S. Edward the Con|feſſor,VVhethãſted with a ſword borne naked befor him, with trumpets alſo ſounding, and accompanied with a great traine of men of armes, and other of hys friends & ſeruants. At his cõming to Weſtm. he entred the palace, & paſſing forth directly through the great hall, ſtayed not till he came to the cham|ber, wher the King and Lordes vſed to ſit in the Parliament time,A ſtrange de|meanor of the D. of Yorke. cõmonly called the vpper houſe or chamber of the Peeres, and being there entred, ſtept vp vnto the throne royall, & theyr laying his hande vppon the cloth of eſtate, ſeemed as if hee ment to take poſſeſſion of that whiche was hys ryght, for hee helde his hande ſo vpon that cloth a good pretie while, and after withdrawing hys hande, turned hys face towardes the people, be|holding theyr preaſſing togither, and marking what countenance they made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt he thus ſtoode and behelde the people, ſuppoſing they reioyced to ſee his preſence, the Archbiſhop of Canterburie Thomas Bourcher, came vnto him, and after due ſalutations, aſked him if he would come and ſee the King. Wyth which demaunde he ſeeming to take diſdaine, an|ſwered briefely, and in fewe wordes thus:His bold ſpee [...] I re|member not that I know any within this realm, but that it beſeemeth him rather to come and ſee my perſon, than I to goe and to ſee his. The Archbiſhop hearing his anſwere, went backe to the King, and declared what anſwere he hadde receyued of the Dukes owne mouth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Archbiſhop was departed to the king that lay in the Queenes lodging, the Duke alſo departed, and wente to the moſte principall lod|ging that the king hadde within all his Palace, breaking vp the lockes and doores, and ſo lodged himſelfe therein, more lyke to a King than a Duke, continuing in the ſame lodging for a time to the great indignation of many, that could not in any wiſe lyke of ſuch preſumptuous attempts, made by the ſayde Duke, to thruſt himſelfe in poſſeſſion of the Crowne, and to depoſe King Henrie, who had raigned ouer them ſo long a time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Maiſter Edwarde Hall in his Chronicle maketh mention of an Oration which the Duke of Yorke vttered ſitting in the regall ſeate there in the Chamber of the Peeres, eyther at this hys firſt comming in amongſt them, or elſe at ſome one tyme after, the which we haue thought good alſo to ſet downe, although Iohn Whethamſted the Abbot of Saint Albones, who liued in thoſe dayes, and by all likelyhoode was there preſent at the Parliament, maketh no further recytall of a|ny wordes, which the Duke ſhoulde vtter at that time in that his booke of Recordes, where hee en|treateth of this matter. But for the Oration (as maiſter Hall hath written thereof) wee finde as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During the time (ſayth he) of this Parliament, the Duke of Yorke with a bolde countenance en|tred into the chamber of the Peeres, and ſat down in the throne roial, vnder the cloth of eſtate (which is the kings peculiar ſeate) and in the preſence of the nobilitie, as well ſpirituall as temporall, (after a pauſe made) he began to declare his title to the Crowne, in this forme and order as enſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 MY ſingular good Lordes,The Duke of Yorkes [...] made to the Lords of the Parliament. maruayle not that I approche vnto this throne: for I ſit here as in the place to mee by very iuſtice lawfully be|longing, and here I reſt, as to whõ this chaire of right apperteineth, not as hee which requyreth of you fauour, parcialitie, or bearing, but egal right, friendlye indifferencie, and true adminiſtration of Iuſtice: For I beeing the partie grieued, and complaynant, cannot miniſter to my ſelf the me|dicine that ſhould helpe me (as expert Leches and chirurgiãs may) except you be to me both faithful EEBO page image 1301 ayders and alſo true Counſaylers. Nor yet this noble Realme and our naturall Countrey ſhall neuer be vnbu [...]led from hir dayly Feuer, except I as the principall Phiſition, and you as the true and truſtie Apothecharies) conſult togither, in making of the potion, and trie out the cleane and pine ſtuffe, frõ the corrupt and putrifyed drugges. For vndoubtedly the root and bottom of this long feſtured canker, is not yet extyrpate, nor the feeble foundation of this fallible buylding, is not yet e|ſpied, which hath been, and is the daylie deſtructiõ of the nobilitie, and the continual confuſion of the poore comunaltie of this realme & kingdome. For all you know (or ſhould know) that the high and mightie prince K. Richarde the ſeconde, was the true & vndoubted heire to the valiant conqueror & renowmed prince K. Edward the third, as ſon & beire to the hardie knight & couragious captaine Edward prince of Wales, duke of Aquitaine and Cornwal, eldeſt ſonne to the ſaid K. Edward the third, which king was not onely in deed, but alſo of all men reputed & taken for the true and infal|lible heire to the wiſe and politique prince king Henrie the third, as ſon & heire to king Edwarde the ſeconde, ſonne and heire to king Edwarde, the firſt, the verie heyre and firſt begotten ſonne of the ſayd noble and vertuous prince king Henrie the thirde. Whiche king Richarde of that name the ſecond, was lawfully and iuſtly poſſeſſed of the Crown and Diademe of this realme and region, till Henrie of Darbie Duke of Lancaſter and Hereforde, ſonne to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaſter, the fourth begotten ſonne to the ſayde king Edward the thirde, & yonger brother to my noble aunceſter Lionel duke of Clarence, the third begotten ſonne of the ſayd king Edward, by force and violence, contrarie both to the dutie of his al|legiance, and alſo to his homage to him both done and ſworne, rayſed warre and battayle at the ca|ſtell of Flinte in Northwales, agaynſt the ſayde king Richarde, and him apprehended, and impri|ſoned within the tower of London, during whoſe life and captiuitie, he wrongfully vſurped and in|truded vpon the royall power, and high eſtate of this realm and region, taking vpon him the name ſtile, and authoritie of king and gouernour of the ſame. And not therewith ſatiſfyed, and contented, cõpaſſed and accompliſhed the death and deſtruc|tion of his naturall Prince, and moſte worthie ſoueraigne Lord, not as a common homicide and butcherly murtherer, but as a regicide, & deſtroyer of his king. After whoſe piteous death, & execra|ble murther, the right and title of the Crowne, and ſuperioritie of this Realme was lawfully reuer|ted and returned to Roger Mortimer Earle of Marche, ſonne and heyre to Ladie Philippe the onely childe of the aboue rehearſed Lionell Duke of Clarence, to whiche Rogers daughter called Anne, my moſt deareſt and welbeloued mother, I am the verie true and lineall heyre, whiche diſ|cent all you cannot iuſtly gainſay, nor yet truely denie. Then remember this, if the tytle be mine, why am I put from it? If I bee true heyre to the Crowne (as I am in deede) why is my ryght withholden? If my clayme bee good, why haue I not iuſtice? For ſurely learned men of great ſcience and knowledge, ſaye and affyrme, that lineall diſcent, nor vſurped poſſeſſion can nothing preuayle, if continuall clayme bee lawfullye made, or openly publiſhed. For the auoyding of which ſcruple and ambiguitie: Edmonde Earle of Marche my moſte welbeloued Vncle in the tyme of the firſte Vſurper in deede, but not by right called King Henrie the fourth, by hys cou|ſins the Earle of Northumberlande, and the Lorde Percie, he beeing then in captiuitie wyth Owen Glendor, the Rebell in Wales, made hys tytle and righteous clayme to the deſtruction of both the noble perſons. Likewiſe my moſt deereſt Lorde and father, ſo farre ſet forth that right and tytle, that hee loſt his life and worldly ioy at the towne of Southhampton, more by power than indifferent Iuſtice. Sithe whoſe death, I com|ming to my full age, haue neuer deſyſted to pur|ſue my tytle, and requyre my right, whiche by meanes of ſinyſter counſayle and iniuſt detenti|on, I can neyther obteyne nor recouer. So that of fine force, I am compelled to vſe power in ſteade of prayer, and force in ſteade of requeſt (not as I ſayde before) for my priuate emolument, and peculiar profite, but to reſtore peace, loue, and quietneſſe to thys oure naturall Region, which euer ſith the firſt vngodly vſurpation of the aforenamed Henrie, vntruly called king Henrie the fourth, hath beene clearely baniſhed, and oute of the ſame iniuſtlye exyled. What murthers and manſlaughters hathe beene perpetrated and committed wythin thys Countrey, ſithe the be|gynning of that vngracious vſurpation? what number of noble men haue beene ſlaine, deſtroyed, and executed ſithe that infortunate day? It is to lamentable and manifeſt. For although Henrie of Lancaſter Earle of Darbye tooke vpon hym the Scepter and the Crowne, and wrongfullye bare the name and ſtyle of a King, and was not muche tickled wyth myne Vncle the Earle of Marche, at that tyme being wythin age: yet was he neuer in ſuretie of himſelfe, nor had or en|ioyed any profite, quietneſſe, either in minde or in bodie: For ſurely, a corrupt, conſcience neuer feeleth reſt, but looketh when the ſworde of ven|geance wil diſcende and ſtrike: his ſon alſo called king Henrie the fifth, obteyned notable victories, & immortal praiſes for his noble actes done in the realm of Frãce: yet God for ye offẽce of his vntrue parent: ſodenly touched him, vnbodying his ſoule EEBO page image 1302 in the flower of his youth, and in the glorie of hys conqueſt. And although he had a fayre ſonne and a yong, apparant heyre, yet was this orphan ſuch a one, as preachers ſaye, that God threatned to ſende for a puniſhment to his vnruly & vngraci|ous people, ſaying by his Prophet Eſay, I ſhal giue you children to be your Princes, and infants without wiſdome, ſhall haue the gouernaunce of you. The Prophet lied not, if you note all things in an order: for after this Henrie the fift (whoſe fame no man can iuſtly reproue or deface) ſucce|ded his ſonne, whom all we haue called our natu|rall Prince, and obeyed as his heyre, in whoſe time & wrongfull raigne, I require you diligent|ly to conſider, with what great torments and af|flictions God hath whipped and ſcourged this miſerable Iſle, yea with ſuch and ſo many ſcour|ges and plagnes, as no nation (the Egiptians on|ly except) were euer tormented or afflicted withal. I wil not ſpeake of rebellious murthers, & oppreſ|ſions, which of late haue beene done and exerciſed here among vs: But I will declare & manifeſt to you, how the crown and glory of this realm is by the negligence of this ſilly man, and his vnwyſe counſail miniſhed, defaced and diſhonored. Is not Normandie which his father gate regained & cõ|quered again, by ye inſolencie of him and his coue|tous counſaile? Is not the whole duchie of Aqui|taine, by two .C. and odde yeares peaceably poſ|ſeſſed by the kings of this realme, in one yere and a little more, gottẽ out of our hands & ſeigniory? What ſhoulde I ſpeake of Aniou and Maine, or the loſſe of the Iſle of France, with the rich Citie of Paris. Alas it is too apparaunt, neither will I moleſt you with the recitall of all the particulers thereof: But now in the middeſt of this affliction and to make an ende of the ſame, God of his inef|fable goodneſſe looking on this countrey, with hys eies of pitie and mercie, hath ſent me in the truth, to reſtore againe his decayed kingdome, to hys ancient fame and olde renowne, whereof here in open Parliament according to my iuſt and true title, I haue and do take poſſeſſion of this royall throne, not putting diffidence, but firme hope in Gods grace, that by his diuine ayd and aſſiſtance of you the Peeres of this realme, I ſhall beautifie and mainteyne the ſame to the glorie of him, ho|nour of my bloud, and to the publique wealth as well of you all here preſent, as of all the poore Commons and ſubiectes of this kingdome and regiment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Duke had made an ende of hys Oration, the Lordes ſate ſtyll as men ſtryken into a certayne amaſedneſſe, neyther whiſpering nor ſpeaking forth a worde, as thoughe theyr mouthes had bene ſowed vp.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke not verie well content with their ſtrange ſilence, aduiſed them to conſider through|ly, and ponder the whole effect of his wordes and ſayings, and ſo neyther fully diſpleaſed, nor yet altogither pleaſed, departed to his lodging in the kings Palace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 While he was declaring thus his tytle in the chamber of the Peeres, there happened a ſtraunge chaunce in the verie ſame inſtaunt amongeſt the Commons in the neather houſe then there aſſem|bled:Prodigious [...]|kens. for a Crowne whiche did hang in the mid|dle of the ſame to garniſhe a braunch to ſee [...] vppon, without touche of any man, or rygour of wind, ſodainly fell downe. And at the ſame time alſo fell downe the Crowne which ſtoode on the toppe of the Caſtell of Douer, whiche chaunces were interpreted by the common people, to be as ſignes that the Crowne of the Realme ſhoulde bee deuided and chaunged from one lyne to an other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes of the Realme forgotte not the Dukes demaunde, and therfore to take ſome good direction therein, dyuerſe of them, as well of Spirituall Lordes, as Temporall, wyth many graue and ſage perſons of the Communaltie daylye aſſembled at the blacke Friers and other places, to treat and commen of this matter, being of ſo great importance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During which time the Duke of Yorke, al|though he and the King were both lodged in the Palace of Weſtmynſter, yet would hee not for any prayers or requeſt made vnto him, once by|ſite or ſee the King, tyll ſome perfect concluſion were taken in thys greate and weightie matter, ſaying and affyrming, that he was ſubiect to no man, but onely to God, and hee was Lorde and ſuperiour and none other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King of Scottes partlye encouraged through the ciuill diſcorde here in England, and partly for the diſpleaſure which he had conceyued for the death of Edmonde Duke of Somerſet his mothers brother,The Caſtel of Roxburh [...]|ſieged. The k. of [...] through miſ|fortune [...] this yere beſieged the Caſtell of Roxbourgh, and by the breaking of a Bom|barde, as the ſame was ſhotte off agaynſte the Caſtell, hee chaunced to bee ſlaine. Yet the Scottes lefte not off theyr enterpryſe aſſaulting the Caſtell, tyll they gatte it, and then defended it a long tyme after, tyll Rycharde Duke of Glo|ceſter it conquered and deſtroyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After long debating of the matter, with ma|ny arguments made, and deliberate conſultation had amongeſt the Peeres, Prelates, and Com|mons of the realme, vpon the vigill of all Saints, it was condiſcended and agreed by the three e|ſtates,The deter [...]|nation of the parliament [...]|cerning the [...]+tailing of th [...] Crowne. for ſo much as King Henrie had beene ta|ken as King by the ſpace of .xxxviij. yeares and more, that he ſhould enioy the name and title of King, and haue poſſeſſion of the Realme during his naturall lyfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And if he eyther dyed, or reſigned, or forfey|ted EEBO page image 1303 the ſame for breaking or going agaynſt any poynt of thys concorde, then the ſayde Crowne and authoritie royall ſhould immediately bee de|uoluted, and come to the Duke of Yorke, if hee then lyued, or elſe to the next heyre of his lynage. And that the D. of York from thenceforth ſhould bee Protectour and Regent of the lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This agreement beeing put in Articles, was engroſſed, ſealed, and ſworne by the two parties, and alſo enacted in the highe Court of Parlia|ment. For ioy whereof the King hauing in hys companie, the Duke of Yorke, roade to the Ca|thredrall Churche of Saint Paule within the Citie of London, and there on the daye of all Saintes with the Crowne on hys heade, wente ſolemnly in Proceſſion, and was lodged a good ſpace after in the Biſhops Palace, neare to the ſayde Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke proclay+med heire ap|peare and pro+ [...] of the [...]ne.And vpon the Saterday next enſuyng, Ry|charde Duke of Yorke was by ſound of Trum|pet ſolemnely proclaymed heyre apparaunt to the Crowne of Englande, and Protector of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The parliamẽt at Couentrye [...]e fruſtrateAfter this, the Parliament kept at Couen|trie the laſt yeare, was declared to bee a diueliſhe counſaile, and onely celebrate for the deſtruction of the Nobilitie, and no lawfull Parliament, by|cauſe they which were returned, were neuer elec|ted according to the due order of the lawe, but ſecretely named by them, which deſyred rather the deſtruction than the aduauncement of the com|mon wealth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When thoſe agreementes were done and enacted, the King diſſolued his Parliament, whiche was the laſte Parliament that euer hee ended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Yorke well knowing that the Queene woulde ſpurne agaynſt the concluſions agreed vpon in this Parliament, cauſed both hir|ſelfe and hir ſonne to be ſent for by the King. But ſhe being a ſtout Dame, vſing to rule, and not to be ruled, and thereto counſayled by the Dukes, of Exceter, and Somerſet, not only denyed to come, but alſo aſſembled a greate army, entending to take the King by fine force oute of the Lordes handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Protector being in London, and hauing perfite knowledge of all theſe doings, aſſigned the Duke of Norffolke, and the Earle of Warwike his truſtie friendes to be about the King, and hee with the Earles of Saliſburie and Rutlande, and a conuenient number of men, departed out of Lõ|don the ſeconde day of December northward, and ſent to the Earle of Marche his eldeſt ſonne to followe him with all hys power. The Duke came to his Caſtell of Sandall beſide Wakefield on Chriſtmaſſe euen, and there beganne to aſ|ſemble his tenaunts and friendes. The Queene being therof aſcerteyned, determined to cope with him ere his ſuccour were come. And ſo hauing in hir companie the Prince hir ſonne, the Dukes of Exceter, and Somerſet, the Earle of Deuon|ſhire, the Lorde Clifforde, the Lorde Ros, and in effect all the Lordes of the North partes, wyth xviij. thouſande men (or as ſome write .xxij. thou|ſande) marched from Yorke to Wakefielde, and had baſe to the Duke, euen before his Caſtell Gates. He hauing with him not fully fiue thou|ſande perſones, contrarie to the myndes of hys faythful Counſailers, would needes iſſue forth to fight with his enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Somerſet and other of the Queenes part, deuiſed how to take theyr moſte aduauntage, and ſo appoynted the Lord Clifford to lie in one ſtale, and the Earle of Wilſhire in another, and the Duke with other kept the main battaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Duke of Yorke wyth his people diſcen|ded downe the hill in good order and army, & was ſuffred to paſſe on towarde the maine battail:The battaile of Wakfielde. but when he was in the plaine [...]ld betwene his caſtel and the town of Wakefield, he was enuironed on euery ſide, like a fiſhe in a net,The Duke of Yorke ſlayne ſo that he manfully fighting was within halfe an houre ſlaine & dead [figure appears here on page 1303] EEBO page image 1304 and his whole armie diſcomfited: and with hym dyed of his truſtie friends, his two baſtarde Vn|cles, ſir Iohn, and ſir Hugh Mortimers, ſir Dauy Hall,Only ſ [...]uen C. Southern men ſaith Whethã| [...]ted. ſir Hugh Haſtings, ſir Thomas Neuill, William, and Thomas Aparre, both brethren, and two thouſande and eyght hundred other, whereof many were yong Gentlemen, and heires of greate parentage in the South partes, whoſe lynages reuenged theyr deathes wythin foure Monethes next and immediately enſuing, as af|ter ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this conflict was wounded and taken priſo|ner, Richarde Earle of Saliſburie, ſir Richarde Lymbricke, Raufe Stanley, Iohn Harow, cap|taine Hanſon, & diuerſe other. The Lord Clifford perceyuing where the Earle of Rutland was cõ|ueyed out of the fielde by one of his fathers chap|leyns, and ſcholemaiſter to the ſame Earle, follo|wed him, and ouertaking him, and vnderſtan|ding what he was, ſtabbed him to the heart with a dagger as he kneeled afore him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle was but a childe at that time of xij. yeares of age, but neither his tender yeares, nor his dolorous countenance which he ſhewed in holding vp both his handes, and crauing mercie and grace with his lamentable geſture (for hys ſpeache was gone for feare) coulde not plie the cruel heart of the Clifford to take pitie vpon him,The cruel mur+der of the yong Erle of Ruclãd ſo that hee was noted with great infamie, for that his vnmerciful act and murther made of that yong gentleman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the ſame Lorde Clifforde not ſatiſfied herewith, came to the place where the dead corpſe of the Duke of Yorke lay, and cauſed his heade to be ſtriken off, and ſet on it a Crowne of Pa|per, and ſo fixed it on a Poil, and preſented it to the Queene, not lying farre from the fielde, in greate diſpite and muche dereſion, at which pre|ſent muche ioy, and great reioyſing was ſhewed: but they laughed then, that ſhortly after lamen|ted, and were glad then of other mennes deathes, that knewe not theyr owne to bee ſo neare at hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVheshãſted.Some write that the Duke was taken aliue, and in deciſion cauſed to ſtande vpon a [...] on whoſe heade they put [...]arlande in ſteade of a Crowne which they had faſhioned and ſhade of Segges, or Bulruſhes, and hauing ſo crowned him with that Garlande, they kneeled downe [...]|fore him as the Iewes did to Cho [...]e in ſcorns, ſaying to him, haue King withoute [...], hayle King without heritage, hayle Duke and Prince without people or poſſeſſions. And at length ha|uing thus ſcorned him with theſe and dyuerſe o|ther the lyke deſpitefull wordes they ſtroke off his heade, whiche (as yee haue heard) they preſented to the Queene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many deemed that this miſerable end chaun|ced to the Duke of Yorke, as a due puniſhment for breaking his othe of allegiance to his ſoue|raigne Lord king Henry but other helde him diſ|charged thereof,Mark the Pope diſpenſation. bycauſe he obteyned a diſpenſati|on from the Pope, by ſuch ſuggeſtion as his pro|curators made vnto him, whereby the ſame othe was adiudged voyd, as that which was receyued vnaduiſedly, to the preiudice of himſelfe, and diſ|inheriting of all his poſteritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this victorie obteyned thus by the N. and hir part, the Earle of Saliſburie and all the priſoners were ſent to Pomfret,

The priſon [...] be headed.


and there behea|ded, whoſe heades togyther with the Duke of Yorkes head, were conueyed to Yorke, and their ſet on Polles ouer the gate of the Citie, in deſpite of them and their lynage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Marche ſo commonly called, but now after the death of his father, in deede and in ryght verie Duke of Yorke, lying at Glouceſter was wonderfully amazed, when the ſorowfull newes of theſe miſhappes came vnto hym: but after comfort gyuen to him by hys faythfull lo|uers and aſſured allyes, hee remooued to Shrewſ|burie, declaring to the Inhabitauntes of that towne, and to them of the other townes in thoſe partyes, the murther of his father, the ieopardie of himſelf, and the preſent ruine of the cõmon welth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The people on the Marches of Wales, for the fauour which they bare to the Mortimers linage, more gladly offred him their ayde and aſſyſtance than he could deſire the ſame, ſo that hee had in|continently a puiſſaunt armye, to the number of [...] thouſand, ready to go againſt the Queene, and the murtherers of his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But when hee was ſetting forwarde,The erle of Pẽ+broke. newes was brought to him, that Iaſper Earle of Pem|broke, halfe brother to King Henrie, and Iames Butler Earle of Ormond and Wilſhire, had aſ|ſembled togither a greate number of Welche and Iriſhe people, ſodainely to take and ſurpriſe him: he being here with quickened, retyred backe and mette with his enimies in a fayre [...], neare to Mortimers Croſſe, not farre from Hereford caſt,The Bare [...] Mortimers croſſe. on Candlemaſſe day in the morning, at whiche tyme the ſonne (as ſome wryte) appeared to the Earle of March like three Sunnes, and ſodainly ioyned altogither in one, vppon whiche ſight hee tooke ſuche courage, that he fiercely ſetting on his enimyes, put them to flight: and for this cauſe, menne ymagined, that he gaue the Sunne in his [...] for his Badge or cogniſaunce. Of his enimies were left dead on the groũd three thouſand and .viij. hundred. The Erles of Pem|broke and [...], but ſir Owen Eruther, father to the ſayd erle of Pembroke, which Owẽ had maried K. Hennes mother as ye haue hearde before) with Dauid Floid,Owen Ten [...] and other [...] and be headed. Morg [...] & diuerſe other wer take, and beheaded at Hereford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1305During this ſeaſon, the Queene encouraged with hir late gayned victorie, with a great mul|titude of Northerne people, marched towarde London, intending to vndoe all that which had bin ordeyned in the laſt Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 VVhethãſted.Theſe Northerne people, after they were once paſſed ouer the riuer of Trent, ſpoyled and wa|ſted the Countrey afore them, in maner as if they had bin in the land of forayne enimies. At length, they approched to Saint Albons, & hea|ring that the Duke of Northfolke, and the Erle of Warwike, with other, whome the Duke of Yorke had left to gouerne the King in hys ab|ſence, had by the Kings aſſent, aſſembled a great hoſt,The Not| [...]e men ouer into Saint Albons. and were encamped neere to that Towne. Thoſe Northerne Lordes and other that were with the Queene, made forwarde, and entring into Saint Albons, meante to paſſe through the Towne, and ſo to coape with their enimies, but finding a ſorte of archers raunged neere to the greate croſſe in the market place, to defend their paſſage, they were receyued with ſuche a ſtorme of arrowes which came flying about their eares as thicke as hayle, that they were quickly repul|ſed backe, and with loſſe, driuen to retire vnto the Weſt ende of the Towne, where by a lane that leadeth Northwards vp to Saint Peters ſtrete, they made their entrie, and had there alſo a ſharp encounter, againſt certayne hands of the kings people,They paſſe through it. but yet after greate ſlaughter on both partes, they gote through, and vppon the heathe that lyeth at the North ende of the towne, cal|led Barnard heath, they had a farre greater con|flict with foure or fiue thouſande of the Kyngs armie, that ſeemed as they had bin anaunt cour|rers, whiche gaue tho onſet ſo fiercely at the be|ginning,The ſecond [...]ell at [...]nt Albons. that the victorie reſted doubtfull a cer|taine time, ſo that if ye Eaſterne and Southerne men had continued as they began, the field had bin theirs, but after they had ſtoode to it a pretie while, and perceyued none of their fellowes from the great armie to come and aſſiſt them, they be|gan to faint, and turning their backes, fledde a|maine,The Kings part fleet [...]. ouer hedge and ditch, through thicke and thinne, wooddes and buſhes, ſeeking ſo to eſcape the handes of their cruell enimies, that followed them with egre minds, to make ſlaughter vpon them, namely, the Northerne prickes, nowe in the chace purſued moſt hotely, and bare downe, many, and more had done, if the night comming vppon, had not ſtayed the execution of their vn|mercifull willes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the daye was nowe cloſed and darke|ned with the ſhadow of night, thoſe that were a|bout the King, being in number a twentie thou|ſande perſons, hearing howe euill their fellowes had ſped, began vtterly to deſpaire of the victorie, and ſo fell without anye long tar [...]ance, [...] run|ning away, by reaſon whereof, the nobles that were about the King, perceyuing how the game went, and withall ſaw no comfort in the King, but rather a good will and affection towards the contrarie part, they withdrew alſo, leauing the King accompanyed with the Lord Bonneuil|le, and Sir Thomas Kiriell at Kent, which vp|pon aſſurance of the Kings promiſe, tarried ſtill with him, and fled not, but their truſt deceyued them, for at the Queenes departing from Saint Albons, they were both beheaded, though con|trarie to the minde and promiſe of hir huſbande. Sir Thomas Thorp, Baron of the Eſcherke [...], was alſo beheaded the ſame day, at Highgate, by the commons of Kent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Such was the fortune of this ſeconde battell foughte at Sainte Albons, vppon Shroue Teweſday, beeing the ſeuententh of Februarie, in which were ſlayne three and twentie hundred men, and not aboue, of whome,1916. as Iohn Stow noteth. Sir Iohn Grey ſlayne. no noble man is remembred, ſaue Sir Iohn Grey, whiche the ſame day was made knight, with twelue other, at the village of Colney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Now after that the noble men and other wee fled, and the king lefte in man [...] alone without any power of men to garde his perſon, hee was counfelled by an eſquyer called Th [...]s Hoo, a man wel languãged, and well ſerue in the laws, to ſend ſome conuenient meſſengere to the Nor|thern lordes, aduertiſing them that he wold a [...] gladly come vnto them (whome [...]s [...]new to bee his verie frendes, and had aſſembled themſelues togyther for his ſeruice, to the ende he might re|maine with them, as before he had remained vn|der the gouernment of the Southern lords. Ac|cording to the aduice and counſel of this eſquier, the king thought it good ſo to ſende vnto them, and withall appointed the [...]ame eſqui [...]r to beare the meſſage,Thomas Ho [...] Eſquier, ſent to the Nor|therne Lorde. who firſte went & declared the ſame vnto the Erle of Northumberlande, and retur|ning backe to the king, brought certayne lordes with him, who conueyed the King firſt vnto the Lorde Cliffords tent, that ſtoode next to ye place where the Kings people had encamped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, they went and brought ye Quene and hir ſonne Prince Edwarde vnto his pre|ſente, whome hee ioyfully receiued, embracing and kiſſing them in moſt louing wiſe, and yeel|ding hartie thankes to almightie God, whome it hadde pleaſed thus to ſtrengthen the forces of the Northerne men, to reſtore his der [...]ely belo|ued and onely ſonne againe into his poſſeſſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was the Queene fortunate in hir two battailes,Hall. but vnfortunate was the King in all his enterpriſes: for where his perſon was preſent, the victorie ſtill fledde from him to the contrary part.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene cauſed the King, to dubbe hir EEBO page image 1306 ſon prince Edward Knight,Prince Edward made knight. with .30. other per|ſons, which the day before, fought on hir ſide a|gainſt his part.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This don, they went to ye abbey, where of the abbot & Monks they were receiued, wt hymnes & ſongs, & ſo brought to the high Altare, & after to the Shryne, & ſo to the chamber in which the K. was wont to lodge. The Abbot made ſuite yt or|der might be taken to reſtrain the Northern men frõ ſpoiling ye town, & proclamation in deed was made to yt effect, but it auailed not: for they main|teined, yt the ſpoile of things was granted thẽ by couenãt, after they were once paſſed ouer ye riuer of Trent: & ſo not regarding any proclamation or other cõmandement,The Northren men ſpoile the Towne of S. Albons. The Queene ſendeth to the Maior of Lon|don for vit|tailes. they ſpared nothing that they could lay hãds vpon, if the ſame were mete for thẽ to carie & beare away. The Queene ha|uing thus got the victorie, ſẽt to ye Maior of Lõ|don, cõmanding him without delay to ſend cer|tain carts laded with Lenton victuals for the re|freſhing of hir & hir army. The Maior incõtinẽt|ly cauſed carts to be laded, & wold haue ſent thẽ forward, but the cõmons of the citie would not ſuffer them to paſſe, but ſtayed them at Criple|gate, notwithſtanding, the Maior did what hee could by gentle perſwaſions to quiet them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During which controuerſie, diuers of ye Nor|therne horſemen, came & robbed in the ſuhurbes of ye Citie, & would haue entred at Criplegate, but they were repulſed by ye comoners, and three of thẽ ſlaine, whervpõ the Maior ſent ye Recor|der to Barnet to ye kings counſel there, to excuſe the matter, & the Ducheſſe of Bedford, the Lady Scales wt diuers fathers of ye ſpiritualtie, wẽt to ye Q. to aſwage hir diſpleaſure cõceiued againſt ye Citie. The Q. at their hũble requeſt by aduice of hir counſell, appointed certaine Lordes and knights, with four C. tall perſons, to ride to the citie, & there to view & ſee the demeanor & diſpo|ſition of ye people: & diuers Aldermẽ were apoin|ted to meete thẽ at Barnet, & to conuty them to London. But what man purpoſeth, God diſpo|ſeth, for al theſe deuiſes were ſhortly altered into an other forme, bicauſe true report came not on|ly to the Q. but alſo to the Citie, that the Earle of Marche, hauing vanquiſhed the Erles of Pẽ|broke & Wilſhire, had met wt the Erle of War|wike (after this laſt battell at Sainte Albons) at Chipping Norton by Cotſold, and that they wt both their powers, wer cõming toward Londõ. The Q. hauing little truſt in Eſſex,The Queene returneth Northward. and leſſe in Kente, but leaſt of all in London, with hir huſ|band & ſon, departed frõ S. Albõs, into ye North countrey, where the roote and foundation of hir aide and refuge only conſiſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duches of Yorke, ſeeing hir huſbande and ſonne ſlaine, and not knowing what ſhould ſucceede of hir eldeſt ſonnes chance, ſent hir two yonger ſonnes, George and Richard, once ye ſea, to the Citie of Vtrecht in Almayne, where they were of Phillip Duke of Burgoine well recey|ued, and ſo remayned there, till their brother Edward had gote the Crowne, and gouernemẽt of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earles of Marche and Warwike, ha|uing perfect knowledge that the King and Q. with their adherents, were departed from Sainct Albons, rode ſtraight to London, entring there with a great number of men of warre, the firſte weeke of Lent, whoſe comming thither was no ſooner knowen, but that the people reſorted out of Kent, Eſſex, and other the counties adioy|ning, in great numbers, to ſee, aide, and comfort this luſtie Prince, and flower of chiualrie, in whome, the hope of their ioy, and [...] of theyr quietneſſe only conſiſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This prudent yong Prince, minding to take time when time ſerued, called a great Counſell, [figure appears here on page 1306] EEBO page image 1307 both of the Lords ſpirituall and temporall, and to them repeaſed the title and right that hee had to the Crowne, rehearſing alſo the articles con|cluded betwixte King Henrie and his father, by their writings ſigned and ſealed, and alſo con [...]e|med by a [...]e of Parliament, the breaches where|of, he neither forgate, nor left vndeclared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After the Lordes had conſidered of this mat|ter, they determined by authoritie of the ſayde Counſell, that bycauſe King Henry hadde done contrarie to the ordinances in the laſt Parlia|ment concluded, and was inſufficient of hym|ſelfe to rule the Realme, hee was therefore depri|ued of all kingly honor, and regall ſoueraignetis, & incontinently, was Edward Earle of March, ſonne and heire to Richarde Duke of Yorke, by the Lords in the ſaid Counſel aſſembled, named, elected,The Earle of Marche elec|ted K [...]ng. and admitted for King and gouernoure of the Realme, on whiche day, the people of the Earles parte, beeing in their muſter in Sainte Iohns field, and a great number of the ſubſtan|ciall Citizens there aſſembled, to beholde theyr order,The Lord Fau|combridge. ſuddainely the Lorde Fawcombridge, whiche tooke the muſters, wiſely declared to the people, ye offenes and breaches of the late agree|mente, committed, ſuffered, and done, by Kyng Henrye the ſixth, and demaunded of the people, whether they would haue the ſaid King Henry, to rule & reigne any longer ouer them, to whome they with whole voice aunſwered, nay, nay. Then he aſked them, if they woulde ſerue, loue, honor, and obey the Earle of Marche, as theyr earthly prince and ſoueraigne Lorde, to whyche queſtion they aunſwered, yea, yea, crying Kyng Edwarde, with manye greate ſhoutes and clap|ping of hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes were ſhortly aduertiſed of the louing conſente whiche the commons frankely and freely of their owne free willes had gyuen, wherevpon incontinently, they all with a con|uenient number of the moſt ſubſtanciall com|mons, repayred to Baynards Caſtell, makyng iuſt and true reporte of their election and admiſ|ſion, and the louing aſſent of the commons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle after long pauſing, firſt thanked God of his greate grace, and benefite then to|wards him ſhewed, and the Lords and cõmons alſo for their hartie fauoure, and aſſured fidelitie: notwithſtanding, like a wiſe Prince, he alledged his inſufficiencie for ſo great a roomth, & weigh|tie burthen, as lacke of knowledge, want of ex|perience, and diuers other qualities to a gouer|nour apperteining, but yet in concluſion, beyng perſwaded by the Archbyſhop of Caunterburie, the Byſhoppe of Exeter, and other Lordes then preſente,The Earle of Marche ta|keth vpon [...] as King. hee agreed to their petition, and tooke vpon him the charge of the Kingdome, as for|feited to him by breache of couenauntes, eſtabli|ſhed in Parliamente, on the behalfe of Kyng Henry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 But now before we proceede any further, ſith the raigne of King Henrye may ſeeme heere to take ende, we will ſpecifie ſome ſuch learned mẽ as liued in his time. Iohn Leland, ſurnamed the rider (in reſpect of the other Iohn Leland, that paynefull antiquarie of our time) wrote dyuers treatiſes, for the inſtruction of Grammarians: Iohn Haynton, a Carmelite or white Friet (as they called them) of Lincolne: Roberte Colman, a Frantiſcane Frier of Norwich, and Chancel|lor of the Vniuerſitie of Oxford: Williã White a Prieſt of Kent, profeſſing ye doctrine of Wick|life, and forſaking the order of the Romayne Churche, married a wife, but continued his of|fice of Preaching, till at length, in the yeare. 1428. he was apprehended, and by William, B. of Norwiche, and the Doctors of the Friers Mendicantes, charged with thirtie articles, which he maynteyned, contrarie to the doctrine of the Romane Church then in vſe, and in Sep|tember, the ſame yeare, ſuffered death by fire: A|lexander Carpenter, a learned man, ſet forthe a Booke called Deſtructorium Vitiorum, wherin he enueygheth againſt the Prelates of the Churche of that time, for their crueltie vſed, in perſecuting the poore and godly Chriſtians: Richarde Ken|dale, an excellente Gramarian: Iohn Bate, Warden of the white Friers in Yorke, but borne in the bordures of Wales, an excellent Philoſo|pher, and a diuine, he was alſo ſeene in ye Greeke tong, a thing rare in thoſe dayes: Peter Baſſet, Eſquier of the priuie chamber to King Henrye the fifth, whoſe life he wrote: Iohn Pole a prieſt, that wrote the life of S. Walburgh, daughter to one Richard, a noble man of this Realme of Englande, whiche Walburg as hee affirmeth, builded our Lady Churche in Andwerp: Tho|mas Iſmaelite, a Monke of Sion: Walter Hil|ton, a Chartreaux Monke alſo of Sheene, ey|ther of theſe wrote certaine treatiſes full of ſu|perſtition, as Iohn Bale noteth: Tho. Walden ſo called of the Towne where he was borne, but his fathers ſurname was Netter, a white Frier of London, and the three and twentith prouin|ciall gouernour of his order, a man vndoubtedly learned, and throughly furniſhed with cunning of the Scholes, but a ſore enimie to them yt pro|feſſed the doctrine of Wicklife, writing ſundrye greate volumes and treatiſes againſte them: hee dyed at Rouen in Normandie, the ſeconde of Nouember, in the yere .1430. Richard Vllerſton, borne in Lancaſhire, wrote diuers treatiſes of Diuinitie: Peter Clearke, a ſtudent in Oxforde, and a defender of Wicklifes doctrine, wherevpõ, when he feared perſecution heere in England, he fled into Bohenie, but yet at length, he was ap|prehended EEBO page image 1308 by the Imperialiſtes, and dyed for it, as ſome write,Fabian and Caxton. but in what order, is not expreſ|ſed: Roberte Hownde ſlow, a religious man of an houſe in Howndeſlow beſide London, wher|of he tooke his ſurname: Thomas Walſinghã, borne in Northfolke, in a Towne there of the ſame name, but profeſſed a Monke in the Abbey of Sainte Albons, a diligente hiſtorici [...]ie: Iohn Tilney, a white Frier of Yermouths, but a ſtu|dent in Cambridge, and proued an excellent di|uine: Richarde Fleming, a Doctor of diuinitie, profeſſed in Oxford, and by the King aduanced to the gouernement of the Biſhopricke of Lin|colne: he founded Lincolne colledge in Oxford, in which Vniuerſitie, he had bin ſtudente: Iohn Lowe, borne in Worceſterſhire, an Auguſtine Frier, a Doctor of diuinitie, and prouinciall in England of his order, and by King Henry the ſixth, made firſte Biſhop of Saint Aſſaph, and after remoued from thence to Rocheſter: Tho|mas Ringſtede the yonger, not the ſame yt was Byſhop, but a doctor of the lawe, and Vicar of Mildenhall in Suffolke, a notable preacher, and wrote diuers treatiſes: Iohn Felton, a doctor of Diuinitie of Magdalene Colledge in Oxforde: Nicholas Botleſham, a Carmelite Frier borne in Cambridgeſhire, and ſtudent firſte in the V|niuerſitie of Cambridge, and after in Paris, where he proceeded Doctor of Diuinitie: Tho|mas Rudburne, a Monke of Wincheſter, and an Hiſtoriographer: Iohn Holbroke, borne in Surrey, a greate Philoſopher, and well ſeene in the Mathematikes: Peter Paine, an earneſt pro|feſſor of Wiclifes doctrine, and fearing perſecu|tion heere in England, fled into Boheme, where he remained in great eſtimation for his greate learning and no leſſe wiſedome: Nicholas Vp|ton, a Ciuilian, wrote of Heraldry, of colours in armorie, and of the duetie of chiualrie: Wil|liam Beckley, a Carmelite Frier of Sandwich, and warden of the houſe there, a diuine, and pro|feſſed degree of Schole in Cambridge: Iohn Torp, a Carmelite Frier of Norwiche: Iohn Capgraue, borne in Kent, an Auguſtine Frier, proceeded Doctor of diuinitie in Oxforde, was admitted prouinciall of his order, and proued without controuerſie, the beſt learned of anye of that order of Friers heere in England, as Iohn Bale affirmeth: hee wrote manye notable vo|lumes, and finally, departed this life at Lynne in Northfolke, the twelfth of Auguſt, in the yere 1464. which was in the fourth yeare of K. Ed|ward the fourth: Humfrey Duke of Glouceſter, Earle of Pembroke, and Lorde Chamberlaine of Englande, alſo protector of the Realme, du|ring the minoritie of his nephew King Henrye the ſixth, was both a greate fauourer of learned men, and alſo very well learned himſelfe, name|ly in Aſtrologie, whereof beſide other things, hee wrote a ſpeciall treatiſe, entituled, Tabula dire|ctionum: Iohn Whethamſted, otherwiſe called Frumentarius, was Abbot of Sainte Albo [...]s, and highly in fauoure with the good Duke of Glouceſter laſt remẽbred; hee wrote diuers trea|tiſes, and among other, a booke as it were of re|cords of things, chancing whileſt he was Abbot, whiche booke I haue ſeene, and partly in ſome parcell of this Kings time, haue alſo followed: Roger Onley, borne in the Weſt countrey (as Bale thinketh) was acenſed of treaſon, for pra|ctiſing with the Ladye Eleanor Cobham, by ſorcerie, to make the King away, and was ther|of condemned, and dyed for it, though he were innocent therof, as ſome haue thought, he wrote a treatiſe, entituled, Contra vulgi ſuperſ [...]iones, alſo an other De ſua innocentia: Nicholas Cant|low, a Welchman borne, diſcended of an aunti|ent family in Southwales, as by Bale it ſhould appeare, became a Frier Carmelite in Briſtow: Henry Wichinghã, a Carmelite Frier of Nor|wiche, a notable diuine, a greate Preacher, and wrote alſo ſundrie treatiſes of diuinitie: Iohn Lidgate, a Monke of Burie, an excellente Poet, and chiefe in his time in that facultie, of al other that practiſed the ſame within this land, he tra|uelled through Fraunce and Italy to learne the languages and ſciences, how greatly he profited in atteyning to knowledge, the workes whyche he wrote, doe ſufficiently teſtifie: Nicholas Ho|ſtreſham, an excellent Phiſition: Iohn Black|ney, a religious man, of the order of the Trini|tie, entituled, De redemptione captiuorum, and Prior of an houſe of the ſame order, at Ingham in Northfolke, he was ſurnamed Blackney, of the towne where he was borne: Thomas Bec|kington, Biſhop of Bathe, wrote againſte the lawe Salique, whereby the Frenchmen woulde ſeclude the Princes of this Realme, from theyr title to the Crowne of Fraunce: Iohn Baring|hã, a Carmelite Frier of Ippeſwich or Gippeſ|wiche, in Suffolke: Dauid Boys, borne in Wales, and a Frier Carmelite, profeſſed in Glouceſter, a doctor of diuinitie: Iohn Brome, an Auguſtine Frier: Michael Trigurie, a Cor|niſhe man borne, whome for his excellencie in learning, K. Henry the fifth appointed to be ma|ſter or gouernoure, whether ye liſt to call him, of that ſchole or Vniuerſitie, which he inſtituted in the Citie of Caen in Normandie, after hee had broughte it vnder his ſubiection: Iohn Amun|diſham, a Monke of Sainte Albons: Oſwalde Anglicus, a Monke of ye Chartreux order: Iohn Keningale, a Carmelite Frier of Norwiche: Peter de Sancta fide. that is, of Sainte Faith, a Carmelite alſo of Norwiche: Reginalde Pe|cocke, Biſhop of Chicheſter, of whome yee haue EEBO page image 1390 heard before, he was borne in Wales, and Stu|dent in Oriall Colledge in Oxforde, where hee proceeded doctor of Diuinitie, hee wrote manye treatiſes touching the Chriſtian religion: Iohn [...]named B [...]ie of the towne where hee was borne, an Auguſtine Frier in the Towne of Clare in Suffolke: Robert Fleming Thomas Gaſcoigne, borne at Hun [...]te in Yorkſhire, of that worſhipfull familie of ye Gaſcoignes there, a Doctor of Diuinitie, and Chancellor of the Vniuerſitie of Oxforde William Stapilhart, borne in [...]ente, but by profeſſion, a white Frier in London: Robert Funinghã borne in North|folke, a Franciſcane Frier in Norwich: Nicho|las Mo [...]ute an Hiſtoriographer: Iohn Chãd|ler, Chancellor of Welles: William Botoner, diſcended of a good houſe, a Knight by degree, and borne in Briſtowe, very ſtudious in anti|quities, and other ſciences: Iohn Stowe, a Monke of Norwiche, but Student in Oxeford, where he proceeded doctor of Diuinitie: Tho|mas Langley, a Monke of Hulme: Nicholas Bingey, borne in a Towne of Northfolke of that name, wrote an hiſtorie, called Adunatio|nes chronicorum. Henrye Beauford Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, baſe ſonne to Iohn Duke of Lan|caſter, of whome before we haue made ſufficient mention: hee was aduanced to the dignitie of Cardinall, by Pope Martine the fourth, in the yeare .1426. Adam Homlington, a Carmelite Frier: William Coppinger, maſter of the Vni|uerſitie of Oxford: Thomas Stacie, an experte Mathematicien, and no leſſe ſkilfull in Aſtrono|mie: Iohn Talaugerne, a Monke of Worce|ſter: William Sutton, an Aſtrologicien: Robert Balſacke, wrote a booke entitled De re militari, that is to ſaye, of warre or cheualrie, ſo that as is thoughte, hee was both a good ſouldier, and a painefull ſtudent of good letters: Thomas Dã|do, a Carmelite Frier of Marleburg, hee wrote the life of Alphred Kyng of Weſt Saxons: William Grey, borne of the noble houſe of the Greys of Codnor: hee [...] attayne to ſome excellencie of learning into Italy, where hee hearde that noble Clea [...]e Guarinus Vero|nenſis reede in Ferrar [...]: hee was pre [...]erred to the Biſhopricke of Elie, in the yeare .1454. by Pope Nicholas the fifth, when Thomas Bur|chier was tranſlated from thence to Caunter|burie: Iohn Kemp, Archbiſhop of York, and af|ter remoued from thence to Caunterbury, as be|fore yee haue heard: hee was made Cardinall of Saint Albine, by Pope Eugene the fourth: A|dam Molins or Milner (as Bale calleth hym) keeper of the Kinges prittie Seale, excellently learned, in time of the ciuill warre betwixt King Henry, and the Duke of Yorke, loſt his head as many other did, in time of thoſe helli [...]e tra|gedies, God deliuer euerye Chriſtian Realme from the like: Thomas Chillenden, a Doctor, both of the lawe Ciuill and Canon, became at length a Monke in Canterburie: Roberte Bale, ſurnamed the elder, excellently learned in the lawes of the Realme, was aduanced to the of|fice of Recorder of London, gathered as it were a Chronicle of the cuſtomes, lawes, foundatiõs, changes, reſtoring Magiſtrates, offices, orders, and publique aſſemblies of the Citie of London, with other matters, touching the perfect deſcrip|tion of the ſame Citie: he wrote other works al|ſo touching the ſtate of the ſame citie, and the actes of King Edwarde the thirde, hee departed this life in the yeare of our Lorde .1461. euen a|bout the beginning of the raigne of King Ed|ward the fourth, vnto whome we will nowe a|gayne returne.