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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeere, the Danes that laie rouing on the seas did much hurt to the English merchants, taking and robbing manie English ships, and [...]hen the hauen townes alongst [...]he coasts of Northfolke,The Danes [...] the Eng|l [...]sh merchãts on the seas. made foorth a number of ships, and ventured to fight with those pirats, they were vanquished by the Danes, so that manie were slaine, and manie taken prisoners, which were constreined to paie great ransoms. The eni|mies also found in ransacking the English ships,Great prises woone by the Danish pi|rets of the Englishmen. twentie thousand pounds, which the English mer|chants had aboord with them to buy wares with, in place whither they were bound to go. ¶In the same yeare, William Courtneie archbishop of Cantur|burie, hauing more regard to his owne priuat com|moditie, than to the discommoditie of others, purcha|sed a bull of the pope, whereby he was authorised to leauie through his whole prouince foure pence of the pound of ecclesiasticall promotions, as well in pla|ces exempt, as not exempt, no true nor lawfull cause being shewed or pretended, why he ought so to doo; and to see the execution of this bull put in practise, the archbishop of Yorke, and the bishop of London, were named and appointed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Manie that feared the censures of such high exe|cutioners, chose rather to paie the monie foorthwith, than to go to the law, and be compelled happilie, man|ger their good willes. Some there were that appea|led to the sée of Rome, meaning to defend their cause and to procure that so vnlawfull an exaction might be reuoked. Speciallie, the prebendaries of Lincolne stood most stiffelie against those bishops, but the death of the archbishop that chanced shortlie after, made an end of those so passing great troubles. This yeare, Iohn Waltham bishop of Salisburie,Waltham bi|shop of Salis|burie buried at Westmin|ster amongst the kings. and lord trea|suror of England departed this life, and by king Ri|chard his appointment had the honor to haue his bo|die interred at Westminster amongst the kings. Af|ter this decease, Roger Walden that before was se|cretarie to the king, and treasuror of Calis, was now made lord treasuror.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Yée haue heard, that in the yeare 1392, Robert Uéer duke of Ireland departed this life in Louaine in Brabant. Anno Reg. 19. King Richard therefore this yeare in Nouember, caused his corps being imbalmed, to be conueied into England, and so to the priorie of Col|nie in Essex,The duke of Irelãds corps conueied from Louaine into England, and there roiallie interred. appointing him to be laid in a coffine of cypresse, and to be adorned with princelie garments, hauing a chaine of gold about his necke, and rich rings on his fingers. And to shew what loue and af|fection he bare vnto him in his life time, the king caused the coffine to be opened, that he might behold his face bared, and touch him with his hands: he ho|nored his funerall exequies with his presence, ac|companied with the countesse of Oxenford, mother to the said duke, the archbishop of Canturburie, and manie other bishops, abbats, and priors: but of no|ble men there were verie few, for they had not yet digested the enuie and hatred which they had concei|ued against him.

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