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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 After they had got to land, they inuironed the ci|tie of Affrike (called by the moores Mahemedia) with a strong siege: but at length constrained with the in|temperancie of the scalding aire in that hot coun|trie, bréeding in the armie sundrie diseases, they fell to a composition vpon certeine articles to be perfor|med in the behalfe of the Saracens, and so 61 daies after their first arriuall there, they tooke the seas a|gaine, & returned home, as in the histories of France and Italie is likewise expressed. Where, by Polydor Virgil it may séeme, that the lord Henrie of Lanca|ster earle of Derbie, should be capteine of the Eng|lish men, that (as before ye haue heard) went into Barbarie with the Frenchmen, and Genowais. It should otherwise appeare by other writers, who af|firme that the said earle made a iournie in deed the same time against the miscreants, Thom. Wals. The earle of Derbie his exploits in his iournie against the infidels of Prutzenland. not into Barba|rie, but into Prutzenland, where he shewed good proofe of his noble and valiant courage: for ioining with the masters and knights of the Dutch order there, the armie of the Lithuanians that came a|gainst the said order was vanquished, and foure chiefe leaders of the Lithuanians were taken priso|ners, thrée other being slaine, with thrée hundred of their chiefest and best approoued soldiers. Through the policie also and worthie manhood of the earle of Der|bie, there was a certeine citie taken, where the said earle and his men first entring vpon the walles, did set vp his banner: other being slouthfull, or at the least vnskilfull how to deale in such exploits. There were taken and slaine foure thousand of the common people, and amongst them that were found dead, the king of Polognies brother was one. The castell of the same citie was besieged fiue weekes space: but by reason of sickenesse and such infirmities as chan|ced in the armie, the masters of Prutzen, and Life|land would not tarie any longer, but brake vp their siege and returned. The master of Lifeland led with him into his countrie thrée thousand prisoners.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane time, whilest the christians were thus occupied, as well against the infidels in Barbarie, as in the east parts towards Littawe, a roiall iusts and martiall turnament was proclaimed to be hol|den within Smithfield in London,A roiall iusts holden in Smithfield at London. to begin on sun|daie next after the feast of saint Michaell. And bi|cause this triumphant pastime was published, not onelie in England, but also in Scotland, in Almaine, in Flanders, in Brabant, in Heinault, & in France, manie strangers came hither foorth of diuerse coun|tries, namelie Ualeran erle of saint Paule, that had married king Richards sister the ladie Mauld de Courtnie, and William the yoong erle of Osteruant, sonne to Albert de Bauiere earle of Holland and Heinault. At the daie appointed, when all things were prepared, there issued foorth of the tower about thrée of the clocke in the after noone sixtie coursers apparelled for the iustes, and vpon euerie one an es|quier of honor, riding a soft pace. Then came foorth foure and twentie ladies of honour (three score saith Froissard) mounted on palfries,The manner of the iusts in Smithfield. riding on the one side richlie apparelled, and euerie ladie led a knight with a chaine of gold. Those knights being on the kings part, had their armor and apparell garnished with white hearts and crownes of gold about their necks, and so they came riding through the stréets of Lon|don vnto Smithfield,Siluer saith Froissard. with a great number of trum|pets and other instruments before them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The king and the queene, with manie other great states were readie placed in chambers richlie ador|ned to see the iusts: and when the ladies that led the knights, were come to the place, they were taken downe from their palfries, and went vp into cham|bers readie prepared for them. Then alighted the esquires of honor from their coursers, & the knights in good order mounted vpon them. And so when their helmets were set on their heads, and that they were redie in all points, after proclamations made by the heraults, the iusts began, and manie commendable courses were run, to the great pleasure, comfort, and recreation of the king, the queene, and all other the beholders. The prise that daie on the answerers part was giuen to the earle of saint Paule; and on the cha|lengers side, to the earle of Huntington. On the mondaie, [...]he king himselfe, with dukes, earls, lords, and knights, came to the iusts, he being cheefe of the inner part. That daie the prise was giuen to the erle of Osteruant, for the best dooer of the vtter part: and of the inner part, to a knight of England called sir Hugh Spenser. On the tuesdaie, all manner of e|squiers EEBO page image 474 iusted, and likewise on the wednesday all ma|ner of knights and esquires that would, on which daie was a sore and rude iusts, enduring till night. And so manie a noble course and other martiall feats were atchiued in those foure daies, to the great contentation and pleasure of manie a yoong batche|l [...]r desirous to win fame, & also highlie to the kings honour, who by all that season held his court in the bishops palace by Paules church,The king kept opẽ hou|shold in the bishop of Lon|don his palace by Paules church. kéeping open hou|shold for all honest persons that thither resorted, es|peciallie euerie night after the iusts were ended, a right sumptuous and princelie supper was prepared for the strangers and other, and after supper, the time was spent in dansing and reuelling after the most courtlike maner.The K. festeth the strangers. On the thursdaie, the king made a supper to all the lords, knights, and gentlemen stran|gers, and the quéene to all the ladies and gentlewo|men.The duke of Lancaster feasteth the strangers. On the fridaie the duke of Lancaster feasted at dinner all the said lords, knights, and gentlemen strangers, in most sumptuous and plentifull maner. On the saturdaie, the king and all the whole compa|nie departed from London vnto Windsore, where new feasting began, and speciallie the king did all the honour that might be deuised vnto the earls of saint Paule and Osteruant. The earle of Osteruant, at the earnest request of the king, receiued of him the order of the Garter, for the which he was euill thought of afterwards by his freends, namelie the French king and others. Finallie, after the king had thus feasted the strangers and others at Windsore, each man tooke leaue of the king, the queene, and the kings vncles, and other lords and ladies, and so de|parted, the strangers into their owne countries, and other home to their houses, or whither they thought b [...]st.

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