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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Englishmen after the taking and spoiling of Dunkirke, returned to Grauelin and Bruckburge, which places they fortified, and then leauing garri|sons in them, they went to Mardike, and tooke it, for it was not closed. In the meane time, the countrie|men of west Flanders rose in armour, and came to Dunkirke, meaning to resist the Englishmen: whereof when the bishop was certified, with all spéed he marched thither, and comming to the place where the Flemings, to the number of more than twelue thousand were ranged without the towne, he sent an herald vnto them to know the truth,The herald of armes sent to ye Flemings by the bishop of Norwich is slaine. of whether pope they held; but the rude people, not vnderstand|ing what apperteined to the law of armes, ran vpon the herald at his approching to them, and slue him before he could begin to tell his tale.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Englishmen herewith inflamed, determined either to reuenge the death of their herald, or to die for it, and therewith ordered their battels readie to fight, Thom. Wals. and being not aboue fiue thousand fighting men in all, the bishop placed himselfe amongst the horsse|men,The order of the bishop of Norwich his battell against the Flemings and set the footmen in a battell marshalled wedgewise, broad behind and sharpe before, hauing with them a banner wherein the crosse was beaten. The archers were ranged on either side: the stan|dard of the church went before, the field gules, and two keies siluer, signifieng that they were souldiors of pope Urbane. Moreouer, the bishop had his penon there siluer and azure quarterlie, a freat gold on the azure, a bend gules on the siluer: and bicause he was yoongest of the Spensers, he bare a border gules for a difference. At the approching of the battels togither the trumpets blew vp, and the archers began to shoot against the battell of the Flemings, the which vali|antlie defended themselues, & fought egerlie a long time, but at length they were so galled with arrowes which the archers shot at them a flanke, that they were not able to indure, but were compelled to giue backe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 They were diuided into two battels, a vaward, and a rereward.The Fle|mings dis|comfited by ye Englishmen. When the vaward began to shrinke, the rereward also brake order, and fled, but the Eng|lishmen pursued them so fast, that they could not es|cape, but were ouertaken and slaine in great num|bers. Iac. Meir. Some saie, there died of them in the battell and chase fiue thousand, some six thousand; and others write, Froissard. that there were nine thousand of them slaine: and Thomas Walsingham affirmeth twelue thou|sand. Manie of them fled into the towne of Dun|kirke for succour, but the Englishmen pursued them so egerlie, that they entered the towne with them, and slue them downe in the streets. The Flemings in diuerse places gathered themselues togither a|gaine as they fled, and shewed countenance of de|fense, but still they were driuen out of order, and brought to confusion. Tho. Walsi. Préests and religious men hardy soldiers The préests and religious men that were with the bishop fought most egerlie, some one of them slaieng sixtéene of the enimies.

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