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    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5
  • 1 That the sacrament of the altar,The chéefest articles prea|ched by Wic|life. after con|secration, was not the bodie of Christ, but a figure thereof.
  • 2 That the church of Rome was no more head of the vniuersall church than any one other, nor more authoritie was giuen by Christ vnto Peter, than to anie other of the apostles, and that the pope had no more power in the keies of the church than anie other préest whatsoeuer.
  • 3 That temporall lords might both lawfullie and meritoriouslie take the temporall goods and re|uenues from the church, if it offended; and if anie temporall lord knew the church to offend, he was bound vnder paine of damnation to take from it the temporalties.
  • 4 That the gospell is sufficient in this life to di|rect by rule euerie christian man.
  • 5 That all other rules of saints, vnder the ob|seruing whereof diuers religious doo liue, ad no more perfection to the gospell, than washing ouer with lime dooth the wall.
  • 6 That the pope, nor anie other prelat of the church, ought to haue anie prisons wherein to punish offendors.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 These and manie other opinions did these men hold and mainteine, and diuerse lords and great men EEBO page image 412 of the land fauoured their cause. But when these con|clusions were brought before the pope, he condem|ned the number of 23 of those articles as vaine and hereticall, directing his buls to the archbishop of Canturburie, and to the bishop of London, that they should cause the said Wiclife to be apprehended, and examined vpon the said conclusions, which they did in presence of the duke of Lancaster, and the lord Per|cie, and hearing his declaration, commanded him to silence, and in no wise to deale with those matters from thencefoorth,Wiclife & his felowes main|teined by cer|teine lords. so that for a time, both he and his fellowes kept silence: but after at the contemplati|on of diuerse of the temporall lords, they preached and set foorth their doctrine againe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The same day that Wiclife was conuented thus at London, before the bishops and other lords, tho|rough a word spoken in reproch by the duke of Lan|caster vnto the bishop of London, streightwaies the Londoners getting them to armour,The duke of Lancaster in danger by the Londoners. meant to haue slaine the duke, & if the bishop had not staid them, they had suerlie set fire on the dukes house at the Sauoie: and with much adoo might the bishop quiet them. A|mong other reprochfull parts which in despite of the duke they committed, they caused his armes in the publike stréet to be reuersed as if he had béene a trai|tor, or some notorious offendor. The duke and the lord Henrie Percie,The lord Percie. whom the citizens sought in his owne house to haue slaine him, if he had béen found, hearing of this riotous stur and rebellious commo|tion, forsooke their dinner and fled to Kenington, where the lord Richard, sonne to the prince, togither with his mother then remained, exhibiting before their presence, a grieuous complaint of the opprobri|ous iniuries doone vnto them, by the wilfull outrage of the Londoners. For this and other causes, the ci|tizens were sore hated of the duke, in so much that he caused the maior & aldermen that then ruled to be dis|charged of their roomes, and other put in their places.

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