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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The French king kept his obsequie in most reue|rend wife, Froissard. in the chapell of his palace at Paris. Af|ter his death, the king called to him againe the fore|said persons,Sir Péers de la Mere. Fabian. that had beene from him remooued, and the said sir Peers de la Mere that was speaker in the parlement (as before yée haue hard) for his eloquence shewed in reproouing the misgouernment of the said persons (and namelie of the said dame Alice Peres) was now committed to prison within the castell of Notingham.The truce prolonged. Polydor. About the same time the truce was a|gaine prolonged till the first daie of Aprill next fol|lowing. ¶ King Edward, after the deceasse of his sonne prince Edward, created the lord Richard, sonne to the said prince, as heire to him, prince of Wales, and gaue to him the earledomes of Chester & Corne|wall. Polydor. ¶Moreouer, bicause the king waxed féeble and sicklie through langor (as some suppose) conceiued for the death of his sonne, he appointed the rule of the relme to his sonne the duke of Lancaster, ordeining him as gouernour vnder him, and so he continued during his fathers life.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 A riot. Caxton. A great riot happened betwixt the seruants of the earle of Warwike, and the tenants of the abbat of Euesham, so that manie of the said abbats seruants were slaine and hurt. The fish-ponds and warrens belonging to the abbie were broken and spoiled, so that greater hurt would haue followed thereof, if the kings letters had not beene sent downe to the earle, commanding him to staie his men from such misde|meanours. All the nobles of the realme were cau|sed to sweare,The nobles sworne to the prince of Wales. that after the kings decease they shuld admit and mainteine Richard prince of Wales for their king and souereigne lord. And vpon Christ|masse day, the king caused him to sit at his table aboue all his owne children, in high estate, as repre|senting the personage of the heire apparant to the crowne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare being the one and fiftith and last of king Edwards reigne,1377 Anno Reg. 51. there were sent againe to Bruges as commissioners to treat of peace on the part of king Edward, Froissard. Comissioners sẽt to Bruges Iohn lord Cobham, the bishop of He|reford, and the maior of London. And for the French part thither came the earle of Salebruch, monsieur de Chatillon, and Phillibert Lespoit. And still the two legats were present as mediatours betwixt the par|ties, moouing a mariage to be had, betwixt Richard prince of Wales, and the ladie Marie, daughter to the French king. But they departed in sunder for this time without anie conclusion. But shortlie after in Lent following,Cõmissioners sent to Mon|treuill. there was a secret meeting ap|pointed to be had at Montreuill by the sea, whither came from the king of England, sir Richard Dan|gle a Poictouine, sir Richard Stan, & Geffrie Chau|cer. For the French king there appeared the lord Coucie, and others. These commissioners treated a long season concerning the mariage, and when they had vnderstanding and felt each others meaning, they departed and made report of the same to their maisters.The truce eftsoones prolonged. The truce was againe prolonged till the first daie of Maie.

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