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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About Candlemasse there met at Bruges as com|missioners for the king of England,1275 Anno Reg. 49. the duke of Lan|caster, the earle of Salisburie, and the bishop of Lon|don. For the French king, the dukes of Aniou,The commis|sioners méet at Bruges. and Burgognie, the earle of Salebruce, and the bishop of Amiens with others. Finallie, when they could not agree vpon anie good conclusion for peace, they ac|corded vpon a truce,A truce taken betwixt Eng|land & Frãce. to indure to the first of Maie next insuing in all the marches of Calis, and vp to the water of Some; but the other places were at li|bertie to be still in warre: by report of other writers, the truce was agreed vpon to continue till the feast of All saints next insuing. Fabian. Froissard. About the same time that the foresaid commissioners were at Bruges intrea|ting of peace, the duke of Britaine did so much with his father in law king Edward, that about the be|ginning of Aprill he sent ouer with him into Bri|taine the earles of Cambridge, March, Warwike, Tho. Wals. An armie sent ouer into Bri+taine with the duke. and Stafford, the lord Spenser, sir Thomas Holland, sir Nicholas Camois, sir Edward Twiford, sir Ri|chard Ponchardon, sir Iohn Lesselles, sir Thomas Grandson, sir Hugh Hastings, and diuerse other worthie capteins with a power of thrée thousand ar|chers, and two thousand men of armes, all verie well furnished to fight.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 They landed at saint Matthews or Mahe de fine Poterne, where they tooke the castell by force, and the towne by surrender.Towns woon From thence they went to Pole de Lion, and wan it likewise by force of assault, and then went to Brieu de Uaux, a towne stronglie fensed, and well manned. In hope yet to win it, the duke of Britaine and the English lords laid siege to it, but hearing that an English knight, one sir Iohn Deureux was besieged in a fortresse which he had newlie made, by the vicount of Roan, the L. Clisson,Sir Iohn Deureux. and other of the French part, they raised from Brieu de Uaux, and hasted forward to the succor of sir Iohn Deureux, ernestlie wishing to find their enimies in the field, that they might giue them battell: but the British lords hearing that the duke and the English|men approched, made no longer abode but got them with all speed vnto Campellie a towne of great strength not farre off, and therein closed themselues for their more safetie. The duke of Britaine hearing [...]hat they were fled thither, followed them, and laid siege round about the towne,This truce was cõcluded to indure from midsummer in this 1375, vnto midsum|mer in ye yeare next insuing. Tho. Walsi. inforcing himselfe to obteine the place, and so had doone in deed by all like|lihood verie shortlie, if at the same time, by reason of a truce taken for twelue moneths, he had not béene commanded by the duke of Lancaster, without de|laie to ceasse his war, and breake vp his campe: as he did.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There were sundrie meetings of the commissioners for this treatie of peace, and still they tooke longer time for continuance of the truce. And bicause that Britaine and all the other countries of France (as should seeme) were included in this truce, it seemeth that this was some second truce, and not the first truce, which included onelie the marches of Calis, and those parts vp to the water of Some. But how|soeuer it was, the duke of Britaine being in a great forwardnesse to haue recouered his duchie out of the Frenchmens hands, and to haue reduced his rebelli|ous subiects vnder due obeisance againe, was now by this truce concluded out of time, greatlie disap|pointed,The duke of Britaine dis|appointed by the truce. and so brake vp his siege from before Cam|pellie, and sent home the English armie. He went himselfe to Aulroie, where his wife was; and taking EEBO page image 410 order for the fortifieng and keeping of those places, which were in his possession, he came backe againe into England, and brought his wife with him.

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