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Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this season the duke of Britaine being sore displeased in his mind,The duke of Britaine. that the Englishmen sustei|ned EEBO page image 408 dailie losses in the parts of Aquitaine, would gladlie haue aided their side, if he might haue got the nobles of his countrie to haue ioined with him, but the lords Clisson and de la Uale, with the vicount of Roan, and other the lords and barons of Britaine, so much fauoured the French king, that he perceiued they would reuolt from him, if he attempted any thing against the Frenchmen. He therefore mea|ning by one way or other to further the king of En|gland his quarell, and fearing to be attached by his owne subiects, and sent to Paris, dispatched mes|sengers to K. Edward, requiring him to send some power of men of warre into Britaine, to defend him against the malice of such as were altogither French and enimies to England.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The lord Ne|uill sent into Britaine.King Edward foorthwith sent ouer the lord Ne|uill, with foure hundred men of armes, and as manie archers, the which arriuing at saint Matthewes de fine Poterne, remained there all the winter. Wherevpon the Britaines being sore offended there|with, closed their townes and fortresses against their duke, and shewed much euill towards him. The con|stable of France sir Berthram de Cleaquin,Englishmen discomfited by the con|stable of France. laieng siege to the towne and castell of Sireth in Poictou, discomfited a number of Englishmen that came to raise his siege, by meanes whereof he got not onelie Sireth, but also Niort, Lucignen, and all other the townes and fortresses which the Englishmen held till that day within Poictou,Townes woone by him. Xaintonge, and Rochel|lois. Shortlie after this, the constable returned into France, and was appointed by the king there to go with an armie of men of warre into Britaine, and there to take into his hands all such townes and for|tresses as belonged to the duke of Britaine,The constable of Frãce sent into Britaine bicause he had alied himselfe with the king of England, and receiued Englishmen into his countrie, to the preiudice of the realme of France.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Sir Robert Knols.The duke being aduertised of the constables com|ming, was counselled by sir Robert Knols (whom the king of England had sent to aid him) that he should passe ouer into England, and there to be a suter in his owne cause for more aid to be sent into Britaine, to resist the Frenchmen that now sought to bring the whole countrie into their possession. The duke incli|ning to this aduise,The duke of Britaine cõ|meth ouer in|to England. went ouer into England, and in the meane time the constable came and wan the most part of all the townes and fortresses of that duchie, except Brest, where sir Robert Knols was, and cer|teine other.The earle of Salisburie. The earle of Salisburie with a great na|uie of ships, well furnished with men of armes and archers, laie vpon the coast of Britaine all that time, and greatlie comforted them within Brest, in somuch that he came on land, and offered battell to the con|stable if he would haue come forward & receiued it.

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