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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The prince perceiuing that his aduersarie came forward to incounter him, dispatched the herauld with an answer to the letter which he had of him re|ceiued, conteining in effect, that for great considera|tions, he had taken vpon him to aid the rightfull K. of Spaine, chased out of his realm by violent wrong, and that if it might be, he would gladlie make an a|greement betwixt them; conditionallie, that king Henrie of necessitie must then forsake the admini|stration, and all the title of the kingdome of Spaine, which by no rightfull meane he could inioy, and there|fore if he refused thus to doo, he was for his part resol|ued how to procéed. The herauld departed with this answer, and came therewith vnto king Henrie, and deliuered it vnto him, as then lodged with his puis|sant armie at Nauarre, so that then both parties pre|pared themselues to battell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The prince hauing with him thirtie thousand men of Englishmen, Gascoignes, and other strangers,The number of the princes armie. or|deined three battels, of the which, the first was led by the duke of Lancaster, and with him was sir Iohn Chandois constable of Guien,The chief|teins of the same armie. sir William Beau|champe son to the earle of Warwike, the lord Dal|bret, sir Richard Dangle, and sir Stephan Cousen|ton, marshals of Guien, & diuerse other. The middle ward was gouerned by the prince, and with him was the foresaid Peter king of Spaine, and diuerse other lords and knights of England, Poictou, and o|ther countries, as the vicounts of Chatelareault and Rochcort, the lords of Partnie, Pinan, Taneboton, and others, sir Richard Pontchardon, sir Thomas Spenser, sir Iohn Grendon, and a great sort more, whose names it would be too long to rehearse. The rereward was vnder the gouernance of the king of Malorques, & with him were associat the earls of Ar|minacke, Dalbreth, Piergort, Gominges, the capi|toll of Buefz, sir Robert Knols, and manie other va|liant lords, knights, and esquiers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the second day of Aprill, the prince with his battell thus ordered, remoued from Groigne, and marching that day two leagues forward, came be|fore Nauarret, and there tooke his lodging, within a small distance from his enimies, so that both parties prepared to giue battell the next day in the morning, commanding that euerie man at the sounding of the first trumpet, should apparell themselues, that they might be readie vpon the next sound to be set in order of battell, and to go against their enimies. The Spa|niards very earlie in the morning drew into the field, and ordeined thrée battels in this wise.The order [...] the Spani|ards. The first was led by sir Berthram de Cleaquin, wherein were all the Frenchmen and other strangers, to the numb [...]r of foure thousand knights and esquiers, well armed and appointed, after the manner of France. In the se|cond battell was the earle Dom Tielle, with his bro|ther the lord Sanches, hauing with them fifteene thousand men on foot, and on horssebacke. The third battell and the greatest of all was gouerned by king EEBO page image 399 Henrie himselfe, hauing in that battell seuen thou|sand horssemen, and threescore thousand footmen, with crossebowes, darts, speares, lances, and other abille|ments of war:The number of y^ [...] Spanish armie. so in all three battels he had foure|score and six thousand men on horssebacke and on foot.

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