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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The prince indéed was verie desirous to take this enterprise vpon him, both of a certeine pitifull affec|tion EEBO page image 398 to relieue the miserable state of king Peter, and also of an ardent desire which he had to purchase a glorious fame thorough martiall deeds, and noble acts of chiualrie. Therfore hauing this occasion to im|ploie his time in such exercises, and now comman|ded thereto of his father, he was excéedinglie glad in his mind, and with all spéed that might be, made his prouision both of a sufficient armie of men of warre, and also of all other things necessarie for the furni|ture of such an enterprise: but first, he tooke good as|surance of king Peter, for the paiment of the soldi|ers wages: so the king left at Baionne thrée of his daughters, Beatrice, Constance, and Isabell as pledges, for performance of all the couenants agreed betwixt him and the prince.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 1367 Anno Reg. 41.Thus when the prince, by the aduise and coun|sell of sir Iohn Chandois, and sir Robert Knols (by whome he was much ruled) had taken direction in his businesse, for that his iournie into Spaine, in each condition as was thought behoouefull, he with the king of Spaine in his companie,The prince setteth for|ward to|wards Spaine. passed foorth with a puissant armie, and came to the streicts of Ronceualle, at the entrie into Nauarre, and obtei|ning so much fréendship of the king of Nauarre, as to haue the passages of his countrie opened, they en|tered into his realme through the same,He entreth in|to Naua [...]re. as freends, without finding any resistance. In this meane time, Henrie king of Spaine, hauing knowledge that the prince of Wales was thus comming against him, to restore his brother king Peter to his former de|grée, by aduise of sir Berthram de Cleaquin, got a great number of soldiers out of France, by whose aid he might the better defend himselfe against his e|nimies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now it chanced, that whilest the prince of Wales was passing thorough Nauarre, toward the entrie of Spaine, certeine of those Frenchmen, vnder the lea|ding of sir Oliuer Mannie,The king of Nauarre ta|ken by the Frenchmen. tooke the king of Na|uarre prisoner, as he was riding from one towne to an other. Manie maruelled at that chance, and some there were that thought he suffered himselfe to be ta|ken for a caut [...]le, bicause he would not aid the prince of Wales any further, nor conduct him through his realme, as he had promised to doo. But the prince no|thing dismaid herewith, passed forward, by the gui|ding of a knight of Nauarre,Sir Martin de Care. called sir Martin de Care, and finallie came to the confines of Spaine, and lodged at Uictoria, not far from his enimies. For king Henrie of Spaine, vnderstanding which waie the prince drew, came forward to incounter him, and pight downe his field, not far from the bor|ders of his realme, at a place called saint Muchaule: and thus were both the hosts lodged within a small di|stance the one against the other.Saint Ma|chaule.

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