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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Héerewith also, all the other battels of the French|men and Britaines, on the part of the lord Charles de Blois, were cleane discomfited, and put out of ar|raie, so that such as resisted, and stood at defense, were slaine and beaten downe, and amongst others, the lord Charles was there slaine himselfe, and all other either taken or slaine, except those that escaped by flight, amongst the which there were not manie of the nobilitie. For (as Thomas Walsingham saith) there were slaine about a thousand men of armes, and there were taken two earles, seuen and twentie lords, and fifteene hundred men of armes. The chase was followed to the citie of Reimes, eight great leagues from the place where the battell began. Af|ter this victorie, the earle of Montford conquered manie townes and castels in Britaine, whereof the French king being aduertised, sent his brother the duke of Aniou, vnto the wife of the lord Charles of Blois now deceassed, to comfort hir in such an heauie case, and to take order for things as should be thought expedient, vntill further prouision might be made.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Shortlie after, there were sent vnto the earle of Montford,Ambassadors sent to ye earle of Montford. the archbishop of Reimes, the marshall Bouciquault, and the lord of Cran, as commissio|ners, to commune with him of a finall agréement. Wherevpon,The variance for Britaine compounded. after he had signified the matter vnto the king of England, and vnderstood his pleasure therein, this treatie was so handled, that peace ther|of followed, Fabian. and the parties were agreed in the mo|neth of Aprill next insuing. ¶ This yeare (as some haue written) king Edward finished his warres vp|on S. Stephans daie, Anno Reg. 39. Fabian. and began the foundation of S. Stephans chappell at Westminster in memorie thereof, which chappell was afterwards finished by king Richard the second that succeeded him. Tho. Wals. ¶ In the nine and thirtith yéere of king Edwards reigne, and in the moneth of Februarie, in the citie of Angoles|me, was borne the first sonne of prince Edward, and was named after his father, but he departed this life the seuenth yeare of his age.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Also this yeare, the seuen and twentith of Iulie, Ingeram de Guines lord de Coucie a Frenchman,The lord Coucie mari|eth the king of Englands daughter. Polychron. married the ladie Isabell daughter to K. Edward. The solemnization of the marriage feast was kept at Windsor in most roiall and triumphant wise. The said lord Coucie was created earle of Bedford, with an yeerelie annuitie of thirtie markes, going foorth of the issues and profits of that countie, ouer and be|side a thousand marks by yeare, Froissard. Ia. Mair. A treatie of mariage for the earle of Cambridge. assigned to him and his said wife, and to the heires male of their bodies begotten, to be paid forth of the exchecker. About this time, there was a treatie also for marriage to be had, betwixt the lord Edmund earle of Cambridge, and the ladie Margaret, daughter and heire to the earle of Flanders which treatie went so far, that the earle came ouer to Douer, where the king was readie to receiue him, and there the earle promised by words of affiance,The earle of Flanders. to giue his said daughter vnto the said lord Edmund in marriage: and after that the earle had beene at Douer, the space of thrée daies, passing the time in great solace and banketting, when he had finished his businesse, he returned backe againe into his countrie.

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