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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After the king had rested there fiue daies, and that his men were well refreshed with the wines and other such things, which they found in that towne in good plentie, he remooued and drew towards Bur|gognie,Guillon. comming to a towne called Guillon or A|guillon, where he lay from Ashwednesday vnto Mid|lent, hauing good prouision of all maner of vittels by the means of an esquier of his called Iohn Alanson, which had taken the towne of Flauignie not farre thence,Flauignie. wherein was great store of bread and wine and other vittels: and still the marshals rode foorth, and oftentimes refreshed the host with new prouisi|on. The Englishmen had with them in their carria|ges, tents, pauillions, milles, ouens, and forges; also boates of leather cunninglie made and deuised, able to receiue three men a péece, and to passe them ouer waters and riuers.The number of carriages. They had at the least six thousand carts with them, and for euerie cart foure horsses which they had out of England.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane while, the Frenchmen made cer|teine vessels foorth to the sea, vnder the gouernance of the earle of S. Paule, the which vpon the fiftéenth daie of March landed earlie in the morning at Win|chelsie, Caxton. Additions to Ad. Merimu [...]h. and before sunne rising entred the towne, and finding the inhabitants vnprouided to make anie great resistance, fell to and sacked the houses, slue manie men, women and also children, and after set fier on the towne;Winchelsie burnt by the French. and vpon knowledge had that the people of the countrie next adioining were assem|bled, and comming to the rescue, he caused his men to draw to their ships, and so they taking their pillage and spoile with them, got them aboord, not without some losse of their companie, which were slaine in the towne by such as resisted their violence. Whilest the king laie at Aguillon, there came to him Anscaume de Salilans chancellor of Burgognie, Iaques de Uienne,A Compositiõ made to spare the co [...]ntrie of Burgognie. and other lords of the countrie, being sent from their duke, to agrée with the king for the spar|ing of the lands and seigniories apperteining to the duchie of Burgognie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The chancellor, and the other Burgognian lords found the king so agréeable to their request, that a composition was made betwixt him and the coun|trie of Burgognie, so that he should make to them an assurance for him,

Franks hath Paradine, in Les Annales de Burgogni [...]. Froissard.

The king of England draweth to|wards Paris

and all his people, not to ouerrun or indamage that countrie, during the space of thrée yeares, and he to haue in readie monie the summe of two hundred thousand florens of gold, which of ster|ling monie amounted to the summe of fiue and thir|tie thousand pounds. When this agreement was in|grossed vp in writing, and sealed, the king dislodged, and all his host, taking the right waie to Paris, and passing the riuer of Yonne, entered into Gastinois, and at length by easie iournies, vpon a tuesdaie be|ing the last of March in the wéeke before Easter, he came and lodged betwéene Mont le Herie, and Chartres, with his people in the countrie there a|bouts.

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