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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The lord Geffrie de Charnie being couenanted that he should be receiued into Calis the first night of the new yeare, departed from S. Omers, where he had assembled fiue hundred speares, the last day of December toward night, and so in secret wise he passed foorth, till about the middest of the next night after, he approched neere to Calis, and sending an hundred men of armes to take possession of the ca|stell, and to paie the Italian his twentie thousand crownes, came to the posterne of the castell, where sir Amerie de Pauie hauing let downe the posterne bridge, was readie to bring them in by the same po|sterne, and so the hundred men of armes entered, and sir Edward de Rentie deliuered to the Italian his twentie thousand crownes in a bag,Sir Edward de Rentie. who when he had cast the crownes into a coffer (for he had no leisure to tell them) he brought the Frenchmen into the dun|geon of the castell, as it were to possesse them of the cheefest strength of the fortresse. Within this dunge|on or tower was the king of England closelie laid, with two hundred men of armes, who issued out with their swords and axes in their hands,The king cri|eth Mannie to the rescue. crieng Mannie to the rescue, for the king had so ordeined, that both he and his sonne should fight vnder the banner of the lord Walter de Mannie, as chéefe of that enterprise.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Then were the Frenchmen greatlie abashed, in such wise, that perceiuing how no defense might ad|uance them, they yeelded themselues without any great shew of resistance. Herewith the Englishmen issued out of the castell into the towne, and mounted on horssebacke, for they had the French prisoners horsses, and then the archers road to Bullongne gate, where the lord Geffrie was with his banner before him of gules three scutchens siluer. He had great desire to be the first that should enter the towne: but shortlie the king of England with the prince his son was readie at the gate, vnder the banner of the lord Walter de Mannie to assaile him. There were also other banners,The earles of Stafford and Suffolke, the lords Monta|cute, Berkley and la Ware. as the earles of Stafford and Suf|folke, the lord Iohn Montacute brother to the earle of Salisburie, the lord Beauchampe, the lord Berkley, and the lord de la Ware. Then the great gate was set open, and they all issued foorth crieng Mannie to the rescue. The Frenchmen perceiuing that they were betraied, alighted from their horsses, and put themselues in order of battell on foot, determining to fight it out like valiant men of war.The French|men alight on foot. The king per|ceiuing this, caused his people likewise to be set in or|der of battell, & sent thrée hundred archers to New|land bridge, to distresse those Frenchmen, which he heard should be there. This was earelie in the mor|ning but incontinentlie it was daie: the French|men kept their ground a while, and manie feats of armes were doone of both parts, but the Englishmen euer increased out of Calis, and the Frenchmen di|minished, so that finallie they were ouercome, as well in the one place, as in the other.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Sir Eustace de Ribaumõt a right vali| [...]nt knight.It chanced that in the hotest of the fight, the king was matched with sir Eustace de Ribaumont, a right strong and hardie knight. There was a sore in|counter betwixt him and the king, that maruell it was to behold them. At length they were put asun|der, for a great companie of both parts came that waie, and there fought fiercelie togither. The French|men did behaue themselues right valiantlie, and e|speciallie sir Eustace de Ribaumont:

He is taken prisoner by the king of England.

The lord Gef+frie de Char|nie is taken.

he strake the king that daie twise vpon his knées, but finallie he was taken prisoner by the king himselfe. The lord Geffrie of Charnie was also taken prisoner, and wounded right sore, but the king of his noble courte|sie caused him to be dressed by surgions, and tender|lie looked vnto. There were slaine, sir Henrie de Blois, and sir Pepin de la Ware, with other, to the number of six hundred. Monsieur de Memorancie escaped with great danger. Froissard saieth, that this battell was fought in the yeare 1348, vpon the last of December, towards the next morning being Newyeares daie: but (as Auesburie & Walsingham haue, who begin the yeare at our ladie day) this enter|prise chanced 1349, and so consequentlie in the 23 yeare of this kings reigne. All the prisoners were brought to the castell of Calis, where the K. the next night gaue them a supper,Sir Eustace de Ribau|mont. & made them right hartie cheare, and gaue to sir Eustace de Ribaumont a rich chaplet of pearles, which he then did weare on his owne head, in token that he had best deserued it for his manfull prowes shewed in the fight; & beside that in fauour of his tried valiancie, he acquit him of his ransome, and set him at libertie. This fact of the king was roiall in deed, and his clemencie greatlie to be commended; & therfore it is well said to this purpose,
Gloria consequitur reges sic bella gerentes,
Sic certare parit decus immortale duello.

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