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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, about the beginning of this eightéenth yeare of his reigne, king Edward held a solemne feast at his castell of Windsore, where betwixt Can|dlemasse and Lent, were atchiued manie martiall feats,Iusts & tor|nies holden at Windsore. and iusts, tornaments, and diuerse other the like warlike pastimes, at the which were present ma|nie strangers of other lands, and in the end thereof, he deuised the order of the garter, and after establi|shed it, as it is at this daie. There are six and twentie companions or confrers of this felowship of that order,The order of the garter founded. being called knights of the blew garter, & as one dieth or is depriued, an other is admitted into his place. The K. of England is euer chéefe of this order. They weare a blew robe or mantell, & a garter about their left leg, richlie wrought with gold and pretious stones, hauing this inscription in French vpon it, Honi soit qui mal y pense, Shame come to him that e|uill thinketh. This order is dedicated to S. George, as chéefe patrone of men of warre, and therefore euerie yeare doo the knights of this order kéepe so|lemne his feast, with manie noble ceremonies at the castell of Windsore, where king Edward founded a colledge of canons, or rather augmenting the same, ordeined therein a deane with twelue canons secu|lar, eight peticanons, and thirtéene vicars, thirteene clearks, and thirteene choristers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The knights haue certeine lawes and rules apper|teining to their order, amongst the which this is chéef|lie to be obserued (as Polydor also notech) that they shall aid and defend one another, and neuer turne their backes or runne awaie out of the field in time of battell, where he is present with his souereigne lord, his lieutenant or deputie, or other capteine, ha|uing the kings power roiall and authoritie, and wher|as his banners, standards, or pennons are spred. The residue of the lawes and rules apperteining vnto this noble order, I doo here purposelie omit, for that the same in Looke in [...] description: Britaine. an other place more conuenient is ex|pressed, so far as may be thought expedient. But now touching these six and twentie noble men & knights, which were first chosen and admitted into the same or|der, by the first founder thereof, this king Edward the third, their names are as followeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 First the said noble prince king Edward the third, the prince of Wales duke of Cornewall and earle of Chester his eldest sonne, Henrie duke of Lanca|ster, the earle of Warwike, the capitall de Beuch aliàs Buz or B [...]ufe, Rafe earle of Stafford, William Montacute earle of Salisburie, Roger lord Morti|mer, Iohn lord Lisle, Bartholomew lord Burwasch or Berghesech, the lord Iohn Beauchampe, the lord de Mahun, Hugh lord Courtnie, Thomas lord Ho|land, Iohn lord Graie, Richard lord Fitz Simon, sir Miles Stapleton, sir Thomas Walle, sir Hugh Wrottesley, sir Néele Loring, sir Iohn Chandos, Iames lord Audelie, sir Otes Holand, sir Henrie Eme, sir Sanchet Dabrichcourt, sir Walter Pa|nell. ¶ Christopher Okland speaking of the first insti|tution of this honorable order, dooth saie, In Angl. prae [...] sub Edwardo 3. that after foure daies were expired in the said exercises of chi|ualrie, the king besides the rich garter which he be|stowed vpon them that tried maisteries, did also giue them a pretious collar of S S. but whether this collar had his first institution then with the garter he saith nothing, belike it was an ornament of greater anti|quitie. Oklands words are these as followeth;

—concertatoribus ampla
Praemia dat princeps, baccatas induit illis
Crura periscelides, quas vnio mistus Eous
Commendat, flammis interlucente pyropo.
Praeterea ex auro puro, quod odorifer Indus
Miserat, inserta donabat iaspide gemma,
Si formam spectes duplicato ex sygmate torques.

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