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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Additions to Adam Meri|muth, and Nic. Triue [...] .There be that write, how the lord Walter de Man|nie, tooke a truce indéed with the lord Charles de Blois, to indure till Alhallontide next insuing, but with condition, that if the king of England were contented therewith, then the same to be firme and fullie ratified, otherwise not. Whervpon, when about the beginning of Iulie, the said lord Walter came o|uer into England, bringing with him the lord of Li|ons, and other such prisoners as he had taken, and sig|nified to king Edward what he had concluded tou|ching the truce, the king liked not thereof, and so sent ouer the earles of Northampton and Deuonshire, the lord Stafford,The earle of Northamp|ton and De|uonshire. and sir William de Killesbie his chapleine, and one of his secretaries, with fiue hun|dred men of armes, and a thousand archers, which ta|king ship, on the vigill of th'Assumption of our ladie, sa [...]led foorth towards Britaine. The Frenchmen ther|fore vnderstanding that this succour was comming, appointed the lord Lewes of Spaine, sir Charles Grimaldo, and sir Antonie Doria,Genowaies reteined in the French kings wages. with three thou|sand Genowaies, and a thousand men of armes, im|barked in two and thirtie great ships, to lie on the sea in wait to incounter with the English fleet, as the same should approch towards Britaine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About Easter, the countesse of Mountford with the English armie, appointed to attend hir, tooke the sea at Southampton,The English+men and Ge|nowaies méet and fight on the Seas. and at length met with the lord Lewes of Spaine, and his fléet, where betwixt them was fought a sore battell. Of the Englishmen there were six and fortie vessels, but the lord Lewes of Spaine had nine great ships, and of more force than anie of those which the Englishmen had, and also he had thrée gallies. They began to fight about euen|song time, and continued till that night parted them, and had gone togither againe in the morning, if by a tempest that rose about midnight, the same night, they had not béene scattered in sunder. The Spani|ards and Genowaies tooke awaie with them foure English ships, which being vittellers, were left be|hind. And bicause the same Spaniards and Geno|waies were able to abide the sea better than the Englishmen, by reason of their great ships, they kept the maine sea; but the Englishmen were adui|sed by their mariners to drawe vnto the land, and so they did, arriuing at a little hauen, not farre from Uannes, where comming on land, they streightwaie made towards that citie, and besieged it,Uannes wo [...] not ceassing to assault it both day and night, till at length they wan it, by giuing the assault in two places at once, whilest an other number of them set vpon it in a third place, where was no suspicion, and so entred.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, the most part of the Englishmen de|parted from Uannes, as some with the countesse, to bring hir vnto Hanibout, and some with the earls of Salisburie, Suffolke, and Cornewall, who went and laid siege to Rennes, so that the earle of Richmond remained in Uannes, with the lords Spenser and Stafford, to keepe it, hauing a certeine number of archers and other men of warre with them. The lord Clisson, and sir Henrie de Leon, which were within Uannes, when it was taken by the Englishmen, and found means to escape, were abashed at the ma [...]ter, that they had so lost the citie, wherevpon they secret|lie assembled a great power of men thereabouts, and came againe vnto Uannes, and so fiercelie assai|led the gates and wals, that in the end they entred by more force. The earle of Richmond was sore hurt, but yet he escaped out at a posterne gate, and the lord Stafford with him, but the lord Spenser was taken by sir Henrie de Leon.

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